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【主   神】
【势力 范围】内层位面Inner Planes
【简   介】元素大君又称 元素亲王Elemental Prince,分善良与邪恶两类,其中邪恶元素亲王们据说是上古元素之神的后代,而善良元素大君除扎曼·鲁尔外,均为元素位面本身为平衡邪恶元素君王的影响力而产生。
善良元素亲王Elemental Princes of Good
芭瑞丝提雅·佩儿Bristia PelN→DeadNG火元素大君,永恒之焰公主,在混沌与秩序之战中被谋杀
扎曼·鲁尔Zaaman RulNNG火元素大君,复燃余烬,伊密克斯布里西娅·佩尔的子嗣
邪恶元素亲王Elemental Princes of Evil

毕温博二世Bwimb ⅡNNE泥浆女男爵,软泥元素大君,毕温博之女
日鸣Sun SingN黑暗与虚空元素大君,真空的总督
阿鲁·卡恩·桑Alu Kahn SangN尘埃元素大君

1e<Manual of the Planes.051>侧元素位面THE PARA-ELEMENTAL PLANES(节选)


  没有侧元素集团有一位特定的领导人,不过总是有些冰领主、粘液男爵、熔岩将军和烟公爵竞逐着它们对应集团的控制权。元素大君archomentals 中的最强者被视作半神力,其中只有一位,即冰位面的 克里欧那克斯Cryonax 已被描述过(见《邪魔对开本FIEND FOLIO®》)。克里欧那克斯是这些位面中此类强大权能的典型。尽管他与(火位面和土位面的)伊密克斯Imix欧雷莫奇Ogremoch 不相上下,但在侧位面没有强大神力来约束他的行动。克里欧那克斯就和其祂侧位面的亲王与公主一样,怀揣着一个压倒一切的愿望:让他的冰位面王国成为一个主导元素位面,能与周围的位面等同或取代它。他梦想有朝一日在冰位面的边界创造自己的 雪泥与霜雪“侧元素”位面"para-elemental" planes of Slush and Snow。据说,克里欧那克斯的华丽宫殿利用了 负能量位面the Negative Material plane 之力,不过其目的尚未被揭晓。
None of the para-elemental groups have one particular leader, but there are always ice lords, slime barons, magma generals, and smoke dukes vying for control of their respective groups. The most powerful of these archomentals are treated as Demi-Powers, and of these only one, Cryonax of the plane of Ice, has been described (FIEND FOLIO® tome). Cryonax is typical of such great powers in these planes. Though he is the equal of Imix or Olhydra (of the planes of Fire and Earth), there are no Greater Powers in the para-planes to control his actions. Cryonax, like the other princes and princesses of the paraplanes, has an overriding desire to establish his realm of Ice as a dominant elemental plane, equalling or replacing the planes about it. He has dreams of creating his own "para-elemental" planes of Slush and Snow on the borders of Ice. Cryonax's ornate palace is said to tap the forces of the Negative Material plane, though to what end has not yet been revealed.

  其祂侧元素邪恶亲王的能力与力量相似,不过祂们的目的与意图对大部分主物质位面土著来说都是个谜。祂们那被从腐烂的书籍中抢救出来的名讳为:烟雾位面之 埃卡克Ehkahk、岩浆位面之 赤利比亚Chlimbia、以及软泥位面之 毕温博Bwimb
The abilities and powers of other princes of para-elemental evil are similar, though their aims and intentions are a mystery to most natives of the Prime Material plane. Their names, rescued from rotting books, are Ehkahk of the plane of Smoke, Chlimbia of the plane of Magma, and Bwimb of the plane of Ooze.

