丹德爾Dendar,暗夜巨蛇 | |
基本信息 | |
【別名/面相】 | 尼德霍格Nidhogg(古羅斯Rus) |
【頭 銜】 | 上古不朽邪物Elder Eternal Evil,暗夜巨蛇the Night Serpent,夜巡之母the Mother of the Night Parade(錯稱),世界的吞食者the Eater of the World |
【陣 營】 | NE |
【神 力】 | N |
與諸神的關係 | |
【神 系】 | 荒神Primordial,上古不朽邪物Elder Eternal Evil,失落七神Seven Lost Gods |
【盟 友】 | 希瑞克Cyric,塞斯Sseth |
【敵 對】 | 托姆Torm,烏塔歐Ubtao |
神國與教會 | |
【神 國】 | 灰色荒野Gray Waste |
【信 徒】 | 夜巡Night Parade |
【相關 神器】 | 奧爾本·歐納瑞Alban Onire(即 泰坦殺手Titanslayer) |
【簡 介】 | 丹德爾Dendar,暗夜巨蛇,上古邪物和失落七神之一。有時塞斯被認為是她的配偶或父親。她以萬物的噩夢為食。 |
2eFR<Powers & Pantheons.p188>上古不朽邪物Elder Eternal Evil(丹德爾Dendar)
出版時間:1997/09;國度時間:1370 DR
「暗夜巨蛇」丹德爾Dertdar the Night Serpent
氣候/地形CLIMATE/TERRAIN:灰色荒野The Gray Waste
活動周期ACTIVITY CYCLE:夜行性Nocturnal
食性DIET:無人記得的噩夢Unremembered nightmares
陣營ALIGNMENT:中立邪惡Neutral evil
移動速度MOVEMENT:12(或 跨位面across planes)
生命骰HIT DICE:28(224hp)
每輪攻擊次數NO. OF ATTACKS:1
傷害/ 攻擊DAMAGE/ATTACKS:3d20+10 (齧咬)
特殊攻擊SPECIAL ATTACKS:釋放 夢魘Unleash nightmares,釋放對特定受害者的夢魘unleash victim-specific nightmares,沉眠/噩夢毒sleep/nightmare venom,囫圇活吞swallows whole,類法術能力(半幽影魔法demishadow magic, 半幽影怪物demishadow monsters, 夢中絮語Dreamspeak*,恐懼術fear, 夢魘nightmare 或託夢術dream)
特殊防禦SPECIAL DEFENSES:+5或更好魔法武器以造成傷害,再生 5hp每輪,釋放 夢魘,免疫毒素、定身 、恐懼 或 魅惑 法術、幻術、靈能與即死魔法
經驗回報XP VALUE:35000
【*譯註:Dreamspeak-即德索的譫妄Detho's Delirium】

「暗夜巨蛇」丹德爾Dendar the Night Serpent 是在 艾伯爾-托瑞爾星球Abeir-Torirs 史前的黎明產生的古老、不朽的諸邪物之一。她緊跟着第一位在 國度天宇Realmspace 入眠者的噩夢誕生。據推測,她將成為世界、諸神與整個國度天宇晶壁系的末日之兆。
Dendar the Night Serpent is one of the elder, eternal evils of the Outer Planes created in the dawn of Abeir-Torirs prehistory. She came into existence shortly after the first being slept in Realmspace and had a nightmare. Supposedly, she will be the harbinger of the end of the world, the gods, and the entire crystal sphere of Realmspace.
The Night Serpent's slit-pupilled eyes are the sickly yellow-black of rotten eggs. Her tongue is forked and flickers incessantly over her smooth lips. Her monstrous fangs are always coated with the viscous essence of lost dreams. She speaks with a sibilant, malignant voice that drips with ancient horrors. Her hide is covered in midnight-black scales, the physical embodiment of the most terrifying nightmares she has swallowed.
