塔洛娜Talona,疫病女士 | |
基本信息 | |
【音 标】 | Tah-LOW-nah |
【别名/面相】 | 吉布提多Kiputytto |
【头 衔】 | 剧毒女士Lady of Poison,疫病夫人Mistress of Disease,死吻之女She of the Deadly Kiss,一切瘟疫之母Mother of All Plagues,瘟疫老妪The Plague-crone,疫病女士the Lady of Disease |
【阵 营】 | CE |
【神 力】 | 1eD→2eL |
【神 职】 | 疾病Disease,毒素poison |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | FR泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon/黑暗诸神The Dark Gods |
【主 神】 | 巴尔Bhaal |
【盟 友】 | 班恩Bane,巴尔Bhaal,莎尔Shar |
【敌 对】 | 裳提阿Chauntea,洛山达Lathander,梅丽凯Mielikki,西凡纳斯Silvanus,淑妮Sune,黎尔拉Lliira,克兰沃Kelemvor,提尔Tyr,希阿莉亚Shiallia,吉布提多Kiputytto |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | 卡瑟利Carceri/2th 臭息狱层Cathrys/毒泪王宫Palace of Poison Tears |
【徽 记】 | 三滴金琥珀色的泪滴,在一个朝上的紫色等边三角形上Three golden amber teardrops on a purple equilateral triangle with point upward![]() (更早期的)肉色三等边角形,其内包含着三滴排列成三角形的泪珠,最上面的一滴是黑色,左下是紫色,右下是绿色a flesh-colored equilateral triangle with point upward containing three teardrops arranged in a triangle with the uppermost black, the lower left purple, and the lower right green |
【简 介】 | 有没有毒 一吃便知——贝恩·血蹄,于半人马火锅
塔洛娜Talona 是毒药与疾病女神,泛费伦神系的唯一丑女。她成功在毁灭了耐瑟帝国余孽埃斯伦城的神战中,击败并弑杀了劳薇塔的姐妹、瘟疫之母吉布提多,并由此赢得了痛苦之母的永恒仇恨。 |
2eSP<Realmspace.p073>群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars
群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars
牧师和专属祭司们往往会因恐惧失去施法能力而担心进入 荒宇wildspace。其实对这点无需再有疑问。当然,当牧师或是祭司进入太空时,他们神明的神力的确会发生一些改变,但多数时候,这些改变还没到让角色感到沮丧的地步。
Clerics and specialty priests tend to worry about heading into wildspace because they fear the loss of their spell casting abilities. There no longer need be any doubt. Granted, when a cleric or priest heads in space, some of the powers of their gods do change, but for the most part, the changes are not drastic enough to warrant any frustration from the character.
有些改变是积极的,但偶尔,神力可能会有所削弱、乃至消失——尤其是在祭司们进入 燃素海the phlogiston、与其神明失去一切接触的时候。在进入到晶壁系中时,某一角色是否会与他的神明完全而彻底的分离?接下来的章节将详述:魔法船牧师与专属祭司在荒宇中时,诸神与他们的关系、以及诸神本身。
Often these changes are positive, but occasionally, the powers can wane somewhat, or even disappear, especially when the priest heads out into the phlogiston and loses all touch with his god. Is there ever a complete and total separation between god and character while inside the crystal sphere? This next chapter describes the gods and their relationships with spelljamming clerics and specialty priests while in wildspace.
(剧毒女士Lady of Poison)
塔耳塔洛斯半神力Demipower of Tartarus
塔洛娜Talona 的牧师和专属祭司在 国度天宇Realmspace 中可正常使用和获得法术。一旦她们进入 燃素海the phlogiston,其身上的所有未使用法术将被剥夺给予天宇中的其他祭司。(不过,其信徒仍然可以操纵魔法船魔舵。)
The clerics and specialty priests of Talona are able to use and receive spells wherever they may be in Realmspace. Once they enter the phlogiston, all unused spells are stripped from them and given to someone else in the sphere. (Worshipers are still able to man the spelljamming helm, though.)
When they enter another sphere, they are able to use their full allotment of spells from the 1st through the 3rd level only once. Once these spells are used, they do not receive more until they return home or begin worship of another deity. This second choice guarantees permanent banishment from the ranks of Talona.
2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p152>塔洛娜Talona
(剧毒女士Lady of Poison,疫病夫人Mistress of Disease,死吻之女She of the Deadly Kiss,一切瘟疫之母Mother of All Plagues)
卡瑟利弱等神力Lesser Power of Carceri,
神国名DOMAIN NAME:臭息狱层Cathrys/毒泪王宫Palace of Poison Tears
主神SUPERIOR:无None(从前是formerly 巴尔Bhaa)
盟友ALLIES:班恩Bane(已陨落now dead),巴尔Bhaal,莎尔Shar
徽记SYMBOL:三滴金琥珀色的泪滴,在一个朝上的紫色等边三角形上Three golden amber teardrops on a purple equilateral triangle with point upward
信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN,守序邪恶LE,中立邪恶NE,混乱邪恶CE
塔洛娜Talona(读作“Tah-LOW-nah”)是 黑暗诸神the Dark Gods 的一员,在宗教文献中,她通常被描绘为一位文面疤脸的枯萎老妪。她走到何处,不幸与死亡如影随形。她是位奇怪的神明。贤者们将她描述为一个暴躁而贪婪的孩子,被困在一具曾经美丽的妇女身体之中,现已被可怕的疾病折磨的伤痕累累、饱受着衰老的摧残:她时而像个小孩子一般,不顾一切地想要得到关注,时而又像个被爱抛弃的受伤弃妇般冷漠。
Talona (Tah-LOW-nah), one of the Dark Gods, is often depicted as a withered old crone with a scarred, tattooed face in religious texts. Where she walks, misfortune and death follow. She is an odd deity. Sages have described her as having the person ality of a petulant, greedy child trapped in the body of a once-beautiful woman now scarred by horrific disease and ravaged by age: She is alternately desirous of attention at any cost like a small child and aloof like a wounded paramour who has been discarded by her love.
