乌塔欧Ubtao,恐龙之父 | |
基本信息 | |
【音 标】 | Oob-TAY-oh |
【头 衔】 | 楚尔特的造物主Creator of Chult,麦兹罗的建立者Founder of Mezro,恐龙之父Father of the Dinosaurs,骗子The Deceiver |
【阵 营】 | N |
【神 力】 | N→G |
【神 职】 | 创造Creation,生命的迷途the labyrinth of life,丛林jungles,楚尔特丛林the Jungles of Chult,泰博克西部族the Tabaxi,恐龙dinosaurs |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | FR楚尔特神系Chultan Pantheon,荒神Primordials |
【主 神】 | 无 |
【盟 友】 | 萨德·哈尔Thard Harr |
【敌 对】 | 艾寿多Eshowdow,塞斯Sseth,丹德尔Dendar |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | 主物质位面Prime Material Plane/国度天宇Realmspace/艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球Abeir-Toril/费伦大陆Faerûn/楚尔特Chult/麦兹罗城Mezro →外域Outlands/生命迷宫The Labyrinth of Life & 万兽园the Beastlands/1th 光耀之森Krigala/禁区高原The Forbidden Plateau |
【徽 记】 | 一座迷宫A maze |
【简 介】 | 恐龙之神 乌塔欧Ubtao 是楚尔特神系的主神。 楚尔特神系起源于一场预言。在史前与荒神之间跨晶壁系的黎明战争中,诸神最终取得了胜利,荒神、“骗子”乌塔欧的背叛正是这场战争的终锤之一。 |
碧蓝时代Blue Age
当时的 艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球Abeir-Toril 是颗碧蓝的海洋星球。跨晶壁系的漫长 黎明战争Dawn War 开始,荒神们(包括 乌塔欧Ubtao)与诸神彼此交战,在碧蓝时代的末期,荒神与上古邪物之一 “暗夜巨蛇”丹德尔Dendar the Night Serpent 吞噬了 国度天宇Realmspace 的 太阳——塞伦涅Selûne 最珍爱的造物。托瑞尔星球陷入冰期、生物出现大灭绝,阴影时代Shadow Epoch 开始。
阴影时代Shadow Epoch
阴影时代Shadow Epoch 末期,荒神乌塔欧最终背叛了他的同类,使大量同类前盟友被囚禁。太阳被重制、冰川退却,黎明战争Dawn War 以诸神获胜告终、雷霆时代Days of Thunder 开始。
繁盛时代Time of Flowers
大约 -24000 DR
来自南方的巨龙对 梅尔绍克帝国Mhairshaulk[-33500,-304] 的重要城市发动了持续不断的袭击,使得这个由蛇人统治的帝国最终走向了崩溃。
Yuan-ti–ruled Mhairshaulk [-33500,-304] has all but collapsed, thanks to repeated assaults on its cities by the great wyrms of the south.
——在神祇 乌塔欧Ubtao 的感召下,一支来自西方未知大陆、由名为 羽蛇couatl 的有翼蛇类组成的军队到达 楚尔特Chult 的丛林。
Called into service by the god Ubtao, an army of winged serpents known as couatls arrives in the jungles of Chult from an unknown continent to the west.
人类时代Age of Humanity
大约-3000 DR
——羽蛇们寻求另一个种族来保护 楚尔坦半岛Chultan Peninsula 的西端不受蛇人侵蚀。在位于 费伦大陆Faerûn 西南方的遥远陆地,他们开始向当地的人类部落宣扬 乌塔欧Ubtao 的教义。
The couatls seek out another race to keep the western end of the Chultan Peninsula free of yuan-ti influence. On a distant continent southwest of Faerûn, the couatls begin to preach the teachings of Ubtao to the indigenous human tribes.
-2809 DR
在一次伟大的朝圣之旅中,艾寿部落Eshowe tribe、泰博克西部落Tabaxi tribe 与 辛古斯部落Thinguth tribe、以及同样接受了 乌塔欧Ubtao 信仰的其他人,跟随着羽蛇跨海来到了 楚尔特丛林Jungles of Chult。他们在 荒芜海岸Wild Coast 登陆,随后向内陆进发并抵达了 火焰峰Peaks of Flame,乌塔欧的化身在此地迎接了他们。
The Eshowe, the Tabaxi, and the Thinguth tribes, as well as several others that accepted Ubtao's message, follow the couatls in a great pilgrimage across the seas to the Jungles of Chult. The tribes land on the Wild Coast and march inland to the Peaks of Flame, where the avatar of Ubtao welcomes them.
-2809:泰博克西的朝圣之旅Pilgrimage of the Tabaxi
这段截取自 乌塔欧教诲Teachings of Ubtao 的文字被篆刻在黄金薄碟上,深藏于古代城市 麦兹罗城Mezro 生命迷宫神殿Maze of Life 藏宝库中。
This passage from the Teachings of Ubtao was carved onto thin gold plates and secured deep within the vaults of the Maze of Life, within the ancient city of Mezro.
虽然心中焦虑不安,但我们坚信 父神the Father 必将指引族人安全抵达 楚尔特Chult。我们部落从未在 液之天liquid sky 中进行过如此漫长的旅行。随着桨叶的每一次划动,我们不断地向北前进,也就愈加远离我出生的家园——卡塔沙卡大陆Katashaka。乘坐着 卡诺亚canoa、飘浮于无尽之蓝,我们 泰博克西部落Tabaxi 始终坚信着 乌塔欧Ubtao 与他的羽毛仆从——伊卡特辛Ecatzin。
Though we were anxious, we trusted in the Father to deliver us safely to Chult. Our tribe had never before made a long journey upon the liquid sky. Each hour of paddling took us northward and farther away from Katashaka—our home since the birthing days. Floating in our canoa amid the endless blue, we Tabaxi held faith in Ubtao and his plumed servant Ecatzin.
最初,我的族人并不知晓乌塔欧之名讳。在我曾祖父之前的日子里,泰博克西部落曾经只崇敬 欧鲁尔奥伯Olurobo 与他的后裔 纳亚玛-诺莫nyama-nummo。那是在 大分裂Great Rending 以前,沉睡者the Sleeper——所有纳亚玛-诺莫中的最伟大者,支配着我们人民的所有土地。泰博克西部落是被祝福的,沉睡者眷顾我们远胜其他部落。但是在某一天,沉睡者决定向一名远古宿敌寻求复仇,她召集了九个部落中最善战的武士,前往遥远的 梅尔绍克大陆Mhairshaulk 与敌人交战,却遭遇惨败。归来之后,沉睡者的愤怒无比狂暴。在 盛筵之夜Night of Feasting,四名纳亚玛-诺莫落入了沉睡者饥饿的口中,最终暴怒逐渐平息,她沉睡于 阿利兹-德伦之宫Palace of the Alliz-Dren 以恢复力量。从此以后直到今日,沉睡者曾经苏醒过二十三次,每一次都更加痛苦和饥饿。
Ubtao hadn't always been known to our people. Since before the days of my great-grandfather, the Tabaxi had worshiped only Olurobo and his children, the nyama-nummo. In the days before the Great Rending, the Sleeper—greatest of all the nyama-nummo—ruled all the lands of my people. Blessed were the Tabaxi, whom the Sleeper favored above all other tribes. One season, when the Sleeper decided to seek vengeance against an ancient foe, she summoned the greatest warriors of the nine tribes and led them against our enemies in the far land of Mhairshaulk. Our losses must have been great, because her wrath was mighty when she returned. On the Night of Feasting, four nyama-nummo fell to the Sleeper's hungry jaws. Finally, her rampage subsided, and she retreated to the Palace of the Alliz-Dren to sleep and recover her strength. Between that long-ago time and now, the Sleeper has awakened twentythree times, each time more bitter and hungry than the last.
