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该词条仅关于一位被囚禁的佚名古神,其它义项,请参见上古元素之神The Elder Elemental God(消歧义)



上古元素之神The Elder Elemental God


【头   衔】万物终焉之时的神明the god at the end of all things
【阵   营】NE
【神   力】G
【神   职】未知,但包括元素力量、魔法unknown, but include elemental forces, magic
【神   系】失落诸神The Lost Gods
【神   国】未知,但包括元素力量、魔法unknown, but include elemental forces, magic
【徽   记】黑色金属三角形中有个倒立的Y形black metal triangle with an inverted Y within it
【简   介】佚名且被囚禁的 上古元素之神The Elder Elemental God 据说是元素亲王的起源,他被包括 关纳德Ghaunadaur萨瑞兹顿Tharizdun 在内的多位神明冒充。

2e<Monster Mythology.p066>上古元素之神The Elder Elemental God(强大神Greater God)


  这位冷漠的“失落神明”至少可以说是一个谜。即便是强大的造物神也不会向他们哪怕最资深的祭司提及它。不过,已知它已被放逐到了某个独立的半位面,并为了获得解放而不断挣扎,绝望地从 主物质位面Prime Material Plane 展开的仪式和膜拜中获得力量——不过,它对自己仆人们的命运漠不关心。
This uncaring“lost god” is something of a mystery to say the least. Even the greater creator gods will not speak to their most senior priests of it. But it is known to be banished to a unique demiplane, to be constantly struggling for release, and desperate to gain power from rituals and obeisances carried out on the Prime Material plane, although it is utterly indifferent to the fates of its servitors.

角色扮演指南Role-playing Notes:

This is a terrible, blindly destructive deity readily driven to unknowable rages. How it manages to manifest itself on the Prime Material plane is unknown; clearly it cannot be wholly bound and is able to project some of its power. It does not truly dispatch an "avatar", since its appearances are unpredictable and owe less to whether or not the god wishes to manifest as it does to whether it is able to do so. The performance of rituals by its servants has a minor role in this, but more important are the waxing and waning of magical fluxes about its extraplanar interdiction.

The god also manifests itself in physical phenomena as well as its "avatars." Some of these manifestations still linger as permanent effects in its oldest shrines, or perhaps it is just that these represent "weak points" where the power of the god can best be channelled. These manifestations include:Suckered tentacles emerging from an altar which energy drain a victim or suck it into the altar to be irrevocably destroyed, the appearance of a glowing golden eye which strikes viewers blind or drives them insane or prematurely aged, and the transformation of that magical orb into a stone egg which hatches salamanders that blindly attack every living thing within range.

  若想将上古元素之神加入游戏扮演中,可以通过追踪和杀死某位邪恶祭职者或/并发现某些失落神龛建筑达成。围绕着这位邪恶祭职者, DM可以借机创造一些真正值得一战的敌人,不过处置失落神龛建筑甚至更为艰巨。DM应开发出与这个场所联系在一起的一系列特效(那些反映主题的元素魔法、疯狂、突然袭来的愤怒与突然发起的进攻、感官与意识的丧失等等类似的东西)。物品,譬如使用了智能魔法的祭坛和宗教象征、有着智能和几种邪恶力量的次级魔法神器、有着亡灵地栖卵的陵墓、以及产生正常魔法效果但外观怪异的物品/场所应大量使用。
If the Elder Elemental God is drawn into game play, this can be done through tracking down and slaying an evil priesthood and/ or discovering some lost shrine complex. Facing a priesthood allows the DM to generate some truly worthy clerical battle enemies, but dealing with a lost shrine complex is even more demanding. The DM should develop a range of special effects tied to the locale which reflect themes of elemental magic, madness, sudden rages and aggressions, loss of sensory functions and awareness and the like. Items such as intelligent magic-using altars and religious icons, minor magical artifacts with intelligence and several malign powers, undead-spawning mausoleums, and items/places which generate standard magical effects but which are of bizarre appearance should be employed liberally.


  信徒阵营WAL:任意邪恶(疯子the insane);
  神职AoC:未知,但包括元素力量、魔法unknown, but include elemental forces, magic;
  徽记SY:黑色金属三角形中有个倒立的Y形black metal triangle with an inverted Y within it。
AL ne; WAL any evil (the insane); AoC unknown, but include elemental forces, magic; SY black metal triangle with an inverted Y within it.

