天庭Celestial Bureaucracy | ||||
【主 神】 | 天帝Celestial One | |||
【势力 范围】 | 卡-拉图大陆Kara-Tur,包括中心的 受龙Shou Lung、土龙T'u Lung;北方的 阿玛盆地the Ama Basin;东方的 高丽Koryo、小樱Kozakuran、倭Wa;西方的 吐蕃Tabot;南方的 马来特瑞Malatra、佩坦Petan,以及 巴瓦Bawa 和 贝尔坦Bertan的群岛,但可能不包括跃马平原。 | |||
【简 介】 | 也即 天朝Celestial Empire,位于 精魂世界the Spirit World(一片与卡拉-图的土地共存而毗邻的位面),每位身为天庭一部分的神祇都有一片依附于精魂世界的小王国。天帝统治着天庭。 | |||
‘教化之路The Path of Enlightenment’:简称为 礼教The Path,于-810 DR,出现在于受龙,在-620 DR确立为其官方信仰。 | ||||
‘道教The Way’ | ||||
‘九行者信仰The Faith of the Nine Travelers]’:也即 九仙the Nine Immortals,受龙最古老信仰,流行于下层。九行者包括:观音Kwan Ying、詹争Chan Cheng、陈湘Ch'en Hsiang、智师Chih Shih、农江Nung Chiang、爱琴Ai Ch'ing、法观Fa Kuan、欣云Hsing Yong、术家Shu Chia。 | ||||
‘小仙Lesser Immortals’:小仙是九行者的仆人和助手,从那些在世时尤其圣洁的逝世贤者灵魂中选拔,天帝赐予了他们不朽和有限的神力。在九仙的指引下,他们也执行一定的任务(无论是在天庭还是在卡拉-图的 赤县神州the Red Earth)。有六支最重要的小仙群体。 | ||||
‘百万天官The Million Officials’:百万天官并非神祇,也被称作 众天官Officers,是天帝和天庭的代理人。它们有许多是精魂生物和巨龙;大部分东方龙都任职于天庭。 | ||||
神祇名 | 神力 | 阵营 | 旧译 | 简介 |
天帝Celestial One | O | LN | 无 | 天庭主神。 |
九行者the Nine Travelers | ||||
观音Kwan Ying | ? | ? | 无 | 九行者之一,平安之神、慈悲之神、欢乐之神 |
詹争Chan Cheng | ? | ? | 战争 | 首位九行者,战神、格斗与勇气之神 |
陈湘Ch'en Hsiang | ? | ? | 无 | 九行者之一,诗歌、音乐、文学之神 |
智师Chih Shih | ? | ? | 无 | 九行者之一,知识、学者、历史和传统之神 |
农江Nung Chiang | ? | ? | 无 | 九行者之一,农业、土地、播种与丰饶之神 |
爱琴Ai Ch'ing | ? | ? | 无 | 九行者之一,爱与婚姻之神 |
法观Fa Kuan | ? | ? | 无 | 九行者之一,正义之神 |
欣云Hsing Yong | ? | ? | 无 | 九行者之一,幸运之神 |
术家Shu Chia | ? | ? | 无 | 九行者之一,工匠与艺术之神 |
小仙Lesser Immortals | ||||
月娥Moon Women | ? | ? | 无 | 担负着维护天堂本身的重大责任。 |
阴兵Spirit Warriors | ? | ? | 无 | 侍奉着詹争。 |
玉女Jade Ladies | ? | ? | 无 | 侍奉着术家,由铜、金、玉、银等贵重材料创造。 |
谷灵Rice Spirits | ? | ? | 无 | 侍奉着农江。 |
闵女Ladies of Compassion | ? | ? | 无 | 侍奉着观音。 |
业报主Lords of Karma | ? | ? | 无 | 侍奉着法观。 |
海主众the Sea Lords | ? | ? | 无 | |
百万天官The Million Officials | ||||
江龙Chiang lung | ? | ? | 无 | 负责保卫湖泊和河流,以及降雨。 |
漓龙Li lung | ? | ? | 无 | 控制着大地的力量。 |
龙王Lung wang | ? | ? | 无 | 作为 海主众 的助手和海洋生物的守护者。 |
盘龙Pan lung | ? | ? | 无 | 作为隐匿地点的守卫。 |
神龙Shen lung | ? | ? | 无 | 作为江龙的助手。 |
天龙T'ien lung | ? | ? | 无 | 控制着天气(不包括降雨)。 |
风龙Tun mi lung | ? | ? | 无 | 释放大洋风暴。 |
其祂 | ||||
猴头Monkey | D | ? | 无 | 即 猢狲Hu Sen、泼猴Mad Monkey,这位讲礼貌的半神因为爱恶作剧而被天帝流放至 游牧群岛Hordelands,1358 DR天帝为对付 龙爪Dragon Claw 而向他求助。 |
1eFRKara-Tur<Kara-Tur: The Eastern Realms.p024>天朝The Celestial Empire
天朝The Celestial Empire
据记载,大地the Earth 的万事万物是 天庭的镜像the Mirror of Heaven。那么,如果 受龙the Shou 有个皇帝、有个宫廷和若干官僚,那么 天朝the Celestial Empire 一定也有。事实也正是如此。天庭帝国The Empire of Heaven 统摄一切 天空the Sky 与 大地the Land,都在全能而智慧的 天皇Celestial One 的朝廷管控之下。甚至是 人皇the Emperors of the Earth 也不过是他的臣民,而无数的神仙、半神、精魂、龙、以及大地的神力们全都充当着他的官僚。
