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【音   标】Is-TISH-ee-ah
【头   衔】水之主The Water Lord,水元素的神王God-King of the Water Elementals
【阵   营】N
【神   力】G
【神   职】水元素Elemental water,水元素师water elementalists,通过清洗净化purification through cleansing,湿润wetness
【神   系】FR泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon
【主   神】
【盟   友】深海·赛悉拉Deep Sashelas特芮西娜Trishina依卓洛Eadro佩塞纳Persana雪金尼斯特Shekinester瑟米娜瑞Surminare维尔寇Valkur水狮Water Lion
【敌   对】卡署斯Kossuth
【神   国】水元素位面Elemental Plane of Water不朽之海Sea of Timelessness
【徽   记】¢徽记:一个浪峰A cresting wave
Istishia symbol

¢徽记2:一滴水a drop of water
【简   介】依斯提悉亚Istishia 水元素之神,也是四大元素领主中最不可预测者。

2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p078>依斯提悉亚Istishia


  (水之主The Water Lord,水元素的神王God-King of the Water Elementals)

  水元素位面强大神力Greater Power of the Elemental Plane of Water,

  神职PORTFOLIO:水元素Elemental water,水元素师water elementalists,通过清洗净化purification through cleansing,湿润wetness
  神国名DOMAIN NAME:水元素位面Elemental Plane of Water不朽之海Sea of Timelessness
  盟友ALLIES:深海·赛悉拉Deep Sashelas特芮西娜Trishina依卓洛Eadro佩塞纳Persana雪金尼斯特Shekinester瑟米娜瑞Surminare“强者”维尔寇Valkur the Mighty水狮Water Lion
  徽记SYMBOL:一个浪峰A cresting wave
        或 一滴水a drop of water
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:任意Any


  在 费伦大陆Faerûn 有许多神力的神职关于水。安博里Umberlee 统治着大洋和海洋风暴,维尔寇Valkur 致力于保护那些在风浪中前行的人,而 埃达丝Eldath 则支配着池塘、泉水和瀑布。依斯提悉亚Istishia(读作“Is-TISH-ee-ah”)则比所有这些神祇都更抽象。他是一位多变且充满活力的神祇,他不带感情而又难以束缚。他提供了生命诞生的环境,而非生命本身。他提供了一种至关重要的资源,但是又明显并不关心它被如何使用。从一只巨大的水元素、到一滴雨露、再到一团对大洋上的波浪中很奇怪的水,他被描绘作任何事物。他代表着拥有一种固定、本质的核心的永恒嬗变。他认为就像水能穿石,随着时间的推移他的本性会发生变化;又或者如水被加热蒸发为水蒸气,从一种状态突变为另一种状态。他是所有水下秘密宝藏的守护者。
Faerûn has many powers whose portfolios deal with water. Umberlee governs the oceans and ocean storms, Valkur strives to protect those who travel the waves, and Eldath has dominion over pools, springs, and waterfalls. Istishia (Is-TISH-ee-ah) is more abstract than all these deities. He represents water, but not any specific formation or body of water. He is a mutable yet dynamic deity who is dispassionate and difficult to pin down. He provides the atmosphere in which life is born, but not life itself. He furnishes a crucial resource, but apparently cares not how it is used. He is depicted as anything from an immense water elemental to a drop of rain to a water weird to a wave on the ocean. Istishia represents eternal transmutation that holds a fixed, essential nature at its core. He holds in his nature change accomplished over time, as water wears away stone, or sudden leaps from one state to another, as water changes to steam when heated. He is the guardian of all hidden treasures under water.

  就像所有的元素领主,依斯提悉亚对他在 艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球Abeir-Toril 的追随者们相对冷漠。依斯提悉亚的反应是完全不可预测的,因此(以这种奇怪的逻辑可知)他所作反应的不可预测性,倒是可以预测的。依斯提悉亚的行为背后的原因,对费伦的大多数居民(包括他的崇拜者们)而言都不可理解。依斯提悉亚和其祂元素领主们这种怪异陌生和漠不关心的姿态,在 诸国度the Realms 留下了他们只是弱等神力、他们的追随者们只是些古怪教徒的错误印象。在 动荡之年Time of Troubles 期间,依斯提悉亚并没有在诸国度被发现。
Like all the elemental lords, Istishia is relatively unfeeling toward his followers on Abeir-Toril. His reactions are utterly unpredictable and thus, in an odd way, predictable in their unpredictability. The reasoning behind Istishia's actions is incomprehensible to most of Faerûn's inhabitants, including his worshipers. The alien and uncaring stance of Istishia and the other elemental lords has led to the mistaken impression in the Realms that they are only lesser powers and their followers merely oddball cultists. During the Time of Troubles, Istishia was not spotted in the Realms.

  依斯提悉亚总是会派遣一位代表去接收这些贡品(和赠予他虔诚信徒礼物):水色的波纹状精致布料、翡翠或蓝宝石(颜色从透明到最深)、精美的油墨或燃料、或写着未解或无解谜题或数学难题的书本或纸张。这些代表可能是任何东西,从他的祭司到鱼类再到水元素。而他赐予追随者的礼物最常是能够在水中轻松移动的能力、寻找隐藏在水中的东西的知识、或在是对他们自身的改变(通常是以 变形术polymorph 法术改变生物的肉体,有时则是对某个难题的突然洞知),让他们能够完成之前无法实现的目标。他选择眷顾或无视哪位崇拜者,似乎俱出于一时之兴起。
Istishia always sends a representative to accept offerings (given to his devout worshipers) of water-hued fine fabrics that ripple like waves, gemstones in shades from clear to deepest emerald or sapphire, fine inks or dyes, or books or papers on which are written unsolved or unsolvable riddles or mathematical problems. These representatives can be anything from his priests to fish to water elementals. His gifts to his followers are most often the ability to travel easily through water, the knowledge to find something hidden in water, or a change in themselves (often a polymorph spell that changes a being's corporeal form, but sometimes a sudden insight into a problem) that allows them to accomplish a previously unattainable goal. The worshipers he favors and those he ignores seem chosen on a whim.

依斯提悉亚的化身Istishia's Avatar

  (30-HD 水元素Water Elemental,牧师Cleric 30,巫师Mage 30)

  在书面记录中,依斯提悉亚只以化身形态在艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球出现过三次,其中一次是发生在 坠星海the Sea of Fallen Stars 形成的时候。依斯提悉亚呈现为一根20~30英尺厚度的水柱,能毫不费力地越过或穿越前行路径上的任何障碍。已知他也会把水分成两部分或更多部分来迷惑敌人。他动作的声音听上去像海浪拍打海岸,而他的嗓音则是流水、溪流、以及温柔雨露结合的声音。他施展来自以下领域和学派的法术,领域:元素水、治疗、气象;学派:元素水。
Istishia has been seen only three times in written record in avatar form on Abeir-Toril, one of which was at the time of the creation of the Sea of Fallen Stars. Istishia appears as a 20- to 30-foot-thick column of water that moves' effortlessly over or through whatever obstacles are placed in his path. He has also been known to split his water form up into two or more parts to confuse his enemies. His movements sound like the surf pounding on the shore, and his voice is the sound of rushing water, a babbling brook, and a gentle rain all at once. He casts spells from the elemental water, healing, and weather spheres and the elemental water school.