在 费伦大陆Faerûn 的每次大瘟疫过后,塔洛娜的神力都将缓慢地减弱。当她感到地位岌岌可危时,她将释放另一场痛苦与死疫的狂潮,并接受一波祈求她的枯萎之触放过费伦居民的祈祷。然后,她的神力将在冷漠、蹂躏与绥靖的无尽循环中再度膨胀。塔洛娜的神力在以下期间尤其占优:埃斯伦城Asram 的毁灭(在 立石the Standing Stone 竖起后);在 纠结死亡之年the Year of the Clinging Death(75 DR);在 腐烂战争the Rotting War(902 DR)期间;在 灾祸之年the Year of the Scourge(1150 DR);在 空杯之年the Year of the Empty Goblet 和 死亡召唤之年the Year of Beckoning Death(1252-1253 DR);以及在 内海大瘟疫the Great Plague of the Inner Sea(1317-1323 DR)期间。
Talona's power slowly wanes after each great plague in Faerûn. When she feels vulnerable in her position, she unleashes another wave of misery and disease-brought death and receives a torrent of prayers entreating her to spare the inhabitants of Faerûn from her withering touch. Her power then waxes again in an endless cycle of indifference, devastation, and appeasement. In particular, Talona's power was ascendant during the destruction of Asram (after the erection of the Standing Stone), in the Year of the Clinging Death (75 DR), during the Rotting War (902 DR), in the Year of the Scourge (1150 DR), in the Year of the Empty Goblet and the Year of Beckoning Death (1252-1253 DR), and during the Great Plague of the Inner Sea (1317-1323 DR).
一些古老的文献称塔洛娜为 吉布提多Kiputytto,但这实际上是位半神力竞争对手的名讳,她挑战了塔洛娜的神职,结果输了。两位女神之间的战斗摧毁了 耐瑟人the Netherese 幸存者的国度埃斯伦。当吉布提多攻击塔洛娜时,塔洛娜为了获取从埃斯伦公民的信仰中产生的虔诚力量——这些人希冀能以此讨好她来减轻疾病的影响,折磨了这座时运不济的城市。吉布提多在同一地点作出了同样的回应,引发了一系列毁灭性、毒性越来越大的恶疫(甚至其本质可能是魔法瘟疫),使得埃斯伦城各路祭司的治疗资源过载,并在一个月不到的时间里消灭了其所有人口。甚至大部分逃离了灾区的人也在不久后死于疾病。在不久之后,塔洛娜赢得了这场毁灭性的神力竞赛,并谋杀了吉布提多。
Some old texts of Talona refer to her as Kiputytto, but this is actually the name of a rival demipower who challenged Talona's portfolio and lost. The battle between the two goddesses destroyed the Netherese survivor state of Asram in its wake. When Kiputytto attacked Talona, Talona plagued the ill-fated Asram in order to obtain the devotional power generated from the worship of its citizens, who hoped to appease Talona and lessen the effects of the disease. Kiputytto responded in kind in the same location, provoking a devastating series of increasingly virulent plagues (perhaps even magical in nature) that overloaded the curative resources of Asram's various priesthoods and wiped out the entire population in less than a month. Even most of those who escaped the scourged area died soon after of disease. Shortly afterward, Talona won this devastating deific contest and murdered Kiputytto.
Representations of Talona's symbol dated to before her battle with Kiputytto show it depicted as a flesh-colored equilateral triangle with point upward containing three teardrops arranged in a triangle with the uppermost black, the lower left purple, and the lower right green. Why the coloration was changed after her triumph over Kiputytto is one of the inner mysteries of the church not ever revealed to outsiders.
在 巴尔Bhaal 在世时,塔洛娜与 劳薇塔Loviatar 共同侍奉着他,不过两位女神是激烈的竞争对手。劳薇塔热衷于拿塔洛娜的丑陋外表、她追随者的稀少、她怯懦而无效的攻击手段、以及她微不足道的神职(劳薇塔是这么说的),来折磨和取笑塔洛娜。不用说,塔洛娜会为劳薇塔遭遇的任何挫折而公开欢呼,有时甚至会援助善良冒险者——如果她觉得他们能损害到劳薇塔的声誉。塔洛娜最近已与 莎尔Shar 结盟。
While he lived, Talona served Bhaal along with Loviatar, though Loviatar and Talona and are fierce rivals. Loviatar loves to torment and tease Talona over her ugly appearance, her scanty number of followers, her cowardly and ineffectual attacks, and her puny portfolio (in Loviatar's words) Needless to say, Talona openly delights in any setbacks Loviatar experiences, and sometimes even aids good adventurers if she thinks they will damage Loviatar's reputation. Talona has recently cultivated an alliance with Shar.
塔洛娜的化身Talona's Avatar
(秘术师Mystic 28,巫师Mage 26,盗贼Thief 20)
塔洛娜呈现为一位高挑而瘦削的人类女性,有着一头蓬乱的长发和细长伸展的手指。她看上去曾是位性感的女性,但她的身材和魅力已被艰难的岁月、可怕的疾病与饥饿消磨殆尽。剧毒女士The Lady of Poison 能施展来自任何学派或领域的法术,但更偏好那些从内部攻击身体的法术,其中大部分来自死灵学派、死灵领域和治疗领域。(如果《玩家指南:技能与力量PLAYER'S OPTION: Skill & Powers》中提供的可选法师课程可用,那么塔洛娜除了是位标准法师外,还是一位专精 炼金alchemy 学派的26级专精法师,拥有该学派专精法师的所有相应力量,并可以使用炼金学派的任何法术。)
Talona appears as a tall, gaunt human female with long, unkempt hair and elongated, reaching fingers. She looks like a formerly voluptuous woman whose frame and charms have been wracked by hard years, horrific disease, and starvation. The Lady of Poison can cast spells from any school or sphere, but prefers spells that attack the body internally, most of which an typically from the school of necromancy and the necromantic and healing spheres. (If the optional wizard classes presented in PLAYER'S OPTION: Skill & Powers are employed, Talona should be treated as a 26th-level specialist in the school of alchemy in addition to being a standard mage, with all the corresponding powers of a specialist in that school and access to all the spells of the school of alchemy.)
Talona usually appears at festivals when her followers need her most, but she has no taste for violence. If someone attacks her clergy members while she is present, she empowers a few of them with her touch, bestows full spells to all of her worshipers who can use them, and disappears, leaving them to fend for themselves. (During all of this, she ignores attackers, letting her full harmful powers work on any of them foolish enough to strike her.)
