克里歐那克斯Cryonax,邪惡寒系生物親王 | |
基本信息 | |
【頭 銜】 | 元素大君Archomental,邪惡冰元素親王Elemental Prince of Evil Ice,邪惡寒系生物親王Prince of Evil Cold Creatures,永恆嚴冬的使者Bringcr of Endless Winter,酷寒君王The Bleak Monarch,寒冰之主the lord of Ice |
【陣 營】 | NE |
【神 力】 | N |
【神 職】 | 冰元素ice |
與諸神的關係 | |
【神 系】 | 元素大君Archomental |
【主 神】 | 無 |
【敵 對】 | 阿拉巴尼亞Albrathanilar |
神國與教會 | |
【神 國】 | 冰側元素位面Paraplane of Ice/鑿冰莊園Chiseled Estate |
【徽 記】 | ¢徽記1:一個被困在正方形中的藍白色圓形a blue-white circle trapped within a square |
¢徽記2:一朵銀色雪花a silver snowflake | |
【相關 神器】 | 嚴冬之淚Tear of Winter |
【簡 介】 | 克里歐那克斯Cryonax 是邪惡冰元素和邪惡寒冷元素的元素大君,側元素親王中的最強者。他可能也是上古元素之神的子嗣,雖然地位比其祂邪惡元素大君更低,沒有敵對善良陣營親王的優勢令他能更自由地策劃對整個內層位面的征服計劃。 在他麾下有一支由大量寒系怪物組成的軍隊,其中包括一些傳奇怪物,他甚至創造了神器 嚴冬之淚Tear of Winter,試圖以此控制一隻 宙克斯克爾xixccal。並私下計劃解放地獄大公 萊維思圖斯Levistus。 |
1e<Fiend Folio.p016>克里歐那克斯Cryonax
(邪惡寒系生物親王Prince of Evil Cold Creatures)
出現頻率FREQUENCY:非常罕見Very rare
生命骰HIT DICE:90 生命值hit point
在巢穴中概率% IN LAIR:55%
特殊攻擊SPECIAL ATTACK:寒冷傷害Cold damage;法術spells
特殊防禦SPECIAL DEFENSES:見後See below
陣營ALIGNMENT:中立邪惡Neutral Evil
攻擊/防禦模式Attack/Defense Modes:全部All/全部all

克里歐那克斯Cryonax 呈現為一位15呎高的雪怪,帶著吸盤的觸手取代了手臂。他持續輻射著1d6點寒冷傷害,影響15呎半徑內的所有人(擁有寒冷抗力的生物傷害減半,但對此傷害所有人均無豁免機會)。他如20生命骰的怪物般使用兩條觸手攻擊,每條造成5d20點傷害;此外受害者必須進行對抗休克豁免檢定,否則將被冰封在原地3-12個完整回合。克里歐那克斯只能被+2或更好的武器傷害到。
Cryonax appears as a 15『 tall yeti with tentacles covered with suction cups in place of arms. He radiates 1-6 points of cold damage continually, affecting all within 15『 (those with resistance to cold take half damage, but there is no saving throw as such against this). He attacks as a 20 hit dice monster with two tentacles, each of which inflicts 5-20 hit points of damage; in addition the victim must save versus paralysation or be frozen in place for 3-12 full turns. Cryonax can only be damaged by +2 or better weapons.
There is a cumulative 10% chance that any particular weapon hitting Cryonax will shatter; if the weapon does break, damage inflicted by that particular hit is nullified.
每日各3次,這位親王還能使用以下能力:冰牆術wall of ice(3倍力量),人類定身術hold person,冰風暴ice storm(造成4d10點傷害)。每日1次,他能創造一道 寒冰錐cone of cold,施法等級15。同樣是每日1次,他可召喚 1d3隻 冰側元素ice paraelemental、1d4頭白龍、1d4位霜巨人 或1d6隻雪怪。
作為邪惡寒冷生物親王,每日1次,克里歐那克斯可以召喚以下其中一組生物:頭白龍、1d4位霜巨人 或1d6隻雪怪。此外,每日3次,他還能使用:3倍力量的 冰牆術wall of ice,支配人類hold person,冰風暴ice storm(4-40點傷害)。每日1次,他可製造一道15骰力量的 凍寒衝擊blast of cold。
As a prince of evil creatures of cold, Cryonax may summon one of the following groups once per day: 1-4 white dragons, 1-4 frost giants or 1-6 yeti. In addition he can, thrice per day, produce a triple-strength wall of ice, can hold person and can cast an ice storm of 4-40 points. Once per day, he can cause a blast of cold of 15-dice strength.
