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【头   衔】元素大君Archomental,阴燃公爵the Smoldering Duke,烟元素生物亲王the Prince of Smoke Creatures
【阵   营】N
【神   力】N
【神   系】元素大君Archomental
【主   神】
【神   国】烟侧元素位面Para-elemental Plane of Smoke窒息宫the Choking Palace
【简   介】与除克里欧那克斯外的所有准/侧元素亲王一样,阴燃公爵the Smoldering Duke 埃卡克Ehkahk 也并非上古元素之神的后裔,而只是个自封的家伙。



2ePS<The Inner Planes.p086>烟侧元素位面The Paraelemental Plane of Smoke(节选)


Few denizens of the Paraelemental Plane of Smoke can be classed as individuals of real power. To be sure, no actual powers dwell here, though at least one proxy keeps his eye trained upon the plane.

  这个名曰 阴燃公爵the Smoldering Duke 埃卡克Ehkahk 的生物是一只相当有脑子和魅力的魔蝠。虽然并不比同辈明显更强,但他的敏锐头脑使他能够说服许多其它人——包括侧元素,甚至是几只火神怪和气神怪——举起他的旗帜。
EHKAHK. The creature known as Ehkahk, the Smoldering Duke, is a smoke mephit of considerable intelligence and charisma. Although not markedly more powerful than his peers, his keen mind has enabled him to persuade a great many others-including paraelementals and even a few efreet and djinn-to take up his banner.

Ehkahk's ultimate goals, if any, are unknown. He seems to be interested in expanding his influence in the paraplane, but he doesn't appear to be in any real hurry to do so. Further, he shows no apparent interest in events that do not take place in Smoke.

4e<The Plane Below.p146>埃卡克Ehkahk


  Level 25 精英控制者Elite Controller(首领Leader)
  小型类人元素Small elemental humanoid(气air,火fire)
  XP 14,000
  先攻Initiative +16
  感官Senses 洞察Perception +22
  烟雾光环Suff ocating Fume aura 2;每个进入或在其回合开始时身处光环中的活物,都将开始不受控制地咳嗽。直至下回合开始前,它将承受近战优势并使其不能使用复原力。each living enemy that enters or starts its turn within the aura begins to cough uncontrollably. Until the start of its next turn, it grants combat advantage and cannot spend healing surges.
  HP 464;重伤Bloodied 232
  AC 39;强韧Fortitude 35,反射Reflex 39,意志Will 37
  免疫Immune 疾病disease,火焰fire
  豁免检定Saving Throws +2
  速度Speed 6,飞行fly 6(悬停hover)
  行动点Action Points 1

(基础近战)灰烬之刺Ashen Rapier(标准standard;随意at-will) ◆武器Weapon

   +29 vs. 反射;2d10+10伤害,并且埃卡克向目标滑动1格,并且作为一个自由读作,可以在随后再移动1格。
+29 vs. Reflex; 2d10 + 10 damage, and Ehkahk slides the target 1 square and can then shift 1 square as a free action.

(基础远程)灰烬之翎Ashen Plume (标准standard;随意at-will) ◆火焰Fire,毒素Poison

  射程15;1~3个目标生物;+29 vs. 强韧;1d10+10火焰和毒素伤害,并且目标将被致盲(豁免结束)。
Ranged 15; targets one or two creatures; +29 vs. Fortitude; 1d10 + 10 fire and poison damage, and the target is blinded (save ends).

(远程)窒息犬舍Choking Kennel(次要minor;当第一次重伤时充能recharges when first bloodied)

  四头 烟雾猎犬smoke hounds(见下)出现,它们将分别位于埃卡克15格范围内空位上。烟雾猎犬将在埃卡克的先攻计数后立即开启它们的回合。它们会一直存在,直至被杀或埃卡克以自由动作将它们解散,或直至遭遇战结束。角色不会因为杀死由此异能召唤出的烟雾猎犬,而获得经验值。
Four smoke hounds (see below) appear, each in an unoccupied space within 15 squares of Ehkahk. The smoke hounds take their turns immediately after Ehkahk’s initiative count. They remain until they are killed, until Ehkahk uses a free action to dismiss them, or until the end of the encounter. Characters do not gain experience points for killing smoke hounds summoned by this power.