It is written that the Earth is the Mirror of Heaven in all things. It is therefore correct that if the Shou have an Emperor, court and officials, it must be this way in the Celestial Empire as well. And so it is. The Empire of Heaven includes both all of the Sky and all of the Land, organized under the government of the all powerful and wise Celestial One. Even the Emperors of the Earth below are merely his subjects, while all the myriad immortals, demigods, spirits, dragons and powers of the Earth serve as his officials.
每位 天官Officer of the Empire of Heaven 都对天帝的意旨负责。他们接受并执行他的命令、惩恶扬善、并提交他们的年度活动报告。正如天国是大地的一面镜子,那些官僚通常忠诚可信,但腐败、不服从或不称职官员的不时出现并非闻所未闻。但只要天帝那全见之眼俯瞰他们,那么即便是这些败类也将被剥夺他们的神力和职务,并打发到 地府the Underworld。
Each Officer of the Empire of Heaven is responsible to the will of the Celestial One. They receive and carry out his orders, punish the wicked, reward the good, and file reports yearly of their activities. As Heaven is a mirror of Earth, these officials are usually loyal and trustworthy, but it is not unheard of for a corrupt, disobedient or incompetent official to turn up now and again. But with the all-seeing eye of the Celestial One upon them, even these rogues can be stripped of their power and position and sent packing off to the Underworld.
天帝The Celestial Emperor
天帝在他那位于 诸天之央the Center of All Heaven 的宝座上进行着统治,绘制出 已然与未然What Has Been and Will 之径。他是唯一的 天帝Celestial Emperor,自 伟大循环the Great Cycle 开始以来他就在统治着。他呈现为一位高挑、富有贵族气息的领主,穿着色彩纷纭的闪耀长袍,并戴着 受龙皇帝the Emperors of Shou Lung 的高大皇冕。他的双眼因 业报的内火the Inner fires of Karma 而发白,他的容貌严厉、但仍然富有同情心。在他的右手握着一柄强大的复杂银权杖,呼作 公平审判Kun P'ing Shen p'an,这个词汇意为正义。在他的左手,他抓着一只金酒杯,其中盛满了生命的精华,这只酒杯名为 怜悯Lien Min 或 同情Compassion。
Ruling from his throne in the Center of All Heaven, the Celestial One charts the path of What Has Been and Will Be. There is only one Celestial Emperor, and he has ruled since the beginning of the Great Cycle. His appearance is that of a tall, aristocratic lord, dressed in shimmering robes of many colors, and wearing the high crown of the Emperors of Shou Lung. His eyes glow white with the Inner fires of Karma, and his visage is stern, yet compassionate. In his right hand, he holds a mighty rod of intricately worked silver, called Kun P'ing Shen p'an, the word for justice. In his left, he holds a golden chalice, filled with the Essence of Life, and known as Lien Min, or Compassion.
