加葛斯Gargauth,地獄第十大公 | |
基本信息 | |
【音 標】 | GAR-goth |
【別名/面相】 | 加苟斯Gargoth,亞斯塔羅斯Astaroth |
【頭 銜】 | 被放逐者the outcast,那凝視的主the Lord Who Watches,九獄第十領主the Tenth Lord of the Nine,深獄的失落領主the Lost Lord of the Pit,隱匿之主the Hidden Lord |
【陣 營】 | LE |
【神 力】 | N→D |
【神 職】 | 背叛Betrayal,殘忍cruelty,政治腐敗political corruption,不健康的議會ill council,自私自利的顧問self-serving advisers,政治操縱者political puppetmasters,權力掮客powerbrokers,權力販子powermongers |
與諸神的關係 | |
【神 系】 | 九獄領主the Lords of the Nine,FR泛費倫神系Faerûnian Pantheon |
【主 神】 | 無 |
【盟 友】 | 貝哈瑞特Beherit,九獄諸領主the Lords of the Nine |
【敵 對】 | 班恩Bane,巴爾Bhaal,希瑞克Cyric,伊亞契圖·希維姆Iyachtu Xvim,勞薇塔Loviatar,莎爾Shar,賽雅茉芙Siamorphe,塔洛娜Talona |
神國與教會 | |
【神 國】 | 巴托地獄Baator →主物質位面the Prime Material Plane/國度天宇the Realmspace/艾伯爾-托瑞爾星球Abeir-Toril/費倫大陸Faerûn |
【徽 記】 | 一支被折斷的動物犄角A broken animal horn |
【偏好 武器】 | +3投擲匕首 |
【相關 神器】 | 隱匿之主盾牌Shield of the Hidden Lord |
【相關 組織】 | 堅盾騎士團The Knights of the Shield |
【簡 介】 | 加葛斯Gargauth,曾是地獄大公(層面未知)之一、貝哈瑞特的盟友。他因某種原因被放逐、在諸位面旅行,並在後來弒殺了塔納厘領主亞斯塔羅斯初嘗神性。 他擁有能徹底吸收他在諸國度毀滅的任何巴特祖的秘密力量,並依賴這項力量最終依靠此成神。(但根據5版新朝雅政,他實際上是只普通深獄煉魔冒充。) |
2eFR<Powers & Pantheons.p022>加葛斯Gargauth
(被放逐者the Outcast,那凝視的主the Lord Who Watches,九獄第十領主the Tenth Lord of the Nine,深獄的失落領主the Lost Lord of the Pit,隱匿之主the Hidden Lord)
主物質位面半神力Demipower of the Prime Material Plane,
神職PORTFOLIO:背叛Betrayal,殘忍cruelty,政治腐敗political corruption,不健康的議會ill council,自私自利的顧問self-serving advisers,政治操縱者political puppetmasters,權力掮客powerbrokers,權力販子powermongers
神域名DOMAIN NAME:托瑞爾星球Toril/費倫大陸Faerûn
盟友ALLIES:貝哈瑞特Beherit(消逝dead),九獄眾領主the Lords of the Nine
敵對FOES:班恩Bane(消逝dead),巴爾Bhaal(消逝dead),希瑞克Cyric,伊亞契圖·希維姆Iyachtu Xvim,勞薇塔Loviatar,莎爾Shar,賽雅茉芙Siamorphe,塔洛娜Talona
徽記SYMBOL:一支被折斷的動物犄角A broken animal horn
信徒陣營WOR. ALIGN.:守序中立LN,守序邪惡LE,中立邪惡NE
即便是對他的其他同類而言,這位邪惡神力的穢惡天性也是糟過了頭,於是,加葛斯Gargauth(讀作「加苟斯GAR-goth」)被從他位於 巴托地獄Baator 的宮殿逐出,判處到 主物質位面the Prime Material Plane 流浪。加葛斯體現了伴隨着所有自私自利、貪得無厭且權欲熾熱的領導人和組織的、不可避免的腐爛與腐敗。出於對他將降臨到訪的恐懼,幾乎沒有人崇拜他,但也有個別愚蠢的凡人帶着征服與權勢的夢想,求助於 那凝視的主the Lord Who Watches,支付一定的代價換取他的援助——在事後,他們將發現這份代價支付起來太過昂貴的。
An evil power whose foul nature was too much even for others of his ilk, Gargauth (GAR-goth) was cast out of his palace in Baator and condemned to wander the Prime Material Plane. Gargauth embodies the inevitable decay and corruption that accompany all self-serving, greedy, and power-hungry leaders and groups. Few individuals worship Gargauth for fear that he will drop in for a visit, but a few foolish mortals with dreams of conquest and power turn to the Lord Who Watches for his assistance in exchange for a price—a price they later find too dear to pay.
Gargauth's malevolence and cruelty are made all the worse by the veneer of civility and compassion he wears when first encountered. Gargauth holds to the letter of any agreement, not the spirit, and relishes betraying anyone with whom he forges a pact by twisting the contract to serve his own ends. Gargauth is a master strategist, and his sense of humor moderates his temper. He can be erudite, charming, and genteel, but his true nature always reveals itself eventually. In truth, the Lord Who Watches is utterly depraved, the incarnation of evil most foul
加葛斯也被稱作被 放逐者the Outcast,遠古文獻中暗示 加苟斯Gargoth(他在那時為人所知的名字)曾為 九獄眾領主the Lords of the Nine 這個可畏團體中的一員,這個團體統治着 九層地獄the Nine-Layered Pit ——即 巴托地獄Baator 位面,巴特祖魔鬼居住的地方。加苟斯被放逐的原因已經失落在歲月的迷霧中。一些賢者聲稱他曾挑戰過 奈瑟斯的黑暗之主the Dark Lord of Nessus,並且遭到了流放;而另一些則說他在他最親密的盟友——貝哈瑞特Beherit——毀滅於 黑暗之主the Dark Lord 之手時離開。
Gargauth is also known as the Outcast, and ancient texts imply that Gargoth (as he was then known) was once a member of the august body known as the Lords of the Nine who rule the Nine-Layered Pit that is the plane of Baator and the baatezu who inhabit it. The reason for Gargoth's exile has been lost in the mists of time. Some sages claim he challenged the Dark Lord of Nessus and was driven into exile; others say he left upon the destruction of his closest ally, Beherit, at the hands of the Dark Lord.
不顧他被流放的事實,看上去加葛斯對他的前同事幾乎不存在敵意,他與黑暗之主維持着最密切的聯繫,而且似乎已作為九獄之諸領主所有事務全權的大使服務了無數年頭。除了巴托(因為若返回就將被永久毀滅的威脅,禁止了他回歸巴托地獄)和 上層位面Upper Planes 外,他在所有位面自由地漫遊着,不過,他花費了大量的精力和時間在主物質位面擴展影響力,尤其是在 艾柏爾-托瑞爾星球Abeir-Toril 世界。在他旅程的某個節點,加葛斯擊敗了 亞斯塔羅斯Astaroth,一位力量強大的塔納厘領主,被放逐者隨後把這位邪魔倖存於 諸國度the Realms 的少量異教徒據為了己有,而這讓加葛斯第一次品嘗到了神性。
Regardless of the facts behind his banishment, Gargauth apparently bears little animosity for his former peers, maintaining his closest ties with the Dark Lord, and he seems to have served the Lords of the Nine as an ambassador plenipotentiary of sorts for eons. He has wandered all the planes freely, except for Baator (from which he is banned with the threat of permanent destruction should he ever return) and the Upper Planes, but he has expended much of his effort and time in the Prime Material Plane, particularly on the world of Abeir-Toril. At one point during his travels, Gargauth defeated Astaroth, a tanar'ri lord of great power, and the Outcast then appropriated the worship of that fiend's few surviving cultists in the Realms, giving Gargauth his first taste of godhood.
關於作為加葛斯作為九獄諸領主特使的旅途,已知有一份以日誌形式存在的完整編年史。加葛斯日誌的原件存於 歐格瑪Oghma 位於 外域the Outlands 的圖書館中,但其他副本也可能存在。並不清楚加葛斯日記的副本是否附加了任何詛咒附魔,但以這位被放逐者的個性,解讀它們應將伴隨着全副武裝的污穢詛咒。
A complete chronicle of Gargauth's journeys as an emissary of the Lords of the Nine is known to exist in journal form. The original copy of Gargauth's journal resides in Oghma's library in the Outlands, but other copies may exist. Whether copies of Gargauth's journal bear any malignant enchantment is unknown, but enspelling them with a panoply of foul curses would be in character for the Outcast.