(远程)飞灰湮灭Consuming Smoke(标准standard;充能⚃ ⚄ ⚅)◆火焰Fire,毒素Poison,传送Teleportation

  射程15;1~3个目标生物;+31 vs. 强韧;1d10+10火焰伤害,且直到埃卡克的下一回合开始前,目标都将灰飞烟灭。目标将以俯卧的姿势重现在埃卡克所选择的格子,其范围为埃卡克身边的15格(不包括障碍地形),而埃卡克将进行以目标为中心、近距离爆发1的二次攻击。二次攻击:+28 vs.强人;3d10+10毒素伤害。直到埃卡克的下一回合开始前,爆炸区域内将被浓烟严重遮蔽。
Ranged 15; +31 vs. Fortitude; 1d10 + 10 fire damage, and the target disappears until the start of Ehkahk’s next turn. The target reappears prone in a space of Ehkahk’s choice within 15 squares of him that does not include hindering terrain, and Ehkahk makes a secondary attack that is a close burst 1 centered on the target. Secondary Attack: +28 vs. Fortitude; 3d10 + 10 poison damage. The area within the burst is heavily obscured by thick smoke until the start of Ehkahk’s next turn.

(爆发)驾驭烟雾Ride the Smoke(移动move;充能⚄ ⚅)◆传送Teleportation,领域Zone

Area burst 4 within 20; the burst creates a zone of thick smoke that lasts until the end of Ehkahk’s next turn. Ehkahk and each adjacent ally of his choice teleport to spaces of his choice within the zone. The zone’s area is heavily obscured to enemies.

(爆发)剧毒蒸汽Venomous Vapors(标准standard;遭遇encounter)◆火焰Fire,毒素Poison

  区域爆发1,射程15,不重叠;+28 vs. 反射;4d8+10火焰和毒素伤害,且目标将被致盲(豁免结束)。失手:伤害减半,目标将被致盲直至埃卡克下一回合结束。
Three area bursts 1 within 15 that do not overlap; +28 vs. Reflex; 4d8 + 10 fire and poison damage, and the target is blinded (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the target is blinded until the end of Ehkahk’s next turn.

  阵营Alignment 无阵营Unaligned
  语言Languages 通用语Common,巨人语Giant,荒神语Primordial
  技能Skills 神秘Arcana +26,唬骗Bluff +25,交涉Diplomacy +25,洞察Insight +22
  力量Str 13(+13) 敏捷Dex 19(+16)  感知Wis 21(+17)
  体质Con 24(+19) 智力Int 28(+21)  魅力Cha 26(+20)
  装备Equipment 灰烬轻剑ashen rapier

  在 元素混沌the Elemental Chaos 的一片偏远地区,从黑云的地基中升起了一座由不平整墙壁和锯齿状塔楼组抽的堡垒。路人可能会误以为这座建筑是 气神怪djinns 的堡垒,但仔细观察会发现,它似乎是由灰黑色的钢铁建造的。这片云层实际上是滚动、燃烧着的烟积云。这便是 窒息宫the Choking Palace(更多细节见72页),阴燃公爵the Smoldering Duke 埃卡克Ehkahk 的家和宫殿。
LOOMING IN AN OBSCURE REGION of the Elemental Chaos, a fortress of uneven walls and jagged towers rises from a foundation of black clouds. A passerby might mistake this structure for a bastion of the djinns, but on close examination it seems to be constructed of ash-blackened steel. The clouds are in fact rolling banks of burning, suffocating smoke. This is the Choking Palace (described in more detail on page 72), home of Ehkahk, the Smoldering Duke, and his court.

Ehkahk is a gaunt creature, the height of a human child, with ash-gray skin. Smoke leaks constantly from his eyes and mouth, leaving trails in the air when he moves, and pours from his back, giving the impression of flexing wings. Those who take Ehkahk’s small size to mean he is no threat, though, rarely survive to repeat their mistake.

