哈娜莉·瑟拉妮尔Hanali Celanil,金心女士 | |
基本信息 | |
【音 标】 | HAN-uh-lee SELL-uh-nihl |
【别名/面相】 | 安格芮丝Angharradh |
【头 衔】 | 金之心The Heart of Gold,迷人玫瑰Winsome Rose,爱情射手Archer of Love,浪漫之吻Kiss of Romance,金心女士Lady Goldheart |
【阵 营】 | CG |
【神 力】 | I |
【神 职】 | 爱Love,浪漫romance,美beauty,美好与艺术fine art and artists |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | 席德瑞恩诸神the Seldarine |
【主 神】 | 柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian |
【盟 友】 | 埃彻提恩Eachthighern,伊莉丝翠Eilistraee,希劳拉妮Cyrrollalee,伊西斯Isis,黎尔拉Lliira,拉芮Lurue,密里尔Milil,夏芮丝Sharess,雪琳铎Sharindlar,席拉·佩莉萝尔Sheela Peryroyl,淑妮Sune,泰摩拉Tymora,维拉内斯特Verenestra,席德瑞恩诸神the Seldarine |
【敌 对】 | 班恩Bane,希瑞克Cyric,伊莎芭拉Eshebala,摩安多Moander,莎尔Shar,塔洛娜Talona,塔洛斯Talos 和 狂怒诸神the gods of fury(欧吕尔Auril,玛拉Malar,安博里Umberlee),卓尔神系the drow pantheon(除了 伊莉丝翠Eilistraee) |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | 奔放之野Arborea/1th 奥林匹斯Olympus/阿梵多国度Arvandor |
【徽 记】 | 黄金之心Heart of gold |
【简 介】 | 哈娜莉·瑟拉妮尔Hanali Celanil 是精灵的爱与美之女神,三位一体女神之一,她与多位神职相似的女神围绕永金池形成了某种联盟。她与众多精灵神祇发生过浪漫关系,包括费马罗。 |
2eFR<Demihuman Deities.p114>哈娜莉·瑟拉妮尔Hanali Celanil
哈娜莉·瑟拉妮尔Hanali Celanil
(金之心The Heart of Gold,迷人玫瑰Winsome Rose,爱情射手Archer of Love,浪漫之吻Kiss of Romance,金心女士Lady Goldheart)
奔放之野中等神力Intermediate Power of Arborea,
神职PORTFOLIO:爱Love,浪漫romance,美beauty,美好与艺术fine art and artists
神域名DOMAIN NAME:奥林匹斯Olympus/阿梵多国度Arvandor
主神SUPERIOR:柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian
盟友ALLIES:埃彻提恩Eachthighern,伊莉丝翠Eilistraee,希劳拉妮Cyrrollalee,伊西斯Isis,黎尔拉Lliira,拉芮Lurue,密里尔Milil,夏芮丝Sharess,雪琳铎Sharindlar,席拉·佩莉萝尔Sheela Peryroyl,淑妮Sune,泰摩拉Tymora,维拉内斯特Verenestra,席德瑞恩诸神the Seldarine
敌对FOES:班恩Bane(消逝dead),希瑞克Cyric,伊莎芭拉Eshebala,摩安多Moander(消逝dead),莎尔Shar,塔洛娜Talona,塔洛斯Talos 和 狂怒诸神the gods of fury(欧吕尔Auril,玛拉Malar,安博里Umberlee),卓尔神系the drow pantheon(除了 伊莉丝翠Eilistraee)
徽记SYMBOL:黄金之心Heart of gold
信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN
哈娜莉·瑟拉妮尔Hanali Celanil(“读作HAN-uh-lee SELL-uh-nihl”)是精灵的爱情、浪漫与美丽之神。金心女士Lady Goldheart 大多被描述为女性,不过在罕见的情况下,据说她也采取过男性形态。她的追随者们包括精灵手艺人(尤其是雕刻家)、恋人、演员(尤其是吟游诗人和歌者)、以及贵族。金心女士也因带来了令半精灵的双亲喜结良缘的爱情,而被那些在幸福欢乐的结合中诞生的半精灵广泛崇敬。哈娜丽与 永金池Evergold 密切相关,那是一座神圣的水晶喷泉和池塘,位于她在 阿梵多国度Arvandor 的水晶宫中。她将永金池平静的湖面作为一颗巨大的水晶球使用,以此看顾她的追随者们,据说精灵创造的 爱情灵药philters of love 便包含这座喷泉的水。
Hanali Celanil (HAN-uh-lee SELL-uh-nihl) is the elven goddess of love, romance, and beauty. Lady Goldheart is predominantly depicted as female, although on rare occasions it is said that she has taken male form. Hanali is revered especially by gold elves and moon elves. Her followers also include elven artisans (particularly sculptors), lovers, performers (particularly bards and dancers), and nobles. Lady Goldheart is also widely revered by half-elves born of joyous unions, in honor of the love that brought their parents together. Hanali is closely associated with Evergold, a sacred crystal fountain and pool found within her crystal palace in Arvandor. She keeps watch over her followers by using the placid waters of Evergold as an immense crystal ball, and philters of love created by elves are said to contain drafts of this fountain's waters.
