塞伦涅Selûne,月之少女 | |
基本信息 | |
【音 标】 | Seh-LOON-eh |
【旧 译】 | 苏伦 |
【别名/面相】 | ¢泛费伦&耐瑟:塞伦涅Selûne ¢远海沼泽:耀眼的纳德拉Bright Nydra |
【头 衔】 | ¢塞伦涅:白银圣母Our Lady of Silver,月之少女the Moonmaiden,白夜女士the Night White Lady ¢露卡:指引者She Who Guides |
【阵 营】 | CG |
【神 力】 | G→I→L→I |
【神 职】 | 月亮Moon,群星stars,导航navigation,领航员navigators,流浪者wanderers,探求者seekers,善良和中立的兽化人good and neutral lycanthropes |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | ¢塞伦涅:FR耐瑟神系Netherese Pantheon,泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon ¢露卡:阿达玛之道adama |
【主 神】 | 淑妮Sune→无 |
【盟 友】 | 密斯特拉Mystra,黎尔拉Lliira,淑妮Sune,泰摩拉Tymora,伊莉丝翠Eilistraee,莎罕妮·月弓Sehanine Moonbow,山达柯尔Shaundakul,埃达丝Eldath,裳提拉Chauntea,维尔寇Valkur,洛山达Lathander |
【敌 对】 | 莎尔Shar,安博里Umberlee,马斯克Mask,摩安多Moander |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | 约瑟园Ysgard/1th 约瑟园Ysgard/月之门Gates of the Moon |
【徽 记】 | 一双黑暗而又美丽的人类女性眼睛,被七颗银星组成的环环绕Two darkly beautiful human female eyes surrounded by a circle of seven silver stars![]() |
【相关 神器】 | 塞伦涅之泪The Tear of Selûne |
【简 介】 | 塞伦涅Selûne,月亮女神,她是国度天宇最古老的神明之一,与其姐妹莎尔的战争自亘古持续至今。 |
2eSP<Realmspace.p073>群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars
群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars
牧师和专属祭司们往往会因恐惧失去施法能力而担心进入 荒宇wildspace。其实对这点无需再有疑问。当然,当牧师或是祭司进入太空时,他们神明的神力的确会发生一些改变,但多数时候,这些改变还没到让角色感到沮丧的地步。
Clerics and specialty priests tend to worry about heading into wildspace because they fear the loss of their spell casting abilities. There no longer need be any doubt. Granted, when a cleric or priest heads in space, some of the powers of their gods do change, but for the most part, the changes are not drastic enough to warrant any frustration from the character.
有些改变是积极的,但偶尔,神力可能会有所削弱、乃至消失——尤其是在祭司们进入 燃素海the phlogiston、与其神明失去一切接触的时候。在进入到晶壁系中时,某一角色是否会与他的神明完全而彻底的分离?接下来的章节将详述:魔法船牧师与专属祭司在荒宇中时,诸神与他们的关系、以及诸神本身。
Often these changes are positive, but occasionally, the powers can wane somewhat, or even disappear, especially when the priest heads out into the phlogiston and loses all touch with his god. Is there ever a complete and total separation between god and character while inside the crystal sphere? This next chapter describes the gods and their relationships with spelljamming clerics and specialty priests while in wildspace.
(白银圣母Our Lady of Silver)
格拉兹海姆弱等神力Lesser Power of Gladsheim
塞伦涅Selûne 的专属祭司能够成为优秀的导航员。在 国度天宇晶壁系the Realms1 sphere 中,除非她们的思想被以魔法或化学方式改变了,否则她们永远不会迷途。在 燃素海the phlogiston 中她们无法施展法术,但无论她们从哪里开始漂流,都能毫无障碍的找到国度天宇晶壁系的方向。当进入另一个天宇时,她们不能获得超过3级的法术。但预言、太阳和气象领域法术是例外,在这类情况下,她们能够使用自己完整的法术能力。
The specialty priests of Selûne make excellent navigators. While in the Realms1 sphere, they can never get lost, unless their minds are magically or chemically altered. They cannot throw spells while in the phlogiston, but they are always able to find the Realmspace crystal sphere no matter where they started in the flow. Whenever they enter another sphere, they cannot gain spells of greater than 3rd level, except for divination, sun, and weather sphere spells. In this case, they are able to utilize their full spell capacity.
2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p134>塞伦涅Selûne
(白银圣母Our Lady of Silver,月之少女the Moonmaiden,白夜女士the Night White Lady)
约瑟园中等神力Intermediate Power of Ysgard,
神职PORTFOLIO:月亮Moon,群星stars,导航navigation,领航员navigators,流浪者wanderers,探求者seekers,善良和中立的兽化人good and neutral lycanthropes
别名ALIASES:耀眼的纳德拉Bright Nydra(远海沼泽Farsea Marshes),以拉Elah(安奥罗克沙漠Anauroch,在 贝戴蛮族the Bedine 中),露卡Lucha(都帕Durpar,塔刚德Estagund,以及 黄金瓦尔Var the Golden)
神域名DOMAIN NAME:约瑟园Ysgard/月之门Gates of the Moon
盟友ALLIES:密斯特拉Mystra,黎尔拉Lliira,淑妮Sune,泰摩拉Tymora,伊莉丝翠Eilistraee,莎罕妮·月弓Sehanine Moonbow,山达柯尔Shaundakul,埃达丝Eldath,裳提拉Chauntea,“强者”维尔寇Valkur the Mighty,洛山达Lathander
徽记SYMBOL:一双黑暗而又美丽的人类女性眼睛,被七颗银星组成的环环绕Two darkly beautiful human female eyes surrounded by a circle of seven silver stars
信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG

在 塞伦涅Selûne(读作“Seh-LOON-eh”)前往 诸国度the Realms 的旅途中,据说她曾显现为许多形态,而在宗教艺术的描绘中的她,从月轮上的女性面孔,到有着微黑肤色、发光的宽眼、以及象牙色长发的妇人,再到一位有着乌黑头发、发中带着灰色条纹的威严中年妇女,不一而足。在 都帕Durpar、塔刚德Estagund、以及 黄金瓦尔Var the Golden,塞伦涅被作为 阿达玛Adama(都帕人the Durparian 一种理念,这种理念认为存在一种世界的灵魂,它包含并容纳了所有存在神圣本质)的一部分受到崇拜。在那她被称作 指引者She Who Guides 露卡Lucha。露卡负责连接与关联、指引牧人前往好牧场、为婚姻提供祝福、帮助海上迷航的船、以及确保安全的妊娠。可以有把握地说,随着月相的阴晴圆缺,月亮女神的性质也在变化。
When Selûne (Seh-LOON-eh) journeys to the Realms, she is said to appear in many forms and is depicted in religious art as everything from a femaleface on a lunar disk to a dusky-skinned woman with wide, radiant eyes and long ivory-colored hair to a matronly, middle-aged woman whose dark hair is streaked with gray. In Durpar, Estagund, and Var the Golden, Selûne is worshiped as part of the Adama, the Durparian concept of a world spirit that embraces and enfolds the divineessence that is part of all beings. Here she is known as Lucha, She Who Guides. Lucha oversees connections and relationships, guiding herdsmen to good pastures, blessing marriages, helping lost ships at sea, and ensuring safe births. It can be safely said that as the moon changes, so does the nature of the moon goddess.