雖然她能隨意滑行穿越 灰色荒野Gray Waste 或任何下層位面,但暗夜巨蛇幾乎總是呆在巢穴之中。丹德爾生活在一座龐大的洞穴之中,近鄰充當着 水晶塔Crystal Spire(或它的前身,希瑞克Cyric 的 白骨城堡Bone Castle)護城壕的軟泥河。在她睡下心滿意足地饕餮世上被忘卻的噩夢時,暗夜巨蛇呼吸所發出的噝噝聲將響徹整座城市。任何接近她洞穴的人將發現,她已經甦醒並在等待他們,期盼着能品嘗和重溫他們糟糕的被遺忘之夢。她的血盆巨口大到足以吞下山丘巨人,而她的舌頭以輕彈便能擊倒一位全副武裝者。她的舌下是個由油膩的唾液和吃了一半的骨頭組成的惡臭的泥潭,它們便是她夢境食物殘餘的有形顯現。
Although she can slither across the Gray Waste or any of the lower planes at will, the Night Serpent is almost always found in her lair. Dendar lives in a vast cave near the oozing river that serves as the moat for the Crystal Spire (or its predecessor, Cyric's Bone Castle). The hiss of the Night Serpent's breathing echoes through the City of Strife as she sleeps, contentedly gorged on the worlds unremembered nightmares. Anyone who approaches her cave finds her awake and awaiting them with anticipatory delight as she savors and relives their worst un-remembered nightmares. Her cavernous maw is large enough to swallow a hill giant, and her tongue can knock an armored man to the ground with a single flick. Beneath her tongue is a foul mire of greasy spittle and half-devoured bones—the corporeal manifestations of the remnants of her dream diet.
在古羅斯Rus,丹德爾被稱為 尼德霍格Nidhogg,啃食着 世界樹Yggdrasil 樹根的巨蛇。在 卡林港Calimport,她被(錯誤)地稱為 夜巡之母the Mother of the Night Parade。(然而,那些在與 蜜爾曼·拉爾Myrmeen Lhal 和她的 豎琴手Harper 盟友們的戰爭中倖存下來的另一個世界的可怕居民,由於失去了聯繫他們與故鄉世界的神器,已經開始崇敬丹德爾。)在 楚爾特叢林Jungles of Chult 中,但丹德爾被稱作 世界的吞食者the Eater of the World,一些故事講述了當她穿越一扇坐落在 火焰峰Peaks of Flame 下的巨大鐵門,試圖吞食太陽時,烏塔歐Ubtao 將如何與暗夜巨蛇交戰。據傳說,在世界的末日最終到來時,若烏塔歐在他的職責上失敗了,丹德爾將成功打破這扇門並輕易地吞噬太陽。
To the ancient Rus, Dendar was known as Nidhogg, the serpent who gnaws on the roots of Yggdrasil. In Calimport, she is known (incorrectly) as the Mother of the Night Parade. (However, those horrid denizens of another world who survived their war with Myrmeen Lhal and her Harper allies have begun to venerate Dendar since their permanent loss of the artifact connecting them with their home world.) In the Jungles of Chult, Dendar is known as the Eater of the World, and stories tell of how Ubtao will battle the Night Serpent when she emerges through a gigantic iron door located beneath one of the Peaks of Flame to attempt to eat the sun. According to legend, Dendar will succeed in breaking down the door to readily devour the sun if Ubtao fails in his duty when the doom of the world finally arrives.
只有傳奇寶刃 奧爾本·歐納瑞Alban Onire(即 泰坦殺手Titanslayer),曾經真正傷害到過暗夜巨蛇。當 「迅捷者」格威迪翁Gwydion the Quick 在 紛爭之城the City of Strife 反抗希瑞克期間勇敢地挑戰暗夜巨蛇時,暗夜巨蛇用大量夢魘的幻象來與這位 托姆Torm 的僕人交戰並且戰敗。丹德爾承認了失敗,並對防守白骨城堡的居民們釋放了夜驚,令革命者們能攻入這座堡壘。
Only the legendary blade of Alban Onire, Titanslayer, has ever truly injured the Night Serpent. When Gwydion the Quick dared to challenge the Night Serpent during the revolt against Cyric in the City of Strife, she battled the servant of Torm with a host of nightmare visions and lost. Dendar conceded defeat and unleashed the night-terrors that belonged to the denizens defending the Bone Castle, allowing the revolutionaries to storm the fortress.