1e<Fiend Folio.p031>邪恶元素亲王ELEMENTAL PRINCES OF EVIL

邪恶元素亲王Elemental Princes of Evil

  邪恶气、寒冷、土、火和水元素生物亲王是群强大的存在,祂们主要统治着 元素位面Elemental Planes,但在 主物质位面Prime Material Plane 也拥有许多追随者。尽管祂们彼此经常爆发冲突(主要是通过各自下属发生),但邪恶元素亲王们的确有一些共同特征,随意使用,祂们均能使用:侦测隐形detect invisibility驱散魔法dispel magic(施法者等级20),热感视觉infravision(持续1天),知晓阵营know alignment暗示术suggestion(持续12小时),无误传送术teleport without error。每日各3次,祂们还可:通晓语言comprehend languages阅读魔法read magic。每日1次,祂们还能:心灵遥控telekinesis(600金币价值的重量)。
The princes of evil air, cold, earth, fire and water creatures are powerful beings whose principal are of domination are on the Elemental Planes but who also have many followers on the Prime Material Plane. Though often at odds with each other (mainly through the actions of their underlings) the elemental princes of evil do share certain common characteristics, each being able to perform detect invisible, dispel magic (at 20th level), infrawsion (duration one day), know alignment, suggestion (duration 12 hours) and teleportation (no error), all at will. They have a special telepathic power which enables them to understand and converse with any intelligent creature. Three times per day (each) they can read languages and read magic; once per day they can telekinese 6,000 gold pieces weight.

The experience point value shown for each prince is for destroying the material form only. If a prince is killed permanently, the XP value is multiplied by 10.

2e<Monstrous Compendium - Planescape Appendix III.p016>元素大君Archomental(邪恶evil)


  在四个 元素位面Elemental Planes(以及甚至一个 准元素位面Paraelementals)上,有那么一些元素生物凌驾于同类之上,将其它元素尽皆纳入麾下。谣言称这些领袖——老鸟们称之为 元素大君archomentals——扭曲脱离了孕育了祂们的 内层位面Inner Planes 真实本质,呈现出超越其上的世界观。换句话说,祂们披上了善与恶的外衣。
On the four Elemental Planes (and even one of the Paraelementals), there are those elemental beings that rise above their fellows, subjugating the rest under their own rule. Chant is these leaders — bloods known as archomentals — twist away from the true nature of the Inner Planes that spawned them and take on the outlooks of those beyond. In other words, they adopt the mantle of good and evil.
[印记城黑话:Chant, the——表示新闻,本地闲话,事实,情形或者其他任何有关当前局势的事情.
"What's the chant?"是打探最新消息常用的一句话。如一定要翻译到主物质位面地球上来,那么就是”What’s Up?”]
[印记城黑话:Blood——专家,智者或是任何领域的老鸟。一个角斗士冠军可以是一个 blood, 一个强大的巫师也可以是blood.称呼某人为blood是对其特别尊敬的一种表示.]

  事实上,有些人喜欢以 邪恶(或善良)元素亲王the Princes of Elemental Evil (or Good) 或类似衍生名来称呼元素大君。但这些元素高层讨厌这个想法——祂们自认独一无二,极少以某个群体自称。因此,“正确的”称呼尚不可知。
Fact is, some folks refer to the archomentals as the Princes of Elemental Evil (or Good) or similar derivations of that name. But the elemental high-ups resent the idea that they're anything but unique, and rarely refer to themselves as a group at all. Thus, the “correct” term is unknown.

  元素大君并不统治祂们各自的位面和所有在那的元素,而是控制着自己故乡位面内的神国,尽可能多地掌控一些不那么强大的元素。就像 深渊领主Abyssal lords,祂们并非真正的神力,但所差也只是咫尺之遥。亲王们可以被杀,但却可以向侍奉和崇拜祂们的祭司们授予法术:仅通过信仰就可以获得第1~3级法术,而如果祂们亲自出现,则还能授予4级法术。元素大君的消息已经传播到了多元宇宙各地。任何与一种特定元素——即便他并未居住在内元素位面——都知道这些亲王,并恐惧着祂们的力量。
The archomentals don’t rule their respective planes or all the elementals found there. Instead, they control realms within their home planes, mastering as many of the less powerful elementals as they can. Like Abyssal lords, they're not true powers, but they are only one step removed. The princes can be slain, and yet they can grant spells to priests who serve and worship them — 1st- through 3rd-level spells through faith alone, and 4th-level spells if they appear in person. Word of the archomentals has spread throughout the multiverse. Any berk who's associated with a particular element —even if he's not native to the Inner Planes — knows of the princes and fears their power.

  每日1次,随意使用,所有元素大君都可施展以下法术,施法者等级20:侦测隐形detect invisibility驱散魔法dispel magic热感视觉infravision(持续1天),知晓阵营know alignment暗示术suggestion(持续12小时),无误传送术teleport without error。每日各3次,祂们还可施展以下法术:通晓语言comprehend languages阅读魔法read magic。每日1次,祂们能:心灵遥控telekinesis(600磅)。所有元素大君都有能力理解和沟通任何智慧生物。
All archomentals are able to cast the following spells (once per round, at will) as though they were 20th-level casters: detect invisibility, dispel magic, infravision(duration of one day), know alignment, suggestion (duration of 12 hours), and teleport without error. They can cast each of the following spells three times per day: comprehend languages and read magic. Once per day, they can cast telekinesis (600 pounds). All archomentals have the ability to understand and converse with any intelligent creature.

