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【音   标】Ihl-MAY-ter
【别名/面相】阿尤鲁克Ayuruk(大冰川the Great Glacier),伊提西库帕Itishikopa(安古鲁逊人the Angulutiuns
【头   衔】哭泣之神The Crying God,刑架上的主the Lord on the Rack,忍耐者the One Who Endures,残神the Broken God
【阵   营】LG
【神   力】1eL→2eI→5eL
【神   职】耐力Endurance,受难suffering,殉道martyrdom,毅力perseverance
【神   系】FR泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon正义三圣The Triad
【主   神】提尔Tyr
【盟   友】提尔Tyr托姆Torm艾布兰多Ibrandul洛山达Lathander
【敌   对】劳薇塔Loviatar,[犸拉Malar]],塔洛斯Talos班恩Bane巴尔Bhaal米尔寇Myrkul
【从   神】圣·狄奥尼修斯St. Dionysius圣·索拉斯St. Sollars圣·马甘门徒St. Morgan圣·贾斯珀St. Jasper
【神   国】双生天堂Bytopia/2th 夏洛克Shurrock殉难之疆Martyrdomain
【徽   记】一双白色的人手,上面绑着血红色的绳子A pair of white human hands bound at the wrists with blood-red cordIlmater Symbol-5e
或者(更旧的)一具血迹斑斑的刑架(older) a blood-stained rack
【简   介】伊尔马特Ilmater 是受难之神,常以苦行者示人,作为正义三圣的一员,他与托姆一同侍奉着提尔。被称作哭泣之神、残神的伊尔马特和他的教会致力于为他人分摊苦难、给予治疗、帮助、指引和临终安慰,反对暴政和折磨。



2eSP<Realmspace.p073>群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars

群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars

  牧师和专属祭司们往往会因恐惧失去施法能力而担心进入 荒宇wildspace。其实对这点无需再有疑问。当然,当牧师或是祭司进入太空时,他们神明的神力的确会发生一些改变,但多数时候,这些改变还没到让角色感到沮丧的地步。
Clerics and specialty priests tend to worry about heading into wildspace because they fear the loss of their spell casting abilities. There no longer need be any doubt. Granted, when a cleric or priest heads in space, some of the powers of their gods do change, but for the most part, the changes are not drastic enough to warrant any frustration from the character.

  有些改变是积极的,但偶尔,神力可能会有所削弱、乃至消失——尤其是在祭司们进入 燃素海the phlogiston、与其神明失去一切接触的时候。在进入到晶壁系中时,某一角色是否会与他的神明完全而彻底的分离?接下来的章节将详述:魔法船牧师与专属祭司在荒宇中时,诸神与他们的关系、以及诸神本身。
Often these changes are positive, but occasionally, the powers can wane somewhat, or even disappear, especially when the priest heads out into the phlogiston and loses all touch with his god. Is there ever a complete and total separation between god and character while inside the crystal sphere? This next chapter describes the gods and their relationships with spelljamming clerics and specialty priests while in wildspace.


  (哭泣之神The Crying God)
  双生天堂弱等神力Lesser Power of Twin Paradises

  这两位神明都无法向 国度天宇晶壁系Realmspace crystal sphere 外的祭司授予超过3级的法术。除此之外,祭司们无论是在行星上还是在 荒宇wildspace 中,都可正常获得法术。
Neither of these gods is able to award new spells higher than 3rd level to their priests outside the Realmspace crystal sphere. Otherwise, whether on a planet or in the wildspace, priests gain spells normally.

2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p100>伊尔马特Ilmater


  (哭泣之神The Crying God,刑架上的主the Lord on the Rack,忍耐者the One Who Endures,残神the Broken God)

  双生天堂中等神力Intermediate Power of Bytopia,

  别名ALIASES:阿尤鲁克Ayuruk大冰川the Great Glacier 民众中)
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:夏洛克Shurrock殉难之疆Martyrdomain
  盟友ALLIES:提尔Tyr托姆Torm艾布兰多Ibrandul(已消逝now dead),洛山达Lathander
  敌对FOES:劳薇塔Loviatar,[犸拉Malar]],塔洛斯Talos班恩Bane(已消逝now dead),巴尔Bhaal(已消逝now dead),米尔寇Myrkul(已消逝now dead)
  徽记SYMBOL:一双白色的人手,上面绑着血红色的绳子A pair of white human hands bound at the wrists with blood-red cord
  或者(更旧的)一具血迹斑斑的刑架(older) a blood-stained rack
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:任意Any

  伊尔马特Ilmater (读作“Ihl-MAY-ter”)为痛苦、受压迫和亟需帮助的人提供帮助和抚慰。他甘愿受苦,替他人承担起他们的重担,承受他们遭受的痛苦。他是受压迫和不公对待者的神。
Ilmater (Ihl-MAY-ter) offers succor and calming words to those who are in pain, oppressed, or in great need. He is the willing sufferer, the one who takes the place of another to heft the other's burden, to take the other's pain. He is the god of the oppressed and unjustly treated.

Ilmater is quiet, kind, good-spirited, and slow to anger. He appreciates a humorous story and has a rather rustic humor himself. When his avatar appears, he takes assaults upon his person passively and rarely lifts a hand against another. He is not totally nonviolent, though, as many often assume by his doctrine of endurance.

