佩泽拉克Pezelac,苍白平原The Pale Flat Land | |
【所属 位面】 | 马兹特克大陆Maztica |
【类 型】 | 国家 |
【简 介】 | 佩泽拉克Pezelac 是一个位于帕伊特以西的农业国,长期受制于耐克苏帝国。本地文化是帕伊特、库尔塔卡部族和耐克苏部族杂糅的混合体。 佩泽拉克部族极端宿命论,是马兹特克大陆最疏懒、死宅和佛系的族群。 |
2eFRMZ<Maztica Campaign Set—Maztica Alive.p033>佩泽拉克Pezelac
佩泽拉克Pezelac:苍白平原The Pale Flat Land
佩泽拉克Pezelac 是个被强大而富有影响力的邻居包围和支配着的国家。它的自我定位从未明确过,主要作为 帕伊特Payit、库尔塔卡部族Kultakan、以及 耐克苏部族Nexalan 影响产生的混合体而存在。
Pezelac is a nation surrounded and dominated by powerful and influential neighbors. Its own identity has never been truly established, and exists primarily as a composite of Payit, Kultakan, and Nexalan influences.
它有一座宏伟的城市——佩泽拉克城Pezelac;然而,即便是这座城市,也只是对大得多的 耐克苏城Nexal 的拙劣模仿,既没有 图隆-伊茨城Tulom-Itzi 的色彩与美丽,也无 乌拉托斯城Ulatos 的活力。其余人口则生活在遍及郊野的大农村中,每个农村都毗邻自己的玉米田。
It has one great city, Pezelac; yet even this is a wan imitation of much larger Nexal, with none of the color and beauty of Tulom-Itzi, nor the vitality of Ulatos. The rest of the population live in large villages spread across the countryside, each one beside its own fields of mayz.
这个国家是 马兹特克大陆Maztica 中、南部与 帕伊特部族the Payit 之间的贸易十字路口。它的大部分土地都是不毛之地——干燥的硬叶灌丛带,点缀着茂密的矮林——然而,在大多数情况下,穿越它的旅途都相当轻松,使它比北部的 库尔塔卡Kultaka 更令旅者高兴。
The nation serves as the crossroads for trade between central and southern Maztica and the Payit. Much of its land is barren—dry scrub, sprinkled with dense brush copses—yet for the most part it is easily traversed, making it more pleasing to the traveler than the mountains of Kultaka to the north.
佩泽拉克有足够支持其人口的降雨,若借助有力的灌溉措施,还能养育更多的人。这里少有丛林,那些森林地带都是从 佩泽河the Pezel River 而非额外的降水中获取水分。
Pezelac receives adequate rainfall to support its population, and if vigorous irrigation were employed, it could support many more people. It has few areas of jungle, and those parts of the land that are forested receive moisture from the Pezel River, not from any excess of rain.
佩泽拉克的南部与贫瘠的 泰兹卡之邸沙漠House of Tezca 和 阿祖尔之海the Sea of Azul 接壤。该国的这一部分渺无人烟。除了零星几队沙漠矮人和 小个族裔Little Folk 会冒险到佩泽拉克的边境外,这个国家只有人类定居。
To the south it is bordered by the barren House of Tezca and the Sea of Azul. This part of the country is virtually uninhabited. With the exception of a few bands of desert dwarves or Little Folk who might venture as far as the Pezelac borders, the nation is inhabited by humans only.
人类族群Human Population
佩泽拉克部族the Pezels 的城市与城镇保存完好,社区布局齐整。它们几乎没有其它地方常见的花园和喷泉——这主要是因为他们不像 耐克苏部族the Nexalans 或 帕伊特部族the Payit 那样精通羽魔法。
The city and the towns of the Pezels are well-kept, neatly laid-out communities. They have few of the gardens and fountains common in other parts of the land—primarily because they are not as proficient masters of pluma as either the Nexalans or the Payit.
佩泽拉克的民众说一种 耐克苏语Nexalan 的方言,以耐克苏语为母语的人可以听得懂,但这种方言的口音十分明显。
The people of Pezelac speak a dialect of Nexalan that can be recognized by those who speak the mother tongue. The dialect carries a distinct accent, however.
佩泽拉克的民众宿命论到了极点,因此看上去疏懒于付出很大的努力来改变他们的生活环境。他们受制耐克苏部族的历史已愉一个世纪,在 悲号之夜the Night of Wailing 发生后,这种控制已经被打破。
The people of Pezelac are fatalistic to the extreme, and thus seem unwilling to exert a great deal of effort to alter the circumstances of their lives. They have been subject to the Nexalans for more than a century, although that hold has been broken since the Night of Wailing.
