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天帝The Celestial Emperor,天庭主宰、诸天之央
【别名/面相】天皇The Celestial One
【头   衔】天庭主宰The Master of Heaven,诸天之央The Center of All Heaven
【阵   营】LN
【神   力】O/G
【神   系】FR天庭The Celestial Bureaucracy
【主   神】
【从   神】九仙Nine Immortals小仙Lesser Immortals天庭The Celestial Bureaucracy
【神   国】精魂世界The Spirit World
【信   徒】卡拉-图人(尤其是受龙人)
【简   介】天皇Celestial One,是卡拉-图大陆天庭的主神,他如帝王般统治着卡拉-图大陆,特别是受龙

1eFRK-T<K-T1.p024>天朝The Celestial Empire(节选)

天帝The Celestial Emperor

  天皇the Celestial One 在他那位于 诸天之央the Center of All Heaven 的宝座上进行着统治,绘制出 已然与未然What Has Been and Will 之径。他是唯一的 天帝Celestial Emperor,自 伟大循环the Great Cycle 开始以来他就在统治着。他呈现为一位高挑、富有贵族气息的领主,穿着色彩纷纭的闪耀长袍,并戴着 受龙皇帝the Emperors of Shou Lung 的高大皇冕。他的双眼因 业报的内火the Inner fires of Karma 而发白,他的容貌严厉、但仍然富有同情心。在他的右手握着一柄强大的复杂银权杖,呼作 公平审判Kun P'ing Shen p'an,这个词汇意为正义。在他的左手,他抓着一只金酒杯,其中盛满了生命的精华,这只酒杯名为 怜悯Lien Min 或 同情Compassion。
Ruling from his throne in the Center of All Heaven, the Celestial One charts the path of What Has Been and Will Be. There is only one Celestial Emperor, and he has ruled since the beginning of the Great Cycle. His appearance is that of a tall, aristocratic lord, dressed in shimmering robes of many colors, and wearing the high crown of the Emperors of Shou Lung. His eyes glow white with the Inner fires of Karma, and his visage is stern, yet compassionate. In his right hand, he holds a mighty rod of intricately worked silver, called Kun P'ing Shen p'an, the word for justice. In his left, he holds a golden chalice, filled with the Essence of Life, and known as Lien Min, or Compassion.

  天帝是 礼教the Path 的缔造者,是他的意志让天庭与大地互为彼此的完美映像。因这个原因,他派遣了 九仙the Nine Immortals 下凡以身作则。这也是为什么他以红色闪电将他的意旨刻到 洪泽the Hungtse 的花岗岩上,让人们能在漫长的时间之中被提醒。
The Celestial Emperor is the architect of the Path, and it is his will that both Heaven and Earth mirror each other in achieving perfection. For this reason, he sent the Nine Immortals among men to teach by example. It is also why he caused red lightning to inscribe his will in the granite of the Hungtse, so that men would be reminded throughout time.

  在每年 新年New Year 开始时,天帝会在 玉座the Jade Throne 前召集他的 伟大天廷Great Court of Heaven,以聆听他每位臣民的报告。无论地位高低,他的 百万天官Million Officials 的每位都必须汇报之前一年的功绩和职责。过失也将被报告,因为天帝那双全见之眼甚至能洞见隐藏之事。根据每份报告,天之央the Center of All Heaven 将通过他的审判,作出他认为合适的奖惩。正如 天书the Book of Heaven 之上所书的那样:
At the start of each New Year, the Celestial One calls his Great Court of Heaven before the Jade Throne, to hear the reports of each of his subjects. Whether great or low, each of his Million Officials tells of his deeds and duties of the year before. Misdeeds are also reported, for the all seeing eyes of the Celestial Emperor know even the hidden things. Upon each report, the Center of Heaven passes his judgement, rewarding the good and punishing the wicked as he deems fit. As it is written in the Book of Heaven:

If a land is ruled with justice, righteousness becomes the shield of the ruler. Appeal your case then to Heaven, for this is the font of all justice.