Fire attacks against Cryonax are at +2 hit probability and do an additional point of damage per attack die. Cold attacks add to his hit points in an amount equal to the intended damage, up to but not exceeding his original 90 hit points. He is completely immune to poison, nor can he be turned to stone.
這位親王生活在一座由寒冰、石英與玻璃修築的龐大城堡中,它位於 氣元素位面Plane of Air 與 水元素位面Plane of Water 的交界處,並從 負能量位面Negative Material Plane 汲取著力量。
This prince lives in a huge castle of ice, quartz and glass, situated at the juncture of the Planes of Air and Water and drawing power from the Negative Material Plane.
【以下內容節選自:[p016]邪惡元素親王ELEMENTAL PRINCES OF EVIL】
邪惡氣、寒冷、土、火和水元素生物親王是群強大的存在,祂們主要統治著 元素位面Elemental Planes,但在 主物質位面Prime Material Plane 也擁有許多追隨者。儘管祂們彼此經常爆發衝突(主要是通過各自下屬發生),但邪惡元素親王們的確有一些共同特徵,隨意使用,祂們均能使用:偵測隱形detect invisibility,驅散魔法dispel magic(施法者等級20),熱感視覺infravision(持續1天),知曉陣營know alignment,暗示術suggestion(持續12小時),無誤傳送術teleport without error。每日各3次,祂們還可:通曉語言comprehend languages,閱讀魔法read magic。每日1次,祂們還能:心靈遙控telekinesis(600金幣價值的重量)。
The princes of evil air, cold, earth, fire and water creatures are powerful beings whose principal are of domination are on the Elemental Planes but who also have many followers on the Prime Material Plane. Though often at odds with each other (mainly through the actions of their underlings) the elemental princes of evil do share certain common characteristics, each being able to perform detect invisible, dispel magic (at 20th level), infrawsion (duration one day), know alignment, suggestion (duration 12 hours) and teleportation (no error), all at will. They have a special telepathic power which enables them to understand and converse with any intelligent creature. Three times per day (each) they can read languages and read magic; once per day they can telekinese 6,000 gold pieces weight.
The experience point value shown for each prince is for destroying the material form only. If a prince is killed permanently, the XP value is multiplied by 10.
2e<Monstrous Compendium - Planescape Appendix III.p016>克里歐那克斯Cryonax
氣候/地形Clmate/Terrain:冰側元素位面Paraplane of Ice
活動周期Activity Cycle:任意Any
財富Treasure:H, V, X
陣營Alignment:中立邪惡Neutral evil
通常數量No. Appearing:1
防禦等級Armor Class:-6
生命骰Hit Dice:90 hp
零級命中值THAC0:5<0br />
次數或攻擊No. or Attacks:2
特殊攻擊Special Attacks:見下See below
特殊防禦Speciai Defenses:見下See below
魔法抗力Magic Resistance:75%

Of all the Princes of Elemental Evil, Cryonax is the one who doesn’t really fit in. After all, he’s not an elemental lord, but a paraelemental lord. Yet he doesn't fit in with those bashers either, since the rest of the paraelemental lords're nothing more than formidable mephits or other berks who've claimed power in places where no one cares enough to challenge them. Cryonax is more like the archomentals in that he’s a true force to contend with, and may even be another child of the Elder Elemental God (if a body believes that of any of the archomentals, that is). His plans include not only making the Paraelemental Plane of Ice as strong as the planes of the four base elements, but actually surpassing them in power, leaving Ice the mightiest force on the Inner Planes. A lofty goal indeed.