  防御等级 -4;移动 12;生命值 296;零级命中值 -9;#攻击 2次
  伤害 15d6
  魔抗 50%;体型 巨型G(40-60英尺)
  力量 20,敏捷 24,体质 21,智力 19,感知 19,魅力 13
  法术 祭司P:12/11/11/10/9/9/8,法师W:7/7/7/7/7/7/7/6/6
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 3;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 4
  AC -4; MV 12; HP 296; THACO -9;#AT 2
  Dmg 15d6
  MR 50%; SZ G (40 to 60 feet)
  STR 20, DEX 24, CON 21, INT 19, Wis 19, CHA 13
  Spells P:12/11/11/10/9/9/8, W:7/7/7/7/7/7/7/6/6
  Saves PPDM 2, RSW 3, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 4

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  只要从他初次神临到他离开期间某处有水存在,那么在其神临的那个晶壁系依斯提悉亚都被视作是 主物质位面Prime Material Plane 本地生物。这使他免疫如 反魔法场anti'magic shell防护邪恶/善良protection from evil/good、以及 圣言holy word 这类法术对来自另一位面生物的不良影响。他也完全免疫任何对水有不利效果的法术,如 化水为尘土transmute water to dust
So long as there is water present somewhere for him to issue forth from when he first appears, Istishia is considered a native of the Prime Material Plane in any crystal sphere he appears in. This makes him immune to the adverse effects of such spells as anti'magic shellprotection from evil/good, and holy word on creatures from other planes. He also has total immunity to any spell that adversely effects water, such as transmute water to dust.

Istishia can easily swamp or overturn boats and ships of any size in one round and stop or slow any water vessel in the same amount of time. Istishia may use the same abilities as any elemental water kin. Whenever Istishia successfully attacks in combat with his gigantic wave fists, the target creature must make a successful saving throw vs. breath weapon at a -2 penalty or die of drowning. Those who do not drown suffer 15d6 points of damage per successful attack. Magical items that grant a target a means to breathe underwater function normally and prevent this effect, but Istishia can instantly desttoy any one such item by forfeiting one of his normal attacks. Items targeted for destruction do not gain a saving throw. Istishia cannot destroy artifacts in this manner.

Istishia may leave a field of battle or the Prime Material Plane at any time by spending two rounds merging with a large body of water.

其祂显现Other Manifestations

  依斯提悉亚发送显现到诸国度的次数比他派遣化身到诸国度的次数要多。任何重要水源都被他的信徒视作 水之主the Water Lord 的显现。河流、湖泊和溪流,一如大海与大洋、喷泉、雨露甚至水坑一样,都被认为是神圣的。依斯提悉亚有时会从 水元素位面the Elemental Plane of Water 派遣仆从生物(如水元素、海仙女nereid、marid、梭螺海人)完成他的命令或援助追随者。他也会派遣水生生物如鱼类、海豚、鲸、章鱼甚至是利维坦。在钻井或在贫瘠土地上出现水,被视作是依斯提悉亚之眷顾的象征。
Istishia has manifested many more times than he has sent an avatar to the Realms. Any significant source of water is viewed as a manifestation of the Water Lord by his faithful. Rivers, lakes, and streams are all viewed as sacred, as are the oceans and seas, fountains, rain, and even puddles. Istishia sometimes sends servant creatures from the Elemental Plane of Water such as water elementals, nereids, marids, and tritons to do his bidding or aid followers. He also sends water creatures such as fish, dolphins, whales, octopuses, or even the leviathan. The discovery of water when drilling for a well or when in a barren land is viewed as a sign of Istishia's favor.

教会The Church

  神职人员Clergy:专属祭司specialty priests,护教军crusaders,潜修者mystics,萨满shamans
  神职阵营Clercy's Align.:中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,绝对中立N,守序邪恶LE,混乱中立CN,中立邪恶NE,混乱邪恶CE
  驱散不死Turn Undead:专属祭司SP:不可No;护教军Cru:不可No;潜修者Mys:不可No;萨满Sha:可,若为善良Yes, if good
  支配不死Cmno. Undead:专属祭司SP:不可No;护教军Cru:不可No;潜修者Mys:不可No;萨满Sha:可,若为中立或邪恶Yes, if neutral or evil

  依斯提悉亚的所有专属祭司、护教军、潜修者和萨满得到 宗教知识religion(泛费伦Faerûnian)作为非武器熟练奖励。除了他们必修的熟练之外,依斯提悉亚教派Istishian 的祭司们还被强烈鼓励学习 航海术seamanship 或习得 观测天气weather sense。除了他们正常的魔法领域外,依斯提悉亚的所有萨满额外得到元素水作为主要领域。依斯提悉亚的潜修者们特制的蜡烛甚至可以在水下燃烧,并且不会因为接触液体而熄灭,不过它们还是可以用手指或蜡烛套盖弄灭。
All specialty priests, crusaders, mystics, and shamans of Istishia receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency. Istishian priests are strongly encouraged to learn seamanship or acquire weather sense in addition to their required proficiencies. All shamans of Istishia receive elemental water as one of their major spheres in addition to theit normal spheres of magic. Special candles made by Istishian mystics burn even under water and are not extinguished by being exposed to liquids, though they may still be snuffed out with fingers or a snuffer.

  在动荡之年前,所有的元素教派队伍中都有牧师。目前,只有专属祭司留了下来。并不清楚为何依斯提悉亚多年来致力于将他的牧师转化为专属祭司,不过依斯提悉亚的教会教诲说这种改变是为了让专属祭司们专注于他们之主的元素,而不是其它任务。自 诸神之战the Godswar 以来,依斯提悉亚教派的教会已经增添了一支小型潜修者组织和一支护教军组织,来填补祭职者队伍中更普遍的牧师曾经填补的空缺。在原始或游牧社会中,依斯提悉亚通常由萨满侍奉。
Before the Time of Troubles, all of the elemental cults had clerics in their ranks. Now, only specialty priests remain. Why Istishia decided to convert his clerics to specialty priests over the years is unknown, though the church of Istishia teaches that the change was made to allow specialty priests to focus on their lord's element to the exclusion of other tasks. Since the Godswar, the lstishian church has added a small order of mystics and an order of crusaders to the church to fill niches in the priesthood that the more generalized clerics used to fill. In primitive or nomadic societies, Istishia is often served by shamans.

  水之主的信徒有四支主要教派:宏伟风暴教派the Church of the Magnificent Storm、神圣之海教派the Church of the Sacred Sea、潮湿之径教派the Church of Watery Paths、以及 元素转化教派the Church of the Eternal Transformation。这些教派彼此合作,尽管分歧已然浮现。通常来说,依斯提悉亚教派信仰是在不断发展的,每过去几十年,新的教派就从旧的教派中分离、或是被旧的教派吸收。在整个信仰中教派有一套统一的等级制度,这些宗派们许多规定了某个特定崇拜场所的祭司应如何看待和实践他们的宗教。宏伟风暴教派信奉依斯提悉亚的净化力量。在它眼中,依斯提悉亚荡涤了陆地与海洋的杂质,净化了空气。“风暴者Stormers”(他们的名字)总是会试图在暴风雨或其它恶劣天气时在场。
The Water Lord's faith has four major sects:the Church of the Magnificent Storm, the Church of the Sacred Sea, the Church of Watery Paths, and the Church of the Eternal Transformation. These sects work together with each other, though disagreements have been known to occur. In general, the lstishian faith is constantly evolving and new sects are diverted from or absorbed by old ones as the decades pass. The church holds a unified ranking system throughout the faith, and the sects many dictate how the priests of a particular house of worship view and practice their religion. The Church of the Magnificent Storm believes in the cleansing power of Istishia. In its eyes, Istishia washes away the impurities of both the land and sea and purifies the air. "Stormers," as they are known, always try to be present during thunderstorms and other severe weather.