儘管丹德爾可以用她那用魔法賦予毒性的齧咬進行攻擊,但她更喜歡對任何莽撞到膽敢攻擊她的人釋放出無人記得的噩夢。她的尖牙能穿透鎧甲,如同它根本不存在——任何敵對者的防禦等級在計算時都只計入魔法獎勵與敏捷獎勵。任何被暗夜巨蛇咬中的人都必須通過一次成功的對死亡魔法的豁免檢定,否則就會墮入永恆的睡眠,永遠被一系列一次又一次重複的噩夢所追逐。結束這種折磨的唯一方式是使用一道 有限許願術limited wish 或 許願術wish,而後是一道 醫療術heal,以防止受害者永久處於 弱智術feebleminded 效果下。如果投出天然20,那麼丹德爾就能囫圇吞下一個巨型或更小的敵人。在被以這種方式吞噬時,幫助受害者的唯一方式就是迫使丹德爾吐出噩夢,這樣受害者就能在噴涌而出的洪流中脫離她的食道。在她的消化道中時,受害者每回合(10輪)受到1d6點強酸傷害。
Although Dendar can attack with her magically envenomed bite, she prefers to unleash unremembered nightmares on anyone so bold as to attack her. Her fangs cut through armor as if it does not exist—the Armor Class of any opponent is calculated using magical and Dexterity bonuses only. Anyone bitten by the Night Serpent must make a successful saving throw vs. death magic or fall into an eternal sleep, stalked by an endless stream of nightmares replayed over and over. The only way to end this tortured state is with a limited wish or wish spell followed by heal to prevent the victim from being permanently feebleminded . On an unmodified attack roll of 20, Dendar can swallow an opponent of huge size or smaller whole. When swallowed in this manner, victims can only be helped by forcing Dendar to disgorge nightmares and leaving her gullet in the outgoing flood. While in her gullet they take ld6 points of acid damage per turn.
一個敵人每對暗夜巨蛇造成1點傷害,就會有一片鱗片炸開,延伸成一個完整成型的噩夢,其效果與 噩夢術nightmare(如同5級法師法術 託夢術dream 的逆向版本)類同。儘管每一道噩夢實際上都是在一瞬間體驗完畢的,但那令人驚懼不安的幻境看上去永無盡頭。如果受害者在一次對法術的豁免檢定中失敗了,那麼每一道 噩夢 都可以造成1d10點傷害,並使得受術者疲乏,且無法重獲法術,為期一周。如果在第二次對法術的豁免檢定中失敗,那麼受害者就永久處於 恐懼術 的效果下,直到一道 移除詛咒remove fear 成功直接施展在他們身上。
For every point of damage an opponent inflicts on the Night Serpent, one scale explodes and stretches into a fully formed nightmare, similar in effect to a nightmare spell (as the reverse of the 5th-level wizard spell dream). Although every nightmare is actually experienced instantaneously, each hideous and unsettling vision seems to go on forever. If the victim fails a saving throw vs. spell, each nightmare inflicts 1d10 points of damage and leaves the recipient fatigued and unable to regain spells for a week. If a second saving throw vs. spell is failed, the victim is under the effects of a permanentfear spell until remove fear is successfully cast upon them.
丹德爾也可以每輪對每一個攻擊者吐出至多十個 噩夢,儘管她不願意這麼做——除非正面對着異常危險的敵人——因為雖然只是一點點,但每一道失去的 噩夢 都延遲了世界的終結和她勝利號角的奏響。
Dendar can also disgorge up to 10 nightmares per round against each attacker, although she is loath to do so unless confronted by a particularly dangerous opponent, since each lost nightmare delays the end of the world and her triumph just a little bit longer.
暗夜巨蛇也能吐出某個特定靈魂整個生命中最恐怖的 噩夢。這樣的噩夢會飛去攻擊其起源,不論此人身在何處(哪怕是另一個位面)。如果受害者已經面對過特定的攻擊性幻境並克服了它們(以DM裁量為準),那麼他們就不會受到影響,而暗夜巨蛇必須承認自己被這樣的敵人打敗了一次,從今以後她再也無法用夢魘中的恐怖去傷害他們。如果受害者之前從未面對並克服過特定的攻擊性噩夢,且在一次-5不利的對抗法術豁免檢定中失敗,他們被一種毀滅性的瘋狂所逼瘋,而這種瘋狂只能通過一個神明直接賜予的許願術方可治療。如果敗了豁免的受害者正在與暗夜巨蛇直接交手的過程中,那麼他就會被聚集起來的一大團恐怖之物所包裹,並拖入暗夜巨蛇的消化道中。這樣的命運意味着這些受害者的永遠絕滅,即使是一個高等神也無法把這個倒霉蛋帶回生前或是死後。
The Night Serpent can vomit forth any specific spirit's worst nightmare from its entire life. Such nightmares fly forth to attack their originators, wherever they may be (even on another plane). If victims have already confronted particular attacking visions and laid them to rest (as adjudicated by the DM), they are unaffected, and the Night Serpent must concede defeat to such opponents and be henceforth unable to ever harm them through night terrors ever again. If victims have not confronted and defeated particular at tacking nightmares in the past and fail a saving throw vs. spell at -5, they become insane with a pernicious insanity curable only by a ulish granted directly from a deity. If victims who have failed this saving throw are in the process of physically attacking the Night Serpent, a gathered host of horrors envelop them and draw them into the gullet of the Night Serpent. Such a fate results in the permanent annihilation of these victims and not even a greater power can restore the unfortunate being to life or the afterlife.