遊記內容未知,但確信包含數量龐大、邪惡到無法形容的遠古魔法和卑劣到難以形容的生物的描述。舉例來說,在對 凱蘭沃Kelemvor 靈魂的狩獵期間,希瑞克Cyric 為了一種能看穿所有神性屏障、對神欺詐的附魔,而參考了拷貝自歐格瑪個人財產的原件。這道必需的儀式,啟發了希瑞克最終毀滅了 散提爾堡Zhentil Keep 的瘋狂計劃。
The contents of the travelogue are unknown but are believed to include numerous ancient magics of unspeakable evil and descriptions of creatures of incredible vileness. For example, while hunting for Kelemvor's soul, Cyric consulted the original copy in Oghma's possession for an enchantment to see through all divine barriers and godly deceptions. The required ritual inspired Cyric's mad plan that eventually destroyed Zhentil Keep.
加葛斯曾於無數場合(通常是拜某些強大而邪惡的個體、或是某支黑暗神力的教派所賜)上,神臨諸國度。舉例來說,拜 桑比亞Sembia 的 班恩Bane 追隨者們所賜,加葛斯作為一隻「野生巴特祖」現身,攻擊了 白銀豎琴之符the Sign of the Silver Harp(一間小酒館,坐落於 圖恩之地the Tunlands 的 墮落之人橋the Bridge of Fallen Men 西頭)。而白銀豎琴,也正是在 雙足飛龍之年Year of the Wandering Wyvern(1022 DR)重建之後的 豎琴手Harpers 組織的共同目標。加葛斯逃離了 伊爾明斯特Elminster 佈置在那的這座巨大陷阱,而班恩教派the Banites的教徒們則在隨後被擊潰。(更多關於這的信息,見《豎琴手密碼Code of the Harpers》中關於豎琴手歷史的討論。)
Gargauth has appeared in the Realms on numerous occasions, often at the bequest of some powerful and evil individual or a cult of some dark power. For example, Gargoth was the 「wild baatezu」 who appeared at the bequest of the followers of Bane in Sembia to attack the Sign of the Silver Harp, an inn located west of the Bridge of Fallen Men on the edge of the Tunlands. The Silver Harp was the common destination of Harpers after the organization was refounded in the Year of the Wandering Wyvern (1022 DR). Gargoth fled the massive trap that Elminster had laid there, and the Banites were subsequently routed. (For more on this, see the discussion of the history of the Harpers in the Code of the Harpers.)
加葛斯的流亡事實上可能有部分為自願;自他從巴托被放逐,他一直在努力成為一位神性權能,並顯然認為一條擢升並加入 泛費倫神系Faerûnian pantheon 的大道,將最終讓他能夠在權勢上超越從前的同儕。在白銀豎琴之符之戰一段時間後,加葛斯憑藉靠自己成為了一位半神力。在數個世紀的努力後,部分靠着數量龐大的巴特祖——這些巴特祖的本質完全進入了諸國度(因為他們在進入人體後被困)——的永久毀滅、和之後對他們的力量的吸取,他完成了這項壯舉,並在同一時間積累了越來越多的教派追隨者。
Gargauth's exile may have been in fact somewhat voluntary; since his banishment from Baator he has striven to become a divine power and apparently views ascending into and within the Faerûnian pantheon as an avenue that will eventually enable him to surpass his former peers in power.Sometime after the battle at the Sign of the Silver Harp, Gargauth became a demipower in his own right. He accomplished this feat after centuries of effort in part by permanently destroying numerous baatezu whose essences were completely in the Realms (because they had been stranded after entering in person) and then absorbing their power, while at the same time accruing an increasing cult following.
在 豎琴星戰爭the Harpstar Wars 期間豎琴手們的注意力指向別處時,加葛斯的教派在諸國度開花興盛,他的追隨者們以各自的方式、為在無數的國度和城市裏掌權而鬥爭。在這一時期,加葛斯的權能幾乎上升到了弱等神力的行列,但一支 黑暗諸神the Dark Gods(班恩、巴爾Bhaal、洛薇艾塔Loviatar、以及 塔洛娜Talona)的聯盟挫敗了他的計劃並鎮壓了他的追隨者。
Gargauth's cult blossomed in the Realms during the Harpstar Wars while the Harpers' attention was directed elsewhere, and his followers fought their way to power in numerous realms and cities. During this time, Gargauth nearly ascended in power to the ranks of a lesser power, but an alliance of the Dark Gods (Bane, Bhaal, Loviatar, and Talona) thwarted his plans and crushed his followers.
在被黑暗諸神擊敗後,加葛斯一直在試圖重建他的信眾,並密謀最終恢復他失去的領地和追隨者。值得一提的是,在動盪之年期間,那凝視的主在尋找將托瑞爾從其它位面隔絕的途徑,他相信如果其他神力被從諸國度隔絕,他便能奪取強大的神性力量。作為其研究的一部分,他已經走遍許多 伊馬斯卡帝國the Imaskari Empire 的遠古廢墟,在很久以前,這個帝國的法師們部分實現了阻礙穆爾霍蘭德和恩瑟神系進入諸國度。
Gargauth has been attempting to rebuild his flock ever since his defeat by the Dark Gods, and he plots to eventually recover all his lost lands and followers. In particular, the Lord Who Watches seeks the method by which Toril was sealed from the other planes during the Time of Troubles, believing that he could seize a great deal of divine power if the other powers were cut off from the Realms. As part of his research, he has scoured many ancient ruins of the Imaskari Empire, whose wizards managed long ago to partially bar the Mulhorandi and Untheric pantheons from entering the Realms.
加葛斯的化身Gargauth's Avatar
(巫師Mage 23,牧師Cleric 20,遊蕩者Rogue 20,戰士Fighter 18)
據說加葛斯會展現為一位風度翩翩、通情達理的賢者。據稱他是位英俊、8英尺高、年齡不定的成年男士。他有着貴族的面貌、溫柔、低沉的聲音、以及一抹小鬍子。加葛斯以各種種族的偽裝展現,但被放逐者只在極少數的時候才會展現為女性。(例如在矮人族,講述了一個題為「亞斯塔羅斯的饋贈The Legacy of Astaroth」的故事,被放逐者展現為了一位矮人。)
Gargauth is said to appear as a charismatic, reasonable sage. He is reputedly handsome,8 feet tall, and of indeterminate mature age. He has noble features, a soft, low voice, and a mustache. Gargauth has appeared in the guise of a variety of races, but the Outcast only rarely appears as a female. (The dwarves, for example, tell a tale entitled 「The Legacy of Astaroth」 in which the Outcast appeared as a dwarf.)
Gargauth typically wears swash-topped boots, jerkins with slit and puffed sleeves, velvet-lined cloaks and similar finery, and usually carries huge sparkling knuckle rings, pendants, buckle ornaments, and cloak pins. Sometimes he adopts the guise of a nondescript trader or old pilgrim. Regardless of his original form, as Gargauth spends more time in one place, his true nature becomes apparent as his flesh and clothing rot and twist, horns and jagged shards erupt from his face and back, and he grows claws and fangs. By this time, though, those under his influence are usually enspelled so as to be unaware of his deadly nature.
Gargauth favors spells from the astral, charm, combat, divination, and law spheres and the schools of abjuration, alteration, enchantment/charm, and invocation/evocation, although he can cast spells from any sphere except summoning and any schools except conjuration/summoning.
防禦等級 -3;移動 15;生命值 177;零級命中值 3;#攻擊 5次/1輪(匕首)或 2次/1輪
傷害 1d4+13(+3匕首,+8力量,+2對投擲匕首專精獎勵)
魔抗 65%;體型 中型M(6英尺)或大型L(8英尺)
力量 25,敏捷 16,體質 19,智力 24,感知 19,魅力 20
法術 牧師P:12/11/11/9/7/5/2,法師W:5/5/5/5/S/5/5/5/3
豁免 麻痹、毒素與死亡魔法 2;權杖、法杖與魔杖 3;石化或變形 4;噴吐武器 4;法術 4
AC -3; MV 15; HP 177, THAC0 3;#AT 5/1 (dagger) or 2/1
Dmg 1d4+13 (dagger +3, +8 Str, +2 spec, bonus in thrown daggers)
MR 65%; SZ M (6 feet) or L (8 feet)
Str 20, Dex 16, Con 19, Int 24, Wis 19, Cha 20
Spells P:12/11/11/9/7/5/2, W:5/5/5/5/S/5/5/5/3
Saves PPDM 2, RSW 3, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 4
特殊攻擊/防禦Special Att/Def:
在他寬鬆的袖子裏,加葛斯攜帶了數量無窮的 +3投擲匕首,而如果他希望,他能以一位表演者的技能和天賦來用這些匕首表演雜耍。他專精於投擲比如這些匕首,然後它們將在擊中後數秒內消失。加葛斯也熟練於使用所有近戰武器,而且有時他已知會使用 輕劍rapier。
In his voluminous sleeves, Gargauth carries an infinite number of throwing daggers +3, and he can juggle these with a showman's skill and flair if he wishes. He is specialized in hurling such daggers, which then vanish within seconds of striking. Gargauth is also proficient in the use of all melee weapons, and he has been known to employ a rapier on occasion.