哈娜莉既是 安格芮丝Angharradh 的一尊面相,也是共同形成了 三位一体女神the Triune Goddess 的三位女神(其余两位为 艾德莉·法恩雅Aerdrie Faenya 和 莎罕妮·月弓Sehanine Moonbow)之一。哈娜丽与 席德瑞恩诸神the Seldarine 的每位成员(尤其是 艾瑞汶·伊拉希尔Erevan Ilesere)都有过浪漫的过往,然而,她仍然与几乎她所有过往和当前的追求者都同等地保持着友好。唯一值得注意的例外是 费马罗·莫斯德林Fenmarel Mestarine,不过他和金心女士仍然保持着正式的联盟。孤狼The Lone Wolf 对哈娜丽在抛弃他很久前就已移情艾瑞汶·伊拉希尔这一事实感到厌恶,有些人相信是哈娜莉的水性杨花驱使费马罗投入了 罗丝Lolth(阿罗诗Araushnee)的怀抱。
Hanali is both an aspect of Angharradh and one of the three elven goddesses-the other two being Aerdrie Faenya and Sehanine Moonbow - who collectively form the Triune Goddess. This duality tightly binds Hanali with the two other senior elven goddesses, and the three collectively serve alongside Corellon in leading the Seldarine. Hanali has been romantically involved with nearly every member of the Seldarine, particularly Erevan Ilesere, yet she remains amicable with nearly all of her current and former suitors alike. The only notable exception is Fenmarel Mestarine, although he and Lady Goldheart are still formally allied. The Lone Wolf resents the fact that Hanali spurned him long ago in favor of Erevan Ilesere, and some believe that Hanali's fickleness was what drove Fenmarel into the embrace of Lolth (Araushnee).
哈娜莉与人类女神 淑妮Sune、半神力 夏芮丝Sharess 以及几位不在 诸国度the Realms 中受崇拜的其她女神分享着永金池之水。在 火发女士Lady Firehair 与金心女士之间在人类vs.精灵之美哪一方更天生丽质上,存在着友好但激烈的竞争。哈娜莉与人类女神夏芮丝、尤其是她作为 赞蒂拉Zandilar 的面相关系亲密,因为 舞者the Dancer 曾经是 攸尔the Yuir 精灵们的一位精灵女半神,她的精力更偏向于激情、肉体的爱,这爱总是燃烧地炽热而迅猛、却终将归于熄灭。虽然 维拉内斯特Verenestra(树精、水妖精、以及风精的守护神)更多会嫉妒并自命不凡地避免与其她美丽、爱情或浪漫女神发生联系,但哈娜莉善良的天性和对生命的欢庆终究终究征服了 橡树公主the Oak Princess,使双方缔结了稳固的友谊。金心女士积极地对抗那些毁灭美丽与爱情(例如罗丝和 塔洛斯Talos)、或是滋养着痛苦与悲哀(例如 莎尔Shar)的神力。哈娜莉对 狐女女王the Queen of the Foxwomen 伊莎芭拉Eshebala 怀着深切的恨意,这种仇恨根植于后者为自私自利、自负虚荣以及堕落享乐的理由,而对美丽与爱情的剥削利用。
Hanali shares the waters of Evergold with the human goddess Sune, as well as the demipower Sharess and several other goddesses of pantheons not worshiped in the Realms. A friendly but intense rivalry exists between Lady Firehair and Lady Goldheart over the innate superiority of human vs. elven beauty. Hanali is close to the human goddess Sharess, particularly in her aspect as Zandilar, as the Dancer was once an elven demigoddess of the Yuir elves whose energy was directed toward passionate, physical love that burns hot and quickly but eventually dies out. While Verenestra (the patron goddess of dryads, nymphs, and sylphs) is rather jealous and snobbishly avoids contact with other goddesses of beauty, love, or romance, Hanali's kind nature and joyous celebration of life have finally won over the Oak Princess, making the two fast friends. Lady Goldheart actively opposes the efforts of those powers who would destroy beauty and love (such as Lolth and Talos) or who nurture bitterness and heartache (such as Shar). Hanali's deep enmity for Eshebala, the Queen of the Foxwomen, is rooted in the latter's exploitation of both beauty and love for her own self-serving, vain, and hedonistic reasons.
Hanali is a being of timeless beauty and benign nature, who always forgives minor transgressions and delights in rewarding her followers with the bliss of unexpected love and affection. She embodies romance, beauty, love, and joy in elven spirits, her only flaws being her own mild vanity and flighty nature. Although she rarely appears to her faithful, Hanali delights in seeing the growth of love among elves, and her avatar often acts in secret to protect young lovers.
哈娜莉的化身Hanali's Avatar
(巫师Mage 33,牧师Cleric 30)
Hanali appears as a beautiful elven maiden, clad in a short dress or gown of white and gold. She is always barefoot and wears gold anklets and toe rings. She favors spells from the spheres of all, animal, chaos, charm, creation, plant, and sun and from the schools of abjuration, enchantment/charm, and illusion/phantasm, although she can cast spells from any sphere or school.
