龙与地下城 Wiki



【头   衔】塑世者The World-Shaper(阿斯格拉斯),暗影吞噬者Swallower of Shades,诸神之主Lord of the Gods,九面龙神the Ninefold Dragon,森罗谐和之龙the Concordant Dragon,永恒巨轮the Great Eternal Wheel,一切诸龙之造主the Creator of all dragonkind,沉眠深龙之父father of the Sleeping Deep Dragons
【阵   营】N,以及所有阵营
【神   力】G
【主   神】
【从   神】巴哈姆特Bahamut
【神   国】外层位面the Outer Planes
【徽   记】乳白星云之上的极星The Pole Star above a milky nebula


c.-24500:最初的龙裔First of the Dragonspawn

下文摘自 “虔诚梦想家Reverent Dreamer”芮斯特·勒丝萨尔Rhistel Laelithar 的《巨龙暴君的历史论文Reverent Dreamer Rhistel Laelithar’s Treatise Historical of the Dragon Tyrants》,于 雷霆风暴之年Year of Lightning Storms(1374DR)重获于 迷斯·卓诺Myth Drannor 的遗迹之中。The following is an excerpt from Reverent Dreamer Rhistel Laelithar’s Treatise Historical of the Dragon Tyrants, recovered from the ruins of Myth Drannor in the Year of Lightning Storms (1374 DR).

  在又一次神圣而美妙的冥想中,夜空之女the Daughter of the Night Skies 揭示了某些除她之外只有极少数存在才知晓的秘密。而现在我就把被 月之女士the Lunar Lady 银色光辉所揭示的一切眷录下来。In yet anot her heavenly reverie, the Daughter of the Night Skies has elucidated mysteries to which few but she are privy. I scribe now that which the Lunar Lady’s silvery light has made clear.

  远在 皇冠战争the Crown Wars 之前,曾有一个被称为 巨龙时代the Time of Dragons 的遥远纪元,那是一个巨龙统治着广阔领地,彼此间为了扩展自己的帝国而互相厮杀的时代。在这些巨龙国度中有一个名叫 达拉斯特瑞沃希卡王国Darastriverthicha 的国家,由最强大的绿龙卡 伊辛丝洁克Caesinsjach 所统治。 狗头人王国 达拉斯崔克苏王国Darastrixhurthi是她的众多附庸国之一,由第一个龙裔——卡伊辛丝洁克衍生的 库尔图马克Kurtulmak——所支配, 这个头生锐角的术士是最初的狗头人。达拉斯崔克苏西王国由众多狗头人城市构成并被称为迷宫,它坐落于一座山脉之中。这里在失落的耐色瑞尔时代被名为 隐湖the Hidden Lake 的水体淹没,而现在山脉早已消失,狗头人王国当年所在的地方被称作 干渴沙洲the Shoal of Thirst。Long before the Crown Wars came an age called the Time of Dragons, when dragons ruled immense demesnes and fought one anot her to expand their empires. One such kingdom was Darastriverthicha, ruled by Caesinsjach, the might iest of green dragons. Among her vassal states was Darastrixhurt hi, a nat ion of kobolds ruled by the first of the dragonspawn—Caesinsjach’s own Kurtulmak, the Horned Sorcerer and first of the kobolds. Made up of many kobold metropolises known as labyrinths, Darastrixhurthi was located in a mountain that crowned a body of water known as the Hidden Lake during the age of Fallen Net heril. Now the mountain is gone, and the area is called the Shoal of Thirst.

  与强大的巨龙一样,达拉斯崔克苏西的矮小居民同样繁衍自 “塑世者The World-Shaper” 阿斯格拉斯Asgorath 的血脉。但不同于其龙类先祖,狗头人能以惊人的速度繁衍后代。其中有很多甚至混合了它们的彩色龙主人的部分特征,而巨龙们也把这看作是指导和控制龙裔的一种手段。达拉斯崔克苏西最精锐的保卫者都长有龙翼,并组成名为“翼wings”(或龙语中的 蝠翼狗头人urds)的小队来共同完成任务。随着时间的流逝,蝠翼狗头人的成员建立起了一套森严的社会等级制度,让自己在达拉斯崔克苏西的地位远远高于那些被束缚在大地上的同族。Like the mighty dragons, the small inhabitants of Darastrixhurthi had been spawned from the bloodline of Asgorath, the World-Shaper. Unlike their dragon progenitors, however, the kobolds reproduced at a fantast ic rate, causing their population to grow rapidly. Many even mingled wit h their chromatic dragon masters, who viewed the offspring of these unions as a means to guide and control the dragonspawn. Darastrixhurt hi’s most elite defenders grew dragon wings and worked toget her in teams known as wings (or urds, in Draconic). Over time, the members of the urds established a caste system that raised them above their landbound kin in Darastrixhurthi.

