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【音   标】No-BAN-yun
【头   衔】火鬃之主Lord Firemane,野兽之王King of the Beasts,狮子与强壮野兽之王King of Lions and Strong Beasts,狮子王the Lion King,古斯梅尔森林之主Lord of the Gulthmere Forest,维洪海域的捍卫者Guardian of the Vilhon Reach,狮子the Unicorn
【阵   营】LG
【神   力】D
【神   职】狮子Lions,善良阵营的野兽good-aligned beasts,翼狮lammasu,半狮人wemics,狮人werelions,猫科动物felines,高贵的野兽noble beasts,王室royalty
【神   系】拜兽教the Beast CultFR泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon
【主   神】梅丽凯Mielikki
【盟   友】拜拉多Balador芙瑞克Ferrix桂伦·流风Gwaeron Windstrom拉芮Lurue梅丽凯Mielikki夏芮丝Sharess希阿莉亚Shiallia西凡纳斯Silvanus塔蓬Tapann托姆Torm提尔Tyr水狮Water Lion
【敌   对】犸拉Malar
【神   国】万兽园the Beastlands/1th 光耀之森Krigala荣耀王国Pridelands
【徽   记】¢徽记1:一副雄狮狮兽A male lion's head
¢徽记2:绘有一头昂立的金色狮子的绿色盾牌a golden lion rampant on a green shield
【偏好 武器】烈焰之心Flameheart(双手剑)
【相关 地点】桂伦之眠Gwaeron's Slumber
【简   介】努比恩Nobanion 是泛费伦神系拜兽教的狮神,他与其祂猫类神明(如夏芮丝)关系良好。

2eFR<Powers & Pantheons.p041>努比恩Nobanion


  (火鬃之主Lord Firemane,野兽之王King of the Beasts,狮子与强壮野兽之王King of Lions and Strong Beasts,狮子王the Lion King,古斯梅尔森林之主Lord of the Gulthmere Forest,维洪海域的捍卫者Guardian of the Vilhon Reach)

  万兽园半神力Demipower of the Beastlands,

  神职PORTFOLIO:狮子Lions,善良阵营的野兽good-aligned beasts,翼狮lammasu,半狮人wemics,狮人werelions,猫科动物felines,高贵的野兽noble beasts,王室royalty
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:光耀之森Krigala荣耀王国Pridelands
  盟友ALLIES:拜拉多Balador芙瑞克Ferrix桂伦·流风Gwaeron Windstrom拉芮Lurue梅丽凯Mielikki夏芮丝Sharess希阿莉亚Shiallia西凡纳斯Silvanus塔蓬Tapann托姆Torm提尔Tyr水狮Water Lion
  徽记SYMBOL:一副雄狮之首A male lion's head
      或 一头昂立于绿色盾牌上的金色狮子a golden lion rampant on a green shield
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN


  努比恩Nobanion(读作“努比恩No-BAN-yun”),古斯梅尔的狮神the Lion God of Gulthmere,他被视作那片森林和居住其中的野蛮土著、以及邻近的 闪光平原Shining Plains 的保护者。他通常被描绘为伟大的雄狮或是宏伟的翼狮。他从 维洪海域the Vilhon Reach巨龙海岸Dragon Coast 地区的野生动物(尤其是闪光平原的大型猫类和 半狮人wemics)那里汲取神力。
Nobanion (No-BAN-yun), the Lion God of Gulthmere, is viewed as the protector of that woods, the wild natives within it, and the nearby Shining Plains. He is typically portrayed as a great male lion or a majestic lammasu. He draws his power from the wild animals of the Vilhon Reach and Dragon Coast regions, particularly the great cats and the wemics of the Shining Plains.

  “独角兽the Lion”与“狮子the Unicorn”(努比恩和 拉芮Lurue 的常见称呼)的崇拜被频繁地集总到“拜兽教beast cult”这个笼统的类别中,然而,这两位神祇与 乌斯伽族the Uthgardt 和 北地冰猎人the Ice Hunters of the North 的部落图腾高等精魂(它们常被引用作为典型的拜兽教“神祇”)并不相同,那些精魂并非自主的神性存在,而是分别作为 乌斯伽Uthgar乌鲁提欧Ulutiu 活动的渠道。自他另一个晶壁系进入 诸国度the Realms 以来,努比恩一直是位自主的神祇。不过,他主要的崇拜者并非人类而是动物,尤其是那些猫科动物、强壮的野兽、以及有王者风范的动物,而它们大部分并不会坚持记录历史,甚至不会记录许多口口相传的传统。它们的宗教是私人且直接的信仰,直到努比恩开始吸引人类和人形崇拜者(例如半狮人)前,他的宗教的行事方式是无人记录的,并且实际上是没什么人会注意到的。
Worship of the Lion and the Unicorn, as Nobanion and Lurue are often called, is frequently lumped into the catch-all category of “beast cult,”as these two deities, however, differ from the tribal totem great spirits of the Uthgardt and the Ice Hunters of the North which are the often cited as typical beast cult “deities,” as those spirits are not divinities in their own right, serving rather as conduits for the actions of Uthgar or Ulutiu, respectively. Nobanion is a deity in his own right and always has been since he entered the Realms from another crystal sphere. However, his primary worshipers are not human, but rather animals, especially felines, strong beasts, and animals of regal bearing, and most of them do not maintain written histories or even many oral traditions. Their religion is a personal and direct faith, and until Nobanion began attracting human and humanoid worshipers, such as wemics, the ways of his religion went unrecorded and were little noticed.

