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【舊   譯】吉勒今,吉爾金

【頭   銜】¢吉爾伽:大帝the Great,勝利之父Father of Victory,恩瑟的至高統治者Supreme Ruler of Unther,戰爭大師Master of Wars,勝利之父Father of Victory,天空與城市之神God of the Sky and the Cities,恩瑟、闕森塔、色雷斯凱、瓊達斯、突米斯、夏亞、與攸木林的至高統治者the Supreme Ruler of Unther, Chessenta, Threskel, Chondath, Turmish, the Shaar, and the Yuirwood
【陣   營】LN→LE
【神   力】¢本體/吉爾伽美什:M→I→D(與顯現體融合)→Dead
【神   職】¢吉爾伽:力量Strength,運動才能athletic prowess,天空the sky,作戰battle,城市cities,恩瑟地方 the land of Unther
【神   系】¢吉爾伽美什:巴比倫神系Babylonian Pantheon

¢吉爾伽:FR恩瑟神系Untheric Pantheon
【主   神】¢吉爾伽美什:安努Anu

【盟   友】
【敵   對】¢吉爾伽美什:蘇美爾神系Sumerian Pantheon

【神   國】修羅場Acheron/1th 永恆戰場Avalas金字神塔Zigguraxus

→漂流於 星界Astral Plane
【徽   記】在黑色菱形背景上描繪着一輪金色的太陽,一隻攥握着的拳頭在其中高舉A clenched red fist backed by a golden sun on a black lozenge
【簡   介】吉爾伽美什Gilgamesh,巴比倫神話中著名的半人半神英雄,其在國度天宇的顯現體名為 吉爾伽Gilgeam。

2eFR<Powers & Pantheons.p102>吉爾伽Gilgeam



  (大帝the Great,勝利之父Father of Victory,恩瑟的至高統治者Supreme Ruler of Unther)

  修羅場中等神力(之後為半神力)Intermediate Power (then Demipower) of Acheron,   守序邪惡LE

  神職PORTFOLIO:力量Strength,運動才能athletic prowess,天空the sky,作戰battle,城市cities,恩瑟地方 the land of Unther
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:從前:永恆戰場Avalas金字神塔Zigguraxus;目前:漂流於 星界the Astral Plane
  徽記SYMBOL:在黑色菱形背景上描繪着一輪金色的太陽,一隻攥握着的拳頭在其中高舉A clenched red fist backed by a golden sun on a black lozenge
  信徒陣營WOR. ALIGN.:任意


  在被毀滅前,吉爾伽Gilgeam 是恩瑟諸神(所剩極少)的至高領導者和恩瑟土地的統治者。他的正式頭銜包括 戰爭大師Master of Wars、勝利之父Father of Victory、以及 天空與城市之神God of the Sky and the Cities。他也被稱為 恩瑟、闕森塔、色雷斯凱、瓊達斯、突米斯、夏亞、與攸木林的至高統治者the Supreme Ruler of Unther, Chessenta, Threskel, Chondath, Turmish, the Shaar, and the Yuirwood,不過 恩瑟拉斯城Unthalass 的恩瑟王座已有許多個世紀無法統治任何恩瑟之外的地區。他位於恩瑟拉斯城的城堡建在從前宮殿的廢墟之上,是座巨大的金字神塔建築,在這座城堡里,勝利之父已統治恩瑟之地已超2個千紀。雖然吉爾伽理論上是位 修羅場Acheron 的中等神力,但在被 提亞馬特Tiamat 毀滅的不久前,他基於諸國度的轉生體已與位於 外層位面Outer Planes 的本質重新融合。
Gilgeam was the supreme leader of the gods of Unther (what few were left) and ruler of that land before he was destroyed. Formally Gilgeam's titles ineluded Master of Wars, Father of Victory, and God of the Sky and the Cities. He was also called the Supreme Ruler of Unther, Chessenta, Threskel, Chondath, Turmish, the Shaar, and the Yuirwood, although the Untheric throne in Unthalass had not had dominion over any lands outside of Unther proper for many centuries. The Father of Victory ruled the ancient land of Unther for over two millennia from his citadel in Unthalass, a massive ziggurat built on the ruins of previous palaces. Although Gilgeam was technically an intermediate power of Acheron, his Realms-based incarnation was rejoined with his essence in the Outer Planes only briefly before being destroyed by Tiamat.

  吉爾伽以他的好妒、殘忍與傲慢聞名;他貪求財富,對他的人民課稅沉重。他花費自己的神性力量大肆猛擊他的仇敵(有凡人也有神性者)。在近代,吉爾伽從未再創造轉生體,因為這種存在可能會充滿他失落已久的正義與榮譽感。而這位恩瑟神王也沒有任何孩子,因為他們可能會威脅到他王座的安全。吉爾伽是如此地被憎惡和恐懼,以至於他在恩瑟民眾中得到的崇拜極其稀少——哪怕是像對 塔洛斯Talos 那樣安撫形式的崇拜。
Gilgeam was known for his jealousy, cruelty, and pride; he was covetous of wealth and taxed his people heavily. He expended his divine power profligately to smite his enemies, both mortal and deific. In modern times, Gilgeam never created an incarnation as such a being might havebeen filled with a sense of justice and honor that the god himself lost long ago. The god-king of Unther did not father any children, since they could have been a threat to the security curity of his throne. Gilgeam was so hated and feared that he received very little worship from Unther's populace—not even the placating form of worship that sustains gods like Talos.