塞伦涅的永恒宿敌是邪恶的女神 莎尔Shar,双方通过凡人崇拜者和仆从生物,在许多实存位面无间断地交战着。两位女神之间的永恒敌意早于大部分——如果不是全部——幸存至今的泛费伦神祇的存在。莎尔与塞伦涅之间的仇恨影响着她们的祭职者们,因此每当这两种信仰的追随者相遇时,经常会爆发公开的战斗。塞伦涅也为了掌控海上船只的命运而与 安博里Umberlee 争斗,并因为 马斯克Mask 在温柔播撒的月光所创造的阴影中施行恶作剧和邪行,而与其斗争。
Selûne's eternal foe is the evil goddess Shar, and she battles her ceaselessly on many planes of existence, both through mortal worshipers and servitor creatures. The undying enmity between the two goddesses predates the existence of most, if not all, of the present-day existing Faerûnian deities. The enmity between Shar and Selûne carries into their priesthoods, such that open battle often occurs when followers of each faith meet. Selûne also struggles with Umberlee constantly over the fate of ships at sea and with Mask over the works of mischief and evil he performs in the shadows the moon's soft glow creates.
Selûne is a caring but quietly mystical power who often seems saddened by events perhaps millennia old. While she is normally calm and placid, her war with Shar is fierce, with neither side giving or receiving quarter. She is seen in many ways by her followers, who are a diverse group, and she is at times efferve scently joyful and active, at others maternal, quiet, and almost poetic, and at yet others warlike and fierce, showing little mercy to her foes.
在 动荡之年Time of Troubles 前,在独立了千年之后,塞伦涅侍奉了 淑妮Sune 许多个世纪。而在 诸神之战the Godswar 后,她再次开始独行。她与淑妮以及 黎尔拉Lliira 仍然极其友好,并且彼此合作。
Before the Time of Troubles, Selûne had served Sune for some centuries after being independent for millennia. After the Godswar, she went her own way again. Her relationship with Sune and Lliira is still extremely friendly and cooperative.
瓷片the Shards,一支闪亮的女性仆从团体侍奉着她。瓷片们能随自己意愿长出翅膀、或是将之消除,并都有着飘逸的蓝色长发与苍白的肌肤。她们实际上是异界神侍。
Selûne is served by the Shards, a group of shining female servitors. The Shards can grow wings or banish them as they desire and have long, flowing blue hair and pearly-white skin. They are in reality planetars.

塞伦涅的化身Selûne's Avatar
(巫师Mage 30,牧师Cleric 22,潜修者Mystic 20,战士Fighter 16,吟游诗人Bard 12)
塞伦涅有着平静祥和的天性,但她的个人形象会随着月相的变化而改变。有时她会呈现为一位暗色调、肢体较长的女性,有着发光的灰绿色宽眼鹅及膝的象牙色长发;有时候,她有着一副幽灵般、轻盈的形态,这种形态下她的发色与瞳色乌黑,穿着飘曳月尘(见下文 其祂显现Other Manifestations)的白袍。而在其他时候,她呈现为一位优雅而庄重的中年妇人,不时地居住在凡人之间(最近是在 深水城Waterdeep 作为一位旅馆主)。随着月之阴晴,塞伦涅不断地成长到完全的荣耀或衰老的凋亡,但这种变化只限于外表,而不涉及任何权能的削弱——至少,在与凡人打交道有关的事情上是如此。无论其所采取形态为何,每当她深处黑暗时,她都持续不断地散发着微弱的蓝白色月光。她有权访问除了植物领域外的所有学派和领域,但不能施展主要功能为创造黑暗的法术。她很少施展死灵领域法术或治疗法术的逆转、伤害形态,仅在情况紧急的情况下才会使用。她同样可以访问所有祭司使命法术。
Selûne has a calm, placid nature, but the specifics of her personal form change with the moon. Sometimes she appears as a dusky-hued, longlimbed woman with wide, radiant lime-green eyes and knee-length tresses of ivory-white hair, and sometimes she is a ghostly, lithe form with dark hair and eyes but robes of white that trail moon motes (see Other Manifestations, below). At other times she appears as a fair but matronly woman of middling years, who dwells among mortals from time to time, most recently as an innkeeper in Waterdeep. In time with the moon, Selûne is continually either growing to full glory or aging and dying, but this change is only in outward appearance and does not involve any diminishment of powers— at least, as far as dealings with mortals are concerned. Whatever her form, she constantly glows with a faint blue-white moonlight whenever her surroundings are dark. She has access to all schools and spheres of spells, except the plant sphere, but cannot cast spells that create darkness as their primary function. She rarely casts the reversed, damaging forms of necromantic sphere spells or healing spells, and then only in pressing circumstances. She has access to all quest priest spells also.
防御等级 -4;移动 18;生命值 184;零级命中值 0;#攻击 5次/2轮
伤害 1d12+16 或 1d12 + 5(+3 月之刃moonblade 或 四月魔杖Wand of Four Moons,+7 力量,+2 专精两种武器)
魔抗 80%;体型 大型L(10英尺)
力量 19,敏捷 22,体质 19,智力 23,感知 24,魅力 21
法术 祭司P:13/12/12/12/12/8/3,法师W:7/7/7/7/7/7/7/6/6
豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 3;石化或变形 5;喷吐武器 4;法术 4
AC -4; MV 18; HP 184; THAC0 0;#AT 5/2
Dmg 1d12+16 or 1d12 + 5 ( moonblade +3 or Wand of Four Moons,+7 STR,+2 spec. bonus in either weapon)
MR 80%; SZ L(10 feet)
STR 19, DEX 22, CON 19, INT 23, Wis 24, CHA 21
Spells P:13/12/12/12/12/8/3, W:7/7/7/7/7/7/7/6/6
Saves PPDM 2, RSW 3, PP 5, BW 4, Sp 4
特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:
塞伦涅只在避无可避时才会战斗,而当她必须战斗时,她将化身令人敬畏的狂怒战神,配合以非凡的魔法威能。在战斗中,塞伦涅使用一柄 +3月之刃(与下文所述的 月之刃moonbiade 法术相同)或是 四月魔杖Wand of Four Moons,在使用它们的时候,塞伦涅被视作对它们都专精。四月魔杖 在命中时将造成1d12+3点伤害,并在使用它时赋予挥舞者专精能力。此外,它还拥有其它能力,结合了包括 麻痹魔杖wand of paralyzation、变形魔杖wand of polymorphing、闪电魔杖wand of lightning、庇护权杖rod of security、以及 复生权杖rod of resurrection 的功能(对于塞伦涅而言,在一轮之中使用这些魔杖或权杖或是普通攻击任意一种能力,都是可行的),至于它的全部功能还有哪些尚不可知。她的鳞甲(她只在战斗中穿戴它)有着发出黯淡银光的乳白色完美圆鳞。不过无论鳞甲在不在,塞伦涅的防御等级似乎并不受影响,而她有时会将这件 +5鳞甲 借予为她执行任务或在为她服务的生物。当被用作这种用途时,它有着 融合护甲armor of blending 和 以太化板甲plate mail 的特殊能力,以及 精灵链甲elven chain mail 的重量和防具妨碍性上的增益。
Selûne prefers not to fight unless she must, and when she must, she is an awe-inspiring figure of martial fury and coordinated displays of magical prowess. Selûne uses a moonblade +3 (similar to the moonbiade spell below) or the Wand of Four Moons in battle and strikes as if she were specialized in the use of both. The Wand of Four Moons strikes for 1d12+3 points of damage and gives its wielder specialization in its use. It has other abilities, including the combined capabilities of a wand of paralyzation, a wand of polymorphing, a wand of lightning, a rod of security, and a rod of resurrection (either one use of any of the abilities of these wands or rods or normal attacks in a round are possible for Selûne), but all of its abilities are unknown. Her scale mail, which she wears only in battle, has opalescent, perfectly round scales that glow with a dim silver light. While Selûne's Armor Class does not appear to be affected by her scale mail's presence or absence, she sometimes loans this scale mail +5 to beings on a quest or performing a service for her. When used in such a way, it works as if it had the special abilities of armor of blending and plate mail of etherealness and the weight and encumbrance benefits of elven chain mail.}}
所有塞伦涅的法术效果开始时都如一道裸照的月光,只有接近目标或目标区域时,才会变为其真正的法术效果。她的 圣言holy word 法术将自动放逐所有低于神性力量的邪恶异界生物到其故乡位面;此外,在她四周100码范围内,被召唤的善良生物都无法被魔法驱散或是非自愿地被送回其故乡位面。
All Selûne's spell effects begin as streaking moonbeams, altering to their true spell effects only when they near their intended target or area of effect. Her holy word spells automatically banish evil extraplanar creatures of less than divine power to their home planes, and within 100 yards of her, no summoned creature of good may be dispelled or involuntarily returned to its home plane.
