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【音   标】EEuh-lan-is
【阵   营】NG
【神   力】L
【神   职】爱love,怜悯mercy,美beauty
【神   系】巨人诸神Gods of the Giants序位诸神the Ordning
【主   神】安南Annam
【盟   友】安南Annam思绰茂兹Stronmaus西亚缇Hiatea妃艾尔菈Fionnghuala
【神   国】奔放之野Arborea/1th 奥林匹斯Olympus花境Florallium
【徽   记】一束花环a garland of flowers
【简   介】伊兰尼丝Iallanis 是巨人的爱与美、怜悯与宽容之女神。

2e<Monster Mythology.p078>伊兰尼丝Iallanis(弱等女神Lesser Goddess)

  伊兰尼丝Iallanis 是爱情、宽恕、怜悯与美丽之女神,她从未背弃过有着善良本性或已忏悔了自己的邪恶的巨人。她不鄙弃其父造物的任何部分,并永远试图将巨人们重新统一起来。据说她与天鹅仙女女神 妃艾尔菈Fionnghuala 有着亲密的友谊,不过原因并不清楚。在各巨人种族中,她在云巨人和风暴巨人中有些崇拜者,也有小群的隐逸巨人和零散的弗钦巨人崇拜她,并且因她的公正与善良而被石巨人接受。
Iallanis is the goddess of love, forgiveness, mercy, and beauty who turns away no giant who is of good nature or who has repented their evil. She despises no part of her fathers creation and ever seeks to reunite the giants in harmony. She is said to have a close friendship with Fionnghuala the swanmay goddess, although why this is so is unknown. Among giant races, she has worshipers among cloud and storm giants, small groups of firbolg, and a scattering of voadkyn, but she is accepted among stone giants for her fairness of face and kindness of being.

角色扮演指南Role-playing Notes:

Iallanis will send an avatar to occasions of joy and delight among giants:the wedding of a king, the consecration of a magnificent building, the final touches put to a great work of art. She sends omens to priests in the form of floral scents, tinkling sounds, and similar gentle signs.


  徽记SY:一束花环a garland of flowers。
AL ng; WAL any non-evil (giants); AoC love, mercy, beauty; SY garland of flowers.

伊兰尼丝的化身Iallanis' Avatar

  (德鲁伊Druid 16)

Iallanis' avatar appears as a graceful, fair-skinned giantess wearing a short green dress from which living flowers grow. As with many other love goddesses, her avatar is recognizable for always being bare legged and bare footed. She uses spells from the spheres allowed to druids, plus Sun and Time.

  力量 19,敏捷 21,体质 19,
  智力 16,感知 23,魅力 24,
  移动 21,体型 超大型H(13呎),魔抗 20%,
  防御等级 0,生命骰 16,生命值 128,
  #攻击 1次,零级命中值 5,伤害 1dl2(拳击) +7
  Str 19 Dex 21 Con 19
  Int 16 Wis 23 Cha 24
  MV 21 SZ H (13f) MR 20%
  AC 0 HD 16 HP 128
  #AT 1 THACO 5 Dmg 1dl2(fists) +7

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  伊兰尼丝的化身免疫能量吸取、疾病、毒素、目盲、以及 造成X伤 法术。随意使用,她能 魅惑人类或巨人charm person or giant。除了巨人豁免是-8外,所有受害者属性豁免-4。每天3次,该化身也能从任何凡人身上 移除诅咒remove curse
The avatar is immune to energy drains, diseases, poison, blindness, and cause wound spells. She can charm person or giant at will; victims save at -4, except for giants, who save at -8. She can remove any mortal curse 3/ day.

祭职人员的职责Duties of the Priesthood

Iallanis will accept any good-aligned true giant as a priest or shaman on equal terms. Her priests must strive to bring giantkind into the fold of good, to show mercy to all and to cooperate with all other good creatures. They must create things of beauty—arts, crafts, gardens, etc. Priests and shamans must be happily married in order to attain 3rd or higher level.


  特殊能力PW:1)魅惑人类或巨人;5)魅惑怪物charm monster;9) 说服徽记symbol of persuasion
AB std; AL any good; WP bow and arrows, mancatcher, net, quarterstaff; AR leather; SP all, animal*, creation, guardian, healing, necromantic*, plant*, protection, sun, time*, wards; PW 1)charm person or giant; 5)charm monster; 9)symbol of persuasion; TU turn at -2 levels; LL 12(all races save storm giants for whom LL is 16); HD d4; Shamans yes.


AB std; AL any good; LL 7(all races); Other weapon restrictions as above.


  (弱等女神Lesser Goddess)

  作为其父最宠爱的孩子之一,伊兰尼丝Iallanis(读作“EEuh-lan-is”)被接纳到 巨人族裔the Jotunbrud 时,他们的斗争史还处于少年期。此后不久,她被认为将注意力放在了 序位诸神the Ordning 上。
One of her father's favorite children, Iallanis (EEuh-lan-is) was introduced to the Jotunbrud and their struggles while still an adolescent. She assumed her spot in the Ordning shortly thereafter.