  神圣之海教派相信广阔的水域代表了依斯提悉亚之躯。它的成员对着平静的海面祈祷,并保护船只和港口不受水之主威能的影响,但他们也会号召大洋对那些反对该教派的人释放依斯提悉亚的的愤怒。许多贤者觉得 塞尔Thay(在那里首席们经常向 卡署斯Kossuth 的教会献殷勤)遭遇的灾难,并非安博里甚或是敌对的强大法师的干扰,而是依斯提悉亚教会的这个宗派的成果。
The Church of the Sacred Sea believes that large expanses of water represent the body of Istishia. Its members pray for calm seas and to protect both ships and ports from the Water Lord's power, but they also call upon the oceans to deliver Istishia's wrath against those who oppose the church. Many sages think that the difficulties that Thay, whose zulkirs have often courted the church of Kossuth, has had with its navy at various times are not the result of interference by Umberlee or even powerful wizardly rivals, but rather the work of this sect of the lstishian church.

The Church of Watery Paths believes that the rivers and streams of Toril represent the far reach of Istishia's power. Its members view rivers and streams as the veins and capillaries of Istishia and point out that no place on Toril is not shaped in some way by water, even if it is shaped by the absence of water.

Finally, the Church of the Eternal Transformation believes that just as water moves from one state to another yet remains eternally present, so life moves from one state to another yet continues. Life exists on terrestrial bodies like Abeir-Toril on the Prime Material Plane and across the many planes of existence, and when life ends on one plane it is merely transformed to a form more suitable for its existence on another. All of the universe is therefore symbolized in the water cycle.

Priests of Istishia tend to establish shrines on the shores of bodies of water. Large temples exist primarily in port towns and cities. Other lstishian houses of worship are entirely under water and so inaccessible to most surface dwellers and uncommented on in their history or lore, though such lstishian holy sites have figured prominently in the oral and written histories of the aquatic races. The typical lstishian temple is of quarried sandstone or marble in clean, elegant lines and usually sits out on a pier or next to the water or incorporates a great many streams, ornamental pools, and fountains so as to make water a vital part of its landscaping.

  大部分依斯提悉亚的祭司都在一个地区、或是附属于某座特定神龛、神殿或圣地为信徒的需要服务。然而,教会相信呆在同一个地方、沉浸于同一个团队中太长会让让停滞不前,所以所有的依斯提悉亚教派祭司都会在轮换的基础上移动到一个新任命(所以所有祭司不会在同一时间旅行或学习新的职位)。通常来说,祭司会在一个地方服务5年,然后在距离他成为正式祭司之日最近的主要节日的周年纪念日(仲冬节Midwinter、绿草节Greengrass、仲夏节Midsummer、丰收节Higharvestide、或是 月宴节the Feast of the Moon)移动到一个新岗位。祭司或其所属圣会可以申请延长多服务一年,直到在一个地方服务达10年。在那时,这位祭司就必须移动到新岗位。委派由著名的 长老监督委员会Elder Oversight Committee 监督,而依斯提悉亚教派信仰的大部分教会政治,都围绕着监督委员会的行动、或是影响其未来行动的尝试展开的。勿需多言,当这类职位因为死亡或退休而空缺时,委员会的这些终身任命将被激烈争夺。
Most lstishian priests minister to the needs of the faithful in one region or are attached to a particular shrine, temple, or holy site. However, the church believes that those who remain in one location and are immersed in the same company for too long become stagnant, so all lstishian priests move on to new postings on a rotating basis (so that all priests are not traveling to or learning new positions at the same time). In general, a priest serves in one locale for five years and rotates to a new posting at the anniversary of the closest major holiday (Midwinter, Greengrass, Midsummer, Higharvestide, or the Feast of the Moon) to the date at which she or he became a full priest. Postings may be extended by petition from a priest or his or her congregation for year-long periods until 10 years of service at one locale is reached. At that point, a priest must move to a new post. Postings are overseen by the prestigious Elder Oversight Committee, and most of the church politics in the lstishian faith surround the actions of the Oversight Committee or attempts to influence its future actions. Needless to say, the life-long appointments to the committee are fiercely fought over—when such positions open up due to death or retirement.

  依斯提悉亚教派信仰的首领——海豚摄政the Delphine Regent——是由 “伟大神谕Grand Oracle”塞尔德赛·达利纳里斯Seldeetha Darinaalis(该信仰的第一位高阶女祭司,同时也是第一位水生后裔的半精灵)血脉的首生子(无论性别)继承的世袭职位。目前,海豚彩虹是 阿奎尔·塞纳西拉Aquaril Sethanilar,一位生活在 无痕之海the Trackless Sea 某处隐匿宫廷城市中的12岁男性水生精灵。然而,该职位名誉多过实际。教会实际上掌握在该信仰七位名为 首席司铎the Primatus 的地区首领组成的委员会手中。
The head of the lstishian faith—the Delphine Regent—is a hereditary position passed down to the firstborn (of either gender) of the line of Grand Oracle Seldeetha Darinaalis, the first high priestess of the faith (and a halfelf of aquatic descent). Currently, the Delphine Regent is Aquaril Sethanilar, a 12-year-old male aquatic elf who lives in a hidden court city somewhere in the Trackless Sea. However, the position is more a titular than a functional one. The actual control of the church is in the hands of a council of the seven regional heads of the faith known as the Primatus.

  依斯提悉亚教派的初修士祭司被呼作 搜寻者Searchers。在与依斯提悉亚教派资深祭司完成一系列至少三次一对一学习课程(该信仰中的一种学徒制度)后,依斯提悉亚初修士将变为正式祭司。依升序,祭职人员普遍使用的头衔如下:基要仆从Essential Servant(正式祭司)、神之春泉Spring of the God、潮汐使者Tidal Messenger、头颅Cephalian、圆满之血Full Flood(资深祭司)、季风、台风神谕Typhonic Oracle(神殿或大型神龛的首领)、宏伟台风Grand Oracle(神殿的资深或年长首领)、层云首席Typhonic Oracle(地区神殿和神龛的首领)、以及 海豚摄政Delphine Regent(该信仰的世袭领袖)。曾杀死或狠狠挫败教会之敌(通常是某位卡署斯的高阶祭司或强大的火基生物)可以在他们的头衔前追加荣誉敬衔“真True”。依斯提悉亚的专属祭司名为 水行者waterwalkers。
Novice Istishians priests are called Searchers. After completing a series of at least three one-on-one courses of learning (a sort of apprenticeship in the faith) with lstishian senior priests, novice Istishians become full priests. In ascending order of rank, the titles in general use by the priesthood are:Essential Servant (full priest), Spring of the God, Tidal Messenger, Cephalian, Full Flood (senior priest), Monsoon, Typhonic Oracle (head of a temple or large shrine), Grand Oracle (senior or elder head of a temple), Stratus Primae (leader of a region's temples and shrines) and Delphine Regent (hereditary leader of the faith). A priest who has slain or soundly defeated an enemy of the church (usually a high-ranking priest of Kossuth or a fire-based creature of power) may add the honorific "True" to the beginning of his or her title. Specialty priests of Istishia are known as waterwalkers.


At its heart, the lstishian faith believes that everything is interconnected and cyclical. Every one of the elements has its place, but water triumphs over all of them in the end, because though it may be transformed by its environment, it retains its essential nature and in the end in turn transforms the environment it is in. The lstishian faith teaches that:"Earth dissolves through water, fire is extinguished even by steam, and air becomes clouds and then rain, completing the eternal cycle." Istishia believes himself to be the great equalizer and leveler of the elements.

