密斯卡Miska,狼蛛 | |
基本信息 | |
【头 衔】 | 恶魔王子the Prince of Demons,狼蛛the Wolf-Spider |
【阵 营】 | CE |
【神 力】 | N |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | 深渊领主the Abyss Lord,恶魔领主the Demon Lord,塔纳厘领主the Tanar'ri Lord |
【主 神】 | 混沌女王The Queen of Chaos |
【盟 友】 | 混沌女王The Queen of Chaos |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | 无底深渊the Aybss→喧癫空隧Pandemonium |
【简 介】 | “狼蛛”密斯卡Miska the Wolf-Spider 是第二代恶魔王子,也是第一代塔纳厘恶魔王子。他是 混沌女王The Queen of Chaos 的将军和配偶。 |
2e<The Rod of Seven Parts (Wind Dukes).p202>“狼蛛”密斯卡Miska the Wolf-Spider
“狼蛛”密斯卡Miska the Wolf-Spider
气候/地形Climate/Terrain:任意Any(当前在 喧癫空隧Pandemonium)
活动周期Activity Cycle:任意Any
宝藏Treasure:见下See below
阵营Alignment:混乱邪恶Chaotic evil
防御等级Armor Class:-7
移动Movement:18,爬网Wb 15,攀爬Cl 9
生命骰Hit Dice:24,生命值hp 50(100)
攻击次数No.of Attacks:7次
特殊攻击Special Attacks:毒素Poison,网webs,以及 见下see below
特殊防御Special Defenses:网Webs,免疫immunities,只能被+3或更好的武器伤害harmed only by +3 or better weapons,再生regeneration
魔抗Magic Resistance:70%
士气Morale:无畏Fearless (19)
经验回报XP Value:36,000
密斯卡Miska 是那场上古的秩序与混乱之战中不可战胜的将军。他统领混乱一方的大军向胜利迈进,直至在 佩斯平原Pesh 一役中被英勇的 瓦提族vaati 以 七节权杖the Rod of Seven Parts 刺穿,后者在随后为保护多元宇宙将他囚禁。
During the ancient war between Law and Chaos, Miska was an invincible general. He was leading the hordes of Chaos to victory until the heroic vaati pierced him with the Rod of Seven Parts at the battle of Pesh and subsequently imprisoned him to protect the multi verse.
Miska is an enormous, armored spider. He has three heads. The central head is human and stunningly handsome; two sleek and terrible wolf heads flank the human one. He has four massive human arms covered with long, stiff hairs.
The fur on the wolf heads is rust red, as are the hairs on Miska's arms. His human head has long, flowing hair as black as a moonless night. His spider body is blue-black, like a knife blade discolored by a flame, and marked with bands of gray, silver and blue. His arms are as white as bleached ivory.
Miska's wolf heads can deliver cruel bites. When bitten, an opponent must save vs. poison or immediately fall into a stupor. The victim can attempt a Constitution check every 2d8 hours to awaken, but the venom is corrosive and inflicts an additional point of damage every 30 minutes.
若豁免检定成功,受害者将在2d10轮内遭受-3的敏捷惩罚。额外的啮咬不会叠加惩罚,但会延长效果的持续时间。受害者身上还会长出烂疮,使其立即失去1点生命值,并在之后的每30分钟再额外失去1点。中和毒素neutralize poison 法术将终止这种伤害继续,但不会治愈它。多次啮咬将引起多处溃烂,但一道 中和毒素 就足以治疗该受害者身上的所有烂疮。在毒素被中和前,受害者无法获得来自魔法治疗的增益。
If the saving throw succeeds, the victim suffers a -3 penalty to Dexterity for 2d10 rounds. Additional bites do not increase the penalty, but they extend its duration. The victim also develops a festering sore and immediately loses one hit point and an additional hit point every 30 minutes. A neutralize poison spell ends the damage, but does not heal it. Multiple bites cause multiple sores, but a single neutralize poison spell can treat all a victim's sores. Victims cannot benefit from magical healing until the venom is neutralized.
Miska cannot attack the same opponent with both heads in a single round unless the foe is huge or gargantuan. However, the rest of his melee attacks—from his multiple arms—are not restricted in how they attack; anywhere from one to four foes can be engaged.