上古元素之神的“化身”The Elder Elemental God's "Avatar"

The "avatar" of this god can appear in several forms:As a huge, mottled, tentacled being some 20' in length, resembling a vast slime/slug cross; or as a 24' tall pillar of vast elemental force with a body of burning magma, radiating a steamy haze.

  力量 22,敏捷 12,体质 22,
  智力 22,感知 20,魅力 20,
  移动 15,体型 超大型H(24呎),魔抗 50%
  防御等级 -2(作为蛞蝓),生命骰 20,生命值 160,
  #攻击 1次,零级命中值 3,伤害 5d10 +10(殴击)
  Str 22 Dex 12 Con 22
  Int 22 Wis 20 Cha 20
  MV 15 SZ H (24') MR 50%
  AC -2 (4 as slug) HD 20 HP 160
  #AT 1 THAC0 3 Dmg 5d10 +10 (blows)

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  化身的移动速度是15,移动类型是特殊。该“化身”完全免疫所有类型的元素法术。每日各1次,它能如24级法师使用以下法术:造成目盲cause blindness造成耳聋cause deafness黑暗术(恒久之暗)(continual) darkness15呎黑暗术darkness 15'驱散魔法dispel magic力场牢笼forcecage、以及 所有种类的 真言power word 法术。它无法被气体、毒素、以及所有类型的心灵控制和麻痹攻击影响。每日1次,它能召唤1d3只各种类型的元素(每只16HD),为其服务最多12轮,不要求专注来维持控制。
The avatar's movement is 15 with the special movement of its type. The "avatar" is wholly immune to Elemental spells of all types. It can use the following spells 1/day each as a 24th-level wizard:cause blindness, cause deafness, (continual) darkness, darkness 15', dispel magic, forcecage, and each of the power word spells. It is unaffected by gases, poisons, and all forms of mind-controlling and paralyzing attacks. It can summon 1d3 elementals of each type 1/day (16HD each) which serve for up to 12 turns, requiring no concentration to maintain control.

祭职者的职责Duties of the Priesthood

Priests of the Elder Elemental God bend all their being to revering the god and attempting to locate and enact the rituals which will draw more of his power into the Prime Material plane. They make many sacrifices of sentient beings to this end, including members of their own cults and even themselves if this is demanded. They locate lost shrines of the Elder God and cleanse them, re-dedicating them to the service of the deity. It is unknown which races can become priests of this deity and which cannot since the god has no known racial affinities, but certainly humans, drow elves, and evil dwarves are known to have become priests.

  祭司们可以把自己奉献来崇敬这位神明的所有元素面相,或是专注于其中单一元素 (因此,崇拜火、气、土或是水),而不同的专职祭司被给予了略微不同的力量。
Priests may devote themselves to revering all elemental aspects of the god, or specializing in a single element (thus, revering the element of fire, air, earth or water), and different specialty priests gain slightly different powers.


  领域SP:共通,星界,战斗,预言,元素 (全部),守卫,治疗 (逆转),死灵 (逆转),数字,太阳 (逆转),气象;
  特殊力量PW:3)能如同级祭司法术那样,使用所有法师元素法术;5)防护善良protection from good;7)(“普通”祭司)对抗所有元素法术豁免获得+1奖励,或 (元素专属祭司)+4对“自己的”元素的对抗法术豁免,-2对“敌对的”元素 (气/土,火/水)对抗法术豁免,并+1对其它元素的对抗法术豁免;10)(普通祭司)每日1次,召唤元素summon elemental, 持续6回合 (普通祭司)/12回合(专属祭司)——普通祭司获得的是任意类型的8HD元素,专属祭司获得的是12HD的其自己的元素;
AB std; AL any evil and/or insane; WP any; AR any; SP all, astral, combat, divination, elemental (all), guardian, healing (rev), necromantic (rev), numbers, sun (rev), weather*; PW 3) can use all elemental wizard spells as priest spells of same level;5)protection from good; 7) gain +1 saves against all elemental spells ("generic" priests), or +4 saves versus spells of "own" element, -2 saves against spells of "opposed" element (air/earth, fire/water) and +1 saves against spells of other elements (element-specific priests); 10)summon elemental 1/day for 6 turns (generic priest)/12 turns (specific priest) —generic priests get 8HD elemental of any type, specific priests get 12HD elemental from own element; TU command; LL 12 (generic priests) or 16 (specific priests); HD vary by race (humans d8, elves/drow d6, dwarves d6 + 1); Shamans no.