  在几个世纪前,努比恩通过 韦瑟科特林the Weathercote Wood 众多魔法水池(这些水池每个都充当着一道通向 主物质位面Prime Material Plane 另一个世界的 异界之门gate)中的一个进入了诸国度。在诸国度各地驰骋了超过一个世纪后,火鬃之主与一群 高等翼狮greater lammasu 在 古斯梅尔森林the Gulthmere Forest 的树木之间安了家,并宣布这片土地为他的 荣耀王国pridelands。
Nobanion entered the Realms centuries ago through one of the many magical pools in the Weathercote Wood, each of which acts as a gate to another world on the Prime Material Plane. Lord Firemane stalked the length and breadth of the Realms for over a century before settling amidst the trees of the Gulthmere Forest with a pack of greater lammasu and claiming that land as his pridelands.

  在 动荡之年Time of Troubles 期间,在一场被称为 阴影咆哮the Roar of the Shadows 的宏伟战斗中,努比恩和少量 翡翠闲庭Emerald Enclave 德鲁伊盟友从北面和东面,将 “追踪者”犸拉Malar the Stalker 从这片区域赶走。努比恩从此成为了维洪海域和巨龙海岸地区的传说存在。在驱走了犸拉后,努比恩从古斯梅尔森林漫游到了闪光平原。半狮人 十耙部落the Tenpaw Tribe 大多加入了 努比恩的伟大狮群Nobanion's Great Pride(狮子王the Lion King 追随者的统称),而火鬃之主的信仰迅速蔓延到了整个闪光平原南部和西部内外。(虽然半狮人将他作为强大的战士神尊崇,但努比恩尚未对他们中立的道德观和伦理造成重大影响,不过他已在逐渐地改变他们。)
During the Time of Troubles, in a titanic combat known as the Roar of the Shadows, Nobanion and a handful of Emerald Enclave druid allies drove Malar the Stalker north and west from the region. Nobanion has since become something of a legend in the Vilhon Reach and Dragon Coast regions. After driving off Malar, Nobanion emerged from the Gulthmere Forest to roam the Shining Plains. Most of the Tenpaw Tribe of wemics joined Nobanion's Great Pride, as the Lion King's followers are collectively known, and Lord Firemane's faith rapidly spread south and west throughout the Shining Plains and beyond. (While the wemics revere him as a great warrior god, Nobanion has yet to make a significant impression on their neutral morals and ethics, though he is gradually swaying them.)

  在 诸神之战the Godswar 的余波中,努比恩打开了一道位于古斯梅尔森林腹地、通向 万兽园the Beastlands 的永久性传送门。目前,狮子王和他的狮群在位于 外层位面the Outer Planes 他们的领土和诸国度里处在他统治下的土地之间,分配着他们的时间。在两个国度里,他在大大小小的各种野兽簇拥着上朝,作为国王统治着那些承认他仁慈的最高统治权者。
In the aftermath of the Godswar, Nobanion opened a permanent portal to the Beastlands in the heart of the Gulthmere Forest. The Lion King and his pride now split their time between their territory in the Outer Planes and the lands under his dominion in the Realms. He holds court with representatives of all the beasts, great and small, in both realms, and he serves as king over those who accept his benevolent sovereignty.

  努比恩和 夏芮丝Sharess 因共同的猫科动物天性而一直相处良好,但努比恩发现自己常为夏芮丝对长期计划的无法专注,以及她没完没了的、充满着暗示的挑逗而发火。他和万兽野的大部分 动物领主the animal lords水·狮Water Lion拜拉多Balador(熊人之主lord of werebears)、芙瑞克Ferrix(虎人女士lady of weretigresses)、塔蓬Tapann(石羊人之神god of korreds)、以及 费伦大陆Faerûn 的大部分自然神祇关系良好。他强烈地憎恨着犸拉,视其为野兽的所有高贵与天性的全然扭曲,并且如果他有资源来去实践,他会猎杀犸拉来根除他。
Nobanion and Sharess get along well because of their mutual feline natures, but Nobanion finds himself frequently annoyed at Sharess's inability to focus on long-term plans and her constant innuendo-laden teasing. He is on good terms with most of the animal lords of the Beastlands, Water Lion, Balador (lord of werebears), Ferrix (lady of weretigresses), Tapann (god of korreds), and most of the nature deities of Faerûn. He hates Malar with a passion as the perversion of all that is noble and natural in beasts, and he would hunt Malar to extermination if he had the resources to do it. Gwaeron Windstrom and he share this hatred, and they sometimes coordinate their efforts against Malar.

  努比恩与 托姆Torm提尔Tyr 也一直相处愉快,并认为自己是在尝试在野兽中模仿他们在人类中所致力的;然而,这些神力都太过忙于人类事务,而不能与努比恩发展一段比热忱的泛泛之交更深的关系。努比恩和拉芮有着一段屹立了许多个世纪的漫长联盟和深厚友谊,而他们的关系大部分是当他需要获得某个难题局外观点时、或者在焦虑或沮丧的时候,努比恩在依赖。
Nobanion also gets along well with Torm and Tyr and sees himself as trying emulate among beasts what they strive for among humans; however, both these powers are too busy with human affairs to have developed a relationship with Nobanion beyond cordial acquaintance. Nobanion and Lurue have a long-standing alliance and deep friendship that has stood for many centuries, and their relationship is one that Nobanion counts upon most when he needs to get an outside viewpoint on a problem or is troubled or depressed.

Nobanion radiates both power and gentleness. His roar is deafening, and when he chooses to exert the full force of his charisma, his regal majesty is overwhelming, yet the tiniest creature who approaches him in good faith finds itself comfortable in his presence. He tries to lead his pride to do what is noble and right, but does not force his faithful to pursue that path. He deeply wants those under his rule to willingly choose good over evil, action over inaction, and order over chaos. He does not command from the rear and would never ask someone to do something he would not be willing to do himself, including laying down his life for another.


