动物领主Animal Lord | ||||
【主 神】 | 无 | |||
【势力 范围】 | 无尽荒野之万兽园The Wilderness of the Beastlands | |||
【简 介】 | 万兽园的动物领主是动物的“神”。 | |||
神祇名 | 神力 | 阵营 | 旧译 | 简介 |
喵领主cat lord | N | N | 无 | 动物领主之一,非常美貌 |
隼领主hawk lord | N | N | 无 | 动物领主之一,不同于大部分动物领主,喜欢与人类交往 |
蜥蜴领主lizard lord | N | N | 无 | 动物领主之一,动物领主中最冷漠者 |
狼领主wolf lord | N | N | 无 | 动物领主之一,比大部分动物领主更多地现身为人类 |
虎领主tiger lord | N | N | 无 | 动物领主之一 |
獾领主badger lord | N | N | 无 | 动物领主之一 |
马领主horse lord | N | N | 无 | 动物领主之一 |
狐领主fox lord | N | N | 无 | 动物领主之一 |
鸮领主owl lord | N | N | 无 | 动物领主之一 |
兔领主rabbit lord | N | N | 无 | 动物领主之一 |
骆驼领主camel lord | N | N | 无 | 动物领主之一 |
短吻鳄领主alligator lord | N | N | 无 | 动物领主之一 |
汪领主dog lord | N | N | 无 | 动物领主之一 |
蠕虫领主worm lord | N | N | 无 | 动物领主之一 |
2ePS<Monstrous Compendium - Planescape Appendix I.p012>动物领主Animal Lord
动物领主Animal Lord
以上列陈的四位 动物领主animal lord 只是生活在 万兽园the Beastlands 的众多动物领主之中的几个例子。每种动物都有相应的动物领主,包括 狐领主fox lord、鸮领主owl lord、马领主horse lord 以及数以百计的其它动物领主。动物领主能现身为类人或动物形态。祂们的类人形态包含了对应动物的微妙特征,高约6英尺。在动物形态中,祂们看上去就像其统御的动物。虎领主tiger lord 看上去就像一头有光泽的老虎,獾领主badger lord 则现身为一只獾,以此类推。
The four animal lords listed above are only examples of the many lords who live in the Beastlands. For each variety of animal there is a corresponding animal lord. For instance, there is a fox lord, an owl lord, a horse lord, and hundreds of other animal lords. Animal lords can appear in humanoid or animal form. Their humanoid form encompasses the subtle features of the animal in question, and they are about 6 feet tall. In animal form, they look like the animal over which they have dominion. The tiger lord looks like a sleek tiger, the badger lord appears as a badger, and so on.
所有的动物领主都拥有总是起效的天赋心灵感应或 超感ESP,这令祂们不可能被突袭或欺诈。祂们也拥有一种近乎于预知的危险感应。在面对致命的危险时,动物领主有90%的可能性“感觉到了什么”,并有25%的可能性知道“到底将发生什么”。
All animal lords have a natural telepathy or ESP that is always active, making them impossible to surprise or deceive. They also have a keen danger sense that borders on precognition. In mortal danger the lord is 90% likely to have a “had feeling” and 25% likely to know exactly what will happen.
每位动物领主都有自己独特的战斗风格,具体取决于祂们所统御的动物。每位领主对于战斗的偏好不尽相同;有些领主天生比其祂同侪更具攻击性。举例来说,狼领主wolf lord 显然比 兔领主rabbit lord 更为强势。
Each of the animal lords has a unique style of combat depending on the animal over which they have dominion. Their propensity for combat differs with each lord;some are naturally more aggressive than others. For instanced, the wolf lord is obviously more assertive than the rabbit lord.
一般来说,特定的动物领主的作战方式,与其动物同类对应:肉食动物攻击,而食草动物逃离。不过,有些动物领主自视为自己物种的保护者。比如与驼群一起驰骋 骆驼领主camel lord,便会在必要时为保护骆驼们的迁徙而奋战。
As a rule, specific animal lords approach combat situations as their animal counterparts do:predators attack, whereas herbivores flee. However, some animal lords see themselves as protectors of their subject creatures. The camel lord, for instance, runs with a herd, fighting ferociously when necessary to protect the flight of the camels.
Attack forms vary as widely as attitude among the animal lords. Listed below are the combat abilities of the four animal lords detailed here. They provide guidelines for the other lords.
所有的动物领主都拥有以下类法术能力:反魔场antimagic 法术(每日3次)、对任意个人 魅惑人类charm person 使其亲近该领主的动物种类、异界传送plane shift、以及 传送术teleport。
All animal lords have the spell-like abilities antimagic spell (3 times per day), charm person on any one person affectionate to the lord's animal, plane shift, and teleport.