When facing cruelties and atrocities his rage can boil up, and then he is a figure of frighteningly righteous wrath. His appearance can frighten the young, but he takes great care to reassure them as he treasures children and all young creatures, taking exceptional offense at those who would abuse or harm them.

  伊尔马特侍奉着 提尔Tyr,并与其结盟,他在旅行中帮助这位盲神,教导他如何在没有视觉、更多依赖身体的感觉的生活。他与 托姆Torm 的关系非常良好,对方也侍奉着提尔,这三位神祇被统称为 正义三圣the Triad
Ilmater is allied to and serves Tyr, aiding the blinded god in his travels and teaching him to live without his sight but to rely more upon his feelings. He is also on very good terms with Torm, who also serves Tyr, and the three deities are known collectively as the Triad.

  伊尔马特的徽记早年间是血迹斑斑的刑架,但在 诸神之战the Godswar 后,几乎只使用一双白色的人手,上面绑着血红色的绳子的新徽记。这种新徽记提升了伊尔马特在这个世界的知名度。
Ilmater's symbol in the early days was the blood-stained rack, but since the Godswar the use of a pair white hands bound with blood-red cord has come into almost exclusive use. This newer symbol has increased Ilmater's popularity in the world at large.

The Triad

伊尔马特的化身Ilmater's Avatar

  (武僧Monk 35,牧师Cleric 29,圣武士Paladin 20,巫师Mage 18)

Ilmater appears as a man with broken joints who drags himself around in obvious pain using his smashed hands and ravaged limbs despite the agony activity causes. He is short, burly, and wears only a breechcloth. His balding head sports a homely, kindly face, and his hairy body is crisscrossed with scars, open cuts, burns, and other marks of torture. He can cast spells from any priest sphere or wizard school, but rarely casts any spell that causes any form of damage to another unless in retribution for sadistic acts performed by others. All positive forms of healing and necromantic sphere spells he casts are at double strength.

  防御等级 -5;移动 15;生命值 224;零级命中值 -2;#攻击 3次/1轮*
  伤害 1d10+9(+9力量,+10对拳击专精奖励,+表格奖励**)
  魔抗 80%;体型 大型L(12呎)
  力量 21,敏捷 13,体质 25,智力 19,感知 23,魅力 18
  法术 祭司P:15/14/13/13/12/11/9,法师W:5/5/5/5/5/3/3/2/1
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 5;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 6
    **使用《玩家手册PHB》或 《完全战士手册Complete Fighter's Handbook》或《完全祭司手册Complete Priest's Handbook》的徒手战斗规则。如果使用了《玩家指南PLAYHR'S OPTION 战斗与战术Combat & Tactics]]》,他被视作大宗师专精。
  AC -5; MV 15; HP 224; THAC0 -2; #AT 3/1*
  Dmg 1d10+9 (+9 STR, +10 spec, bonus in punching, +9 chart bonus**)
  MR 80%; SZ L (12 feet)
  STR 21, DEX 13, CON 25, INT 19, Wis 23, CHA 18
  Spells P: 15/14/13/13/12/11/9, W: 5/5/5/5/5/3/3/2/1
  Saves PPDM 2, RSW 5, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 6
    * Includes extra unarmed specialization attack.
    **Using the PHB or Complete Fighter's Handbook or Complete Priest's Handbook unarmed combat rules. Using PLAYER'S OPTION™: Combat & Tactics, he is considered a grand master.

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  伊尔马特不使用武器。通常他甚至不会保护自己免受攻击,而是任由自己受到伤害。他每轮可再生6点生命值,尽管他破碎的身躯从未表现出被治愈的情况。直至生命值达到-213被毁灭前,他都可以保持行动如常。他只会在出离愤怒时使用法术或拳头,以惩罚极端残忍的行为或是保护别人免遭攻击。他还会用拳头击打来转移针对他、他人、以及瞄准了他认为危险的物品的远程攻击(每发弹药需进行一次成功的攻击骰)。他被认为专精于 武术martial arts、一位武术的大宗师、或是专精于殴击,这取决于使用的徒手格斗规则(见 附录:祭司职业Appendix I: Priest Classes 中的武僧职业)。
Ilmater does not use a weapon. He most often does not even defend himself against attacks, simply suffering the damage he is dealt. He regenerates 6 hit points a round, though his broken physical form never reflects this healing. He can function perfectly well without being destroyed until at -213 hit points. He only strikes out in anger with spells or fists in retribution for extreme acts of cruelty and sadism or when defending another from attacks. He also strikes out with his fists to deflect missile attacks directed at himself and others (with a successful attack roll per missile) and to target specific items that he deems dangerous. He is considered to be specialized in martial arts, a grand master in martial arts, or specialized in punching, depending on the unarmed combat rules in use (see the monk class in Appendix I: Priest Classes).

其祂显现Other Manifestations

Ilmater appears as an unseen, watchful presence accompanied by a whimpering or howling sound. In this form he speaks, telekineses items about, and hurls spells.