努比恩的化身Nobanion's Avatar

   (圣武士Paladin 23,牧师Cleric 23,游侠Ranger 19,巫师Mage 10)

Nobanion appears as a great male lion of at least twice normal size. His coat gleams with the radiance of the sun, and his mane is incredibly thick and luxurious. Sometimes the Lion God's mane ignites in a nimbus of amber and golden fire, the origin of his title “Lord Firemane.” At will he can sprout the wings of a gigantic eagle. He favors spells from the spheres of animal, combat, guardian, protection, and war, although he can cast spells from any sphere. He can cast spells from the schools of elemental fire (his favorite), abjuration, divination, invocation/evocation, and alteration.

  防御等级 -3;移动 15,飞行 48 (B);生命值 183;零级命中值 -2;#攻击 4次
  伤害 2d6+2/2d6+2/8d4/2d12(爪抓/爪抓/后爪抓/啮咬)
  魔抗 75%;体型 大型L(12英尺长)或 超大型H(17英尺长)
  力量 23,敏捷 18,体质 20,智力 19,感知 23,魅力 22
  法术 牧师P:13/12/12/12/11/8/3,法师W:4/4/3/2/2
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 5;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 6
  AC -3; MV 15, FI 48 (B); HP 183, THAC0 -2;#AT 4
  Dmg 2d6+2/2d6+2/8d4/2dl2 (claw/claw/rear claws/bite)
  MR 75%; SZ L (12 feet long) to H (17 feet long)
  Str 23, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 19, Wis 23, Cha 22
  Spells P:13/12/12/12/11/8/3, W:4/4/3/2/2
  Saves PPDM 2, RSW 5, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 6

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

Normally, Nobanion pounces upon his prey and can attack every round with both forepaws and a rear claw rake as well as his bite. If he chooses not to jump or fly, he has only three attacks per round from his two forepaws and his bite. His jaws are so powerful that, once clamped shut, they cannot be opened by any force in the mortal world. If he wishes, he can bat with only his forepaws with his claws sheathed to do blunt subdual damage rather than killing damage.

  努比恩的咆哮声等同于一道五倍普通效果的 国王之咆roar of the king 法术。对在其圆锥影响范围(该圆锥从他的口部开始,最长可达200英尺、末端可达50英尺半径)内的生物,噪音锥将造成其耳聋10d6轮、并遭受10d8点伤害。不允许豁免检定。咆哮可以在多达五哩外被听到。借由他的神性本能,努比恩也能选择性地避免对他的朋友和盟友造成他的咆哮伤害。他咆哮造成的震动可以穿透 15英尺沉默术silence, 15' radius 法术造成半数伤害,但没有耳聋效果。除此之外,努比恩的咆哮在其整个影响范围中,效果等同于一道 爆破竖琴horn of blasting
The sound of Nobanion's roar is equivalent to a roar of the king spell with five times the normal effects. (The cone of noise affects creatures in its conical area of effect from his mouth up to 200 feet away with a 50-foot radius at the end. Creatures within the area of effect are deafened for 10d6 rounds and suffer 10d8 points of damage. No saving throw is allowed. It can be heard up to five miles away. Through his divine nature, Nobanion is also able to selectively avoid causing damage to his friends and allies with his roar. The vibrations from his roar can penetrate a silence, 15' radius spell, but without the deafening effect, to inflict half damage. In addition, Nobanion's roar is equivalent in effect to a horn of blasting within its entire area of effect.

If he chooses to ignite his mane, enemies (and only enemies) that come within a 40-foot radius of him sustained 2d6 points of heat damage per round, and those who hostilely touch or physically attack him sustain 3d8 points of additional fire and heat damage per round. Undead creatures of less than divine or semidivine status who enter the 40-foot radius of effect are instantly destroyed.

  如果他选择长出翅膀,努比恩将获得飞行能力(对一位神祇而言,需要自己长出翅膀来飞显得有点尴尬)。随意使用,他能够用他粗糙舌头的舔舐来施加 医疗术heal。他放射着一道120英尺半径、只影响他的朋友和盟友的 慰藉光环aura of comfort。随意使用,他能施展 英勇术courage,以及每轮1次,以接触施展 勇敢斗篷cloak of bravery。任何在狮神50英尺内的生物免疫魔法的恐惧。在最后,随意使用,只要它们未处于另一位神祇的控制下,他就能召唤任何5英里内的任何猫科动物来完成他的命令。
If he chooses to sprout wings, Nobanion can fly (somewhat awkwardly for a deity). He is able to heal at will by a lick of his rough tongue. He projects an aura of comfort in a 120-foot radius affecting only his friends and allies. He can cast courage at will and cloak of bravery once per round by touch. Any creature within 50 feet of the Lion God is immune to magical fear. Finally, the Lion God can summon any felines within 5 miles to do his bidding at will, provided they are not in the control of another deity.

It is said that if Nobanion ever dies the great cats of Faerûn will leave the Realms until his return, and only the tears of Lurue can bring him back to life.

Nobanion is immune to all spells or spell-like effects from the school of necromancy or the necromantic sphere that he does not wish to be affected by, to paralyzation, all poisons, and to all hold magics. He can only be harmed by spells and by +3 or better magical weapons.



其祂显现Other Manifestations

  努比恩经常显现为一段狮子的咆哮,仿佛从每个地方发出、并在整个场景中隆隆作响。如果他如此地希望,他能创造一阵从任何猫科动物(无论是怎么样的小不点)发出的 国王之咆 效果。
Nobanion often manifests as a lion's roar that seems to emanate from every-where and rumble across the landscape. If he so desires, he can create a roar of the king effect emanating from any feline, no matter how small.