  据说,邪恶元素亲王们与一种只知道被称为 上古元素之神the Elder Elemental God 的存在有关联。据推测,有些亲王是那只生物的后代,往轻里说,这让祂们成了悖乱的手足同胞。
The Princes of Elemental Evil are said to have a relationship with the mysterious being known only as the Elder Elemental God. Supposedly, some of the princes are that being's offspring, making them queer siblings to say the least.

3e<Dragon 347.p029>元素大君The Archomehtals

译者:Proxy of Sune

邪恶元素亲王Princes of Elemental Evil

  元素位面里潜伏着强大的存在。一些是善良的,其他的则充满了恶意。这些邪恶的存在密谋统治整个元素位面。邪恶元素亲王们The Elemental Princes of Evil 就有这样的野心,而且他们也拥有足够的力量和意志来实现他们的愿望。
Greater powers lurk on the elemental planes. While some are benign, others arc a malig nancy, plotting schemes of domination that encompass entire planes of existence. The Elemental Princes of Evil harbor such hopes, and they possess the power and will to bring them to life.

  和他们的善良对立面一样,他们都是元素亲王,元素位面中仅次于真神的最强大的存在。他们的身份类似于大魔鬼、恶魔主君和天界生物的首领。元素亲王认为自己是所属位面的统治者,冠以“亲王”和“领主”之类的标识自己统治者身份的头衔。 Along with their good counterparts, these bekigs arc collectively known as archomcntals, powerftd exemplary beings of the Elemental Planes. Less powerful than true deities, they arc similar in status to the archfiends and celestial paragons. Arcbomentals fancy themselves rulers of their planes' natives, claiming regal titles such as prince and lord.

  每一个元素大君都认为自己是独一无二的,这样的念头使得他们目中无人。这些元素王子们经常发生争执,甚至有时候公开发动战争。所有元素生物都清楚邪恶元素大君的实力并对他们充满了恐惧之情,除了他们的对立面——善良元素亲王the Elemental Princes of Good。最强大的元素之神(卡署斯Kossuth依斯提悉亚Istishia谷蓝巴Grumbar阿卡狄Akadi)对善良和邪恶的元素亲王们一直持观望态度,只有在某一阵营占据了足以影响到平衡的优势时他们才会插手。
Each archomental considers itself unique, balking at the idea that it could be in the same class as any other being. These princes are often at odds with one another and sometimes openly at war. All elemental creatures know the power of the evil archomentals and fear them, but their counterparts, the Elemental Princes of Good, oppose them directly. The greater elemental gods (Kossuth, Istishia, Grumbar, and Akadi) keep careful watch on both the good and evil archomcntals and only involve themselves when one side threatens to gains too much influence over its respective plane.

  元素亲王是多元宇宙最古老的存在之一。他们中的一部分参与了 早古年代Age Before Ages 的 秩序与混乱之战Law and Chaos。善良元素亲王站在了代表秩序一方的 艾夸的风之公爵Wind Dukes of Aqaa 一边,大部分的邪恶元素亲王则站到了 混沌女王the Queen of Chaos 一边。至今仍然能够发现他们力量的残余潜藏在四处分散的重要战争遗迹中。尽管在 血战Blood War 中并不活跃,一些邪恶亲王却拥有几个强大的炼狱盟友,还有一些元素大君则把 大魔鬼archdevils恶魔亲王demon princes 视为敌人。
The archomcntals are among the oldest living beings in the multivcrsc. Several of them fought in the ancient wars between Law and Chaos that spanned several Material Plane worlds in the Age Before Ages. The good archo-mentals sided with the vaati, the legendary Wind Dukes of Aqaa, while the evil princes, for the roost part, aided the Queen of Chaos and her minions. Remnants of their forces are still found lurking across the scattered sites of importance to the war. Although not actively involved in the Blood War, several powerful fiends have made alliances with the Princes of Elemental Evil, and a few archomentals count archdevils and demon princes as enemies.