  提亞馬特是在很久以前為 馬杜克Marduk 所弒的恩瑟神系遠古宿敵,有一支教團為了擺脫他們神王的暴政枷鎖,而絕望地投向了這位神王的宿敵,在他們的努力下,提亞馬特的三首轉生體在 動盪之年Time of Troubles 前重現於 諸國度the Realms。在動盪之年期間,仍然強大的吉爾伽弒殺了彩色龍後相對虛弱的轉生體,但她的本質分散到了該地區內顏色契合的最強大的三頭彩色巨龍身上。在 諸神之戰the Godswar 後,隨着紅龍 察斯薩Tchazzar 在動盪之年期間被誤導的錯誤嘗試(即吞噬龍後神性力量),提亞馬特得以再次將化身顯現於諸國度。
A three-headed incarnation of Tiamat, an ancientfoe of the Untheric pantheon slain long ago by Marduk, reappeared in the Realms prior to the Time of Troubles through the efforts of a cult who venerated their god-king's traditional enemy in a desperate attempt to throw off his tyrannical yoke. During the Time of Troubles, a still-powerful Gilgeam slew this relatively weak incarnation of the chromatic dragon queen, but her essence dispersed into the three most powerful chromatic dragons of the appropriate colors in the region. Tiamat was able to manifest her avatar in the Realms again after the Godswar following a misguided attempt by the red dragon Tchazzar to seize her divine power during the Time of Troubles.

  在諸神之戰落幕,吉爾伽發現由於對崇拜者的長期虐待,自己在諸國度已衰落到了半神力等級(即便是在與他位於外層位面的真實本質重連後)。作為結果,在提亞馬特重新掀起她們的古老戰爭時,他位於恩瑟拉斯城的化身迅速敗給了提亞馬特的化身。當吉爾伽的外層位面的真實本質、反過來(連同恩瑟拉斯城的大規模毀滅一起)毀滅了 混亂之後the Queen of Chaos 在恩瑟被稱作彩色龍後的化身時,提亞馬特將她們之間的戰爭延伸到了外層位面。結果,吉爾伽被毀滅,而提亞馬特嚴重受創。(更多彩色龍後相關見提亞馬特條目。)
At the conclusion of the Godswar, Gilgeam found himself reduced to the level of a demipower in the Realms due to his centuries-long abuse of his worshipers (even after being reconnected with his true essence in the Outer Planes). As a result, his avatar in Unthalass quickly fell to Tiamat's avatar when she resumed their ancient battle. When Gilgeam's outer planar essence in turn destroyed the avatar of the Queen of Chaos, as the chromatic dragon queen was known in Unther, along with much of the city of Unthalass, Tiamat took their battle to the Outer Planes. In the end Gilgeam was destroyed and Tiamat was gravely injured. (See the Tiamat entry for more about the Chromatic Dragon.)


吉爾伽的化身Gilgeam's Avatar

  (戰士Fighter 30,巫師Mage 25,牧師Cleric 22)

Gilgeam was a tall, handsome, very muscular man with long, golden hair and a full, golden, ringleted beard. He typically wore kingly robes, but he went into battle with his mace and a bronze skirt that covered his lower torso and his upper legs. Gilgeam favored spells from the spheres of combat, law, and war, and the schools of abjuration and invocation/evocation, but could cast spells from all schools and spheres.

  防禦等級 -4;移動 15;生命值 224;零級命中值 -9;#攻擊 5次/2輪
  傷害 1d6+20( +5步兵硬頭錘,+12力量,+2專精步兵硬頭錘)
  魔抗 50%;體型 大型L(8呎)
  力量 24,敏捷 22,體質 25,智力 23,感知 20,魅力 22
  法術 牧師P:12/12/11/11/9/6/3,法師W:5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/4
  豁免 麻痹、毒素與死亡魔法 2;權杖、法杖與魔杖 3;石化或變形 4;噴吐武器 4;法術 4
  AC -4; MV 15; HP 224; THAC0 -9;#AT 5/2
  Dmg 1d6+20 (footman's mace +5, +12 Str, +2 spec, bonus in footman's mace)
  MR 50%; SZL (8 feet)
  STR 24, DEX 22, CON25, INT 23, Wis20, CHA 22
  Spells P:12/12/11/11/9/6/3, W:5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/4
  Saves PPDM 2, RSW 3, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 4

特殊攻擊/防禦Special Att/Def:

  除了在進行他精通的技能摔跤時,吉爾伽都揮舞着 永恆勝利權杖Rod of Eternal Victory。那是一柄 +5步兵硬頭錘,蘊含着 恐懼權杖rod of terror、3倍力量的 統治權杖rod of rulership、以及 雷電法杖staff of thunder and lightning 的異能。他從未把永恆勝利權杖借給任何人。
Gilgeam wielded the Rod of Eternal Victory except when wrestling, a skill in which he specialized. The Rod of Eternal Victory was a footman's mace +5 with all the powers of a rod of terror, a triple-strength rod of rulership, and a staff of thunder and lightning .He never loaned the Rod of Eternal Victoryto anyone.