  努比恩有时会对他的崇拜者显示为一只有着琥珀色鬃毛和摇曳的猩红色火焰的巨大狮首。在这种形态他也能释放前述他化身的 国王之咆 效果。
Nobanion sometimes appears to his worshipers as a great lion's head outlined in a mane of amber and scarlet flickering fire. In this form he can also unleash the roar of the king effect discussed previously for his avatar.

  努比恩被 善良和仁慈高级具现good major incarnate, charity、勇气、信念、正义、节欲以及的次级具现charity, courage, faith, justice, temperance, and wisdom minor incarnates、男首斯芬克斯、狮龙、翼狮、高等翼狮、还有所有种类的大猫,包括 莱奥马尔狮leomarh、狮子、山狮、海狮、袋狼、以及老虎。据说他热爱美好的诗篇和歌曲,并且除了优质肉块外,还对面点和蜜饯、肉桂、来自遥远 卡拉-图大陆Kara-Tur 的米糖、以及来自马兹特克大陆Maztican由可可、奶油以及黄油所制造的甜味调制品,有着一种不同寻常、热情过度的嗜好。
Nobanion is served by good major incarnates and charity, courage, faith, justice, temperance, and wisdom minor incarnates, androsphinxes, dragonnes, lammasu, greater lammasu, and great cats of all sorts, including leomarhs, lions, mountain lions, sea lions, thylacines, and tigers. He is said to love fine poetry and song and to have a peculiar sentimental fondness for pastries and sweetmeats, cinnamon, rice candies from far Kara-Tur, and sweetened concoctions made from Maztican cocoa, cream, and butter, in addition to liking a good cut of meat.

教会The Church

  神职人员Clergy:牧师Clerics,专属祭司specialty priests,护教军crusaders,萨满shamans
  神职阵营Clergy's Align.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N
  驱散不死Turn Undead:牧师C:可;专属祭司SP:不可;护教军Cru:不可;萨满Sha:可,若为善良
  呵斥不死Cmnd. Undead:牧师C:不可;专属祭司SP:不可;护教军Cru:不可;萨满Sha:可,若为中立

  努比恩的所有牧师、专属祭司、护教军和萨满得到 宗教知识religion(泛费伦Faerûnian)作为非武器熟练数量奖励。除了成为萨满外,效力于努比恩的半狮人也可以成为牧师、护教军或专属祭司。努比恩未被任何巫医witch doctor侍奉。
All clerics, specialty priests, crusaders, and shamans of Nobanion receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency. In addition to becoming shamans, wemics in the service of Nobanion may become clerics, crusaders, or specialty priests. Nobanion is not served by any witch doctors.

  努比恩的崇拜分散于整个维洪海域、巨龙海岸和闪光平原地区,但火鬃之主首要是在古斯梅尔森林境内、在 纳斯雷克城Nathlekh 内、以及在闪光平原的半狮人中被崇敬。在古斯梅尔森林里,努比恩是位深孚辖内的野兽和野蛮的土著众望的君主。那些侍奉于另一位领主,如 翡翠闲庭Emerald Enclave 的德鲁伊和 赛达斯普罗克Cedarsproke 的居民,尽管如此也被期望与狮子王的法律和谐相处。在闪光平原,他被敬为十抓部落名义上的统治者。而横跨维洪海域地区,他被视为伟大的保护者和对抗追猎者犸拉的守卫者。
Worship of Nobanion is scattered throughout the Vilhon Reach, Dragon Coast, and Shining Plains regions, but Lord Firemane is venerated primarily within the confines of the Gulthmere Forest, in the city of Nathlekh, and among the wemics of the Shining Plains. In the Gulthmere Forest, Nobanion is the much-beloved monarch of the beasts and the wild natives within. Those who serve another lord, such as the druids of the Emerald Enclave and the inhabitants of Cedarsproke, are expected to live in harmony with the Lion King's laws nonetheless. On the Shining Plains, he is honored as the titular ruler of the Tenpaw tribe. Across the Vilhon Reach region, he is seen as the great protector and the guardian against Malar the Stalker.

Aside from his temple in the city of Nathlekh, Nobanion is worshiped at simple shrines, not elaborate houses of worship. Shrines to the Lion God of the Gulthmere are often difficult to locate, since they are carried by nomads or tribes of wemics who migrate with the seasons (which makes it all the more difficult for Malar's clergy to seek vengeance for their god's defeat during the Time of Troubles). Such shrines are typically set up atop granite outcroppings or beneath solitary trees on the savanna.

  狮神的神职人员被称作 努比恩的骄傲狮群the Pride of Nobanion,并不会被给予精心设计的头衔。专属祭司名为 火鬃firemanes,通常被称为 狮鬃之光Lights of the Lion's Mane。牧师和护教军被称为 咆哮复仇者Roaring Avenger,与此同时萨满被称呼为 兽爪与咆哮的发言者Speakers of the Paw and Roar。翼狮和高阶翼狮被认为是神职人员的一份子,而被分别称呼为 长者Elders 和 可敬长者Reverend Elders。
Clergy of the Lion God, known as the Pride of Nobanion, are not given to elaborate titles. Specialty priests are known as firemanes and are commonly referred to as Lights of the Lion's Mane. Clerics and crusaders are known as Roaring Avengers, while shamans are addressed as Speakers of the Paw and Roar. Lammasu and greater lammasu are considered part of the clergy and are addressed as Elders and Reverend Elders, respectively.


