乌图Utu,苏美尔太阳神 | |
基本信息 | |
【头 衔】 | 失衡者The Unbalanced |
【阵 营】 | LN→CG |
【神 力】 | ¢苏美尔/本体:G ¢恩瑟/显现体:G→Dead(本质回归本体) |
【神 职】 | 太阳The sun |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | ¢本体:苏美尔神系Sumerian Pantheon ¢显现体:FR恩瑟神系Untheric Pantheon |
【主 神】 | 恩利尔Enlil |
【盟 友】 | 恩基Enki |
【敌 对】 | ¢苏美尔:巴比伦神系Babylonian Pantheon ¢恩瑟:兽人神系Orc Pantheon,提亚玛特Tiamat |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | ¢本体:机械境Mechanus →奔放之野Arborea/1th 奥林匹斯山Olympus/吸取之光the Absorbing Light |
【徽 记】 | 日盘Sun disc |
【简 介】 | 乌图Utu 是苏美尔神系的太阳神,恩基的好友。 他跟随恩利尔派遣显现体进入FR,协力摧毁了伊马斯卡帝国、建立了恩瑟帝国与恩瑟神系。后于兽人门战役被兽人神系弑杀,本质回归外层位面中的本体、神尸葬于神墓。 |
-4370 DR
一场可疑的瘟疫在 伊马斯卡人Imaskari 的各个城市中杀死了大量居民。
A suspicious plague decimates Imaskari cities.
-4366 DR
伊马斯卡人Imaskari 奇械师打开了两道通向另一个世界的传送门,并用魔法绑架了成千上万的当地居民做为自己的奴隶。奇械师们随后建立了一道 位面障壁planar barrier 以阻断奴隶和他们神祇之间的联系。随这时间的流逝,奴隶们慢慢与 伊马斯卡人Imaskar 人通婚,他们的后代变成了一个独立种族,后来被称为“穆兰人Mulan”。
Imaskari artificers open twin gates to another world and magically abduct thousands of humans to serve as slaves. The artificers then erect a planar barrier to prevent contact between the slaves and their deities. Over time, the slaves intermarry with the Imaskari, and their descendants become a race in their own right that is later called the Mulan.
-2489 DR
神王降临Arrival of the God-Kings:通过派遣被称为 显现体manifestations 的强大化身,伊马斯卡人Imaskari 的奴隶所信仰的众神绕开了位面屏障。在远古神祇 卜塔Ptah 的指引下,化身们穿越无尽虚空来到了 托瑞尔星球Toril。在到达 费伦大陆Faerûn 之后,他们进一步地将剩余的神性本质分离,创造出较次级的凡人形态化身——转生体incarnation。这些转生体降临到 伊马斯卡帝国Imaskar 的肥沃平原上,来到长久被弃的人民中间。最有才能的人被他们选作牧师,而真正虔诚的信徒则被转化为神仆。伊马斯卡帝国Imaskar 奴隶开始反抗他们的主人。
The deities of the Imaskari slaves bypass the planar barrier by sending powerful avatars, known as manifestations, of themselves through the endless void of space to Toril, led by the ancient deity Ptah. Upon arriving on Faerûn, they further divided their remaining divine essences and created lesser, mortal forms of avatars, known as incarnations. These incarnations descended into the fertile plains of Imaskar and went among their long-forsaken peoples. The most talented they made priests, and the truly faithful were transformed into divine minions. The Imaskari slaves then revolt against their masters.
-2087 ~ -1071 DR
龙陨战争Dragonfall War[-29500]达到高潮。在 恩瑟帝国Unther 的第一个千年纪里,白金龙the Platinum Dragon 与 五彩龙the Chromatic Dragon 之间的争斗开始了最后一个重要纪元。提亚玛特Tiamat 教会由 穆兰人Mulan 带到了 费伦大陆Faerûn(至少是在人类中)。
The Dragonfall War [–29500] flares up. The last great era of conflict between the Platinum Dragon and the Chromatic Dragon rages during the first millennium of the empire of Unther. Tiamat's cult is brought to Faerûn (at least among humans) by the Mulan.
恩利尔Enlil 宣布提亚玛特为 众神之敌Nemesis of the Gods。在数十个世纪里,恩瑟帝国走向强盛,然后逐渐腐朽衰落,而它所遭受的每个挫折都激起 神王god-king 们对提亚玛特的憎恨。巴哈姆特 的恩瑟化名,“正义使者”马杜克Marduk the Justice Bringer 与提亚玛特一次又一次地交战,但没有哪条巨龙能够获胜。
The clergy of Enlil preach that Tiamat is the Nemesis of the Gods, and she is blamed by the god-kings for every setback Unther experiences as it rises to greatness and then decays over the centuries. Tiamat battles an Untheric alias of Bahamut, known as Marduk the Justice Bringer, time and again, but neither wyrm can prevail.