防御等级 -2;移动 15;生命值 184,零级命中值 2;#攻击 1次
伤害 1dl0+1(+1力量)
魔抗 70%;体型 大型L(10呎)
力量 17,敏捷 22,体质 24,智力 20,感知 21,魅力 14
法术 牧师P:12/12/12/11/10/9/6,法师W:6/6/6/6/6/5/5/5/5
豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 3;石化或变形 5;喷吐武器 7;法术 4
AC -2; MV 15; HP 184; THAC0 2; #AT 1
Dmg 1dl0+1 ( + 1STR)
MR 70%; SZ L (10 feet)
STR 17, DEX 22, CON 24, INT 20, Wis 21, CHA 14
Spells P: 12/12/12/11/10/9/6, W: 6/6/6/6/6/5/5/5/5
Saves PPDM 2, RSW 3, PP 5, BW 7, Sp 4
特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:
据说塔洛娜的舞姿诱人心魄,双唇热情似火、温柔似水——除非她另怀心思,否则任何非魔法事物在她面前都触之既腐,无论那是怪物的利爪还是一把阔剑,都会在她触碰后的3轮内瓦解破碎。除非借助了武器或盔甲来进行触碰她(这些装备除非是神器,否则将会因此毁灭),否则进行了此行为的生物将丧失使用的肢体,并遭受1d12+10点伤害。他们还必须进行成功的对抗疾病豁免检定,否则还将因患上消瘦症在一回合后遭受2d8点伤害,并在之后的每回合遭受1d12点伤害,直至身亡或是这种疾病被以 治愈疾病cure disease、移除诅咒remove curse、医疗术heal、有限祈愿术limited wish 或是更强大的魔法移除。在这种疾病被治愈前,其造成的伤害无法被治愈。
Talona's dancing movements are said to be alluring, and her lips welcoming and gentle—but unless she wills it otherwise, any thing nonmagical that touches her rots away, from monsters' claws to broad swords, collapsing and crumbling away within three rounds of initial contact. Unless a weapon or armor is used to make contact (whereupon it is destroyed unless it is an artifact), living creatures lose the limb they touched Talona with and suffer 1d12 + 10 points of damage. They must also make a successful saving throw vs. poison or they contract a wasting disease that inflicts 2d8 points of damage a turn later and then 1d12 points of damage at the end of every turn thereafter until the disease is removed by cure disease, remove curse, heal, limited wish, or more powerful magics or they die. Damage lost due to this disease is not curable by any means until the disease is disposed of.
塔洛娜之触可以 医疗 生物的所有创伤,包括恢复失去的肢体、移除兽化症、打破凝视法术或诅咒,但她更喜欢拥吻她的神职人员,从而让致命的疾病在她们的体内肆虐。然后,当她们濒临死亡之时,她将再次亲吻,强制让她唾液中的解药通过她们的静脉。
Talona's touch can heal a creature of all hurts including restoring lost limbs, removing lycanthropy, and breaking geas spells or curses, but she prefers to kiss and embrace her clergy members and so send fatal diseases raging through their bodies. She then forces an antidote from her saliva through their veins by another kiss when they are on the brink of death.
这在最开始将导致灼痛,随后而来的将是狂喜,这是大部分 塔洛娜人Talontar 梦寐以求的经历——尤其是她们在之前有过这种体验的话。(祭司们的文章中对塔洛娜之触的欣喜若狂指的就是这个。)这种净化将清除这具身体的所有弱点与缺陷,并且在经历塔洛娜之触后的1旬中,塔洛娜人的所有属性检定都将自动成功,在攻击骰上获得+4奖励,所有物理攻击造成最大可能伤害,并且其施展的法术在持续时间、效果区域、效力和伤害都取最大值。
This causes initial burning pain followed by a rapturous ecstasy and is an experience of which most Talontar dream, particularly if they have felt it before. (When priestly writings enthuse with wild joy over Talona's Touch, this is what they are referring to.) This purging cleanses the body of all weaknesses and imperfections, and for a tenday after experiencing Talona's Touch, a Talontar automatically succeeds at all ability checks, receives a +4 bonus to attack rolls, does maximum possible damage with all physical attacks, and casts all spells for maximum possible duration, area of effect, potency, and damage.
其祂显灵Other Manifestations
塔洛娜可能会显灵为一团在疫病或死亡之地(如某片战场)上闪烁的棕色和黄色灵光。她的形状和动作就像一团跳跃的火焰,能够短距离自我传送。她不能以这种形式说话,但可以在木材或其它有机物上烧灼出字母,或是在沙子、灰烬、灰尘或其它松散物质上刻画。在这种形态中,她可以通过触碰授予法术、施加塔洛娜之触(见上)、并与任何生物进行使用心灵视觉进行心灵对心灵的交流。她也会派遣以下存在来打击惹怒她的人、展现她的赞同、或是帮助她的忠实信徒:裂隙魔Chasme(塔纳厘恶魔)、食粪怪gulguthras(地下食腐怪otyughs、大食腐怪neo-otyughs、多头食腐怪gulguthydras)、小魔鬼imps 和 夸赛魔quasits、铁颚树ironmaws、老鼠(成群的巨型和正常体型的啮齿动物)、下水道纳迦sewerms、影龙兽shadowdrakes、蜘蛛(巨蜘蛛gargantuan、多毛蛛hairy、守卫蛛watch)、特伦鲨terlens 以及 瓦尔犬vorrs。有时候,黑百合或有毒草本植物或真菌的突然出现和迅速生长将表明她的在场。塔洛娜人认为发现一块单独的琥珀或碧玉揭示了剧毒女士的亲睐,但如果这块宝石在触碰时破碎,受害者将很快死于疾病(如果发现的是琥珀)或毒素(如果发现的是碧玉)。
Talona may manifest as a flickering brown-and-yellow radiance above a place of disease or death (such as a battlefield). Her shape and movements resemble a dancing flame able to teleport itself for short distances. She is unable to speak in this form, but may write by burning letters in wood or other organic substances or scribing them in sand, ashes, dust, or other loose material. In this form, she can by touch bestow spells, enact her Touch (see above), and communicate mind-to-mind employing mental visions with any creature. (In practice, only Talontar are favored by such communications.) She also sends chasme (tanar'ri), gulguthras (otyughs, neo-otyughs, and gulguthydras), imps and quasits, ironmaws, rats (packs of giant and normal-sized rodents), sewerms, shadowdrakes, spiders (gargantuan, hairy, and watch), terlens, and vorrs to inflict her wrath, show her approval, or aid her faithful. Her presence is sometimes indicated by the sudden appearance and rapid growth of a black lily or a poisonous herb or fungus. The Talontar believe the discovery of a solitary piece of amber or jasper indicates the Lady of Poison's favor, but if such a gem shatters when touched, the victim will soon die of disease (if amber is found) or poison (if jasper is happened upon).