  上古元素之眼Elder Elemental Eye 宣称自己是大多数邪恶元素王子的祖先,是他创造了他们。古宗教的研究者们推测这个神祉实际上是远古的邪神——萨瑞兹顿Tharizdun(见《完美神力Complete Divine》,123页)。靠着这种所谓的“关系”,萨瑞兹顿的一部分信徒,在数千年间与邪恶元素大君成功的达成了多种协议。萨瑞兹顿利用恶魔 祖格莫依Zuggtmoy 建造了 邪恶元素之殿Iferaple of Elemental Evil,她与半神力 伊乌兹Iuz 建立了四个强大的可以连通元素位面的结点。萨瑞兹顿怂恿 伊密克斯Imix欧雷莫奇Ogremoch奥利德拉Olhydra延-西-宾Yan-C-Bin 暗中施以援手,以便让他的信徒可以召唤这些亲王们来削弱囚禁着自己的永恒监狱的力量。
The evil god known as the Elder Elemental Eye claims to have sired most of the Elemental Princes of Evil, making them strange siblings indeed. Scholars of ancient religions speculate that this god is actually the ancient evil, Tharizdun (Complete Divine, 123). Lending credence to this alleged paternity, small cults ofTharizdun have successfully madepacts with the evil archomentals over the millennia with varying degrees of success. Tharizdim used the demon Zuggtmoy to construct the infamous Iferaple of Elemental Evil, in which she and the demigod Iuz opened conduits to four powerful nodes on the Elemental Planes. Tharizdun encouraged Imix, Ogrmoch, Olhydra, and Yan-C-Bin to secretly assist in crafting the nodes, which would allow his followers to summon the princes and thereby weaken the bonds that hold him in his eternal prison.

  和强大邪魔一样,元素大君可以代替神性力量赐予法术(见《邪恶之书Book of Vile Darkness》,123页),在 主物质位面Material Plane 存在着大量崇拜他们的信徒。
Like powerful fiends, archomcntals can grant spells as proxies for divine powers (see Book of Vile Darkness, page 123, for details), and many have large cults on the Material Plane dedicated to them.

元素大君特性Archomental Traits

Although not a specific subtype, all archomcntals share the following traits.

An archomcntal's natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

  在祂们的条目中,标有“E”的专长是传奇专长,可在《地下城主指南Dungeon Master's Guide》第209页找到。
Feats listed in their entries with an "E" are epic feats and may be found on page 209 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.

改变形态Change Shape(超自然Su):

  通过一个标准动作,元素大君可以变化为与自己所属元素类型相同的任何种类的元素生物(克里欧那克斯Cryonax 可以变为寒冷系元素生物),就如同法术 形体变化shapechange 一样。在这种形态下元素亲王无法使用天生武器(但可以使用和现有形态适合的武器和装甲)。这种效果无法被驱散,当元素大君被杀死之后将会变回原来的形态。法术 真知术true seeing 可以看穿他的真实外貌。
An archomcn-tal can assume the shape of any creature with the same elemental subtype or cold subtype, for Cryonax), as the shapechange spell as a standard action. In an assumed form, an archomen-tal cannot use its natural weapons (although it can equip itself with weapons and armor appropriate to its appearance). An archomental remains in one form until it chooses to assumr a new one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, but the archomental reverts to its natural form when killed. A true seeing spell revals its natural form.

命令元素Elemental Coromand(超自然Su):

An archomcntal can attempt to gain control over any elemental of the same subtype within 100 ftet. Hie elemental must make a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the archomental’s HD the archomentai's Cha modifier) or succumb to the archomental's control. An elemental that saves against this attack is immune to that archomental's elemental command ability for 24 hours. An archomental has no limit to the number of clcrmcntals it can control.

Once under the archomcntars command, an elemental serves the archomental until either it or the archomental dies, until the archo-mental dismisses it. or until the duration for its summoning expires. It obeys the archomental explicitly, even if ordered to attack a being (hat originally summoned it *Ilie archo> mental docs not need to concentrate to maintain control over any elemental it commands.

类法术能力Spell- Like Abilities:

  所有的元素大君可以任意施展以下类法术能力:侦测邪恶detect evil侦测善良detect good高等解除魔法greater dispel magic高等传送术greater teleport识破隐形see invisibility暗示术suggestion心灵遥控telekinesis。施法者等级20。豁免难度为10+元素大君的魅力修正+法术等级。
All archomcn-tals can use the following abilities at will: detect evil, detect good, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, see invisibility, suggestion, telekinesis. Caster loci 20th. The save DC for these spells is 10 the archomental's Cha modifier + spell level.