Dendar can cast one of the following spells at will (as an ability) once per round: demishaow magic, demishaow monsters, dreamspeak (as the 1st, level wizard spell, also known as Detho's delirium), fear, or nightmare (or its reverse, dream). The Night Serpent can intangibly manifest anywhere in the Realms and cast any of the above spells as well.
Dendar can only be hit by weapons of +5 enchantment or greater. She regenerates 5 hit points per round. She is immune to poison, hold, fear, or charm spells, illusions, psionics, and death magic.
Dendar can only be truly slain by mortals or powers under conditions similar to those required to slay a demipower on its home plane. Othef-wise, she always reforms in the Gray Waste after one day has passed. All of the Realms' inhabitants remember every nightmare they have that night in excruciating detail for the rest of their lives.
Dendar is a unique being who resides in the Gray Waste, eating the unremembered nightmares of Faerûn's populace. The Night Serpent has an uncountable horde of horrible dreams and foul visions in her gullet that she has been devouring since the dawn of time. She relishes the taste of particularly choice nightmares and savors the dreams of kings and deities alike.
Dendar has consumed the unremembered nightmares of Faerûn for uncounted eons, slowly fattening herself in preparation for the end of the world when she can escape to the Realms in order to devour the sun. If she did not feed her insatiable appetite, every being, mortal or deity, would remember every nightmare she or he ever dreamed in excruciating and possibly incapacitating detail.
在希瑞克上任前,暗夜巨蛇吃的唯有被遺忘的夢魘。然後,在希瑞克的瘋狂中,謊言王子the Prince of Lies 將紛爭之城的許多居民(祈並者和其它靈魂)餵給了她。她吞食了大量的 有信者the Faithful。由於這種新的飲食習慣,丹德爾迅速膨脹到了無法離開巢穴的地步,因而無法獵食最美味多汁的夢魘或是顯現於諸國度。克蘭沃Kelemvor,新任死亡之主the new Lord of the Dead,不再以市民或任何其它有信者餵養暗夜巨蛇,而丹德爾也縮水到了其正常的巨大體型,令她能夠離開其巢穴。不過她已經培養出了對有信者的愛好,類似於 「混沌魔犬」柯茲夫Kezef the Chaos Hound,任何被暗夜巨蛇捕獲併吞噬的有信者將被完全毀滅。自希瑞克的垮台以來,丹德爾小心翼翼地只吞食偶爾有的精神碎屑作為宴饗(而不敢主動獵食),她的飲食習慣已再次以世上被遺忘的夢魘為主。
Prior to Cyric's tenure, the Night Serpent are only unremembered nightmares. Then, in his madness, the Prince of Lies fed her numerous denizens of the City of Strife (petitioners and other spirits). She developed a taste for the Faithful. As a result of this new diet, Dendar quickly swelled up to the point where she could no longer leave her lair and hence could no longer hunt for the most succulent nightmares or manifest in the Realms. Kelemvor, the new Lord of the Dead, no longer feeds denizens or any other Faithful to the Night Serpent, and Dendar has shrunk back to her normal gargantuan size, allowing her to leave her cave. She has developed a taste for the Faithful, however, and, like Kezef the Chaos Hound, any of the Faithful the Night Serpent manages to catch and consume are utterly destroyed. Since Cyric's defeat, Dendar is careful to only consume the occasional spirit morsel as a treat, and her diet once again consists predominantly of the world's unremembered nightmares.