在还是一名婴儿的时候,我被命名为 塔拉萨卓克Tarasajok,意为 沉睡者之看守She Who Watches over the Sleeper。这一头衔给予了我崇高的荣誉——在沉睡者下一次苏醒之时,我将是第一个被她吞噬的人。但在这之后不久,伊卡特辛为了传播乌塔欧的教诲而来到了这片土地。起初大多数泰博克西人都故意避开这条羽毛蛇类,害怕他是 阿匡果Akongo——一位来自南方高地的背信弃义的纳亚玛-诺莫——的使者。不过无论如何,伊卡特辛很快就将教义传达给泰博克西人,而对于少数获选者,他甚至还传授了禁忌的魔法 玛图比matumbe。但千年纪即将来临,大多数族人仍恐惧着沉睡者的回归。
As a babe, I was named Tarasajok, which means She Who Watches over the Sleeper. That title bestowed upon me the great honor of being the first devoured by the Sleeper upon her next awakening. Not long thereafter, Ecatzin entered our lands to spread the word of Ubtao. At first, most Tabaxi shunned the feathered serpent because they feared that he was an agent of Akongo—a perfidious nyamanummo from the southern highlands. In time, however, Ecatzin taught words to the Tabaxi—and to a chosen few, he also taught matumbe—the forbidden magic. But the millennium end was nigh upon us, and most still feared the Sleeper’s return
在盛筵之夜,我得到了乌塔欧的祝福并被选为 耐古斯·耐古斯提Negus Negusti 与 巴瑞Bara。但喜悦是如此的短暂。片刻之后,沉睡者的怒号宣告着她的苏醒,而我的双腿开始不住地战栗,毕竟我是塔拉萨卓克。但就在被纳亚玛-诺莫的巨颚完全吞噬之时,我感觉到乌塔欧的威能充满了我的身体。玛图比从我伸展的手掌上奔涌而出,击打在沉睡者的身上、阻止了她。直到今日,我仍能回想起当凭借乌塔欧之力粉碎沉睡者的生命时,骨骼破碎所发出恐怖声响。在目睹了乌塔欧所赋予他的巴瑞的力量之后,我的泰博克西兄弟姐妹们亲吻我、拥抱我、他们欢呼喝彩并宣誓信奉乌塔欧。伊卡特辛微笑着告诉我们,泰博克西人是被乌塔欧所祝福的孩子。
On the Night of Feasting, Ubtao blessed me and named me Negus Negusti and Bara. But my joy was short-lived. Moments later, the Sleeper's roar heralded her return, and my legs began to tremble because I was, after all, Tarasajok. But just as the mighty nyama-nummo's jaws bore down to swallow me whole, I felt the might of Ubtao swell within me. The matumbe flowed from my outstretched hand, striking the Sleeper and stopping her in place. To this day, I still recall the horrible sound of bones snapping when I used the might of Ubtao to crush the life from the Sleeper. Upon witnessing the power that Ubtao had bestowed upon his Bara, my Tabaxi brothers and sisters kissed and embraced me, cheering and pledging their devotion to Ubtao. Ecatzin smiled and told us that we were Ubtao's blessed children.
我们很快就为这次伟大的朝圣之旅——穿越无尽之蓝抵达乌塔欧的家园,楚尔特——准备好了一切。在临行之日,我低声诉说着对卡塔沙卡众精魂的无声祈祷,恳求它们能保佑那些留下的族人。当故土的海岸最终默默消失在身后的浓雾之中,我转身面对伊卡特辛。“现在的海流很快,而我们共有三百条卡诺亚,”我说道:“引领我们前往楚尔特,前往父神强健的臂弯吧,吾友伊卡特辛。那些泰博克西之敌即将知晓何为恐惧,因为我是 奥雅Oyai,沉睡者的弑杀者Slayer of the Sleeper、乌塔欧的第一巴瑞,必将战无不胜!”
We soon prepared for a great pilgrimage across the endless blue to Chult, the home of Ubtao. On the day of departure, I whispered a silent prayer to the spirits of Katashaka, beseeching them to watch over those who remained behind. When the shores of my homeland had at last slipped silently away into the thickening fog behind us, I turned to Ecatzin and spoke. "The current is swift, and we are three hundred canoa strong," I said. "Take us to Chult, friend Ecatzin, and into the mighty arms of the Father. There the enemies of the Tabaxi shall know fear, because I am Oyai, Slayer of the Sleeper, First Bara of Ubtao, and long shall I rule!"
-2637 DR
恐龙之父Father of Dinosaurs 乌塔欧Ubtao 的化身在 楚尔特Chult 建立了伟大的城市 麦兹罗城Mezro [-137]。
The avatar of Ubtao, the Father of Dinosaurs, founds the great city of Mezro [-137] in Chult.
2eFR<Powers & Pantheons.p088>乌塔欧Ubtao
出版时间:1997/09;国度时间:1370 DR
(楚尔特的造物主Creator of Chult,麦兹罗的建立者Founder of Mezro,恐龙之父Father of the Dinosaurs)
外域与万兽园强大神力Greater Power of the Outlands and the Beastlands,
神职PORTFOLIO:创造Creation,生命的迷途the labyrinth of life,丛林jungles,楚尔特丛林the Jungles of Chult,泰博克西部族the Tabaxi,恐龙dinosaurs
神域名DOMAIN NAME:外域Outlands/生命迷宫The Labyrinth of Life 与 光耀之森Krigala/禁区高原The Forbidden Plateau
盟友ALLIES:萨德·哈尔Thard Harr
徽记SYMBOL:一座迷宫A maze
信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:任意Any
麦兹罗和它的建造者Mezro and its Maker
以下出自 麦兹罗的永恒生命The Etrnal Life of Mezro、麦兹罗之统治者Ruler of Mezro、耐古斯·耐古斯提Negus Negusti、乌塔欧的巴瑞Bara of Ubtao、被他的亲近臣属称之为“睿智者the Wise”的 欧萨一世国王King OsavvⅠ:
From The Etrnal Life of Mezro by King OsawⅠ, Ruler of Mezro, Negus Negusti, and Bara of Ubtao, called “the Wise” by his beloved subjects:
乌塔欧Ubtao 创建了 麦兹罗城Mezro 这一说法毫无夸张。是这位 泰博克西部族the Tabaxi 的伟大神明在丛林的混乱之中建立了这座城市的核心——他的神殿和圆形剧场。麦兹罗,它是所有 楚尔特Chult 民众能学习如何通过生活的迷宫、如何最好的贴近众人内心、如何发掘世界的真实本质的地方。然而,麦兹罗也变成了窃贼与骗子算计朝圣者的地方,在这里男人、女人、还有孩子们为了些最微不足道的麻烦跑来祈求乌塔欧的援助。
There is no exaggeration in the bold claim that Ubtao founded Mezro. The great god of the Tabaxi built the core of the city himself the temple and amphitheater rising first from the chaos of the jungle. Mezro was to be the place where all the people of Chult could learn how to pass through the maze of life, how to best reach the heart of all, and how to discover the true nature of the world. It became that. Yet Mezro also became a place where thieves and charlatans preyed upon pilgrims, where men and women and children came to beg Ubtao's help with the most insignificant of problems.
乌塔欧于是创立了 巴瑞the barae 来帮他应付那些麻烦事,为群众处理那些个小需求。七位巴瑞被从麦兹罗的市民中选了出来,并被赋予了特殊的力量。随着时间的推移,巴瑞成为了这座城市的统治者和守卫者,不过那是在乌塔欧离开泰博克西族、到世界寻找他自己的道路之后。
Ubtao created the barae to help him deal with those distractions, to resolve the petty demands of the throng. The seven barae were chosen from the citizens of Mezro and gifted with special powers. Over time, the barae be came the rulers and defenders of the city, as well, but that was after Ubtao left the Tabaxi to find their own way in the world.
For it is also true the Tabaxi tried to make Ubtao a household god, a god who had to prove his worth by healing old mens aching joints, by settling arguments over the ownership of goats, by proving each and every day that his power could be used to make life easy. But Ubtao, who created the labyrinth that is this earthly world, made the Tabaxi to live there. He stayed in Mezro to teach them how to best pass through the maze, but he would not destroy the everyday trials that were its walls.
Finally there came a day when Ubtao said, “lf the people wish to cry and complain rather than listen to my wisdom, then so be it. I will leave them to wander the maze of life without my guidance.” Then he returned to his home in the sky and refused to speak to his people again while they were mortal.
{{sp|sp = And that is why a Tabaxi must die before he may meet his maker.
乌塔欧Ubtao(读作“Oob-TAY-oh”)是塔博克西部族(主导 楚尔特丛林Jungles of Chult 的人类部落)所崇拜的首要神力。虽然他被认为是 楚尔特神系Chultan pantheon 的首领,但实际上这样的描述是一种误导,因为在某种意义上,他是楚尔特神系的独一神力。楚尔特丛林的众多自然精魂和精华本质仅仅是他的面相。楚尔特的恐龙普遍被塔博克西部族称之为 乌塔欧的孩子the Children of Ubtao,但它们实际上缺乏以任何有意义地形式来崇敬乌塔欧所需的智商。
Ubtao (Oob-TAY-oh) is the primary power worshiped by the Tabaxi, the predominant human tribe in the Jungles of Chult. Although he is considered the leader of the Chultan pantheon, such a description is misleading since in a sense he is the only power in the Chultan pantheon. The multitude of nature spirits and the essence of the Chultan jungles are simply aspects of him. The dinosaurs of Chult are universally held by the Tabaxi to be the Children of Ubtao, but they lack sufficient sentience to venerate him in any meaningful fashion.
Ubtao is commonly depicted as a powerfully built Tabaxi male of inde terminate age. He has distant eyes and skin the dark brown color of fertile earth, closely cropped black hair, and a neatly trimmed goatee. He is end lessly patient and rarely emotional. Ubtao maintains a palpable emotional distance from both mortals and other powers, and he seems to stand aloof from the daily doings of the world and his followers.
