დასახრვის დრო? | 1 მოქმედება? |
მანძილი? | 120 ფუტი |
კომპონენტები? | V S M (Phosphorus) |
ხანგრძლივობა? | კონც?. Up to 1 წუთი |
You make a wall of fire on a solid surface. The wall can be up to 60 ფუტი long, 20 ფუტი high, and 1 ფუტი thick, or make a ring up to 20 ფუტი in diameter, 20 ფუტი high, and 1 ფუტი thick. The wall is opaque.
When the wall appears, each creature within its area must make a Dexterity save. It deals 5d8 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.
One side of the wall deals 5d8 fire damage to a creature that ends its turn inside or within 10 ფუტი of it, or when it enters the wall for the first time on a turn. The other side deals no damage.
უფრო მაღალ დონეებზე: The damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 4th.