教会The Church
神职人员Clergy:牧师Clerics,专属祭司specialty priests,秘术师mystics
神职阵营Clergy's Align.:守序邪恶LE,中立邪恶NE,混乱邪恶CE
驱散不死Turn Undead:牧师C:不可No;专属祭司SP:不可No;秘术师Mys:不可No
支配不死Cmnd. Undead:牧师C:可Yes;专属祭司SP:不可No;秘术师Mys:不可No
塔洛娜的所有牧师、专属祭司和秘术师都得到 宗教知识religion(泛费伦Faerûnian)作为非武器熟练奖励。
All clerics, specialty priests, and mystics of Talona receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.
就像大部分混乱邪恶邪神一样,塔洛娜更多的与其说是被崇拜,不如说是恐惧并为了避免引起她的注意而进行安抚。正如一个宣扬死亡与疾病的信仰所期望的那样,塔洛娜的教会在地下运作。它在瘟疫肆虐的地区最为强大,并且塔洛娜的信徒经常被指责是瘟疫肆虐的原因。许多鼠兽化人向 疫病女士the Lady of Disease 祈求额外的疾病武器来对付那些可憎的人类。
Talona, like most chaotic evil gods, is more feared than worshiped and is propitiated to avoid her attentions, not to draw them. The church of Talona operates underground, as can be expected of a faith that promotes death and disease. It is strongest in those regions where plagues are rampant, and the faithful of Talona are often accused of creating such situations. Many wererats pray to the Lady of Disease for additional weapons of disease to use against the hated humans.
Those who actively worship Talona tend to gather in secret in the catacombs beneath cities or in wilderness ruins. Underground temples are often built above reeking, overflowing sewers or in humid grottoes over grown with fungi and mold. Wilderness shrines are typically located in stagnant swamps and marshes rife with disease-laden mosquitoes and rich with the sickly sweet scent of decay. Twisted gargoyles carved to resemble mortals wracked with various diseases or poisons are positioned prominently throughout such structures.
剧毒女士吸引了残忍之人来侍奉她;她的祭司往往自给自足、精明强干——并且虐待成性。塔洛娜的祭司们被称为 塔洛娜神官Talontar,该信仰的成员被统称为 塔洛娜教徒Talonites(既包括世俗信徒,也包括神职人员)。塔洛娜人偏爱仪式性面部文身和全身划痕。2级或更低级的塔洛娜祭司被认为是实习新进者。只有到达第3级时,她们才能正式成为祭职者。塔洛娜的专属祭司被称作 施疟者malagents,挥舞着淬毒匕首并充当着该信仰的冒险者和内部监督机构。她们约占塔洛娜的神职人员的45%,正在慢慢上升到该信用的主导地位,剩余的神职人员则为牧师(40%)和秘术师(15%)。
The Lady of Poison's attracts the cruel to her service; her priests tend to be self-sufficient, capable—and sadistic. Priests of Talona are known as Talontar, and members of the faith as a whole (laity and clergy) are called Talonites. Talontar are partial to ritual facial tattoos and scarification over their whole bodies. Talonite priests of 2nd level or less are considered probationary initiates. Only upon reaching 3rd level are they formally in ducted into the priesthood. Specialty priests of Talona, known as malagents, wield poisoned daggers and serve as the adventuring and internal policing arm of the faith. They make up about 45% of Talona's clergy members and are slowly ascending to dominance of the faith, with clerics (40%) and mystics (15%) comprising the remainder of the priesthood.
专属祭司被其他塔洛娜教徒尊称为“最致命的恐怖Most Fatal Horror”,并且有时候——当然不是在她们的面前——被称之为“致命者Fatals”。剧毒女士的其他祭司则被称作“最耗竭的圣座Most Debilitating Holiness”,不过资深神职人员通常称她们的下级为“年轻的毒药Young Venom”,无论对方年纪多大。
Specialty priests are addressed as "Most Fatal Horror" and are sometimes— not to their faces—known as "Fatals" to other Talonites. Other priests of the Lady of Poisons are addressed as "Most Debilitating Holiness," though senior clergy usually call their juniors "Young Venom," regardless of their relative ages.
Talona's ethos stresses that life and death are in balance, but that death is the more powerful and should be paid proper homage and respect. Life and death are balanced only because birthing and generation are so plentiful. Death is the true power, and the lesson that waits for all. If it falls to the followers of Talona to drive home the point with the tip of a dagger, so be it.
Talona's faithful are taught that if they respect death and the many ways the powers can deal it, that knowledge will allow them to live longer. If people think themselves invincible thanks to wealth or a swift swordarm or strong spells, the great equalizer of disease, Talona's breath, will teach them respect and humility.
被启蒙加入该信仰者将被要求如下:“让苦痛成就塔洛娜信徒的欢愉。她在内部影响着你,她的力量蕴涵在虚弱与耗竭之中。她永远与你同在,无论你或世上的其他人相信谁、又或者为谁服务。让一切活物都从塔洛娜身上学会尊重,以财富和热忱的崇拜向她致敬,这样她虔诚的祭司们就会为了他们求情让塔洛娜不将其带走——至少这次是这样。去为塔洛娜之名工作,让你的行为既可以巧妙细微,也可以壮丽瞩目,但要让众人知晓它们是一切瘟疫之母Mother of All Plagues。”
Initiates to the faith are charged as follows: "Let pain be as pleasure to the faithful of Talona. She works upon you from within, and in weakness and wasting is her strength. She is forever and always with you, whomever you or the rest of the world believes in or serves. Let all living things learn respect from Talona and pay homage to her in goods and in fervent worship, and her dedicated priests will intercede for them so that Talona will not claim them—this time. Go and work in Talona's name and let your doings be subtle or spectacular, but make them known as the will of the Mother of All Plagues."
日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:
Aside from selling poisons, antidotes, and medicines, the Talontar travel Faerûn as quietly as possible, constantly seeking out new diseases and afflictions and spreading rumors so as to augment the reputation of Talona. What seems to motivate Talontar in their day-to-day behavior is a quest for respect: respect that is due Talona for her potentially devastating abilities and due them as her representatives in Faerûn. Throughout their careers, Talona's priests work with magic and inoculations to build their personal immunities to various poisons and diseases. Thus protected, they treat the diseased, take employment as food tasters for paranoid rulers, wealthy merchants, and nobles, and bury, those who have died from diseases. Whenever a realm or city-state casts out or punishes any Talontar, for any reason, priests of Talona work to cause a plague in that place to exact "Talona's price" for such insults. Rumors have circulated that certain unscrupulous Talontar have occasion ally chosen wealthy folk as targets for disease so that wealth and properties can be seized by the church upon the death of these wealthy owners—with the threat of contracting disease keeping rightful heirs and claimants at bay.
圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
塔洛娜的教会每天为女神祈祷3次(分别在早上,日中,晚上,不过时间不必很精确),每12天一次 圣祭daernuth(神圣祭典)。节庆是对非信徒开放的活动,庆典鼓励这些游客向塔洛娜祈祷和献祭,以使自己或亲人免受死亡、疾病、消耗性疾病或类似事物。在这种为期一天的庆祝活动上,塔洛娜的祭司们总是会小心翼翼地向所有人展示麻风病患者和其他毁容病的受害者被祭司的魔法治愈,以及通过让塔洛娜人身上仍然流着血的仪式性伤口(如在私人的结痂仪式上留下的)触碰携带疾病或肮脏的物体来证明她们对疾病的免疫力。在这一整天里,都会有一首由滚动的鼓声、低沉的复咏、芦笛与 祖可泵风琴zulkoon 音乐组成的长交响乐,宣告着塔洛娜的力量与尊崇,而资浅祭司则整天忙于兜售毒药(当然,是为了消灭害虫)、解药和药物,由资深神职人员辅导诊断病情(通常非常准确)并开出治疗处方,以换取高昂的诊费(通常每次检查50~100金币)。
The church of Talona observes thrice-daily prayers to the goddess (morning, highsun, and evening, though the timing of such rituals need not be precise), and daernuth (holy festivals) every 12 days. Festivals are events open to nondevotees, where such visitors are encouraged to pray and give offerings to Talona to spare themselves or loved ones from death, disease, wasting diseases, and the like. At such day-long celebrations, priests of Talona are always careful to show lepers and other victims of disfiguring diseases being cured by priestly magic before everyone and also to demonstrate their immunity to con tracting disease by touching disease-carrying or filthy objects to the still bloody ritual wounds of a Talontar (inflicted as during a private cicatrization ceremony). A long symphony of rolling drums, deep-voiced chanting, and glaur, shawm, and zulkoon music proclaims the power and veneration of Talona throughout the day, and minor priests busily sell poisons (for eliminating vermin, of course), antidotes, and medicines throughout the day, assisted by senior clergy who diagnose conditions (usually with great accuracy) and prescribe treatments in return for stiff fees (typically 50 or 100 gp per examination).
在每年距离 丰收祭Higharvestide 最近的圣祭上,该信仰的新进者将被正式引入祭职者队伍。这一晋升以可怕的私人仪式为标志,包括仪式性疤痕和神圣文身。那些特别没有吸引力的个体(魅力为3或4)在经历晋升仪式后,将发现自己的个人魅力因仪式而提升了,因为她们在造成这些伤痕的经历中幸存下来的事实,令看见她们的人对其心生尊敬(魅力提升到5)。虽然该信仰专属祭司中的丑比们令人发指的魅力值也会得到如许好处,但那些在仪式前魅力更高的专属祭司情况则有所不同,仪式留下的疤痕数量是如此恐怖,以至于她们的魅力会降到最高11点。
Annually at the daernuth falling closest to Higharvestide, initiates of the faith are formally inducted into the priesthood. This ascension is marked by horrifying private ceremonies involving ritual scarring and sacred tattoos. Exceptionally unappealing individuals (Charisma 3 or 4) who undergo the ascension ceremony find their personal Charisma raised by the ceremony due to the respect engendered in those viewing them by the fact that they survived the experience causing such scars (Charisma goes up to 5). The amount of scarring is so severe for specialty priests of the faith that their Charisma drops to a maximum of 11 if it was higher before the ceremony, though the same benefit for a dismally low Charisma is accrued.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
夜拥之邸The House of Night's Embrace 是一座位于 塔斯鲁塔城Tashluta 加固过的神殿宫宇,由“厄运女士”塔莱拉·英德勒斯Lady Doom Thalaera Indlerith 统治着,是塔洛娜信仰最重要的地点。在滴水兽和魔像的协助下,一支戴着黑色面具的警卫部队保卫着夜拥之邸。在其隐秘的深处,饱经战争考验 女士之夜女祭司Priestesses of the Lady's Night 们制造着毒药、通过接触或摄入传染疾病的药剂、以及两者的解药(她们以极高的价格将其出售)。夜拥之邸的特工们维持着在整个费伦大陆各地的富裕家族、贵族的乡村宅第、以及皇家宫廷之间繁忙的巡回日程,她们假扮成美酒和香水的供应商,但她们真正的使命是公开的秘密。许多女祭司从事这项工作的女祭司是为了自娱而插足当地的政治(与爱情生活),自信对毒药的恐惧会让她们免受大多数闯入此类事务之人会遭遇的背后一刀。
The House of Night's Embrace, a fortified temple-palace in Tashluta ruled by Lady Doom Thalaera Indlerith, is the most prominent site of Talona's wotship. The House is defended by an army of black-masked guards assisted by gargoyles and golems. In its secretive depths the battle-tested Priestesses of the Lady's Night make poisons, potions that spread disease by touch or introduction into beverages, and antidotes to both (which they sell at very high prices). Agents of the Night's Embrace maintain a busy touring schedule of wealthy houses, noble country seats, and royal courts throughout Faerûn posing as purveyors of fine wines and perfumes, but their true calling is an open secret. Many of the priestesses employed in this duty dabble in local politics (and love lives) for their own entertainment, secure in the knowledge that fear of poisoning will keep them safe from the daggers that claim most intruders into such affairs.
从属组织Affiliated Orders:
没有任何军事组织和骑士团侍奉着塔洛娜,不过有几个由游荡者和其他害虫组成的秘密团体侍奉着她。瘟疫之鼠The Plague Rats 是个活跃在 西央土the Western Heartlands 和 北地the North 的精英组织,由盗贼、刺客与鼠兽化人组成。据信,他们的秘密基地位于 鼠丘Rat Hills 深处,并与 地脉迷城Undermountain 相连。很显然,它没有受到 盾牌之年the Year of the Shield(1367 DR)熊熊的 大火灾Conflagration 影响。
Talona is not served by any military or knightly orders, but she is served by several secret cabals of rogues and other vermin. The Plague Rats are an elite organization of thieves, assassins, and wererats active throughout the Western Heartlands and the North. Their secret base is believed to be located in the depths of the Rat Hills and to have connections to Undermountain. It was apparently unaffected by the great Conflagration in the Year of the Shield (1367 DR).