随意使用,塞伦涅可散发出100码或更小半径的 防护邪恶protection from evil。基于闪电或电击的攻击无法伤害塞伦涅,此外,幻术、魅惑类型魔法、魅惑领域法术、以及附魔/魅惑法术也无法影响她。没有兽化人可以举手对抗她。她可以作为一种能力地施展任何预言学派或领域的法术;这样的法术不视作其法术配额的一部分,而在施展的其它法术或采取的其它行动外,每轮她还能额外施展一道预言能力。在面对她所施放的预言能力、而这项预言能力允许豁免时,任何事物都将在豁免上遭受-3惩罚。除非她愿意,否则她无法被预言魔法侦测或请教。(她总是会回复她自己的神职人员)。
Selûne radiates protection from evil in any radius up to 100 yards at will. Light- and electricity-based attacks cannot harm Selûne, and neither can she be affected by illusions, charm-type magic, charm sphere spells, and enchantment/charm spells. No lycanthrope may lift a hand against her. She may cast any divination school or sphere spell as an ability; such spells do not count as part of her spell allotment, and she may cast one divination a round in addition to any other spells she can cast or actions she can take in a round. All beings make saving throws at a -3 penalty against her divinations when saving throws are allowed. Selûne may not be detected by or consulted by divination magics unless she wishes to be. (She always answers her own clergy.)
其祂显现Other Manifestations
塞伦涅经常显现作舞动的光尘(被称作“月粉”或“月尘”,类似于 鬼火will-o'-wisp)轨迹。它们将指引在夜间迷路或是必须穿越危险地带的民众;它们也会为了向她的忠实信徒提供完成某项微妙任务所必需的光而出现。这些月尘可能会渗出闪亮、发光的珍珠液滴——“从月亮滴落的眼泪”——苏伦教派Selûnite 神职人员将聚集在此并致以崇高的颂扬,将其作为许多援助性药剂和治疗药膏的强力成分。她也会派遣猫头鹰、半龙、特定品种的兽人和变形生物、以及瓷片们前往援助凡人或是展现她的眷顾或不悦。
Selûne often manifests as trails of dancing light motes known as “moondust” or “moon motes” that resemble will-o'-wisps. These guide folk who are lost at night or who must travel over treacherous ground; they also appear in order for her faithful to provide the light necessary to perform a delicate task. These moon motes may exude sparkling, glowing drops of pearly liquid—“drops fallen from the moon”—which Selûnite clergy gather and prize highly, using as an ingredient of power in many helpful potions and healing ointments. She also sends owls, weredragons, certain lycanthropes and shapechanging creatures, and the Shards to aid mortals or to show her favor or presence.
教会The Church
神职人员Clergy:牧师Clerics,专属祭司specialty priests,护教军crusaders,潜修者mystics
神职阵营Clercy/b's Align.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN
驱散不死Turn Undead:牧师C:可Yes;专属祭司SP:可Yes;护教军Cru:不可No;潜修者Mys:不可No
支配不死Cmno. Undead:牧师C:不可NO;专属祭司SP:不可No;护教军Cru:不可No;潜修者Mys:不可No
塞伦涅的所有牧师、专属祭司、护教军鹅潜修者都得到 宗教知识religion(泛费伦Faerûnian) 作为非武器熟练奖励。
All clerics, specialty priests, crusaders, and mystics of Selûne receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.
Selûne is worshiped by a mixed bag of followers:navigators, sailors, women, female spellcasters (especially those born under a full moon or interested in divination), good- and neutral-aligned lycanthtopes, those who work honestly at night, those seeking protection from Shar, the lost, the questing, and those curious about the future. Couples look to Selûne to bless them with children when they are ready, and women look to her for courage, strength, and guidance. The demands she places on her followers are few, and the goddess is reputed to be free with her gifts and boons to mortals.
塞伦涅的祭职者与她的崇拜者一样多样化,而她是一种真正促进平等的接触与理解的信仰。作为塞伦涅教会混乱而分散特性的反映,它的等级制度也是一团牧师、专属祭司、护教军、潜修者、博学多闻或受到祝福的世俗个体、以及少量善良阵营兽化人(既有天生也有被感染的)的大杂烩。所有群体都在 白银圣母Our Lady of Silver 徽记之下相对和平(即便有些喧闹)的协作。这支多样化团体的成员们都以自己的风格崇拜这位女神。她的教会们如月相一般多样,从深水城中的豪富神殿,到 谷地the Dalelands 中的简陋神龛,从隐士生活和山顶的舞环到华丽的神殿巨邸,不一而足。
Selûne's priesthood is as diverse as her worshipers, with hers being truly a faith that promotes equal access and understanding. Reflecting the chaotic and scattered nature of the church of Selûne, its hierarchy is a hodgepodge of clerics, specialty priests, crusaders, mystics, informed or blessed lay individuals, and a smattering of good-aligned lycanthropes (both natural and infected). All cooperate in relative—if rollicking—peace under the symbol of Our Lady of Silver. Members of this diverse group all worship the goddess in their own styles. Her churches vary as do the phases of the moon, from opulent temples in Waterdeep to simple shrines in the Dalelands, from hermitages and hilltop dancing circles to ornate mansion temples.
A great deal of moon-related activity occurs in and around Waterdeep, and most of this is attributed to the temple to Our Lady of Silver. Most Selûnites, however, tend toward smaller shrines and individual worship, since“Anywhere the full moon shines is the place for Selûne.” Selûnites refer to night conditions as being either “moonlight” (the moon is present, though perhaps not immediately visible) or “nightgloom” (the moon is not out or is dark).
塞伦涅教派祭司们使用品类繁多的头衔,但初修士(仍不是正式祭司)总是被称作 受召者the Called,人类女性往往在更有权势的神职人员阶层占据主导地位。典型的塞伦涅教派头衔(依升序)包括:受触摸者Touched、融入星辰者Enstarred、月沐者Moonbathed、银眉Silverbrow、月亮Lunar、启蒙者Initiate、以及 高阶启蒙者High Initiate。所有这些头衔之后都紧跟着“女祭司Priestess/祭司Priest”。而那些跟在此之后的头衔往往以“Priestess/Priest of the”开头,以这位祭司所属的个体神殿或神龛某些形式的传统结尾。必须强调的是,除了深水城和其他大型城市神殿,人们会发现许多与这些头衔形式相悖的地方。这位女神的精英专属祭司被称作 银星silverstars。
Selûnite priests use a wide variety of titles, but novices (not yet full priests) are always known as the Called, and human females tend to dominate the ranks of the more powerful clergy. Typical Selûnite titles (in ascending order) include:Touched, Enstarred, Moonbathed, Silverbrow, Lunar, Initiate, and High Initiate. All of these titles are followed by "Priestess/Priest." Those titles that follow these in rank tend to begin with "Priestess/Priest of the" and end in some form traditional to the individual temple or shrine the priest is affiliated with. It must be stressed that outside of Waterdeep and other larger city temples, many departures from these forms of titles will be found. The elite specialty priests of the goddess are known as silverstars.
