佩塞纳Persana,梭螺海人之神 | |
基本信息 | |
【阵 营】 | N(偏G) |
【神 力】 | I |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | 海洋与天空诸神Gods of the Seas and Skies/大海迷梦者Asathalfinare |
【盟 友】 | 大海迷梦者Asathalfinare |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | 漫游中→水元素位面the elemental plane of Water/莎鲁瑞尔Shelluria(依卓洛Eadro的神国) |
【徽 记】 | 三叉戟与海螺trident and conch |
【简 介】 | 佩塞纳Persana 是梭螺海人之神。 |
<Monster Mythology.p091>佩塞纳Persana(中等神Intermediate God)
佩塞纳Persana 是那位用来自 水元素位面the elemental plane of Water、以魔法处理过的喷泉水,创造了 梭螺海人triton 的神明。目前他的种族在海洋中人口繁盛、力量强大,而他也鼓励他们建造水下城市。佩塞纳似乎对自己子民之外的任何事情都没有直接兴趣,但他乐意为略有些排外的梭螺海人,配合其祂海洋神祇达成领土分割协议。如果对梭螺海人一族有利,他甚至可能会作为强大的强大神之仆从行动。
Persana is the god who created tritons out of magically treated water from the fountain of the elemental plane of Water. Now his race is populous and powerful in the oceans, and he encourages their building underwater cities. Persana appears to have little direct interest in anything other than his people, but will cooperate readily with other sea deities to reach agreements concerning division of territories for the slightly xenophobic tritons. He may even act as a servitor for powerful greater gods of the sea if this is to the advantage of the triton race.}}
角色扮演指南Role-playing Notes:
Role-playing notes:Persana's avatar may act in the interests of other deities (see above) and possibly accompany their avatars. His priests have no special powers (exceptional tritons exist, instead, as an additional manifestation of Persana's power) and, hence, he guides them by having his avatar appear at triton courts (rarely) and with omens taking the form of lucky finds of pearls, living caverns, or localized underwater whirlpools.}}
徽记SY:三叉戟与海螺trident and conch。
AL n(g); WAL n(g)(tritons); AoC tritons, architecture; SY trident and conch.
佩塞纳的化身Persana's Avatar
(战士Fighter 13,法师Wizard 12,祭司Priest 12)
佩塞纳的化身是位肌肉发达的绿皮肤高挑梭螺海人,携带着一只大号粉、绿色海螺。他使用对其祭司列出的领域和所有法师学派(除了死灵和幻术/幻象) 法术。
Persana's avatar is a green-skinned, muscular, tall triton bearing a large pink and green conch. He uses spells from spheres listed for his priests and from all wizard schools save necromancy and illusion/phantasm.
力量 18/00,敏捷 17,体质 18,
智力 19,感知 20,魅力 19,
移动 游泳30,体型 大型L(10呎),魔抗 30%,
防御等级 -2,生命骰 18,生命值 144,
#攻击 2次,零级命中值 5,伤害 2d10+3(三叉戟)+6
Str 18/00 Dex 17 Con 18
Int 19 Wis 20 Cha 19
MV sw 30 SZ L (10') MR 30%
AC -2 HD 18 HP 144
#AT 2 THAC0 5 Dmg 2d10 + 3 (trident) +6
特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:
此化身免疫元素(水)法术、恐惧,并且他的 鲨鱼皮+4皮甲 令他免疫所有接触法术。每日3次,该化身通过吹他的海螺,可以召唤3d6只海狮,服务最多6回合。他可以心灵感应呼唤2英里剧里内的梭螺海人。他的 +3三叉戟 通过触碰将麻痹对手3d4回合,除非对方成功通过了-2的对抗麻痹豁免骰。
The avatar is immune to elemental (water) spells, fear, and his sharkskin leather armor +4 makes him immune to all touch spells. The avatar can summon 3d6 sea lions by blowing his conch 3/day, to serve for up to 6 turns. He can call tritons telepathically with a range of 2 miles. His trident +3 paralyzes opponents by touch for 3d4 turns unless a successful saving throw is made versus paralyzation at -2.
祭职者的职责Duties of the Priesthood
Triton priests are ministers of justice at triton courts, architects of undersea cities, or battle leaders, usually specializing in one of these roles. The architects and builders are preeminent within triton society.
属性AB:感知 13 以及 力量 13 或 敏捷 13 或 魅力 13;
阵营AL:绝对中立n(偏善良g)(仅梭螺海人tritons only);
生命骰HD :d4(对于力量13+的战斗祭司是d6);
AB Wis 13 and Str 13 or Dex 13 or Cha 13; AL n (g)(tritons only); WP dagger, net, spear, trident; AR sharkskin (AC4); SP all, animal, charm*, combat*, creation, divination, elemental (water), healing, necromantic, protection, summoning, wards*; PW none; TU nil; LL 11; HD d4 (d6 for battle- priests with Str 13 +); Shamans no.