事实上,正是创造楚尔特这项非常行为分开了乌塔欧与他的造物。乌塔欧通过显现为大量的各种精魂和当地丛林的精华来弥补这一隔阂,但这又吸收了他的大部分片段,让乌塔欧几乎没有时间与他的追随者们直接互动。而其存在的分裂,也产生了他未曾料想的后果:他黑暗、原始的本质被释放了。这团“乌塔欧之影”融合为了独立的个体——“幽影巨人”艾寿多Eshowdow the Shadow Giant,并致力于让乌塔欧所创造的一切消散。乌塔欧无法感知到艾寿多,因此在面对来自幽影巨人的阴谋诡计时,他对追随者的保护相对较为无力。(虽然他不能感知到艾寿多,但后者与他的理想和行动截然相反,因此艾寿多被列入了其敌人的一员。)
In truth, the very act of creating Chult divorced Ubtao from the inhabitants of his creation. Ubtao bridges that chasm by manifesting as both a varied host of spirits and as, the essence of the local jungle, but this absorbs a large fraction of his being, leaving him little time to directly interact with his followers. This splintering of Ubtao' being has also had the unexpected result of freeing his dark, primeval essence. This “shadow of Ubtao” has coalesced into a separate being, Eshowdow the Shadow Giant, who strives to nullify everything Ubtao has wrought. Ubtao is incapable of perceiving Eshowdow and hence is relatively powerless to protect his followers from the Shadow Giant's machinations. (Though he cannot perceive Eshowdow, he is diametrically opposed to his ideals and actions, thus Eshowdow is listed as one of his enemies.)
火焰峰Peaks of Flame 是在楚尔特南部占据主导的三座火山。在这些火山之下,矗立着一扇巨大的铁门,直接通向 亡者国度the Realm of the Dead。据说,以 诸国度the Realms 所有被忘却的噩梦为食的 “暗夜巨蛇”丹德尔Dendar the Night Serpent,在那世界的末日最终降临时,将打破那扇大门。她将从火山下爬出、吞噬太阳。在很久以前,乌塔欧应允为她最终出现在艾伯尔-托瑞尔Abeir-Toril星球的那天站岗,而楚尔特半岛人类的统治权被用作交换。据说如果乌塔欧击败了暗夜巨蛇,这个世界将从彻底毁灭中被拯救。因这古老的契约,泛费伦神系Faerûnian pantheon 从未尝试将他们的疆域扩展到乌塔欧的封地。
The Peaks of Flame are a chain of three volcanoes which dominate the southern part of Chult. Beneath one of these volcanoes stands a gigantic iron door that leads directly to the Realm of the Dead. It is said that Dendar the Night Serpent—she who gorges herself on all the unremembered nightmares in the Realms—will break down this door when the doom of the world finally arrives. From beneath the volcano she will slither forth to swallow up the sun. Ubtao long ago agreed to stand guard against the day she finally appears on Abeir-Toril in exchange for dominion over the humans of the Chultan peninsula. It is said that if Ubtao defeats the Night Serpent, the world will be saved from total annihilation. Because of this ancient pact, members of the Faerûnian pantheon have never tried to extend their dominion into Ubtao's fiefdom.
乌塔欧与 深林之主Lord of the Jungle Deeps 萨德·哈尔Thard Harr 保持着良好的关系,后者保护着同样居住在这热气腾腾的楚尔中的野矮人。同样,乌塔欧和萨德·哈尔结盟对抗妄图颠覆或奴役他们追随者(塔博克西部族和野矮人)的 “伟大巨蛇”塞斯Sseth the Great Snake 和他的蛇人入侵者。
Ubtao maintains a cordial relationship with Thard Harr, Lord of the Jungle Deeps, who protects the wild dwarves who also inhabit the steaming Jungles of Chult. Together, Ubtao and Thard Harr ally against Sseth the Great Snake and his yuan-ti interlopers who seek to subvert or enslave their followers, the Tabaxi and the wild dwarves.
乌塔欧位于 外层位面Outer Planes 的基本神域,是一片位于 外域the Outlands、充满着生命的、犹如迷宫般的丛林。然而,他太过喜欢自己的恐龙孩子,以至于在 万兽园the Beastlands 的 禁区高原Forbidden Plateau 也维持了一片神域。当他苦恼时,或是希望能摆脱他的人类追随者强加给他的负担时,他就会撤到高原作为一只巨大的霸王龙漫游。事实上,在动荡之年期间,乌塔欧便是以霸王龙的外形在整个楚尔特走来走去。据说在丛林的东部,他被卷入了一场与“伟大巨蛇”塞斯的宏伟战斗。自这尊化身的降临以来,乌塔欧对其追随者们的兴趣有所增加,并加强了自己的神职者队伍。
Ubtao's primary domain in the Outer Planes is a labyrinthine jungle teeming with life in the Outlands. However, because he is very fond of his dinosaur children, he also maintains a realm in the Beastlands on the Forbidden Plateau. When he is troubled or wishes to withdraw from the cares imposed on him by his human followers, he retreats to the Plateau to roam it as a gigantic tyrannosaurus rex. In fact, during the Time of Troubles, Ubtao stalked the length and breadth of Chult in the shape of a tyrannosaurus rex. He is said to have battled to a draw with Sseth the Great Snake in a great battle on the eastern edge of the jungle. Since the coming of the avatars, Ubtao has increased his interest in his followers and strengthened the ranks of his clergy.
乌塔欧的化身Ubtao's Avatar
(牧师Cleric 35,德鲁伊Druid 35,战士Fighter 33,巫师Mage 25)
Ubtao appears most commonly as a gigantic tyrannosaurus rex, more than twice the size of the largest known representative of the species. He favors spells from the spheres of all, animal, combat, divination, elemental, plant, protection, sun, thought, and time and the schools of abjuration, invocation/evocation, and divination, although he can cast spells from any sphere or school.
防御等级 -6;移动 15;生命值 162;零级命中值 -10;#攻击 3次+特殊
伤害 2d6/2d6/10d8(爪抓/爪抓/啮咬)
魔抗 60%;体型 巨型G(90呎长)
力量 23,敏捷 18,体质 21,智力 23,感知 25,魅力 19
法术 祭司P:15/14/13/13/13/13/10,法师W:5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/4
豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 3;石化或变形 5;喷吐武器 7;法术 4
AC -6; MV 15; HP 227, THAC0 -10;#AT 3+special
Dmg 2d6/2d6/10d8 (claw /claw/bite)
MR 90%; SZ G (100 feet long,40 feet high)
Str 23, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 23, Wis 25, Cha 19
Spells P:15/14/13/13/13/13/10, W:5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/4
Saves PPDM 2, RSW 3, PP 5, BW 7, Sp 4
特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:
乌塔欧拥有着楚尔特半岛最致命野兽的迅猛和力量,再结合神祇的智慧,以及丛林故乡中才华极其横溢的战术家的诡计。他的前爪,虽然小,但仍强大到足以将人撕成碎片。除了他可怕的啮咬所造成的伤害外,他能在攻击检定原骰为17或更好的时候吞下大体型或更小的生物。乌塔欧能用强有力的尾巴击打位于他的侧后方或者背后的任何生物,造成4d8点伤害。此外,任何被他的尾巴击打的生物,必须成功通过一次石化豁免检定,否则将被震慑2d6+2轮。与乌塔欧的目光相遇的生物,必须成功通过法术豁免检定,否则只要有任何植物可以用来缠住他们,就将遭受 纠缠术entangle 法术;若无,他们仅将遭减速。
Ubtao has the quickness and strength of one of the deadliest beasts on the Chultan peninsula combined with the intelligence of a deity and the cunning of a brilliant tactician thoroughly at home in the jungle. His fore claws, although small, are still powerful enough to tear a man to shreds. In addition to the damage inflicted by his terrible bite, Ubtao can engulf large-sized or smaller creatures on a natural attack roll of 17 or better, instantly killing any creature so engulfed. Ubtao can smash any creature on his flanks or to his rear with his powerful tail for 4d8 points of damage. In addition, any creature stmck by his tail must make a successful saving throw vs. petrification or be stunned for 2d6+2 rounds. Creatures who meets Ubtao's gaze must make a successful saving throw vs. spell or suffer the effects of an entangle spell provided there is any sort of vegetation to entangle them; otherwise, they are simply slowed.
Any dinosaur within 1 mile of Ubtao obeys his every command, communicated telepathically. Ubtao is immune to all spells from the spheres of animal, charm, and plant, and from the schools of enchantment/charm and conjuration/summoning.
其祂显现Other Manifestations
在过去,相较于频繁以化身神临,乌塔欧远远更常以间接的显现来彰显自己的存在,话虽如此,但他的显示仍是时有时无的,所传递的信息更是有着各种各样的解释。显现有时是一副平静面容的幻景,面容为年龄不详的男性塔博克西部族,这种显现将被视作警告、预兆或是祝福。因为愿景从不开口,所以若不进行进一步的占卜,塔博克西部族很难确定这景象意味着什么。自 动荡之年Time of Troubles 以降,乌塔欧已至少在3个场合显现为犹如楚尔特的恐龙发出的、高亢若雷鸣的咆哮。乌塔欧自身的面相,则以两种形态显现:楚尔丛林的精华,以及栖居在本地、总量庞大的精魂。乌塔欧被乌塔欧的孩子们(对在楚尔特潜伏的恐龙们的统称)侍奉着,并经常通过它们活动。
In the past, Ubtao manifested his presence indirectly much more frequently than having any avatar appear, though even so, his appearances were sporadic and his messages open to a wide range of interpretations. Sometimes a vision of his placid face, that of a Tabaxi male of indeterminate age, would be witnessed as a warning or an omen or a blessing. Since it never spoke, it was difficult for the Tabaxi to determine which the image was without further divinations. Since the Time of Troubles, Ubtao has already manifested on at least three occasions in the form of a thunderous roar similar in volume and effect to the sound that would be created if every dinosaur in Chult bellowed at once. Ubtao manifests aspects of his being in the form of the essence of the Chultan jungle and as the vast host of spirits that inhabit the land. Ubtao is served by the Children of Ubtao, as the dinosaurs who stalk Chult are commonly known, and he often acts through them.