防御等级 -4;移动 15;生命值 169,零级命中值 2;#攻击 1次
伤害 1d10+1(接触,+1 力量)
魔抗 85%;体型 中型M(5.5英尺高)
力量 16,敏捷 22,体质 19,智力 21,感知 20,魅力 25
法术 祭司P:12/12/11/11/9/9/8,法师W:7/7/7/7/7/7/7/7/7
豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 3;石化或变形 5;喷吐武器 7;法术 4
AC -4; MV 15; HP 169; THAC0 2;#AT 1
Dmg 1d10+1 (touch,+1 STR)
MR 85%; SZ M (5 1/2 feet tall)
STR 16, DEX 22, CON 19, INT 21, Wis 20, CHA 25
Spells P:12/12/11/11/9/9/8, W:7/7/7/7/7/7/7/7/7
Saves PPDM 2, RSW 3, PP 5, BW 7, Sp 4
特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:
虽然她并不挥舞物质武器,但哈娜莉的美丽同时为她提供了其主要的武器和防御力量。就像一位水妖精,金心女士的美丽足以致盲甚至致死。在她选择如此做的任何轮中,哈娜莉能显现一道 水妖精之美nymph's beauty(见下文法术条目)。同样地,无论她是否选择显现一道 水妖精之美,任何位于哈娜莉60英尺内的生物都必须每轮成功进行一次-4罚值的对抗法术豁免检定(对异性的罚值为-8),否则将被永久魅惑,而无法攻击她。若在过去一天中金心女士曾沐浴在永金池的水中,这些豁免检定的罚值将分别提升到-6和-12。哈娜莉的魅惑能力是如此强大,以至于甚至是其祂化身和通常免疫魅惑的生物也将受到影响(但它们可以得到一次豁免检定)。
While she wields no physical weapons, Hanali's beauty serves as both her primary weapon and her defense. Like a nymph, Lady Goldheart's beauty can blind or even kill. In any round she so chooses, Hanali can manifest a nymph's beauty (see the spell section below). Likewise, whether she chooses to manifest a nymph's beauty or not, any being within 60 feet of Hanali must make a successful saving throw vs. spell with a -4 penalty each round (a -8 penalty for beings of the opposite gender) or be permanently charmed, unable to attack her. If Lady Goldheart has bathed in the waters of Evergold within the past day, these saving throw penalties increase to -6 and -12, respectively. Hanali's charm abilities are so powerful that even other avatars and creatures normally immune to charm are subject to their effects (but they do receive a saving throw).
哈娜莉只能被+2或更好的魔法武器击中,并且随意使用,她能施展 次元门dimension door 或 植物之门plant door。在其未进行近战的轮中,她能施展两道任何她所记忆的法术。她戴着一枚 隐形戒指ring of invisibility 和一枚 行动自如戒指ring of free action。随意使用,每轮1次,金心女士能创造一只镶金圣杯(价值5000gp),其中装满2剂 爱情灵药。
Hanali can be struck only by +2 or better magical weapons, and she can cast dimension door or plant door at will. In a round that she makes no melee attacks, she can cast any two spells she has memorized. She wears a ring of invisibility and a ring of free action. At will, once per round, Lady Goldheart can create a bejeweled golden chalice (5000 gp value) filled with two drafts of a philter of love.
其祂显现Other Manifestations
哈娜莉也能显现为一团柔和的玫瑰色灵光,包裹着某只生物或某件物品。当哈娜莉的灵光笼罩一位精灵、半精灵、或是妖精或 喜乐王庭the Seelie Court 的生物时,在面对异性成员时,他/她的魅力将提升2点。这种光辉也如一道 友善术friends 法术般运作,影响任何看见受眷生物美丽容貌的生物。虽然哈娜莉的光明通常将随着黄昏或黎明的到来而褪去,但精灵崇拜者可能(但一生不会超过一次)得到一次在魅力上的永久提升,这通常是作为对创造或保存一件美丽物品、进行了一场伟大的牺牲、或是为所爱之人完成了一项伟大任务的奖励。哈娜莉的显现也允许蒙受者在效果持续期间来 侦测浪漫情趣detect romantic interest。
Hanali can also manifest as a soft rose-hued nimbus of light that envelops a creature or object. When Hanali's aura envelops an elf, half-elf, or faerie or creature of the Seelie Court, his or her Charisma increases by 2 points with respect to members of the opposite gender. The radiant glow also acts as a friends spell, affecting any who behold the favored being's beauteous visage. While Hanali's glow usually fades with the coming of dusk or dawn, an elven worshiper may, no more than once during his or her lifetime, receive a permanent increase in Charisma, often as a reward for creating or preserving a beautiful object, making a great sacrifice, or completing a great quest for the benefit of a loved one. Hanali's manifestation also allows the recipient to detect romantic interest for the duration of the effect.