加葛斯擁有數量龐大、隨意使用、每輪1次、取代了施法的類法術能力。除了所有巴特祖共有的那些能力(高等幻術advanced illusion、活化屍體animate dead、魅惑人類charm person、熱感視覺infravision、知曉陣營總是起效know alignment always active、暗示術suggestion、無誤傳送術teleport without error)外,加葛斯的能力還包括 理解語言comprehend languages、驅散魔法dispel magic、偵測謊言detect lie、偵測魔法detect magic、偵測隱形detect invisibility、超感ESP、攝心目光eyebite、火球術fireball、指使術geas、冰風暴ice storm、知曉陣營know alignment、閱讀魔法read magic、巧言術tongues、鑑定術identify、魅惑怪物charm monster、煙火術pyrotechnics、燃火術produce flame、死者復活raise dead、形體變化shape change、火牆術wall of fire,以及(滿足另一個人的) 有限祈願術Limited Wish (每輪可以至多使用1次,但不能超過被滿足的另一個人1回合被允許祈願的次數)。每日1次,那凝視的主可以創造一道 癲狂徽記 或 痛苦徽記。每日1次,通過接觸,他還能 化鐵為金transmute metal to gold。通過這項能力作為手段,除了不能將銀轉化為金外,他能轉化價值至多600gp的任何金屬。藉由這項能力轉化的黃金非常純粹,但也非常柔軟。神器和聖物不受這項能力影響,但魔法物品如果在它們的法術豁免檢定中失敗,將在轉化中失去它們的咒文。
Gargauth has numerous spell-like abilities he can employ at will, once per round, in lieu of spellcasting. In addition to those powers common to all baatezu (advanced illusion, animate dead, charm person, infravision, know alignment always active, suggestion, and teleport without error), Gargauth's abilities include comprehend languages, dispel magic, detect lie, detect magic, detect invisibility, ESP, eyebite, fireball, geas, ice storm, know alignment, read magic, tongues, identify, charm monster, pyrotechnics, produce flame, raise dead, shape change, wall of fire, and (fulfill another's) limited wish (each usable up to once per round except fulfill anothers limited with, which is usable once a turn). The Lord Who Watches can create a symbol of insanity or pain once per day. He can also transmute metal to gold once per day by touch. By means of this power, he can transform up to 600 gp worth of any metal except silver into gold. Gold created by this power is very pure, but also very soft. Artifacts and relics are unaffected by this power, but magical metal items lose their dweomers upon transformation if they failing their saving throw vs. Spell.
加葛斯是一位獨行者。他的少量神仆是不死生物和其它能用他的 魅惑怪物 能力控制的生物,譬如蛇類和藍龍。在被遭遇時他經常騎着瑞斯古德Rathguul,一頭有着最大生命骰的太古藍龍,作為一份上古契約的一部分,後者如同坐騎服侍着他,而一條或更多的毒蛇纏繞在他的胳膊上,讓他可以將它們投擲在對手身上。
Gargauth is a loner. His few servants are undead and other creatures he can control with his charm monster ability, such as snakes and blue dragons. He is often encountered astride Rathguul, a great blue wyrm with maximum hit points who serves as his steed as part of an ancient contract, and bearing one or more poisonous snakes wrapped around his arms that he hurls at opponents.
加葛斯免疫所有來自附魔/魅惑學派或魅惑領域的附魔。他能在水下呼吸,免疫所有毒素,免疫火或魔法火,只受來自寒冷攻擊和氣體攻擊的半數傷害。他再生2hp/輪。他的一個弱點是銀——僅僅是接觸銀就會對他造成1d3點傷害。一袋投在他身上的銀幣曾經對他造成了嚴重的傷害,而他現在通常用一道 防護箭矢protection from normal missiles 法術來保護自己,如果有可能的話,在進入戰鬥前便施展。
Gargauth is immune to all enchantments from the school of enchantment/charm or the sphere of charm. He can breathe underwater, is immune to all poisons, is immune to fire and magical fire, and takes only half damage from cold attacks and from gas attacks. He regenerates 2 hp/round. His one vulnerability is to silver—mere contact with silver does him ld3 points of damage. A bag of silver pieces hurled at him once did serious damage, and he now often protects himself with a protection from normal missiles spell, if at all possible, before entering combat.
加葛斯散發着永久的 群體暗示mass charm 效果。這種強大的附魔,將立即施展在被放逐者接觸的所有對象身上,令其相信他是他們曾見過最富有魅力、最詼諧機智、最智慧、也最聰明的存在。這一附魔不受 驅散魔法 或類似法術影響,也不受加葛斯的外觀開始扭曲為一隻邪惡的可怕幽靈的影響(在加葛斯到達一個區域後,這一過程要花費大約1到4個月)。只有在加葛斯的轉變變得顯而易見後、來到被加葛斯訪問的區域(通常是個鎮子或是溪谷)的人,才能認出被放逐者是個邪惡生物。
Gargauth radiates a permanent mass charm effect. This powerful enchantment quickly enspells all who come into contact with the Outcast to believe he is the most charismatic, witty, wise, and intelligent being they have ever met. This enchantment is not affected by dispd magic or similar spells, nor is it affected as Gargauth's appearance begins to twist into a horrid apparition of evil (a process that takes about one to four months after Gargauth arrives in a region). Only someone who enters a region (such as a town or valley) in which Gargauth is visiting after Gargauth's transformation has become visible recognizes the Outcast for the creature of evil he is.
在最後,加葛斯還有一種他絕對保密的力量。那凝視的主能徹底吸收他在諸國度毀滅的任何巴特祖的力量。因此,如果加葛斯殺死了一隻他召喚到諸國度的巴特祖,他不會獲得任何增益,但如果這隻邪魔是物質地出現在這個位面(或許是通過 異界之門gate 魔法進入),他便能吸取它的力量。加葛斯正是通過這項能力成為了一位半神力,並期望最終變得更強。如果九獄諸領主發現了這項力量,他們將被迫結盟對抗加葛斯,以在他能毀滅他們之前毀滅他。
Finally, Gargauth has a unique power he keeps absolutely secret. The Lord Who Watches can fully absorb the power of any baatezu he utterly destroys while in the Realms. Hence if Gargauth slays a baatezu who has been summoned to the Realms, he gains no benefit, but if the fiend is physically present on the plane (perhaps having entered via a magical gate), he can absorb its power. It is through this ability that Gargauth has become a demipower and eventually hopes to become even more powerful. If the Lords of the Nine found out about this power, they would be forced to ally against Gargauth and destroy him before he could destroy them.
龍狂之年的暴政,背叛,以及死亡Tyranny, Betrayal, and Death in the Year of Dracorage
薩馬斯特Sammaster,墮落的密斯特拉選民Chosen of Mystra,聲稱「亡龍必將統治整個世界....鱗甲之道的追隨者The Followers of the Scaly Way 在 女王垂淚之年Year of the Queen's Tears(902 DR)創造了他們的第一隻 龍巫妖dracolich,但這是一個緩慢的過程,而 黑夜巨龍the Night Dragons 們所預言的時代,仿佛只是一個遙不可及的夢想。
Sammaster, fallen Chosen of Mystra, taught "Dead dragons shall rule the world entire.... The Followers of the Scaly Way created their first dracoliches in the Year of the Queens Tears (902 DR), but it was a slow process and the prophesied time of the Night Dragons seemed but a far-off dream.
