伊亞契圖·希維姆Iyachtu Xvim,邪魔國王 | |
基本信息 | |
【音 標】 | Ec-YAK-too ZVIHM |
【舊 譯】 | 亞奇屠·剎姆 |
【頭 銜】 | 班恩神嗣The Godson of Bane,神子the Godson,班恩之子the Son of Bane,新生之暗the New Darkness,殘暴主人the Cruel Master,邪魔國王the Fiend King(統治西門城時期) |
【陣 營】 | LE |
【神 力】 | D→L→Dead(成為班恩復活的容器) |
【神 職】 | 暴政Tyranny,憎恨hatred |
與諸神的關係 | |
【神 系】 | FR泛費倫神系Faerûnian Pantheon |
【主 神】 | 班恩Bane→無 |
【盟 友】 | 班恩Bane→無 |
【敵 對】 | 泛費倫神系Faerûnian Pantheon(尤其是 希瑞克Cyric) |
神國與教會 | |
【神 國】 | 焦炎地獄Gehenna/2th 烈焰山脈Chamada/蠕行之城Bastion of Hare |
【徽 記】 | ¢舊版:一對綠色的眼睛、發光的眼睛從黑暗中窺視a pair or green, glowing eyes peering out of darkness ¢新版:一對明亮、發出綠光的眼睛,覆在豎直的手心上,人形的手完全漆黑(希維姆授予) A pair of bright, glowing green eyes superimposed on the palm of an upright, human-shaped hand of utter blackness (Xvim Empowered) |
【相關 神器】 | 靈魂彎刀Scimitar of Souls,暴君之眼權杖Scepter of the Tyrant's Eye |
【簡 介】 | 伊亞契圖·希維姆Iyachtu Xvim 是班恩之子,曾成為西門城的統治者。在動盪之年前遭其父囚禁於散提爾堡,於希瑞經事件後被釋放。 他與1369 DR通過儀式暫時提升為弱等神,並通過吸收其父信徒和祭司的方式穩固了其弱等神力地位。最終他於1372 DR在睡夢中成為了班恩復活的載體。 |
710 DR 倒塌王座之年Year of the Toppled Throne
—一道通往 無底深淵the Abyss 的傳送門在 西門城Westgate 宮殿上空開啟,大量泰夫林武士隨之侵入。這些泰夫林的領袖,「班恩之子」伊亞契圖·希維姆Iyachtu Xvim the Baneson 奪取了 西門城Westgate 的王座。
— A portal to the Abyss opens above the palace of Westgate [616,734], and a large host of tiefling warriors invades. The leader of the tieflings, Iyachtu Xvim the Baneson [734], seizes the throne of Westgate.
2eFR<RtR.p058>伊亞契圖·希維姆Iyachtu Xvim
伊亞契圖·希維姆Iyachtu Xvim
亦被呼作 神子the Godson 和 班恩之子the Son of Bane 的 伊亞契圖Iyachtu 充當著 班恩Bane 在 諸國度the Realms 中的一件工具、執行著其「父」的意旨。他要麼呈現為一位瘦骨嶙峋、手持一把大彎刀的裸男,要麼是一團雙眼發光的黑雲。伊亞契圖·希維姆貌似是在 動盪之年Time of Troubles 期間宣告獨立的,儘管這發生在其「父」隕落之前還是之後還不清楚。希維姆在 東域the East、尤其是 賽爾Thay 最為強大,但他的教徒分布於費倫各地。他未直接參與動盪之年,並且從那之後就再未與任何神發生聯繫,但如果當前這些准神力中有誰將晉升中等或強大神力的話,那麼你可以下注神子(以及下文提及的 殷紅騎士Red Knight)。
Also called the Godson and the Son of Bane, Iyachtu has served as Bane’s instrument in the Realms, carrying out the will of his 「father.」 He appears either as a gaunt, naked man with a great scimitar or a black cloud with glowing eyes. Iyachtu Xvim apparently declared his independence with the Time of Troubles, though whether this occurred before or after the death of his 「father」 is unknown. He is strongest in the East, particularly in Thay, but his cultists can be found throughout the Realms. He had no direct part in the Time of Troubles, and has had no relationship with the gods since, but if any of the current quasipowers could be considered soon to become an intermediate or greater power, the bets are on the Godson (and the Red Knight, see below).