哈娜莉通过将它们转化为小心标识着她的徽记的艺术作品,来显现于普通物品中。一件受到金心女士如此祝福的物品将因它的优雅、美丽与艺术性而引人注目。除非这件物品遭窃取、损毁、或是以不荣誉的理由出售(在这类情况中,被转化的物品将恢复其正常状态),否则这种转化将是永久的。出售此类物品的可接受理由包括:筹措资金来让家人吃饱穿暖;以这件艺术品交换某人的生命或自由;或是其它类似的崇高目标。同样,若买家未能得到金心女士的认可,这件奖品可能将会变回初始状态,在卖家离开后的某个时刻、变成没有价值的东西。若被转化的物品是一只圣餐杯或是任何类型液体的容器,第一瓶被倒进去的圣水将被转化为一剂 爱情灵药。
Hanali manifests in common items by transforming them into works of art discreetly marked by her symbol. An item so blessed by Lady Goldheart is notable for its grace, beauty, and artistry. Such transformations are permanent unless the item is question is stolen, defaced, or sold for less than honorable reasons, in which case the transformed object reverts to its normal form. Acceptable reasons for selling such an object include raising money to feed and clothe one's family, trading the work of art in exchange for a person's life or freedom, or similar noble pursuits. Also, if the buyer does not meet Lady Goldheart's approval, the prize may transform back into the original, worthless object at some point after the seller has departed. If the transformed object is a chalice or container for liquids of any sort, the first vial of holy water poured into it transforms into a single draft of a philter of love.
席德瑞恩诸神召集 agathinon、阿修罗asura 和古树人作为祂们首选的仆人,但哈娜莉也被以下事物侍奉着:aasimar、aasimon、asrai、atomies、cath shee、cooshee、树精、einheriar、eladrins、electrum dragons、精灵猫、妖精龙、火翼星firestars、frosts、gorse、hamadryads、圣飞象、liholiathra、lillendi、水银龙、nereids、nixies、nymphs、oreads、皮克精、reverend ones、半羊人、海仙灵、喜乐妖精、sirines、sylphs、仙灵、stwingers、sunflies、titans、以及 tressym。她通过以下来展现她的眷顾:风铃草的叮当声、爱人的颊红、太阳浴、彩虹的突然出现、花朵突然的盛开、一场自然繁育力的丰饶、以及引导追随者到未被破坏的自然美景中。金心通过以下来预示她的不悦:短暂地在某件美丽的物品上投下阴影;创造一种对失去爱情或美好事物的、稍纵即逝的幻觉。
The Seldarine call on agathinon, asuras, and ancient treants as their preferred servants, but Hanali is also served by aasimar, aasimon, asrai, atomies, cath shee, cooshee, dryads, einheriar, eladrins, electrum dragons, elven cats, faerie dragons, firestars, frosts, gorse, hamadryads, hollyphants, liholiathra, lillendi, mercury dragons, nereids, nixies, nymphs, oreads, pixies, reverend ones, satyrs, sea sprites, seelie faeries, sirines, sylphs, sprites, stwingers, sunflies, titans, and tressym. She demonstrates her favor through the tinkling chimes of bellflowers, the heat of a lover's flush, sun showers, the sudden appearance of a rainbow, sudden spectacular blooming of flowers, an abundance of natural fertility, or by guiding followers to areas of unspoiled natural beauty. The Heart of Gold indicates her displeasure by briefly casting a shadow over an item of beauty or by creating a fleeting vision of the face of a lost love or an item of great beauty that has been lost.
教会The Church
神职人员CLERGY:牧师Clerics,秘术师mystics,专职祭祀specialty priests
神职阵营CLERGY'S ALIGN.:中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,混乱中立CN
驱散不死TURN UNDEAD:牧师C:可Yes;秘术师Mys:不可No;专职祭祀SP:可,祭司等级-2 Yes, at priest level -2
呵斥不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧师C:不可No;秘术师Mys:不可No;专职祭祀SP:不可No
哈娜莉的所有牧师(包括兼职的半精灵牧师)、秘术师、以及专属祭司得到 宗教知识religion(精灵elf)和 阅读/书写reading/writing(月精灵文Espruar)作为非武器熟练奖励。虽然并非一项绝对的要求,但绝少有哈娜莉的牧师魅力值低于15。
All clerics (including multiclassed half-elven clerics), mystics, and specialty priests of Hanali receive religion (elf) and reading/writing (Espruar) as bonus nonweapon proficiencies. Although it is not an absolute requirement, very few clerics of Hanali have a Charisma score below 15.
Hanali's church is widely regarded among all elven races, with the notable exception of the drow. Her church is very popular among gold elves, particularly young nobles, and Lady Goldheart is believed to oversee their endless galas, revels, and romances. Among moon elves, Hanali is seen as the most beautiful face of Angharradh in her guise as guardian of romantic love and cherished beauty. While Hanali's cult is small among green and winged elves, they see her as the embodiment of natural beauty found in the forest and atop the mountains. Likewise, while Lady Goldheart's church in aquatic elven communities is small, Hanali is given praise for the beauty of the undersea, with shrines dedicated to her in undersea grottoes and in shallow, crystal-clear seas among coral reefs. Although Hanali is not widely known outside of elven society, there is an intense rivalry between the followers of Lady Goldheart and those of Sune.