-1967 DR
恩瑟帝国Unther 与 穆尔霍兰德帝国Mulhorand 在 万剑河River of Swords 发生冲突,第一次穆尔霍兰德-恩瑟战争First Mulhorand-Unther War 爆发。莱瑟曼人Rashemi、洛曼萨人Sossrim、索斯林人Sossrim 以及 纳尔部落民Nar tribesfolk 被交战双方雇佣为佣兵。
Unther and Mulhorand clash at the River of Swords, beginning the First Mulhorand–Unther War. Rashemi, Raumviran, Sossrim, and Nar tribesfolk are employed as mercenaries by both sides.
-1961 DR
恩瑟帝国Unther 与 穆尔霍兰德帝国Mulhorand 的神王们对以 万剑河River of Swords 作为共同边界达成一致。
The god-kings of Mulhorand and Unther agree on a common border—the River of Swords.
-1076 DR ~ -1069 DR
兽人门战争The Orcgate Wars:兽人之门Orcgate 出现于 塞尔平原Plateau of Thay 南部。凭借 伊马斯卡人Imaskari 传送门法术,穆尔霍兰德人Mulhorandi 叛逆法师们开启了通往某个兽人世界的位面之门。成千上万的兽人淹没了 穆尔霍兰德帝国Mulhorand 和 恩瑟帝国Unther 的北部领土。为了对抗兽人入侵者,穆尔霍兰德雇佣了 纳尔人Nar、洛曼萨人Raumathari、莱瑟曼人Rashemi 以及 索林斯人Sossrim 的佣兵。
The Orcgate opens in the southern portion of the Plateau of Thay. Renegade Mulhorandi wizards employ Imaskari portal magic to open planar gates to an orc world. Hundreds of thousands of orcs inundate the northern territories of both Mulhorand and Unther. Mulhorand hires Nar, Raumathari, Rashemi, and Sossrim mercenaries to fight the orc invaders.
-1071 DR
兽人之神 格乌什Gruumsh 杀死了 穆尔霍兰德人Mulhorandi 神祇 拉Ra,成为第一位已知的弑神者。
The orc god Gruumsh kills the Mulhorandi deity Ra in the first known deicide.
——恩瑟人Untheric 神祇 伊南娜Inanna、格鲁Girru、基Ki、南纳-辛Nanna-Sin、涅伽尔Nergal 以及 乌图Utu 亦同样死于兽人众神之手。
The Untheric gods Inanna, Girru, Ki, Nanna-Sin, Nergal, and Utu are slain by orc deities.
——在众神间爆发最后一战之时,提亚玛特Tiamat 企图偷袭正与 依那瓦Ilneval 交战的 吉尔伽Gilgeam。但永远警惕的 马杜克Marduk 插手干预,在她能对 吉尔伽Gilgeam 发起致命一击前,以自己的生命为代价杀死了 提亚玛特Tiamat 。
During the final Battle of the Gods, Tiamat launches a surprise attack against Gilgeam while he battles Ilneval. The ever-vigilant Marduk intervenes, killing Tiamat before she can land a death blow against Gilgeam, but at the cost of his own life.
2e<On Hallowed Ground.p063>乌图Utu
(强大神力Lesser Power,“失衡者The Unbalanced”
神职Aoc:太阳The sun
徽记SYMBOL:日盘Sun disc
居住位面/神国HOME P/R:奔放之野Arborea/奥林匹斯山Olympus/吸取之光the Absorbing Light
知名代理人KNOWN PROXIES:阿卡德的萨尔贡Sargon of Akkad(代理人Px/男性♂/战士F13/混乱善良CG)
乌图Utu 的神国是对凡人而言是一片黑暗——从未有凡人进入后能够返回。有人认为这位神明会与任何踏足其神国之人(除非对方是神明或神祇的代理人)融合,这或许可以解释为什么他变得如此隐居和孤僻。因为他是在与他自己的意识搏斗。
Utu's realm is dark to mortals - those who enter it never return again. It's thought the god merges with any sod who sets foot in his realm (unless they're powers or proxies), which might explain why he's become so reclusive and withdrawn. He's fighting within his own mind.
乌图在以前将 机械境Mechanus 作为家园的那会,会更稳定一点。但彼时 恩基Enki 还在世,这位水神一直密切关乎着混乱的乌图。而随着恩基的陨落,乌图再也无法呆在这个发条位面,于是逃离到了更蛮荒的环境。
Utu used to be a bit more stable, back when he called Mechanus home. But that was when Enki still lived; the water find kept a close eye on chaotic Utu. Once Enki fell, Utu could no longer be held to the clockwork plane and fled to wilder surroundings.