  在巨龙时代临近结束之时,狗头人矿工在它们的迷宫下面开凿出了几个新的宝石矿坑,并在那里遇到了 加尔·闪金Garl Glittergold 的最初造物——侏儒。狗头人们袭击了那些古怪生物、奴役他们、并窃取了他们的宝石。但那些石头并不是普通的宝石——里面容纳着等待着 金色丘陵诸领主Lords of the Golden Hills 触摸的侏儒灵魂,这些神灵才刚刚开始创造侏儒族。但贪婪的狗头人们既不知道,也不在乎。Near the end of the Time of the Dragons, kobold miners broke into some new gem-encrusted caverns below their labyrint hs, where they met the first of Garl Glittergold’s creations—the gnomes. the kobolds fell upon these odd creatures, enslaved them, and stole their gems. But these stones were no ordinary gems—they held the souls of gnomes st ill await ing the touch of the Lords of the Golden Hills, who had only begun to create the gnome race. But the kobolds, in their greed, neit her knew nor cared.

  就像早已注定似的,当侏儒族诞生的同时,第一次龙狂the first Rage of Dragons 爆发了。卡伊辛丝洁克和她的龙类仆从陷入了疯狂,毁灭了达拉斯特瑞沃希卡帝国以及她的所有附庸国。当卡伊辛丝洁克喷吐的有毒蒸汽布满了其国度中森林密布的山谷之时,警惕的保护者the Watchful Protector 抓住这一机会潜入了达拉斯崔克苏西王国并释放了自己孩子们的灵魂。在离开的时候,他又把狗头人的迷宫弄坍在追兵头上。库尔图马克和他的大多数族人死于塌方——这场灾难最后导致了隐湖的产生。尽管库尔图马克的命令要求将巨龙阻挡在海湾,直到她的心智恢复为止,但原本应该保护狗头人的蝠翼狗头人却不知去向,使得迷宫崩溃的生还者大都成为了卡伊辛丝洁克的猎物。最后,几乎所有的狗头人都死于非命,极少数幸存者离开了那里,最初沿着 月海the Moonsea 定居,随后在整个 费伦大陆Faerûn 繁衍扩散,最西到达了 路斯坎Luskan 东北处的 冰湖群the Ice Lakes,最东到达了 泽克斯珊德林王国Zexthandrim——这个已被毁灭的王国坐落在 紫铜山脉the Mountains of Copper 中或者更远的地方。As fortune would have it, the first Rage of Dragons occurred at the same time as the birt hing of the gnomes. Caesinsjach and her servitor dragons went mad, destroying Darastrivert hicha and all its vassal states. While Caesinsjach breat hed noxious vapors across the forest-covered valley of her realm, the Watchful Protector seized the opportunity to steal into Darastrixhurt hi and free the souls of his children. During his retreat, he collapsed the kobolds’ labyrint hs upon his pursuers. Kurtulmak and most of his people died in the collapse—an event that eventually led to the creat ion of the Hidden Lake. those not crushed in the collapse of the labyrint hs were easy prey for Caesinsjach because despite Kurtulmak’s orders to keep the dragon at bay until her sanity returned, the urd that should have protected the kobolds was nowhere to be found. In the end, nearly all were slain. the few that remained left the area, set tling first along the Moonsea, and then spreading across Faerûn as far as west as the Ice Lakes nort heast of Luskan, as far east as the now-destroyed kingdom of Zexthandrim in the Mountains of Copper, and fart her still.

  当塑世者阿斯格拉斯目睹了蔓延扩散的狂暴,并意识到他的孩子们所造成的毁灭之后,不管那些要为此负责的巨龙有多么无辜,他感到还是需要做出补偿。所以阿斯格拉斯决定通过将库尔图马克升神的方式,给与最初的龙裔一次新机会。这个传说在狗头人长者中广为人知,但很少有谁知晓那些精英战士蝠翼狗头人曾被它们中的一员所挽救。When the World-Shaper saw the rage unfold and realized the true extent of the destruct ion his children had wrought, he felt the need to make rest itut ion, despite the innocence of the dragons responsible. So he decided to give the first of the dragonspawn anot her chance by raising Kurtulmak to godhood. that tale is well known among kobold adepts, but few know that the elite urds were saved by one of their own.