All sects of the lstishian faith tend to avoid personal combat and direct confrontation in their dealings with unbelievers. They believe that if allowed to go where they will, the essential truths embodied by the Water Lord eventually convince all as to his power. That is not to say that the faith ignores events going on around them, but rather that they work quietly along less-obvious paths to accomplish their goals. Members of the faith are to follow the path of least resistance to accomplish their goals, just like water takes the easiest course to the sea.

Novices in the lstishian faith are charged as follows:"The eternal Istishia acknowledges change but holds to his essential nature. Do not try to be what you are not; rather, excel at what you are and carry this message of personal excellence to the world. Be flexible but not unreasonable. As the rains flow down to the ocean in the folds of earth and not up mountains, so do the truths of Istishia spread throughout the land through their natural routes, not through rank force. The mysteries of life are to be enjoyed and puzzled over, but realize that some answers do not come in this form or this world, but rather in the next. Realize that the cycles of life are mirrored by the cycles of fate; be prepared to pay the price or reap the reward for the actions of your past or your future."

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:

Many visitors to a temple wonder why priests of Istishia would teach novices to throw pottery. Such a skill is useful both practically as a source of income for the church and as a teaching tool in the faith. Using water, lstishian priests mold clay to a desired form, dry the new pots in the air, finish them with fire, and (often) use them to carry water or other liquids. The interactions of the elements are demonstrated in making pottery, as is the mutability of water and its final triumph.

Keeping waterways pure and clean is one major goal of the church, and this responsible long-term goal has made the Istishians one of the more easily accepted elemental "cults" to visit a town. (Wantonly polluting rivers, streams, seas, and oceans is considered an insult to Istishia, as well as likely offending a number of other nature and water deities.) Other ongoing goals of the church are better communication among the aquatic races and between the aquatic races and surface dwellers. Many lstishian priests dream of a day when all water dwellers can be united in their goals and efforts underneath the benevolent guidance of the church. That this goal is utterly unachievable and presupposes the extinction of numerous major faiths seems not to sway them from clinging to it nonetheless—nor does it mean that they hold any malice toward other primarily aquatic faiths.

圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

Each morning for a follower of the Water Lord begins with a quiet prayer said in Istishia's name over a drink of water, and each night ends the same way. Spring tide and neap tide are celebrated with festivals by the church. During these festivals new members of the faith are dedicated to Istishia by being boisterously tossed into the sea or a lake or by diving into fountains or pools. Surface-dwelling communities of the faithful are often visited by water-dwelling emissaries from Istishia's aquatic churches during these fetes, and underwater churches in turn host surface-dwellers as guests through magical accommodations.

  浪摇典礼Waveriding 是依斯提悉亚教派的专属祭司庆祝达到足够的技能等级从水元素位面召唤水元素的仪式。在意思开始之前,有长达一个小时的朗读和诵经,在那之后将召唤水元素。这只元素随后将带着庆祝者在大片水域上踏波长驱。当它与庆祝的祭司一起归来时,这只元素将被抛洒花环、获得精美的初酿葡萄酒作为礼物、并被赠予精美的珠宝、陶器或是雕塑,让它在离开时带回依斯提悉亚的神国。
Waveriding is the ritual that Istishian specialty priests celebrate upon reaching a level of skill great enough to summon a water elemental from the Elemental Plane of Water. The ceremony is preceded by an hour-long responsive reading and chant, after which the elemental is summoned. The elemental then carries the celebrant on a long ride on the waves of a large body of water. When it returns with the priest celebrating the ritual, the elemental is tossed garlands of flowers, gifted with drafts of fine wine, and given beautifully crafted pieces of jewelry, pottery, or sculpture to carry back to Istishia's realm as it leaves.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  任何一座沿海大城市,在其众多的建筑物中都会留有水之主神殿的一席之地。这类神殿通常都尽可能地靠近码头。路斯坎Luskan深水城Waterdeep卡尔·卡利迪尔Caer Callidyrr泰斯布瑞Teshburl卡林港Calimport 都有献给依斯提悉亚的大型神殿。在 内海the Inner Sea苏萨尔Suzail星幕市Starmantle、以及 阿拉贡Alaghon 的市民亦以献给水之主的神殿为荣。该信仰最神圣的圣地是海豚摄政所居住社区中的水下要塞神殿。有时它会因为海豚摄政的臂章的海豚主题,而被称为 跳舞海豚城堡the Castle of the Dancing Dolphin,但它的真名并不为那些驰骋于海面之上的人所知。据说,它有着怪物和有组织、智能的各种生物组成的凶猛水生守卫。
Any large coastal city is certain to have a temple to the Water Lord among its many buildings. Such temples are frequently as close to the docks as possible. Luskan, Waterdeep, Caer Callidyrr, Teshburl, and Calimport all have large temples dedicated to Istishia. Within the Inner Sea, the cities of Suzail, Starmantle, Alaghon, Neldorild, Spandeliyon, Lyrabar, Procampur, and Selgaunt also boast temples to the Water Lord. The most holy site of the faith is the underwater fortress-temple in which the Delphine Regent lives in secrecy. It is sometimes referred to as the Castle of the Dancing Dolphin in reference to the dolphins featured in the coat-of-arms of the Delphine Regent, but its true name is unknown to those who walk above the waves. It is reputed to have fierce aquatic guardians both of the monstrous and the organized, intelligent variety.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:

  依斯提悉亚教派的护教军组织分别名为:七海骑士团the Cavaliers of the Seven Seas,其成员是天生在水中呼吸者;恒变真理骑士团the Cavaliers of the Ever-Changing Truth,其成员是天生呼吸空气者。依斯提悉亚教派的护教军们守卫着圣地、护送该信仰的使者、并在个人层面上,继续着与卡署斯教会的世仇。该信仰的潜修者属于 神秘转变之纯粹会the Order of Cryptic Transformational Purity。因为他们的徽记有些像人鱼,并且该组织的名字本身是如此高端,所以该组织的潜修者们经常被通俗地称作“似鱼之人”或“水之主的鱼人”——这让他们很懊丧。
The orders of Istishian crusaders are known as the Cavaliers of the Seven Seas, whose members are natural water-breathers, and the Cavaliers of the Ever-Changing Truth, whose members are natural air-breathers. Istishian crusaders guard holy sites, escort emissaries of the faith, and pursue the ongoing feud against the church of Kossuth on a personal level. Mystics of the faith belong to the Order of Cryptic Transformational Purity. The symbol of this order is a human shapechanging into a fish. Because this symbol looks somewhat like a merman and the name of the order itself is so lofty, mystics of this order are often referred to colloquially as "fishtishians" or "the Water Lord's fishmen"—much to their chagrin.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:

Priests of Istishia dress in blue-and-green robes with coral decorations for ceremonial occasions. Exact decorations and garment construction are not mandated by the faith, but shaded or rippled dyeing, graceful embroidery or beadwork, or layered or dagged construction are often employed to convey a water theme. The wave of Istishia is usually carved into a gemstone incorporated into a medallion, a brooch, or a ring. Often the gemstone is jade, emerald, malachite, aquamarine, or water opal.

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:

Adventuring priests are free to wear whatever clothes they deem appropriate, though they are fond of wearing items in white, blue, green, and blue-purple hues. The use of armor heavier than chain mail is frowned upon by the church and forbidden to waterwalkers.