Temples of Hanali are bright and beautiful, with fountains and springs throughout and great gardens encircling the central chapel. Most of Lady Goldheart's houses of worship are designed with young lovers in mind, providing endless mazes of shady paths, babbling brooks, quiet pools, leafy bowers, and flowering hedgerows, so as to facilitate amorous trysts and romantic rendezvous. Interior chambers are designed so as to permit the entrance of the sun, moon, and gentle breezes. Many chambers display beautiful works of art, serving the local community as museums, while others are designed as great concert halls from which strains of music spill out into the surrounding gardens.
哈娜莉的初修士名为 美丽者the Beauteous。金之心的正式祭司名为 情人Paramours。依升序,哈娜莉教派Hanalian 祭司使用的头衔如下:鸽子Dove、求婚者Suitor、恋人Lover、浪荡者Libertine、温软的爱抚Soft Caress、心之所愿Heart's Desire、以及 炽热的激情Fiery Ardor。高阶祭司拥有独特的个人头衔。专属祭司名为 金心goldhearts。哈娜莉的神职人员包括金精灵(30%)、月精灵(28%)、半金精灵(17%)、半月精灵(15%)、野精灵(7%)、半野精灵(2%)、以及一小撮(1%)的黑暗精灵、海精灵、有翼精灵、以及祖先血统为她们的半精灵。哈娜莉的神职人员包括专属祭司(38%)、秘术师(32%)和牧师(包括兼职半精灵牧师)(30%),并几乎均分为女性(54%)和男性(46%)。
Novices of Hanali are known as the Beauteous. Full priests of the Heart of Gold are known as Paramours. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Hanalian priests are Dove, Suitor, Lover, Libertine, Soft Caress, Heart's Desire, and Fiery Ardor. High-ranking priests have unique individual titles. Specialty priests are known as goldhearts. The clergy of Hanali includes gold elves (30%), moon elves (28%), half-gold elves (17%), half-moon elves (15%), wild elves (7%), half-wild elves (2%), and a handful (1%) of dark elves, sea elves, winged elves, and half-elves of those ancestries. Hanali's clergy includes specialty priests (38%), mystics (32%), and clerics (including multiclassed half-elven clerics) (30%) and is nearly evenly split between females (54%) and males (46%).
Life is worth living because of the beauty found in the world and the love that draws twin hearts together. Nurture what is beautiful in life, and let beauty's glow enliven and brighten the lives of those around you. The greatest joy is the rapture of newfound love and the tide of romance that sweeps over those wrapped in its embrace. Seek out and care fore love wherever it takes root and bring it to its fullest bloom so that all may share in the joy and beauty it creates. Always give shelter and succor to young lovers, for their hearts are the truest guides to life's proper course.
日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:
Hanali's priests are flighty and somewhat vain, given to dancing and wild celebrations. The hierarchy is loosely organized, and priests are free to join or leave the church as they wish. Paramours preside over marriage and rites of passage ceremonies for young elves, although they are not required to marry, for Hanali's concern is love, not necessarily marriage. Members of Hanali's clergy spend their days cultivating beauty and love in all their myriad forms. Many of Lady Goldheart's priests tend fine gardens, while others amass personal or temple-based collections of gems, crystal sculptures, and other fine works of art. While things of gold and crystal, particularly jewelry and statues, are favored, beautiful art in any form is admired, collected, and displayed. Hanali's priests must always be finely dressed, and displaying one's personal beauty to its best advantage is a requirement of every priest of the Heart of Gold.
圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
虽然哈娜莉的祭司们常常进行临时的狂欢,但她们重大的典礼是在每月满月的明亮光华下举办的。这样的圣日被称为 心中的秘密Secrets of the Heart,因为浪漫将席卷参与者,据说这样的夜晚,她们将体验到情感的完全绽放,让她们能够评估自己感情的力量。类似的,司仪祭司们的内在美将在随后的日子里,作为在她们脸颊和眼中焕发的荣光,明显地显现出来。在这样的神圣典礼期间,将向金心女士奉上极其美丽的献祭品,其中的一些被卷入了阿梵多国度,另一些则被返还给了所有哈娜莉追随者来分享。艺术家们在这样的圣日公开他们最新近的作品的行为并不罕见,对于那些年轻的恋人而言在此时许下她们秘密的誓言、或是将其对所有人宣告,也绝非什么稀罕事,因为据说这样做将招致哈娜莉的眷顾。