  蝠翼狗头人的领导者是 克奥耶克Kuraulyek,一名蓝龙裔狗头人。不过克奥耶克被权利所迷惑,与忠诚和职责相比,它更加关心个人财富和利益。当龙狂爆发时,它带领自己挑选的族人逃跑到了一个布满蝙蝠的阴暗洞窟里,就位于现在的 雷鸣峰the thunder Peaks 之中。但却将它那些居住在地面的同族留给了巨龙霸主们的暴怒利齿、锐爪以及龙息。The leader of the urds was Kuraulyek, a blue dragonwrought kobold. But Kuraulyek was enamored of power and cared more for personal wealth and profit than he did for loyalty and responsibility. So when the rage began, he flew away with his chosen people to a complex of dismal, bat-ridden caverns in what are now the thunder Peaks, leaving his ground-dwelling kin to the enraged fangs, claws, and breath of their dragon overlords.

  在升神之后,库尔图马克获悉了克奥耶克的背信及其所造成几乎种族灭绝的恶果,于是它发誓要对这名胆怯的蝠翼狗头人领导者进行复仇。但为了保护最初的龙裔遗民,阿斯格拉斯同样赋予了 最初的蝠翼狗头人the First of the Urd 克奥耶克Kuraulyek 神格,后者则迅速而干脆地逃离了库尔图马克。最后,克奥耶克来到了 毁灭与绝望荒原the Barrens of Doom and Despair 内的某处,他在那里发现了一个滋生了大量炼狱凶暴蝙蝠的幽深洞穴,从此就潜伏在此位面那阴沉黑暗的地下,终日沉浸在对库尔图马克之怒的绝望与恐惧中。Upon his ascension, Kurtulmak learned of Kuraulyek’s perfidy and its near-genocidal results, and he vowed revenge on the cowardly urd leader. But to protect the remaining first of the dragonspawn, Asgorath also raised Kuraulyek, the First of the Urd, who promptly fled from Kurtulmak. Eventually, Kuraulyek alit somewhere among the Barrens of Doom and Despair, where he found a deep cave infested wit h fiendish dire bats. there, in that plane’s gloomy Underdark, he has hidden ever since, living in abject fear of Kurtulmak’s wrath.

  在现在的狗头人和蝠翼狗头人中,一个流行的神话讲述了克奥耶克如何从它的主人库尔图马克那里偷窃了龙翼,然后逃跑并为了与狗头人抗衡而创造了蝠翼狗头人。尽管蝠翼狗头人的能力强大而可怕,但那些弱小狗头人偶尔造成的威胁却是它们从未能做到的。Among modern-day kobolds and urds, a popular myt h relates how Kuraulyek stole dragon wings from his master Kurtulmak, then flew away to create the urds as rivals to the kobolds. But despite their formidable abilit ies, the urds have never become a threat of the magnitude that the frailer kobolds somet imes pose.
  ——愿月之女士的光辉永不黯淡May the Lunar Lady’s light never fade

2e<Monster Mythology.p089>埃欧Io(强大神Greater God)



  (强大神Greater God)

  埃欧IO,暗影吞噬者Swallower of Shades 啊,求您照耀仆人的面,因他在清晨祭拜您,在夜晚抚慰您。仆人呼吸的空气,那北风,正是自您而来。诸神之主Lord of the Gods 啊,愿您满足,因您是苍穹之上的至圣,又因您的光如白昼般照耀仆人的胸膛。
IO, Swallower of Shades, shine in the face of your servant, for he worships you in the morning, he propitiates you in the evening. I breathe the air, the North Wind which comes from you. Be content, Lord of the Gods, for you are exalted in the firmament, and your rays over my breast are like the day.
  ——太古金龙,珀塞法里尔的祈请Invocation of Persephariel, Great Gold Wyrm