  或者,哭泣之神the Crying God 可以选择占据任意正在遭受酷刑的善良阵营生物,无论该生物在当地法律是否应当遭遇这一酷刑待遇。当这种显现发生时,被占据的生物其躯体将发出明亮的白色灵光,生命得到治愈和再生,所有的痛苦消散,一切束缚都将被打破,刑具将被砸碎,他将被释放,充满活力、意识清醒。如果伊尔马特对发生在这个生物身上的事情感到足够的愤怒(残酷的折磨者和随之而来的谋杀是触发这一点的原因),他会授予力量给被释放的人一个回合左右来施展破坏性法术,通常会引导施展诸如 连锁闪电chain lightning焰击术flame strike闪电束lightning bolt流星暴meteor swarm监禁术imprisonment沉没术sink
Alternatively, the Crying God can choose to possess any good-aligned creature who is being tortured without having done anything to earn such treatment under the laws of the realm in which the torture is taking place. When such a manifestation occurs, the tortured being's body glows with a bright white aura, the being is healed and regenerated, all pain is banished, any restraints are broken asunder and torture devices smashed, and the being is set free, vigorous and alert. If Ilmater is angered enough by what has been done (sadistically cruel torturers and accompanying murders are definite triggers for this), he empowers the freed being to cast destructive spells for a turn or so, typically channeling the ability to cast such spells as chain lightning, flame strike, lightning bolt, meteor swarm, imprisonment, and sink.

  伊尔马特也通过以下外观或存在行动:使徒devas,恩赫里亚einheriar(殉道者martyrs 形成),圣飞象hollyphants,勇气具现incarnates of courage,异界天使planetars,炽天使solars 和其它尚未识别的生物。他更常派来 白鸽white doves,驴子donkeys,雏菊daisies,白玫瑰white roses,田鼠field mice 和 麻雀sparrows,来彰显他的眷顾,并作为激励他信徒坚忍的标志。
Ilmater also acts through the appearance or presence of devas, einheriar (formed from martyrs), hollyphants, incarnates of courage, planetars, solars, and other not yet dentified beings. More commonly he sends white doves, donkeys, daisies, white roses, field mice, and sparrows to show his favor and as a sign to encourage his faithful to persevere.

教会The Church

  神职人员CLERGY:牧师Clerics,专属祭司specialty priests,武僧monks
  神职阵营Clergy's Align.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG
  驱散不死TURN UNDEAD:牧师C:可Yes;专属祭司SP:不可No;武僧Mon:不可No
  支配不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧师C:不可No;专属祭司SP:不可No;武僧Mon:不可No

  伊尔马特的所有牧师、专属祭司和武僧得到 宗教知识religion(泛费伦Faerûnian)作为非武器熟练奖励。伊尔马特的追随者经常被认为是故意的受难者,但事实上,他们将大量精力用在了为那些受伤之人提供适当的诊治和治疗上。他们将他人的福祉放在自己之前,并分享和强调生活的精神本质压过了物质的总和。
All clerics, specialty priests, and monks of Ilmater receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency. The followers of Ilmater are often perceived as being intentional sufferers, but in reality they concentrate a lot of effort on providing proper treatment and healing to those who have been hurt. They put others ahead of themselves, are sharing, and emphasize the spiritual nature of life over the gross material body.

  伊尔马特的祭司们往往是人类中最感性、最关心他人的。当他们刚开始加入该信仰时,大多因为目睹了太多痛苦而哭泣过。随着时间的推移,这些不断拨弄着他们心弦的苦难折磨着他们,之后他们往往会陷入对 费伦大陆Faerûn 人世的怀疑。然而,他们与其他愤世嫉俗者的区别在于,他们无法无视那些需要帮助的人。即使这是一项无望的事业,但他们也必须去帮助别人。伊尔马特神官Ilmatari 被教导坚持自己的原则、无所畏惧,因此他们在平民大众中赢得了极大的尊重,但又经常被土匪和持有不同信念的人杀害。伊尔马特教会有别于众多泛费伦信仰之处在于,它拥有许多的圣徒,其中包括 圣·狄奥尼修斯St. Dionysius“双重殉道者”圣·索拉斯St. Sollars the Twice-Martyred(他的徽记是一朵黄玫瑰)。
Ilmater's priests tend to be the most sensitive and caring of humans. When new to the faith, since they see much suffering, they often weep. Over time, this constant tugging at their heartstrings wears at them, and they then tend toward a cynical view of life in Faerûn. They are distinguished from other cynics, however, by their inability to ignore or pass by others in need. Even when a cause is hopeless, they must help. Ilmatari are taught to be firm in their principles and fearless, with the result that they earn enormous respect with the general populace, but are often slain by brigands or those who hold different principles than they do. The church of Ilmater is different from many Faerûnian faiths in that it has many saints, among them St. Dionysius and St. Sollars the Twice-Martyred (whose symbol is a yellow rose).