Hunt only when hungry and do not gorge without need. Waste nothing and all shall have plenty. The cycle of life links all living things into one being, and that being is life itself. The law of the jungle is that only the strong survive, but they survive best by being leaders, not tyrants, and by protecting the weak, not bullying them. All creatures have their strengths in their assigned roles and should be encouraged to find their niche. From cooperation between beings of differing strengths comes the strength of teamwork and community, the strongest force of all. By demonstrating compassion and tolerance and living within the land, all living creatures may find harmony with nature and one another. By staying true to oneself and one's pride and conducting oneself with dignity and honor, the respect of one's peers may be earned.

Much of what is known of Nobanion's teachings has been filtered through the wemics and is colored by their racial tendencies into a harsher dogma than is presented above. Their interpretation of Nobanion's teachings is more along the lines of “Only the strong survive,” “Live and let live unless provoked,” and “Protect the pride and all its members, but if injury or illness bring one of them down, allow him or her a swift and painless end to suffering.” Nobanion hopes that as more beings of other species flock to his church, his message will be more clearly transmitted.

日常活动Day-to-Day Activitiess:

The Pride of Nobanion fill leadership roles in many communities where the Lion God is revered. Many serve as benevolent monarchs, judges, militia, constables, or as guardians against evil. The vanguard of armies loyal to Nobanion is typically filled with clerics and crusaders of the Lion King. Others teach their hunting or martial skills to the young, while passing along moral instruction and important traditions both by word and deed.

Among the wemic tribes of the Shining Plains, Nobanion's shamans are typically powerful leaders, second only to the chieftain or king. They are responsible for choosing which creatures to hunt, blessing the kill, and confirming the passage of young members of the pride into adulthood.

圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

Two major religious observances are held each year for Nobanion, and they are always exactly three and one half months apart. Their spacing is representative of the gestation period of the lion.

  狮群节the Festival of the Pride 通常在 三月Ches 的第一周期间举行。这是嬉戏、舞跃、追求伴侣、交配以及通常颂扬生命的赠予以及它的潜力的时间。宗教的信条预示,有一个将在之后成为教会/狮群统治者的孩子/幼兽,将在这个夜晚被孕育。
The Festival of the Pride normally takes place during the first week of Ches. This is a time for frolicking, dancing, courting a mate, lovemaking, and generally celebrating the bounty of life and its potential. Religious belief promises that a child/cub conceived this night will go on to become ruler of the church/pride.

  新生庆典the Newborn Celebration 总是在 六月Kythorn 的第三周期间举行。该典礼庆贺努比恩的诞生(或重生——教会的教诲模糊)、狮子在维洪海域的突出表现、以及在这个区域的那场狩猎的重要性。它以一场伟大的狩猎和一场伟大的盛宴作为标志。新生儿将经历 初血礼拜the Rite of the First Blooding,在那种情况下他们的右爪(或手)将被放在猎物的血里面,并且由努比恩的祭司祝福。
The Newborn Celebration always takes place during the third week of Kythorn. This ceremony celebrates the birth (or rebirth—church teachings are vague) of Nobanion, the prominence of lions in the Vilhon Reach, and the importance of the hunt in the region. It is marked by a great hunt and a great feast. Newborns undergo the Rite of the First Blooding where their right paw (or hand) is placed in the blood of the prey and blessed by a priest of Nobanion.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  在古斯梅尔森林的深处是狮神的人类追随者居住的 古斯村Gurnth。居民们过着“猫的生活,”追随着努比恩的信条。村民们在附近的 麦克伦尖顶Machran Spire 崇拜努比恩,那是一座山一般的花岗岩露头,据说努比恩在那里曾无数次地开庭。据说翼狮和高阶翼狮在一年的大部分时间里居住在尖顶,而在此居所的努比恩祭司们队伍中据信包括大量的 狮人werelion。一些在尖顶过夜的努比恩的崇拜者据称,根据需要地得到了一道医疗术再生术regenerate 益处。
Deep in the Gulthmere Forest is the village of Gurnth, inhabited by human followers of the Lion God. The inhabitants live the “life of the cats,” following the tenets of Nobanion. The villagers worship Nobanion at the nearby Machran Spire, a mountainous outcropping of granite from which Nobanion is said to have held court on numerous occasions. Lammasu and greater lammasu are said to reside on the Spire most of the year, and the priests of Nobanion in residence are believed to include numerous werelions among their ranks. Any worshiper of Nobanion who spends the night atop the Spire is said to receive the benefits of a heal or regenerate spell, as needed.

  猫之城City of Cats 纳斯雷克城Nathlekh 坐落于古斯梅尔森林的西面尽头以及闪光平原北部边缘,位于 长臂湖the Lake of the Long Arm 畔。在 猫领主委员会the Council of the Cat Lords 的松散统治下,大量的 猫人werecat、狮人和 虎人weretiger 构成了纳斯雷克城的市民。努比恩和夏芮丝的双生神殿支配着这座神庙的宗教活动,虽然谣传有一座 “野兽之主”犸拉Malar the Beastlord 的神殿存在于城市的地下墓穴中。
Nathlekh, City of Cats, is located at the western end of the Gulthmere Forest and the northern edge of the Shining Plains on the banks of the Lake of the Long Arm. Overrun with felines of all breeds, this city is loosely governed by the Council of the Cat Lords. Numerous werecats, werelions, and weretigers are citizens of Nathlekh in addition to the mysterious Cat Lords who rule. Twin temples of Nobanion and Sharess dominate the religious activity of the city, although a temple of Malar the Beastlord is rumored to exist in the city's catacombs.