以下是巨龙贤者们讲述的传说This is the tale as Dragon-sages speak of it:
  埃欧Io,九面龙神the Ninefold Dragon,森罗谐和之龙the Concordant Dragon,永恒巨轮the Great Eternal Wheel,其无上尊荣之形体在诸界与诸晶壁间默然穿行,穿越以太与世界的残屑,祂满足于是。埃欧乃 一切诸龙之造主the Creator of all dragonkind;又是 沉眠深龙之父father of the Sleeping Deep Dragons,彼等之精魂沉眠于无尽世界之核;尊神之鲜血、意念与生命能量造就万物栖息之大地,并维持其稳固。正如埃欧于多元宇宙创生之功业不可忽视,其不可想象之浩瀚体形亦不可忽视。九面龙神之一小小鳞片,便大于曾飞行苍空之一切凡龙。埃欧记得一切存在的世界曾发生的一切事物。尊神知晓一切法术,拥有曾存在的一切魔法物品——至少一件。尊神于天文学与占星术的技艺无与伦比,故祂知晓一切未来。
Io, the Ninefold Dragon, the Concordant Dragon, the Great Eternal Wheel, moves his majestic form silently through the planes and crystal spheres, through the ether and detritus of the worlds, and he is content. Io is the Creator of all dragonkind, father of the Sleeping Deep Dragons whose spirits lie at the core of many worlds still, the god whose blood, thoughts, and life force established the ground for creation and sustain it still Just as lo's role in the creation of the multiverse cannot be understated, neither can his unimaginable size. A single scale on the Ninefold Dragon is larger than the greatest mortal dragon which has ever flown in his skies. Io remembers everything which has happened in every world which exists, he knows all spells, owns at least one of every magical item which has ever existed, and through his singular skill as an astronomer and astrologer, he knows all the future holds.

  然,何以其他种族诸多创世神话皆未提及伟大埃欧?因祂于创世之功业深微隐秘:祂为其他众神建构创世之基板。我等龙族贤者能区分 双重虚无the Two Voids:原初虚无the First Void,此中只有埃欧存在;投影虚无the Shadow Void,此时埃欧自愿泼洒鲜血,为存在与创世之实现造就可能。绝大多数非龙种族仅知投影虚无,彼等不知较时间更为远古之时间,其间唯有九面龙神。
So, why do many myths which other races have of creation not feature great lo? Because the nature of his role in creation is deep and implicit in establishing a substrate for other powers. We Dragon-sages make a distinction between the Two Voids; the First Void, wherein only Io had existence, and the Shadow Void, where lo's willingly shed blood created the potential for existence and creation to come into being. Most non-dragon races only know of the Shadow Void, and they do not know of the earlier time outside time when only the Ninefold Dragon existed.

Are the Dragon-sages correct? If they are, they speak of the inner mystery of the very universe itself. Some secrets may be beyond language and comprehension. Not even this tome can speak of them. Who can say?

角色扮演指南Role-playing Notes:

  埃欧属于绝对中立阵营,也属于绝对中立以外的所有阵营。他的化身能以所有阵营出现,所有阵营那些超群而睿智的巨龙都敬拜祂相应的面相。只有当事关某一部分龙族存亡的至关重要时刻,或者爆发了一场全球规模的巨大冲突,埃欧的化身才有可能现身于 主物质位面Prime Material Plane。使用埃欧的任一化身时都要十二万分的注意。这样的存在能不可逆地改变世界。在冲突中,几乎没有生物能,哪怕仅仅是有希望,从这尊化身手下仓皇逃生,更不要说以任何形式与祂对决——除非化身面对的是一支真正的大军,或者以真正强力魔法武装起来的强力队伍!
Role-playing Notes: Io is of pure Neutral alignment and also of all alignments transcended by pure neutrality. His avatars appear in all alignments, and exceptional and wise dragons of all alignments revere him in the appropriate aspect. They only manifest on the Prime Material plane when affairs absolutely crucial to the survival of part of dragonkind, or a great globe-spanning conflict, are involved. Be unbelievably careful with using any avatar of Io. Such an appearance could change a world irrevocably. In a conflict situation, few creatures could possibly hope even to flee for survival from this avatar, let alone offer it any kind of opposition save for a great army or a very high-powered group with truly powerful magic!

  这些化身可能会在有 深龙Deep Dragons 沉睡在大地之核(如果深龙存在于DM的游戏世界,而且DM想要运用这个神话)的世界现身执行一些使命,与深龙的精魂形态交流。许多世界并没有这些深渊住民,所以要怎么发展这个点子就取决于DM的想法了。
The avatar may appear on some mission to worlds which have Deep Dragons asleep in the core of the earth (if they exist in the DMs game world and he/she wishes to use this myth), communing with their spiritual forms. Because many worlds do not have these deep denizens, this idea is left for the DM to develop if he/she so wishes.

