史拉蟾領主Slaad Lord | ||||
【主 神】 | 伊戈爾勒Ygorl | |||
【勢力 範圍】 | 永恆混亂之混沌海The Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo | |||
【簡 介】 | 史拉蟾領主是荒神之一,史拉蟾種族中最接近神祇的存在。在黎明戰爭期間,部分史拉蟾領主加入了混沌女王一方。 | |||
神祇名 | 神力 | 陣營 | 舊譯 | 簡介 |
森達姆Ssendam | N | CN | 無 | 史拉蟾癲狂領主,最初和最強大的領主 |
伊戈爾勒Ygorl | N | CN | 無 | 史拉蟾熵之領主,混沌海的位面之主 |
丘斯特Chourst | N | CN | 無 | 史拉蟾隨機性領主,曾入侵機械境並從奇點手中逃脫 |
瑞因布Rennbuu | N | CN | 無 | 史拉蟾色彩領主 |
巴茲姆-苟瑞格Bazim-Gorag | N | CN→CE | 無 | 雙頭的史拉蟾火焰領主,被囚禁於費倫大陸 |
沃特爾Wartle | N | CN | 無 | 因冒犯伊戈爾勒而被射到天堂山 |
烏拉-納斯Urae-Naas | N | CE | 無 | 深淵第52層領主,拉曼諾斯的配偶 |
索雷爾Sorel | N | CN | 無 | 無政府主義領主,伊戈爾勒的副官,還在嘗試但未真正成為史拉蟾領主 |
2e<On Hallowed Ground.p048>類神力Near-Powers
史拉蟾領主Slaadi Lords
在 混沌海Limbo 位面上的法則與 奇點Primus 完全對立。在那裡,在因素物質的漩渦濃湯中,棲息着史拉蟾的神力們:混沌領主the Lords of Chaos。
Primus's exact opposites rule on the plane of Limbo. There, in the swirling soup of elemental matter, live the slaadi powers: the Lords of Chaos.
沒什麼人會認為這些老鳥是真神。從史拉蟾那榨出的一點消息來看,對他們種族來說混沌領主們更像偉大的英雄(而非神明)。傳言說,祂們真身是成功地在權力的階梯上爬上了另一個台階的 史拉亡蟾death slaadi。作為沌海之混沌的孩子,史拉蟾領主們探索着對祂們而言純粹的可能性,並已發現了一些有些人覺得藏起來更好的秘密。
Few consider these bloods true deities. From what little's been wrung out of slaadi, it seems that the Lords of Chaos are more like great heroes to their race. Chant is they're really death slaadi that've managed to move up another rung on the ladder of power. By exploring the sheer possibilities available to them as the children of Limbo's chaos, they've discovered secrets that some think might have been better left hidden.
[印記城黑話:Blood—專家,智者或是任何領域的老鳥。一個角鬥士冠軍可以是一個 blood, 一個強大的巫師也可以是blood.稱呼某人為blood是對其特別尊敬的一種表示.]
[印記城黑話:chant—表示新聞,本地閒話,事實,情形或者其他任何有關當前局勢的事情. ]
They've come away with greater abilities, but they've also established themselves as individuals, not only in their own minds but also in the minds of bashers across the planes. Each lord seeks an expression of chaos that's beyond what the slaadi form offers, and each embodies a unique flavor of that primal force.
[印記城黑話—Basher,某人,中性詞。一般但不總是,暗指其是個暴徒或打手. ]
已知只有四位混沌領主的存在。其中最古老的是 癲狂女士the Lady of Insanity 森達姆Ssendam。據說,她是只巨大的金色阿米巴蟲,一團不斷外滲的混沌,任何凡人看見她就會發瘋。森達姆已開發出一種精神力量,讓她能粉碎思想、驅使民眾——並更好地促進混亂。
Only four Lords of Chaos are known to exist. The oldest by far is Ssendam, the Lady of Insanity. It's said she's a great golden amoeba, a mass of oozing chaos, and any mortal sod who looks upon her supposedly goes barmy. Ssendam has also developed mental powers that let her crush minds and drive folks and - the better to promote chaos.
四位中的第二位是 熵之領主the Lord of Entropy 伊戈爾勒Ygorl。有人說他統治着混沌海(其程度到達了任何人對這一終極混亂位面能企及的控制程度),並實際創造了史拉蟾的 產卵石Spawning Stone。伊戈爾勒使用被燒焦的有翼史拉蟾骷髏形態,而他的巨大的巨鐮能夠穿透任何活物的血肉。他試圖通過派遣大量史拉蟾到各位面到各色寄主中植入它們的卵,來延續這個種族。
The second of the four is Ygorl, the Lord of Entropy. Some say he rules Limbo (insofar as any basher can control the plane of ultimate disorder) and actually created the slaadi Spawning Stone. Ygorl takes the form of a charred, winged slaadi skeleton, and his great scythe can cut through any living flesh. He tries to perpetuate the race by sending masses of slaadi across the planes to plant their eggs in host bodies.
第三位領主是 「不可預知者」丘斯特Chourst the Unpredictable,這是一隻20呎高的純白色史拉蟾。他除了自己什麼都不關心,他的行動隨心所欲、時刻變化。與其祂領主相較,他更受衝動的支配。有些人覺得他是異想天開的化身。已完全瘋癲了的他肆意地進行着隨機的破壞——直到有其它玩意吸引他的注意力。
The third lord is Chourst the Unpredictable, a 20-fool-tall slaad of purest white. He cares for nothing but himself and takes whatever actions strike him from moment to moment. More than any other lord, Chourst is ruled by impulse. Some think he's whimsy incarnate. He's also totally insane and goes on rampages of random destruction - until something else catches his eye.