  伊兰尼丝提倡爱、宽恕、美、与怜悯。她从不会把善良的巨人从她的信众中逐出。她的最终理想是重新凝聚巨人族裔,并将 奥斯托利亚王国Ostoria 重建为一个仁爱、雄心与学习的王国。
Iallanis advocates love, forgiveness, beauty, and mercy. She never turns a giant of a good nature from her flock. Her ultimate ambition is to reunite all of the Jotunbrud and reestablish Ostoria as a kingdom of benevolence, ambition, and learning.

  寒冰尖顶the Ice Spire 的石巨人、云巨人、风暴巨人以及的类巨人们尤其喜爱伊兰尼丝。据说她是 天鹅仙女之后queen of the swanmay 妃艾尔菈Fionnghuala 之友。
Iallanis is particularly beloved by the stone giants, cloud giants, storm giants, and kin of the Ice Spires. She is said to have befriended Fionnghuala, queen of the swanmay.

角色扮演指南Role-playing Notes:

Iallanis often dispatches an avatar to celebrate an occasion of great joy alongside the Jotunbrud:the wedding of a chieftain, the consecration of a great temple, the completion of a grand work of art, or the end of a war. She sometimes sends omens to her faithful in the form of tinkling winds, pleasant scents, and rare flowers.


  徽记SY:一束花环a garland of flowers。
AL NG; WAL any nonevil; AoC love, mercy, beauty; SY a garland of flowers.

伊兰尼丝的化身Iallanis's Avatar


Iallanis's avatar appears as a graceful, fairskinned giantess (25' tall) wearing a bright dress of living flowers. The avatar uses spells from the spheres allowed druids, plus sun and time.

  力量 19,敏捷 21,体质 19,
  智力 16,感知 23,魅力 24,
  移动 16,体型 巨型G,魔抗 20%,
  防御等级 0,生命骰 16,生命值 128,
  #攻击 1次,零级命中值 5,伤害 1d12+7(拳击)
  Str 19 Dex 21 Con 19
  Int 16 Wis 23 Cha 24
  MV 21 SZ G MR 20%
  AC 0 HD 16 hp 128
  #AT 1 THAC0 5 DMG 1d12+7(fists)

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  伊兰尼丝的化身免疫能量吸取、疾病、毒素、目盲、造成X伤、以及伤害性法术。随意使用,她能 魅惑人类或巨人charm person or giant。除了巨人豁免是-8外,所有受害者属性豁免-4。每天3次,该化身也能从任何凡人身上 移除诅咒remove curse
Iallanis's avatar is immune to energy drains, diseases, poisons, blindness, cause wounds, and harm spells. She can charm person or giant at will. All victims of this ability save at -4, except for giants who save at -8. The avatar can also remove curse from any mortal three times per day.

祭职人员的职责Duties of the Priesthood

  伊兰尼丝愿意以相同条件接受任何善良阵营的真巨人作为祭司或萨满。若由她选择,她甚至愿意平等地接受类巨人,然而她的父亲和 思绰茂兹Stronmaus 都将此视作一种对序位的亵渎,而禁止这样的政策。(类巨人服务于伊兰尼丝受限于于更低的等级提升,就像其祂序位诸神成员的仆人。)
Iallanis will accept any good-aligned true giant as a priest or shaman on equal terms. Given her choice, she'd even accept kin as equals, though her father and Stronmaus have both forbidden such a policy as a violation of ordning. (Kin serving Iallanis are limited to lower levels of advancement, just like the servants of the other Ordning members.)

Iallanis's priests chiefly concern themselves with keeping the Jotunbrud united, dispersing mercy and absolution to those in need, and creating things of beauty.

No priests of Iallanis can advance higher than the 3rd level unless they are happily married.


  特殊能力PW:1)每日1次,魅惑人类或巨人;5)每日1次,魅惑怪物charm monster;9) 每日1次,说服徽记symbol of persuasion
AB std; AL any Good; SP animal, creation, guarding, healing, necromantic, plant, protection, sun, time, wards; PW 1)charm person or giant once per day; 5)charm monster once per day; 9)symbol of persuasion once per day; TU as a priest two levels lower; Shamans yes.

目的,信条,道德观Aims, Credo, Ethos:

Honor mercy above all save the gods; honor beauty above all save mercy; an evil deed never goes unpunished nor a good deed unrewarded; kindness is the milk of might; passion is the milk of life.


Priests of Iallanis always say a prayer over any gift or meal they receive. They also conduct nearly all of the marriage ceremonies that take place between two members of the Jotunbrud, even those involving priests of other deities or giants of evil alignment.

Each year, on the first day of spring, all of Iallanis' priests assemble in one of the giant steadings for a grand revelry. If possible, a marriage is performed at the height of this celebration.

  因为在巨人族裔中,婚礼在这种情况下举行被认为是巨大的荣誉,所以大部分巨人族裔社会的重要成员会等到 春季仪式the spring ceremony 再结婚。
Since a marriage performed under these circumstances is considered a great honor among the Jotunbrud, most of the important members of Jotunbrud society wait until the spring ceremony to wed.

习俗,规矩,禁忌Customs, Rules, Taboos:

Iallanis's priests forego any worldly possessions beyond those necessary to maintain their own modest existences.