【音   标】Is-TISH-ee-ah
【头   衔】水之主The Water Lord,水元素的神王God-King of the Water Elementals
【阵   营】N
【神   力】G
【神   职】水元素Elemental water,水元素师water elementalists,通过清洗净化purification through cleansing,湿润wetness
【神   系】FR泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon
【主   神】
【盟   友】深海·赛悉拉Deep Sashelas特芮西娜Trishina依卓洛Eadro佩塞纳Persana雪金尼斯特Shekinester瑟米娜瑞Surminare维尔寇Valkur水狮Water Lion
【敌   对】卡署斯Kossuth
【神   国】水元素位面Elemental Plane of Water不朽之海Sea of Timelessness
【徽   记】¢徽记:一个浪峰A cresting wave
Istishia symbol

¢徽记2:一滴水a drop of water
【简   介】依斯提悉亚Istishia 水元素之神,也是四大元素领主中最不可预测者。

2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p078>依斯提悉亚Istishia


  (水之主The Water Lord,水元素的神王God-King of the Water Elementals)

  水元素位面强大神力Greater Power of the Elemental Plane of Water,

  神职PORTFOLIO:水元素Elemental water,水元素师water elementalists,通过清洗净化purification through cleansing,湿润wetness
  神国名DOMAIN NAME:水元素位面Elemental Plane of Water不朽之海Sea of Timelessness
  盟友ALLIES:深海·赛悉拉Deep Sashelas特芮西娜Trishina依卓洛Eadro佩塞纳Persana雪金尼斯特Shekinester瑟米娜瑞Surminare“强者”维尔寇Valkur the Mighty水狮Water Lion
  徽记SYMBOL:一个浪峰A cresting wave
        或 一滴水a drop of water
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:任意Any


  在 费伦大陆Faerûn 有许多神力的神职关于水。安博里Umberlee 统治着大洋和海洋风暴,维尔寇Valkur 致力于保护那些在风浪中前行的人,而 埃达丝Eldath 则支配着池塘、泉水和瀑布。依斯提悉亚Istishia(读作“Is-TISH-ee-ah”)则比所有这些神祇都更抽象。他是一位多变且充满活力的神祇,他不带感情而又难以束缚。他提供了生命诞生的环境,而非生命本身。他提供了一种至关重要的资源,但是又明显并不关心它被如何使用。从一只巨大的水元素、到一滴雨露、再到一团对大洋上的波浪中很奇怪的水,他被描绘作任何事物。他代表着拥有一种固定、本质的核心的永恒嬗变。他认为就像水能穿石,随着时间的推移他的本性会发生变化;又或者如水被加热蒸发为水蒸气,从一种状态突变为另一种状态。他是所有水下秘密宝藏的守护者。
Faerûn has many powers whose portfolios deal with water. Umberlee governs the oceans and ocean storms, Valkur strives to protect those who travel the waves, and Eldath has dominion over pools, springs, and waterfalls. Istishia (Is-TISH-ee-ah) is more abstract than all these deities. He represents water, but not any specific formation or body of water. He is a mutable yet dynamic deity who is dispassionate and difficult to pin down. He provides the atmosphere in which life is born, but not life itself. He furnishes a crucial resource, but apparently cares not how it is used. He is depicted as anything from an immense water elemental to a drop of rain to a water weird to a wave on the ocean. Istishia represents eternal transmutation that holds a fixed, essential nature at its core. He holds in his nature change accomplished over time, as water wears away stone, or sudden leaps from one state to another, as water changes to steam when heated. He is the guardian of all hidden treasures under water.

  就像所有的元素领主,依斯提悉亚对他在 艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球Abeir-Toril 的追随者们相对冷漠。依斯提悉亚的反应是完全不可预测的,因此(以这种奇怪的逻辑可知)他所作反应的不可预测性,倒是可以预测的。依斯提悉亚的行为背后的原因,对费伦的大多数居民(包括他的崇拜者们)而言都不可理解。依斯提悉亚和其祂元素领主们这种怪异陌生和漠不关心的姿态,在 诸国度the Realms 留下了他们只是弱等神力、他们的追随者们只是些古怪教徒的错误印象。在 动荡之年Time of Troubles 期间,依斯提悉亚并没有在诸国度被发现。
Like all the elemental lords, Istishia is relatively unfeeling toward his followers on Abeir-Toril. His reactions are utterly unpredictable and thus, in an odd way, predictable in their unpredictability. The reasoning behind Istishia's actions is incomprehensible to most of Faerûn's inhabitants, including his worshipers. The alien and uncaring stance of Istishia and the other elemental lords has led to the mistaken impression in the Realms that they are only lesser powers and their followers merely oddball cultists. During the Time of Troubles, Istishia was not spotted in the Realms.

  依斯提悉亚总是会派遣一位代表去接收这些贡品(和赠予他虔诚信徒礼物):水色的波纹状精致布料、翡翠或蓝宝石(颜色从透明到最深)、精美的油墨或燃料、或写着未解或无解谜题或数学难题的书本或纸张。这些代表可能是任何东西,从他的祭司到鱼类再到水元素。而他赐予追随者的礼物最常是能够在水中轻松移动的能力、寻找隐藏在水中的东西的知识、或在是对他们自身的改变(通常是以 变形术polymorph 法术改变生物的肉体,有时则是对某个难题的突然洞知),让他们能够完成之前无法实现的目标。他选择眷顾或无视哪位崇拜者,似乎俱出于一时之兴起。
Istishia always sends a representative to accept offerings (given to his devout worshipers) of water-hued fine fabrics that ripple like waves, gemstones in shades from clear to deepest emerald or sapphire, fine inks or dyes, or books or papers on which are written unsolved or unsolvable riddles or mathematical problems. These representatives can be anything from his priests to fish to water elementals. His gifts to his followers are most often the ability to travel easily through water, the knowledge to find something hidden in water, or a change in themselves (often a polymorph spell that changes a being's corporeal form, but sometimes a sudden insight into a problem) that allows them to accomplish a previously unattainable goal. The worshipers he favors and those he ignores seem chosen on a whim.

依斯提悉亚的化身Istishia's Avatar

  (30-HD 水元素Water Elemental,牧师Cleric 30,巫师Mage 30)

  在书面记录中,依斯提悉亚只以化身形态在艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球出现过三次,其中一次是发生在 坠星海the Sea of Fallen Stars 形成的时候。依斯提悉亚呈现为一根20~30英尺厚度的水柱,能毫不费力地越过或穿越前行路径上的任何障碍。已知他也会把水分成两部分或更多部分来迷惑敌人。他动作的声音听上去像海浪拍打海岸,而他的嗓音则是流水、溪流、以及温柔雨露结合的声音。他施展来自以下领域和学派的法术,领域:元素水、治疗、气象;学派:元素水。
Istishia has been seen only three times in written record in avatar form on Abeir-Toril, one of which was at the time of the creation of the Sea of Fallen Stars. Istishia appears as a 20- to 30-foot-thick column of water that moves' effortlessly over or through whatever obstacles are placed in his path. He has also been known to split his water form up into two or more parts to confuse his enemies. His movements sound like the surf pounding on the shore, and his voice is the sound of rushing water, a babbling brook, and a gentle rain all at once. He casts spells from the elemental water, healing, and weather spheres and the elemental water school.

