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【头   衔】伟大之脑The Great Brain,触手之主The Tentacled Lord
【阵   营】LE
【神   力】G
【神   职】心灵控制mental dominion,魔法magic
【神   系】灵吸怪诸神Gods of the Illithids
【主   神】
【盟   友】曼泽柯瑞安Maanzecorian
【敌   对】迪卡拉泽Diinkarazan迪伊林卡Diirinka
【从   神】曼泽柯瑞安Maanzecorian
【神   国】外域the Outlands思想洞窟Caverns of Thought(与杜马松毗邻)
【徽   记】有着两条触手的发光脑子glowing brain with two tentacles
【偏好 武器】Faiths & Pantheons触须(徒手击打)/Dark Lord触须(鞭子)
【简   介】伊尔神思因Ilsensine 是灵吸怪(夺心魔)的主神。它囚禁了迪洛矮人的疯神迪卡拉泽,也曾遭到凡德·龙刺的戏耍。在 曼泽柯瑞安晦暗/奥库斯弑杀后,它迅速摧垮了后者的教会。

2e<Monster Mythology.p068>伊尔神思因Ilsensine(强大神Greater god)

  伊尔神思因Ilsensine 是位精神/心灵的神祇,它显现为一坨发着绿光的大脑;这位神有着数量无限、长度亦无限的触手,它们从伊尔神思因位于 矛盾统一之境the Plane of Concordant Opposition 的大本营出发向所有位面辐射。伊尔神思因的动机是让灵吸怪种族靠着自身的优越性与心灵支配,通过具现了意志与心灵力量的、优越知识和魔法征服所有位面。不过,对其他生物来说幸运的是伊尔神思因是个极度傲慢的存在,以至于它花费了大量时间沉浸在对统治的幻想之中,而非实际行动本身。
Ilsensine is a mental/spiritual deity manifesting as a glowing green brain; the god itself has an infinite number of tentacles of infinite length which radiate through all planes from its base on the Plane of Concordant Opposition. Its motivation is for the illithid race to conquer all planes through superiority and mental domination, through superior knowledge and magic which is an expression of will and mental force. Fortunately for other beings, Ilsensine is such a supremely arrogant entity that it spends much time in brooding fantasies of domination and is often too self-absorbed to actually act.

角色扮演指南Role-playing Notes:

  在事关重大的领土侵略、以及需要花费数十年才能带来成果的阴谋时,这个存在会派遣化身加入和观察灵吸怪教团。在罕见的情况下,它将访问 主物质位面Prime Material Plane 以吸取被灵吸怪俘获的伟大学者和贤者的脑子,灵吸怪们将它们贡献以向伊尔神思因致敬。这位神祇可能会回报相关的灵吸怪,赐予它们1d4天、1-6级的1d4道法师法术供使用,法术具体由DM决定。这位神祇通过直接的心灵感应,与其最珍贵的仆人建立联系。理所当然地,这位神祇要求灵吸怪们致力于支配其他种族,并且已知会派遣化身让引起它不悦的那些灵吸怪清楚这点,经常是通过吃掉它们数量的一半来激励剩下的。
This being will send an avatar to attend and observe illithid conclaves when these concern major territorial aggressions and scheming which will take decades to bring to fruition. Rarely, it visits the Prime Material plane to absorb the brains of great scholars and sages who have been captured by illithids, and which are offered to Ilsensine in homage. The deity may reward the illithids concerned by granting them the use of ld4 wizard spells of levels 1-6 for ld4 days, as determined by the DM. Communications from the deity are by direct telepathic contact with its most prized servants. Of course, the deity demands that the illithids strive always to dominate other races, and has been known to send an avatar to make this clear to those illithids who have displeased it, usually by eating about half their number to encourage the others.


  神职AoC:心灵控制mental dominion,魔法magic;
  徽记SY:有着两条触手的发光脑子glowing brain with two tentacles。
AL le; WAL le (illithids); AoC mental dominion, magic; SY glowing brain with two tentacles.

伊尔神思因的化身Ilsensine's Avatar

  (法师Wizard 23)

Ilsensine appears as a huge, glowing green spectral brain with two tentacles, levitating in mid-air. It uses wizard spells from all schools.

  力量 n/a ,敏捷 n/a ,体质 n/a ,
  智力 22,感知 23,魅力 20,
  移动 飞行12,体型 大型L(8呎直径),魔抗 80%,
  防御等级 -5,生命骰 20,生命值 160,
  #攻击次数 2次,零级命中值 5,伤害 特殊
  Str n/a Dex n/a Con n/a
  Int 22 Wis 23 Cha 20
  MV fl 12 SZ L (8' diameter) MR 80%
  AC -5 HD 20 HP 160
  #AT 2 THAC0 5 Dmg special

特殊攻击Special Att/Def:

  该化身免疫低于4级的法术和低于+2附魔的武器。它同样免疫精神控制(魅惑支配暗示 等等)和造成伤害法术、能量吸取、麻痹、石化、以及直接影响身体数值的法术(笨拙术fumble衰弱射线ray of enfeehlement 等等)。它的触手攻击无视防具的AC奖励(除了魔法奖励),每次击中还将造成1d6点智力或感知伤害(由伊尔神思因选择),并为该化身回复1d6 hp。智力或感知降到0的受害者将变成该化身控制下的 巫毒僵尸juju zombie。每日各3次,该化身能使用 [[群体魅惑mass charm群体暗示mass suggestion;随意使用,心灵震爆mind blast;每日1次,投射出 虹光喷射prismatic sprayThe avatar is immune to spells below 4th level and weapons below +2 enchantment. It is immune to spells of mental control (charm, domination, suggestion, etc.) and to caused wounds, energy drains, paralysis, petrification and spells which directly affect physical stats (fumble, ray of enfeehlement, etc.). Its tentacle attacks negate armor bonuses to AC (except magical pluses), and any hit drains 1d6 points of intelligence or wisdom (as Ilsensine chooses) and restores 1d6 hp to the avatar. A victim reduced to 0 Int or Wis becomes a juju zombie under the avatar's control. The avatar uses mass charm and mass suggestion 3/day each and a mind blast at will, and may project a prismatic spray 1/day.

3e<Faiths & Pantheons.p220>

  伊尔神思因Ilsensine (强大G) 守序邪恶LE 触须(徒手击打)Tentacle (unarmed strike) 邪恶Evil,守序Law,知识Knowledge,魔法Magic,心灵Mentalism,史莱姆Slime,暴政Tyranny 有着两条触手的发光脑子Glowing brain with two tentacles 心灵控制Mental dominion,魔法magic 夺心魔Mind flayers