  努比恩的骄傲狮群the Pride of Nobanion,这座他位于纳斯雷克的神殿,是一座建在城市卫城的广阔柱式结构建筑。这一构造给人一种,这是从城市的心脏延伸出的花岗岩栓塞的自然延续,这个有门廊和柱廊的建筑物被以各种在自然姿态中的狮子形态的花彩装饰。大量真正的狮子漫游于神殿的大厅与园地,但它们除非被挑衅从不会骚扰市民。纳斯雷克的审判官Nathlekh's judiciary,一支高阶翼狮三人组,每周一次在努比恩的骄傲狮群开庭。
The Pride of Nobanion, his temple in Nathlekh, is a vast pillared structure built on the city's acropolis. Constructed to evoke the impression that it is a natural extension of the granite plug extending up from the city's heart, this porticoed and colonnaded structure is festooned with statues of lions in various natural poses. Numerous real lions wander the templet halls and gardens, but they never molest the citizenry unless provoked. Nathlekh's judiciary, a trio of greater lammasu, holds court within the Pride of Nobanion on a weekly basis.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:

  狮子军团the Legion of Lions 是一支由半狮人火鬃、牧师和护教军组成的军事修会。在动荡之年后,科岚Karrlon,从前是 麦道尔高夫佣兵团the Mindulgulph Mercenary Company 侦查员,而现在是一位为狮神的旗帜而战的护教军,他创建了这个非正统的野兽骑士团契。虽然数量稀少,但这支精锐战队迅速成为了整个诸国度善良深渊野兽的冠军、和各地犸拉教派Malarites的灾星。除了这支重要队伍外,个别的成员通常加入了不同种族的冒险队,去见识更多的世界、传播努比恩的信仰。
The Legion of Lions is a military order of wemic firemanes, clerics, and crusaders. In the aftermath of the Time of Troubles, this unorthodox fellowship of beast knights was founded by Karrlon, formerly a scout of the Mindulgulph Mercenary Company and now a crusader who fights for the Lion God's standard. Though small in number, this elite fighting company has quickly become the champion of good-aligned beasts throughout the Realms and the bane of Malarites everywhere. In addition to the main company, individual members often join adventuring companies of disparate races to see more of the world and spread the faith of Nobanion.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:

Priests of Nobanion have little in the way of formal raiment. Typically they garb themselves in cloaks made from the hide of a gazelle or antelope and wear a necklace of the teeth and claws of vanquished opponents around their neck. Their symbol is at single, unblinking lion's eye which each priest paints on his or her forehead. Priests also often depict the face of Nobanion on their robes in stitchery, beadwork, or quillwork or on their chests in paints or as a tattoo.

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:

When adventuring, the Pride of Nobanion select armor and weapons as appropriate for the foe they expect to face. Although they may wear any type of armor available, many eschew armor altogether or wear hide armor fashioned from beasts they themselves have hunted. A few powerful wemic priests have commissioned (for a minimum of 1,000 gp) a hybrid plate mail and chain mail suit of armor that resembles conventional human armor for their upper half and barding for their lower half, giving them an effective AC of 4.


专属祭司Specialty Priests(火鬃Firemanes

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:力量Strength 11,感知Wisdom 12,魅力Charisma 11
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:力量Strength,感知Wisdom
  武器WEAPONS:所有钝击武器(类型B),矛,天生武器All bludgeoning (wholly Type B) weapons, spear, natural weaponry
  防具ARMOR:任意(经常是皮甲或无甲) Any (usually hide or none)
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,动物animal,战斗combat,守卫guardian,医疗healing,守序law,保护protection,召唤summoning,战争war,结界wards
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:元素Elemental,死灵necromantic(无逆向no reversed),植物plant,气候weather
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师Same as clerics
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:生火Fire-building,狩猎hunting,奔跑running
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:动物知识Animal lore,设置陷阱set snares,生存survival(森林或平原;选择一forest or plains; pick one)

  ❖ Humans, wild (wood) elves, any sort of feline lycanthropes (werecats, weretigers, werelions, werepanthers, etc.), and wemics can be firemanes.

  ❖ Any animal creature summoned by a firemane (including through the use of spells from the sphere of summoning) will be a type of feline or a partially feline being.

  ❖ Firemanes with a Strength of 18 are entitled to roll percentile dice for exceptional Strength as if they were warriors.

  ❖ Firemanes can select nonweapon proficiencies from both the priest and warrior groups with no crossover penalty.

  ❖非半狮人火鬃在第1级获得5点额外生命值。(如《玩家手册The Complete Book of Humanoids》所述半狮人因为他们的种族而在第1级获得5点额外生命值,所以他们未获得超出这个的5点生命值。)
  ❖ Nonwemic firemanes receive 5 extra hit points at 1st level. (Wemics re-ceive 5 extra hit points at 1st level for their race, as noted in The Complete Book of Humanoids, and so they do not receive an additional 5 hit points beyond this.)

  ❖火鬃知晓关于野兽战斗风格的信息,尤其是关于大猫在战斗中的策略。该知识被分为两方面:自然战斗与野性战斗。(这些知识领域完全等于来自《完全类人手册The Complete Book of Humanoids》的自然格斗和野性格斗非武器熟练。)
  ❖ Firemanes know a great deal about fighting in the style of beasts, particularly about the tactics of great cats in battle. This knowledge is separated into two areas:natural fighting and wild fighting. (These fields of knowledge are identical to the natural fighting and wild fighting non-weapon proficiencies from The Complete Book of Humanoids.)