2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p082>伊亞契圖·希維姆Iyachtu Xvim
伊亞契圖·希維姆Iyachtu Xvim
(班恩神嗣The Godson of Bane,神子the Godson,班恩之子the Son of Bane,新生之暗the New Darkness,殘暴主人the Cruel Master)
焦炎地獄弱等神力Lesser Power of Gehenna,
神域名DOMAIN NAME:烈焰山脈Chamada/蠕行之城Bastion of Hare
主神SUPERIOR:無None(曾是班恩Bane—現已消逝now dead)
盟友ALLIES:無None(曾是班恩Bane—現已消逝now dead)
敵對FOES:整個 泛費倫神系Faerûnian pantheon,尤其是 希瑞克Cyric
徽記SYMBOL:一對明亮、發出綠光的眼睛,覆在豎直的手心上,人形的手完全漆黑(希維姆授予) A pair of bright, glowing green eyes superimposed on the palm of an upright, human-shaped hand of utter blackness (Xvim Empowered)
或(較老的older)一對綠色的眼睛、發光的眼睛從黑暗中窺視a pair or green, glowing eyes peering out of darkness
信徒陣營WOR. ALIGN.:守序中立LN,絕對中立N,混亂中立CN,守序邪惡LE,中立邪惡NE,混亂邪惡CE
據說,伊亞契圖·希維姆Iyachtu Xvim(讀作「Ec-YAK-too ZVIHM」)是 黑色君王the Black Lord,班恩、與某隻高等塔納厘或真塔納厘之間結合的結晶,班恩之血在他的血管中流淌著。(另一個傳言說,他是黑色君王與某位墮落聖武士的結晶。)在 諸神之戰the Godswar 前,希維姆是班恩在 諸國度the Realms 的工具,執行著其父的意志。他隨著 動盪之年Time of Troubles 公開宣告了獨立(不過未知這發生於其父死前還是死後)。在動盪之年期間,希維姆發現自己被詭秘地困進了 費倫大陸Faerûn 的地下(更準確地說,散提爾堡Zhentil Keep之下)深處。這使這位半神力從動盪之年落幕就一直受困,直到散提爾堡毀滅才得以逃出他的泥土監獄,並在 焦炎地獄Gehenna 建立了基地。(傳言報告稱,在希維姆從散提爾堡下逃出前,他在 月影島Moonshaes 被目擊過,不過這應歸因於班恩教派召喚了一隻使用了類似於希維姆的形態的塔納厘或巴特祖,以此巧妙地嘲諷了不能親至的希維姆。)在他露面後不久後,希維姆利用一支篤信的教徒組織將自己的地位提升到弱等神祇,現在,他自恃已是這個位面一位羽翼豐滿的神力。
Iyachtu Xvim (Ec-YAK-too ZVIHM) is said to he the result of a union between the Black Lord, Bane, and a greater or a true tanar'i, and thus the blood of Bane runs through his veins. Another tale says he is the spawn of the Black Lord and a corrupted paladin.) Xvim served as Bane's instrument in the Realms, carrying out the will of his father prior to the Godswar. He apparently declared his independence with the Time of Troubles, though whether this occurred before or after the death or his father is unknown. During the Time or Troubles, Xvim found himself mysteriously confined to the subterranean depths of Faerûn —specifically, under Zhentil Keep. It took the demipower from the end of the Time of Trouhles until the destruction of Zhentil Keep to escape his earthen prison and establish a base in Gehenna. Rumors reporting that Xvim was sighted in the Moonshaes before his escape from beneath Zhentil Keep are attributed to the Cult of Bane there summoning up a tanar'ri or baatezu who took a form resembling that of Xvim in sly mockery of Xvim, since Xvim was unable to come himself.) Shortly after his emergence, Xvim was able to use a group of devout cultists to boost his stature to that of a lesser deity, and he now considers himself a full-fledged power of the planes.
Xvim is evil through and through. He is vain, arrogant, and a bully, just as he has always been. However, after his incarceration he seems smarter, cagier, and cannier than before and has taken a more subtle approach to power than earlier legends give him credit for. With the setbacks that Cyric suffered, Xvim managed to snatch away from Cyric some aspects of the former portfolio of his father, Bane. His plan is eventually to fully subsume his father's portfolio and status among the deities of Faerûn.
希維姆對所有費倫神祇都懷有恨意,無論陣營。他不清楚是誰將他塞進了地下(有條傳聞聲稱是 艾歐Ao。)希維姆為他的不幸遭遇指責整個費倫神系,並密謀採取相應的報復。希維姆將 希瑞經Cyrinishad 事件視為一個契機,一個向班恩從前的信徒展示暴富的凡人希瑞克只是個廢物,而只有班恩或他的血裔才真正值得服從的機會。他想要完全抹去希瑞克,但就目前來說,能見證希瑞克力量減少他已感到滿意。
Xvim has a hatred for all the deities of Faerûn , regardless of alignment. He is unsure of who it was that put him in the earth. (One report claims it was Ao.) Xvim blames the entire Faerûnian pantheon for his misfortunes, and he plots his revenge accordingly. Xvim sees the Cyrinishad incident as an opportunity to show the former worshipers of Bane that the upstart mortal Cyric is incompetent and that only Bane or one of his blood is truly worthy of obedience. He wants to eliminate Cyric completely, but for now he is satisfied with seeing him reduced in power.
除去散提爾堡崛起的希維姆教會,希維姆在 東域the East、尤其是 賽爾Thay 最為強大,但他的教徒分布於費倫各地。當下,希維姆正忙於構建他的神職人員。他在散提爾堡的殘餘事物中集中心力。如同這座正在重生之中的城堡,希維姆明白他的教會同樣會有一個全新的開始。希維姆認為,這座城堡的重建與他自身的權勢是聯繫在一起的。
Apart from the rising church of Xvim in Zhentil Keep, Xvim is strongest in the East, particularly in Thay, but his cultists can be found throughout the Realms. Currently, Xvim is busy building up his clergy. He is centering his efforts in what's left of Zhentil Keep. Just as the Keep is in the middle of its rebirth, Xvim sees his church as having a fresh start as well. Xvim considers the Keeps comeback and his own ascendancy to be linked.