他怎能想出如此宏大的計劃?好的,首先,他沒有直接敵人。伊密克斯Imix 與 奧利德拉Olhydra 彼此憎惡,歐雷莫克Ogrémoch 與 延-西-賓Yan-C-Bin 同樣互為仇敵——雖然他們之間的敵意不像另一對那樣強烈。但克里歐那克斯沒有相反的元素力量(岩漿Magma 側元素的 赤利比亞Chlimbia 只是一隻強大的魔蝠,不太可能屬於元素大君的大聯盟)。此外,克里歐那克斯也沒有敵對道德力量——不存在 善良冰元素親王或公主Elemental Prince or Princess of Good Ice。沒有人知道這是為什麼,但結果就是讓 寒冰之主the lord of Ice 能獨自去塑造他最終的統治計劃。
How can he plot such grandiose schemes? Well, for one thing, he has no direct foes. Imix and Olhydra hate each other, and Ogremoch and Yan-C-Bin are likewise enemies, though their hostility is not as vehement as that of the other pair. But Cryonax has no opposing elemental force (Chlimbia of the paraplane of Magma is simply a powerful mephit, not nearly in the league of the archomentals.) Furthermore, Cryonax has no opposing moral force — there is no Elemental Prince or Princess of Good Ice. No one knows exactly why this is, but it leaves the lord of Ice alone to shape his plans for ultimate domination.
克里歐那克斯是只覆蓋著毛皮的怪物,站立時身高達15呎。他大體是人型的(其外表被比作 雪怪yeti),常人認為應該長手地方,他長著兩條長長的觸手。這些觸手在戰鬥中將造成恐怖的傷害(每條5d4點傷害),並且任何被擊中的可憐蟲都必須進行一次對抗休克豁免檢定,否則將被凍結在原地3d4輪。更重要的是,所有在其15呎範圍內的生物將因為他所散發的恐怖寒冷,每輪遭受1d6點傷害(無豁免,但那些對寒冷有抗力的生物只受半數傷害)。事實上,據說他位於 鑿冰莊園Chiseled Estate 中的冰川宮殿是寒冷側元素位面中最冷的地方——不過說實話,有很多地方也如此宣稱。
Cryonax is a fur-covered monstrosity standing 15 feet tall. Basically humanoid (his appearance has been likened to that of a yeti), he has two long tentacles where folks might expect him to have arms. These tentacles inflict terrible wounds in combat (5d4 points of damage each), and any sod struck by them must also make a saving throw versus paralyzation or be frozen in place for 3d4 rounds. What's more, all creatures within 15 feet of Cryonax suffer 1d6 points of damage per round from the terrible cold he radiates (no saving throw is allowed, but those resistant to cold suffer only half damage). Fact is, his glacial palace within the Chiseled Estate is said to be the coldest part of the paraplane of Ice, though, truth to tell, many locations claim that title.
每日各3次,這位親王還能使用以下能力:冰牆術wall of ice(3倍力量),人類定身術hold person,冰風暴ice storm(造成4d10點傷害)。每日1次,他能創造一道 寒冰錐cone of cold,施法等級15。同樣是每日1次,他可召喚 1d3隻 冰側元素ice paraelemental、1d4頭白龍、1d4位霜巨人 或1d6隻雪怪。
The prince can use each of the following abilities three times per day: wall of ice (triple strength), hold person, and ice storm (inflicting 4d10 points of damage). Once per day, he can create a cone of cold as a 15th-level caster. Also once per day, he can summon 1d3 ice paraelementals, 1d4 white dragons, 1d4 frost giants, or 1d6 yeti.
The lord of ice can be struck only by +2 or better weapons, and there's a cumulative 10% chance per strike that any weapon will shatter upon contact with his frigid form. An attack that shatters a weapon inflicts no damage on Cryonax. He's immune to poison and petrification, and cold- based spells heal rather than harm him (though they won't raise his hit points above his maximum). Bashers who make fire attacks on Cryonax, however, gain +2 to their attack rolls, and the fire inflicts 1 additional point of damage per damage die.