Selûne as Lucha is worshiped by nearly everyone in Durpar. Her worshipers believe that she will guide them to the most profitable customers. It is widely believed that Lucha herself watches over all marriages performed by her clergy, and nearly all marriages in Durpar are performed by priests of Lucha. Her priests work ceaselessly against those of Mask and other evil gods.
Selûne's ethos seems to be one of acceptance and tolerance over any other overriding principle. All are to be made welcome in her faith and seen as equal, and fellow Selûnites should be aided freely, as it they were one's dearest friends. “May Selûne guide your steps in the night, and bring them to the new dawn” is the common blessing ot priests of Selûne to the faithful.}}
Novices are charged with the words of the goddess:“Let all on whom my light falls be welcome if they desire to be so. As the silver moon waxes and wanes, so too does all life. Trust in my radiance, and know that all love alive under my light shall know my blessing. Turn to the moon, and I will be your true guide.”
日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:
塞伦涅的祭司们花费时间漫游于 费伦大陆Faerûn 接触月亮女神的忠实信徒和潜在崇拜者,因为在地表世界的任何地方都可以向塞伦涅礼拜。她们靠着算命赚了不少小钱,因为那些试图读懂星象的人在预测方面的成功率,永远达不到向塞伦涅呼唤真正指导的神职成员那么高。以这种方式,在那些寻找指引的仰望夜空者中,塞伦涅的崇拜者在稳步增长着。
Priests of Selûne spend their time wandering Faerûn reaching out to the faithful and to potential worshipers of the moon goddess, since Selûne can be worshiped anywhere on the surface world. They make much small coin by telling fortunes, because folk who try to read the stars never achieve the same success rate in predictions as do clergy members who can call on Selûne for real guidance. In this way, Selûne steadily gains worshipers from the ranks of those who look to the night sky for guidance.}}
塞伦涅教派祭职者的成员也因无畏地面对兽化人,而在农民和其他普通群众中赢得了尊重。她们同样(在 女士the Lady 的命令下)慷慨地给予治疗,经常在直接的治疗外还提供一顿餐食和一处安眠的温暖地方,而只收取少量的费用。塞伦涅之道因此使得这位女神越来越受欢迎,并保持了其神职人员的吃苦耐劳、游历广泛、并保持与自然世界的实质联系。月之少女the Moonmaiden 的神职人员被鼓励自力更生、谦逊虚心、并且在对孤独者和正派的人尽可能始终保持帮助和友好的同时,在世上仍然要尽可能地取得成功。通过这项富有远见的方针,塞伦涅允许她的神职人员们变成快乐、满足、重要的人,并由此得见其信仰稳步获取力量。白银圣在结盟和宗教仪式方面的事宜往往比较宽容。在她的信仰中,自 立自强和发现属于自己的、踏实的道路,远比挑剔的细节更为重要,也正因此,塞伦涅也在古怪之人、冒险者、所有类型的异议者(包括被驱逐者)中受到亲睐。许多贤者预计塞伦涅将再次攀登到强大神力,而且可能就在他们有生之年内。
Members of the Selûnite priesthood also face lycanthropes fearlessly and thereby win respect among farmers and other members of the common folk. They are also, by the Lady's command, generous with their healing, often charging very little beyond a meal and a warm place to sleep for straightforward healing. Selûne's way thus makes the goddess ever more popular and keeps her clergy hardy, well-traveled, and in practical touch with the natural world. The Moonmaiden's clergy are encouraged to be self-reliant, humble, and yet make as much of a success as they can in the world while always remaining as helpful and friendly to the lonely and to decent folk as possible. By this long-sighted policy Selûne allows her clergy to become happy, fulfilled, important people, and sees her faith steadily gain power thereby. Our Lady of Silver is inclined to be lenient in matters of alignment and religious observance. Self-reliance and finding one's own, practical path are more important than fussy detail in her faith, and so Selûne is also gaining favor among eccentrics, adventurers, and mavericks of all sorts, including outcasts. Many sages expect Selûne to rise again to great might among the powers, perhaps within their lifetimes.
圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
塞伦涅教派的神职人员将她们的仪式妆点为完全个性化、独一无二的纪念。其中最基本的是月光下的露天舞会与祷告,伴随着在每个满月或新月的夜晚,将牛奶和酒倒入一处中央祭坛作为献祭。这些仪式通常被称作 夜之潜近night stalks,在此期间,她的祭司们将再次确认她们对 白夜女士the Night White Lady 的亲近,并且在可能时与她交流。
Selûnite clergy embroider their rituals into quite individual, unique observances. The basics of these are open-air dances and prayers under the moonlight with offerings of milk and wine poured upon a central altar during the nights of every full moon and new moon. These rituals are often called night stalks and during them her priests reaffirm their closeness to the Night White Lady and commune with her when possible.
塞伦涅最神圣的仪式是 第二月之咒唤the Conjuring of the Second 和 夜之奥秘the Mystery of the Night。第二月之咒唤只在 盾会节Shieldmeet 举办。它将召唤瓷片们前往达成凡人神职人员的命令,通常是与莎尔的爪牙交战。瓷片们在离开之前,总是会让一位凡人女祭司成为她们的一员。每位祭司每年至少必须举行一场夜之奥秘。在奥秘仪式期间,塞伦涅教派祭司们将在月之少女的祭坛前施展某些秘密法术并躺下,在那她将在恍惚的状态中向上飞起、螺旋环绕月亮,在此期间通过精神的幻景与塞伦涅进行私密的交谈。因为它是如此令人筋疲力竭,这场仪式将对这位凡人造成1d12点伤害,但这种伤害可以正常通过休息或使用治疗魔法治愈。
The most sacred rituals of Selûne are the Conjuring of the Second Moon and the Mystery of the Night. The Conjuring of the Second Moon is performed only during Shieldmeet. It summons the Shards to do the bidding of the mortal clergy, often to do battle with minions of Shar. The Shards always take one mortal priestess to be one of them before they depart. The Mystery of the Night must be performed at least once a year by ev - ret spells and lie before the Moonmaiden's altar, from whence they fly upward and spiral around the moon in a trance while they speak personally with Selûne via mental visions. This ritual causes a mortal 1d12 points of damage as it is so draining, bu t this damage heals normally through rest or the use of healing magic.
当这位女神被取悦时,她将使月光沐浴倒在她祭坛的酒或牛奶中,将其转化为 月火moonfire:一种乳白色、发光的、如丝绸般温柔、有着与奶油一致的粘稠度的非固态流动性液体。这团 月火 将从祭坛流下触碰或包裹生物和物品。它的触碰将毁灭不死生物,附魔物品使其成为供塞伦涅教派神职人员使用的魔法物品,并赋予生物特殊力量。月火 将在塞伦涅想的时候消失,并依据其意愿授予力量。那些窃取它的人将一无所得,没有已知方法能强迫它展现某种特定的力量。
When the goddess is pleased, she causes moonlight to bathe the wine or milk poured out on her altar, which transforms it into moonfire:an opalescent, glowing, soft-as-silk, ambulatory fluid mass the consistency of custard. The moonfire flows down from the altar to touch or envelop beings and items. Its touch destroys undead, enchants objects to make them magical items for the use of Selûnite clergy, and confers special powers on creatures. Moonfire vanishes when Selûne wills and bestows power as she wills. Those who steal it gain nothing, and there is no known means of forcing it to yield up a specific power.