动物领主免疫所有 魅惑 相关法术,包括强迫动作的那些法术(如 指使术geas)。每日3次,以成功率100%,领主们能召唤2到12只与其相同物种的动物。祂们也能拥有同物种动物的优越感官。举例来说,隼领主hawk lord 便拥有卓越的视力。
Animal lords are immune to all charm -related spells, including spells that compel action (for example, g eas). They can summon 2 to 12 animals of the lord's type (three times per day,100% success). They also have superior senses according to the lord's animal. For example, the hawk lord has excellent eyesight.
Although it is incorrect to call the animal lords immoral, they are amoral, especially when dealing with outside affairs. The animal lords care little for anything but matters directly related to their business. They conduct day-to-day affairs related to the animal over which they hold dominion with little regard for the world around them.
Even so, the animal lords can benefit other animals or people. If a person or animal enters a lord's territory, the lord often aids the creature to get rid of it rather than let it die. But in other dealings an animal lord can be brutal and uncaring. There is, as they say, no such thing as animal politics.
These immortal spirits are, in a sense, gods to their respective animals. If an animal lord's form is killed, its essence reappears in another of its animals, far away, perhaps even on other plane.
The driving force of the animal lords is nature, which rules their will. For instance, although the rabbit lord seeks vengeance upon men for destroying the homeland of rabbits, he sheds no tear for a rabbit killed by natural predators. This is the way of nature.
2e<On Hallowed Ground.p048>类神力Near-Powers(节选)
Among the creatures of the planes, it's not at all uncommon for lowly beings to rise to heights of great power. No doubt they'd stay there longer if it weren't for the fact that the higher a body gets, the more enemies he has. But that doesn't stop every basher in the multiverse from trying to improve, and every once in a while a lucky few claw their way to the top, hold onto power tenaciously, and fight off all comers.
本章中所写的老鸟并非神明(至少暂时还不是),但也差不离了。祂们像散发着恶臭的尸体般、浑身弥漫着神性的气息。你瞧,靠着爬上尸堆坟头,祂们打响了自己的名号,并从脚下的家伙身上唬弄到了赞美与敬拜。当然,祂们的力量等级差别贼大。最鶸的 深渊领主Abyssal lord,也不是 万兽园the Beastlands 动物领主animal lord 中的最强鸟可以匹敌的。但名望可以转化为原始的力量。某一老鸟让越多人知道自己,越有可能进入诸神的领域。
The bloods in this section aren't gods - yet. But they're close. The smell of divinity surrounds them like the stench of a reeking corpse. See, by climbing the heap, they made names for themselves, and are rewarded with praise and worship from those beneath them. Course, they have vastly different levels of strength. The toughest animal lord on the Beastlands is still no match for the weakest Abyssal lord. But fame does translate into raw power. The more folks who know a blood's name, the more likely it is that he'll pass into the realms of mythic belief.
[印记城黑话:Blood——专家,智者或是任何领域的老鸟。一个角斗士冠军可以是一个 blood, 一个强大的巫师也可以是blood.称呼某人为blood是对其特别尊敬的一种表示.]
并非所有 类神力near-powers 都“想”成为羽翼丰满的神明;祂们自觉力量已经够了,并且时不时会屈尊纡贵地与凡人发生些瓜葛。但无论如何,所有类神力都是些危险存在,能给位面行者的最好建议就是远远避开。
Not all near-powers want to become full-fledged gods; they feel they have plenty of strength as it is, and they aren't above interacting with mortals. But all of these beings are dangerous, and the best advice for a planewalker is to steer clear.
动物领主Aminal Lords
你一定是在开玩笑。You have got to be kidding.
——碰见了蠕虫领主的万兽园来访者Avistor to the Beastlands upon meeting the Worm Lord
听人说,万兽园the Beastlands 的 动物领主animal lords 是祂们所选生物的拟人化具现。也就是说,祂们是些披着人皮的畜生,在赏心悦目的皮囊之下,是纯粹的动物灵魂。传言说,自然存在的每种动物都有一位对应的动物领主。因此,把万兽园当家的包括 喵领主the cat lord、狼领主the wolf lord、蜥蜴领主the lizard lord、隼领主the hawk lord、兔领主the rabbit lord 等等等等、不可计数的动物领主。
The animal lords of the Beastlands are said to be anthropomorphic representations of their chosen creatures. That is, they're animals dressed in humanoid forms, wearing shells that're pleasing to the human eye but bearing spirits that're purely animal. Chant is there’s a lord for every kind of natural animal in existence. Thus, the Beastlands are home to the cat lord, the wolf lord, the lizard lord, the hawk lord, the rabbit lord, and so on, without number.