教会The Church
神职人员Clergy:专属祭司Specialty priests,德鲁伊druids,萨满shamans
神职阵营Clergy's Align.:任意Any
驱散不死Turn Undead:专属祭司SP:可Yes;德鲁伊D:不可No;萨满Sha:可,若为善良或中立Yes, if good or neutral
支配不死Cmnd. Undhad:专属祭司SP:不可No;德鲁伊D:不可No;萨满Sha:可,若为邪恶Yes, if evil
乌塔欧的所有专属祭司、德鲁伊、和萨满得到 宗教知识religion(楚尔特人Chultan)作为非武器熟练奖励。不同于大部分托瑞尔的信仰,乌塔欧的神职人员队伍中没有任何牧师成员。
All specialty priests, druids, and shamans of Ubtao receive religion (Chultan) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency. Unlike those of most faiths on Toril, the clergy of Ubtao do not number any clerics among their ranks.
Many Tabaxi venerate Ubtao. These people believe that Ubtao created the jungle and all the humans and animals that populate this hot, green microcosm. Ubtao also raised the holy city of Mezro from the jungle with his own hands and resided there for a time—until the people drove him into the heavens with their nagging demands. Ubtao watches over the world with disinterest, letting women and men go about their lives without any interference. He demands no formal worship, but in return offers little divine guidance.
在楚尔特演化出了三种主要宗教,它们和存在于费伦别处的其他泛灵信仰几无相似之处。所有这三种宗教都崇敬乌塔欧的面相,无论其信徒是否承认这一事实。丛林德鲁伊崇拜乌塔欧所创造的丛林精华。塔博克西部族萨满(被称为 精魂之主spiritlords)崇敬不可计数的亡者、动物、以及自然的精魂,而这些精魂全是乌塔欧这位伟大其存在的碎片。迷宫漫游者Mazewalkers(一种专属祭司)将乌塔欧直接作为 楚尔特的造物主the Creator of Chult、恐龙之父the Father of the Dinosaurs、伟大城市麦兹罗的创建者the Founder of the great city of Mezro 崇敬。
Three main religions have evolved in Chult, and they bear little resemblance to the pantheistic faiths so elsewhere in Faerûn. All three religions venerate aspects of Ubtao, whether their faithful recognize that fact or not. Jungle druids worship the essence of the jungle created by Ubtao. Shamans of the Tabaxi, known as spiritlords, venerate the myriad spirits of the dead, of animals, and of nature, all of which are fragments of Ubtao's greater being. Mazewalkers, a type of specialty priest, venerate Ubtao directly as the Creator of Chult, the Father of the Dinosaurs, and the Founder of the great city of Mezro.
In larger clans, priests of two or even all three of these religions can coexist, though more often than not such diversity of opinion is the sign a clan has grown too large and is about to split into smaller units. On a day-to-day basis, jungle druids get along with mazewalkers and with shamans of the spirit world, known as spiritlords, while the spiritlords and mazewalkers tend to disagree on things sacred rather vehemently and, quite often, violently. Still, while most tribes contain a priest from only one of the three main religions, the average Tabaxi practices a hybrid form of worship combining all three. Throughout the jungles of Chult, priests of all three religions are equally common, but mazewalkers make up a slight majority of priests in Mezro while jungle druids and spiritlords dominate in the more remote regions of the Chultan peninsula. Priests of Ubtao of all varieties eschew formal titles aside from their profession, though affectionate titles of respect are sometimes given them by their clans.
乌塔欧唯一一座真正的神殿被简单地作“乌塔欧的神殿the Temple of Ubtao”或是 生命迷宫the Maze of Lif,支配着麦兹罗城。三种信仰的成员和神职人员都能在那进行崇拜。这座神殿不举行任何有组织的服务,不过,神殿或组织中的个人可能被即兴组织起来,独自申请神殿在某个时间或某天开放供他们使用。
The only true temple of Ubtao is known simply as the Temple of Ubtao or the Maze of Life, and it dominates the city of Mezro. Members of and clergy from all three faiths may worship there. The temple does not hold any organized services, though impromptu ones may be organized among those present at the temple or groups may independently request that a time or day be held open for their use.
乌塔欧教徒Ubtaoans 和 乌塔欧教Ubtaoan 的神职人员对其他信仰非常宽容,只要后者不试图强迫身边的乌塔欧教徒皈依,便允许他们在楚尔特甚至是圣城麦兹罗和平学习。由于泛费伦神系和 穆尔霍兰德神系Mulhorandi pantheons 与乌塔欧之前的协议,试图在楚尔特建立超过临时神龛程度的其祂神系的神职人员,将被他们的神祇劝阻(首先是通过幻景,然后是通过更严厉的手段,譬如停止授予法术和特殊力量)。
Ubtaoans and Ubtaoan clergy are very tolerant of other faiths, allowing them to be practiced in peace in Chult and even in the holy city of Mezro, as long as their practitioners do not attempt to forcibly convert fellow Ubtaoans. Due to the agreement between the Faerûnian and Mulhorandi pantheons and Ubtao, clergy of other pantheons who attempt to establish more than temporary shrines in Chult will be discouraged from doing so by their deities (at first through visions and then through more heavy-handed methods, such as the cessation of spell granting and special powers).
The Tabaxi believe that Ubtao created the jungle as a sort of test for his people, a maze for them to pass through on their way to a heavenly afterlife. They also believe that each life can be represented as a maze. When worshipers of Ubtao die, they are called before their maker and told to draw the mazes that represent their own lives. If they are successful in doing this, they are invited into Ubtao's home. If they fail, they come back to the world as a ghost or ghoul to wander the night. As children, these Tabaxi learn the rudiments of their personal maze, and it is up to their teachers or elders to help them add to the maze as they grow older. All Tabaxi who worship Ubtao practice drawing their maze constantly, often doodling the pattern idly in the dirt during conversations, when they are deep in thought, or when they are preoccupied with worry or planning.
Mazewalkers, as true priests of Ubtao, also look upon the world as a maze through which people must pass in order to reach an eternal reward. They are passionate in their devotion to helping others overcome the trials of mundane existence, but can sometimes place more reliance upon hope than action.
虽然乌塔欧的崇拜者将其视为这个世界的唯一神祇,但许多塔博克西部族人认为数以百计的精魂和元素力量也在控制着他们的世界。这些精魂崇拜者可能承认是乌塔欧创造了这片丛林,但他们坚信身边还有许多超自然的存在在控制着现实的日常运作,因而值得去绥靖和崇拜。而实际上,丛林的精魂全是乌塔欧的面相,所以尽管那些人选择崇敬这些精魂而非乌塔欧,但结果还是在崇拜这位 麦兹罗的建立者Founder of Mezro。
While worshipers of Ubtao see only one deity in the world, many Tabaxi recognize hundreds of spirits and elemental powers that control their world. These spirit-worshipers may agree that Ubtao created the jungle, but they firmly believe that the many supernatural beings around them control the day-to-day operation of reality and thus merit appeasement and worship. In fact, the spirits of the jungle are all aspects of Ubtao, so those who choose to venerate the spirits instead of Ubtao are worshiping the Founder of Mezro nonetheless.
Just as there are Tabaxi who see the hand of Ubtao or the workings of the spirit world in everything they experience, there are priests who worship the jungle itself. These jungle druids serve a special place in Tabaxi life, siding with neither the spiritlords nor the Ubtao-worshipers in the debate over the nature of the world. However, like the spirit worshipers, those Tabaxi who worship the jungle are simply venerating Ubtao's self-vested creation and hence the Creator of Chult.
在楚尔特,恐龙通常被称为乌塔欧的孩子。(同样值得注意的是,在楚尔特恐龙是温血动物。)不同于人类,这些怪物般的蜥蜴一旦被放置在丛林中,就会不会再向它们的造物神要求任何东西,所以一些信徒认为它们是受到了乌塔欧眷顾的造物。正因如此,它们被视为命运的代言人。如果某个猎人杀死了许多恐龙,那么这个氏族,将认为他或她的成功仅仅是他或她在乌塔欧心中地位的体现。如果某个女人或男人被恐龙或 无齿翼龙pteranodon 杀死,这就是因为她或他做了某些事情打乱了自然的秩序。换句话说,受害者只是得到了他们应得的报应。
In Chult, dinosaurs are often referred to as the Children of Ubtao. (It should also be noted that Chultan dinosaurs are warm-blooded.) The monstrous lizards, unlike humans, demanded nothing of the creator god once they were placed in the jungle, so some of the faithful consider them the favored creation of Ubtao. As such, they are seen as agents of fate. If a hunter kills many dinosaurs, the clan, understands his or her success to be merely a reflection of his or her place in Ubtao's heart. If a woman or man is kilted by an allosaurus or pteradon, it is because she or he did something to upset the natural order. In other words, the victims only got what they deserved.