每日1次,隨意使用,所有元素大君都可施展以下法術,施法者等級20:偵測隱形detect invisibility,驅散魔法dispel magic,熱感視覺infravision(持續1天),知曉陣營know alignment,暗示術suggestion(持續12小時),無誤傳送術teleport without error。每日各3次,祂們還可施展以下法術:通曉語言comprehend languages,閱讀魔法read magic。每日1次,祂們能:心靈遙控telekinesis(600磅)。所有元素大君都有能力理解和溝通任何智慧生物。
All archomentals are able to cast the following spells (once per round, at will) as though they were 20th-level casters: detect invisibility, dispel magic, infravision(duration of one day), know alignment, suggestion (duration of 12 hours), and teleport without error. They can cast each of the following spells three times per day: comprehend languages and read magic. Once per day, they can cast telekinesis (600 pounds). All archomentals have the ability to understand and converse with any intelligent creature.
3e<Dragon 347.p029>克里歐那克斯Cryonax
(邪惡寒系生物親王Prince of Evil Cold Creatures,永恆嚴冬的使者Bringcr of Endless Winter,酷寒君王The Bleak Monarch)
This hulking, simian beast stands about 15 feet tall. Shaggy white fur covers its powerfully-built humanoid body. Instead of arms, it has a pair of long, suckered, octopuslike tentacles. The air around this monstrosity is incredibly frigid.
克里歐那克斯Cryonax 挑戰等級CR 22
先攻:+11;黑暗視覺 60 呎;聆聽+46,偵查+46
光環:寒冷(15 呎,3d6 寒冷傷害)
防護等級:42,接觸 26,措手不及 31;閃避Dodge,靈活移動Mobility(-1體型,+11敏捷,+16天生,+6洞察)
生命值:525(42 HD),寒冷吸收absorb cold,快速醫療 5;傷害減免 15/—
近戰:2 觸手拍擊+44(4d6+14/19-20 加 凍寒之觸freezing touch)
面寬:10 呎;觸及 10呎
攻擊模式:順勢斬Options Cleave,御守於攻Combat Expertise,戰鬥反射Combat Reflexes,進階順勢斬Great Cleave,精通擊破武器Improved Sunder,猛力攻擊Power Attack,跳躍攻擊Spring Attack,旋風攻擊Whirlwind Attack
特殊動作:凍寒金屬chill metal,寒冷主宰cold mastery,命令元素elemental command(DC 37),凍寒之觸freezing touch,召喚寒系生物summon cold creaturess
類法術能力Spell-Like Abilities(施法者等級 20,近戰接觸+44,遠程接觸+41)
隨意使用——凍寒之觸chill touch(DC 17),寒冰錐cone of cold(DC 21),霜凍射線ray of frost,雪風暴sleet storm
每日3次——控制天氣control weather,人類定身術hold person(DC 19),冰風暴ice storm,歐提路克的冰封法球Otiluke's freezing sphere(DC 23),極光射線polar ray,瞬發寒冰准quickened cone of cold(DC 21),瞬發學風暴quickened sleet storm,冰牆術wall of ice(3倍範圍和厚度)
屬性:力量 39,敏捷 32,體質 27,智力 22,感知 23,魅力 22
特性:寒冷吸收Absorb cold,元素大君特性archomcntal traits,改變形態change shape,元素特性elemental traits,凍結武器frostbrittle,冰上行走icewalking
專長:盲斗Blind-Fight,順勢斬Cleave,寓守於攻Combat Expertise,戰鬥反射Combat ReflexesB,腐敗召喚Corrupt SummoningB*,閃避Dodge,傳奇反射Epic ReflexesE,傳奇意志Epic WillE,進階順勢斬Great Cleave,精通重擊Improved Critical(觸手拍擊tentacle slap),精通擊破武器Improved Sunder,靈活移動Mobility,猛力攻擊Power Attack,類法術瞬發Quicken Spell-Like Ability(寒冰錐cone of cold),類法術瞬發Quicken Spell-Like Ability(雪風暴sleet-storm),跳躍攻擊Spring Attack,旋風攻擊Whirlwind Attack
* 新專長見側邊欄。
環境:氣元素位面Elemental Plane of Air 與 水元素位面Elemental Plane of Water
NE Large elemental (cold, evil, extraplinar)
Init +11; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +46, Spot +46
Aura cold (15 ft.f 3d6 cold damage)
Languages Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Infernal, tongues
AC 42, touch 26. flat-footed 31; Dodge, Mobility (-1 size,+11 Dex, +16 natural, +6 insight)
hp 525 (42 HD), absorb cold, fast healing 5; DR 15/—
Immune cold, critical hits. flanking, paralysis, petrification, poison, sleep effects, sneak attacks, stunning
SR 31
Fort +22, Ref+38, Wil+24
Weakness vulnerability to fire
Speed 60 ft. (12 squares)
Melee 2 tentacle slaps +44 (4d6+14/19-20 plus freezing touch)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +31; Grp +49