在 覺醒之年Year of the Awakening(1001 DR),圖拉瓦·龍翼Tuelhalva Drakewings,秘藏的守護者Keeper of the Secret Hoard 和 紫袍會的成員Member of the Purple,被送到南方的 派萊維蘭王國Peleveran 調查關於一頭潛伏在其首都 派萊維瑞城Peleveria 地下墓穴的不死古龍的報告。雖然圖拉瓦沒有發現不朽魔龍的跡象,但他揭示了一團在最深的洞穴中聚集的邪惡。從這無盡深坑的深處,一個爬蟲般的聲音低聲許下了絕對權力的承諾,代價只是切開阻止他進入這個世界的上古守護。
In the Year of the Awakening (1001 DR), Tuelhalva Drakewings, Keeper of the Secret Hoard and Member of the Purple, was sent south to Peleveran to investigate reports of an ancient undead dragon that lurked in the catacombs of the capital city, Peleveria. While Tuelhalva found no sign of an undying wyrm, he did discover a gathering evil in the deepest caverns. From the depths of an endless pit, a reptilian voice whispered promises of absolute power if only the ancient wards that prevented his entry into the world were sundered.
For nearly two decades Tuelhalva labored with ancient magics until finally he could cast the mighty incantations that the voice revealed to him. With the casting of his last spell, a great fiend arose from the pit. In exchange for his release, the diabolical lord summoned forth an army of fiends to serve the archmage's whim. Tuelhalva and the horde of hellspawn marched forth and the throne of Peleveran was his within a fortnight.
當派萊維蘭失陷於巴特祖軍隊時,這隻坑中的強大邪魔飛向了北方。耳語聲告知了這支教派領導者關於圖拉瓦的命運,以及這位大法師是如何毀滅了他找到的不死古龍國王。教派被激怒的21位巫師召喚了一群巨龍和龍巫妖。在圖拉瓦加冕的一個月內,一場 巨龍之怒Rage of Dragons 降臨在了派萊維蘭,而當它過去,那個國家和圖拉瓦都沒有一絲痕跡留下。
As Peleveran fell to the armies of baatezu, the great fiend of the pit flew north. The whispering voice told the leaders of the Cult of Tuelhalva's fate and how the archmage had destroyed an ancient undead dragon king he had found. Enraged,21 mages of the cult summoned a flight of dragons and dracoliches. Within a month of Tuelhalva's coronation, a Rage of Dragons descended on Peleveran, and when it had passed not a trace of that nation nor Tuelhalva remained.
And in a distant city, the exiled baatezu lord known as Gargauth—he who had been trapped in the pit—laughed evilly at foolishness of power-hungry humans.
其祂顯現Other Manifestations
加葛斯顯現為一團環繞着呼喚他援助的琥珀色光輝。這團搖曳的光暈被一團邪惡到不可思議的靈光污染;它被作為凡人和加葛斯不潔交易的誓契,而且還帶有 精神腐化spiritual corruption 法術的效果。
Gargauth manifests as an amber radiance around anyone who calls upon his aid. This wavering nimbus is tainted with an aura of incredible evil; it serves to seal the unholy bargain between the mortal and Gargauth and also has the effect of a spiritual corruption spell.
有時加葛斯會顯現為從某隻動物頭上長出的一根獨角。如果這個動物衝鋒,這彎曲、骨質的突起能作為武器使用,成功的命中造成1d6點傷害。任何被加葛斯的觸摸污染的動物,將變得日益性情惡劣、富有惡意。在大約10天後,這根犄角將脫落並折斷為兩半,而這隻動物將患病並在此後不久死去。如果兩段折斷的犄角都被施加 祝福術bless 法術來處理,1年內,加葛斯和他的奴才們將被禁止進入附近(約為 祝福術 法術半徑10英里範圍內)。然而,如果,加葛斯的祭司一開始就尋回了這根折斷的犄角,帶着所有隨之而來的可怖後果,它將能被用作 呼喚加葛斯call upon Gargoth 或 加葛斯的面具mask of Gargauth 法術的主要材料成分。
Gargauth sometimes manifests as a solitary horn that grows from the head of an animal. The curved, bony protrusion can be used as a weapon if the animal charges, inflicting ld6 points of damage on a successful hit. Any animal tainted by Gargauth's touch becomes increasingly foul-tempered and malicious. After about 10 days, the horn falls off and breaks into two pieces, and the animal sickens and dies shortly thereafter. If both pieces of the broken horn are treated with a bless spell, Gargauth and his minions are barred from entering the vicinity (approximately a 10-mile radius from the casting of the bless spell) for one year. If, however, a priest of Gargauth retrieves the broken horn first, it can be used as the major component of a call upon Gargoth or mask of Gargauth spell with all the attendant horrific results.
Gargauth rarely works through servant creatures, although it is believed that flocks of simpathetics or thick carpets of thousands of serpents or poisonous insects passing through a region herald his imminent arrival.
教會The Church
神職人員Clergy:牧師Clerics,專屬祭司specialty priests
神職陣營Clergy's Align.:守序中立LN,守序邪惡LE,中立邪惡NE
驅散不死Turn Undead:牧師C:不可No,專屬祭司SP:可Yes
呵斥不死Cmnd. Undead:牧師C:可Yes,專屬祭司SP:可Yes
加葛斯的所有牧師和專屬祭司得到 宗教知識religion(泛費倫Faerûnian) 作為非武器熟練獎勵。
All clerics and specialty priests of Gargauth receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.
在諸國度只有少量生物知曉加葛斯的存在,但他們因為害怕他可能的到訪,而不敢說出他的名字。然而,在諸國度每個種族中的少數警世故事中,加葛斯的名字(或者說他的別名之一)有所登場,這些故事關於自負的驕傲、不知滿足的貪婪、或說無法抗拒的權力欲望。例如,矮人們講述着一個被題為「亞斯塔羅斯的饋贈」的故事。在那個傳說中,有一天,一位被稱為亞斯塔羅斯的矮人遊方藝人,到達了一座建立於一條富鐵礦脈上的矮人大廳。他開始表演各種雜耍技法,進而徹底迷住了沉鬱的矮人們。通常來說生性多疑的矮人們邀請他共進晚餐,而亞斯塔羅斯禮貌地接受了。在他們的客人進食時,矮人國王和他的家臣們注意到,每塊被亞斯塔羅斯接觸的金屬(他的盤子,他的餐具,球形門把手,諸如此類)都變成了金子。然而,亞斯塔羅斯似乎完全沒有意識到這一影響。在餐後,矮人國王狡猾地邀請了亞斯塔羅斯到這座地下城市觀光。這位時髦的遊方藝人被鼓勵拿起和細看這群矮人能找到的每塊金屬,甚至是去碰觸尚未從大地中開採出的鐵礦脈。當這位遊方藝人最終離開,這群矮人變得難以置信地富有——太過富裕以至於,這位國王立即將這座城市改名為 純金廳the Hall of Pure Gold。在亞斯塔羅斯離開後的24小時內,一支獸人和巨人的部落攻擊了這個矮人據點。這伙使用了許多個世紀相對廉價的鋼鐵的矮人,發現他們的防具、他們的武器、以及他們的防禦工事全部被轉變為了非常純粹、也非常柔軟的黃金。純金廳在兩個星期內陷落,大廳內的矮人被完全消滅,只有一個倖存、留下來講述這個故事。從這個故事中,矮人推導出了「黃金使人富裕,但鋼鐵會讓人更富裕」的寓意。
Few beings in the Realms know of Gargauth's existence, but those who do dare not speak his name for fear he may come for a visit. However, Gargauth's name (or one of his aliases) appears in a few cautionary tales of overweening pride, insatiable greed, or overwhelming lust for power among every race of the Realms. For example, the dwarves tell a tale of entitled The Legacy of Astaroth. In that legend, a dwarf minstrel by the name of Astaroth arrived one day at the gates of a dwarven hall built above a rich vein of iron. He began to perform a variety of showman's tricks and thoroughly enchanted the dour dwarves. The normally suspicious dwarves invited him in for the evening meal, which Astaroth graciously accepted. As their guest ate, the dwarf king and his retainers noticed that every piece of metal Astaroth came into contact with (his plate, his utensils, a door knob, etc.) turned to gold. However, Astaroth seemed completely unaware of this effect. After the meal, the dwarf king slyly invited Astaroth on a tour of the subterranean city.The dashing minstrel was encouraged to pick up and examine every piece of metal the dwarves could find, even touching the veins of iron not yet mined from the earth. When the minstrel finally left, the dwarves were incredibly rich—so much so, the king promptly renamed the city the Hall of Pure Gold. Within 24 hours of Astaroth's departure, a horde of orcs and giants attacked the dwarven hold. The dwarves who had held their relatively poor hold for centuries with steel found their armor, their weapons, and their defensive structures had all been transformed into very pure, soft gold. The Hall of Pure Gold fell within a fortnight, and the dwarves of that hall were completely eradicated save for one who survived to tell the tale. It is from this tale that the dwarven expression 「Gold makes one rich, but steel makes one richer」 is derived.