  自然格斗Natural Fighting:该技能只有部分或完全呈现为猫科形态的火鬃(譬如混合虎/人形形态、或是虎人的完整老虎形态)可以使用,包括处于自然形态的半狮人。自然战斗知识令类人以天武(爪子、獠牙等等)在所有天然武器攻击上获得+1伤害奖励。此外,他们在正常攻击外获得一次免费的自然攻击。在检定他们的自然格斗知识时,火鬃对他们力量值进行一次+1奖励的能力检定。为了获得这项技能的增益,必须在战斗开始时进行一次成功的能力检定。失败则意味着在这场战斗期间不能使用这些增益。
Natural Fighting:This skill is usable only by firemanes who have assumed a partial or total feline form (such as the hybrid tiger/human form or the totally tiger form of a weretiger), including wemics in their natural form. The knowledge of natural fighting allows humanoids with natural weaponry (claws, fangs, tails, etc.) a +1 damage bonus on all natural weapon attacks. In addition, they receive a free natural attack beyond normal attacks they are allowed. When checking their natural fighting knowledge, firemanes make an ability check against their Strength score with a +1 bonus. A successful ability check must be made at the beginning of combat to gain the benefits of this skill. Failure indicates that the benefits cannot be used for the duration of the battle.

  野性格斗Wild Fighting:火鬃能使用一种极其非正统且不可预测的战斗风格。野性格斗凶猛而致命,没有任何的优雅与纪律。它也极端地累人,因为它的部分本质便是集中每一点能量,注入火鬃的攻击之中。
Wild Fighting:Firemanes can employ an extremely unorthodox and unpredictable fighting style. Wild fighting is ferocious and deadly, without any grace or discipline. It is also extremely tiring, as part of its nature is that it focuses every bit of energy a firemane has into the attack.

The benefits of wild fighting lie in the number of attacks a firemane gets and in the amount of damage attacks inflict. Wild-fighting firemanes get one more attack per round than they are normally entitled to. All damage rolls for attacks that hit receive a +3 bonus.

However, wild fight also has its detriments. When wild fighting, fire manes' attack rolls are reduced by a -3 penalty. Also, their Armor Class is penalized by -3, making it easier to hit them.

To use wild fighting, firemanes must make a successful ability check against their Constitution score at the start of combat. A failure means that a firemane receives only the penakies of the wild fighting and none of the benefits.

Wild fighting can only be used twice per day since it is extremely tiring. After a battle ends, firemanes must rest one hour before they can again call on the proficiency. Resting means doing nothing but resting or engaging in light travel (riding a slow-moving horse, etc.). If firemanes must walk, they cannot wild fight again until four hours have passed. Without this rest, firemanes suffer a -3 penalty to all proficiency checks, a -5 penalty to Armor Class, a -5 penalty to THAC0, and a -3 penalty to damage roils. These penalties remain in effect until the full resting period has elapsed.

  ❖在第3级,每日1次,火鬃能施展 狮心术lionheart(如同2级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 3rd level, firemanes can cast lionheart (as the 2nd-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第5级,火鬃免疫所有类型的魔法 恐惧fear
  ❖ At 5th level, firemanes are immune to all forms of magical fear

  ❖在第7级,每日1次,火鬃能发出 国王之咆root of the king(如同4级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 7th level, firemanes can unleash a root of the king (the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖ At 7th level, firemanes can make three melee attacks every two rounds.

  ❖在第10级,每日1次,火鬃能施展 努比恩的骄傲狮群pride of Nobanion(如同4级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 10th level, firemanes can cast pride of Nobanion (as the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖ At 13 th level, firemanes can make two melee attacks per round.

  ❖在第15级,每日1次,火鬃能施展 猫科形体feline form(如同7级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 15th level, firemanes can cast feline form (as the 7th-level priest spell) once per day.

努比恩教派法术Nobanionite Spells

{{四级|四级标题 = 2nd Level


  (祭司Pr 2;防护Abjuration,幻术/幻象Illusion/Phantasm)

  距离Range:10 码yards
  施法时间Casting Time:5
  影响区域Area of Effect:1个生物/3级One creature/3 levels
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

  这道法术是1级祭司法术 移除恐惧remove fear 更强大的版本,然则不同于那道法术,它并不可逆。祭司施展的这道法术将为每位受术者灌注狮子的勇气。所有受法术影响的生物都将免疫魔法恐惧攻击,持续1回合;而且在它影响下时,它们永远不需要检定士气。除此之外,如果受术者在当天先前的对抗恐惧效果豁免检定中失败,且对应的效果仍在生效,该法术将立即终止其效果。每3个施法者等级,该能影响一只生物(1-3级1只,4-6级2只,以此类推)。这道法术不影响不死生物。
This spell is a more powerful version of the 1st-level priest spell remove fear, but, unlike that spell, it is not reversible. The priest casting this spell instills the courage of a lion in each spell recipient. Every creature affected by this spell is immune to magical fear attacks for one turn and need never check morale while under its effects. In addition, if the recipient has recently failed a saving throw versus a fear effect during the current day, the spell immediately ends the effect if it is still ongoing. For every three levels of the caster, one creature can be affected by the spell (one creature at levels 1 through 3, two creatures at levels 4 through 6, etc.). This spell has no effect on undead.

The material component for this spell is a tuft of hair from a lion or related creature (including wemics, werelions, lammasu, etc.).

{{四级|四级标题 = 4th Level

国王之咆Roar of the King

  (祭司Pr 4;塑能Evocation)

  施法时间Casting Time:1
  影响区域Area of Effect:10-foot x 30-foot cone
  豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊Special

  这道法术是4级法师法术 咆哮术shout 的祭司版本。当施展 国王之咆 法术时,施法者将获得与雄狮相似的强大发声能力。施法者能发出一道震耳欲聋的咆哮声——主要影响以她/他的嘴部为起点,40英尺远的锥形爆发范围。任何处于影响区域中的生物将会耳聋2d6轮并遭受2d8点伤害。成功通过对抗法术豁免检定则将避免耳聋并且伤害减半。任何暴露于音波振动中的易碎或水晶物品都会被国王之咆击碎,若此类物品为生物所持有则可以使用该生物的豁免检定结果。耳聋的生物在突袭检定上遭受-1 惩罚, 且在施展包含言语成分的法术时有 20%的几率失败。
This spell is a priestly version of the 4th-level wizard spell shout. When a roar of the king spell is cast, the caster acquires tremendous vocal powers similar to those of a male lion. The caster can emit an ear-splitting roar that has a principal effect in a cone shape radiating from his or her mouth to a point 40 feet away. Any creature within the area of effect is deafened for 2d6 rounds and suffers 2d8 points of damage. A successful saving throw vs. spell negates the deafness and reduces the damage by half. Any exposed brittle or crystal substance subject to sonic vibrations is shattered by a roar of the king spell, while those brittle objects in the possession of a creature receive the creature’s saving throw. Deafened creatures suffer a -1 penalty to surprise rolls, and those that cast spells with verbal components are 20% likely to miscast them.