荣耀顾问Revered Counsellors 们管理着佩泽拉克部族,但这些人在作决定前往往依赖占星学家和祭司们的建议。武士在佩泽拉克部族社会中可以攀登到很高的地位,两个骑士团的成员都很受尊敬。此外,牧师们(佩泽拉克的女牧师人数异常之多,可能占到了75%)有很有影响力。
The Pezels are governed by Revered Counsellors, but these men tend to rely upon the counsels of astrologers and priests for advice before making decisions. Warriors can achieve high status in Pezel society, and members of both knightly orders are highly regarded. Also, clerics—of which Pezelac has an unusual number of females, perhaps 75%—are very influential.
Pezelac is very much a self-sustaining land, with few riches to barter with its neighbors for exotic goods. Its arable land tends to be fertile, and water is drawn from nearby sources to irrigate the fields that have always been in use. Little effort is made to expand the areas under irrigation, however, despite the fact that there are many other suitable fields that could be made fruitful.
The works of the Pezels in artisanship, architecture, and other activities tend to be practical rather than artistic. Each of their cities and towns has a pyramid, of course, but these are not so steep nor so high as the structures of their neighbors.
Previously, however, major contributions of cotton and fiber, as well as cocoa and mayz, had been required by Pezelac's Nexalan masters. Now, with the nation's independence won by default, more of this material will remain within the country. The effects of this boon are not yet determinable.
目前,对佩泽拉克的主要外部影响来源于 乌拉托斯城Ulatos/海姆港Helmsport、库尔塔卡Kultaka、以及那些仍然生活在 耐克苏山谷the valley of Nexal 边缘地带的人类进入该国的商队和贸易使团。
The major source of outside influence in Pezelac now is the caravans and trading missions that enter the country from Ulatos/Helmsport, from Kultaka, and from the humans who still live around the edges of the valley of Nexal.
在佩泽拉克西部边缘的山脉中发现了黄金,有时会有些富有进取心的马兹特克人将其开采出来,带到 阿扎特Azalt 的城市或城镇中交易。除此之外,佩泽拉克人的物质财富并不多,而且与那些东方和西方的更伟大的作品相比,一般都显得很浅薄苍白。
Gold has been found in the mountains at the western edge of Pezelac, and this is sometimes mined by enterprising Mazticans and brought to the city, or to the town of Azalt, for trade. Otherwise, the material treasures of the Pezels are few, and generally pale by comparison to the greater works to the east and west.
The people themselves value their attachments to their land. They move around very little, with most Pezels growing old and dying within a mile or two—often, literally within a few dozen paces—of where they were born. Family members are cherished, and well-cared for by the rest of the group. Outsiders, conversely, are likely to be distrusted.
佩泽拉克各地都狂热信仰 马兹特克神系The Maztican pantheon。由于它尚未遭受战争或大灾变的蹂躏,所以还未放弃旧传统——因此,这个国家每天都会发生几起人殉。在城中,随着太阳又一次被劝回到天上,泰兹卡Tezca 在神殿在每个黎明都会举行这样的仪式。
The Maztican pantheon is avidly worshipped throughout Pezelac. As it has not yet been wracked by war or cataclysm, it has not abandoned the old ways—consequently, several human sacrifices occur in this nation every day. In the city, the temple of Tezca is the scene of such a rite each dawn, as the sun is cajoled back into the sky.
所有诸神的祭司在此都很常见,在主要城市中,每种祭职者都有一座代表神殿作为代表。更小城镇中则有2~5座神殿,以及供奉其余神明的神龛。夸尔特Qotal 的牧师日趋常见,他们在这片土地上旅行,宣扬他们的无人殉教义。
Priests of all the gods are common here, and each priesthood is represented by a temple in the main city. The smaller towns have two to five temples, with shrines dedicated to the remaining deities. The clerics of Qotal are increasingly common, traveling about the land and preaching their doctrine of no sacrifice.
The heaviest taboo among the Pezels is the marrying of a foreigner; this causes the offender to be effectively banished from the society. This does not occur physically—such a banished one might even live next door to his original home, but he will be ignored as if he doesn't exist. The exact definition of "foreigner" is a matter for individual parental choice. Some Pezels consider it shocking if their child marries someone from a different village, or a different part of town.
The warriors of Pezelac are fairly numerous, although they are not known for their exceptional quality. Generally, their components of knights and experienced veterans are small, with most of their forces filled out with leveed masses of spearmen.
However, the Pezels do have some, albeit small, companies of veteran spearmen (with casters), as well as archers, slingers, and macas.
景点Places of Interest
This broad, flat lake is subject to tempestuous storms as its shallow waters can be whipped by even relatively mild winds. Its shores teem with fish, and the reeds that line the water make for excellent fowl hunting. The middle of the lake is brackish and foul, however, with those who venture there in a canoe finding themselves virtually out of sight of land. There are rumors of a strange creature lurking in the depths, but no proof has ever been found. Still, many a canoeist sallying forth into the lake has disappeared forever.