日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:
Mazewalkers see to the general spiritual welfare of the clan, while trying to prepare the Tabaxi for their trek through the maze of life. They teach children and adults the history and lore of the Tabaxi peoples, provide council about important life decisions, such as marriage, and attempt to mediate interclan and intraclan disputes, and help teach and uphold the law of Mezro, where they are predominant. (Mezroan law, with rare exceptions, mirrors the codes found in other lands ruled by lawful good peoples.)
Spiritlords seek to smooth their clan's passage through the spiritinfested world. They live to insure the clan does not offend an ancient ancestor or elemental power by missing a ritual or a sacrifice. They can also coax favors and knowledge from the capricious and jealous spirits.
Jungle druids attempt to get the scattered clans to learn how best to fit into the web of jungle life. They are often cast in the role of clan healer, and also accumulate and pass on knowledge about animals, animal behavior (including that of dinosaurs), and plants to the Tabaxi. Jungle druids are often the trainers of the few domestic animals that the Tabaxi keep. It is not unusual for clans to have a jungle druid or two in their ranks, even if they officially venerate either Ubtao or the spirits.
圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
Most Tabaxi consider themselves religious, though they show it in ways that astound travelers from other parts of the Realms. There are seemingly scores of Tabaxi sacred ceremonies and holy days, many of them particular to ancestors that have passed on, the time of year, the location the Tabaxi are going to hunt at, move to, or pass through next, or necessary before performing certain activities, such as hunting a certain animal or burying the dead. Yet when their small, moveable stone altars are not being used for these ceremonies, the Tabaxi treat them as if they were just another rock.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
生命迷宫,它是楚尔特最显赫的乌塔欧神殿,它是麦兹罗城的心脏。自乌塔欧近4000年前创建以来,这座神殿已经受住了来自 巴提瑞族the Batiri(地精)、恐龙、以及更糟糕的攻击。这座神殿坐落在一片由鹅卵石铺就的宽阔圆形广场的中央。九层之高的神殿里有飞扶壁、成行的彩玻璃窗、以及一面闪耀的纯金圆顶。而且,它看上去只有一面墙;从神殿的任何角度看,所见景色都完全一致。这座神殿的墙壁由联锁的三角形水晶建构。任何直视水晶体者,都必须通过成功的对抗法术豁免检定,否则将被 迷魂tranced。在这位受惑者眼前,将会出现其生命中最渴望的诱惑,直到他的身体被迫从远离水晶体。
The Maze of Life, the preeminent temple of Ubtao in Chult, is the heart of Mezro. Created by Ubtao almost 4,000 years ago, the temple has withstood assaults by the Batiri (goblins), dinosaurs, and worse. The temple stands at the center of a broad circular plaza paved with cobblestones. Nine stories tall, the temple boasts flying buttresses, rows of stained glass windows, and a glittering dome of pure gold. It also appears to have but a single wall; from whatever angle the temple is seen, the view is exactly the same. The temple walls are built of interlocking triangles of crystal. Anyone looking directly into the crystals must save vs. spell or become entranced. Visions of what the ensorcelled person wants most in life will appear seductively before his eyes until he is physically forced to look away from the crystals.
只有一扇通向神殿内的门,进入后是一道长长的走廊,两旁是支柱和雕像。这便是 冠军大厅the Hall of Champions,在那里,乌塔欧过去的巴瑞以富有光泽的黑曜石雕像形式永垂不朽。(见后 从属组织Affiliated Orders 章节中关于巴瑞的信息。)一道黑色的拱门矗立在大厅的尽头。这道门通向这座宏伟神殿的每间房间。只需在通过拱门时想着那个地方,就能前往期望的特定位置。而没有特定目的地无意识地通过拱门者,将在这座神殿的随机地点出现。(更多关于这座神殿的信息见 FRM1《楚尔特丛林The Jungles of Chult》 的冒险/附加adventure/accessory。)
Only one door leads into the temple, past which lies a long hallway, lined with pillars and statues on both sides. This is the Hall of Champions, where the past barae of Ubtao are immortalized in glossy black stone. (See below under Affiliated Orders for information on the barae.) A darkened archway stands at the far end of the hall. This portal opens on to every room in the huge temple. To reach a specific location, people need only think of that location as they pass under the arch. Those who blunder through the arch without a specific destination in mind appear in a random location in the temple. (See FRM1 The Jungles of Chult adventure/accessory for more information on the temple.)
All citizens and travelers in Mezro are welcome in the temple of Ubtao all hours of the day or night. Healing magic can be obtained there for a donation to the church; anyone acting in Ubtao's name or on any errand for the city is healed free of charge. Transients attempting to sleep in the temple will be removed, kindly but firmly, by a city patrol. Due to the divine origin of the temple, scrying magic does not reveal the location of objects or people once they enter.
从属组织Affiliated Orders:
麦兹罗的巴瑞The barae of Mezro 由7位男性或女性组成,他们是乌塔欧的强大勇士、由他们的神祇选中守卫圣城麦兹罗。他们永远活着;他们的智慧和信仰保护他们免受年老和疾病。然而,他们能被谋杀或者说在战场上失去生命。为换取永恒的生命,他们必须在任何危险前保护麦兹罗城。
The barae of Mezro are seven men and women, mighty champions of Ubtao, chosen by their god to defend the holy city of Mezro. They live forever; their wisdom and faith shield them from old age and sickness. However, they can be murdered or lose their lives on the battlefield. In return for everlasting life, they must protect Mezro from all harm.
若某位巴瑞遇害,乌塔欧将选择另一位取代他或她。那是凡人唯一能进入 巴瑞度the barado(这座宏伟的乌塔欧神殿的一处特殊地点)的时间。巴瑞的测试看似简单而实非,其中心围绕着塔博克西部族 “每个生命都能以迷宫表述”的信念。如果这位恳求者正确地完成了自己生命的迷宫,乌塔欧将授予这位新任巴瑞难以置信的力量,来用于服务麦兹罗城。(每位巴瑞的独特特殊力量记述于 楚尔特的丛林The Jungles of Chult.。)如果恳求者失败,她或他将被送往来世。成为了巴瑞的这位女人或男人宣誓将为乌塔欧测试的本质保密。
If a bara is killed, another is selected by Ubtao to replace him or her. That is the only time a mortal may enter the barado, a special location in the great Temple of Ubtao. The bara test is deceptively simple and centers around the Tabaxi belief that each individuals life can be represented as a maze. If the supplicant correctly completes the maze of his or her life, Ubtao grants the new bara a fantastic power to be used in service to Mezro. (The individual special powers of each bara are described in The Jungles of Chult.) If the supplicant fails, she or he is carried off into the afterlife. The women and men who become bara are sworn to secrecy about the nature of Ubtao's test.
巴瑞的力量往往超越了凡人可以觊觎的,并且(直到他们遇害)他们的寿命将延续数千年。在那些散落的塔博克西部族乡下氏族中,有许多将强大的乌塔欧的仲裁者(类似于 异度风景Planescape® 战役设定集中某些信仰派驻的圣徒或神力所派驻的代理人)。有许多氏族其源流,可以追溯到乌塔欧选中保护神圣的麦兹罗城的初代七位圣武士中的一位或多位。
The powers of the barae often dwarf those obtainable by mortals, and (until they are slain) their lives can span thousands of years. Many of the scattered clans of rural Tabaxi worship the barae as intercessors with mighty Ubtao (similar in station to the saints of some faiths or to the proxies of the powers in the Planescape® campaign setting). Many clans can trace their roots back to one or more of the seven paladins first chosen by Ubtao to protect holy Mezro.
The barae live for the defense of Mezro. If the city were utterly destroyed, they would crumble to dust. While the city thrives, they are graced with a number of special abilities. In addition to their unique, fantastic powers and any powers that derive from any character classes to which they belong, the barae have the following special abilities:
❖ Barae gain a +3 bonus to all saving throws. This becomes a +4 bonus while they are within the city of Mezro.
❖随意使用,巴瑞能 侦测邪恶detect evil,半径100呎。
❖ Barae can detect evil at will in a 100-foot radius.
❖每回合,巴瑞 再生regenerate 2点生命值。
❖ Barae regenerate 2 hit points per turn.
❖每日2次,巴瑞能施展 命令术command(如同1级祭司法术)。
❖ Barae can cast command (as the 1st-level priest spell) twice per day.
❖每日1次,当他们身在乌塔欧神殿时,巴瑞能(如15级所使用地)施展如下法术:治疗盲聋cure blindness or deafnesst、治疗疾病cure disease、治疗致命伤cure critical wounds、真知术true seeing、禁制术forbiddance、以及 复原术restoration。
❖ Barae can cast any of the following once per day while they are inside the Temple of Ubtao (at 15th level of use): cure blindness or deafnesst, cure disease, cure critical wounds, true seeing, forbiddance, and restoration.
祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
迷宫漫游者偏爱宽松的 托贝斯tobes(读作TOE-bays),后者在当地的湿度条件下相对舒适。在崇拜仪式期间,他们以眼部周围的复杂油画和以木头雕刻、油画着复杂迷宫的徽记装饰自己。即便整个部落的其他人都亲睐托贝斯,但精魂之主穿的仍是简单的缠腰布,有时着以带毛的动物长尾制作的装饰性套裙。他们以动物项链和恐龙偶像装扮自己,并携带着以铁木雕刻的复杂面具,后者在他们的仪式中扮演着着核心角色。丛林德鲁伊穿着氏族常穿的服饰,但往往会用动物或恐龙的徽记或图画装饰服装。迷宫漫游者和丛林德鲁伊通常携带着迷宫图画作为圣徽,其用金、银制造,或是(更特殊地)用准宝石、象牙或骨头雕刻而成。精魂之主的面具就起着圣徽的作用。
Mazewalkers favor loose-fitting tobes (TOE-bays) that are comfortable in the ever-present humidity. During worship ceremonies they adorn themselves with intricate designs painted around the eyes and tabards carved from wood and painted with intricate mazes. Spiritlords wear simple loincloths, even if the rest of the tribe favors tobes, and sometime wear decorative overskirts made of long, furred animal tails. They adorn themselves with necklaces of animal and dinosaur fetishes and carry intricate masks carved from ironwood, which play a central role in their rituals. Jungle druids wear the garb common to their clans, but often decorate their garb with symbols or pictures of animals and dinosaurs. Mazewalkers and jungle druids usually wear a small depiction of a maze made of gold, silver, or (more typically) carved semiprecious stone, ivory, or bone as a holy symbol. Spiritlords's masks function as their holy symbols.
冒险装束Adventuring Garb:
迷宫漫游者、丛林德鲁伊以及精魂之主都使用楚尔特的塔博克西部族常用的各种武器、防具以及盾牌。塔博克西部族最常用的武器是一种名为 亚柯瓦矛yklwa 的矛,以及一种名为 柯瑞棒kerrie 的棒子。亚柯瓦矛是一种大约4呎长的短刺矛,类剑刃大约18吋长(重量4,尺寸中型M,类型 穿刺P,速率 5,伤害 1d8/1d10,射速ROF 1,范围 1/2/3)。柯瑞棒是有着长直柄、一头像是一只稍扁的球的硬木 (通常是铁木)棒(重量 4,尺寸 中型M,类型 钝击B,速率 6,伤害 2d3/ld4+l,射速ROF 1,范围 1/2/3)。其瘤钮能被分成小面,其尺寸能从拳头变得更大。柯瑞棒能以惊人的准度抛出。其他常用的武器包括短柄斧、匕首、短剑、弯刀、长弓、以及狩矛。
Mazewalkers, jungle druids, and spiritlords employ varieties of weapons, armor, and shields common to the Tabaxi of Chult. The most common weapons employed by Tabaxi priests are a type of spear known as the yklwa and a type of club known as the kerrie. The yklwa is a short stabbing spear about 4 feet in length with a swordlike blade about 18 inches long (Weight 4, Size M, Type P, Speed Factor 5, Damage 1d8/ldl0, ROF 1, Range 1/2/3). The kerrie is a hardwood (typically ironwood) club with a long straight haft and a head that resembles a slightly flattened ball (Weight 4, Size M, Type B, Speed Factor 6, Damage 2d3/ld4+l, ROF 1, Range 1/2/3). The knob may be faceted, and it can vary in size from that of a fist to much larger. The kerrie can be thrown with surprising accuracy. Other weapons commonly employed include short-handled hand axes, daggers, short swords, scimitars, long bows, and hunting spears.
高阶的祭司穿着恐龙皮的胸甲和头盔,这为其提供了有效AC 7,但总的来说,最常见的防具类型是 哈兰盾hlang,那是一种椭圆形盾牌,2呎宽、4-6呎高。为了制造它,需要将一副恐龙或其他动物的皮挂在支架上。这张皮可以拆下来、卷起来,来用作营地中的椅子,并把支架折叠以来以便于安放。塔博克西部族非常精通使用盾牌,而乌塔欧的祭司能以一个武器熟练槽为代价获得盾牌熟练。4呎长的哈兰盾计为一面中型盾牌;更大的哈兰盾计为塔盾。盾牌熟练等同于记述于《玩家指南Player's Option: 战斗与策略Combat & Tactics》中的,并重复如下。这取代了《楚尔特丛林Jungles of Chult》中的描述:
High-ranking priests wear breastplates and helmets of dinosaur hide that provide an effective AC 7, but in general, the most common form of armor is the hlang—an oval-shaped shield 2 feet wide and 4 to 6 feettall. To make it, the hide of either a dinosaur or other animal is hung upon a frame of sticks. The hide can be detached and rolled up for use as a chair in camp, and the frame folded for easy storage. The Tabaxi are very proficient in the use of the shield, and the shield proficiency is available to priests of Ubtao at a cost of one weapon proficiency slot. A 4-foot-long hlang counts as a medium shield; larger hlangs count as body shields. Shield proficiency is identical to the shield nonweapon proficiency detailed in Player's Option:Combat & Tactics and repeated below. This supersedes the description found in the Jungles of Chult:
盾牌熟练Shield Proficiency: 以该熟练,角色能变得更擅长使用他们的盾牌。盾牌授予的额外保护随着角色变得熟练的盾牌的具体类型而变化。正常的盾牌只能用来对付角色正面或是持盾的那一侧面的敌人。下表中的攻击者次数,是该角色在一轮中,能使用此盾牌奖励的最大次数。
Shield Proficiency: By means of this proficiency, characters become more skilled in the use of their shield. The extra protection conferred by a shield varies by the exact type the character becomes proficient in. Normally shields can only be used against enemies in the characters front spaces or in the flank spaces on the character's shield side. The number of attackers in the table below is the maximum number of times the shield bonus can be used in a single round by the character.
盾牌类型 正常AC奖励 熟练AC奖励 攻击者次数
Shield Type Normal AC Bonus Proficient AC Bonus Number of Attackers
小圆盾Buckler +1 +1 1
小型盾Small +1 +2 2
中型盾Medium +1 +2 2
躯体Body +1/+2 vs.missiles +3/+4vs.missiles 4
专属祭司Specialty Priests(丛林德鲁伊Jungle Druids)
属性需求Requirements:感知Wisdom 12,魅力Charisma 15
关键属性Prime Req.:感知Wisdom,魅力Charisma
防具Armor:衬甲Padded,皮甲leather,或毛皮甲(尤其是恐龙皮)和木制或皮制(尤其是恐龙皮dinosaur hide)非金属盾牌
主修领域Major Spheres:共通All,动物animal,元素elemental,治疗healing,植物plant,旅者travelers,气象weather
次要领域Minor Spheres:魅惑Charm,战斗combat,预言divination,保护protection
魔法物品Magical Items:如同德鲁伊
熟练需求Req. Profs:动物知识Animal lore,恐龙知识dinosaur lore,草药学herbalism
熟练奖励Bonus Profs:治疗Healing,生存(丛林) survival (jungle),现代语言(任选1:翼手鸟人语,阿拉丁语,狂蛙人语,矮人语,地精语,蜥蜴人语(以及它的方言,翼龙语),洛卡鱼人语,泥居者语,鲨华鱼人语,穴蜥人语,泰博克西语,蛇人语) modern languages (pick one from:aarakocra, aldani, bullywug, dwarf, goblin, lizard man (and its dialect, ptera-man), locathah, muckdweller, sahuagin, troglodyte, Tabaxi, yuan-ti)
除了上面和下文所述的更改外,丛林德鲁伊的能力与限制在《玩家手册Player's Handbook》总结。
The abilities and restrictions of jungle druids, aside from the changes noted above and below, are summarized in the Player's Handbook.
❖在第1级,丛林德鲁伊必须选择恐龙知识非武器熟练。它令该角色通过观察:了解恐龙有多危险;它是否处于饥饿、是否在保护它的雏龙、或是在保卫附近的巢穴;附近的水坑、掠食者、猎物、或是迫近的危险的位置;模仿在其音域范围内的恐龙叫声;并且获得了设置陷阱和圈套狩猎恐龙的增益(奖励)。恐龙知识的运作类似于动物知识非武器熟练;仅仅是在《玩家手册Player's Handbook》的描述中将“动物”替换成了“恐龙”。当在检定他们的恐龙知识这一知识时,丛林德鲁伊进行有着+3奖励的智力属性检定。
❖ Jungle druids must take the dinosaur lore nonweapon proficiency at 1st level. It allows the character, through dinosaur observation, to know how dangerous the dinosaur is; whether it is hungry, protecting its young, or defending a nearby den; the location of a nearby watering hole, predator, prey, or impending danger; to imitate the calls of dinosaurs within his or her volume range; and to gain an advantage (a bonus) in setting snares and traps for hunting dinosaurs. Dinosaur lore works similar to the animal lore nonweapon proficiency; merely substitute “dinosaur” for “animal” in the Player's Handbook description. When checking their dinosaur lore knowledge, jungle druids make an Intelligence ability check with a +3 bonus.
❖ Jungle druids may pass through overgrown areas, such as thick jungle, without leaving a trail and at full movement rate from 1st level.
❖ Jungle druids learn the languages of tropical forest and swamp creatures (from the list given above), gaining one extra nonweapon proficiency slot for this purpose every three levels (at 3rd,6th, etc.).