獻給加葛斯之名的神殿非常少,但那幾座他擁有的神殿通常坐落於大型城市下方、並且需要藉由深井進入。在這些神殿裏,巴托的景色排列在牆上,而上面戴着面具的祭司們,被雕刻地與各種類型的巴特祖類似。硫磺的薰香、以及燃燒的火盆和火坑在建築群各處燃燒着,而龐大的黃銅祭壇被建在聖所的中心。加葛斯的神殿坐落於 博德之門Baldur's Gate、拜占圖城Bezantur、勞斯昆德城城Laothkund、邁拉特瑪城Myratma、希爾塔拉城Sheirtalar、泰席爾城Teziir、以及 深水城Waterdeep 街道底下,還有幾座傳說中分散坐在 費倫大陸Faerûn 各地。
Gargauth has very few temples dedicated to his name, but those few he does have are typically located beneath large cities and are accessed by a deep pit. Within the temples, scenes of Baator line the walls and the priests wear masks carved to resemble various types of baatezu. Sulfurous incense and flaming braziers and fire pits burn throughout such complexes, and huge brazen altars form the focal points of their sanctuary chambers. Temples of Gargauth are located beneath the streets of Baldur's Gate, Bezantur, Laothkund, Myratma, Sheirtalar, Teziir, and Waterdeep, and several dozen others are rumored to be scattered throughout Faerûn.
加葛斯的神職人員平分為牧師和專屬祭司,但平衡在慢慢轉向被稱作 罪徒malefactors 的後者。那凝視的主相信從專屬祭司得到的收益會比牧師更多。所有神職人員都受到一套有着相應頭銜的嚴格等級制度嚴厲管制。初修士被稱為 懇求者Supplicants。按照升序,加葛斯的神職人員被賦予 地獄第一層領主Lord of the First Pit、地獄第二層領主Lord of the Second Pit、諸如此類的頭銜。第9級或更高等級的祭司被稱作地獄第九層領主Lord of the First Pit。更高級別的祭司通常也擁有個人頭銜。這樣的頭銜通常包含至少一隻加葛斯在過去毀滅的、巴特祖真名變體的。
Gargauth's clergy is split evenly between clerics and specialty priests, but the balance is slowly shifting toward the latter, known as malefactors. The Lord Who Watches believes that he gains more benefit from specialty priests than clerics. All clergy are regimented in a strict hierarchy with corresponding titles. Novices are known as Supplicants. In ascending order, Gargauth's clergy are titled Lord of the First Pit, Lord of the Second Pit, etc. Priests of 9th and higher level are known as Lords of the Ninth Pit. Higher-ranking priests often have individual titles as well. Such titles typically include a variant of the true name of at least one baatezu that Gargauth has destroyed in the past.
Life is all about the accumulation of power. Civilization is a thin veneer over the base desires that make up the core of every living being. Those who wish to survive and prosper must recognize this truth and concentrate all their resources on the pursuit of power.
High moral principles are complete hypocrisy. All beings act in their own self-interest at all times; some just prefer to cloak their actions in sanctimonious philosophies. To achieve power one should use one's charms and honeyed words or a barbed and bloody dagger as appropriate for the situation. When in doubt, the ruthless exercise of power is the safest route to the further accumulation of power and the maintenance of one' position. It is more important to rule than to sit on the throne; often the being behind the king has the true power.
All beings are regimented in a strict hierarchy governed by the politics of power. Those who try to avoid the rules of the game are destined for powerlessness, to be cast in the dust of history and ground beneath the heels of the powerful. Keep to the letter of any agreement and the rules established by those more powerful, but be prepared to twist any contract or stricture so as to maximize the benefit you receive.
日常活動Day-to-Day Activities:
加葛斯的神職人員往往會保守他們的信仰的秘密,雖然也有明顯的例外。祭司們致力於增進個人的權勢、教會的權勢、(乃至於)加葛斯的權能。那凝視的主的祭司們被期望成為加葛斯在整個諸國度的眼睛和耳朵。在整個費倫大陸,他們誘惑和腐化(尤其是通過對 精神腐化 法術的謹慎運用)強大的個人和團體的領導者,並將他們捆綁到有利於加葛斯的利益的嚴格契約上。
The clergy of Gargauth tend to keep their faith secret, although there are significant exceptions. Priests work to increase their personal power, the power of the church, and, by extension, the power of Gargauth. Priests of the Lord Who Watches are expected to be Gargauth's eyes and ears throughout the Realms. They are to entice and corrupt (particularly through the careful application of spiritual corruption spells) powerful individuals and leaders in communities throughout Faerûn and bind them into strict contracts favorable to Gargauth's goals.
在任何可能的時候,加葛斯的神職人員都會謀求為自己攫取實權地位、以及將他們的地位融入到該信仰的秘密階級制度中。加葛斯已經下令,排在對截然對立的教派進行攻擊之前,他的祭司暫時應該優先致力於削弱敵對神力和信仰,以讓教會獲得更多志同道合者皈依者。因此,相較於花費寶貴資源與 洛山達Lathander 和 提爾Tyr 的祭司鬥爭,加葛斯的神職人員更關心的是撬動 伊亞契圖·希維姆Iyachtu Xvim、希瑞克Cyric、莎爾Shar 以及 羅薇艾塔Loviatar 的信仰。
Gargauth's clergy seek to seize positions of power for themselves whenever possible and integrate their positions into the secretive hierarchy of the faith. Gargauth has decreed that for the time being his priests should work to undermine rival powers and faiths to gain more like-minded converts to Gargauth's church before attacking diametrically opposed factions. Hence, Gargauth's clergy are more concerned with under-mining the faiths of Iyachtu Xvim, Cyric, Shar, and Loviatar than with expending valuable energy in conflict with the priests of Lathander and Tyr.
聖日/重要儀式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
加葛斯的神職人員在每個 仲冬節Midwinter 之夜慶祝 大揭幕the Unveiling。這場令人恐懼的儀式,據信涉及到許多可怖的犧牲,預示着那凝視的主即將作為 萬物之主the Lord of All 拉開帷幕。教會相信,期待已久的時刻即將開始,那時加葛斯將把諸國度俘獲為自己的邪惡王國,並把費倫大陸的一切轉化到巴托來構築巴托新的一層的基礎。
Gargauth's clergy celebrate the Unveiling every Midwinter night. This horrific ceremony, believed to involve many gruesome sacrifices, heralds the imminent unveiling of the Lord Who Watches as the Lord of All. The church believes this long-anticipated time will begin when Gargauth seizes the Realms as his unholy kingdom and transports all of Faerûn to Baator to form the basis of a new layer.
大訂立the Binding 在 月宴節the Feast of the Moon 的前夜慶祝。它是一場個人儀式,在儀式上每個祭司都會更新自己與加葛斯的永恆契約,用絕對的忠誠交換更強的力量。這場邪惡儀式據信涉及了個人財富、魔法以及積存知識的獻祭,以及對 精神腐化 和 加葛斯的面具 兩種法術的變體的施展。
The Binding is celebrated on the eve of the Feast of the Moon. It is a personal ritual in which each priest renews his eternal contract with Gargauth, trading absolute fealty for increased power. This unholy ritual is believed to involve personal sacrifices of money, magic, and hoarded knowledge and the casting of variant spiritual corruption and mask of Gargauth spells.