While Hanali's priests are given to frequent impromptu revels, their greatest celebrations are held every month beneath the bright light of the full moon. Such holy days are known as Secrets of the Heart, for romantically involved participants are said to experience the full bloom of their affections on such nights, allowing them to evaluate the strength of their feelings. Likewise, the inner beauty of celebrants visibly manifests as a rosy glow in their cheeks and eyes for days thereafter. Offerings of objects of great beauty are made to Lady Goldheart during such holy festivals, some of which are swept into Arvandor while others are returned to be shared among all of Hanali's followers. It is not uncommon for artists to unveil their latest work at such holy days, nor is it rare for young lovers to either pledge their troth secretly or proclaim it to all assembled, for doing so is said to invite Hanali's favor.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
艾弗瑞斯卡谷The Vale of Evereska 坐落在 莎勒蒂姆the Shaeradim 之中,后者是一座范围位于 安奥罗克沙漠Anauroch 西部边缘、白骨战场the Battle of Bones 正北的小山脉。(人类们有时会使用 灰斗篷丘陵Graycloak Hills 来命名 艾弗瑞斯卡Evereska 周围的山脉,但这个说法更准确的情况是应用于下一组朝北的、也名为 坟丘the Tomb Hills 的山脉。这处谷地是片广阔的高山峡谷,在山谷的中心,有一圈小丘围成的内环。最高耸的三座山丘名为 姐妹丘the Sisters,环绕着艾弗瑞斯卡这座有围墙的城市、形成了一个基本等边的三角形。三座山丘中最高的山丘 钟冠丘Bellcrest 是哈娜莉神殿所在,那是一座由白色大理石和月石构筑的巨大建筑物,四周环绕的花园一年四季都有稀有的花朵而珍奇的果实。有着美貌的月精灵 哈玛莉塔·永恒之爱Hamalitia Everlove 领导着这座 闪金的喷泉之心The Fountainheart of Shimmering Gold,诸世纪以来这位月精灵的美丽在持续增长。除了用于展示艾弗瑞斯卡最伟大手艺人的作品、拥有许多来自 阿斯卡尔洪姆Ascalhom、叶尔兰王国Eaerlann、伊尔法兰王国Illefarn、迷斯·卓诺Myth Drannor、夏梵Sharrven 最伟大的艺术品外,这座神殿还是无数的婚礼、狂欢和舞蹈的举办地。
The Vale of Evereska is located amidst the Shaeradim, a small mountain range on the western edge of Anauroch, due north of the Battle of Bones. (Humans sometimes employ the nomenclature Graycloak Hills for the mountains surrounding Evereska, but that is more properly applied to the next set of hills to the north, also known as the Tomb Hills.) The Vale is a wide alpine valley with an inner ring of knolls surrounding the center of the valley. The three highest hills, known as the Sisters, form a fairly even triangle around the walled city of Evereska. The highest hill of the three, Bellcrest, is the site of Hanali's temple, an enormous structure of white marble and moonstone, surrounded by gardens that bloom year-round with rare flowers and exotic fruit. The Fountainheart of Shimmering Gold is led by the stunningly beautiful moon elf, Hamalitia Everlove, whose beauty has continued to increase over the centuries. The temple has housed countless Evereskan weddings, revels, and dances, and in addition to displaying works of Evereska's greatest artisans, holds many greatest artistic treasures from Ascalhom, Eaerlann, Illefarn, Myth Drannor, and Sharrven.
在公园中心的一张低矮基座上,通过一座被玫瑰缠绕的黄杨木迷宫,矗立着一座以稀有的白色石头雕刻的女神神像。这座神像描绘的女神棱角分明,有着精致的五官,优雅的唇瓣弯曲露出会心的微笑,而她的嘴唇是杏仁形的。一只手指纤长的手安放在心口,而另一只则摸着她的一只尖耳,这种对女神的传统描绘,表现了她永远会倾听恋人的祈祷。阿姆尼特拉Amnestria(永聚岛女王阿姆拉瑞Queen Amlaruil Moonflower of Evermeet 的月精灵女儿)和 布罗恩·申科夫Bron Skorlsun(一位人类游侠和竖琴手)的爱情,结合阿姆尼特拉之 月刃moonblade 的魔法,创造了一扇从这座花园雕像通向 永聚岛Evermeet 的 异界之门gate。然而于 少女之年Year of Maidens(1361DR),在 丹尼洛·萨恩Danilo Thann与 艾莉琳·月刃Arilyn Moonblade(阿姆尼特拉与布罗恩的半精灵女儿),解决了 竖琴手暗杀者the Harper Assassin 制造的一系列谋杀案后,这位 深水人the Waterdhavian 花花公子将这扇 异界之门 的大陆终点站移到了 黑杖塔Blackstaff Tower。
On a low pedestal at the center of the gardens, accessed through a maze of rose-entwined boxwood, stands a statue of the goddess carved from rare white stone. The sculpture depicts Lady Goldheart with angular, delicate features, exquisite lips curved in a knowing smile, and almond-shaped lips. One long-fingered hand rests over her heart, and the other touches a pointed ear, a traditional portrayal of the goddess showing that she is ever receptive to the prayers of lovers. The love of Amnestria (moon elven daughter of Queen Amlaruil Moonflower of Evermeet) and Bron Skorlsun (a human ranger and Harper), combined with the magic of Amnestria's moonblade, created a gate from the base of the garden statue to the island of Evermeet. In the Year of Maidens (1361 DR), however, the gate s mainland terminus was moved to Blackstaff Tower in Waterdeep by Danilo Thann after the Waterdhavian dandy and Arilyn Moonblade, half-elf daughter of Amnestria and Bron, solved a series of murders by the Harper Assassin.