  伊尔马特的祭司中少有士兵,商人则更少,但在他们维护的众多疗养院和麻风病人避难所中,他们的规模、数量以及治疗水平确实都超过了其他教会。自担任牧师开始,伊尔马特神官就接受了识别和治疗所有已知疾病、损伤和异常状态;资深祭司则准备好了详细的 程控幻术programmed illusions 来揭示患者身上伤害的严重程度。举例来说,看过了 程控幻术 的伊尔马特祭司只需轻轻一瞥,就能一眼认出身染 腐尸虫rot grubs 的人。
Few priests of Ilmater are soldiers, and fewer still are merchants, but they do outstrip all other priesthoods in the size, number, and level of treatment in the many infirmaries and leper sanctuaries they maintain. From their inception into the priesthood, Ilmatari are trained in the recognition and treatment of all known diseases, injuries, and conditions; senior priests have had prepared detailed programmed illusions to show beings in various stages of harm. An Ilmatari priest who has been shown these could, for instance, recognize a human infested with rot grubs at a glance.

The process of joining the clergy of Ilmater is simple: A novice enjoys a gentle walk and talk with a senior priest, during which they talk and explore the novice's views of life. They then dine and the novice is (knowingly) given a wine that puts him or her into a gentle trance where various clergy and wizards friendly to the faith can easily employ mind-scrying spells to thoroughly explore the novice's true feelings, loyalties, and aims. If no dedication to evil or precluding religious or secular loyalties are found, the novice is accepted and adorned with the simple robes of Ilmater. (This cautious practice was instituted because many folk in the past have posed as willing entrants into the Ilmatari just to learn the medicines and physiclore and then stolen away with as many medical supplies as they could.)

  祭司们被合称为 受敬者the Adorned,不过除了 兄弟Brother 和 姐妹Sister 外,其神职人员没有广泛使用的头衔。在资深神职人员会加上前缀 尊敬的Revered,而那些 哭泣之神the Crying God 的神殿、大教堂和修道院的首领,则使用 父亲Father 和 母亲Mother。所以,举例来说,意志受难之塔the Towers of Willful Suffering(位于 艾什普塔市Eshpurta 的伊尔马特大教堂)的首领,被称为 圣邸尊敬的母亲赫尔达丝·杜哈斯塔Revered Mother of the House Heldatha Dhussta。
All the Adorned are priests, but no titles are commonly used in the clergy except Brother and Sister. For senior clergy, Revered is added to this, and for the heads of temples, abbeys, and monasteries dedicated to the Crying God, Father and Mother are used. So, for example, the head of the Towers of Willful Suffering, the abbey to Ilmater in Eshpurta, is known as Revered Mother of the House Heldatha Dhussta.

The Adorned include clerics, specialty priests, and monks. Though the monastic orders usually dwell separate from the rest of the church in monasteries and abbeys, some monks also abide in Ilmatari temples to teach other Ilmatari about fields of knowledge they have specialized in or to provide their special form of hand-to-hand protection to the institution to which they are assigned.

  受敬者的等级制度通常以大型神殿、大教堂或修道院的领导者为中心,该地区的伊尔马特神官将向他报告。伊马斯卡神官们被松散地列在 尊敬的母亲Revered Mother 或 尊敬的父亲Revered Father 名下,而大教堂和修道院通常与某座特定神殿联系在一起,这通常会在等级制度中增加第二个非正式级别。
The hierarchy of the Adorned usually centers around the leader of large temple, abbey, or monastery to who the Ilmatari in the region report. Ilmatari are loosely ranked under this Revered Mother or Father, and abbeys and monasteries are usually tied to specific temples, often adding a second informal tier to the hierarchy.

  伊尔马特的祭司们在需要他们的地方出现,通常是在最恶劣的条件下,为被压迫者、死难者和贫苦者的需求而服务。外人通常将这视作该教会在明确迫害伊尔马特神官的地区(如 穆尔玛斯特Mulmaster散提尔堡Zhentil Keep)的战略布局。伊尔马特的祭司们也可以在冒险队中找到,并且——就像圣武士们一样——通常是去营救被绑架的半身人氏族成员,或是替人找回被盗的传家宝。这不是说他们很蠢,而是他们关心一切、不顾个人风险。
Ilmater's priests are found where they are needed, which is usually in the worst possible conditions, ministering to the needs of the oppressed, the deceased, and the poor. Those outside the faith often view this as a strategic positioning of churches in areas which guarantee the persecution of Ilmatari (such as Mulmaster and Zhentil Keep). Priests of Ilmater may also be found among adventuring companies, and—in addition to paladins—are often the ones to go off rescuing this clan of kidnapped halflings or recovering that purloined family heirloom. It is not that they are foolish, but rather that they care for all things to the exclusion of their personal risk.

  动荡之年the Time of Troubles 不久后,其建制教会的声誉受到了伊尔马特一支中立教会行为的损害,该教会信奉将痛苦传递给他人,尤其是那些非信徒。他们以自我鞭挞、绑架和煽动暴乱而闻名。伊尔马特并不授予这些异端们力量和法术,伊尔马特教会怀疑 希瑞克Cyric劳薇塔Loviatar本莎芭Beshaba 是这些被欺骗之人背后的黑手。幸运的是,由于招致了贵族和当权者们的打击,这个教团在很大程度上已经被消灭。
Shortly after the Time of Troubles, the reputation of the organized church was plagued by the actions of a neutral cult of Ilmater that believed in passing suffering around to others, especially nonbelievers. They were noted for self-flagellation, kidnappings, and inciting riots. Ilmater was not granting these cultists their powers or spells, and the Ilmatari church suspects that Cyric, Loviatar, or Beshaba was behind these deluded people. Fortunately, the cult has largely been eliminated due to a hostile response to its actions on the part of nobles and those in authority.