❖ At 7th level, jungle druids can shapechange into a normal (not giant) reptile or a small Chultan dinosaur, a bird, or a mammal up to three times per day. Each animal form (reptile or dinosaur, bird, or mammal) can be used only once per day. Jungle druids can choose from only those animals that make their normal habitat within the Jungles of Chult. In other ways, jungle druids obey the same restrictions on their shapechanging abilities that standard druids do.
专属祭司Specialty Priests(迷宫漫游者Mazewalkers)
属性需求Requirements:智力Intelligence 13,感知Wisdom 12
关键属性Prime Req.:智力Intelligence,感知Wisdom
主修领域Major Spheres:共通All,动物animal,魅惑charm,战斗combat,预言divination,治疗healing,植物plant,保护protection,思想thought
次要领域Minor Spheres:魅惑Creation,元素elemental,守卫guardian,死灵necromantic,太阳sun,时间time,气象weather
魔法物品Magical Items:如同牧师
熟练需求Req. Profs:古代历史(楚尔特) Ancient history (Chult),方向感direction sense,现代语言(塔博克西语) modem languages (Tabaxi)
熟练奖励Bonus Profs:生存(楚尔特) Survival (jungle),唱歌singing,阅读/书写(古通用语) reading/writing (Thorass)
❖ Mazewalkers are all human and all Tabaxi. Though no preclusions exist against other races becoming mazewalkers, those races not common in Chult would never be accepted into the faith without literal divine intervention.
❖ Because the walking dead are especially loathsome to Ubtao, mazewalkers turn undead as if they were clerics three levels higher than their actual level.
❖ Mazewalkers can never get lost while inside the borders of Chult.
❖ Mazewalkers may select nonweapon proficiencies from the general, priest, wizard, fighter, or rogue groups with no crossover penalty. Mazewalkers also receive two bonus nonweapon proficiency slots at 1st level and double the normal number of additional nonweapon proficiency slots at the levels when they would normal receive additional slots. They are expected to pursue many languages and diverse skills, as is appropriate to clergy members who must guide many people on their own paths and understand the beauty of diversity.
❖每日1次,迷宫漫步者能施展 分析平衡analyze balance(如同1级祭司法术)。
❖ Mazewalkers can cast analyze balance (as the 1st-level priest spell) once per day.
❖迷宫漫步者免疫8级法师法术 迷宫术maze 的效果。
❖ Mazewalkers are immune to the effects of the 8th-level wizard spell maze.
❖在第3级,迷宫漫步者变得免疫8级法术 困惑术confusion、8级法师法术 迷宫术、以及其它可能使得某人漫无目的地漫游或是失去方向的类似魔咒和效果。
❖ At 3rd level, mazewalkers become immune to the 4th-level wizard spell confusion, the 8th-level wizard spell maze, and other similar incantations and effects that may cause one to wander aimlessly or lose one's way.
❖在第4级,每日1次,迷宫漫步者能施展 读取思想mind read(如同2级祭司法术)。
❖ At 4th level, mazewalkers can cast mind read (as the 2nd-level priest spell) once per day.
❖在第5级,每日1次,迷宫漫步者能施展 读取记忆memory read(如同3级祭司法术)或 附加术addition(如同4级祭司法术)。
❖ At 5th level, mazewalkers can cast memory read (as the 3rd-level priest spell) or addition (as the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.
❖在第7级,每日1次,迷宫漫步者能施展 天赋术genius 或 火焰净化fire purge(如同4级祭司法术)。
{{sp|sp = ❖ At 7th level, mazewalkers can cast genius or fire purge (as the 4th-level priest spells) once per day.
❖在第10级,每日1次,迷宫漫步者能施展 寻找捷径find the path(如同6级祭司法术)或 唤来恐龙find the path。
❖ At 10th level, mazewalkers can cast find the path (as the 6th-level priest spell) or call dinosaur once per day.
❖在第15级,每日1次,迷宫漫步者能施展 心灵追踪mind tracker(如同7级祭司法术)。
❖ At 15th level, mazewalkers can cast mind tracker (as the 7th-level priest spell) once per day.
专属祭司Specialty Priests(塔博克西萨满Tabaxi Shamans)
属性需求Requirements:体质Constitution 12,感知Wisdom 12,魅惑Charisma 12
关键属性Prime Req.:感知Wisdom,魅惑Charisma
阵营Alignment:LG, LN, LE
防具Armor:毛皮甲Hide armor(恐龙皮dinosaur hide)和 哈兰盾hlang
主修领域Major Spheres:共通All,动物animal,元素elemental,治疗healing,植物plant,保护protection,召唤summoning,太阳sun,气象weather
次要领域Minor Spheres:战斗Combat,预言divination,死灵necromantic,旅者travelers,结界wards
魔法物品Magical Items:如同牧师
熟练需求Req. Profs:草药学Herbalism,本地历史local history
熟练奖励Bonus Profs:艺术才能(木雕) Artistic ability (woodcarving),生存(丛林) survival (jungle)
除了上面和本节稍后所述的更改外,乌塔欧的萨满(俗称为精魂之主)的能力与限制在《玩家指南Player Option:法术或魔法Spells & Magic》和《信仰与化身Faiths & Avatars》中总结。
The abilities and restrictions of shamans of Ubtao, commonly known as spiritlords, aside from the changes noted above and later in this section, are summarized in the discussion of the shaman character class in Player Option: Spells & Magic and in Faiths & Avatars.
❖ Spiritlords are all human and all Tabaxi. Though no preclusions exist against other races becoming spiritlords, those races not common in Chult would never be accepted into the faith without literal divine intervention.
❖ Spiritlords communicate with their first spirit ally or guide in a slightly different form than most shamans. Upon becoming a spiritlord, these shamans carve themselves a special mask to represent their contact with the spirit world. This mask becomes the home of the first minor spirit the spiritlord calls, which must be a spirit of the dead or an animal spirit. Thereafter, the shaman does not need to perform the normal summoning ceremony with the spirit of the mask as that spirit is always present. (It is still necessary to perform summoning ceremonies with other spirits the spiritlord has established contact with, but the chance for calling other spirits is not impacted by whether or not the spirit of the mask has assisted the spiritlord on any particular day.)
Upon first summoning a spirit of the mask, spiritlords choose one 1st-level priest spell (from the spheres they have access to) that their mask spirits can cast once per day. The spirit of the mask cannot cast the spells normally available to a minor spirit of its type, but it does gain additional spells that it can cast once per day, selected by the spiritlord. At 4th level, spiritlords can select an additional priest spell from the spheres available to them of 2nd level or less for their mask spirit to cast once per day. Every three additional levels (in other words, at 7th,10th, etc.), spiritlords can select an additional priest spell from the spheres available to them of 3rd level or less for their mask spirit to cast once per day.
Each mask spirit is considered to have an Intelligence of 13,10 hit points plus 1 hit point per level of the spiritlord, an AC of 4 (for purposes of called shots only), and a bond with its spiritlord similar to that between a familiar and a wizard. If the mask is separated from the spiritlord for 10 days or is destroyed, the link between the mask and the spirit is permanently broken, and the spiritlord suffers two severe penalties:an immediate loss of 10 hit points that cannot be recovered through healing and the loss of the ability to cast one spell of the corresponding level for each spell the mask spirit was empowered to cast. Thereafter the spirit of the mask may be called as any other spirit (and cast the spells normally allowed to such minor spirits), but has no special link with the spiritlord.
精魂之主可以尝试雕刻一副新面具,并重建与其初始精魂盟友的联系。这样的仪式要求在雕刻新面具和重新召唤精魂的旬日禁食、祈祷、以及独处。然而,这样的仪式并非没有风险。除非消耗了一道措辞谨慎的 祈愿术wish,否则每场有10%累计可能性,这样的仪式要重建的联系将永远失去。此外,精魂之主必须成功通过身体休克骰,否则将死亡。若身体休克骰成功,而DM认定所有必要的仪式和行动都已完成。若中断的联系被成功重连,所有由于面具被毁灭或遗失而导致的惩罚将被移除。在连接重建时精魂之主不能改变面具精魂可施展的法术,或是反而从面具的毁灭中受益。
A spiritlord may attempt to carve a new mask and reforge the link with his or her original spirit ally. Such a ceremony requires a tenday of fasting, prayer, and solitude while the new mask is carved and spirit resummoned. Such ceremonies are not without risks, however. There is a 10% cumulative chance per ceremony of reforging that the link is forever lost unless a carefully-word wish is expended. In addition, the spiritlord must pass a system shock survival roll or die in the attempt. If the system shock survival roll is successful and the DM deems that all necessary ceremonies and actions have been performed, the link is reforged. If the broken link is successfully reforged, all the penalties resulting from the destruction or loss of the first mask are extirpated. A spiritlord cannot change the spells castable by the spirit of the mask upon reforging of the link or otherwise benefit from the mask's destruction.
❖ While their masks are within 30 feet of them, spiritlords receive a +1 bonus to all surprise rolls due to the extrasensory perceptions of the minor spirit to which they are linked.
❖因为他们的仪式经常涉及饮用自然酿造物或是食用从氏族领地上收集来的植物的危险部分,所以精魂之主每年有15%的可能性(非累计)失去1点体质。这样的损失是永久的,不过他们能通过魔法手段(例如 祈愿术)或增加体质的魔法物品来恢复。因此,许多精魂之主在年纪到了前就已变得衰弱。
❖ Because their rituals often involve drinking natural brews or eating dangerous parts of plants gathered from the clan's territory, spiritlords have a 15% chance per year (noncumulative) of losing one point of Constitution. Such losses are permanent, though they can be reversed by magical means such as a wish or a magical item that increases Constitution. As a result, many spiritlords grow infirm well before their time.