伊亞契圖·希維姆的化身Iyachtu Xvim's Avatar
(戰士Fighter 24,巫師Mage 16,牧師Cleric 14)
在他的天然形態中,伊亞契圖·希維姆是位瘦削、但肩寬的12英尺高男性,有著褐黑色、鱗片般的皮膚,通常衣不遮體。他有著發光的綠眼睛和不羈的黑色長髮。事實上,雖然他據稱是班恩與某隻塔納厘的結晶,但他看上去相當像只大型巨魔。他能以強大的爪子攻擊,但他偏好使用 靈魂彎刀Scimitar of Souls。希維姆是個虛榮的存在,並最常展現為一種他能以隨意使用的天賦 形體變化shape change 變身的形態——一位黑膚黑髮、30年華的男性,中等身高,有著放蕩的姿色與明亮的翡翠色調眼睛(相較於人類眼睛來說,每隻看起來都有著不自然的明亮與鮮艷)。
Iyachtu Xvim, in his natural form, is a gaunt but broad-shouldered 12-foot-tall man with brown-black, scaly skin who often goes scantily clothed. He has glowing green eyes and long, unruly black hair. In fact, he looks rather like large troll, though he is said to be the offspring of Bane and a tanar'ri. He can attack with his powerful claws, but he favors using the Scimitar of Souls. Xvim is a vain being, and most often appears in a form he can naturally shape change into at will—that of a dark-skinned, black-haired man in his thirties, of average height and possessing rakish good looks and eyes of a brilliant emerald hue (which look unnaturally bright and vivid for human eyes).
He delights in slaying and destroying things. He needs to dominate all beings around him, and he enjoys seeing mortals grovel and sobbingly beg for mercy. He can draw spells from any school or sphere, but particularly enjoys those that twist mortals to his service against their will or cause lingering damage.
防禦等級 -3(真實形態)或 4(人類);移動 15(真實形態)或 12(人類);生命值 172;零級命中值 -3;#攻擊 5次/2輪
傷害 1d8+15(靈魂彎刀,+10力量,+2對彎刀專精獎勵)或 1d8+ 10/1d8+10(爪抓,+10力量)
魔抗 70%;體型 大型L(12英尺)或 中型M(6英尺)
力量 22,敏捷 20,體質 23,智力 19,感知 17,魅力 17
法術 祭司P:8/8/7/5/3/2/1,法師W:5/5/5/5/5/3/2/1
豁免 麻痹、毒素與死亡魔法 3;權杖、法杖與魔杖 5;石化或變形 4;噴吐武器 4;法術 6
AC -3 (true form) or AC 4 (human); MV 15 (true form) or 12 (human); HP 196; THAC0 -3; #AT5/2
Dmg 1d8+15 (Scimitar of Souls, +10 Str, +2 spec. K>nus in scimirar) or 1d8+ 10/1d8+10 (claws, +10 Str)
MR 70%; SZ L (12 feet) or M (6 feet)
Str 22, Dex 20, Con 23, Int 19. Wis 17, Cha 17
Spells P:8/8/7/5/3/2/1, W:5/5/5/5/5/3/2/1
Saves PPDM 3. RSW 5. PP 4. BW 4. Sp 6
特殊攻擊/防禦Special Att/Def:
在他的天然形態中,希維姆可以以每隻爪子每輪攻擊1次,或以 靈魂彎刀Scimitar of Souls 每2輪攻擊5次。在他的類人類形態中,希維姆以 靈魂彎刀 攻擊。靈魂彎刀 是柄守序邪惡陣營的黑刃 +3彎刀,能劈開所有已知魔法屏障(例如,虹光法球prismatic spheres 或 力場牆wall of force)而令持有者不受傷害,而它的每次命中都將從活物身上吸取2生命能量等級或毀滅(無生命的)不死生物。
In his natural form, Xvim can attack with each claw once a round or five times every two rounds with the Scimitar of Souls. In his humanlike form, Xvim attacks with the Scimitar of Souls.The Scimitar of Souls is a lawful evil-aligned, black-bladed scimitar +3 that can cleave all known magical barriers (for example, prismatic spheres or walls of force) without the wielder taking harm, and whose every strike drains two life energy levels from living beings or destroys (nonliving) undead creatures.
在任一形態,隨意使用,希維姆能夠使用 真知術true seeing、暗示術suggestion、以及創造一個環繞他本身 黑暗術,15英尺半徑Darkness 15' 球體。每個其他輪,除了他正常的攻擊和法術數量,僅以一個念頭,希維姆便能夠投擲 剝奪之刃reaving blades(如同4級祭司法術詳情見後)。
In either form, Xvim is able to use true seeing, suggestion, and create a sphere of darkness, 15' radius about himself at will. Every other round, in addition to his normal number of attacks and spells, Xvim is able to fling reaving blades (as the 4th-level priest spell described below) with but a thought.