The Ilmatari are taught to help all who hurt, no matter who they are, and that the truly holy take on the suffering of others. Ilmater tells them that if they suffer in his name, he will be there to support them. They should stick to their cause if it is right, whatever the pain and peril. They are to stand up to all tyrants, resisting in ways both great and small, and to allow no injustice to go by unchallenged. They believe that there is no shame in a meaningful death. Some followers of Ilmater take a negative or darkly humorous view of the world, and the church accepts them as well. "Today is the first day in what's left of your life" fits very snugly into Ilmater's dogma, but most Ilmatari would add, "So live it well."

Novices in the faith are charged to: "Persevere in the face of pain. Heal the sick, the wounded, and the diseased. Comfort the dying, the griefstricken, and the heartsick. Take on the burdens and the pain of others. Champion the causes of the oppressed and unjustly treated, and give shelter and kind counsel to the lonely, the lost, and the ruined. Pursue the service of Ilmater, and he will provide—leave gross riches and the acquisition of all but medicines to others. Take up the tasks no others dare."

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:

Ilmatari share what they have with those in need and always take time to counsel those who are upset and give healing and tender care to the injured. They speak for the oppressed, guide the lost, feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and gather herbs and make medicines at all times for disasters to come. When war is expected and time permits, priests of Ilmater gather in strength with litters, shovels, tents, splints, bandages by the cartload, and wagons of medicines and healing potions to tend those who will soon suffer.

Priests of Ilmater see life as sacred and suffering as holy, but they do not stand in the way of others' desires or condemn them for their chosen path. For instance, Ilmatari would not stop a sorely injured warrior from rising up half-healed to plunge into battle again, openly seeking death while fighting the foe. Instead, they would freely assist the warrior by healing him enough to be mobile so that he could follow his own doom wish in the most honorable manner available to him.

  伊尔马特神官埋葬死者,治疗病人,给穷人饮食与柴禾。他们也会巡回费伦大陆的富裕城市和定居点,来为教会筹措资金。由于在动荡之年期间,有那么多的民众从他们的善举中受益,所以所有信仰的人都会向哭泣之神的教会慷慨解囊。就像 西门城Westgate 的商人 阿斯瓦得Ashaerond 说的那样:“如果我今天多买一剂药水,它可能将是明天的最后一瓶——但那瓶正是救我一命所需的那瓶。”
Ilmatari bury the dead, treat the diseased, and give food, drink, and firewood to the poor. They also tour the wealthier cities and settlements of Faerûn soliciting moneys to support the church. Increasingly, since so many folk personally received the benefit of their kindnesses during the Time of Troubles, people of all faiths give generously to the church of the Crying God. As the merchant Ashaerond of Westgate put it: "If I pay for one extra potion today, it may be the last one tomorrow—but the one needed then to heal me."

圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

There are no calendar-related special holy days or any other festivals observed by the Ilmatari. Instead, the daily rituals of prayer to Ilmater at least six times per day govern each and every day of service.

  为了获得伊尔马特的命令中解脱出来、持续一旬的假期,必须向伊尔马特举行一场特殊的 圣忏Plea 来获取一场 圣憩Rest 的圣许。通常伊尔马特神官会在他们情绪疲惫时这样做,但一些冒险者祭司会利用圣憩来做一些伊尔马特不会高兴的事情。这种习俗是一些信仰领袖所依赖的既定传统,他们会借此派出最具战斗力的神职人员去做一些教会无法完成的事情(比如,暗中罢免一位暴君而非公开对抗他)。
A special Plea must be made to Ilmater to receive divine dispensation for a Rest, which is a tenday vacation from serving Ilmater's dictates. Usually Ilmatari request this when they are emotionally exhausted, but some adventurer-priests use Rests to perform things Ilmater would otherwise frown upon. This custom is an established tradition that some leaders of the faith rely upon, sending their best fighting clergy out to do things that the church cannot otherwise accomplish (covertly removing a tyrant rather than confronting him openly, for example).

