龙与地下城 Wiki





【音   標】fin-ell-ah
【舊   譯】艾曼狄賽因
【頭   銜】樹人王the Treant-King
【陣   營】CG
【神   力】I
【神   職】樹人treants,樹木trees,深奧而隱藏的魔法deep and hidden magic
【神   系】喜樂王庭The Seelie Court外廷the Outer Circle
【盟   友】喜樂王庭The Seelie Court柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian瑞里芬·萊勒菲Rillifane Rallathil索羅諾爾·杉嵐德瑞Solonor Thelandira貝爾凡·野遊者Baervan Wildwanderer
【敵   對】空暗女王The Queen Of Air And Darkness卡姬盧娜Cegilune
【神   國】喜樂王庭The Seelie Court外廷the Outer Circle
【徽   記】一對橡子pair of acorns
【簡   介】埃曼提恩基安Emmantiensien 是 世界之樹World Tree,握有一顆來歷不明的魔法球。埃曼提恩基安Emmantiensien (Emm-ann-tee-enz-ee-an)是一個遠遠更長的樹人語詞彙的縮寫,這個詞意為「一個甦醒地很慢、但在行動中卻有巨大威力的人」is a contraction of a much, much longer treantish word which means "one who is slow to rouse but is great in might when stirred to action."

2e<Monster Mythology.p122>埃曼提恩基安Emmantiensien(中等神Intermediate God)

  埃曼提恩基安Emmantiensien 是樹人的永恆神明。非常類似在許多神話中展現為智慧的永恆存在的 寰宇巨蛇World Serpents,埃曼提恩基安是一棵沒有時間起源的 世界之樹World Tree;他始終存在。埃曼提恩基安的根須盤卷着一顆由某些佚名而未知的神明創造的魔法水晶球上,樹人王the Treant-King 可以從這顆水晶球提取力量,而其祂森林神祇無法提取水晶的力量——甚至是 泰坦妮亞Titania 她本尊也是如此。
Emmantiensien is the timeless god of treants. Much as World Serpents appear in many myths as timeless beings of wisdom, so Emmantiensien is a World Tree who has no origin in time; he has always existed. The roots of Emmantiensien are curled about a magical crystal, fashioned by some unnamed and unknown god, and from this crystal the Treant-King can draw power which the sylvan deities can otherwise not employ, not even Titania herself.
[譯註:Emmantiensien (Emm-ann-tee-enz-ee-an) is a contraction of a much, much longer treantish word which means "one who is slow to rouse but is great in might when stirred to action."]

  埃曼提恩基安是 喜樂王庭the Seelie Court 的賢者。在他的化身的枝椏上玩耍的風中,他聆聽到了許許多多,他向鳴禽和妖精族裔敘說、他傾聽精靈和吟遊詩人的歌唱,他的根須扎地如此深,以至於他能聽見世界之心的深處里、生物們的低語喃喃。埃曼提恩基安從不會遺忘學到的東西,雖然他可能要花費很長時間進入意識覺知來檢索某些知識內容。他是寡言的,但當他開口時,整個王庭都將傾聽。
Emmantiensien is the sage of the Seelie Court. He hears much in the winds which play in the branches of his avatars, he speaks to the songbirds and faerie folk, he hears the songs of elves and bards, and his roots are so deep that he hears the murmurings of beings deep within the core of worlds. Emmantiensien never forgets anything he has learned, although he may take an age to retrieve some item of knowledge into conscious awareness. His words are few, but when he speaks, all the Court listens.

角色扮演指南Role-playing Notes:

  埃曼提恩基安是上古的深林地帶、那些首次出現在世界中的、強大魔法的地點的保護者。他的化身不眠地監視着這些地方,不過他們可能展現為蟄伏狀態。如果某片森林遭受了絕滅或重大破壞的威脅,他將派遣化身前往喚醒和帶領樹人加入戰鬥。化身們也會被派遣參加 樹人長老Elder Treants 的偉大會面,這樣的會議在大部分世界通常每世紀舉行1次、或是當情況迫使時舉行。
Emmantiensien is a protector of deep, ancient sylvan lands, those which were the first in worlds, places of powerful magic. His avatars watch over such places unsleepingly, although they may appear dormant. Emmantiensien will also send an avatar to rouse and lead treants into battle if a great forest or woodland is threatened with annihilation or major destruction. The avatars also participate in great meetings of Elder Treants which typically take place around once per century on most worlds, or when circumstances force such a meet.


  神職AoC:樹人treants,樹木trees,深奧而隱藏的魔法deep and hidden magic;
  徽記SY:一對橡子pair of acorns。
AL cg; WAL cg (treants); AoC treants, trees, deep and hidden magic; SY pair of acorns.

埃曼提恩基安的化身Emmantiensien's Avatar

  (德魯伊Druid 16)

The avatar appears as a tall treant with well-sheened bark. He can use wizard elemental (earth, water)spells as if they were priest spells of the same level.

  力量 19,敏捷 12,體質 19,
  智力 16,感知 21,魅力 19,
  移動 15,體型 超大型H(24呎),魔抗 65%,
  防禦等級 -4,生命骰 18,生命值 144,
  #攻擊 2次,零級命中值 5,傷害 6d6 + 7 x 2(拳擊)
  Str 19 Dex 12 Con 19
  Int 16 Wis 21 Cha 19
  MV 15 SZ H (24') MR 65%
  AC -4 HD 18 HP 144
  #AT 2 THAC0 5 Dmg 6d6 + 7 x 2 (fists)

特殊攻擊/防禦Special Att/Def:

  該化身免疫麻痹和所有附魔/魅惑和幻術/幻象法術。隨意使用,他能 動物交談術speak with animals植物交談術speak with plants凡火制御affect normal fires熄火術fire quench,並且他能根據自己的意願產生 植物滋長plant growth。隨意使用、每棵樹1輪,該化身能將120碼內的樹木 活化樹木animate tree 為普通樹人。每日3次,他也能召喚1英里內的2d4位樹人長老。每天,通過簡單的樹枝交織,該化身能將5級德魯伊的施法力量賦予1-4位樹人長老,持續1天。因為這位神明的根須盤繞着一處深厚的魔法源頭,所以該化身能利用其中的魔法,並每日1次施展 虹光噴射prismatic spray,每周1次,喚來一位 天命宿敵weird。無論如何,其化身在對抗基於火焰的攻擊的豁免-2,並遭受每傷害骰+1hp的傷害。
The avatar is immune to paralyzation and all enchantment/charm and illusion/phantasm spells. He can speak with animalsspeak with plantsaffect normal fires and fire quench at will, and create plant growth as he chooses. The avatar can animate tree,1 tree per round at will, within 120 yards as a normal treant. He can also summon 2d4 Elder Treants within one mile 3/day. Each day, the avatar can bequeath the spellcasting powers of a 5th-level druid upon one to four Elder Treants for one day, simply by interlocking branches. Because the roots of the god are curled around a deep magical source, the avatar can draw on the magic there and cast prismatic spray 1/day and call down a weird once per week. However, the avatar saves at -2 vs. fire- based attacks and suffers +1 hp per die of damage.