乌塔欧教法术Uhtaoan Spells
1 st Level
精魂面具Spirit Mask
(祭司Pr 1;变化Alteration)
持续时间Duration:1 轮/级
施法时间Casting Time:4
影响区域Area of Effect:施法者
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
这道法术只有名为精魂之主的乌塔欧萨满可用。通过这道魔咒,精魂之主可以将自己的本质包裹在次等或优等精魂中。在 精魂面具 法术效果影响下时,许多预言法术将影响包裹的精魂,而非精魂之主。举例来说,施展在被 精魂面具 保护的祭司身上的法术(譬如 知晓阵营know alignment 和 超感ESP)将改而侦测关于这只包裹着 精魂面具 施法者的精魂、而非施法者本身的信息。这种误导对于预言魔法的施法者来说并不明显。像 侦测魔法detect magic、侦测隐形detect invisibility 这样的魔法不受 精魂面具 法术的影响。
This spell is available only to shamans of Ubtao, known as spiritlords. By means of this incantation, a spiritlord can wrap his or her own essence in that of a minor or major spirit. While under the effects of a spirit mask spell, many divination spells are diverted to affect the enveloping spirit, not the spiritlord. For example, spells cast on a priest protected by a spirit mask spell such as know alignment and ESP are redirected to detect information about the spirit in which the spellcaster is enshrouded, not the caster. This misdirection effect is not readily apparent to the caster of the divination magic. Spells such as detect magic, detect invisibility, and similar magics are unaffected by a spirit mask spell.
The material component of this spell is the spiritlord's spirit mask (his or her holy symbol).
2nd Level
自由意志Free Will
(祭司Pr 2;附魔/魅惑Enchantment/Charm)
施法时间Casting Time:5
影响区域Area of Effect:1 只生物
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
This spell breaks all enchantments, charms, or psionic effects affecting the will or the mind of the target of the incantation. By means of this spell, the spellcaster immediately ends the effect of all spells such as beguiling, charm, command, confusion, enthrall, fear, hypnosis, suggestion, etc.
若有任何这样影响生物自由意志的法术,被施展到了已祈祷并接受了 自由意志 法术、但还未施展的祭司身上,假若这位祭司在本轮期间还未采取任何行动,他有权立即施展 自由意志 法术。(影响心灵魔法不能用来阻止在条件允许的情况下,施展 自由意志 法术。)必须在进行任何豁免检定投骰或魔抗检定前决定是否施展 自由意志 法术。以这种方式施展 自由意志 法术,计入该祭司在当前轮的行动。
{{sp|sp = If any such spells affecting a being's free will are cast on a priest who has prayed for and received but has not yet cast a free will spell, the priest has the option of immediately casting the free will spell, assuming she or he has not yet performed any action during the current round. (The mind-affecting magic cannot be structured so as to prevent the casting of a free will spell if conditions permit.) The decision whether or not to cast the free will spell must be made before any saving throws are rolled or magic resistance is checked. Casting a free will spell in this fashion counts as the priest's action for the current round.
5 th Level
唤来恐龙Call Dinosaurs
(祭司Pr 5;咒法/召唤Conjuration/Summoning)
施法时间Casting Time:1 轮
影响区域Area of Effect:1 英里半径
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
Through this spell, the divine aid of Ubtao is invoked and manifested through the actions of dinosaurs of Chult (the Children of Ubtao). When this spell is cast, a dinosaur or small group of dinosaurs is compelled to come to the caster at top speed and act in a way to help him or her. This spell summons a single gigantic or huge sized dinosaur or an individual or small group of smaller dinosaurs, at the DM's discretion. The dinosaur (or dinosaurs) is not under the direct control of the caster, but it does do what the caster verbally or physically indicates would help him or her, provided it is following the will of Ubtao. The priest cannot specify the type of dinosaurs who will come to his or her aid—that is left to the will of Ubtao (the DM decides).
This spell serves as a sort of minor divine aid to the casting priest. For instance, if a fighter in the priest's care fell into a swamp or river and was drowning, this spell might summon a large water-dwelling dinosaur to pull, carry, or lift the fighter out of the water. If the priest were tied up, it might summon a small group of rat-sized dinosaurs to chew through the bonds. If a group of ivory hunters had camped within Chult and killed a number of dinosaurs for their teeth (something patently against the will of Ubtao), it might summon a gigantic carnivorous dinosaur to wreck the hunters' camp and savage them—or it might summon a group of tiny dinosaurs to eat all their supplies and carry off their goods, forcing them to leave Chult and return to their homeland.
Dinosaurs summoned by this spell do, not attack their summoners. When the single, immediate task for which they were summoned is completed, the dinosaurs retreat back into the jungle and resume their normal animal behaviors. Note that summoning dinosaurs to aid in protracted, vague, or abstract plans, such as “to drive all foreigners from Chult” or “to kill all evil men in this village” does not work. The dinosaur or dinosaurs arrive, but then become agitated and leave after no direct, immediate actions are put forth.
Any priest of Ubtao who abuses this spell by summoning dinosaurs in order to facilitate a hunt invariably suffers a gruesome, painful death in the jaws of a dinosaur for violating the divine intent of the spell.
The material component for this spell is the priest's holy symbol.
4e<HoTEH.p032>已知荒神候选名单Roster of Known Primordials(选摘)
已知荒神候选名单Roster of Known Primordials
无人确切知晓究竟有多少荒神存在。有数以百计的荒神在宇宙之初诞生,其中许多早早祂们的名讳与事迹被凡人的传说记录下来前,就已在 黎明战争Dawn War 中被弑杀。即便是最孱弱的 荒神primordials 也具有恐怖的破坏力,足以扫平一切凡人英雄(除去最强大的那些)和王国。
No one knows for certain how many primordials exist. Hundreds were spawned in the beginning of the cosmos, and many were slain in the Dawn War long before any tale of their names or deeds was recorded in the lore of mortals. Even the weakest primordials are monsters of terrible destructive power, capable of crushing all but the mightiest mortal heroes and laying waste to whole kingdoms. The greatest primordials are so strong that even the gods fear them.
此处列出的名单包括许多因祂们在 艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球Abeir-Toril 所处世界的存在而被了解的荒神和一对存在于 阿塔斯星球Athas 的沙漠世界中的荒神夫妇。黎明战争是场多线作战,就像其它许多凡人世界一样,艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球和阿塔斯星球同样饱受众神与荒神战争的苦难。这些艾伯伦的(或阿塔斯的)荒神在故乡世界外的地方是否为人所知值得怀疑;多位荒神之间存在的类似天性与兴趣暗示:(不同于一些神明)这些存在天生地关注或是锚定于多元宇宙的某个特定角落,而不会出现在多个世界里。
The list presented here includes many primordials known primarily from their presence in the world of Abeir-Toril, and a couple found on the desert world of Athas. The Dawn War was a battle with many fronts, and Abeir-Toril and Athas suffered in the war of gods and primordials just as many other mortal worlds did. Whether these Abeiran (or Athasian) primordials are known in worlds beyond their home worlds is questionable; the existence of multiple primordials with similar natures and interests suggests that (unlike some gods) these beings are naturally concentrated or anchored to physical existence in one specific corner of the multiverse, and do not appear in multiple worlds.
许多荒神被归类为 元素亲王archomental——祂们统治着广阔的元素疆域,支配许多低级生物向其效忠。这个团体包括 元素王子elemental princes(详述于早前章节)。有些荒神被凡人尊为神明,被视作某一神系的成员。即便这些存在本质并非神性存在,但祂们向祂们的祭司降下了元素的力量,并被红多凡人崇拜。已被 无底深渊Abyss 彻底转化或消化的荒神不在此列表之中。将像 狄摩高根Demogorgon、奥库斯Orcus 和 巴菲门特Baphomet 这样的存,视作 恶魔领主demon lords 而非荒神更为恰当。
Many primordials are categorized as archomentals—beings that rule vast elemental domains and command the allegiance of many lesser creatures. This group includes the elemental princes, detailed earlier in this section. Some primordials are revered as deities by mortals and are counted as members of pantheons. Even though these entities are not divine in nature, they bestow elemental powers on their priests and are venerated by hosts of mortal followers. Primordials that have been wholly transformed or consumed by the Abyss are not included in this list. Creatures such as Demogorgon, Orcus, and Baphomet are more properly described as demon lords, not primordials.
名讳Name 绰号/头衔Sobriquet/Title 状态Status 备注Notes
丹德尔Dendar 暗夜巨蛇The Night Serpent 被囚禁Imprisoned 艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球的一条上古邪物;宿命将毁灭世界An Elder Evil of Abeir-Toril; fated to destroy the world
乌塔欧Ubtao 骗子The Deceiver 神祇Deity 在艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球看守被囚禁的丹德尔的荒神;被作为楚尔特之神被崇拜A primordial of Abeir-Toril that keeps Dendar imprisoned; worshiped as the god of Chult