  该信仰最重要的仪式是 皈依仪式the Turning:每位伊尔马特的祭司都有职责出于抚慰,来尝试让垂死者皈依伊尔马特,让他们在去世前得到 残神the Broken God 的祝福。随着对伊尔马特信仰的增长(哪怕这种增长发生在临界死亡之时),他的治疗力量也将变得更伟大。
The most important ritual of the Church of Ilmater is the Turning: It is the duty of every priest of Ilmater to try to get dying persons to turn to Ilmater for comfort, receiving the blessing of the Broken God before they expire. As the veneration of Ilmater grows, even in death, his healing power becomes greater.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  伊尔马特崇拜最大的中心是位于 卡林珊Calimshan 克泽塔城Keltar 的 残神之邸the House of the Broken God。残神之邸是坐位于镇中心的巨大修道院,通过一系列有围墙的庭园与克泽塔城西北一座小丘上的一座神殿农场相连,农场后面是一座有围墙的麻风病院,再后面是座疗养院。在此处,以能够诊疗并奇迹般地治愈病患而享有盛名的 圣邸尊敬的父亲Here Revered Father of the House “治疗之手”梅尔德·雷思廷Melder Rythtin of the Healing Hand,主持着全费伦大陆最大的医院,以及最大的酿造、调制并配置药物的设施。那些对卡林珊人不友好的人评论说:这样一座设施会坐落在这里,是因为 卡林珊人Calishites 的残忍使得他们的王国成了最需要它的地方——但他们对病人、畸形人和伤者过于的贪婪和厌恶,以至于他们不允许将它建立在他们自鸣得意的首都里。
The largest center of Ilmatari worship is the House of the Broken God in Keltarin Calimshan. The House of the Broken God is a huge monastery in the center of the town that is connected, via a series of walled gardens, to a temple farm on a hill northwest of Keltar, a walled leper house beyond that, and a sanitarium beyond that. Here Revered Father of the House Melder Rythtin of the Healing Hand, who is famous for his diagnoses and miraculous treatments of the afflicted, presides over the largest hospital and facility for brewing, concocting, and compounding medicines in Faerûn. Those unfriendly to Calimshan have commented that such a facility is located where it is because the cruelty of the Calishites makes it most needed in their realm—but they are too greedy and disgusted by the sick, the malformed, and the injured to allow such a place in their proud capital city.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:

  伊尔马特的教会有几支由圣武士和勇士组成的附属骑士团,包括 高贵之心骑士团the Companions of the Noble Heart、受难圣战者the Holy Warriors of Suffering、金杯骑士团the Order of the Golden Cup、以及 闪光玫瑰骑士团the Order of the Lambent Rose。修道院教团也很多,包括 “双重殉道者”圣·索拉斯门徒the Disciples of St. Sollars the Twice-Martyred(他最著名的修道会)、黄玫瑰修道院the Monastery of the Yellow Rose(位于 达玛拉Damara,高高坐落在 白蠕虫冰川the Glacier of the White Worm 附近的 土马刺山脉the Earthspurs,这座修道院的武僧专攻系谱学研究)。其他伊马斯卡修道院教团包括 无遮之径追随者the Followers of the Unhindered Path、“沉默者”圣·马甘门徒the Disciples of St. Morgan the Taciturn、“磐岩”圣·贾斯珀姐妹会the Sisters of St. Jasper of the Rocks。传统上,大部分伊尔马特修道院都以对这些团体有象征意义的花朵命名,不过这并非强制性的。
Ilmater's church has several affiliated knightly orders of paladins and warriors, including the Companions of the Noble Heart, the Holy Warriors of Suffering, the Order of the Golden Cup, and the Order of the Lambent Rose. Monastic orders are also numerous, and include the Disciples of St. Sollars the Twice-Martyred, whose most famous facility, the Monastery of the Yellow Rose, is located in Damara, high up in the Earthspurs near the Glacier of the White Worm. (Monks of this monastery specialize in genealogical studies.) Other llmatari monastic orders include the Followers of the Unhindered Path, the Disciples of St. Morgan the Taciturn, and the Sisters of St. Jasper of the Rocks. Most llmatari monasteries traditionally are named after flowers which symbolize something of significance to the order, though this is not mandated.

祭司的祭服Priesdy Vestments:

For ceremonial functions, llmatari wear a solid gray tunic, tabard, and trousers, or gray robes. They wear skullcaps in gray (most clergy members) or red (senior priests). Novices who have not yet been adorned wear no skullcaps. The symbol of Ilmater is worn as a pin over the heart or on a chain around the neck and serves as a holy symbol. Some of the older members of the faith have a gray teardrop tattooed to one side of their right or left eye.

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:

In the field or on quests, llmatari priests dress appropriately for the mission and the weather, but usually wear gray tabards decorated with Ilmater's symbol stitched on the chest near the left shoulder over any other clothing or armor they wear. They are never without their holy symbols and a satchel of medicines, bandages, salves, splints, and slings.

专属祭司Speciolty Priests(受难者Painbearers

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:体质Constitution 14,感知Wisdom 12
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:体质Constitution,感知Wisdom
  武器WEAPONS:所有钝击武器(类型B)和刑鞭All bludgeoning (wholly Type B) weapons and the scourge
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,魅惑charm,创造creation,守卫guardian,治疗healing,守序law,死灵necromantic,保护protection,旅行travelers
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:战斗Combat,元素elemental,召唤summoning,太阳sun,结界wards,气象weather
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师Same as clerics
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:治疗Healing
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:坚忍Endurance,草药学herbalism

  ❖受难者Painbearers 在涉及耐力或抵御痛苦的豁免检定上得到+4奖励。在这种情形下(例如游泳和溺水),他们在所有涉及体质的属性检定上得到+2奖励。
  ❖ Painbearers gain a +4 bonus to saving throws that involve endurance or resisting pain and suffering. They gain a +2 bonus on all ability checks involving Constitution in such situations (such as swimming and drowning).

  ❖ Painbearers can survive without food and water for a number of tendays equal to their level. Their attack and damage rolls are reduced by a -1 penalty for every three tendays they go without food or water, but they do not perish. Such painbearers are wracked by hunger pangs, but that is to be expected in this faith.