塞伦涅以她的 月火 创造的典型魔法物品包括:防御护腕bracers of defense、月之斗篷mooncloak、月尘moon mote、月疗药剂potions of moon-healing、流星戒指rings of shooting stars、以及各种魔法盾牌。月火创造的 防御护腕 除了这类护腕的其它功能外,还会允许其穿戴者每晚一次以 次元门dimension door 从一处月光照耀之地到达另一处月光照耀之地。月之斗篷 是一种银灰色的斗篷,结合了 +1 防护斗篷cloak of protection +1 和 水面行走water walking 能力,并且可以随意使用 浮空术levitate。月尘 是一种圆形、光滑的石头,被命令时,能够变成持有 月尘 者直接控制下的 舞光术dancing lights;其效果的范围和持续时间如同22级法师施展的 舞光术。月疗药剂 将复原受伤凡人4d8+4点伤害,并且能分成4份,每份治疗1d8点伤害。对天生或被感染的兽化人,月疗药剂 复原8d8点伤害,或分成4份每份治疗2d8伤害。
Typical magical items Selûne creates with her moonfire include bracers of defense, mooncloaks, moon motes, potions of moon-healing, rings of shooting stars, and various magical shields. Moonfire-created bracers of defense, in addition to working as other such bracers, allow their wearer to dimension door once a night from one moonlit place to another. A mooncloak is a silvery-gray cloak that combines the powers of a cloak of protection +1 with water walking and levitate at will. A moon mote is a round, smooth stone that can become dancing lights upon command under the directional control of whoever is holding the mote; range and duration for the effect are as if dancing lights were cast by a 22nd-level wizard. Potions of moon-healing restore 4d8+4 points of damage to injured mortals and can be split into four doses that cure 1d8 points o damage each. To natural or infected lycanthropes, potions of moon-healing restore 8d8+8 points of damage or yield four doses that cure 2d8 points of damage each.
在特殊情况下,月火 也能授予塞伦涅的凡人崇拜者魔法力量。当可用时,它们将如使用者是22级巫师般运作。典型的特殊力量包括:
Moonfire can also bestow magical powers upon mortal worshipers of Selûne under special circumstances. They work, when applicable, as if their users were 22nd-level mages. Typical special powers include:
❖随意使用,每月(月份)1次,驱散魔法Dispel magic。
❖ Dispel magic at will once per moon (month).
❖随意使用,或是无意识不受控制下降时,在月光中的 羽落术Feather fall。
❖ Feather fall in moonlight at will or when unconscious and descending un-controlled.
❖每月1夜,时长和次数均依其所愿的 飞行术Fly(如同法师法术)。
❖ Fly (as the wizard spell) for as long and as often as desired one night per moon.
❖每月7次,通过接触 鉴定术Identify 物品。
❖ Identify objects by touch seven times per moon.
❖ 30-foot infravision.
❖每月1次,在费伦大陆中无时间或空间限制,定位物品Locate object。
❖ Locate object at will with no time or space limit within Faerûn once per moon.
❖每月1次,通过接触 移除诅咒Remove curse。
❖ Remove curse by touch once per moon.
❖每夜1次,时长依其所愿地 心灵遥控Telekinesis,但只能在月光中使用。该能力在黑暗或夜晚的昏暗中猝然终止。
❖ Telekinesis once per night for as long as desired, but only when in moonlight. The ability ends abruptly in darkness or in nightgloom.
❖ Immunity to all powers of and damage from elven moonblades.
❖ Complete control over lycanthropic transformations for seven moons for lycanthropes of any type.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
献给塞伦涅的最宏伟、最美丽的神殿是深水城中的 月之邸the House of the Moon,在那里,高阶月光之女祭司Priestess of the High Moonlight(或者缺乏经验地简单称呼为“高阶女祭司High Priestess”)娜内泽·萨瑞尔Naneatha Suaril 在一座镀金圆顶的神殿中主持宫廷,它华丽的新大门描绘了塞伦涅得意洋洋地将莎尔猛掷到深水城的尖顶中——如信徒们说她在 动荡之年Time of Troubles 期间她所做的那样。在那里,数十名身着银装的女祭司对着月亮弹着竖琴,或是贩卖治疗处方、保持人整夜清醒并且仍然获得睡了个安稳好觉好处的药剂、以及其它给予饮用者从黄昏到黎明的 热感视觉infravision 的药剂。
The greatest and most beautiful temple to Selûne is the House of the Moon in Waterdeep, where Priestess of the High Moonlight (or to the uninitiated, simply "High Priestess") Naneatha Suaril holds court in a gilt-domed temple whose ornate new gates depict Selûne triumphantly hurling Shar down into the spires of Waterdeep as the faithful say she did during the Time of Troubles. Here dozens of silver-robed priestesses harp out tunes to the moon or sell healing drafts, potions that keep one alert for an entire night and yet bestow the benefits of a solid sleep, and other potions that give their imbibers infravision from one dusk to dawn.
同样,在那里虔诚信徒们朝圣观看放置在玻璃盒子(被塞伦涅的专属祭司守卫着)中的 四月魔杖 的神圣副本。塞伦涅经常脱魔杖而出显现在这座神殿中。它由塞伦涅根据自己与莎尔在深水城中的交战的回忆,亲自创造和祝福。这副神圣的副本与塞伦涅在战斗中挥舞的魔杖一模一样。它漂浮在玻璃盒中,散发出一种柔和的银蓝色光芒,不过它没有任何其它已知的魔法力量。有些人发誓娜内泽可以通过对月之少女提出特殊的请求,将这副复制品转化为真正的 四月魔杖,并在短时间内以全盛的荣耀挥舞她,但没有目击者目睹过这样的事件。个别幸运的朝圣者见证了塞伦涅的神圣本质(用于制作她的药剂)从这柄空中悬停的魔杖的滴落,或是在她们注视着它时,听见她在他们脑海中低喃着劝告或鼓励的话语。在 塞伦涅的圣节Selûne's Hallowing(每年一度的 深水城人Waterdhavian 神殿假日),娜内泽携带着它在前带领崇拜者们的游行队伍离开月之邸,并低走移动到海港。
Here, too, the devout make pilgrimages to see the holy replica of the Wand of the Four Moons in its glass case (guarded by specialty priest of Selûne). Selûne usually manifests in the temple from out of this wand. It was created and blessed by Selûne herself in memory of the battle with Shar she had in Waterdeep. This holy duplicate is identical in form to the wand that Selûne wields in battle. It levitates in its glass case and glows with a soft, silvery-blue light, though it has no other known magical powers. Some swear that Naneatha can, by special request to the Moonmaiden, switch this duplicate with the real Wand of Four Moons and wield it in all its glory for short periods, but no witnesses to such an event have ever come forward. A fortunate few pilgrims have witnessed drops of Selûne's holy essence—the ingredient used in the making of her potions—falling from the hovering wand or heard her whisper words of advice or encouragement in their heads as they gazed upon it. On Selûne's Hallowing, a yearly Waterdhavian temple holiday, Naneatha carries it before her at the head of a parade of worshipers that leave the House of the Moon at moonrise and move down to the harbor.
指引者在 拉斯塔尔城Lastarr(一座曾经是塔刚德一部分的独立城市)受到眷顾,那是她最突出的崇拜中心。
She Who Guides is favored in Lastarr, an independent city once part of Estagund which is her most prominent center of worship.