瘟疫母亲之子The Plague-mother's Children 是个活跃在 琼达斯Chondath 和 维洪海域the Vilhon Reach 各地的暴徒公会。它由献身于延长 腐烂战争the Rotting War、将其作为塔洛娜之眷顾终极考验的前护教军组成。近年来,它已退化为一支由勇者和盗贼组成的非正式兄弟会,他们在整个地区敲诈勒索,并威胁说,如果不给他们应得的钱,塔洛娜就将大发雷霆。(疫病夫人the Mistress of Disease 的信徒中已不再包含有护教军)。
The Plague-mother's Children is a guild of thugs active throughout Chondath and the Vilhon Reach. Formerly composed of crusaders dedicated to the extension of the Rotting War as the ultimate test of Talona's favor, it has degenerated in recent years into an informal brotherhood of warriors and thieves who run extortion rackets throughout the region and threaten Talona's wrath if they are not given their monetary due. (Crusaders are no longer included among the faithful of the Mistress of Disease.)
在 动荡之年the Time of Troubles 期间,塔洛娜出现在一位名曰 阿巴利斯特Aballister 的邪恶人类法师面前,并吩咐他组建一个由法师、祭司和武者组成的三位一体组织。三一城寨Castle Trinity 是一座仿佛融入到了群山之中的城堡,屹立在 雪片山脉the Snowflake Mountains 东北边缘一片岩石尖坡上。塔洛娜给予了这位法师一个渎圣的配方:混沌诅咒the Chaos Curse(得名于 最致命的恐怖the Most Fatal Horror 湍多·其罗·米安凯Tuanta Quiro Miancy),以此他能摧毁这片地区善良的代理人。借由一打的岩石隧道,这座要塞在 凯立德Cadderly(一位附近 萌智图书馆Edificant Library 的 迪尼尔Deneir 祭司)和他朋友的努力下最终崩塌化作废墟。他们在萌智图书馆、雪片山脉、附近的 希尔米斯塔森林Shilmista Forest 以及 卡拉敦镇Carradoon 无数次战斗后取得了成功。塔洛娜的三人团余党可能会以团契形式秘密幸存下来。
During the Time of Troubles, Talona appeared to an evil human wizard named Aballister and bade him to found a trifold order of wizards, priests, and warriors. Castle Trinity, a castle-in-mountain's clothing, was built into a rocky spur on the northeastern edge of the Snowflake Mountains. Talona gave the wizard an unholy recipe, the Chaos Curse (named Tuanta Quiro Miancy—the Most Fatal Horror), with which he could destroy the agents of good in the region. Accessed by a dozen rocky tunnels, the stronghold was eventually collapsed and ruined through the work of Cadderly, a priest of Deneir based in the nearby Edificant Library, and his friends. They succeeded after countless battles in the Library, the Snowflake Mountains, the nearby Shilmista Forest, and in the town of Carradoon. Remnants of the triumvirate of Talona may yet survive in secretive fellowship.
祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
All priests of Talona wear gray and green robes with ragged sleeves. These are washed but never repaired and in time be come faded rags. Out of pride, most priests continue to wear their old, worn-out vestments until they are nearly naked. Old and high-ranking priests tend to have ritual scars and tattoos all over their bodies, and some even sport many body-piercings so that their torsos are studded with small rings linked with fine chains. Female clergy and laity alike often wear ear rings and elbow-dangles of black metal wrought in the shape of talons.
冒险装束Adventuring Garb:
If embarking on a possibly dangerous adventure or preparing to go into battle, Talontar favor black-and-purple armor adorned with spurs, horns, and spikes. They wear any armor in a pinch and prefer to wear as much armor as possible.
Only specialty priests of Talona carry the special ceremonial poison daggers of the faith. They have no compunction against using them in combat. A nonbeliever caught with such an item attracts the unwanted attentions of Talona to his or her health as well as her church's wrath.
专属祭司Specialty Priests(施疟者Malagents)
职业需求REQUIREMENTS:感知Wisdom 14,体质Constitution 14
主要属性PRIME REQ.:感知Wisdom,体质Constitution
武器WEAPONS:所有钝击武器(类型B)外加有毒槽的仪式匕首,塔洛娜的徽记被雕刻或以其他方式加工在匕柄上All bludgeoning (wholly Type B) weapons plus a ceremonial dagger with poison grooves and the symbol of Talona engraved or otherwise worked into the handle
主要领域MAJOR SPHERES:星界Astral,混乱chaos,战斗combat,预言divination,守卫guardian,医疗healing,死灵necromantic,召唤summoning
次要领域MINOR SPHERES:共通All,魅惑charm,保护protection
魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师Same as clerics
熟练需求REQ. PROFS:无None
熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:草药学Herbalism,仪式匕首ceremonial dagger
❖Malagents gain a +4 bonus to all saving throws vs. poison.
❖Malagents are immune to nonmagical diseases and receive Constitution ability checks against acquiring magical diseases. These checks are made at a +4 bonus. When the chance of acquiring a magical disease is expressed as a percentage, that chance is halved (round down) for malagents.
❖Malagents gain a normal saving throw against potions that would normally not allow a saving throw.
❖Malagents gain a +4 bonus to herbalism proficiency checks when brewing poisons.
❖At 3rd level, malagents can identify pure poisons by smell.
❖At 5 th level, malagents can identify poisons in drinks by taking a tiny sip. This sip has no effect on them.
❖At 7th level, malagents may identify poisons in food by taking a tiny bite. Again, this bite is too small to affect the malagent.
❖在第7级,每日1次、通过触碰,施疟者能使用 剧毒之触poison touch(如同2级祭司法术)或散播 疫病术contagion(如同4级法师法术)。
❖At 7th level, malagents are able to use a poison touch (as the 2nd-level priest spell) or spread contagion (as the 4th-level wizard spell) once per day by touch.
❖在第10级,每日1次、通过触碰,施疟者能使用 造成疾病cause disease(如同3级祭司法术 治愈疾病cure disease 的逆向版本)。这种疾病消耗性版本被称作 绿腐症the green rot,其典型特征是暴露在外的皮肤出现绿色的腐烂。这种疾病的致命形式则为 鳞死病the scaly death,将导致骨骼变脆、肌肉剥落,直至身体身体的主要系统崩溃。
❖At 10th level, malagents can cast cause disease (as the reverse form of the 3rd-level priest spell cure disease) once per day by touch. The debilitating form of this disease is called the green rot and is typified by a luminous, greenish decay on exposed skin. The fatal form of this disease is the scaly death, in which the bones weaken and the flesh peels back until the major systems of the body fail.