When Xvim was a weaker power, silver weapons were able to damage him, but this no longer applies. Magical weapons of the level of enchantment needed to damage a lesser power are now required to strike him. Xvim is immune to illusions and fear or charm spells, spelllike effects or abilities.
其祂顯現Other Manifestations
Iyachtu Xvim usually manifests as a heavy, greasy black cloud lit by two green, glowing eyes as large as a man's head. The cloud can speak, cast spells, or hurl black bolts of lightning that burn rather than discharging electricity and deal 5d6 points of damage per strike (save for half damage). Alternately, Xvim occasionally manifests as a black snake roughly 70 feet long, with a diameter the size of a large wagon, a flat adderlike head, and blazing green eyes. In this form Xvim has a MV of 9, a THAC0 of 5, 72 hit points (effectively 16 HD), and bites once per round for 5d6 points of damage. He has no venom, but possesses a bone tail spike that can stab for 8d4 points of piercing damage; however, it strikes at a -2 artack penalty since Xvim is not yet used to this form.
希維姆也藉由眼魔和類眼魔生物、利齒龍fang dragon、綠龍、藍龍、棕龍、地獄犬、蛇雞獸、火眼蛇雞獸、小魔鬼、暗納迦、劫掠者、tso、nyth(詳見《FA 1 至高王國之廳Halls of the High King》)以及某些不死生物的形象或存在行動。他更常派遣蝙蝠、黑狗、綠眼黑貓、黑綠色飛蛾、蒼蠅、黑色星藍寶石、輝光、祖母綠、血玉髓以及禿鷲展現他的眷顧或冷落並作為激勵他信徒的符號。
Xvim also acts through the appearance or presence of beholders and beholder-kin, fang dragons, green dragons, blue dragons, brown dragons, hell hounds, cockatrices, pyrolisks, imps, dark nagas, reaves, tso, nyths (detailed in FA 1 Halls of the High King), and some undead creatures. More commonly he sends bats, black dogs, green-eyedblack cats, black-and-green moths, flies, hematites, black star sapphires, sheens, emeralds, bloodstones, malachites, blood hawks, and vultures to show his favor or disfavor and as a sign to inspire his faithful.
教會The Church
神職人員Clergy:牧師Clerics,專屬祭司specialty priests,護教軍crusaders
神職陣營Clergy's Align.:守序中立LN,絕對中立N,守序邪惡LE,中立邪惡NE,混亂邪惡CE
驅散不死Turn Undead:牧師C:可,若為中立Yes, if neutral;專屬祭司SP:可Yes;護教軍Cru:不可No
呵斥不死Cmnd. Undead:牧師C:可,若為邪惡Yes, Yes, if evil;專屬祭司SP:可Yes;護教軍Cru:不可No
伊亞契圖·希維姆的所有牧師、專屬祭司和護教軍得到 宗教知識religion(泛費倫Faerûnian)作為非武器熟練獎勵。
All clerics, specialty priests, and crusaders of lyachtu Xvim receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.
伊亞契圖·希維姆吸引著同樣殘忍、渴望權力、信仰班恩的族群。一些人為在他的存在之內感受到的敬畏和恐懼著迷,一些人在嚴苛的規則、以及人族憑力量將戰勝一切、馴服整個費倫的承諾中得到慰藉,而其他人則是在 黑暗教會the Church of Darkness 無休無止的無情陰謀中才感覺真正活著。希維姆的追隨者、祭司以及修士被稱作 希維姆教徒Xvimist,與此同時,神子the Godson 的祭司被稱作 希維姆教士Xvimlar,該教的精英專屬祭祀被稱為 奧斯林authlims。
lyachru Xvim attracts the same sort of cruel, power-hungry folk who worshiped Bane. Some are fascinated by the awe and fear they feel in his presence, some take comfort in the rigid rules and the promise that humankin will prevail over all through might, taming all Faerûn , and others feel truly alive when engaged in the ruthless intrigue that is unending in the Church of Darkness. Followers of Xvim, priests and lay folk, are called Xvimists, while priests of the Godson are known as Xvimlar, and the elite specialty priests of the faith are known as authlims.
希維姆教士狂喜毀滅和壓迫他人,並喜歡造成痛苦。在他人通過的時候踢一腳,門裡有人的時候狠摔,以及往繁忙的街頭丟石頭,這些行為對希維姆教士來說並不罕見。一些希維姆教士是前 班恩教徒Banites,因為在他們的 殘暴主人Cruel Master 的統治下,希維姆教士們積極地尋找班恩教的神職成員並使他們皈依。希維姆教士視希維姆為班恩的繼承人。
Xvimlar exult in destruction and in oppressing others and enjoy casually dealing pain. Kicking folk they pass, slamming doors on people, and hurling stones down busy streets at random are not uncommon acts for Xvimlar. Some Xvimlar are former Banites, since Banite clergy members were actively courted and converted by the Xvimlar under orders from their Cruel Master. Xvimlar see Xvim as Bane's heir.