  ❖通过触碰,受难者可以从其他人身上 移除恐惧remove fear(类似于1级祭司法术),并永久驱散基于造成疼痛、痛苦或绝望这些有害情绪的法术的影响(例如 劳薇塔Loviatar 的 痛楚者pains 的 痛苦之触pain touch )。受难者每天可以在最多2个其他人身上施展这个效果,但不包括他们自己。
  ❖ A painbearer can remove fear (similar to the 1st-level priest spell) from others and can permanently dispel the effect of baneful emotion-based spells which cause pain, suffering, or hopelessness by touch (such as the pain touch of pains of Loviatar). The painbearer can perform this task on up to two other people in addition to himself or herself per day.

  ❖在第3级,每日1次,受难者可以施展 召唤圣力draw upon holy might(如同2级祭司法术),且在之后不需要休息。
  ❖ At 3rd level, painbearers are able to draw upon holy might (as the 2nd-level priest spell) once a day without needing any rest afterward.

  ❖在第5级,每日1次,受难者可以施展 伊尔玛特的眷顾favor of Ilmater(如同3级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 5th level, painbearers are able to cast favor of Ilmater (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once a day.

  ❖在第7级,每日1次,受难者可以 伊尔玛特的坚忍endurance of Ilmater(如同4级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 7th level, painbearers are able to cast endurance of Ilmater (as the 4th-level priest spell) once a day.

  ❖从7级而非9级开始,受难者可以开始可以酿造治疗类型的药剂。除了在7级他们可以制造 治疗药剂potions of healing 外,DM必须决定他们可以在什么级别制造什么治疗类型药剂。
  ❖ Painbearers are able to brew healing-type potions beginning at 7th level rather than 9th level. DMs must adjudicate what types of healing potions they may manufacture at what levels, but at 7th level they may make potions of healing.

  ❖在第7级,每旬1次,受难者能够与伊尔马特 通神术commune(如同5级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 10th level, painbearers are able to commune with Ilmater once per tenday (as the 5th-level priest spell).

  ❖在第12级,受难者遭受的极端惩罚、折磨或苦难时,将被伊尔马特的一位有益神仆占据。这将由苦难者要求而发生。在占据发生期间,这位神仆将承受所有痛苦、而不会遭受身体伤害。这位神仆无法移动身体,并且只能停留到受难过程结束。驱散魔法dispel magic 法术可以驱逐这位神仆。
  ❖ At 12th level, painbearers suffering under extreme punishment, torture, or suffering, may be possessed by a beneficial servant of Ilmater. This is at their request. During such possession, the servant takes all the pain inflicted, but no physical damage. The servant cannot move the body and remains only until the suffering has passed. A dispel magic spell drives out the servant.

伊尔马特神官法术Ilmatari Spells

3rd Level

伊尔玛特的眷顾favor of Ilmater


  距离Range:10 码/级yards/level
  持续时间Duration:1 回合/施法者等级turn/level of the caster 或 永久permanent
  施法时间Casting Time:6
  影响区域Area of Effect:一只生物One creature 或 施法者与一只生物the caster and one creature
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

  这道法术有两种可能的形式。在第一种形式中,伊尔玛特的眷顾favor of Ilmater 可以消除疼痛和反胃,令受术者(可以是施法者)不会因为截肢、折磨和重创而晕眩或衰竭。那些创伤仍将造成伤害,死亡仍可能因为失血过多、被勒死等而降临,但面对这些可怕的事件,受术者可以保持尊严和冷静、避免瘫痪、并保持思维清晰和冷静。这道法术将令受术者能有个高贵的死法,能够保持清醒和冷静来传递重要信息,能够即便将死也能保持作为观测者的警惕和意识,等等等等。这道法术将消除虚弱、休克、谵妄 和 魅惑charm,将受术者从催眠效果、迷宫术maze 法术、困惑confusion 中解放出来,并让他从眩晕和昏厥中恢复。如果法术到期后疼痛和身体症状等原因仍然存在,这些物理层面的情况将会复发,但 伊尔玛特的眷顾 对受术者心灵的影响是永久的——比如被打破的魅惑将永久如此。
This spell has two possible forms. In the first form, favor of Ilmater banishes pain and nausea so that the spell recipient, who may be the caster, cannot be stunned or debilitated by amputations, torture, and severe injuries. Those injuries still deal damage, and death may occur from loss of blood, strangulation, and the like, but dignity and composure can be maintained, shock avoided, and clear, calm thought retained in the face of such horrid occurrences. The spell allows its recipient to die nobly, to stay conscious and calm to pass on vital information, to remain alert and aware as an observer even if dying, and so on. The spell banishes feeblemindedness, shock, delirium, and charm effects, frees the recipient being from hypnotic effects, maze spells, and confusion, and revives him or her from dazed conditions and faints. Pain and physical symptoms will return if their causes are still present when the spell expires, but the helpful effects of favor of Ilmater on the recipient's mind are permanent—for instance, a broken charm is gone forever.