  所有的元素大君能与任何至少掌握一种语言的生物交谈,如同通过使用 巧言术tonigues 法术(施法者等级14)。该能力始终生效。
All archomentals can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th). This ability is always active.

3e<Dragon 353.p042>元素大君,第二部分The Archomehtals, Part Ⅱ

善良元素亲王Princes of Elemental Good

  类似于天界典范和大魔王,元素大君Archomentals 是 元素位面Elemental Planes 上的强大模范生物。在 邪恶元素亲王Elemental Princes of Evil(见《Dragon 347》)们的怒火撼动了多元宇宙上千年,善良元素亲王Elemental Princes of Good 站在了祂们邪恶对手的对立面,阻止祂们主宰元素位面,并最终统治所有实存位面。
Archomentals are powerful exemplary beings of the Elemental Planes, similar to the celestial paragons and archfiends. While the fury of the Elemental Princes of Evil (see Dragon #347) has shaken the multiverse for millennia, the Elemental Princes of Good stand against their evil counterparts to prevent them from dominating the Elemental Planes and, ultimately, all planes of existence.

Although they don't rule their home planes, archomentals still command considerable power. Each archomental has a vast army of supporters, and it is rarely drawn into battle without adequate support. Every archomental holds sway over a large dominion on its plane and dwells in a well-protected fortress, contributing to its long-lasting survival.

  善良元素亲王也是些古老存在,不过邪恶元素亲王的历史明显早于祂们。传说中说元素位面们本身在 早古年代Age Before Ages 诞下了祂们,作为阻止其邪恶对立面过于强大的平衡力量。在祂们的起源时代,秩序与混沌之间的道德战争正焦灼进行。四位初出茅庐的元素大君——嫦Chan本-哈达Ben-hadar苏妮丝Sunnis、和 芭瑞丝提雅·佩儿Bristia Pel(火元素公主)成了战友,在对这场冲突进行了观察后,祂们得出结论:秩序的一面也应该是善良的一面。
The good archomentals are ancient beings, although the Elemental Princes of Evil clearly predate them. Legends say the Elemental Planes themselves birthed the Elemental Princes of Good in the Age Before Ages, to serve as a balancing force to prevent their evil counterparts from becoming too powerful. During their genesis, the moral wars between Law and Chaos raged on. The four fledgling archomentals一Chan, Ben-hadar, Sunnis, and Bristia Pel (princess of Fire) became comrades, and after observing the conflict they concluded that the side of Law should also be the side of Good.

  善良亲王们急切地加入了 瓦提族the vaati(也被称为 艾夸的风之公爵the Wind Dukes of Aaqa),但很快,祂们就惊诧于原来邪恶元素也存在于秩序的一方中。在发现 延-西-宾Yan-C-Bin 与风之公爵们的联盟后,嫦立即切断了自己与这场冲突的瓜葛。两位低级元素领主——“岩浆之”赤利比亚Chlimbia“烟雾之”埃卡克Ehkahk of Smoke 也与瓦提族并肩作战。在一场重大战斗结束后,赤利比亚和埃卡克背叛了善良元素大君,伏击并摧毁了芭瑞丝提雅·佩儿。不再抱幻想的本-哈达背弃了瓦提族,最终在战争期间加入了混沌一侧,只有苏妮丝仍然坚定地站在了秩序一侧。
The good princes eagerly joined the vaati, also known as the Wind Dukes of Aaqa, but were soon dismayed to find evil elementals among the forces of Law. Upon discovering Yan-C-Bin's alliance with the Wind Dukes, Chan immediately ended her involvement with the conflict. Two lesser evil elemental lords, Chlimbia of Magma and Ehkahk of Smoke, also fought alongside the vaati. In one of the war major battles, Chilimba and Ehkahk betrayed the good archomentals, ambushing and destroying Bristia Pel. Disillusioned, Ben-hadar abandoned the vaati, eventually joining the side of Chaos for the war's duration, while Sunnis remained steadfastly with the side of Law.

The Elemental Princes of Good lack the same level of influence and reputation throughout the planes that their evil counterparts enjoy. Whether due to the evil princes longer existence or greater power, the good archomentals seek to lessen this foul prestige.