希維姆教士戲弄地給予他們的初修士頭銜「害蟲Vermin」,而第3級或更低者適用頭銜「壓迫者Oppressor」,「可憎主人Hatemaster」則予第4到8級神職人員,「毀滅領主Ruinlord」予第9到15級者,而「暴君Tyrannar」予第16或更高等級的神職人員。頭銜在這個教會中不分性別,且神殿是以嚴格的等級運轉,而該信仰由一位 至高暴君High Tyrannar 領導。該信仰的護教軍迄今為止還沒有幾個,直接隸屬於某個神殿的高級祭司(通常是一位毀滅領主或暴君),以及直屬於至高暴君處置下的一個護教軍和久經沙場的武士單獨單位。
Xvimlar jolkingly title their novices 「Vermin" and apply the title 「Oppressor」 to those of 3rd level or less, 「Hatemaster」 to clergy of 4th through 8th level, 「Ruinlord」 to those of 9th through 15th level, and 「Tyrannar」 to clergy of 16th or greater level. Titles in the church are the same regardless of gender, and temples are run in a strictly hierarchical manner, with the faith being led by a High Tyrannar.Crusader of the faith, of which there are few as of yet, report directly to a temple's high priest (usually a Runinlord orTyrannar), with one exclusive unit crusader and battle-hardened warriors directly at the Higjh Tyrannar's disposal.
迄今為止,希維姆展現出了對地下神殿、尤其是從廢棄的班恩神殿轉化的地下神殿的偏好。然而在塞爾,有一些宏偉的神殿專注或獻身於他,尤其是在「千殿之城City of a Thousand Temples」拜占圖城Bezantur,在那裡黑暗教會維護著 伊亞契圖·希維姆之邸the House of Iyachtu Xvim,一座有著寬敞的中央大廳、兩條長尺寸的廂房、以及充裕的生活和存儲設備的新建石質建築。
Thus far, Xvim has shown a preference for underground temples, especially ones converted from abandoned temples of Bane. However, some grand temples have been dedicated or rededicated to him in Thay, most notably in Bezantur, City of a Thousand Temples, where the Church of Darkness maintains the House of Iyachtu Xvim, a new stone building with a large central hall, two long wings, and ample living and storage facilities.
Xvim delights in death and destruction, and encourages his devoted to emulate him. In Xvim's dark, twisted mind, nothing worthy is accomplished without the destruction of something else. Those who would follow Xvim must be as committed to destruction, oppression, and cruelty as he is. Xvim favors a crushing pecking order that rewards those who shove others aside for personal gain. Those at the top of the food chain prey on those at the bottom. Those at the bottom either survive (and become stronger) or perish—in which case, they were weak and did not belong in Xvim's camp anyway.
{{sp|sp = Novice Xvimlar are charged as follows by senior clergy members:"Obey or die in pain and utter destruction. Enslave or slay the weak, and be sure that they know their suffering is in Xvim's name and by his will. Cause pain and tearful obedience in others whenever prudent. Be a cruel, heartless tyrant, and Xvim shall be pleased. Slay the priests of other gods whenever you can do so without being identified by others. Capture tyrants and take them to senior clergy members to be delivered unto Xvim. Capture all wizards and bring their magic to the church —or bring them to Xvims most senior servants so that they can be transformed into creatures who will do service to Xvim as guardians. Spread fear of Xvim over all the lands. Destroy whatever and whoever bars his will and see that word of his power spreads but that no one survives to describe your deeds in detail except mortals who worship him. Destroy all witnesses to secret acts, but leave alive survivors to tell of Xvim's power when spreading casual destruction. There is a delight in destruction——feel it and indulge in it."
日常活動Day-to-Day Activities:
The Xvimlar are busily roaming Faerûn, inspired by the coming out of their Cruel Master into open godhood. Wherever they go are challenging and slaying clergy of Cyric (their ac-knowledged enemy) and urging still-faithful.Banite priests to join in worship of Xvim —or perish at their hands. For the most part, they have been successful at converting the remaining ultra-orthodox. Banite, who see Xvim as holding the most valid claim to succeed Bane.
The leaders and spies in this 「conversion" work are the authlims— whose primary mission, though, is to kidnap especially ruthless and powerful people (tyrants) to take their spirits to Xvim for him to feed upon. Both sorts of priests of Xvim have as their secondary missions the slaughter of the priests and clergy members of all other faiths than Xvim's, the spreading of fear, and the enhancement of Xvim's reputation by acts cruelty and tyranny. Eliminating other priests must be done covertly, however, lest all faiths rise up together against the church of Xvim and overwhelm it.
聖日/重要慶典Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
There are as yet no known calendar-related festivals in the church of Xvim, though some temples celebrate his Coming, albeit on different days. (Some decree is expected to fix a firm date for this in the near future.) Xvim expects his priests to pray to him whenever they take a life in his name (even it the beat of battle or flight continues) and to bow down to him in prayer morning and evening, preferably in front of a high altar.