埃卡克的战术Ehkahk’s Tactics

  埃卡克宣称不屑于使用暴力,实际上却相当热衷于宣泄他的力量——尤其是对那些被认为对他缺乏尊重的家伙。他用 剧毒蒸汽venomous vapors 尽可能多地化解敌人,然后大肆破坏。最麻烦的敌人将成为 飞灰湮灭consuming smoke 的目标,并且他会释放犬舍对付移动之敌。埃卡克喜欢保持远程和高处位置,尽可能地利用 驾驭烟雾ride the smoke 能力。
Ehkahk claims to disdain violence but actually delights in exercising his abilities, particularly against those he deems disrespectful. He uses venomous vapors to neutralize as many enemies as possible, then wreaks havoc. The most troublesome foe becomes a target for consuming smoke, and he looses the choking kennel against enemies that are mobile. He prefers to remain at range and aloft, making use of ride the smoke when possible.

埃卡克的传闻Ehkahk Lore

  神秘学 DC 17:阴燃公爵埃卡克是个小而强大的毒烟生物,他在他的堡垒窒息宫中统治着一个宫廷。
  Arcana DC 17: Ehkahk, the Smoldering Duke, is a small but powerful creature of poisonous fumes who rules a court in his fortress, the Choking Palace.

  虽然他的领地(名曰 烟雾之地Fume)并不算广阔,他对其臣民也并不总是亲善以待,但他还是无情地保护着这个地方,反击入侵者。元素混沌的其它强权似乎承认它的统治;他定期向 黄铜之城the City of Brass焦炭圣殿the Charcoal Palace 派遣大使,甚至亲身拜访。
Although his domain, called Fume, is not large, and he does not always treat his subjects well, he protects the place mercilessly against attackers. The other powers of the Elemental Chaos seem to acknowledge his rule; he sends regular ambassadors to the Charcoal Palace in the City of Brass and occasionally visits there himself.

  神秘学 DC 26:没人能确定埃卡克的真实性质。不同的传说声称:他是一只智力得到了异常开发的元素;它是火神怪与气神怪的子嗣;甚至是某个被弑 荒神primordial 的子嗣或碎片。
Arcana DC 26: Nobody is certain of Ehkahk’s true nature. Different tales claim that he is an elemental who developed an abnormal degree of intelligence; the offspring of an efreet and a djinn; and even the child or a fragment of a slain primordial.

Ehkahk’s duchy is home to all manner of creatures, from near-mindless elementals to rogue efreets and djinn, and even a sizable population of natural beings. Any who lack a home are welcome in Ehkahk’s domain—as long as they’re willing to swear lifelong fealty to him.

  神秘学 DC 31:埃卡克似乎并不畏惧死亡。他不止一次在目击者前“被弑杀”后回到了他的宫廷。或许阴燃公爵是真的杀不死的,也可能是多位不同的个体顶替了它的头衔。
Arcana DC 31: Ehkahk seems to have no fear of death. He has more than once returned to his court after being “slain” in the sight of witnesses. Perhaps the Smoldering Duke is truly unkillable, or maybe multiple different individuals have taken on his title.

烟雾猎犬Smoke Hound

  Level 23 爪牙士兵Minion Soldier
  中型元素野兽Small elemental humanoid(气air,火fire)
  XP 1,275
  先攻Initiative +21
  感官Senses 洞察Perception +20;昏暗视觉low-light vision
  HP 1;失手的攻击永远无法伤害到一只这样的爪牙a missed attack never damages a minion.
  AC 37;强韧Fortitude 35,反射Reflex 37,意志Will 33
  免疫Immune 疾病disease;抗力Resist 30 火焰fire
  速度Speed 8

(基础近战)不屈啮咬Unyielding Bite(标准standard;随意at-will) ◆火焰Fire,毒素Poison

  +26 vs. 反射;9 火焰和毒素伤害,并导致目标被攫抓。当已经有生物被攫抓时,烟雾猎犬不能再发动 不屈啮咬unyielding bite。持续次级效果:烟雾猎犬将保持攫抓,对目标造成13点火焰伤害。
+26 vs. Reflex; 9 fire and poison damage, and the target is grabbed. The smoke hound cannot make unyielding bite attacks while it has a creature grabbed. Sustain Minor: The smoke hound sustains the grab, and the target takes 13 fire damage.