❖在第13级,每日1次,施疟者能使用 瘟疫之云cloud of pestilence(如同4级祭司法术)或 臭云术stinking cloud(如同2级法师法术)。
❖At 13th level, malagents can exhale a cloud of pestilence (as the 4th-level priest spell) or a stinking cloud (as the 2nd-level wizard spell) once per day.
❖If a malagent has a Charisma of 12 or greater, other Talontar will insist on the use of so many tattoos or so much self-mutilation as to lower that Charisma to less than 12 when the malagent is initiated into the faith at 3rd level. This may not be voluntary on the malagent's part, so good looking malagents have been warned. Individuals with Charisma scores of 3 or 4 who undergo the initiation ceremony at 3rd level find their per sonal Charisma raised by the ceremony due to the respect for their sur vival engendered in those viewing their scars, and their Charisma goes up to 5.
塔洛娜教派法术Talonite Spells
2nd Level
剧毒之触Poison touch
施法时间Casting Time:5
影响区域Area of Effect:一只生物One creature
豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊Special
这道法术将创造一道环绕着施法者的手或选中的另一肢体的闪烁棕色灵光。在 剧毒之触poison touch 施展的5轮内,祭司必须触及到一位选中的受害者,否则魔法将消失并被浪费。触及受害者需要一次成功的攻击骰。如果成功对受害者的任意部位进行了触碰(触碰的可以是防具或衣物,而不需要是裸露的身体),棕色灵光将闪烁一次然后消失,受害者必须进行对抗法术豁免检定。
This spell creates a flickering brown radiance around the caster's hand or another chosen limb. Within 5 rounds of casting poison touch, the priest must touch a chosen victim, or the magic fades and is wasted. A successful attack roll is required to touch a victim. If such a touch is made to any part of the victim (armor or clothing may be touched, as bare flesh contact is not required), the brown light flashes once and is gone, and the victim must make a saving throw vs. spell.
如果豁免成功,受害者将遭受1点伤害,腐蚀性的魔法将在其穿戴的防具或衣物上烧灼出一个洞,并导致触摸区下方的皮肤爆发毁容性的皮疹变成黄褐色的肿痕,之后法术将结束。这道伤口将使受害者暂时失去2点魅力,但通过正常的疗养休息或使用治疗魔法(如 治愈轻伤cure light wounds),可使伤口消失、属性值恢复。
If the saving throw succeeds, the victim takes 1 point of damage and the corrosive magic eats a hole in any armor or garment worn and causes a disfiguring eruption of the skin beneath the touched area into taw welts, and then the spell ends. This wound inflicts a temporary loss of 2 points of Charisma upon the victim, but the wound vanishes and the ability score points are regained through normal healing rest or the use of curative magic (such as cure light wounds).
If the saving throw fails, the victim suffers 6 points of damage and is slowed (as the spell) instantly until the end of the following round. On this second round, the victim must make another saving throw. If it succeeds, the victim suffers 1 point of damage, is corroded as discussed above, and the spell ends. If this second saving throw fails, the victim suffers 3d6 points of additional damage and must make a Constitution ability check and a Strength ability check. If both succeed, the spell ends without further effect. If one fails, the victim falls unconscious and takes an additional 1d8 points of damage but can be roused on the following round or later if still alive. If both checks fail, the victim takes an additional 1d10 points of damage, falls into a comainstantly, and cannot be roused by any known means for 1d12+2 rounds.
一旦将 剧毒之触 传递出去后,施法的祭司便可自由行动了。
Once a poison touch is delivered, the casting priest is free to take any other desired actions.
4th Level
瘟疫之云Cloud of pestilence
领域Sphere:战斗Combat,元素气Elemental Air
距离Range:10 码/级yards/level
持续时间Duration:4 轮rounds
施法时间Casting Time:7
影响区域Area of Effect:40呎宽、20呎高、20呎深的云气(形状可以被狭窄的边界改变)(40-foot-wide, 20-foot-high, 20-foot-deep cloud (shape can be altered by narrow confines))
豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊Special
类似于法师的 死云术cloudkill 法术,这道法术将创造一道翻腾的黄绿色蒸汽——但与那道法术创造的蒸汽云气不同的是,瘟疫之云cloud of pestilence 不能通过任何已知道手段移动(不过 驱散魔法dispel magic 可以让它化作虚无);它将保持静止不动,直至法术到期。施法者本人不会受自己的 瘟疫之云 影响,任何佩戴或携带被祝圣过的塔洛娜圣徽之人也是如此。其他任何被困在或进入这团刺鼻、恶臭的蒸汽云雾的生物,都必须进行一次对抗法术豁免检定:
This spell creates a billowing cloud of yellowish-green vapors that resembles the effect of a wizard's cloudkill spell—but unlike the vapor cloud generated by that spell, a cloud of pestilence cannot be moved by any known means (though dispel magic causes it to fade into nothingness); it sits motionless until the spell expires. The caster is unaffected by his or her own cloud of pestilence, as is any creature wearing or bearing a consecrated holy symbol of Talona. All other creatures caught in or entering the acrid, foul smelling vapor cloud must make a saving throw vs. spell:
During the first round of exposure to the vapors (or during initial exposure in the case of those who leave and reenter the area of effect), those who succeed at the saving throw are unaffected. Those who fail the saving throw take 1d4 points of damage and begin coughing violently. Spellcasting, normal speech, and tasks requiring Dexterity, such as opening locks, writing, and the like, are now impossible.
On the second round of exposure (or second exposure in the case of those who leave and reenter the area of effect), another saving throw must be made. If it is successful, the victim continues to cough and suffers an other 1d4 points of damage. If the saving throw is unsuccessful, the vapors inflict 3d4 points of damage, the victim is slowed (as the spell), the victim continues to cough, and the victim's vision becomes blurred, resulting in a -2 penalty to all attack rolls, difficulty in telling friend from foe when the two are near each other, and an increased possibility of tripping, bumping into things or people, and like effects.
在暴露第三轮(对那些进进出出之人,则指第三次暴露于同一片 瘟疫之云),必须进行另一次豁免骰。如果成功,受害者将遭受1d4点额外伤害并继续咳嗽。如果受害者豁免失败,他将陷入昏迷并遭受4d6点额外伤害。
On the third round of exposure (or third exposure to the same cloud of pestilence in the case of those who leave and reenter the area of effect), another saving throw must be rolled. If successful, the victim takes 1d4 more points of damage and the coughing continues. If the victim fails the saving throw, she or he sinks into unconsciousness and takes 4d6 points of additional damage.