Io may, very rarely, manifest part of his being by communicating with an exceptionally wise or intelligent mortal being by drawing the astralbody to fly with lo's avatar in the Astral plane. This is recalled by the being as a wondrous inspirational dream, and Ios symbol may appear to mark the event on some hidden part of the body—the crown of the head, below hair, below a fingernail, or some similarly subtle place.

埃欧的化身Io's Avatar

  (法师Wizard 20,祭司Priest 20)

The avatar appears as a vast dragon with blue scales edged with silver and dark purple. This applies to any of the five functional forms the avatar can take (lg, ng, ln= gold; eg, cn = brass; le, ne= blue; ce= red; n= special).

  力量 24,敏捷 25,体质 25,
  智力 25,感知 25,魅力 25,
  移动 60,飞行360,掘穴60,游泳120,体型 巨型G(800呎),魔抗 95%,
  防御等级 -14,生命骰 25,生命值 200,
  #攻击 3次+特殊,零级命中值 特殊,伤害 3d8+12 *2(爪),12d8(啮咬)
  Str 24 Dex 24 Con 25
  Int 25 Wis 25 Cha 25
  MV 60 fl 360 br 60 sw 120 SZ G (800’) MR 95%
  AC -14 HD 25 HP 200
  #AT 3 + special THAC0 special Dmg 3d8 +12 x 2 (claws) 12d8 (bite)

  更多数据Further 将埃欧的化身视作金龙龙种的太古龙(参见《怪物纲要Monstrous Compendium》),并具备以下调整/追加Treat lo’s avatar as a Great Wyrm of the Gold Dragon variety (Monstrous Compendium), with the following modifications/additions::
  徽记Symbol:中央有上升辐条的八芒星Eight-pointed star with central rising spoke.
  喷吐武器Breath Weapons:埃欧的化身使用其显像形态能够使用的吐息武器。如果化身以绝对中立形态现身,那么它可以使用吐息武器的寒冰锥、火焰云和闪电束形式。所有吐息武器的射程和范围都比通常运用时提升50%。对抗该化身吐息武器的豁免检定以-6不利进行。吐息武器的基础伤害是24d20+24。The avatar uses the breath weapon capabilities of the functional form the avatar has. If the avatar is pure neutral, it can use cone of cold, cloud of fire, and lightning bolt forms of breath weapon. All breath weapon ranges and areas of effect are increased by 50% above those normally used. Saves versus the avatar’s breath weapon are made with, a - 6 penalty. Base breath weapon damage is 24d20 + 24.
  法术Spells:埃欧化身能使用所有领域与学派的法术The avatar uses spells from all spheres and schools.
  魔法抗力Magic Resistance:在标准的魔法抗力以外,该化身还免疫一切低于7级的法术,并免疫毒素、麻痹、石化、死亡魔法、影响心灵和控制法术、禁锢术imprisonment锢魂术trap the soul 一类的法术、甚至免疫 许愿术wishe——如果被用以影响化身的真实本质(例如,许愿术不能改变化身的阵营,化身也不能被弱智化,诸如此类)。受到寒冷、火焰与闪电攻击时,该化身只受到一半伤害。低于+4附魔的武器对化身没有任何影响。In addition to standard MR, the avatar is immune to all spells below 7th level, and to poison, paralysis, petrification, death magic, mind-affecting and controlling spells, spells such as imprisonment and trap the soul, and even to wishes if these are used to affect its true nature (e.g. , the alignment of an avatar could not be changed by this spell, nor could it be feebleminded, etc.). The avatar takes half damage from cold-, fire- and electricity-based attacks. Weapons below + 4 enchantment do not affect the avatar.
  龙威Fear:该化身的龙威半径为200码。最多6HD或等级的生物会自动被影响;能通过对抗法术的豁免检定抵消影响的生物,在进行豁免检定时承受-6不利。The avatar's radius for fear is 200 yards. Creatures of up to 6 HD/levels are automatically affected; those allowed a save versus spell to negate do so with a - 6 penalty.
  零级命中值THAC0:该化身的基础零级命中值为2。如果d20投出5或更高,该化身的攻击自动命中任何防御等级的目标。如果一次啮咬攻击投出10或者以上,那么这次啮咬将囫囵吞下任何生物,立刻将之击杀,并摧毁其所有装备。The avatar's base THAC0 is 2. It hits any AC on a roll of 5 + on a d20. A bite swallows any creature whole, killing instantly and destroying all equipment, on a roll of 10 +.