  如果《玩家手冊Player's Handbook》關於摔跤的規則被使用,吉爾伽不必承受穿戴盔甲的懲罰,當進行摔跤的時候,他將在攻擊檢定上獲得+4的獎勵,而且可以更改其在拳擊摔跤結果表中的結果,範圍是實際結果的向上或向下四行。如果來自《完全戰士手冊The Complete Fighter's Handbook》或《完全祭司手冊The Complete Priest's Handbook》的戰鬥技巧規則被採用的話,吉爾伽將專精於摔跤,並在此項技巧的專擅上擁有額外的六個點數。如果依照來自《玩家指南PLAYHR'S OPTION 戰鬥與戰術Combat & Tactics]]》的徒手格鬥規則,吉爾伽將是一位大宗師摔跤手。
If the Player's Handbook rules for wrestling are used, Gilgeam suffered no penalty for wearing armor and received a +4 bonus to his attack rolls when wrestling and can change his result on the Punching and Wrestling Results table within a range of four lines above or below the actual result. If the martial arts rules from The Complete Fighter's Handbook or The Complete Priest's Handbook are used, Gelgeam was specialized in wrestling and had the equivalent of six extra slots devoted to continuing specialization in wrestling. If the unarmed combat rules from PLAYHR'S OPTION: Combat & Tacticsare used, Gilgeam was a grand master wrestler.

  除了每輪所能採取常規行動以外,每輪1次,吉爾伽還能夠額外施展一道最大力量的 擲雷術hurl thunderbolt (見後)、 力量術strength一人之力strength of one、或者 勇士之力champion's strength,目標可以是他自己或其他存在。
Gilgeam could cast a maximum-strength hurl thunderbolt spell (see below), strength, strength of one, or champion's strength once per round on himself or another being in addition to his normal allowable actions per round. He could call lightning in any weather conditions.

The Father of Victory always won in athletic contests with anyone short of a greater god. He could perforin acts of incredible strength, like lifting a large building off its foundations or hurling a dragon turtle across a city, once per turn.

Gilgeam was immune to any sort of mental domination or rulership, to all enchantment/charm spells and spell-like effects that he did not wish to have effect him, and to the all effects of any necromancy or necromantic spells or spell-like effects.

其祂顯現Other Manifestations

  吉爾伽偶爾會顯現為一塊巨石、一棵高聳的大樹、或是一座壯麗的金字神塔,以此作為對那些違逆其意願者的警告。 閃電束Lightning bolts (如10級法師所施展的)將隨機地從上述形態中散射出來,而當這些顯現降臨的時候,低沉的雷鳴聲會充滿噩兆地從遠方緩緩滾來。吉爾伽有時會顯現為一陣極其強烈的狂風,只有他最忠實的追隨者才能頂風前進。吉爾伽同樣依靠以下各種代理者:眼魔及其親族(包括 洞察之眼observer)、火神怪、火巨人、靈吸怪、食人魔、烏鴉、劍靈、以及巨大而強健的黑色雄馬或公牛。有些時候,吉爾伽會以一枚閃爍着光芒之巨大鑽石的發現來象徵自己的寵眷。如果寶石在被觸碰時被弄碎,變成了一文不值的塵埃,吉爾伽將會對那位接受者感到極為震怒,來自他神聖怒火將很快降臨;如果寶石完整無損並被捐獻給吉爾伽教會,接收者能夠獲得來自教會或吉爾伽本尊的一項福音。
Gilgeam occasionally manifested as a massive boulder, a towering tree, or a lofty ziggurat as a warning against those who defied his will. Lightning bolts (as cast by a l0th-level wizard) would emanate at random from any of these forms and thunder would roll ominously in the distance while such manifestations were present. Sometimes Gilgeam would manifest as a incredibly powerful wind against which only his most loyal followers could make headway. Gilgeam also worked through various agents including beholders and their kin (including observers), efreet, fire giants, illithids, ogres, reaves, sword spirits, and huge, muscular, black stallions and bulls. Gilgeam sometimes indicated his favor by the discovery of a large, sparkling diamond. If the stone crumbled to worthless dust when touched, Gilgeam was extremely displeased with the recipient and his divine wrath was soon forthcoming; if the stone remained whole and it was donated to Gilgeam's church, a boon would be granted to the one who donated it by the church or Gilgeam himself.