Atk Options Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat ReflexesB, Great Cleave, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack
Special Actions chill metal, cold mastery, elemental command (DC 37), freezing touch, summon cold creatures
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th, melee touch +44, range touch +41)
At will—chill touch (DC 17), cone of cold (DC 21), ray of frost, sleet storm
3/day—control weather, hold person (DC 19), ice storm, Otiluke'sjreaing sphere (DC 23), polar raypolar ray, quickened cone of cold (DC 21), quickened sleet storm, wall of ice (triple area and thickness)}}
Abilities Str 39, Dex 32, Con 27, Int 22, Wis 23, Cha 22
SQ Absorb cold, archomcntal traits, change shape, elemental traits, frostbrittle, icewalking
Feats Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat ReflexesB, Corrupt SummoningB*, Dodge, Epic ReflexesE, Epic WillE, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (tentacle slap), Improved Sunder, Mobility, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (cone of cold), Quicken Spell-Like Ability (sleet-storm), Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack
* New feat. See sidebar.
Skills Balance +23, Concentration +30, Diplomacy +8, Intimidate +51, Jump +68, Knowledge (arcana) +33, Knowledge (religion) +33, Knowledge (the planes) +33, Listen +46, Sense Motive +46, Spot +46, Survival +6 (+8 on other planes), Tumble +55
Environment Elemental Plane of Air and Elemental Plane of Water
Organization Solitary
Treasure Triple standard
Advancement None}}
凍寒金屬Chill Metal(超自然Su):
以一個自由動作,克里歐那克斯能夠 凍寒金屬chill metal(施法者等級20, DC 37),影響30呎半徑內的任何事物。一旦受影響金屬被凍結,則將保持此狀態,直至克里歐那克斯使用一個標準動作結束效果,或是金屬離開了影響區域;除此之外,這項能力的功能與同名法術相同。該豁免DC基於魅力。
Cryonax can, as a free action, chill metal (caster level 20th, DC 37), effecting everything within a 30-foot radius. Once the affected metal reaches the freezing stage, it remains at that stage until Cryonax takes a standard action to end the effect or the metal leaves the area of effect; this ability otherwise functions like the spell. The save DC is Charisma-based.
寒冷靈光Cold Aura(特異Ex):
Anyone within 15 feet of Cryonax takes 3d6 points of cold damage per round from the extreme cold of his presence.
寒冷主宰Cold Mastery(超自然Su):
Cyronax gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls if his foe is touching ice or snow.
凍寒之觸Freezing Touch(超自然Su):
任何被克里歐那克斯的觸手擊中的人,將額外遭受2d6點寒冷傷害。成功的命中將在目標身上引發讓人麻木的寒冷,令其必須成功通過DC 39的強韌豁免檢定,否則將麻痹3d4輪。該豁免DC基於體質。
Anyone hit by Cryonax's tentacle attack takes an extra 2d6 points of cold damage. A successful hit induces numbing cold in the target, which must succeed or a DC 39 Fortitude save or become paralyzed for 3d4 rounds. Creatures immune to the cold damage also avoid the paralysis effect. The save DC is Constitution-based.
召喚寒系生物Summon Cold Creatures(類法術Sp):
每日1次,克里歐那克斯可以自動召喚1隻 寒冰石人ice monlith(見第54頁的「准元素典範Paraelemettal Pargons」),1d4隻 青年白龍,1d4名 霜巨人,或 1d6隻 雪怪yeti(見《霜燃書Frostburn》,第162頁,或替換為凶暴猿)。該能力等同於一道9級法術。
Once per day Cryonax can automatically summon 1 ice monlith (see "Paraelemettal Pargons" on page 54), 1d4 juvenile white dragons, 1d4 frost giants, or 1d6 yetis (see Frostburn, page 162, or substitute dire apes). This ability is the equivalent of a 9th-level spell.