{{sp|sp = High rituals involve horrific sacrifices of intelligent creatures and depraved gladiatorial combats (observed by the assembled priests) between goaded and starved beasts and desperate unarmed captives, conducted amid fragile glass items that can be shattered to yield weapons that harm both the wielder and targets. The church is also rumored to conduct chanting dances wherein priests work themselves into frenzies and then attack slaves and lesser priests wildly but barehanded, kicking and fighting until at least one combatant falls bleeding (whereupon bells are struck to end the strife and the ritual). In this young faith, rituals are still developing and changing quickly.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
希維姆教會的最高首腦是至高暴君 傅佐爾·徹伯瑞Fzoul Chembryl,他,由 毀滅領主「舊日殉難者」熱娜Xana the Once-Martyred 輔佐,以神子之名統治著 掌中之心the Heart from the Hand,一座散提爾堡殘骸下方的地下神殿。在塞爾的幾座神殿的力量正在迅速增漲,但是傅佐爾可鄙的忠心、卓越的計劃、奧斯林間諜,以及眼魔盟友讓他保持在新生之暗的頂峰,並將繼續如此。希維姆通過定期徹底地勘測他的思想與記憶來確保傅佐爾的忠誠——並高度重視他教內傾軋與陰謀詭計方面的狡猾經驗。
The supreme head the church of Xvim is High Tyrannar Fzoul Chembryl, who, assisted by Ruinlord Xana , rules in the name of the Godson from the Heart from the Hand, a subterranean temple beneath the remnants of Zhentil Keep. Several temples in Thay are growing rapidly in power, but Fzoul's abject loyalty, brilliant schemes, authlim spies, and beholder allies have kept him at the pinnacle of the faith of the New Darkness, and continue to do so. Xvim ensures Froul's loyalty by possessing him at regular intervals to thoroughly explore his thoughts and memories —and highly values his cunning experience with religious infighting and intrigues.
從屬組織Affiliated Orders:
黑暗教會只有一支隸屬的騎士團——黑拳兄弟會the Brothers of the Black Fist,這是一支隸屬於該信仰、仍在成型的護教軍組織,並指揮著被紀律和希維姆的勢力的果斷領導所吸引的戰士。既然傅佐爾•徹伯瑞已是它的至高暴君,所以假若黑暗教會不是 散塔林會the Zhentarim 的同盟,也很可能會與其發展友好關係。
The Church of Darkness has only one affiliated knightly order, the Brothers of the Black Fist, a still-forming order which the crusaders of the faith belong and which commands fighters attracted to the discipline and decisive leadership of Xvim's forces. With Fzoul Chembryl as its High Tyrannar, the Church of Darkness is also likely to develop intimateties to the Zhentarim if it is not so allied already.
祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
Ritual vestments for an aurhlim are a blackened metal skullcap and a black amice (overmantle) with thin, bright green piping or braidwork worn over a long, black cassock with green maniples attached to its sleeves, so they flash green out of the black garb when the priest gestures. The garb is completed by green ecclesiastical stole embroidered with the symbol or Xvim. Ritual garments for rank and file Xvimlar are a green surplice adorned on the breast with the symbol of Xvim worn over a plain black cassock. This outfit is augmented out of door in ritual processions with a black cope (overcloak) embroidered on the back with the symbol of Xvim, black gloves, and a black miter set with two green gems to represent the eyes of Xvim.
冒險裝束Adventuring Garb:
The adventuring priest of Xvim dresses like any armored priest, favoring black armor with green accessories. Everyday wear is black (often black robes) with green piping as trim, or with gloves, belts or sashes, collars, and pouches of a startlingly bright armor hue. Authlims wear spiked and imposing black battle armor and sport black great helms fashioned into the likenesses of monsters' heads with green gems for the eyes.
專屬祭祀Specialty Priests(奧斯林aurhlims)
職業需求REQUIREMENTS:力量Strength 12,感知Wisdom 10
關鍵屬性PTIME REQ.:力量Strength,感知Wisdom
武器WEAPONS:所有非投擲類的鈍擊武器(類型B)和標槍All nonmissile bludgeoning (wholly Type B) weapons and javelins
主修領域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,戰鬥combat,預言divination,元素elemental,守衛guardian,死靈necromantic,召喚summoning,心靈thought,戰爭war
次要領域MINORSPHERES:創造Creation,治療healing (僅反轉形式reversed forms only),守序law,太陽sun (僅反轉形式reversed forms only)
魔法物品MAGICALITEMS:如同牧師Same as clerics
熟練需求REQ. PROFS:現代語言Modern languages(從中選一:眼魔語beholder,熊地精語bugbear,石像鬼語gargoyle,通用巨人語common giant,侏儒語gnoll,地精語goblin,高等受語High Shou,狗頭人語kohold,寇濤魚人語kuo-toan,米達尼語Midani,牛頭人語minotaur,穆爾霍蘭德語Mulhorandi,食人魔語ogre,獸人語orc,鯊華魚人語sahuagin,地底通用語Undercommon,恩瑟語Unthcric,蝠翼狗頭人語urd,蛇人語yuan-ti)
熟練獎勵BONUS PROFS:盲斗Blind-tighting,現代語言modern languages(從上述清單任選另一)
❖在應對 希瑞克Cyric 或 班恩Bane 的祭司施展法術的對抗法術豁免骰上,奧斯林獲得+1獎勵。此外,他們對這些祭司獲得+1的攻擊和傷害骰獎勵。
❖ Authlims gain a +1 to saving throws against spells cast by priests of Cyric or Bane. In addition, they gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls against these priests.