塞伦涅教派一处失落的崇拜中心是位于 安姆Amn 心脏的 迷斯·雷拉斯特Myth Lharast,被迷锁包围的传说之城之一。这座在许多年前作为塞伦涅教派之城建立的城市,其迷锁与月亮链接,并且只会在特定的月光下,作为一副由围墙与塔楼组成、幽灵般、漂浮着的辉煌景象显现,并最终将再次消失。一支邪恶生物和团伙(从被半巫妖统治的不死生物军队到石像鬼氏族)组成的混合体,已经控制了它许多年,并利用它来袭击周边的土地。这给它带来了坏名声。塞伦涅的忠实信徒们仍然期望它有朝一日能重归她的佑护之下。
One lost center of Selûnite worship is Myth Lharast in the heart of Amn, one of the legendary cities surrounded by a mythal. Founded as a city of Selûnites ages ago, its mythal is linked to the moon, and it appears only on certain moonlit nights as a ghostly, floating splendor of walls and towers only to disappear again. An assortment of evil beings and groups, from un-dead armies ruled by demiliches to gargoyle clans, have seized control of it over the years and used it to raid the surrounding land. This has given it a fell reputation. The faithful of Selûne yet hope to restore it to her care.
从属组织Affiliated Orders:
有一支名为 女士之剑the Swords of the Lady 的塞伦涅狂热教徒组织,她们通常被称作 疯癫者the Lunatics。其成员由一撮塞伦涅教派的护教军、专属祭司和潜修者率领。她们往往会对莎尔与其祭职者的威胁迅速作出反应,不过她们的举动被广大群众视作怪诞。在其他团体中,竖琴手Harpers 和一支崇拜白夜女士、自称 月之神谕the Oracles of the Moon 女预言师团体,亦隶属于塞伦涅的教会。
One order of fanatic Selûnites is known as the Swords of the Lady, who are often referred to colloquially as the Lunatics. Its members are led by a few Selûnite crusaders, specialty priests, and mystics. They tend to act rapidly in response to threats from Shar and her priesthood, although their behavior is often viewed as bizarre by the public at large. Among other groups, the church of Selûne is also affiliated with Harpers and a group of female diviners who worship the Night White Lady who call themselves the Oracles of the Moon.
祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
The ceremonial costume of Selûnites varies from place to place. Selûnite clergy members wear everything from plain brown robes to only a little moonstone jewelry as an accent to normal clothing to rich bejeweled gowns of the finest make and haughtiest fashion with enchanted, animate trains and capes and accompanying moonstone crowns. The finest can be found at the House of the Moon in Waterdeep, where the high priestess Naneatha Suaril presides over rituals in a wide-bottomed hooped skirt with a large fanlike collar rising at the back of its neck. Both skirt and collar are stiffened with whalebone and set with clusters of pearls and other gemstones. The ceremonial dress of priests of Lucha consists of a circlet woven of vines or flowers and white robes. No shoes are worn at ceremonies. The only other symbol of office is a staff wound about with vines and flowers.
冒险装束Adventuring Garb:
In the field, the clergy members of the Selûnite church dress practically for the task they are undertaking. The tend to dress fashionably, but not gaudily, in day-to-day life. The preferred weapon of the clergy of Selûne is a smooth-headed mace called the moon's hand. The moon's hand has identical statistics to a standard footman's mace, though it gains special combat bonuses in the hands of a specialty priest of Selûne.

专属祭祀Specialty Priests(银星Silverstars)
职业需求REQUIREMENTS:体质Constitution 12,感知Wisdom 14
关键属性PTIME REQ.:体质Constitution,感知Wisdom
武器WEAPONS:所有钝击武器(类型B) All bludgeoning weapons (wholly Type B)
主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,动物animal,星界astral,战斗combat,预言divination,守卫guardian,治疗healing,死灵necromantic,数字numbers,召唤summoning,太阳sun,旅者travelers,气象weather
魔法物品MAGICALITEMS:如同牧师Same as clerics
熟练需求REQ. PROFS:无None
熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:导航Navigation,占星术astrology
❖ Beings of any race may be silverstars.
❖ Silverstars are gifted with infravision (30-foot range).
❖ In the hands of a silverstar, a moon's hand (mentioned above under adventuring garb) strikes with a +1 to its attack and damage rolls and counts as a +1 magical weapon for the purpose of striking creatures only able to be hit by magical weapons.
❖每日1次,银星可以创造 星空之光starshine(如同3级祭司法术)。每增加5次,银星的创造 星空之光starshine 能力每日可用次数+1。
❖ Silverstars may create starshine (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once per day. For each five additional levels, a silverstar gains the ability to create starshine again that day.
❖在第3级,每日1次,银星可以创造一道 月光锥moonbeam(如同5级祭司法术)或 降低水位lower water 或 提升水位raise water(如同4级祭司法术或它的逆向)。
❖ At 3rd level, silverstars may create a moonbeam (as the 5th-level priest spell) or lower water or raise water (as the 4th-level priest spell or its reverse) once a day.
❖在第5级,每日1次,银星可以创造一道 月之刃moonblade(如同3级祭司法术)。
❖ At 5th level, silverstars may create a moonblade (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once a day.
❖在第10级,每日1次,银星可以创造一道 月之径moon path(如同5级祭司法术)或获得 真知术true seeing(如同5级祭司法术)。
❖ At 10th level, silverstars may create a moon path (as the 5th-level priest spell) or gain true seeing (as the 5th-level priest spell) once a day.
❖ At 15th level, silverstars can shoot up to three shooting stars from one of their hands or their eyes per tenday, either simultaneously or one at a time. These glowing missiles with fiery tails each impact for 12 points of damage and burst in a 10-foot-diameter sphere for 24 points of damage. Any creatures struck take full damage from impact plus full damage from the shooting star burst. Creatures within the burst radius must roll a saving throw vs. spell to take only one-half damage. Range is 70 feet, at the end of which the burst will occur unless an object or creature is struck before that.
The shooting stars follow a straight path. A creature in the path must roll a saving throw vs. spell or be hit by the missile. Saving throws suffer a -3 penalty within 20 feet of the silverstar who is shooting,- 1 from 21 feet to 40 feet, and receive no adjustment beyond 40 feet.
❖ Silverstars are not immune to lycanthropy; however, if infected by chaotic good lycanthropes (or if they change alignment to match the infecting lycanthrope, with all attendant experience penalties), then silverstars can control their lycanthropic transformations at will, as a natural (rather than infected) lycanthrope. A silverstar cannot change alignment to evil and remain a silverstar, though any other alignment change is allowed in these circumstances only. Silverstar lycanthropes, through a boon from Selûne, are not specially vulnerable to silver weapons.
露卡的专属祭祀Specialty Priests of Lucha(向导Guides)
职业需求REQUIREMENTS:感知Wisdom 15
关键属性PTIME REQ.:感知Wisdom
武器WEAPONS:所有钝击武器(类型B) All bludgeoning weapons (wholly Type B),网nets,套索lasso;以及任何可以在不伤害受害者的前提下进行俘虏的武器anything that allows capture without harming the victim
主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,星界astral,魅惑charm,预言divination,治疗healing,死灵necromantic,保护protection,植物plant,太阳sun,旅者travelers
魔法物品MAGICALITEMS:如同牧师Same as clerics
熟练需求REQ. PROFS:方向感Direction sense
熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:导航Navigation
❖ The first weapon a guide learns must always be the quarterstaff.