  防御等级 -4;移动 12;生命值 296;零级命中值 -9;#攻击 2次
  伤害 15d6
  魔抗 50%;体型 巨型G(40-60英尺)
  力量 20,敏捷 24,体质 21,智力 19,感知 19,魅力 13
  法术 祭司P:12/11/11/10/9/9/8,法师W:7/7/7/7/7/7/7/6/6
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 3;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 4
  AC -4; MV 12; HP 296; THACO -9;#AT 2
  Dmg 15d6
  MR 50%; SZ G (40 to 60 feet)
  STR 20, DEX 24, CON 21, INT 19, Wis 19, CHA 13
  Spells P:12/11/11/10/9/9/8, W:7/7/7/7/7/7/7/6/6
  Saves PPDM 2, RSW 3, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 4

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  只要从他初次神临到他离开期间某处有水存在,那么在其神临的那个晶壁系依斯提悉亚都被视作是 主物质位面Prime Material Plane 本地生物。这使他免疫如 反魔法场anti'magic shell防护邪恶/善良protection from evil/good、以及 圣言holy word 这类法术对来自另一位面生物的不良影响。他也完全免疫任何对水有不利效果的法术,如 化水为尘土transmute water to dust
So long as there is water present somewhere for him to issue forth from when he first appears, Istishia is considered a native of the Prime Material Plane in any crystal sphere he appears in. This makes him immune to the adverse effects of such spells as anti'magic shellprotection from evil/good, and holy word on creatures from other planes. He also has total immunity to any spell that adversely effects water, such as transmute water to dust.

Istishia can easily swamp or overturn boats and ships of any size in one round and stop or slow any water vessel in the same amount of time. Istishia may use the same abilities as any elemental water kin. Whenever Istishia successfully attacks in combat with his gigantic wave fists, the target creature must make a successful saving throw vs. breath weapon at a -2 penalty or die of drowning. Those who do not drown suffer 15d6 points of damage per successful attack. Magical items that grant a target a means to breathe underwater function normally and prevent this effect, but Istishia can instantly desttoy any one such item by forfeiting one of his normal attacks. Items targeted for destruction do not gain a saving throw. Istishia cannot destroy artifacts in this manner.

Istishia may leave a field of battle or the Prime Material Plane at any time by spending two rounds merging with a large body of water.

其祂显现Other Manifestations

  依斯提悉亚发送显现到诸国度的次数比他派遣化身到诸国度的次数要多。任何重要水源都被他的信徒视作 水之主the Water Lord 的显现。河流、湖泊和溪流,一如大海与大洋、喷泉、雨露甚至水坑一样,都被认为是神圣的。依斯提悉亚有时会从 水元素位面the Elemental Plane of Water 派遣仆从生物(如水元素、海仙女nereid、marid、梭螺海人)完成他的命令或援助追随者。他也会派遣水生生物如鱼类、海豚、鲸、章鱼甚至是利维坦。在钻井或在贫瘠土地上出现水,被视作是依斯提悉亚之眷顾的象征。
Istishia has manifested many more times than he has sent an avatar to the Realms. Any significant source of water is viewed as a manifestation of the Water Lord by his faithful. Rivers, lakes, and streams are all viewed as sacred, as are the oceans and seas, fountains, rain, and even puddles. Istishia sometimes sends servant creatures from the Elemental Plane of Water such as water elementals, nereids, marids, and tritons to do his bidding or aid followers. He also sends water creatures such as fish, dolphins, whales, octopuses, or even the leviathan. The discovery of water when drilling for a well or when in a barren land is viewed as a sign of Istishia's favor.

教会The Church

  神职人员Clergy:专属祭司specialty priests,护教军crusaders,潜修者mystics,萨满shamans
  神职阵营Clercy/b's Align.:中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,绝对中立N,守序邪恶LE,混乱中立CN,中立邪恶NE,混乱邪恶CE
  驱散不死Turn Undead:专属祭司SP:不可No;护教军Cru:不可No;秘术师Mys:不可No;萨满Sha:可,若为善良Yes, if good
  支配不死Cmno. Undead:专属祭司SP:不可No;护教军Cru:不可No;潜修者Mys:不可No;萨满Sha:可,若为中立或邪恶Yes, if neutral or evil

  依斯提悉亚的所有专属祭司、护教军、潜修者和萨满得到 宗教知识religion(泛费伦Faerûnian)作为非武器熟练奖励。除了他们必修的熟练之外,依斯提悉亚教派Istishian 的祭司们还被强烈鼓励学习 航海术seamanship 或习得 观测天气weather sense。除了他们正常的魔法领域外,依斯提悉亚的所有萨满额外得到元素水作为主要领域。依斯提悉亚的潜修者们特制的蜡烛甚至可以在水下燃烧,并且不会因为接触液体而熄灭,不过它们还是可以用手指或蜡烛套盖弄灭。
All specialty priests, crusaders, mystics, and shamans of Istishia receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency. Istishian priests are strongly encouraged to learn seamanship or acquire weather sense in addition to their required proficiencies. All shamans of Istishia receive elemental water as one of their major spheres in addition to theit normal spheres of magic. Special candles made by Istishian mystics burn even under water and are not extinguished by being exposed to liquids, though they may still be snuffed out with fingers or a snuffer.

  在动荡之年前,所有的元素教派队伍中都有牧师。目前,只有专属祭司留了下来。并不清楚为何依斯提悉亚多年来致力于将他的牧师转化为专属祭司,不过依斯提悉亚的教会教诲说这种改变是为了让专属祭司们专注于他们之主的元素,而不是其它任务。自 诸神之战the Godswar 以来,依斯提悉亚教派的教会已经增添了一支小型潜修者组织和一支护教军组织,来填补祭职者队伍中更普遍的牧师曾经填补的空缺。在原始或游牧社会中,依斯提悉亚通常由萨满侍奉。
Before the Time of Troubles, all of the elemental cults had clerics in their ranks. Now, only specialty priests remain. Why Istishia decided to convert his clerics to specialty priests over the years is unknown, though the church of Istishia teaches that the change was made to allow specialty priests to focus on their lord's element to the exclusion of other tasks. Since the Godswar, the lstishian church has added a small order of mystics and an order of crusaders to the church to fill niches in the priesthood that the more generalized clerics used to fill. In primitive or nomadic societies, Istishia is often served by shamans.

  水之主的信徒有四支主要教派:宏伟风暴教派the Church of the Magnificent Storm、神圣之海教派the Church of the Sacred Sea、潮湿之径教派the Church of Watery Paths、以及 元素转化教派the Church of the Eternal Transformation。这些教派彼此合作,尽管分歧已然浮现。通常来说,依斯提悉亚教派信仰是在不断发展的,每过去几十年,新的教派就从旧的教派中分离、或是被旧的教派吸收。在整个信仰中教派有一套统一的等级制度,这些宗派们许多规定了某个特定崇拜场所的祭司应如何看待和实践他们的宗教。宏伟风暴教派信奉依斯提悉亚的净化力量。在它眼中,依斯提悉亚荡涤了陆地与海洋的杂质,净化了空气。“风暴者Stormers”(他们的名字)总是会试图在暴风雨或其它恶劣天气时在场。
The Water Lord's faith has four major sects:the Church of the Magnificent Storm, the Church of the Sacred Sea, the Church of Watery Paths, and the Church of the Eternal Transformation. These sects work together with each other, though disagreements have been known to occur. In general, the lstishian faith is constantly evolving and new sects are diverted from or absorbed by old ones as the decades pass. The church holds a unified ranking system throughout the faith, and the sects many dictate how the priests of a particular house of worship view and practice their religion. The Church of the Magnificent Storm believes in the cleansing power of Istishia. In its eyes, Istishia washes away the impurities of both the land and sea and purifies the air. "Stormers," as they are known, always try to be present during thunderstorms and other severe weather.