❖奧斯林不受 恐懼術fear 法術影響,雖然他們能被影響情緒法術和類法術能力影響而恐懼。
❖ Authlims are unaffected by fear spells, though they may be affected by other emotion-affecting spells and by spell-likc abilities that engender fear.
❖在奧斯林手中,統治權杖rod of rulership 的每發充能能作用於240碼內2d4+2x100生命骰的生物,並且每發充能持續3回合。統治權杖影響(當使用時)的豁免檢定存在-2懲罰。
❖ In the hands of an authlim, a rod of rulership works on 2d4+2x100 Hit Dice of creatures within 240 yards per charge, and a charge lasts for three turns. Saving throws vs. the rod of rulership's effects (when applicable) are at a -2 penalty.
❖每日1次,任意使用,奧斯林能藉由呼喚 希維姆Xvim 的神性力量治療自身。他們能使用此能力恢復每1經驗等級2點生命值。然而,他們只能以這種方式治療自己。
❖ Authlims are able to heal themselves once a day at will by calling on the divine power of Xvim. They can restore 2 hit points per experience level using this ability. They may only heal themselves in this manner, however.
❖在第3級,每日1次,奧斯林能夠施展 希維姆之權杖mace of Xvim(如同2級祭司法術)。
❖ At 3rd level, aurhlims are able to cast mace of Xvim (as the 2nd-levcl priest spell) once a day.
❖在第5級,每日1次,奧斯林能夠施展 中和毒素neutralize poison 或 毒咒poison(如同4級祭司法術)。
❖ At 5th level, authlims are able to cast neutralize poison or poison (as the 4rh-level priest spells) once a day.
❖在第5級,奧斯林能生成一道10英尺半徑的 恐懼光環aura of fear。該光環類似於4級巫師法術 恐懼術。那些成功通過對該影響豁免者將感受到一種不安的感受,但這感受並不會影響他們的行動。該光環能被喚起每日1次,並持續每奧斯林等級1輪。同行的 希維姆教士Xvimlar 或其他奧斯林,以及頑固的班恩祭司們,免疫它的影響。
❖ At 5th level, authlims can generate an aura of fear in a 10-foot radius. This aura is similar to the fear 4rh-level mage spell. Those who succeed in their saving throw against this effect still get an uneasy feeling, but this feeling does not affect their actions. The aura can be called up once per day, and lasts 1 round per level of the authlim. Fellow Xvimlar and other authlims, as well as diehard priests of Bane, are immune to its effects.
❖在第7級,每日1次,奧斯林能夠施展 剝奪之刃reaving blades 和 治療重傷cure serious wounds(如同第4級祭司法術)。
❖ At 7th level, authlims are able to cast reaving blades and cure serious wounds (as the 4th-lcvel priest spells) once a day.
❖在第9級,每日1次,持續1輪/每奧斯林等級,奧斯林能夠施展一道 防護善良,10英尺半徑protection from good,10' radius(如同4級祭司法術 防護邪惡,10英尺半徑protection from evil,10' radius)
❖ At 9th level, authlims are able to cast a protection from good,10' radius (as the reverse of the 4rh-lcvcl priest spell protection from evil,10' radius) once per day, lasting 1 round per level of the authlim.
❖在第10級,每日1次,奧斯林能夠施展 治療致命傷cure critical wounds(如同5級祭司法術)。
❖ At 10th level, authlims are able to cast cure critical wounds (as the 5th-levcl priest spell) once a day.
❖在第15級,每十日1次,奧斯林能夠施展 醫療術heal(如同第7級祭司法術)。
❖ At 1 5th level, authlims are able to cast heal (as the 7th-levcl priest spell) once a tenday.
❖在第17級,每月1次,奧斯林能夠施展 異界之門gate(如同第7級祭司法術)。
❖ At 17th level, authlims are able to cast gate (as the 7th-level priest spell) once a month.
❖在第20級,每兩月1次,奧斯林能夠施展 束縛術binding(如同8級法師法術)。他們通常使用該能力作為一種威脅工具,去恐嚇他們選中的某個存在為自己效勞。
❖ At 20th level, authlims are able to cast binding (as the 8th-levcl wizard spell) twice a month. They usually use this ability as a threat to bully a being they have gated into doing them a favor.
希維姆教派法術Xvimlar Spell
在侍奉其父期間,伊亞契圖·希維姆學會了如何將其父的許多強大法術,授予他覺得得力的信徒。地下城主們可能希望允許一些或全部班恩教會的獨有法術伊亞契圖·希維姆教會也能使用。當傅佐爾·徹伯瑞加入希維姆信仰時,戰潮battletide 法術的知識被他帶入了教會,詳述見後。
Iyachtu Xvim learned how to grant a great many of the spells his father was capable of granting to his followers while in his father's service. Dungeon Masters may wish to allow any or all of the spells exclusive to the church of Bane to he used also by the church of Iyachtu Xvim. The battletide spell detailed below is a spell brought to the knowledge of the church by when Fzoul Chembryl he joined Xvim's faith.