[印记城黑话:chant——表示新闻,本地闲话,事实,情形或者其他任何有关当前局势的事情. ]
每位动物领主都有两种形态:①一只野兽(理所当然是该物种的完美个体);②一位拥有动物领主微妙特征的美貌的类人。举例来说,汪领主the dog lord 对那些给予他关心的人可谓热情友好的舔狗一条,对那些人眼看狗低的,又守口如瓶、态度凶狠。如果你喜欢某位动物领主的臣民,那么祂那副貌美如花的类人伪装足以让你沦陷。不过,虽说有几个倒霉鬼爱上了动物领主,但这些人面兽心的老鸟可无法维系属于凡人的那份情感。祂们只关心保护自己所象征物种的野兽——即便这是出于责任而非爱。
Each animal lord can take two shapes: that of a beast (the ideal specimen of the species, naturally) or that of a beautiful humanoid - one with subtle characteristics of the lord's animal. For example, the dog lord is friendly and outgoing to those who give him affection, close-mouthed and vicious to those who show him disdain. In humanoid guise, an animal lord is attractive enough to charm any basher fond of his subjects. And though a few hapless mortals fall in love with the lords, the bloods don't hold with mortal emolion. They care only for protecting their token beasts, and even that's more duty than love.
动物领主们看上去并不偏心。祂们注意得到某条可怜虫对祂们的臣民们友好还是残忍,但并不会维持长久的联盟。祂们中有些家伙是社交型的(如 狼领主the wolf lord),有些是疏远型的(如 短吻鳄领主the alligator lord);祂们既可能施下恩宠(如果这对祂们的目标有利)、也可能拒绝援助的请求(如果并不)。就如一位贤者说的一样,祂们既非道德楷模,也非龌龊小人。
The animal lords don't seem to play favorites. They note when a sod is friendly - or cruel - to their subjects, but they don't maintain alliances for long. They may be social (like the wolf lord) or distant (like the alligator lord); they may grant favors (if it serves their cause) or turn down pleas for aid (if it doesn't). As one sage put it, they're not immoral, they’re amoral.
所有动物领主都有与其物种相关的强大能力,有些是如邪魔般战斗,有些是想风一般逃走。祂们的天赋心灵感应能力使其无法被突袭,而且据说,这些动物领主们知晓自己所负责物种在各个位面(包括所有 主物质位面the Prime)的分布。那一定很难承受,毕竟有数以亿(字面意义)计的动物在各个主物质世界中四处吃喝拉撒,即便是真神也很难实时跟踪整个种族的踪迹。然而动物领主还是能认出那些虐待了其种族的巴佬,并将灾祸降于其中闯入其王国的王八蛋。
All animal lords have powerful abilities related to their species; some can fight like fiends, while others can flee like the wind. Their natural telepathy prevents them from being taken by surprise, and it’s said that the lords know the disposition of their charges across the planes - including every world of the Prime. That's hard to swallow, as literally billions of animals litter the prime-material worlds, and even a true power'd have a tough time keeping track of them all. Still, an animal lord can recognize berks who mistreat his kind, and woe be to those who blunder into his realm.
[印记城黑话:Berk ——巴佬,巴佬。一个笨蛋,尤指那些因为搞不清状况而把自己卷入大麻烦的家伙。]
For the most part, the animal lords leave the real gods of the Beastlands alone and are left alone in return. So how did the lords arise? After all, beasts aren't supposed to have beliefs. Does that mean the animal lords aren't even close to true powers, who require faith to exist? Or were they born from the very fabric of the Beastlands, animal petitioners who were the very models of their species, taken and shaped by the plane to watch over their kind?
无论祂们到底算啥,总之并非不朽存在。偶尔会有动物领主呜呼哀哉,可能是被嗜血的凡人弑杀,要么死于其祂动物领主(作为 准神力quasipowers 并不意味着祂们已经脱离兽性),乃至仅仅死于不幸事故。这些苦难让祂们成了警惕的暴徒和顽强的对手。对付动物领主最好的办法,就是像对付其所代表图腾兽那样对付祂。真的,这很合乎逻辑。
Whatever they are, they're not immortal. Animal lords die off occasionally, killed by bloodthirsty mortals, other animal lords (just because they're quasipowers doesn't mean they've risen above they instincts), or just plain misfortune. That makes them peery bashers and tough opponents. The best way to deal with an animal lord is to treat him exactly as a body'd treat his totem beast. It's only logical, really.