  神圣之海教派相信广阔的水域代表了依斯提悉亚之躯。它的成员对着平静的海面祈祷,并保护船只和港口不受水之主威能的影响,但他们也会号召大洋对那些反对该教派的人释放依斯提悉亚的的愤怒。许多贤者觉得 塞尔Thay(在那里首席们经常向 卡署斯Kossuth 的教会献殷勤)遭遇的灾难,并非安博里甚或是敌对的强大法师的干扰,而是依斯提悉亚教会的这个宗派的成果。
The Church of the Sacred Sea believes that large expanses of water represent the body of Istishia. Its members pray for calm seas and to protect both ships and ports from the Water Lord's power, but they also call upon the oceans to deliver Istishia's wrath against those who oppose the church. Many sages think that the difficulties that Thay, whose zulkirs have often courted the church of Kossuth, has had with its navy at various times are not the result of interference by Umberlee or even powerful wizardly rivals, but rather the work of this sect of the lstishian church.

The Church of Watery Paths believes that the rivers and streams of Toril represent the far reach of Istishia's power. Its members view rivers and streams as the veins and capillaries of Istishia and point out that no place on Toril is not shaped in some way by water, even if it is shaped by the absence of water.

Finally, the Church of the Eternal Transformation believes that just as water moves from one state to another yet remains eternally present, so life moves from one state to another yet continues. Life exists on terrestrial bodies like Abeir-Toril on the Prime Material Plane and across the many planes of existence, and when life ends on one plane it is merely transformed to a form more suitable for its existence on another. All of the universe is therefore symbolized in the water cycle.

Priests of Istishia tend to establish shrines on the shores of bodies of water. Large temples exist primarily in port towns and cities. Other lstishian houses of worship are entirely under water and so inaccessible to most surface dwellers and uncommented on in their history or lore, though such lstishian holy sites have figured prominently in the oral and written histories of the aquatic races. The typical lstishian temple is of quarried sandstone or marble in clean, elegant lines and usually sits out on a pier or next to the water or incorporates a great many streams, ornamental pools, and fountains so as to make water a vital part of its landscaping.

  大部分依斯提悉亚的祭司都在一个地区、或是附属于某座特定神龛、神殿或圣地为信徒的需要服务。然而,教会相信呆在同一个地方、沉浸于同一个团队中太长会让让停滞不前,所以所有的依斯提悉亚教派祭司都会在轮换的基础上移动到一个新任命(所以所有祭司不会在同一时间旅行或学习新的职位)。通常来说,祭司会在一个地方服务5年,然后在距离他成为正式祭司之日最近的主要节日的周年纪念日(仲冬节Midwinter、绿草节Greengrass、仲夏节Midsummer、丰收节Higharvestide、或是 月宴节the Feast of the Moon)移动到一个新岗位。祭司或其所属圣会可以申请延长多服务一年,直到在一个地方服务达10年。在那时,这位祭司就必须移动到新岗位。委派由著名的 长老监督委员会Elder Oversight Committee 监督,而依斯提悉亚教派信仰的大部分教会政治,都围绕着监督委员会的行动、或是影响其未来行动的尝试展开的。勿需多言,当这类职位因为死亡或退休而空缺时,委员会的这些终身任命将被激烈争夺。
Most lstishian priests minister to the needs of the faithful in one region or are attached to a particular shrine, temple, or holy site. However, the church believes that those who remain in one location and are immersed in the same company for too long become stagnant, so all lstishian priests move on to new postings on a rotating basis (so that all priests are not traveling to or learning new positions at the same time). In general, a priest serves in one locale for five years and rotates to a new posting at the anniversary of the closest major holiday (Midwinter, Greengrass, Midsummer, Higharvestide, or the Feast of the Moon) to the date at which she or he became a full priest. Postings may be extended by petition from a priest or his or her congregation for year-long periods until 10 years of service at one locale is reached. At that point, a priest must move to a new post. Postings are overseen by the prestigious Elder Oversight Committee, and most of the church politics in the lstishian faith surround the actions of the Oversight Committee or attempts to influence its future actions. Needless to say, the life-long appointments to the committee are fiercely fought over—when such positions open up due to death or retirement.

  依斯提悉亚教派信仰的首领——海豚摄政the Delphine Regent——是由 “伟大神谕Grand Oracle”塞尔德赛·达利纳里斯Seldeetha Darinaalis(该信仰的第一位高阶女祭司,同时也是第一位水生后裔的半精灵)血脉的首生子(无论性别)继承的世袭职位。目前,海豚彩虹是 阿奎尔·塞纳西拉Aquaril Sethanilar,一位生活在 无痕之海the Trackless Sea 某处隐匿宫廷城市中的12岁男性水生精灵。然而,该职位名誉多过实际。教会实际上掌握在该信仰七位名为 首席司铎the Primatus 的地区首领组成的委员会手中。
The head of the lstishian faith—the Delphine Regent—is a hereditary position passed down to the firstborn (of either gender) of the line of Grand Oracle Seldeetha Darinaalis, the first high priestess of the faith (and a halfelf of aquatic descent). Currently, the Delphine Regent is Aquaril Sethanilar, a 12-year-old male aquatic elf who lives in a hidden court city somewhere in the Trackless Sea. However, the position is more a titular than a functional one. The actual control of the church is in the hands of a council of the seven regional heads of the faith known as the Primatus.

  依斯提悉亚教派的初修士祭司被呼作 搜寻者Searchers。在与依斯提悉亚教派资深祭司完成一系列至少三次一对一学习课程(该信仰中的一种学徒制度)后,依斯提悉亚初修士将变为正式祭司。依升序,祭职人员普遍使用的头衔如下:基要仆从Essential Servant(正式祭司)、神之春泉Spring of the God、潮汐使者Tidal Messenger、头颅Cephalian、圆满之血Full Flood(资深祭司)、季风、台风神谕Typhonic Oracle(神殿或大型神龛的首领)、宏伟台风Grand Oracle(神殿的资深或年长首领)、层云首席Typhonic Oracle(地区神殿和神龛的首领)、以及 海豚摄政Delphine Regent(该信仰的世袭领袖)。曾杀死或狠狠挫败教会之敌(通常是某位卡署斯的高阶祭司或强大的火基生物)可以在他们的头衔前追加荣誉敬衔“真True”。依斯提悉亚的专属祭司名为 水行者waterwalkers。
Novice Istishians priests are called Searchers. After completing a series of at least three one-on-one courses of learning (a sort of apprenticeship in the faith) with lstishian senior priests, novice Istishians become full priests. In ascending order of rank, the titles in general use by the priesthood are:Essential Servant (full priest), Spring of the God, Tidal Messenger, Cephalian, Full Flood (senior priest), Monsoon, Typhonic Oracle (head of a temple or large shrine), Grand Oracle (senior or elder head of a temple), Stratus Primae (leader of a region's temples and shrines) and Delphine Regent (hereditary leader of the faith). A priest who has slain or soundly defeated an enemy of the church (usually a high-ranking priest of Kossuth or a fire-based creature of power) may add the honorific "True" to the beginning of his or her title. Specialty priests of Istishia are known as waterwalkers.


At its heart, the lstishian faith believes that everything is interconnected and cyclical. Every one of the elements has its place, but water triumphs over all of them in the end, because though it may be transformed by its environment, it retains its essential nature and in the end in turn transforms the environment it is in. The lstishian faith teaches that:"Earth dissolves through water, fire is extinguished even by steam, and air becomes clouds and then rain, completing the eternal cycle." Istishia believes himself to be the great equalizer and leveler of the elements.