  在 伊尔玛特的眷顾 的第二种形式中,施法者可以承受另一只生物所受的所有生命值伤害,通过法术立即将自己当前的生命值转移给到受伤的生物。在这场交换中,如果丧失的生命值,比接受的生物通常拥有的生命值更多,则多余的生命值将丧失。此转移是永久的,直到施法者使用正常的方法来治疗为止,并且除非转移的生命值将导致施法者的死亡,并且受伤的生物生命值在转移后仍然在0以下,否则双方都不需要进行身体休克豁免检定。如果真遭遇了这种情况,则两人都需要进行身体休克豁免检定。豁免失败将导致死亡。豁免成功的一方则将陷入昏迷状态;他们并未死去,但不依赖魔法的帮助无法被治愈。
In the second form of favor of Ilmater, the caster may choose to take on all of the hit point damage suffered by another creature, instantly transferring their own current hit points to the injured being by means of the spell. This switch is permanent until the caster uses normal methods to heal the damage. Beings who receive more hit points than they normally possess in this trade lose the excess. This transfer may be done from a distance so long as the spell range is not exceeded, and neither the priest nor the recipient being need make system shock survival rolls unless the transfer of hit points brings the priest to death and does not bring the injured being up to above zero hit points. In this case, both individuals must make a system shock roll. Failing this roll brings death. Individuals who succeed at the roll are placed in a coma; they are not dead but are unable to heal without magical aid.

  请注意,施法者不能 伊尔玛特的眷顾 的第二种形式,来应对疾病、寄生虫感染、醉酒和其他情况;只有纯粹的物理伤害能被转移。伊尔马特认为以这种方式承受他人的痛苦是一种非常神圣的行为,并鼓励他的神职人员在有真正需求(而非因为物理)时使用这道法术。
Note that diseases, parasitic infestations, drunkenness, and other conditions cannot be taken on by the caster by means of the second use of a favor of Ilmater spell; only purely physical damage can be transferred. Ilmater regards the taking on of the pain of others in this way to be a very holy act, and encourages his clergy to make such use of this spell whenever a real (not frivolous) need is present.

4th Level

伊尔马特之坚忍Endurance of Ilmater


  施法时间Casting Time:7
  影响区域Area of Effect:一只生物One creature
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

This spell doubles the hit points of the spell recipient for the spell duration.

  受术者遭受的任何伤害都将先从虚假生命值扣除,直至它们被消耗殆尽,在那之后,才会开始扣除他的真实生命值。伊尔马特之坚忍Endurance of Ilmater 生效期间,将令受术者的所有力量与体质属性检定自动成功。法术还将保护受术者在所有种类身体休克骰和任何种类对抗感染疾病检定中自动成功,并且其他所有豁免骰获得+2奖励。此外,在 伊尔马特之坚忍 保护下,受术者不会被击倒、践踏、坠马、或打翻;受保护的生物能在一切挑战面前屹立不倒。
Any damage suffered is taken first from these phantom hit points until they are all exhausted; damage is only then taken from the real hit points of the affected being. Endurance of Hmater makes all Strength and Constitution ability checks of the spell recipient automatically succeed while the endurance of Ilmater is in effect. The spell also protects the vitality of the spell recipient so that all system shock rolls and checks of any sort against contracting diseases automatically succeed, and all other saving throws receive a +2 bonus. In addition, no being protected by endurance of Ilmater can be knocked over, trampled, ridden down, or overthrown; all protected beings can stand firm against all charges.

5th Level

痛苦爆炸Blast of Pain


  距离Range:10 码/级yards/level
  持续时间Duration:4 轮rounds
  施法时间Casting Time:5
  影响区域Area of Effect:一只生物One creature
  豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊Special

This spell creates a beam of smoky gray radiance that streaks unerringly from the priest to a single chosen target who must be within view and range of the caster as casting begins. The target creature must make a saving throw vs. spell at a -5 penalty. If the saving throw is successful, the target is overwhelmed by pain for one round (slowing its movement by half, adding 3 to all casting times, and forcing it to make all attack rolls at a -2 penalty) and suffers 1d4+1 points of damage to its nervous system; it is then free of the spell.

If the saving throw is failed, the target creature suffers 1 point of damage per level of the caster and is stunned and writhing helplessly in pain for the remainder of the current round and the following round. While in such pain, no spellcasting or coherent thought is possible for the target creature.

It drops or flings away all held items and moves at random. It can make no deliberate attacks, and its awareness of its surroundings is blotted out.

At the beginning of the second round after it was affected, the target being is allowed another saving throw vs. spell, this time at a -4 penalty. If the target succeeds at the saving throw, it suffers 1d4+1 points of damage but is then free of the spell. If it fails, another 1 point of damage per level of the caster is inflicted, and the victim continues to be stunned and to writhe helplessly.

At the beginning of the third round after it was affected, the target is allowed a third saving throw vs. spell at a -3 penalty. If the saving throw is successful, the victim suffers 1d4+1 points of damage and is then freed from the spell. If the saving throw is failed, another 1 point of damage per level of the caster is inflicted, and the victim continues to be stunned and to writhe helplessly until the end of the round, when the spell ends.

  10级以上或生命骰大于10的目标生物,等级或生命骰每比10大1级或1生命骰,将在涉及 痛苦爆发blast of pain 的豁免检定得到+1奖励。没有神经系统或对疼痛免疫的生物对此法术免疫。
Target beings above 10th level or possessing more than 10 Hit Dice gain a +1 bonus on all saving throws related to a blast of pain per level or Hit Die above 10. Creatures who have no nervous systems or are immune to pain are immune to this spell.