在第四轮(或第四次暴露于同一片 瘟疫之云 中),必须再次豁免。如果受害者豁免成功,蒸汽将造成1d4点额外伤害,受害者将陷入咳嗽直至法术到期。如果受害者豁免失败,则蒸汽将造成4d6点额外伤害,受害者将在云气消散后继续咳嗽并被缓慢1d4+1轮,受害者将患上 肺病lung disease 导致其移动速度降低1,使其面部不时地抽搐和颤抖,并每2天从受害者身上偷走2点生命值,直至受害者死亡或疾病被驱逐。这种疾病因能引起面部抽搐而被称为 塔洛娜的鬼脸Talona's grimace,可以通过魔法或使用一些适当的草药来治愈,但简单的休养无能为力。
On the fourth round (or fourth exposure to the same cloud of pestilence), another saving throw must be rolled. If the victim succeeds at the saving throw, the vapors inflict 1d4 points of additional damage and the victim is caught in a coughingfit until the spell expires. If the victim fails the saving throw, the vapors inflict 4d6 points of additional damage, the victim continues coughing and is slowed for 1d4+1 rounds after the cloud dissipates, and the victim contracts a lung disease that reduces his or her movement rate by 1, makes facial muscles twitch and tremble from time to time, and steals 1 hit point from the victim every 2 days. This hit point loss can not be cured until the disease is cured and continues at the rate of 1 hit point every 2 days until death occurs or the disease is banished. The disease, known as Talona's grimace from the facial twitch it causes, is curable by magic and by the proper use of some herbal medicines, but not through simple rest.
塔洛娜人之触Touch of the Talontar
持续时间Duration:1 回合turn
施法时间Casting Time:7
影响区域Area of Effect:触及的生物Touched beings
豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊Special
这道法术将创造一道环绕着施法者的手或选中的另一肢体的闪烁棕色灵光,持续1回合。当这种灵光闪烁期间,祭司可以尝试触碰和影响尽可能多的受害者,也可以在这段时间里进行普通攻击。在这段时间内,除了祭司想要放过的外,祭司设法触碰到的所有生物都将成为 塔洛娜人之触touch of the Talontar 的受害者。触碰受害者需要进行成功的攻击骰。如果成功对受害者的任意部位进行了触碰(触碰的可以是防具或衣物,而不需要是裸露的身体),棕色灵光将闪烁一次,受害者必须进行对抗法术豁免检定。
This spell creates a flickering brown radiance around the caster's hand or another chosen limb that lasts for 1 turn. While this radiance glows, the priest can attempt to touch and affect as many victims as she or he has normal attacks within that period of time. All creatures the priest manages to touch during that time become the victims of touch of the Talontar save for those beings the caster wills, during contact, the magic not to harm. A successful attack roll is required to touch a victim. If such a touch is made to any part of the victim (armor or clothing may be touched, as bare flesh contact is not required), the brown light flashes, and the victim must make a saving throw vs. spell.
如果豁免成功,受害者将遭受1点伤害,腐蚀性的魔法将在其穿戴的防具或衣物上烧灼出一个洞,并导致触摸区下方的皮肤爆发毁容性的皮疹变成黄褐色的肿痕,之后法术将结束。这道伤口将使受害者暂时失去2点魅力,但通过正常的疗养休息或使用治疗魔法(如 治愈轻伤cure light wounds),可使伤口消失、属性值恢复。
If the saving throw succeeds, the victim takes 1 point of damage; the corrosive magic eats a hole in any armor or garment worn and causes a disfiguring eruption of the skin beneath the touched area into raw welts; and the spell's effects end for that victim. This wound inflicts a temporary loss of 2 points of Charisma upon the victim, but the wound vanishes and the ability score points are regained through normal healing rest or the use of curative magic (such as a cure light wounds).
If the saving throw fails, the victim suffers 6 points of damage and is slowed (as the spell) instantly until the end of the following round. On this second round, the victim must make another saving throw. If it succeeds, the victim suffers 1 point of damage, is corroded as discussed above, and the spell's effects end for that victim. If this second saving throw fails, the vic tim suffers 3d6 points of additional damage and must make a Constitution ability check and a Strength ability check. If both succeed, the spell's effects end for that victim. If one fails, the victim falls unconscious and takes an additional 1d8 points of damage but can be roused on the following round or later if still alive. If both checks fail, the victim takes an additional 1d10 points of damage, falls into a coma instantly, and cannot be roused by any known means for 1d12+2 rounds.
一旦 塔洛娜人之触 被施展,施法的祭司就能自由进行其他任何她想进行的行动,包括触碰其他受害者(在法术持续时间内),施展法术,或是以武器攻击。请注意,塔洛娜人之触 无法通过武器、只能通过施法祭司的手传递。
Once the touch of the Talontar is cast, the casting priest is free to take any other desired actions, including touching other victims (within the spell duration), casting other spells, or attacking with a weapon. Note that the effects of touch of the Talontar cannot be transmitted through a weapon, but only through the hand of the casting priest.
5th Level
塔洛娜的祝福Talona's Blessing
持续时间Duration:1 回合/级turn/level
施法时间Casting Time:8
影响区域Area of Effect:1只生物One being
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
塔洛娜的祝福Talona's Blessing 必须肉堆肉地传递。这道法术将使被触碰的受术者——可能是施法者——临时免疫所有毒素(包括血液毒素、毒液和毒气)和疾病(包括兽化症和木乃伊腐烂)。塔洛娜的祝福 也可防止寄生虫感染、坏疽和现患疾病的发作和传播。它将从受术者身上排出腐蛆而不会对受术者造成进一步的伤害,并永久灭杀侵扰或触及被保护躯体的麝香(注)、霉菌、孢子、种子和苔藓。
Talona's Blessing must be delivered by flesh-to-flesh touch. This spell renders the touched spell recipient—who may be the caster—temporarily immune to all poisons (including blood poisoning, venoms, and poisonous gases) and diseases (including lycanthropy and mummy rot). Talona's Blessing also prevents the onset or spread of parasitic infestations, gangrene, and existing diseases (such as leprosy and transformations due to plant symbiosis). It expels rot grubs from the body of the spell recipient without further harm to the spell recipient, and permanently kills musks, molds, spores, seeds, and mosses infesting or in contact with the body of the protected being.
[译注:musks-原文如此,即埃隆·里夫·马斯克(Elon Reeve Musk)的姓氏,指包括麝鹿、臭鼬、以及其他奇幻生物、植物等等分泌或提取、可能有致幻效果的分泌物]