从属组织Affiliated Orders:
月光下幽会的女伴The Chaperones of the Moonlight Tryst,是一支由有着浪漫情怀的游荡者和游侠组成的团契,她们各自行动,从想要利用年轻精灵恋人的心不在焉或/和天真的人手中保护他们。这支愉快的队伍有时也会被召集起来,协助独对家族的恋人们秘密幽会、或是帮助他们悖家出走。月光下幽会的女伴常与当地哈娜莉神殿的祭司们亲密协作,因为那些被 爱情射手Archer of Love 的箭射中的人儿,通常会信任侍奉金心女士的人。
The Chaperones of the Moonlight Tryst are a fellowship of romantically inclined rogues and rangers who discretely safeguard young elven lovers from those who would take advantage of their distraction and/or innocence. Members of this merry band are also called on occasionally to facilitate secret meetings between lovers of rival houses or to aid them in eloping against their family's wishes. Chaperones of the Moonlight Tryst usually work closely with the priests of the local temple of Hanali, as those who serve Lady Goldheart often receive the confidences of those struck by the arrows of the Archer of Love.
祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
Hanali's priesthood pride themselves on the stunning beauty of their clerical vestments. Paramours wear golden robes sprinkled with gold dust, and they wear their hair long and unbound without any covering. Gold rings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, and earrings are common adornments. The holy symbol of the faith is either a miniature gold rose or a miniature gold stylized heart. Both forms of Hanali's holy symbol are often worn as a brooch or necklace.
冒险装束Adventuring Garb:
Hanali's priests are drawn to romantic quests like moths to a flame, and thus they take to adventuring more than one might otherwise expect. In dangerous situations, Hanali's followers must strike a balance between beauty and pragmatism. Paramours favor weapons and armor that are a beauty to behold, emphasizing the natural elven grace of their bearer, yet that also guard against any weapon strike or spell that might mar their natural beauty. As such, Hanali's priesthood prefer chainmail (of elven make if available), shields, and weapons unlikely to bring them into melee combat or to disfigure the appearance of an opponent.
专属祭司Specialty Priests(金心Goldhearts)
职业需求REQUIREMENTS:魅力Charisma 16,感知Wisdom 12
关键属性PRIME REQ.:魅力Charisma,感知Wisdom
武器WEAPONS:木棒Club,飞镖dart,连枷flail,套索lasso,钉头锤mace,刺人枪mancatcher,网net,铁头棍quarterstaff,投索sling,短弓short bow
防具ARMOR:皮甲Leather,链甲chain mail,精灵链甲elven chain mail,盾牌shield
主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,动物animal,混乱chaos,魅惑charm,创造creation,守卫guardian,治疗healing,死灵necromantic,植物plant,保护protection,太阳sun
次要领域MINOR SPHERES:预言Divination,结界wards,气象weather
魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师Same as clerics
熟练需求REQ. PROFS:礼仪Etiquette,草药学herbalism
熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:艺术才能Artistic ability,舞蹈dancing,唱歌singing
❖Goldhearts must be elves or half-elves. While most goldhearts are gold elves, moon elves, half-gold elves, and half-moon elves, elves and half-elves of every subrace are called to be specialty priests of Hanali's clergy.
❖Goldhearts are not allowed to multiclass.
❖每日1次,金心能施展 友善术friends(如同1级法师法术)。
❖Goldhearts can cast friends (as the 1st-level wizard spell) once per day.
❖在第3级,每日1次,金心能施展 魅惑人类charm person(如同1级法师法术)在异性身上。金心的魅力每比16高一点,目标在其豁免检定骰上将受到-1惩罚(17点时-1,18点时-2,以此类推)。
❖At 3rd level, goldhearts can cast charm person (as the 1st-level wizard spell) on someone of the opposite gender once per day. The target receives a -1 penalty on his or her saving throw for every point of Charisma the goldheart has above 16 (-1 at 17,-2 at 18, etc.).
❖在第5级,每日1次,金心能施展 注目术enthrall(如同2级祭司法术)。
❖At 5th level, goldhearts can cast enthrall (as the 2nd-level priest spell) once per day.
❖At 7th level, goldhearts receive a +1 bonus to their Charisma scores. They receive another +1 bonus at 15th level, and a third +1 bonus at 20th level. Their Charisma scores cannot exceed 25 by this method.
❖在第7级,每日1次,金心能施展 欧提路克弹力法球Otiluke's resilient sphere 或 虹彩图纹rainbow pattern(如同4级法师法术)。
❖At 7th level, goldhearts can cast Otiluke's resilient sphere or rainbow pattern (as the 4th-level wizard spells) once a day.
❖在第10级,每日1次,金心能施展 魅惑怪物charm monster(如同4级法师法术)或 魔法池magic font(如同5级祭司法术)。
❖At 10th level, goldhearts can cast charm monster (as the 4th-level wizard spell) or magic font (as the 5th-level priest spell) once per day.
❖在第13级,每旬1次,金心能制造一剂 爱情灵药philter of love。
❖At 13th level, goldhearts can make a philter of love once per tenday.
❖在第15级,每旬1次,金心能施展 虹光喷射prismatic spray(如同7级法师法术)或 治疗术heal(如同6级祭司法术)。
❖At 15th level, goldhearts can cast prismatic spray (as the 7th-level wizard spell) or heal (as the 6th-level priest spell) once per tenday.
哈娜莉教派法术Hanalian Spells
1st Level
占卜浪漫情趣Divine Romantic Interest
(祭司Pr 1;预言Divination)
施法时间Casting Time:1轮round
影响区域Area of Effect:接触的生物Creature touched
豁免检定Saving Throw:通过则无效Neg.
