北蛮之地Northern Wilds | |
【所属 位面】 | 马兹特克大陆Maztica |
【类 型】 | 地域 |
【简 介】 | 北蛮之地Northern Wilds 是位于马兹特克大陆北部的沙漠,其中的主要居民是野蛮的犬戎。 |
2eFRMZ<Maztica Campaign Set—Maztica Alive.p045>北蛮之地Northern Wilds
北蛮之地Northern Wilds
这片广袤的沙漠面积 泰兹卡之邸沙漠House of Tezca 基本相当,它是野蛮的 犬戎Dog People 的家园。这些部落栖息在泥屋或洞穴中的小村庄里,在各自的领地上过着半游牧的生活。这些村庄的人口在50到500之间。与其他马兹特克民族不同的是,在犬戎中妇女作为战士发挥着重要作用,并且男人一起参与其它任务。
This expanse of desert, nearly as great as the House of Tezca, is home to the savage Dog People. These tribes live in small villages of mud huts or caves, living a semi-nomadic existence across their domain. These villages contain anywhere between 50 and 500 people. Unlike other Maztican nations, the women play an important role as fighters, as well as joining in every other task with their men.
大部分城市居民都仇视犬戎,主要的例外是 奥托米部族the Otomi。他们热衷于俘虏和折磨任何不幸落入其手的旅者,这令他们的名声变得更加恶名昭著。当然,几个世纪来,任何被马兹特克人国家俘虏的犬戎都会被牺牲,所以罪恶的天平可能会更加倾斜。
The Dog People are considered enemies by most city dwellers, the primary exception being the Otomi. The reputation is enhanced by their proclivity for capturing and torturing any traveler unfortunate enough to fall into their hands. Of course, for centuries any Dog Person captured by a Maztican nation was routinely sacrificed, so the scales are probably even.
The Dog People have their roots set firmly in the land, and understand their desert and its life forms far better than an intruder could. They do not unite to resist aggressors; instead, they fall back across their hostile world, knowing that the enemy will eventually be forced to turn back for sustenance.
Rarely, a traveler may perform some act that impresses the Dog People; this individual may be accepted into the tribe as a brother or sister. Once accepted, a character is obligated to help the tribe any way he can, but conversely, the tribe devotes itself to his or her defense and protection to the limits of its abilities.