寒冷吸收Absorb Cold(超自然Su):
A magical attack that deals cold damage heals Cryonax for 1 point of damage for every 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause Cryonax to exceed his full normal hit points, any excess hit points are lost. Cryonax gets no saving throw against cold effects.
Any weapon that strikes Cryonax has its hardness reduced by 5 for 10 rounds, thereby increasing the effectiveness of sunder attempts against the weapon. In addition, rolling a 1 on an attack with the targeted weapon causes it to take damage equivalent to the amount it would have dealt on a successful hit.
這項能力的運作方式類似於 蛛網術spider climb 法術,但克里歐那克斯攀附的表面必須是冰。這項能力始終生效。
This ability works like the spider climb spell, but the surfaces Cryonax climbs must be icy. It is always in effect.
克里歐那克斯Cryonax 在 元素大君archomentals 中是獨一無二的,因為他沒有宣告統治的元素位面,二三居住在氣元素位面與水元素位面的結合處。這片區域有著與 寒冷元素位面Elemental Plane of Cold 相同的特性,這是一種《位面指南Manual of the Planes》中的位面變體。鑿冰莊園Chiseled Estate 是一座由冰、石英和玻璃修築的堡壘,它坐落在一片冰原上,充當著克里歐那克斯的城堡。這座閃閃發光的華麗水晶宮殿拔地而起、高度超過1哩,向冰面之下還下探、延伸了至少4哩。傳聞說,鑿冰莊園在從 負能量位面Negative Energy Plane 汲取力量,不過這會導致什麼結果還不明確。
Unique among the archomentals, Cryonax docs not have an Elemental Plane to call his own and instead dwells at the juncture of the elemental Planes of Air and Water. This region has the same traits as the Elemental Plane of Cold, a variant plane listed in the Manual of the Planes. The Chiseled Estate, a colossal fortress of ice, quartz, and glass, lies on a frozen plain and senrs as Cryonax's castle. This ornate, shimmering crystalline palace rises more than a mile above the surface and extends downward at least four miles. The Chiseled Estate is rumored to draw power from the Negative Energy Plane, although to what end remains a mystery.
克里歐那克斯是邪惡元素大君中最小心謹慎的陰謀家。他顯得疏離而冷漠,他的顧問和將軍們都知道他很少會勃然大怒或情緒激動。然而,只有傻瓜才會認為克里歐那克斯的的暴力程度不及 歐雷莫奇Ogrémoch。環繞著克里歐那克斯的邪惡光環讓周圍之人的身體、甚至是靈魂都感到寒冷。
Cryonax is the most careful schemer among the evil archomentals. He appears aloof and indifferent, and his advisors and generals know him to be slow to anger or excite. Anyone who thinks Cryonax incapable of a level of violence comparable to Ogrémoch, however, is a fool. The malevolent aura surrounding Cryonax chills both the bodies and the very souls of those around him.
克里歐那克斯的徽記通常被描繪為 一個被困在正方形中的藍白色圓形a blue-white circle trapped within a square 或是 一朵銀色雪花a silver snowflake。
Cryonax’s symbol is usually depicted as either a blue-white circle trapped within a square or a silver snowflake.
Cryonax stands 15 feet tall and weighs 2,800 pounds.
戰略與戰術Strategies and Tactics
克里歐那克斯會使用 冰牆術wall of ice 和一道 瞬發冰風暴quickened ice storm 困住敵人,掀開戰鬥的序幕。隨後他將投入近戰,以其 凍寒金屬chill metal 能力瞄準近戰敵人的武器,從而讓自己的皮毛能在他最終擊破這些武器前,先行削弱它們。克里歐那克斯將使用 雪風暴sleet storm 來阻礙敵對施法者的視線。
Cryonax generally begins a battle by trapping the opposition, using wall of ice and a quickened ice storm. He then enters the fray, targeting melee combatants with his chill metal ability, allowing his hide to weaken their weapons before sundering them. Cryonax uses sleet storm to ruin line of sight for enemy spellcasters.