All sects of the lstishian faith tend to avoid personal combat and direct confrontation in their dealings with unbelievers. They believe that if allowed to go where they will, the essential truths embodied by the Water Lord eventually convince all as to his power. That is not to say that the faith ignores events going on around them, but rather that they work quietly along less-obvious paths to accomplish their goals. Members of the faith are to follow the path of least resistance to accomplish their goals, just like water takes the easiest course to the sea.

Novices in the lstishian faith are charged as follows:"The eternal Istishia acknowledges change but holds to his essential nature. Do not try to be what you are not; rather, excel at what you are and carry this message of personal excellence to the world. Be flexible but not unreasonable. As the rains flow down to the ocean in the folds of earth and not up mountains, so do the truths of Istishia spread throughout the land through their natural routes, not through rank force. The mysteries of life are to be enjoyed and puzzled over, but realize that some answers do not come in this form or this world, but rather in the next. Realize that the cycles of life are mirrored by the cycles of fate; be prepared to pay the price or reap the reward for the actions of your past or your future."

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:

Many visitors to a temple wonder why priests of Istishia would teach novices to throw pottery. Such a skill is useful both practically as a source of income for the church and as a teaching tool in the faith. Using water, lstishian priests mold clay to a desired form, dry the new pots in the air, finish them with fire, and (often) use them to carry water or other liquids. The interactions of the elements are demonstrated in making pottery, as is the mutability of water and its final triumph.

Keeping waterways pure and clean is one major goal of the church, and this responsible long-term goal has made the Istishians one of the more easily accepted elemental "cults" to visit a town. (Wantonly polluting rivers, streams, seas, and oceans is considered an insult to Istishia, as well as likely offending a number of other nature and water deities.) Other ongoing goals of the church are better communication among the aquatic races and between the aquatic races and surface dwellers. Many lstishian priests dream of a day when all water dwellers can be united in their goals and efforts underneath the benevolent guidance of the church. That this goal is utterly unachievable and presupposes the extinction of numerous major faiths seems not to sway them from clinging to it nonetheless—nor does it mean that they hold any malice toward other primarily aquatic faiths.

圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

Each morning for a follower of the Water Lord begins with a quiet prayer said in Istishia's name over a drink of water, and each night ends the same way. Spring tide and neap tide are celebrated with festivals by the church. During these festivals new members of the faith are dedicated to Istishia by being boisterously tossed into the sea or a lake or by diving into fountains or pools. Surface-dwelling communities of the faithful are often visited by water-dwelling emissaries from Istishia's aquatic churches during these fetes, and underwater churches in turn host surface-dwellers as guests through magical accommodations.

  浪摇典礼Waveriding 是依斯提悉亚教派的专属祭司庆祝达到足够的技能等级从水元素位面召唤水元素的仪式。在意思开始之前,有长达一个小时的朗读和诵经,在那之后将召唤水元素。这只元素随后将带着庆祝者在大片水域上踏波长驱。当它与庆祝的祭司一起归来时,这只元素将被抛洒花环、获得精美的初酿葡萄酒作为礼物、并被赠予精美的珠宝、陶器或是雕塑,让它在离开时带回依斯提悉亚的神国。
Waveriding is the ritual that Istishian specialty priests celebrate upon reaching a level of skill great enough to summon a water elemental from the Elemental Plane of Water. The ceremony is preceded by an hour-long responsive reading and chant, after which the elemental is summoned. The elemental then carries the celebrant on a long ride on the waves of a large body of water. When it returns with the priest celebrating the ritual, the elemental is tossed garlands of flowers, gifted with drafts of fine wine, and given beautifully crafted pieces of jewelry, pottery, or sculpture to carry back to Istishia's realm as it leaves.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  任何一座沿海大城市,在其众多的建筑物中都会留有水之主神殿的一席之地。这类神殿通常都尽可能地靠近码头。路斯坎Luskan深水城Waterdeep卡尔·卡利迪尔Caer Callidyrr泰斯布瑞Teshburl卡林港Calimport 都有献给依斯提悉亚的大型神殿。在 内海the Inner Sea苏萨尔Suzail星幕市Starmantle、以及 阿拉贡Alaghon 的市民亦以献给水之主的神殿为荣。该信仰最神圣的圣地是海豚摄政所居住社区中的水下要塞神殿。有时它会因为海豚摄政的臂章的海豚主题,而被称为 跳舞海豚城堡the Castle of the Dancing Dolphin,但它的真名并不为那些驰骋于海面之上的人所知。据说,它有着怪物和有组织、智能的各种生物组成的凶猛水生守卫。
Any large coastal city is certain to have a temple to the Water Lord among its many buildings. Such temples are frequently as close to the docks as possible. Luskan, Waterdeep, Caer Callidyrr, Teshburl, and Calimport all have large temples dedicated to Istishia. Within the Inner Sea, the cities of Suzail, Starmantle, Alaghon, Neldorild, Spandeliyon, Lyrabar, Procampur, and Selgaunt also boast temples to the Water Lord. The most holy site of the faith is the underwater fortress-temple in which the Delphine Regent lives in secrecy. It is sometimes referred to as the Castle of the Dancing Dolphin in reference to the dolphins featured in the coat-of-arms of the Delphine Regent, but its true name is unknown to those who walk above the waves. It is reputed to have fierce aquatic guardians both of the monstrous and the organized, intelligent variety.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:

  依斯提悉亚教派的护教军组织分别名为:七海骑士团the Cavaliers of the Seven Seas,其成员是天生在水中呼吸者;恒变真理骑士团the Cavaliers of the Ever-Changing Truth,其成员是天生呼吸空气者。依斯提悉亚教派的护教军们守卫着圣地、护送该信仰的使者、并在个人层面上,继续着与卡署斯教会的世仇。该信仰的潜修者属于 神秘转变之纯粹会the Order of Cryptic Transformational Purity。因为他们的徽记有些像人鱼,并且该组织的名字本身是如此高端,所以该组织的潜修者们经常被通俗地称作“似鱼之人”或“水之主的鱼人”——这让他们很懊丧。
The orders of Istishian crusaders are known as the Cavaliers of the Seven Seas, whose members are natural water-breathers, and the Cavaliers of the Ever-Changing Truth, whose members are natural air-breathers. Istishian crusaders guard holy sites, escort emissaries of the faith, and pursue the ongoing feud against the church of Kossuth on a personal level. Mystics of the faith belong to the Order of Cryptic Transformational Purity. The symbol of this order is a human shapechanging into a fish. Because this symbol looks somewhat like a merman and the name of the order itself is so lofty, mystics of this order are often referred to colloquially as "fishtishians" or "the Water Lord's fishmen"—much to their chagrin.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:

Priests of Istishia dress in blue-and-green robes with coral decorations for ceremonial occasions. Exact decorations and garment construction are not mandated by the faith, but shaded or rippled dyeing, graceful embroidery or beadwork, or layered or dagged construction are often employed to convey a water theme. The wave of Istishia is usually carved into a gemstone incorporated into a medallion, a brooch, or a ring. Often the gemstone is jade, emerald, malachite, aquamarine, or water opal.

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:

Adventuring priests are free to wear whatever clothes they deem appropriate, though they are fond of wearing items in white, blue, green, and blue-purple hues. The use of armor heavier than chain mail is frowned upon by the church and forbidden to waterwalkers.