教會The Church

  神職人員CLERGY:牧師Clerics,專屬祭司specialty priests,護教軍crusaders
  神職陣營Clergy's Align.:守序中立LN,守序邪惡LE,中立邪惡NE,混亂邪惡CE
  驅散不死TURN UNDEAD:牧師C:可Yes;專屬祭司SP:可Yes;護教軍Cru:不可No
  支配不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧師C:可Yes;專屬祭司SP:可Yes;護教軍Cru:不可No

  吉爾伽的所有牧師、專屬祭司、護教軍都會獲得 宗教知識religion(恩瑟人Untheric),閱讀/書寫reading/writing(恩瑟語Untheric),以及 現代語言modern languages(通用語Common)作為非武器熟練獎勵。身為恩瑟人,他們也通曉作為母語的恩瑟語。吉爾伽要求自己教會的每一位成員都必須是純血的 穆蘭人Mulan。
All clerics, specialty priests, and crusaders of Gilgeam received religion (Untheric), reading/writing (Untheric), and modern languages (Common) as bonus nonweapon proficiencies. As Untheri, they all also know Untheric as their native tongue. Gilgeam required that every member of his priesthood be a full-blooded Mulan human.

  在 諸神降世the Fall of the Gods 之後,吉爾伽的教會普遍遭到了恩瑟人民的厭惡。雖然吉爾伽的神職人員在當時的恩瑟仍然最為強大,而勝利之父的神像也被裝飾在每一條街道拐角處以及每一座住宅之中,但吉爾伽的專制與獨裁為他贏得了整個民族的憎恨。在一片絕望之中,很多人轉而投向了提亞馬特,混亂之後Queen of Chaos 與 諸神之敵Nemesis of the Gods 的教會,希望敵人的敵人將會是一個比較不糟的選擇。吉爾伽的神職人員則受到了類似的對待,因為恩瑟至高主宰的祭司們自己大多便是不折不扣的殘虐暴君。
The church of Gilgeam was universally despised by the people of Unther by the time of the Fall of the Gods. Although Gilgeam's clergy was the most powerful by far in Unther and idols of the Father of Victory decorated every street corner and every home, Gilgeam's despotism earned him the hatred of the entire population. In desperation, many people turned to the cult of Tiamat, Queen of Chaos and Nemesis of the Gods, in the hope that the enemy of their enemy was a better alternative. The clergy of Gilgeam was similarly regarded, for the majority of the Supreme Ruler's priests were brutal tyrants in their own right.

For the most part, temples of Gilgeam were sacked, burned, and reduced to rubble by the joyous populace after the god-king's destruction. They were generally square buildings supported by columns. Numerous ziggurats were dedicated to Gilgeam as well. These step pyramids were sometimes elaborately decorated with sculptural art, enamel plates, glazed ceramic mosaics, or frescoes. A number of large obelisks (tall narrow towers) throughout Unther, and especially Unthalass, commemorated Gilgeam's supposed endless string of victories against Unther's enemies and also doubled as lookout posts.

  吉爾伽的聖職者有着嚴格而剛硬的等級劃分,分布在恩瑟各地的教會組織都有着統一的頭銜稱號。教會的初修士被稱為有志者Aspirant。而整個教會的頭銜,以由低到高的順序,分為 觀察者Watcher、執法者Enforcer、第三位階領隊者Captain of the Third Rank、第三位階指揮者Commander of the Third Rank、第三位階專制者Autarch of the Third Rank、第二位階至高領隊者High Captain of the Second Rank、第二位階至高指揮者High Commander of the Second Rank、第二位階至高專制者High Autarch of the Second Rank、第一位階至高尊貴領隊者Lord High Captain of the First Rank、第一位階至高尊貴指揮者Lord High Commander of the First Rank、以及 第一位階至高尊貴專制Lord High Autarch of the First Rank。高階牧師將由吉爾伽親賜符合其職務的個人頭銜。大約40%的教會成員屬於牧師職業,被稱為苛責者的專屬祭司大約占成員數量的45%,至於護教軍,他們大多傾向於擔任軍官職務,擁有15%左右的教會成員。
The clergy of Gilgeam was organized into a rigid hierarchy with a consistent set of titles throughout Unther. Novices were known as Aspirants. The titles of the full clergy were, in ascending order, Watcher, Enforcer, Captain of the Third Rank, Commander of the Third Rank, Autarch of the Third Rank, High Captain of the Second Rank, High Commander of the Second Rank, High Autarch of the Second Rank, Lord High Captain of the First Rank, Lord High Commander of the First Rank, Lord High Autarch of the First Rank. Priests of higher level were given individual titles commensurate with their position by Gilgeam himself. Clerics made up approximately 40% of the clergy, specialty priests, known as martinets, made up approximately 45%, and crusaders, who tended to serve as military officers, made up the remaining 15% of the clergy.


The philosophy of Unther and, in particular, the church of Gilgeam was always that life was hard, and the ability to endure hardship was the greatest virtue, no matter how unfair that hardship may have been. It was this philosophy that allowed Gilgeam to survive as king for so long, and it was this philosophy tliat led to Gilgeam's overconfidence that he could continue to survive, unchallenged, while continuing to abuse his subjects mercilessly.