❖ Guides receive a +3 bonus to direction sense proficiency checks.
❖向导免疫 迷宫术maze、破坏方向感的 守卫 和 结界 法术、以及让她们迷路或对前进方向感到困惑的类似法术和类法术效果。
❖ Guides are immune to maze, the direction-confusing effects of the guards and wards spell, and similar spells and spell-like effects that cause them to lose the way or become confused about what direction they are moving.
❖每日1次,向导能施展 防护邪恶protection from evil(如同1级祭司法术)。每3级,向导能够额外施展1次。
❖ Guides are able to cast protection from evil (as the 1st-level priest spell) once per day. For each three additional levels, a guide gains the ability to cast protection from evil again that day.
❖每日1次,向导有能力 定位物品locate object(如同3级祭司法术)。
❖ At 3rd level, guides have the ability to locate object (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once per day.
❖每日1次,向导有能力 定位生物locate creature(如同4级法师法术)或创造一道 月之刃moonblade(如同3级祭司法术)。
❖ At 5th level, guides have the ability to locate creature (as the 4th-level wizard spell) or create a moonblade (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once per day.
❖在第10级,每日1次,向导可以创造一道 月之径moon path(如同5级祭司法术)或获得 真知术true seeing(如同5级祭司法术)。
❖ At 7th level, guides may create a moon path (as the 5th-level priest spell) or gain true seeing (as the 5th-level priest spell) once a day.
❖在第10级,每日1次,向导能够 寻找捷径find the path(如同6级祭司法术)。向导的第一要务是用这个能力寻找丢失之物。
❖ At 10th level, guides are able to find the path (as the 6th-level priest spell) once a day. As a first priority, a guide is to use this ability to find something that has been lost.
塞伦涅教派法术Selunite Spells
3rd Level
月之刃Moon Blade
持续时间Duration:1 轮/级round/level
施法时间Casting Time:6
影响区域Area of Effect:一副剑形魔法构装体One swordlike magical construct
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
这道法术将带来一副月光所制、无声亦无重量的剑形魔法构造物,从施法者的手上直截地伸出4英尺。它无法被扔下、移交他人、或是折断。为了进行击打,它必须作为一件武器挥舞。施法者的正常零级命中值使用,但在对那些只能被特定种类武器击中的目标时,月之刃 被认为是+4魔法武器。它在击中时将吸取活力或者说生命力量,而不造成明显的伤害。不死生物将被 月之刃 明显创伤;它们的物质将因它的接触而沸腾,并因每次击打遭受2d12+4点伤害。
This spell brings into being a silent, weightless swordlike construct made of moonlight that extends 4 feet straight out from the caster's hand. It cannot be dropped, transferred to the grasp of another being, or broken. To strike, it must be wielded as a weapon. The caster's normal THAC0 applies, but a moon blade is considered a +4 magical weapon for the purpose of what kinds of beings it is able to hit. Its strike drains vitality or life force, causing no visible wounds, but inflicting 1dl2+4 points of damage. Undead are visibly wounded by a moon blade; their substance boils away from its touch, and they suffer 2d12+4 points of damage per blow.
月之刃 的成功击打将临时扰乱魔法。在被它击中后的轮,受害者将不能施展魔法或呼唤任何类法术能力。在那轮中当前的法术功能将被暂停,而受害者所持的魔法物品在那一轮不起作用。
A successful moon blade strike temporarily scrambles magic. On the round after being hit, victims cannot cast spells or call on any spell-like abilities. The functioning of existing spell conditions is suspended for that round, and magical items wielded by the victim do not function for that round.
若施法者被杀、或施展任何其它法术(除非只有言语),月之刃 将消失。
A moon blade vanishes if its caster is slain or casts any other spell except those that have only verbal components.
这道法术与某些精灵使用和制造、名为 月刃moon-blades 的附魔物品并无关系。
This spell as no connection with the enchanted items known as moon-blades borne and made by some elves.
4th Level
月光之墙Wall of Moonlight
距离Range:5 码/级yards/level
持续时间Duration:1 轮/级round/level
施法时间Casting Time:7
影响区域Area of Effect:一道6英寸厚的垂直面,其表面每面每平方英尺/每级A 6-inch-thick vertical plane with a surface square feet/level per side
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
这道魔法创造了一条闪闪发光的挂毯,由打着旋的珍珠白力场构成。月光之墙 是无形的,不需要固定在任何东西上,可以无所阻碍地通过。如果受到了周遭环境的局限、或是施法者希望给它留个开口,它能被制造地比施法者的限制更小,但它不能被提前解消。这道墙上的虚假月光强度足以借此进行阅读以及清晰地照亮周围20英尺内的所有方向。使用热感视觉的生物无法借此看清楚,不过若是情况允许,它们可以护好自己的眼睛并看过去。
This magic creates a shimmering tapestry of swirling, pearl-white force. A wall of moonlight is intangible, need not be anchored to anything, and can readily be passed through. It can be made smaller than the caster's limits if surroundings confine it or the caster wishes to leave an opening beside it, but it cannot be dismissed prematurely. The false moonlight of the wall is bright enough to read by and to clearly illuminate its surroundings within 20 feet in all directions. Beings employing infravision cannot see clearly through it, though they may, if the situation allows, be able to shield their eyes and see past it.
月光之墙 对与之接触或穿越它的生物和物品,也如下效果:不死生物将遭受4d12点伤害。邪恶阵营的生物和任何携带了 莎尔Shar 或 安博里Umberlee 女神圣徽者,将遭受2d10点伤害。魔法物品将突然发出红色的 妖火faerie fire,持续1d4+1轮;这团火焰在其持续时间结束前无法驱除,即便是挥舞者通常能控制该物品亮度也将是如此。魔法药剂必须通过对抗魔法火药豁免检定,否则将爆炸,对10英尺内的生物造成3d4点伤害、或是对携带了玻璃、晶体或陶瓷烧瓶的人造成1d10点伤害。(若它们被以其它方式携带,并且豁免失败,地下城主必须裁定与之相称的效果。)最后,任何类型的魔法黑暗都将被驱除,并且不能在 月光之墙 任何部分的40英尺之内被唤起或继续存在。
A wall of moonlight has the following effects on creatures and items coming into contact with it or passing through it:Undead creatures take 4d12 points of damage. Creatures of evil alignment plus any being who is carrying a holy symbol consecrated to the goddesses Shar or Umberlee suffer 2d10 points of damage. Magical items glow with a sudden red faerie fire for 1d4+1 rounds; this cannot be banished before its duration ends, even if the wielder can normally control the radiance of the item. Magical potions must make a successful item saving throw vs. magical fire or explode, inflicting 3d4 points of damage upon beings within 10 feet or 1d4+8 points of damage to any being carrying them if they are carried in a glass, crystal, or ceramic flask. (If they are carried in some other manner and fail their saving throw, the Dungeon Master must adjudicate the appropriate proportionate effects.) Finally, magical darkness of any sort is banished and cannot be evoked or continue to exist within 40 feet of any part of a wall of moonlight.
若是某只生物穿越 月光之墙 不止一次,或是中途停顿超过1轮,则其每与它接触一次,或是每连续接触1轮,就会遭受这种伤害。
If a creature passes through the wall more than once, or pauses in its midst for more than one round, the being suffers this damage for each contact with the wall or round of continuous contact with it.