加葛斯的神職人員以那凝視的主之名為所有已簽署合同的協議祝聖。加葛斯的祭司們相信他們的主將強制執行任何協議的文本,而他的聖怒將降臨在任何背叛它者身上。但在另一方面,如果對祭司本人和 隱匿之主the Hidden Lord 有益,破壞任何協議的精神是被接受和被鼓勵的。
Gargauth's clergy mark all agreements with signed contracts consecrated in the name of the Lord Who Watches. Priests of Gargauth believe that their lord enforces the letter of any agreement and his divine wrath will be visited on any who betray the it. On the other hand, breaking the spirit of any agreement is acceptable and encouraged if it benefits the priest and the Hidden Lord.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
在派萊維蘭王國被遺忘已久的廢墟深處,建有一座崇敬加葛斯的廣闊地下神殿。派萊維蘭,坐落於今日的 托斯察Torsch、堅難城堡Hardcastle 以及 大裂隙the Great Rift 之間的三角區內。它的首都,派萊維瑞,建立在 大地階梯the Landrise 的側面。這個王國在 拜龍教the Cult of the Dragon 的第一次大分裂中被毀滅。大法師圖拉瓦·龍翼,可能是在加葛斯的建議下背棄了這個教派,並且在1018 DR,龍狂之年奪取了王座。在這教派的21名巫師呼喚來一群龍巫妖和巨龍到這片被困的土地前,他的統治只持續了一個月。那個被遺忘已久的王國廢墟中只有極少數人倖存。這片曾被樹木覆蓋、肥沃的土地,現在是個貧瘠、空曠、多石的區域。
Gargauth is venerated in a vast subterranean temple built beneath the long-forgotten ruins of the capital of Peleveran. Peleveran was located in the triangle formed between present-day Torsch and Hardcastle and the Great Rift. Its capital, Peleveria, was built into the side of the Landrise. The kingdom was destroyed in the first great schism of the Cult of the Dragon. The archmage Tuelhalva Drakewings broke from the Cult, possibly at Gargauth's suggestion, and seized the throne in 1018 DR, the Year of the Dracorage. His rule lasted barely a month before 21 mages of the Cult called down a flight of dracoliches and dragons on the beleaguered land. Only a handful of ruins survive of that long-forgotten kingdom. What was once a tree-cloaked, fertile land is now barren, open, stony country.
在派萊維蘭的毀滅過去超過50年後,加葛斯的神職人員在猜想加葛斯初次展現於諸國度的位置,建造了惡行的 黑暗深淵the Dark Pit of Maleficence。這座地下堡壘途經一條大型的洞穴隧道與 小丘the Landrise 相連,後者被派萊維瑞城作為一座巨大穀倉。這座神殿被修建在洞底部、巨大的鐘乳石和石筍之間,它們自神殿建立以來就在生長。這座神殿建立在一座謠傳通向巴托位面、深度驚人的坑井的頂部。超過250位世俗崇拜者和超過100位祭司照看着廣闊的真菌農場和 地底洛斯獸deep rothe 畜群,其中那些遭加葛斯之觸污染的則位於周圍的洞穴中。許多附近的游牧部落,在黑暗深淵的祭司們的影響下正慢慢墮落,充當着祭司們在這片墮落之地周圍土地的偵察員和僱傭兵。
The Dark Pit of Maleficence was built by Gargauth's clergy more than 50 years after the destruction of Peleveran on the supposed site of Gargauth's first appearance in the Realms. The subterranean fortress is accessed via a large cavern tunneled into the Landrise that served Peleveria as a huge granary. The temple is constructed on the cavern floor and is intertwined with and between the vast stalactites and stalagmites that have grown since its founding. The temple is built on top of an incredibly deep pit rumored to connect with the plane of Baator. Over 250 lay worshipers and 100 priests tend the vast fungal farms and herds of deep rothe, some of which are tainted by Gargauth's touch, in the surrounding caverns. Many of the tribes of nomads in the vicinity have slowly fallen under the influence of the priests of the Dark Pit and serve as scouts and mercenaries for the priests of that fell place in the surrounding lands.
從屬組織Affiliated Orders:
Gargauth has no true knighthoods dedicated in his name, although he sponsors a handful of cults, secretive fellowships, and forgotten wizards' cabals throughout the Realms. The Lord Who Watches exerts little direct influence in the activities of these varied groups, and typically members (and even leaders) of the groups often do not know the identity of their divine patron.
在西費倫,這些受加葛斯贊助的組織中最突出的是 堅盾騎士團the Knights of the Shield。這個商人、貴族以及其他個人組成的組織,坐落於 安姆Amn、泰瑟爾Tethyr、卡林珊Calimshan、博德之門、以及 西央土the Western Heartlands 和 巨龍海岸the Dragon Coast 的貿易城市各地。他們為自己的利益而謀求操控劍灣the Sword Coast的政治和金錢。
The most prominent organization in which Gargauth has a hand in western Faerûn is the Knights of the Shield. This group of merchants, nobles, and other individuals is located throughout Amn, Tethyr, Calimshan, Baldur's Gate, and the trading cities of the Western Heartlands and the Dragon Coast. They seek to manipulate the politics and money of the Sword Coast to their advantage.
目前這個團體把其組織名,歸因於在位於 亡者之野the Fields of the Dead 一處遠古墓穴中被發現的盾牌。這件神器的起源並不確定,但它難以置信地古老:沒有倖存至今的傳說或吟遊詩人故事曾暗示它的存在。隱匿之主盾牌Shield of the Hidden Lord(它在騎士團的名字),鑲嵌着數以百計的小鑽石、祖母綠、紅寶石、以及藍寶石。如果將寶石們剝取下來,那麼它們的總價值相當於幾個小王國。這些寶石被組合形成了一張咆哮的臉。
The group now attributes its name to a shield discovered in an ancient tomb in the Fields of the Dead. This artifact is of uncertain origin but it is incredibly old:No legends or bard's tales that survive in the modern era even hint of its existence. The Shield of the Hidden Lord, as it is known to the Knights, is inlaid with hundreds of tiny diamonds, emeralds, rubies, and sapphires. The total worth of the gems would be equal to several small kingdoms if the jewels could be removed. The stones are arranged so as to form a snarling face.
[譯註:堅盾騎士團最早得自Zhyra Bardson-Ithal製造的Shield of Silvam。]
堅盾騎士團由 堅盾議會the Shield Council 秘密管理。堅盾的隱藏領主the Hidden Lord of the Shield 是議會的真正統治者,但他極少、並且只通過隱藏領主之盾發言。泰瑟爾的 伊斯蘭·胡納領主Lord Inslem Hhune 領主最近晉升到了 第一領主First Lord 的位置,並領導着堅盾議會。「披斗篷者」高圖茲Ghantuz the Cloaked(一位加葛斯的祭司),擔任着第二領主Second Lord。高圖茲對加葛斯的效忠是他的秘密,他擔當着被放逐者在議會裏的日常代言者。堅盾騎士的其他成員包括 阿斯卡特拉Athkatla(從前是 克瑞穆爾Crimmor)的 納德洛克·玻穆爾領主Lord Nadlok Bormul,博德之門的冒險者 圖斯Tuth,以及 海倫娜·黑暗風暴Helanna Darkstorm(她聲稱是位來自 瓊達斯Chondath 的巫師,這看上去更像是她的偽裝,而她過去是亞斯塔羅斯的配偶),以及至少兩名其他成員。可能只有兩個人確實地知道隱匿之主是加葛斯:領主胡納和高圖茲。通過這面盾牌,加葛斯能如他以化身的形式能夠的那樣、施展任何法術或顯現任何權能,雖然在最近的記憶中他沒有這樣做過。
The Knights of the Shield are secretly governed by the Shield Council. The Hidden Lord of the Shield is the true ruler of the Council, but he rarely speaks and then only through The Shield of the Hidden Lord. Lord Inslem Hhune of Tethyr has recently risen to the position of First Lord and leads the Shield Council. Ghantuz the Cloaked (a priest of Gargauth), serves as Second Lord. Ghantuz's allegiance to Gargauth is his secret, and he serves as the Outcast's day-to-day voice on the Council. Other members of the Shield Council include Lord Nadlok Bormul of Athkatla (formerly Crimmor), the adventurer Tuth of Baldur's Gate, and Helanna Darkstorm (who claims to be a mage from Chondath, seems to be more than she lets on, and used to be consort of Astaroth), and at least two others. Perhaps but two people know for sure that the Hidden Lord is Gargauth:Lord Hhune and Ghantuz. Gargauth can cast any spell or manifest any power through the shield that he is capable of in avatar form, though he has not done so in recent memory.