Likewise, Gilgeam's priests were expected to follow this philosophy. As a result, strength and athletic prowess were emphasized as a means of proving one's fitness to survive hardship. Promotions within the ranks of the church often went to the winners of athletic contests, and such contests were used as a forum for challenges between rival priests.

Upon their initiation into the faith, Gilgeam's avatar directly addressed novice priests, stating:「I am All Religion, I am All Worship, none may breathe in Unther without blessing me.」 This philosophy officially pervaded all of Unther.

日常活動Day-to-Day Activities:

  恩瑟的日常運作很大程度上由吉爾伽的神職人員負責。吉爾伽的神職者們是整個國家最主要的地主與管理者,而他們的家族則構成了貴族階層的大部分。在恩瑟拉斯的宮殿區the Palace District,這些貴族們享受着奢侈的生活,用成群的奴隸與恩瑟的國家財富來滿足自己每一次心血來潮。在恩瑟每座城市的官僚體系中,吉爾伽的祭司與突出信徒們占據了每一個重要的職務。對至高主宰毫無質疑的虔誠順服被嚴厲地苛求着,但真正的信仰卻相對罕見。
The clergy of Gilgeam was heavily involved in the day-to-day running of Unther. Gilgeam's clergy members were the primary land-owners and administrators of Unther, and they and their families formed the bulk of the noble class, lived in the Palace District of Unthalass in luxury, and had their every whim satisfied by their slaves and Unther's national treasury. Priests and prominent followers of Gilgeam held every major position in the cities of Unther, in its armies, and in its bureaucracy. Unquestioning religious obeisance and obedience to the Supreme Lord was a strict requirement, but true faith was a rarity.

Up until two centuries ago, the ancient code of Enlil was the collection of case laws to which justice in Unther adhered. With Enlil's departure, the responsibility of administering and enforcing justice had fallen to the priests of Gilgeam. Most punishments were of the 「an eye for an eye」 sort. In the last two centuries, the system of laws effectively broke down irreparably, and priests of Gilgeam allowed nobles to do essentially whatever they wanted, including break agreements, confiscate of property, commit murder, and perform other hideous deeds in exchange for land, power, wealth, or any of a variety of other types of bribes.

Tests of strength and other athletic competitions were a routine occurrence in the temples and on the grounds of churches of Gilgeam as aforum for challenging rivals over policy and as a method of advancement within the church hierarchy.

聖日/重要儀式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

  至尊慶典The Festival of the Assumption 於 六月Kythorn 第14日舉辦,是眾多被用來讚美吉爾伽所謂的仁慈、智慧、領袖能力、競技能力、以及軍事天才的聖日中最為重要的一個。這一聖日象徵着在恩利爾於-734 DR(恩瑟曆法元年)從恩瑟的王位上隱退之後,吉爾伽的加冕。在恩瑟各地,吉爾伽的神職人員會發起數不清的競技比賽。整個慶典的最高潮將是吉爾伽與某種傳奇般的野獸之間的、每年1次的摔跤決鬥,他們將戰鬥至一方死去。舉個例子,在 王子之年Year of the Prince(1357 DR),吉爾伽曾在恩瑟拉斯的海港中殺死了一隻龍龜,歡呼的人群(他們實際上在偷偷地為龍龜加油)從海灘上觀看了這一切。全靠了 伊西斯Isis拉曼Ramman 轉生體的竭盡全力,才使恩瑟拉斯城的港口免於在這場戰鬥中被徹底化為廢墟。
The Festival of the Assumption held on the 14th of Kythorn was the most important of numerous holy days that celebrated Gilgeam's supposed benevolence, wisdom, leadership, athletic prowess, and military genius. This holy day marked the coronation of Gilgeam upon the abdication of Enlil from the Untheric throne in -734 DR (Year 1 of the Untheric Calendar). Countless athletic events were sponsored throughout Unther by the clergy of Gilgeam. The highlight of the festival was the annual wrestling match to the death between Gilgeam and some legendary beast. In the Year of the Prince (1357 DR), for example, Gilgeam destroyed a dragon turtle in Unthalass's harbor while cheering crowds (who were secretly rooting for the dragon turtle) watched from the shore. Only the strenuous efforts of the incarnations of Isis and Ramman prevented the complete destruction of Unthalass's port district during the battle.