  和 天界典范celestial paragons 们一样,善良元素大君可以代替神性力量赐予法术(见《崇善之书Book of Exalted Deeds》,123页)。然而,祂们并不鼓励以祂们的名讳在 主物质位面Material Plane 组织教会。
Like the celestial paragons, good archomentals can grant spells as proxies for divine powers (Book of Exalted Deeds, 123). They do not, however, encourage cults organized in their names on the Material Plane.

元素大君特性Archomental Traits

Although not a specific subtype, all archomentals share the following traits.

A good archomentals natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as good-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

  在祂们的条目中,标有“E”的专长是传奇专长,可在《地下城主指南Dungeon Master's Guide》第209页找到。
Feats listed in their entries with an "E" are epic feats and can be found on page 209 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.

改变形态Change Shape(超自然Su):

  通过一个标准动作,元素大君可以变化为与自己所属元素类型相同的任何种类的元素生物,就如同法术 形体变化shapechange 一样。在这种形态下元素亲王无法使用天生武器(但可以使用和现有形态适合的武器和装甲)。这种效果无法被驱散,当元素大君被杀死之后将会变回原来的形态。法术 真知术true seeing 可以看穿他的真实外貌。
An archomental can assume the shape of any creature with the same elemental subtype, as the shapechange spell, as a standard action. In an assumed form, an archomental cannot use its natural weapons (although it can equip itself with weapons and armor appropriate to its appearance). An archomental remains in one form until it chooses to assume anew one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, but the archomental reverts to its natural form when killed. A true seeing spell reveals its natural form.

命令元素Elemental Coromand(超自然Su):

An archomental can attempt to gain control over any elemental of the same subtype within 100 feet. The elemental must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the archomental's HD + archomental's Cha modifier) or succumb to the archomental's control. An elemental tliat saves against this attack is immune to that archomental's elemental command ability for 24 hours. An archomental has no limit to the number of elementals it can control.

Once under the archomental command, an elemental serves the archo-mental until either it or the archomental dies, until the archomental dismisses it, or until the duration for its summoning expires. It obeys the archomental explicitly, even if ordered to attack a being that origmally summoned it The archomental does not need to concentrate to maintain control over any elemental it commands.

类法术能力Spell- Like Abilities:

  所有的元素大君可以任意施展以下类法术能力:侦测邪恶detect evil侦测善良detect good高等解除魔法greater dispel magic高等传送术greater teleport识破隐形see invisibility暗示术suggestion心灵遥控telekinesis。施法者等级20。豁免难度为10+元素大君的魅力修正+法术等级。
All archomcn-tals can use the following abilities at will: detect evil, detect good, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, see invisibility, suggestion, telekinesis. Caster level 20th. The save DC for these spells is 10+the archomental's Cha modifier + spell level.


  所有的元素大君能与任何至少掌握一种语言的生物交谈,如同通过使用 巧言术tonigues 法术(施法者等级14)。该能力始终生效。
All axchomentals can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th). This ability is always active.

4e<HoTEH.p032>已知荒神候选名单Roster of Known Primordials(节选)

已知荒神候选名单Roster of Known Primordials

  许多荒神被归类为 元素大君archomental——祂们统治着广阔的元素疆域,支配许多低级生物向其效忠。这个团体包括 元素亲王elemental princes(详述于早前章节)。有些荒神被凡人尊为神明,被视作某一神系的成员。即便这些存在本质并非神性存在,但祂们向祂们的祭司降下了元素的力量,并被红多凡人崇拜。已被 无底深渊Abyss 彻底转化或消化的荒神不在此列表之中。将像 狄摩高根Demogorgon奥库斯Orcus巴菲门特Baphomet 这样的存在,视作 恶魔领主demon lords 而非荒神更为恰当。
Many primordials are categorized as archomentals—beings that rule vast elemental domains and command the allegiance of many lesser creatures. This group includes the elemental princes, detailed earlier in this section. Some primordials are revered as deities by mortals and are counted as members of pantheons. Even though these entities are not divine in nature, they bestow elemental powers on their priests and are venerated by hosts of mortal followers. Primordials that have been wholly transformed or consumed by the Abyss are not included in this list. Creatures such as Demogorgon, Orcus, and Baphomet are more properly described as demon lords, not primordials.