加葛斯對堅盾騎士團未來的計劃尚未可知,但它們大概包含他征服 陰謀之地the Lands of Intrigue、西央土the Western Heartlands、乃至整個西費倫,並在他的殘酷領導下加以奴役的長期計劃的元素。堅盾騎士團近期的活動,包括在 波濤之年Year of the Wave(1364 DR)一項揭露某些深水城的隱藏領主,並將一位或更多他們的成員安插到那個秘密統治議會的嘗試。雖然主要是由於豎琴手 丹尼洛·薩恩Danilo Thann 的影響,這項嘗試被挫敗了,但騎士團仍在繼續計劃取得一條侵蝕光輝之城the City of Splendors權力的通道(這些活動的細節,被描述於小說《精靈之影Elfshadow》和《光輝之城City of Splendors》。)
Gargauth's plans for the Knights of the Shield in the future are unknown, but they probably include elements of his long-term plan to conquer the Lands of Intrigue, the Western Heartlands, and eventually all of western Faerûn, and enslave them under his diabolical leadership. Recent activities of the Knights of the Shield have included an attempt to unmask some of the hidden Lords of Waterdeep in the Year of the Wave (1364 DR) and place one or more of their number on that secretive ruling council. Although this attempt was thwarted, primarily through the efforts of the Harper Danilo Thann, the Knights have continued to plot to gain an inroad to power in the City of Splendors. (Details of these activities are described in the novel Elfshadow and in City of Splendors.)
祭司的祭服Priesdy Vestments:
During their formal ceremonies, priests of Gargauth wear blood-red robes lined with ermine. Junior clergy wear flesh-colored skullcaps studded with a broken horn over the brow. Senior clergy wear or hold before their faces distorted carnival masks or malefic masks carved to resemble various baatezu or gargoyles. These masks are enameled or painted with vibrant, gaudy pigments. All clergy bear daggers and the holy symbol of Gargauth, a necklace set with two halves of a broken animal horn or featuring a broken horn in its design.
冒險裝束Adventuring Garb:
Gargauth's clergy garb themselves in a wide variety of costumes when adventuring. Priests of the faith may disguise themselves as scholarly sages, devout pilgrims, or swashbuckling dandies. Clothes are a weapon and a tool—careful selection of one's attire can allay an opponent's suspicions at a crucial moment or create a convincing costume for a deception. However, none of the clergy risk going completely unarmed or unprotected, and all are fond of hidden daggers, rings with poison needles or poison-holding compartments, lightweight or easily concealed armor, and magical items that provide protection, such as bracers, amulets, brooches, and rings.
專屬祭司Specialty Priests(罪徒Malefactors)
職業需求REQUIREMENTS:智力Intelligence 16,感知Wisdom 9
關鍵屬性PRIME REQ.:智力Intelligence,感知Wisdom
主修領域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,星界astral,魅惑charm,戰鬥combat,守序law,死靈necromantic,保護protection,思想thought,旅者travelers
次要領域MINOR SPHERES:創造Creation,預言divination,治療healing,算術numbers,太陽sun,時間time
魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧師Same as clerics
熟練需求REQ. PROFS:投擲匕首Throwing dagger,禮儀etiquette,閱讀/書寫reading/writing(通用語Common)
熟練獎勵BONUS PROFS:現代語言(任選三) Modern languages (pick any three),閱讀/書寫reading/writing(古貿易語Thorass)
❖每日1次,罪徒能夠施展 魅惑人類charm person(如同1級法師法術)、命令術command(如同1級祭司法術)、或者 友善術friends(如同1級法師法術)。
❖ Malefactors are able to cast charm person (as the 1st-level wizard spell), command (as the 1st-level priest spell), or friends (as the 1st-level wizard spell) once per day.
❖在第3級,每日1次,罪徒能夠施展 注目術enthrall (作為2級祭司法術)或 遺忘咒forget(如同2級法師法術)。
❖ At 3rd level, malefactors are able to cast enthrall (as the 2nd-level priest spell) or forget (as the 2nd-level wizard spell) once per day.
❖在第5級,每日1次,罪徒能夠施 魅惑怪物charm monster(如同4級法師法術)。
❖ At 5th level, malefactors are able to cast charm monster (as the 4th-level wizard spell) once per day.
❖ At 7th level, malefactors gain a natural Armor Class of 5 due to internal skeletal and almost-imperceptible skin changes caused by increasing corruptions of their normal form brought on by their long-term loyalty to Gargauth. They also gain one physical anomaly of a nuisance nature that looks fiendish and will scare the superstitious and uneducated away from them, such as a slightly hunched or twisted back, reddish eyes, slit pupils, or clawlike, twisted hands.
❖在第7級,每日1次,罪徒能夠施展 心靈迷霧mind fog(如同5級法師法術)。
❖ At 7th level, malefactors are able to cast mind fog (as the 5th-level wizard spell) once per day.
❖在第10級,每旬3次,罪徒能夠施展 精神支配mental domination(如同4級祭司法術)。
❖ At 10th level, malefactors are able to cast mental domination (as the 4th-level priest spell) three times per tenday.
❖在第10級,每月1次,罪徒能夠施展 苛索術exaction(如同7級祭司法術)。
❖ At 10th level, malefactors are able to cast exaction (as the 7th-level priest spell) once per month.
❖在第13級,每旬1次,罪徒能夠施展 精神腐化spiritual corruption(如同6級祭司法術)。
❖ At 13th level, malefactors are able to cast spiritual corruption (as the 6th-level priest spell) once per tenday.
❖在第15級,每日1次,罪徒能夠施展 位面轉移plane shift(如同5級祭司法術)。
❖ At 15th level, malefactors are able to cast plane shift (as the 5th-level priest spell) once per day.
加葛斯教派法術Gargauthan Spells
加葛斯非常樂意賜予下列3道專屬法術,給那些愚蠢到呼喚他、其祂信仰的祭司:亞斯塔羅斯的強化Astaroth's Augmentation、加葛斯的面具 以及 呼喚加葛斯Call Upon Gargauth。幾乎沒有人會對這些魔法的使用後果高興地起來。
Gargauth is perfectly happy to grant three of the following unique spells to priests of other faiths foolish enough to call upon him:Astaroth's augmentation, mask of Gargauth, and Call Upon Gargauth. Few such individuals find themselves pleased with the results of employing such magics.
3rd Level
亞斯塔羅斯的強化Astaroth's Augmentation
(祭司Pr 3;轉化Alteration)
施法時間Casting Time:1 輪round
影響區域Area of Effect:施法者The caster
豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None
這道法術允許施法者施法者吸取 加葛斯Gargauth 的神性力量以永久強化自身的能力。作為這份恩惠的交換,加葛斯將索取一份可怕的代價,而由於他要求的代價,這道法術的施展是一種毫無疑問的惡行。
This spell enables spellcasters to draw upon Gargauth's divine power to permanently augment their abilities. In exchange for this beneficence, Gargauth extracts a dreadful price, and due to the price he requires, the casting of this spell is a patently evil act.
在施展時,這道法術永久將提升一項的屬性值(或是兩項子屬性值,如果可選規則《玩家指南Player's Option: Skills & Powers]]》被使用)1點,直至18的最大值。為維持這項增強,施法者必須每季(3個月)以加葛斯之名腐化一位當權者或獻祭一個無助的智慧生物。如果這項殘忍的契約因為任何理由被打斷了,施法者將立即在被增強的屬性(或子屬性)上失去3點,該屬性(或子屬性)值(們)淨損失2點。
When cast, this spell permanently raises one ability score (or two sub-ability scores if the optional rules from Player's Option: Skills & Powers are employed) by 1 point, to a maximum of 18. To maintain this augmentation, the spellcaster must corrupt one individual in a position of power or sacrifice one helpless sentient every quarter (three months) in Gargauth's name. If this diabolical contract is ever broken for any reason, the spellcaster immediately loses 3 points in the augmented ability (or subabilities), for a net loss of 2 points in the ability (or subability) score (s).
重複施展的亞斯塔羅斯的強化能被用在同一位施法者身上。驅散魔法Dispel magic 或類似法術對這一增強無效。沒有低於半神力的個體和低於 祈願術wish、神器或聖物的事務,能在避免造成在被增強的屬性值上損失、超過這道法術增益所給予的情況下,終結這道法術的契約。亞斯塔羅斯的強化的使用者通常落入了一個施展這道法術的陷阱、未能履行契約,並在之後不得不再次再次施展這道法術、以恢復他們的原始能力。如果任何一個屬性值因這道法術累計的懲罰而下降到3,這位施法者將立即被轉化為 劣魔lemure(巴特祖的最低級形態)、並被傳送到巴托。到了那時,對於祈願術以下,這位施法者無可挽回地死了。當他們消亡的時候,所有這些受害者們的物品將被隨機傳送到他們死亡的位面各處。
Multiple castings of Astaroth's augmentation can be used by the same spellcaster. Dispel magic and similar spells have no effect on the augmentation. No one short of a demipower and nothing short of a wish, artifact, or relic can end this spell's contract without causing the increased ability score loss above and beyond the spell-given gain. Users of Astaroth's augmentation often fall into a trap of casting this spell, failing to fulfill the contract, and then having to cast the spell twice again just to regain their original abilities. If any ability score falls below 3 due to the cumulative accumulation of this spells penalties, the spellcaster is immediately transformed into a lemure (the lowest form of baatezu) and transported to Baator. The spellcaster is then irrevocably dead, short of a wish. All such victims' items are randomly teleported about the plane of their death upon their demise.