密斯卡以他那如山丘巨人般强壮(在以 七节权杖 恢复后他的力量将增加到24,足以与风暴巨人媲美)的四臂攻击。他持握着一柄 +3加速弯刀(这令他的那只手臂一轮能攻击2次,并且总是率先攻击)、一柄能解离守序敌人的 +5弯刀(成功的对抗法术豁免检定以避免此效果)、以及两柄 +3晨星锤。如上所述,他可以随自己喜欢地分配这些攻击。
Miska attacks with his four arms, which are as strong as hill giant's (after he is restored with the Rod, his Strength increases to 24, equal to that of a storm giant). He is armed with a scimitar of speed +3 (which allows him to attack twice a round with that arm, always striking first), a scimilar +5 that disintegrates lawful opponents (a successful saving throw vs. spell negates the effect), and two morning stars +3. As noted, Miska can direct these attacks as he likes.
密斯卡拥有标准塔纳厘恶魔的类法术能力。其热感视觉范围120呎,而他的异界之门能力允许他每日3次,以100%的成功率召唤1d4只 瑞卡鲁皮斯蛛魔Raklupis。随意使用,他能造成 恐惧术fear(如同 恐惧魔杖wand of fear)。每日3次,他能施展 镜像术mirror image、缓慢术slow、混乱术chaos 以及 变化形态shape change。每小时1次,持续最多10分钟,密斯卡能与 混沌女王the Queen of Chaos 进行沟通,以接受建议和指令。密斯卡每轮再生5点伤害。这些类法术能力效果均如由14级施法者施展的那样。
Miska has the standard tanar'ri spell-like abilities. His infravision has a 120-foot range, and his gate ability allows him to summon 1d4 raklupises three times a day with a 100% chance of success. He can cause fear (as a wand of fear) at will. Three times a day he can cast mirror image, slow, chaos, and shape change. Once an hour, Miska can converse with the Queen of Chaos, receiving advice and instructions for up to 10 minutes. Miska regenerates 5 points of damage each round. All spell-like abilities function at 14th level.
密斯卡的魅力属性等效于18。若他 形体变化 为类人形态,那么对于不明其真实本性的人来说他的魅力属性为20;那些意识到了其本性的人会感到惊骇和恐惧,但不会受到密斯卡的非自然魅力影响。密斯卡能模仿听过的几乎任何嗓音或声音。他很狡猾,会利用这种能力误导敌人。
Miska has an effective Charisma score of 18. If he is shape change into a humanoid form he has a Charisma of 20 toward humanoids who are unaware of his true nature; those aware react with horror and fear, but are not subject to Miska's unnatural charms. Miska can imitate almost any noise or voice, provided he has heard it before. He is sly enough to use this ability to mislead enemies.
Miski has all the silk-producing abilities that raklupises have.
密斯卡不会被任何类型的网困住。他臂上和鼻上的感觉毛让他能够侦测到90呎内的隐形生物。该能力总是生效,且不会被 回避侦测non-detection 法术或能干扰预言法术物品阻碍。密斯卡不会因黑暗而遭受近战或移动惩罚。
Miska cannot be trapped in webs of any kind. Sensory hairs on his arms and snouts allow him to detect invisible creatures within 90 feet. The ability is always active and is not foiled by non-detection spells or items that block divination spells. Miska never suffers melee or movement penalties for darkness.
在 七节权杖 存于世间时,密斯卡无法被永久杀死(见 生态学Ecology 部分)。具有讽刺意味的是,权杖 的力量和它与密斯卡之间的链接事实上避免了狼蛛的毁灭。即便他已经被碾作齑粉,他的再生能力也将最终使他复原。
While the Rod of Seven Parts exists, Miska cannot be permanently slain (see the Ecology section). Ironically, the power of the Rod and the link between it and Miska act to prevent the Wolf-Spider's demise. His regeneration power will eventually restore him, even if he is reduced to dust.
If he is temporarily slain, his weapons disappear, re-forming when he recovers.