5 th Level
月之径Moon Path
距离Range:5 码/级yards/level
施法时间Casting Time:8
影响区域Area of Effect:一条宽度可变、发光的白色半透明力场阶梯或桥,最大长度15英尺/级A variable-width, glowing white stair or bridge of translucent force a maximum of 15 feet/level long
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
This spell enables its caster to create a stair or bridge from one known, visualized spot to another. The effect is a railless ribbon of glowing white translucent force like a glass strip that is from 3 to 20 feet wide as the caster decides (and able to vary in width over its length if the caster desires). It is a maximum of 15 feet per level of the caster long, though the caster may make it shorter if space is constricted. It can climb or descend and sticks to its endpoints unshakably, even if these endpoints are actually empty air above known ground features.
在 月之径 上行走的生物受到如下保护:他们不能被吸取属性或经验等级(生命力),他们不能被普通的远程武器伤害,他们免疫所有的附魔/魅惑法术(尽管他们能感觉到足够的法术效果来辨别出它是做什么的),他们不会在月之径上摔倒或从 月之径 上跌落,不管是什么力量击中 月之径 或他们。
Beings walking on a moon path are protected as follows:They cannot be drained of abilities or experience levels (life force), they cannot be harmed by normal missiles, they are immune to all enchantment/charm spells (although they can sense enough of a spell effect to identify it for what it does), and they cannot fall over or off the moon path, no matter what force strikes it or them.
月之径 不需要支撑,也不能被任何已知的力量粉碎或移动,并且足够稳定,可以在上面施放法术。如果被成功施展驱散魔法,或者施法者希望,或者已经被数量等于施法者经验等级的生物完全穿越,月之径 就会消失。否则,它将持续1回合/施法者等级。在 月之径 到期或消失的时候,其上的生物会在砸中坚固表面时受到正常的坠落伤害。6环或以上的魔法屏障会阻止 月之径的形成,或者在两者相遇的地方截断现有的 月之径,但是施法者不能选择以类似的方式只驱逐他或她的 月之径 的一部分。月之径 的一部分丢失对剩余部分没有影响,即使丢失的部分将路径一分为二。
A moon path needs no supports, cannot be shattered or moved by any known force, and is stable enough to cast spells from. It vanishes if struck by a successful dispel magic, if the caster wills it to, or if it has been completely traversed by as many beings as the caster has experience levels. Otherwise, it persists for 1 turn/level of the caster. Beings on a moon path that expires or vanishes are subject to normal falling damage when they strike whatever hard surface is below. A magical barrier of the 6th or greater spell level stops a forming moon path or truncates an existing one where the two meet, but the caster cannot choose to banish only a part of his or her moon path in a similar manner. Loss of one part of a moon path has no effect on remaining parts, even if the loss cuts the path in two.
The material component of this spell is a handful of powdered moonstone.
持续时间Duration:1 轮/级round/level
施法时间Casting Time:8
影响区域Area of Effect:一个被接触生物或开口,表面积最大为1平方英尺每等级One touched creature or opening with a surface area of up to 1 square foot per level.
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
这个法术会创造出一张闪闪发光的银丝织就的光网。它能影响一个被接触的生物或开口(例如门或窗户),表面积可达1平方英尺每等级。除了塞伦涅的祭司、女神本人和保护区域内的生命之外,这张 月之网 是无法被看穿的,但它并不能阻止探测或定位生物和物体的魔法手段。
This spell creates a web of glowing, shimmering strands of silvery light. It affects one touched creature or opening (for example, a doorway or window) with a surface area of up to 1 square foot per level. This moonweb cannot be seen through except by priests of Selûne, the goddess herself, and the beings in its protected area, but it does not foil magical means of detecting or locating beings and objects.
任何攻击 月之网 的生物、武器或法术都会被立刻粗暴的强迫返回其源头。这包括试图通过 次元门dimension door 或传送魔法来绕过这种屏障的人(法术会被 月之网 吸取和破坏)。指向或穿过 月之网 的武器攻击会反弹,对它们的使用者造成完整伤害。
Any being, weapon, or spell striking a moonweb is forced, violently and immediately, back to its source. This includes beings trying to circumvent such a barrier by means of dimension door or tekportarion magics (which are drained and ruined by the moonweb). Weapon attacks directed at or through a moonweb rebound for full damage on their wielders.
在反弹之前,魔法武器对月之网的攻击会造成1点伤害每攻击奖励(每一点“加值”)。月之网 可以被摧毁,但要受到每等级施法者1点的魔法近战伤害,或者受到一个成功的 驱散魔法dispel magic。
Before rebounding, magical weapons do a moonweb 1 point of damage for each point of attack bonus (each "plus") possessed. A moonweb can be destroyed by inflicting 1 point of such magical melee damage per level of its caster upon it or by the application of a successful dispel magic.
月之网 会排斥 法术无效结界giobes of invulnerability 和其它魔法屏障,但是 月之网 与一道 反魔场anti-magic shell 或任何虹光魔法之间的接触都会瞬间摧毁这两种法术效果,并产生一场无害的壮观爆炸,伴随有蓝色火花和噼啪作响的紫色闪电束。
Moonwebs repel giobes of invulnerability and other magical barriers, but any contact between a moonweb and an anti-magic shell or any prismatic magic instantly destroys both spell effects in a spectacular burst of harmless blue sparks and crawling purple lightning bolts.
当一位月之网的施法者与 月之网 处于同一位面时,无论任何时候当有一个人或物体摧毁 月之网 或穿过它,施法者就会得到一副关于侵犯的物体或生物清晰的、生动的心理图像。
If the caster of a moonweb is on the same plane of existence as the moonweb whenever any being or object destroys it or tries to pass it, the caster gains a clear, vivid mental image of the offending object or being.
The material components of this spell are a piece of gray or silver hair from any source and a drop of holy water.
5eFR<Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.p027>塞伦涅Selûne
塞伦涅Selûne,月亮女神goddess of the moon 混乱善良CG 知识Knowledge,生命Life 双眼被七颗星星环绕Pair of eyes surrounded by seven stars
白银圣母Our Lady of Silver,月之少女the Moonmaiden,白夜女士the Night White Lady

塞伦涅Selûne 被认为是 费伦大陆Faerûn 诸神中最古老的一员。大部分费伦人把天空中的月亮视作俯瞰着世界的女神,而月亮之后拖曳的光尘是她的眼泪。除了是母性与生殖期之女神外,她也是群星与导航的女神。她被视为一位平静的神力,除了混杂的其它各色人等(航海家和水手、那些在夜间诚实工作的人、那些在黑暗中寻求的保护的人、迷途者、以及探索者)之外,妇女们也经常崇敬她。
Selûne is thought to be among the most ancient of Faerûn's deities. Most humans in Faerûn consider the moon in the sky to literally be the goddess gazing down on the world, and the trailing motes of light behind it her tears. She is also a goddess of stars and navigation as well as motherhood and reproductive cycles. She is seen as a calm power, frequently venerated by female humans as well as by a mix of other folk:navigators and sailors, those who work honestly at night, those seeking protection in the dark, the lost, and the questing.
有许多关于塞伦涅的传说,其中最重要的是在时间的起源,塞伦涅与她的姐妹——莎尔Shar——之间战斗的传说。塞伦涅之泪The Tears of Selûne——在天空中环绕着月亮流动的星群之光——被认为这位女神因快乐、悲伤、或是两者流下的。
There are many legends about Selûne, chief among them being the tale of the battle at the beginning of time between Selûne and her sister, Shar. The Tears of Selûne, the cluster of starry lights that fo flow the moon around the sky, are thought to be brought about by the goddess's joy, sorrow, or both.
Milk, a symbol of motherhood, is used in many rites performed by the worshipers of Selûne, as are trances and meditation. Those who favor her typically set a bowl of milk outside on each night of the full moon.