D&D Georgia
D&D Georgia
მე-2 დონის ქმნადობა?
დასახრვის დრო? 1 მოქმედება?
მანძილი? 60 ფუტი
კომპონენტები? V S M (ობობის ქსელი?)
ხანგრძლივობა? კონც?. 1 საათამდე

Thick webs fill a 20-foot cube. Creatures standing in or who enter the area the first time in a turn become restrained unless they pass a Dexterity save. The webs lightly obscure the area and make it difficult terrain.

Creatures stuck in the web can use an action to make a Strength check against your spell DC, breaking free on a success.

The webs are flammable and a 5-foot cube burns away in a single რაუნდი. If a creature is caught in the fire, it takes 2d4 fire damage.

If the webs aren't cast between two hard surfaces, they collapse to a depth of 5 ფუტი.