克里歐那克斯的目標Cryonax's Goals
雖然與其祂元素大君比起來並沒有什麼身體缺陷,但克里歐那克斯的地位卻比祂們都低,這是因為不存在冰位面。作為一位真正的夢想家,克里歐那克斯不僅渴望擁有自己的元素位面,甚至最終想要篡奪所有位面。克里歐那克斯不斷地在元素位面中尋找可以征服、增殖成為 冰元素位面Elemental Plane of Ice 的地方。隨著時間推移,他希望冰的邊界不僅能取代一個或多個現存元素位面,而且還將成為一種真正的元素,冰元素位面能成為唯一的元素位面。氣元素位面Elemental Plane of Air 和 水元素位面Elemental Plane of Water 似乎將成為他第一批目標,延-西-賓Yan-C-Bin 和 奧利德拉Olhydra 需要為應付這場入侵做好準備。
Although physically a match for the other archomentals, Cyronax retains a lesser status among them, as there is no Plane of Ice. A true dreamer, Cryonax broods upon his desires not only to possess his own Elemental Plane, but ultimately to usurp all of the planes. Cryonax continually seeks out places within the Elemental Planes to conquer, increasing what might ultimately become the Elemental Plane of Ice. In time, he hopes the boundaries of ice grow to not only replace one or more of the existing Elemental Planes, but eventually to become the one true element and the sole Elemental Plane. The Elemental Planes of Air and Water seem to be his likely first targets, leaving Yan-C-Bin and Olhydra to prepare for an invasion.
Unlike the other archomentals, Cryonax has no counterpart of good alignincnt, allowing him more freedom to pursue his goals. Cryonax is not without challengers, however. Albrathanibr, a great wyrm white dragon, seeks to gain dominion over Cryonax's realm. The two have not yet met in direct conflict, limiting their endeavors to espionage and sabotage, but open warfare seems inevitable.
克里歐那克斯認為自己獨立於其祂元素大君,很少參與祂們的計劃。事實上,儘管他自稱也是 上古元素之眼the Elder Elemental Eye 的後代,但有些賢者暗示他並非是位真正的元素大君。他在自己的冰川宮殿最深處的房間內沉思著,策劃著新的征服計劃。
Cryonax considers himself separate from the other archorncntab and rarely gets involved in their plans. Indeed, some sages suggest he is not a true archomcntal, despite his claims to be a spawn of the Elder Elemental Eye. He broods within the deepest chamber of his glacial palace, plotting of new plans for conquest.
克里歐那克斯僱傭了一小隊凡人施法者團隊,其中大部分為 元素裔genasi 和位面旅行者,他們負責研究創造新的寒系怪物以加強其軍隊。克里歐那克斯指揮著一支由冰魔蝠、冰側元素、寒冷復仇者Chraal(《怪物圖鑑Ⅲ》第28頁)、冰霜蜥蜴frost salamander(《怪物圖鑑Ⅱ》第107頁)、霜蟲、雪怪yeti(《霜燃書Frostburn》,第162頁)、 冰碾蟹蛛shivhad(《霜燃書Frostburn》,第152頁)。一般來說,風冰精immoth(《怪物圖鑑Ⅱ》第127頁)不承認克里歐那克斯對所有寒系生物所謂的統治權,並且有時實際上會幫助他的敵人。大部分 冰元素裔qorrash(《霜燃書Frostburn》,第171頁)不承認他對氣元素與水元素之間冰側元素區域的主權,但很少公開違抗他。
Cryonax employs a small coven of mortal spellcastcrs, mainly genasi and other planrtouched, to research the creation of new cold-based monsters to bolster his armies. Cyronax commands an army of ice mephits, ice paraelementals, chraals (MMⅢ 28), frost salamanders (MMⅡ 107), frost worns, yeti (Frosfburn 162), and shivhads (Frosfburn 152). Immoths (MMⅡ, 127) generally ignore Cryonax's supposed rulership of all cold creatures and sometimes actually aid his enemies. Most qorrash (Frostburn 171) do not recognize his sovereignity of the ice paraelemental regions between Air and Water, but few openly defy him.