Over the centuries, the clergy of Gilgeam created an incredible list of daily religious ceremonies required of both the clergy and the populace that covered the length and breadth of human activity. However, almost all of them were routinely ignored except when in Gilgeam's presence. For centuries, a simple invocation of Gilgeam's name and a request for his wisdom before beginning any activity, significant or not, sufficed. In addition, when passing an idol of Gilgeam in the street (of which there were hundreds in Unthalass alone) every Untheric citizen was required to bow down in obeisance before continuing.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  永恆勝利金字神塔Ziggurat of Eternal Victory 位於恩瑟拉斯的宮殿區。這座金字塔的十六個階層被包裹在黃金、白銀、黃銅、以及其他貴金屬之下,一座由藍色琺瑯磚與黃金飾物建成的神廟位於金字塔頂端。在金字塔的邊緣上飾有眾多植物圖案的花紋,並鑲嵌着各種貴重石材。這座神殿高達800呎左右,是諸國度間最大的建築物之一。在金字塔的頂部,吉爾伽享受着極度頹廢的生活,而整個恩瑟匍匐於他的腳下。神廟的下層是由隧道與房間組成的複雜迷宮,高階牧師們在此維持着恩瑟官僚體系的運行。隨着這位殘虐神祗的死亡,永恆勝利金字塔遭到了洗劫與焚毀,但它的岩石框架仍舊遠遠高出恩瑟拉斯的其他廢墟。
The Ziggurat of Eternal Victory was located in the Palace District of Unthalass. A step pyramid whose 16 tiers were covered in gold, silver, brass, bronze, and other metals, it was capped by a shrine of blue-enameled brickwork and gold ornamentation. The edges of the Ziggurat were decorated with floral designs and studded with precious stones. Nearly 800 feet in height, it was one of the largest structures in the Realms. Gilgeam lived at the summit of the ziggurat in opulent decadence while Unther crumbled beneath him. The lower levels of the temple were honeycombed with tunnels and rooms from which the senior priests ran the entire country. What remained of the Ziggurat of Eternal Victory was sacked and burned following Gilgeam's death, but its stone framework still towers over the remnants of Unthalass.

  在吉爾伽死後,少數祭司在各地的叛亂中倖存了下來,逃往了一處位於 燃煙山脈Smoking Mountains 東南坡的隱秘要塞。黑燼堡Citadel of Black Ash 是座漆黑的要塞,奴隸們在此地深處被強迫開採寶石以及貴重金屬,而嚴酷的牧師們則整日忙於為逝去的主宰吟誦永無止境的輓歌,並謀劃着對恩瑟、穆爾霍蘭德Mulhorand闕森塔Chessenta、以及整個諸國度的復仇。吉爾伽的信徒已同一個龐大的火巨人部落,以及這片火山山脈的大量其它恐怖住民聯盟。在過去的數個月裡,他們的祈禱終於得到回應,而且也能夠再次獲得法術。雖然這些祭司認為自己已經成功地與吉爾伽溝通——他們認為其並未死去,而是遭到了放逐,但事實上,是 賽特Set 在秘密地授予他們法術,這位邪惡神祗試圖將自己的影響擴展至恩瑟。
Following Gilgeam’s death, a few of his priests survived the general rebellion and fled to a secret stronghold hidden in the eastern branch of the Smoking Mountains. The Citadel of Black Ash is a dark fortress filled with slaves forced to mine the depths for gems and precious metals and grim-faced priests who chant endless dirges to their fallen lord and plot revenge against the people of Unther, Mulhorand, Chessenta, and the Realms in general. The Gilgeamites have allied with a large clan of fire giants and numerous other monstrous inhabitants of the volcanic mountain chain. In the past few months their prayers have been answered, and they are being granted spells again. Although they believe they have contacted Gilgeam who they believe is not dead, but in exile, in fact their spells are being secretly granted by Set who seeks to expand his influence into Unther.

從屬組織Affiliated Orders:

  在神戰以前,曾有眾多的軍事團體侍奉着吉爾伽,但僅有少數最強大組織的殘部在他的毀滅中倖存,並在黑燼堡同吉爾伽教會的殘餘成員一同得到整編。戰爭與勝利之主Lords of War and Victory 被重組為一個精英團體,由超過200名的護教軍組成。除了負責守衛秘密要塞的大門以外,他們還會趁着夜色在山下的 黑燼平原Black Ash plains 進行各種軍事操演。這些戰士以他們所佩戴的烏木色調的鏈甲或全身板甲(根據職務)和打造為吉爾伽容貌的封閉頭盔而知名。
Prior to the Godswar, Gilgeam was served by a host of military orders. Only a small fraction of the most powerful order survived his destruction and regrouped in the Citadel of Black Ash with the surviving remnants of Gilgeam's clergy.The Lords of War and Victory have reformed into an elite order of over 200 crusaders. They guard the secret fortresses gates and drill at night on the Black Ash plains below* They are known for their ebony- hued scale mail or full plate armor (depending upon the situation) and full helms shaped in the image of Gilgeam's visage.

祭司的祭服Priesdy Vestments:

Priests of Gilgeam traditionally wore bronze-hued skirts that covered their lower torso and their upper legs and long, flowing, white, sleeveless robes trimmed with gold and silver ornamentation and belted at the waist. Most priests wore numerous tight, bronze armlets to emphasize their muscles. A small, ceremonial, golden mace was always worn at the waist and served as the holy symbol of the faith. Male priests dyed their hair blond and wore short beards. Female priests, who made up a small percentage of the clergy, grew long, golden tresses bound in an elaborate hairstyle or bun on top of their heads.