This spell enables the priest to divine the existence and subject (or subjects) of the unspoken love, crush, or romantic interest of the first creature touched by the caster. A successful saving throw vs. spell by an unwilling target prevents the caster from learning the identity of the romantic interest, but conveys to the caster whether or not the target harbors any such secret affections at the time of the spell is cast.
奇怪的是,这道法术并不能揭示任何其他生物是否心怀着对施法者本人的兴趣。神学家们推测 金心女士Lady Goldheart 希望即便是她最虔诚的追随者们,也会有意想不到的爱来敲门。
Curiously, this spell does not reveal whether or not any other creature harbors romantic interest toward the caster. Theologians postulate that Lady Goldheart wishes to surprise even her most faithful followers with unexpected love.
5th Level
(祭司Pr 5;转化Alteration)
施法时间Casting Time:24 小时hours
影响区域Area of Effect:施法者The caster
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
这道法术将创造施法者与一颗非常古老的橡树(至少有100岁)之间的永久链接, 这非常像 树精dryad(或 树神hamadryad)与她的树的联结。这道法术的施法者将施法者灵魂的一部分投入了这棵树中,并永久地将其的生命力与树联系在了一起。这道以 树神之树 创造的连接只能被以 有限祈愿术limited wish 或 祈愿术wish 切断。
This spell creates a permanent link between the caster and a very old oak tree (at least 100 years of age), much like the bond between a dryad (or hamadryad) and her tree. The casting of the spell invests a portion of the caster's spirit within the tree and permanently bonds his or her life force with that of the tree. The link created by a hamatree spell can be severed only by means of a limited wish or wish.
一旦施展,施法者能在字面意义上踏入任何活着的、健康的树,并 次元门dimension door 到与她联结的橡木。类似的,她能使用 植物交谈术speak with plants 来与任何与她处于身体接触的树沟通。
Once cast, the caster can literally step through any living, healthy tree and dimension door to the oak tree with which she or he is bound. Likewise, she or he can use speak with plants to communicate with her tree whenever in physical contact with it.
若需要,施法者能选择将所遭受的任何伤害转移到那棵大橡树上,最多达在施展这道法术时施法者的生命值。然而,任何将影响施法者的火焰伤害都将对树造成双倍伤害。这棵树需要2天的时间才能回复1点伤害,而这一过程只能通过 植物滋长plant growth 或 治疗术heal 法术加快,这两项的任意一种都能使得恢复过程达到每日1点伤害。根据橡树的年龄和尺寸,这棵树可能拥有7到12的生命骰,具体由DM裁决。
The caster can choose to transfer any damage she or he suffers to the great oak with which the priest is linked if desired, up to the number of hit points the caster had when casting the spell. However, any fire damage inflicts double the damage to the tree that would have affected the caster. It takes the tree two days to regenerate 1 point of damage, and this process can be hastened only by means of a plant growth or heal spell, either of which speeds the recovery process up to 1 point of damage per day. Depending upon the age and size of the oak, the tree may have between 7 and 12 Hit Dice, as determined by the DM.
The great drawback of this spell is that any damage inflicted on the oak with which the caster is bound is suffered equally by the caster (except for damage transferred by the caster), no matter where she or he may be. Upon the death of the caster, the tree dies immediately. Upon the death of the oak, the caster must immediately make a successful system shock roll or die.
The verbal and somatic components of this spell require the caster to spend the entire casting time in contact with the chosen tree while singing to awaken its slumbering spirit. This spell can be cast only once in the lifetime of the caster.
7th Level
水妖精之美Nymph's Beauty
(祭司Pr 7;附魔/魅惑Enchantment/Charm)
持续时间Duration:2 回合turns
施法时间Casting Time:1 轮round
影响区域Area of Effect:特殊Special
豁免检定Saving Throw:通过则无效Neg.
This spell grants the caster the beauty of a nymph and its attendant dangers. Both male and female casters can employ this spell, each able to affect both genders equally.
在法术持续时间内凝视施法者的观察者,除非进行了成功的对抗法术豁免检定,否则将永久失明。(这种失明能被 治疗术heal 法术、有限祈愿术limited wish 或 祈愿术wish 治愈,但 治愈聋盲cure blindness or deafness 无能为力。)若施法者在施法过程中已经赤裸或是脱光,她能从以下两种备选中作出选择:无意识(4d6轮)或死亡。观察者必须进行成功的对抗法术豁免检定,否则将屈服于这位祭司在施法时所选择的效果。
Observers gazing upon the caster during the spell's duration are permanently blinded unless they make successful saving throws vs. spell. (This blindness can be cured by a heal spell,limited wish, or wish, but not by cure blindness or deafness.) If the caster is already nude or disrobes during the casting, she or he can choose between the following two alternative effects:unconsciousness (4d6 rounds) or death. Observers must make successful saving throws vs. spell or succumb to the effect chosen by the priest upon casting the spell.
This spell functions effectively in any lighting conditions except near or total darkness.
The material components are the priest's holy symbol and the tear of a nymph that is placed on the tongue during casting and vanishes upon completion.