The material components of this spell is the priest's holy symbol (not necessarily one consecrated to Gargauth), three yellow feathers, and a ruby worth at least 25 gp.
加葛斯的面具Mask of Gargauth
(祭司Pr 3;轉化Alteration,附魔/魅惑Enchantment/Charm)
持續時間Duration:1 天/級day/level
施法時間Casting Time:6
影響區域Area of Effect:施法者The caster
豁免檢定Saving Throw:特殊Special
This spell is a priestly variant of the 2nd-level wizard spell alter self with a significantly longer duration. When this spell is cast, spellcasters can alter their appearance and form—including their clothing and equipment—to appear taller or shorter; thin, fat, or in between; human, humanoid, or any other generally man-shaped bipedal creature. Casters's bodies can undergo limited physical alterations and their sizes can be changed up to 50%. If the forms they select have wings, the priests can actually fly, but only at one-third the speed of true creatures of that type and with the loss of two maneuverability classes (to a minimum of E). If the forms have gills, the casters can breathe under water as long as the spell lasts. However, casters do not gain any multiple attack routines or additional damage allowed to assumed forms.
Casting priests' attack rolls, Armor Classes, and saving throws do not change. The spell does not confer special abilities, attack forms, or defenses. Once a new form is chosen, it remains for the duration of the spell. Casters can change back into their own forms at will; this ends the spell immediately. Casters who are slain automatically returns to their normal form.
This spell has a peculiar curse associated with it as well. For every day this spell is employed without recasting it, the spellcaster's true appearance becomes more an more diabolical in appearance. Although this transformation provides no new abilities or defenses, for every three days this spell is in effect without being recast, the spellcaster's Charisma permanently drops by 1 (except with respect to other worshipers of Gargauth) to a minimum of 3. This drop in Charisma is not noticeable until the spell expires. Further applications of the mask of Gargauth spell cloak any drop in Charisma attributable to this spell but do not stop further decreases from occurring.
這道法術的材料成分是一支被加葛斯的顯現詛咒而折斷的犄角(如上述的 其祂顯現Other Manifestations)和該祭司的聖徽。
The material components of this spell are an unblessed broken horn manifested by Gargauth (as described above in Other Manifestations) and the priest's holy symbol.
6th Level
精神腐化Spiritual Corruption
(祭司Pr 6;附魔/魅惑Enchantment/Charm)
施法時間Casting Time:8
影響區域Area of Effect:一隻活物One living creature
豁免檢定Saving Throw:特殊Special
這道法術是一道陰險的附魔效果,引誘受害者的心靈和靈魂似其遭受退化。精神腐化法術只能被 有限祈願術limited wish 或 祈願術wish 法術或神祇、神器或聖物的行為終結。驅散魔法Dispel magic 和類似法術無效。這道法術的施展是一種惡行。
This spell is an insidious enchantment that tempts the heart and soul of any victim subject to its degenerative effects. The effects of a spiritual corruption spell can only be ended by a limited wish or wish spells or the actions of a deity, artifact, or relic. Dispel magic and similar spells have no effect. The casting of this spell is an evil act.
法術的目標有權以最初的對抗法術豁免檢定,來完全避免 精神腐化 的影響。善良陣營者在他們的初始豁免檢定上獲得+4獎勵,中立陣營者(就善良與邪惡而言)不受獎勵或懲罰,而邪惡陣營生物不受這道法術影響。
The target of the spell is entitled to an initial saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effects of spiritual corruption entirely. Good-aligned beings receive a +4 bonus to their initial saving throw, neutral-aligned beings (with respect to good and evil) receive no bonus or penalty, and evil-aligned creatures are unaffected by this spell.
Once under the effects of a spiritual corruption spell, a victim's moral fiber is severely tested. Within one day of the casting of this spell, a victim is tested by a minor moral dilemma, selected by the DM. If the victim fails a saving throw vs. spell (secretly rolled by the DM, and the above-mentioned modifiers do not apply), she or he chooses the morally suspect option. If the victim succeeds at the saving throw, the victim is no longer under the effect of the spiritual corruption spell. Saving throws can, of course, be voluntarily forgone.
If the saving throw is failed on the first day, the victim is tested again by a more significant moral dilemma on the second day. Again a saving throw is required, this time with a -1 penalty. If the saving throw succeeds, the victim is tested again the following day by a less significant moral dilemma, but with no penalty to his or her saving throw. If the saving throw fails, the temptations increase, and a third test occurs on the third day, with a -2 penalty.
這一系列的誘惑在程度和懲罰上不定期地波動的,直到受害者要麼在某天的豁免檢定不再受懲罰,要麼直到受害者在一場-7懲罰的豁免檢定中失敗。在前者的情況下,受害者不再處於精神腐化的影響,但他們仍然受他們道德失敗後果的懲處,而可能需要 贖罪術atonement 法術。在後面一種狀況,法術將終止,但受害者的陣營將不可逆地移向邪惡(他們的陣營就守序、混亂方面不變),而且他們將感覺被加葛斯崇拜強烈吸引。
This series of temptations fluctuates in degree and penalty indefinitely until the victim either makes his or her saving throw on a day with no penalty or until the victim fails a saving throw vs. spell with a -7 penalty. In the former case, victims are no longer under the effect of the spiritual corruption spell, but they still have to deal with the consequences of their moral failures and may need an atonement spell. In the latter case, the spell also ends, but the victim's alignment irrevocably shifts to evil (their alignment with respect to law and chaos remains unchanged), and they feel strongly drawn to the worship of Gargauth.
The material component of this spell is a piece of fruit that looks delicious on the outside, but which is completely rotten within.
7th Level
呼喚加葛斯Call Upon Gargauth
(祭司Pr 7;咒法/召喚Conjuration/Summoning)
施法時間Casting Time:1 小時hour
影響區域Area of Effect:施法者The spellcaster
豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None
無論 加葛斯Gargauth 當時身在 托瑞爾星球Toril、國度天宇Realmspace、或是在 外層位面Outer Planes,這道法術讓施法者能夠聯絡到他,並請求他的援助。加葛斯決無義務響應這個請求,而他也不在這位施法者的控制下,但如果情況引起了他的興趣或提供的賄賂足夠誘人,放逐者the Outcast通常會以化身形態展現於場中,並依自己的願望行動。加葛斯忠於任何被達成的協議的文本,但在任何可能的時候,他都會為自身的利益而違背任何協議的精神。加葛斯樂於以不準確的描述來傳播關於這道法術——施法者在某種程度上能控制加葛斯——的虛假情報。他經常蓄意欺騙施法者來獲取他想要的特定物品,具體是藉由向擁有這件物品的人,散播施展這道法術將會把他置於施法者的指使和呼喚下的消息,然後在這位施法者召喚他的時候奪取這件物品。
This spell enables the spellcaster to contact Gargauth, wherever he is on Toril, in Realmspace, or on the Outer Planes, and request his assistance. Gargauth is by no means obligated to respond to the request, and he is not under the command of the spellcaster, but if the situation catches his interest or the bribe offered is enticing, the Outcast commonly appears on the scene in avatar form and acts as he wishes. Gargauth sticks to the letter of any agreement reached, but he violates the spirit of any agreement to his own advantage whenever possible. Gargauth delights in disseminating disinformation about this spell by inaccurately describing the situation of the caster as somehow being in control of Gargauth. He often deliberately deludes casters into obtaining particular items that he desires by spreading word that possessing them and casting this spell will place him at the caster's beck and call, and then seizes the items when a spellcaster calls.
這道法術的材料成分是一支被加葛斯的顯現詛咒而折斷的犄角(如前文 其祂顯現Other Manifestations 部分所述)和該祭司的聖徽。
The material components of this spell are an unblessed broken horn manifested by Gargauth (as described above in Other Manifestations) and the priest's holy symbol.