最近,克里歐那克斯發現了一座關押著一隻 宙克斯克爾xixccal(見《傳奇等級手冊Epic Level Handbook》)的牢籠,並計劃將這隻 憎惡abomination 釋放出來作為他軍隊的先鋒。他已從那位誕下這隻怪物的冬季女神的本質中,製造了一件名為 嚴冬之淚Tear of Winter 的強大神器,並計劃用它來控制這隻遠遠更為強大神孽。私底下,出於一些未知目的,克里歐那克斯也在找辦法釋放 大魔鬼archdevil 萊維思圖斯Levistus。
Recently, Cryonax discovered the prison of an xixccal (Epic Level Handbook) and plans to releisc the abomination to act as the vanguard in his army. He has fashioned a powerful artifact, the Tear of Winter, from the essence of the winter goddess that birthed the monstrosity, planning to use it to control the far more powerful godspawn. Secretly, Cryonax also seeks ways to free the archdevil Levistus, to some unknown end.
克里歐那克斯教會The Cult of Cryonax 主要由霜巨人、巨鰭豚malasynep(《霜燃書Frostburn》,第142頁)、邪惡德魯伊、以及使用基於寒冷的法術的施法者組成。雪怪將克里歐那克斯作為神明崇拜,一種名為 霜地大地精amitoks 的罕見極地大地精分支也是如此。
The Cult of Cryonax consists mostly of frost giants, malasyneps (Frostburn 142), evil arctic druids, and spellcasters who employ cold-based spells. Yeti worship Cryonax as a god, as do a little-seen artic offshoot of hobgoblins known as amitoks.
【以下內容節選自:[p029]邪惡元素親王Princes of Elemental Evil】
元素大君特性Archomental Traits
Although not a specific subtype, all archomcntals share the following traits.
An archomcntal's natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
在祂們的條目中,標有「E」的專長是傳奇專長,可在《地下城主指南Dungeon Master's Guide》第209頁找到。
Feats listed in their entries with an "E" are epic feats and may be found on page 209 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.
改變形態Change Shape(超自然Su):
通過一個標準動作,元素大君可以變化為與自己所屬元素類型相同的任何種類的元素生物(克里歐那克斯Cryonax 可以變為寒冷系元素生物),就如同法術 形體變化shapechange 一樣。在這種形態下元素親王無法使用天生武器(但可以使用和現有形態適合的武器和裝甲)。這種效果無法被驅散,當元素大君被殺死之後將會變回原來的形態。法術 真知術true seeing 可以看穿他的真實外貌。
An archomcn-tal can assume the shape of any creature with the same elemental subtype or cold subtype, for Cryonax), as the shapechange spell as a standard action. In an assumed form, an archomen-tal cannot use its natural weapons (although it can equip itself with weapons and armor appropriate to its appearance). An archomental remains in one form until it chooses to assumr a new one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, but the archomental reverts to its natural form when killed. A true seeing spell revals its natural form.
命令元素Elemental Coromand(超自然Su):
An archomcntal can attempt to gain control over any elemental of the same subtype within 100 ftet. Hie elemental must make a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the archomental’s HD the archomentai's Cha modifier) or succumb to the archomental's control. An elemental that saves against this attack is immune to that archomental's elemental command ability for 24 hours. An archomental has no limit to the number of clcrmcntals it can control.
Once under the archomcntars command, an elemental serves the archomental until either it or the archomental dies, until the archo-mental dismisses it. or until the duration for its summoning expires. It obeys the archomental explicitly, even if ordered to attack a being (hat originally summoned it *Ilie archo> mental docs not need to concentrate to maintain control over any elemental it commands.
類法術能力Spell- Like Abilities:
所有的元素大君可以任意施展以下類法術能力:偵測邪惡detect evil,偵測善良detect good,高等解除魔法greater dispel magic,高等傳送術greater teleport,識破隱形see invisibility,暗示術suggestion,心靈遙控telekinesis。施法者等級20。豁免難度為10+元素大君的魅力修正+法術等級。
All archomcn-tals can use the following abilities at will: detect evil, detect good, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, see invisibility, suggestion, telekinesis. Caster loci 20th. The save DC for these spells is 10 the archomental's Cha modifier + spell level.
所有的元素大君能與任何至少掌握一種語言的生物交談,如同通過使用 巧言術tonigues 法術(施法者等級14)。該能力始終生效。
All archomentals can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th). This ability is always active.