2nd Level
希維姆之權杖Mace of Xvim
持續時間Duration:5 輪round
施法時間Casting Time:5
影響區域Area of Effect:特殊Special
豁免檢定Saving Throw:特殊Special
這道法術在施法者手中憑空創造出一柄生命短暫的發光權杖,擊打有+3攻擊獎勵,每次命中造成1d12+2點傷害,並破碎所有被擊中的物品成功通過對抗破壞擊打或粉碎的物品豁免骰。如果這柄權杖脫離了施法者的持握將消失,並不會被任何其他存在揮舞。所有魔法物品和附魔物質或表面施加了一道咒文的物品,在對抗這柄權杖的粉碎力量時的豁免上獲得+4獎勵。任何物品一旦通過了對某柄特定 希維姆之權杖的豁免,即便它在反覆攻擊,也不需要再次進行豁免。
This spell conjures up a shorrt-lived glowing mace in the caster's hand that strikes with a + 3 attack bonus, deals 1d12+2 points damage at a strike, and forces all struck items to succeed at an item saving throw vs. crushing blow or shatter. The mace vanishes if it leaves the possession of the caster and cannot be wielded by any other being. All magical items and enchanted substances or surfaces bearing a dweomer get at +4 bonus to their saving throws against the shattering power of the mace. Any item that succeeds at its saving throw once against a particular mace of Xvim need not do so again, even if struck repeatedly.
The mace has a reach of 5 feet but is almost weightless; casters of any size and strength can easily wield it. It appears as a black, spiked, knobheaded, one-piece rod surrounded by a dim, flickering, blue radiance.
The material component of this spell is an iron or steel nail, sliver, or fragment.
4th Level
剝奪之刃reaving blades
施法時間Casting Time:7
影響區域Area of Effect:特殊Special
豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None
這道法術創造了兩道旋轉的力場黑刃,旋轉著以18 (B)的飛行速度在空氣中飛行,直到因擊中了施法者希望它們希望打中的隨便什麼目標而結束——無論那是兩個單獨的存在,又或是一個單獨的敵人。力場刃在第二輪結束消失且不會對無生命物品造成傷害,但每一片都會在不死和有生命事物上、一輪無聲地切割兩次。剝奪之刃的擊打使用施法者的零級命中,但獲得+6攻擊獎勵,並在成功命中時造成2d12點傷害。剝奪之刃攻擊的存在物品不會因為傷害損壞或挪動,雖然易碎物品,如果被某次擊打的目標掉落,還是能被損壞的。
This spell creates two whirling black blades of force that spin end over end as they fly through the air at MV FI 18(B_) to strike at whatever targets the caster wills them to — either two separate beings or a single foe. The blades of force vanish at the end of the second round and do no damage to inanimate objects, but each one silently slices twice during a round at undead and living things. The reaving blades strike with the caster's THAC0, but with +6 attack bonus, and deal 2d12 points of damage on a successful strike. Reaving blades does no damage to items worn or carried by attacked beings, though fragile items could well be harmed if dropped by a struck target.
The material components of this spell are two raven's feathers and a fragment of or an entire bladed weapon.
5h Level
施法時間Casting Time:8
影響區域Area of Effect:20英尺半徑foot radius
豁免檢定Saving Throw:特殊Special
This spell slows all beings within a 20-foot spherical radius centered on the caster except the caster. Affected beings move and attack at halfspeed. (The spell affects beings within the radius of effect at the time of casting, not creatures who later come within range of the caster during the duration of the spell.) Beings affected by the spell remain slowed even it they move beyond the original area of effect of the spell.
該魔法將從其受害者身上竊取的能量輸送給施法者,他將在法術持續時間內被加速,而免受法術 加速術haste 的任何老化影響。施法者以他或她通常移動速率的兩倍移動、以快一倍的速度發動物理攻擊(那意味著,某一輪可以攻擊1次的存在將可以攻擊兩次——在一輪開始和結束時)。戰潮並不允許施法被加速。
The magic transfers the energy it steals from its victims to the caster, who is hasted for the spell duration without any of the aging effects of a haste spell. The caster moves at double his or her normal movement rate and makes physical attacks twice as fast (that is, a being who attacks once per round would attack twice—first in the round and then last). Battletide does not allow spellcasting to be hastened.
All beings within range the caster are allowed to make saving throws vs. spell once a round to avoid, or instantly break free of, the battletide. The spell ends entirely when the last victim escapes its effects or at the end of its duration. On the first round, the saving throw to avoid battletide's effects is made at a -6 penalty; on the second, at a -5 penalty; on the third, at a -4 penalty, and so on.
The material component of this spell is a piece of cobweb, human hair, or silk thread as long as the casters hand.