(近战)烟雾之舌Tongue of Smoke(标准standard;随意at-will) ◆火焰Fire,毒素Poison

  目标是被烟雾猎犬抓住的生物;+26 vs. 强韧;烟雾猎犬将以减半的移动速度移动其目标。
Targets a creature grabbed by the smoke hound; +26 vs. Fortitude; the smoke hound moves half its speed and moves the target with it.

坚握攫抓Unshakable Grasp

A creature grabbed by a smoke hound grants combat advantage until the grab ends.

  阵营Alignment 无阵营Unaligned
  语言Languages 能够理解 荒神语Primordial
  力量Str 22(+17) 敏捷Dex 26(+19)  感知Wis 18(+15)
  体质Con 21(+16) 智力Int 5(+8)  魅力Cha 11(+11)

烟雾猎犬的战术Smoke Hound Tactics

Smoke hounds use pack tactics when possible. When they are working alongside other creatures, they grab and hold foes to make them easier targets.

烟雾猎犬的传闻Smoke Hound Lore

  神秘学 DC 24:烟雾猎犬是 元素混沌the Elemental Chaos 的掠食者。虽然它们是危险的攻击者,但它们的半固态性质使其在战斗中非常脆弱。它们并不会说话,但能理解 荒神语Primordial,并常陪伴更聪明的主人一同战斗。阴燃公爵the Smoldering Duke 埃卡克Ehkahk 饲养了大量烟雾猎犬。
Arcana DC 24: Smoke hounds are predators of the Elemental Chaos. Although they are dangerous attackers, their semisolid nature makes them fragile in combat. They do not speak, but they understand Primordial and often fight alongside more intelligent masters. Ehkahk, the Smoldering Duke, keeps a large kennel of them.

遭遇团体Encounter Groups

Ehkahk travels with a retinue of guards or members of his court—not necessarily for protection, but because to do otherwise would belittle his status.

Level 25 遭遇Encounter(XP 37,250)

  1 名 气神怪风暴之剑djinn stormsword(level 24 士兵soldier,《怪物图鉴2Monster Manual 2》,第72页)
  1 名 气神怪云端跟踪者djinn cloudstalker(level 24 潜伏者lurker,第151页)
  1 名 火神怪燃步者efreet flamestrider(level 23 散兵skirmisher,MM第99页)
  1 名 风暴巨人storm giant(level 24 控制者controller,MM第124页)
  埃卡克Ehkahk(level 25 精英控制者Elite Controller)


  与4版游戏中其它许多生物和实体一样,阴燃公爵the Smoldering Duke 的历史可以追溯到本游戏的早期年代。然而,这个长寿的埃卡克却对D&D长期以来运行的故事、情节和冒险没啥影响。
Like many other creatures and entities in the 4th Edition D&D game, the Smoldering Duke has a history that reaches back into the early years of the game. Yet the long-lived Ehkahk has had little impact on D&D’s long-running stories, plots, and adventures.

  埃卡克最早出现在1版《位面手册Manual of the Planes》中,但仅在一个段落中列名。埃卡克的名讳在《异度风景战役设定集PLANESCAPE Campaign Setting》中再次出现,但相关信息极少。将阴燃公爵作为主要实体进行细节介绍的填充,这是首次。
Ehkahk initially appeared in the 1st Edition version of Manual of the Planes as a name dropped into a single paragraph. Ehkahk’s name resurfaced in the PLANESCAPE Campaign Setting, but little more was said about him. The details presented here flesh out the Smoldering Duke as a major entity for the first time.