冒險裝束Adventuring Garb:

When adventuring, priests of Gilgeam added scale mail armor to their bronze skirts and abandoned their ceremonial robes. Although they were encouraged to dress practically, at all times they were expected to garb themselves in a fashion befitting their station.


專屬祭司Speciolty Priests(苛責者Martinets

  職業需求REQUIREMENTS:力量Strength 13,感知Wisdom 9,魅力Charisma 11
  關鍵屬性PRIME REQ.:力量Strength,感知Wisdom
  武器WEAPONS:硬頭錘Mace,木棍staff,投物棒staff sling,連枷flail
  防具ARMOR:最高達到並包括 鱗甲scale mail、青銅板甲bronze plate mail;無盾牌
  主修領域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,魅惑charm,戰鬥combat,元素elemental,守衛guardian,守序law,保護protection,召喚summoning,結界wards
  次要領域MINOR SPHERES:創造Creation,預言divination,死靈necromantic,時間time,戰爭war,氣候weather
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧師
  熟練需求REQ. PROFS:奔跑Running
  熟練獎勵BONUS PROFS:堅忍Endurance

  ❖ Only humans of Mulan ancestry can be martinets.

  ❖ Martinets with Strength scores of 18 may have exceptional Strength scores normally permitted only for warriors.

  ❖ Martinets may permanently add up to 2 points to their Strength score (or 20 exceptional Strength points) at 1st level. For every point (or 10 exceptional Strength points) they add to their Strength, however, they must subtract 2 points from their Wisdom score. They may choose to add no points to their Strength and take no Wisdom subtractions. They cannot reduce their Wisdom below 9.

  ❖ Martinets may take any nonweapon proficiency that has Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution as its relevant ability with no group crossover penalty. Hence, for example, charioteering would only require one nonweapon proficiency slot for them, not two.

  ❖在戰鬥中,苛責者可以使用武器,但他們會逐漸變得喜好摔跤,因為他們的神祗是如此沉迷於這種格鬥技巧。如果《玩家手冊》中關於摔跤的規則被採用的話,苛責者不必承受穿戴盔甲的懲罰,當進行摔跤的時候,他們將在攻擊檢定上獲得+2的獎勵。關於摔跤的具體介紹被列於戰鬥章節下面的非致命攻擊中的拳擊與摔跤。如果來自《完全戰士手冊》或《完全祭司手冊》的戰鬥技巧規則被採用的話,苛責者可以花費一個武器熟練空位來獲得對摔跤的擅長(而不是正常情況下的兩個,一個被用於戰鬥技藝,而另一個被用於摔跤),而作為此技巧的專家,他們將在攻擊檢定骰上獲得+2獎勵;而其他專精方面則完全相同於章節專精於摔跤的相關規則。如果依照來自《玩家指南: 戰鬥與戰術]]》的徒手格鬥規則,苛責者將在摔跤攻擊檢定骰上獲得+2獎勵,並相當於徒手格鬥章節下的摔跤部分所描述的專家摔跤手。
  ❖ Martinets can use weapons in combat but have grown to love to wrestle since their deity so strongly favors that pursuit. If the Player's Handbook rules for wrestling are used, martinets suffer no penalty for wearing armor and receive a +2 bonus to their attack rolls when wrestling. Wrestling is covered in the Combat chapter under Attacking without Killing in the Punching and Wrestling section. If the martial arts rules from The Complete Fighter's Handbook or The Complete Priests Handbook are used, martinets spend one weapon proficiency slot to specialize in wrestling (rather than the two normally required, one for martial arts and one for wrestling) and gain +2 to their attack roll as a specialist; all other aspects of specialization in wrestling work as in the section onSpecializing in Wrestling. If the unarmed combat rules from PLAYER's OPTION:Combat & Tactics are used, martinets receive a +2 bonus to their wrestling attack rolls and are otherwise expert wrestlers as discussed in the Wrestling section of the Unarmed Combat chapter.

  ❖每旬1次,苛責者能夠以自己為目標施展召喚 聖力術holy might(如同2級牧師法術)。
  ❖ Martinets may cast draty upon holy might (as the 2nd-level priest spell) on themselves once per tenday.

  ❖在第3級,每日1次,苛責者能夠以自己為目標施展 力量術strength(如同2級法師法術)。
  ❖ At 3rd level, martinets may cast strength (as the 2nd-levet wizard spell) on themselves once per day.

  ❖在第5級,每日1次,苛責者能夠以自己為目標施展 一人之力strength of one(如同3級牧師法術)。
  ❖ At 5th level, martinets may cast strength of one (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第7級,每日1次,苛責者能夠施展 行動自如free action(如同4級牧師法術)。
  ❖ At 7th level, martinets may cast free action (as the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第10級,每旬1次,苛責者能夠以自己為目標施展 力量之威right of might(如同5級牧師法術)。
  ❖ At10th level, martinets may cast right of might (as the 5th-level priest spell) on themselves once per tenday.