第四位領主是位名作 瑞因布Rennbuu 的史拉蟾藝術家,他是 色彩領主Lord of Colors。他留着一頭令人震驚的白色鬣發,與他不斷變幻色彩的鱗片形成了鮮明的對比。不過,對史拉蟾一族來說他僅僅是個討厭鬼。據說通過改變一隻史拉蟾的色調,他可以真正將這隻生物變為不同品種的史拉蟾。就實際效果來說,瑞因布可以隨其心意地對史拉蟾進行晉升和貶落。
The fourth of the bunch is an artistic slaad known as Rennbuu, Lord of Colors. He wears a mane of shockingly white hair that contrasts starkly with the ever-shifting colors of his scales, and he loves to change the colors of people and objects. To the slaadi, though, he's more than a nuisance. Its said that by changing the color of a slaad, Rennbuu can actually turn the creature into a different kind of slaad. In effect, Rennbuu grants promotions or demotions at his whim.
2e<Dragon 221.p072>巨龍的動物寓言集The Dragon's Bestiary:混沌領主Lords of Chaos
混沌領主Lords of Chaos
——四位偉大的史拉蟾神明降臨到了多元宇宙中Four Great Slaad-gods descend on the Multiverse
史拉蟾最接近神祇的事物是自封的 史拉蟾領主the Slaad Lords。然而,這些領主既非神祇、也非半神,一如 深淵領主the Abyssal Lords 與 九獄諸領主the Lords of the Nine,他們是憑依自身力量的強大存在。
The closest things that the slaadi have to deities are the self-styled Slaad Lords. These lords are neither deity nor demigod but are, however, powerful beings in their own right, much like the Abyssal Lords and the Lords of the Nine.
作為 機械境Mechanus 僵硬秩序的對立鏡像,混沌海Limbo 是一片無節制之混沌的位面。在這裡,混亂碾壓秩序,隨機可能取代可預測性,自由篡權奴役了規則,個體戰勝了整體。猶如混沌海的本質,史拉蟾是所有形式中混亂中立行為的例證。內在天性隨心所欲的史拉蟾陶醉於不可預測的混沌之中。然而,對於弱小的史拉紅蟾和藍蟾而言,真正的自由並不存在,因為他們經常遭受着更強大史拉蟾的欺凌和奴役。真正的自由只為真正終極強大的個體存在。這在更強大的史拉綠蟾、灰蟾和亡蟾身上更為明顯,正因他們的能力變強了,他們更能夠將自己的意志強加在低級史拉蟾身上。當某隻史拉蟾能更自由地實現自己而非其它傢伙的希望時,它會將自己定義為一種更強大的的階層。但只要一隻史拉蟾還屬於某個階層,他就永遠不是一個真正的個體。
As the mirror image to the rigid order of Mechanus, Limbo is a plane of unrestrained chaos. Here anarchy crushes law, randomness replaces predictability, freedom usurps enslavement to rules, and individuality triumphs over conformity. As natives of Limbo, the slaadi exemplify chaotic neutral behavior in all its forms. Inherently free, slaadi revel in unrestrained chaos. Real freedom does not exist, however, for the weaker red and blue slaadi, because they are constantly bullied and dominated by the stronger slaadi. True freedom exists solely for the ultimately powerful. This is more obvious with the mightier green, gray, and death slaadi, who are better able to impose their will on the lesser slaadi precisely because of their enhanced abilities. When any slaad can more freely accomplish what it wishes and not what others wish of it, that slaad defines itself as an individual to a greater degree. But no slaad could hope to become a true individual if it is part of a rank.
To escape this structure, some death slaadi drive themselves to explore an aspect of chaos that they hope will grant them a unique identity and endow them with incredible abilities. During this time of investigation (a little understood and extremely perilous process), a death slaad may leave the ranks of slaad conformity to become a Slaad Lord—a unique being infused with power and chaotic purpose. To date, only four death slaadi have achieved this status. By ascending to their new level, Slaad Lords become the embodiment of their own particular brand of chaos, and no two Slaad Lords share a similar expression of chaos.
The lifespan of the slaadi varies. Inexplicably and quite mysteriously, when a slaad has reached a certain age, it instinctively travels deep into Limbo. A lucky few advance in status to a higher form of slaad, but the majority never return and presumably dissolve into their base essences to merge with the primal forces of the plane. Not so for the Slaad Lords, whose unique status also grants them immortality. They need never worry about being reduced to their base essence unless slain in combat. For this reason, Slaad Lords never fight to the death. In fact, it is believed that no Slaad Lord has been slain in mortal combat—yet.
被殺的史拉蟾領主精華是否將重新組成其原始的亡蟾,甚或是回到任何形態,還存在爭議。在戰鬥中被殺的低級和高級史拉蟾將被永久毀滅,但這可能不適用於史拉蟾領主的情況。在這片終極之可能性的位面,對 混沌領主the Lords of Chaos 們而言沒有什麼是不可能的。
Whether or not a slain Slaad Lord's essence can reform into its original death slaad self, or even return to any form at all, is debatable. Lesser and greater slaadi slain in combat are forever destroyed, but this may not be the case for the Slaad Lords. Perhaps nothing is impossible for the Lords of Chaos on the plane of ultimate possibility.