击打密斯卡身体的钝器往往会从他身上弹回,并且他所受的钝击武器伤害将减半。挥砍武器对他的效果如常,但若在近战中以这类武器攻击,将面临被他的秽恶血液溅到的风险。若挥砍武器在一次攻击中造成了超过5点伤害,攻击者必须通过对抗毒素豁免,否则将会死亡。魔法防具和敏捷属性的防御奖励适用于该豁免。对密斯卡使用穿刺武器的危险之处甚至犹有过之。任何以穿刺武器发起的近战攻击都将释放出一道令人作呕的脓液喷流,对攻击者造成1d6点伤害。在上述情况发生时,攻击者必须通过对抗毒素豁免检定,否则将立即死亡;至于发起攻击的武器则必须通过对抗解离豁免检定,否则将被毁灭。甚至是 七节权杖 也会受该效果影响。七节权杖并不会因此被毁灭,而是会粉碎为它的组成部分,然后转移到另一个位面去。密斯卡免疫任何附魔低于+3的武器,即便是铁质和银质的武器。
Blunt weapons tend to bounce off Miska's body, and he suffers only half damage from type B weapons. Slashing weapons affect him normally, but characters attacking him in melee with such weapons run the risk of getting splashed with his foul blood. If a type S weapon inflicts more than 5 points of damage in a single blow, the attacker must save vs. poison or die. Adjustments for magical armor and Dexterity defensive bonuses apply to the save. Piercing weapons are even more dangerous to use against Miska. Any melee hit with a type P weapon releases a stream of revolting ichor, inflicting 1d6 points of damage on the attacker. The attacker must save vs. poison as above or die instantly, and the weapon must save vs.disintegration be destoryed. Even the Rod is subject to this effect. Rather than being destoryed, the Rod will shatter into its component segments and travel to another plane. Miska is immune to any weapon of less than +3 enchantment, even iron and silver weapons.
密斯卡被关押在一座位于 喧癫空隧Pandemonium 深处的要塞中。在密斯卡于佩斯平原一役中被击败后,艾夸的风之诸公爵the Wind Dukes of Aaqa 修筑了这座被包裹在纯粹秩序之茧中的城堡。有许多个世纪无人知晓他的位置,但在这漫漫的监禁期间,混沌女王还是设法在喧癫空隧中定位到了他的所在之处。现在他每天都在花时间与混沌女王交流,渴望重启对秩序的战争。他特别想做的一件事就是向致残了自己的瓦提族复仇。
Miska is confined in a fortress somewhere in the depths of Pandemonium. The citadel is shrouded in a cocoon of pure Law, built by the Wind Dukes of Aaqa after Miska's defeat at the battle of Pesh. For centuries his location was unknown to all, but in the many years of his imprisonment, the Queen of Chaos managed to locate him in Pandemonium. Now he spends his days communing with the Queen of Chaos and yearning to resume the war against Law. He has a special desire to revenge himself on the vaati which crippled him.
All spyder-fiends defer to Miska when he is present. Willing or no, they must obey his order, and they cannot attack him. The raklupises revere Miska much as a god and strive constantly to free him from his prison so he can lead them in war again.
Miska exists in his prison without food or water. Although he receives all the sustenance he needs, he is ravenously hungry and eager to hunt.
密斯卡的部分本质被紧密束缚在 七节权杖 之中。虽然在他的本质分裂时,他不能被永久杀死(即便是使用 许愿术wish),但他的生命值将减半,并遭受身体力量与智力上的削弱。若他的本质得到复原,密斯卡的生命值将翻倍达到最大值的100。他的智力将提升到卓越(15),并且变得如风暴巨人一般强壮(伤害奖励+12而非+7)。
A portion of Miska's essence is bound up in the Rod of Seven Parts. While his essence is fragmented, he cannot be permanently slain, even by a wish, but he is reduced to half hit points and suffers from diminished physical strength and intellect. If his lost essence is restored, Miska's hit points double, to a maximum of 100. His Intelligence rises to exceptional (15), and he becomes as strong as a storm giant (+12 damage bonus instead of his previous +7).
若他能双手握住组装完整的 七节权杖,或是 七节权杖 的 完全复生术resurrection 被用在他身上,密斯卡被 七节权杖 容纳的那部分本质将会回到他身上。密斯卡能在不受任何不良影响的情况下握住 七节权杖;他自己的本质在 七节权杖 的秩序面前保护了他。当密斯卡从 七节权杖 中抽取他的本质时,秩序与混乱的冲突将以攻城器般的力量,驱使 七节权杖 离开他。因为它已遭到混乱的玷污,即便是在密斯卡复原之后 七节权杖 仍将保持不稳定状态,。
The portion of Miska's essence contained in the Rod can be transferred back to him if he can but grasp the fully assembled Rod with two hands or if the Rod's power of resurrection is used on him. Miska can handle the Rod without suffering any ill effects; his own essence protects him from the Law in the Rod. When Miska draws his essence out of the Rod the clash of Law and Chaos propels the Rod from Miska with the force of a siege engine. The Rod remains unstable even after Miska is restored, as it still is tainted by Chaos.
Once restored, Miska can be slain just as any other tanar'ri can, but his foes must contend with his increased strength and powers. Also, with his own essence restored, the cocoon of Law can no longer bind him, and he is free to pursue the plans of conquest that he has fostered since the battle of Pesh.