  ❖在第15級,每月1次,苛責者能夠施展 暴政術tyranny(如同7級牧師法術)。
  ❖ At 15th level, martinets may cast tyranny (as the 7th-level priest spell) once per month.

吉爾伽教派法術Gilgeamite Spells

4th Level

擲雷術Hurl Thunderbolt

  (祭司Pr 4;塑能Evocation)

  距離Range:30 碼 + 10 碼/級
  施法時間Casting Time:7
  影響區域Area of Effect:1 只生物
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:特殊

This spell enables a priest of Gilgeam to hurl a bolt of lightning from his or her upraised holy symbol to strike a single target. The bolt causes ld4 points of electrical damage per level of the priest to a maximum of 10d4. If the target succeeds at a saving throw vs. spell, the damage is halved.

In addition, the bolt unleashes a clap of thunder upon striking its target (or reaching the end of the spell range) that affects anyone within 30 feet of the thunderous noise. Everyone within range, including the target, must make a separate saving throw vs. spell. Success indicates the target is deafened for ld4 rounds. Failure indicates that the target is deafened for ld6 rounds and stunned (reeling and unable to act) for one round.

The material component for this spell is the priest's holy symbol.

5th Level

力量之威Right of Might

  (祭司Pr 5;變化Alteration,附魔/魅惑Enchantment/Charm)

  持續時間Duration:1 輪/級
  施法時間Casting Time:8
  影響區域Area of Effect:施法者
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:特殊

  這道法術結合了三種法術的效果: 變巨術enlarge力量術strength命令術command。它能夠令施法者變得更強大、更威嚴。
This spell combines the effects of three spells: enlarge, strength, and command . It enables the spellcaster to become more powerful and commanding.

  在施法時, 力量之威 將增強施法者的力量1d6點(或者,如果施法者是位苛責者或也是位勇士,增加18力量後的百分比)。這道法術不能賦予19或更多的力量,也不能與其它魔法增加的力量累積。
When cast, right of might increases the Strength of the spellcaster by ld6 points (or tenths of points after 18 Strength is attained if the spellcaster is a martinet or is also a warrior). This spell cannot confer a Strength of 19 or more, nor is it cumulative with other magic that adds to Strength.

This spell also causes the spellcaster and any equipment carried to grow by up to 10% per four levels of die caster (round down), increasing this amount in height, weight, and width. Hit points, Armor Class, and attack rolls do not change, but damage rolls increase proportionately with size. For example, a priest at 120% of normal size hits with a mace and rolls a 6 for damage. The adjusted damage roll is 8 (that is,6xl.2=7.2, rounded up). Bonuses due to Strength (except as noted above), class, and magic are not altered.

  最後,這道法術令這位祭司能夠以單一的單詞命令另一位生物,等同於1級祭司法術 命令術 的效果。每3個祭司等級(向上取整)可以發布一道這樣的 命令,直到最大值的6道。並不必需將所有可用的 命令 效果用完,但在當最後一道可用的 命令 被發布出來時,即便法術的持續時間還未到, 力量之威 法術也將自動終結。
Finally, this spell enables the priest to command another creature with a single word, with identical effects to the 1st-level priest spell command . One such command can be issued for every three levels of the priest (rounding up) to a maximum of six. Only one command may be issued per round and commands may be issued at any time while the right of might spell is in effect. It is not necessary to employ all the available command effects, but on the utterance of the last available command, the right of might spell automatically ends, even if the spell duration is not yet finished.

The material component of this spell is the priest's holy symbol.

7 th Level


  (祭司Pr 7;附魔/魅惑Enchantment/Charm)

  持續時間Duration:1 輪/級
  施法時間Casting Time:1 輪
  影響區域Area of Effect:120 呎半徑
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:特殊

  類似於 統治權杖rod of rulership,這道法術在施展時,將讓這位祭司能夠獲得影響區域內的的服從和忠誠。他可以控制共計200到500個生命骰(或經驗等級)的生物,但如果生物具有不低於 15 的智力和不低於 12 的生命骰/等級,則該生物則可以進行對抗法術的豁免檢定。被統治的生物會遵從這位祭司的統治,就像他/她是他們的絕對君主般。然而,如果持用者下達了與生物的天性完全相反的命令,那麼魔法就會失效。
Similar in effect to a rod of rulership, this spell enables the priest to command obedience and fealty within the area of effect when cast. From 200 to 500 Hit Dice (or levels of experience) can be ruled, but creatures with 15 or greater Intelligence and 12 or more Hit Dice/levels are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell. Ruled creatures obey the priest as if she or he were their absolute sovereign. Still, if the priest gives a command that is absolutely contrary to the nature of the creatures commanded, the magic is broken.

Priests who employ this spell contrary to the wishes of Gilgeam find their god's displeasure forcefully expressed in the immediate future, as adjudicated by the DM.

The material components of this spell are the priest's holy symbol and a small golden circlet worth at least 250 gp. The latter is placed on the priest's head prior to the casting of the spell and vanishes at the spell's conclusion.