  咆哮术 无法穿透2级祭司法术的 沉默术,15英尺半径Silence, 15' Radius。与相关的法师法术不同,这道法术没有每日使用次数限制。
A roar of the king spell cannot penetrate the 2nd-level priest spell silence, 15' radius. Unlike the related wizard spell, there is no limit to the number of times this spell can be employed per day.

  最后,国王之咆能 在1英里外(如果不是更远)被听见。此法术无法传达任何言辞,但它是一种警告远方盟友的有效方法。
Finally, a roar of the king spell can be heard a mile away, if not farther. No words can be communicated via this spell, but it is an effective way of alerting distant allies.

The material components for this spell are a drop of honey, a piece of cinnamon bark, a small piece of meat, and a small piece of amber worth at least 20 gp.

努比恩的骄傲狮群Pride of Nobanion

  (祭司Pr 4;咒法/召唤Conjuration/Summoning)

  距离Range:1英里One mile
  施法时间Casting Time:7
  影响区域Area of Effect:特殊Special
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

  这道法术是5级祭司法术 2级动物召唤术animal summoning II 的专攻版本。通过这道法术,施法者能唤来HD总量为48或更少的一堆大猫。若有超过1种大猫可用,生命骰更大的品种将被召唤。如果普通狮子是可用的,它们将排除其它所有大猫选项而总是被召唤。在施法响应期间只有1英里内的大猫会被唤来,不过受影响的猫科动物除此外还包括cantobele、cath shee、猎豹、狮龙dragonne、美洲豹、红虎(雪猫) red tiger (snow cat)、剑齿虎、以及袋狼。
This spell is a specialized variant of the 5th-level priest spell animal summoning II. By means of this spell, the caster calls a number of great cats whose combined Hit Dice total 48 or less. If more than one species is available, the race with greater Hit Dice is summoned. Common lions are always summoned to the exclusion of all other great cats if they are available. Only great cats within 1 mile of the spellcaster at the time of the casting respond, but such felines include cantobeles, cath shee, cheetahs, dragonnes, jaguars, leopards, lions, mountain lions, spotted lions, giant lynxes, tigers, red tigers (snow cats), smilodons, and thylacines among others.

  不同于 2级动物召唤术,施法者只能进行呼唤而无法决定出现的大猫(如果有的话)的形态。被召唤的大猫将以它们掌握的任何手段援助施法者,直到战斗结束、某个特定任务被完成、施法者是安全的、它们被打发走了,等等等等。
Unlike the animal summoning II spell, the caster can only make one call as she or he does not get to choose what form of great cat shows up, if any. The great cats summoned aid the caster by whatever means they possess, staying until a fight is over, a specific mission is finished, the caster is safe, they are sent away, etc.

{{四级|四级标题 = 7 th Level

猫科形体Feline Form

  (祭司Pr 7;转化Alteration)

  持续时间Duration:1 小时/级hour/level
  施法时间Casting Time:1 轮round
  影响区域Area of Effect:施法者The caster
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

  该法术类似于9级法师法术 形体变化shapechange,但它只允许施法者呈现为任意任意种类的猫科动物或部分猫科动物的形态。施展了 猫科形体 者将变为他们所期望的生物,并且拥有除了那些基于智力的天赋魔法能力、以及魔抗外的所有能量,而所呈现形态的意识仍然是施法者本人。因此,他可以变成翼猫展翅高飞,然后变成海狮潜入湖中,再变成 半狮人或龙狮在平原上驰骋。施法的祭司在施展 猫科形体 时的生命值,就是所采用的第一种形态的生命值,而随后形态则使用他们当前的生命值。每次形体变化只需要一秒, 且不会导致身体休克。
This spell is similar to the 9th-level wizard spell shapechange, but it only allows the caster to assume the form of a feline or partial feline of any species. Those who cast feline form become the creatures they wish to and have all of their abilities save those dependent upon Intelligence, innate magical abilities, and magic resistance, for the mind of the assumed form is that of the caster. The caster can change into a tressym and fly away, then to a sea lion to dive into a lake, and then into a wemic or dragonne to run across the plains. The first form adopted has whatever hit points the casting priest had at the time of the casting of the feline form spell, and subsequent forms carry the current total hit points with them. Each alteration in form requires only a second, and no system shock survival roll is required.

  祭司获得其他形态的同时也会获得那些形态的缺陷。例如,若祭司变成海狮,仍然无法呼吸水超过24小时。类似于 形体变化 法术,祭司在另一种形态下被杀时将不会变回其原始形态,这可能会导致某些类型的复活无法生效。
A priest adopting another form also adopts its vulnerabilities. For example, a priest who becomes a sea lion still cannot breathe out of the water for more than 24 hours. Like the shapechange spell, a priest who is killed while in another form does not revert to his or original shape, which may disallow certain types of revivification.

The material components for this spell are locks of hair from three different species of feline.