天帝是 礼教the Path 的缔造者,是他的意志让天庭与大地互为彼此的完美映像。因这个原因,他派遣了 九仙the Nine Immortals 下凡以身作则。这也是为什么他以红色闪电将他的意旨刻到 洪泽the Hungtse 的花岗岩上,让人们能在漫长的时间之中被提醒。
The Celestial Emperor is the architect of the Path, and it is his will that both Heaven and Earth mirror each other in achieving perfection. For this reason, he sent the Nine Immortals among men to teach by example. It is also why he caused red lightning to inscribe his will in the granite of the Hungtse, so that men would be reminded throughout time.
在每年 新年New Year 开始时,天帝会在 翡翠宝座the Jade Throne 前召集他的 伟大天廷Great Court of Heaven,以聆听他每位臣民的报告。无论地位高低,他的 百万天官Million Officials 的每位都必须汇报之前一年的功绩和职责。过失也将被报告,因为天帝那双全见之眼甚至能洞见隐藏之事。根据每份报告,天之央the Center of All Heaven 将通过他的审判,作出他认为合适的奖惩。正如 天书the Book of Heaven 之上所书的那样:
At the start of each New Year, the Celestial One calls his Great Court of Heaven before the Jade Throne, to hear the reports of each of his subjects. Whether great or low, each of his Million Officials tells of his deeds and duties of the year before. Misdeeds are also reported, for the all seeing eyes of the Celestial Emperor know even the hidden things. Upon each report, the Center of Heaven passes his judgement, rewarding the good and punishing the wicked as he deems fit. As it is written in the Book of Heaven:
If a land is ruled with justice, righteousness becomes the shield of the ruler. Appeal your case then to Heaven, for this is the font of all justice.
九仙The Nine Immortals
在世界起源之时,天帝决定以通过派遣使者到下界、每位教导 真道the True Path 的一部分,以此来让 天庭意志the Will of Heaven 来净化万物。这些使者是受龙最初的皇帝,在传说中被称之为 九仙the Nine Immortals。虽然有很多、很多的小仙在受龙各地,但在说到神仙的时候最常所指的就是他们。九仙屹于天帝的宝座之侧,随时准备执行他的命令。祂们亲眼见证了整个大循环,而在世界终焉并陷入火海之时,也仍将存在。
At the beginning of the world, the Celestial Emperor decided to make the Will of Heaven clear to all by sending emissaries to the lands below, each to teach one aspect of the True Path. These emissaries were the first emperors of Shou Lung, and are known by legend as the Nine Immortals. While there are many, many lesser immortals throughout the lands of Shou Lung, these are the ones most often meant when the immortals are called upon. The Nine Immortals stand at the side of the Celestial One.s throne, ready at all times to do his bidding. They have been there throughout the Great Cycle, and will still be there when the worlds end and pass into fire.
在 天庭the Celestial Bureaucracy 中,九仙是天帝意志的执行者。根据他的命令,九仙在祂们被指定的任务上,管理和指导所有其祂小仙。正如祂们的头衔所反映的那样,每位九仙都负责礼教的一个方面。根据祂们的职责,祂们可能被召唤去奖善惩恶人。九行者代表了礼教的九种基本美德:学识Scholarship、尊重传统Respect for Tradition、荣誉Honor、怜悯Compassion、爱Love、忠诚Fidelity、业报Karma、艺术Artistry、以及 勇气Courage。作为神仙,祂们可以采用任何祂们想要的形态,但祂们通常以两种面相出现,其男人或女人形态在下文各自的描述中给出,而 九伟龙Nine Great Dragons 形态则在用祂们的思想支撑万物、推动万物。正如天帝派遣九仙到人间的那样,这就是为什么祂们所进入的土地被称之为 受龙Shou Lung,亦即 巨龙的接受者Receiver of the Dragon。
In the Celestial Bureaucracy, the Immortals are the agents of the Celestial Emperor's will. At his command, they administer and direct all other of the lesser immortals in their appointed tasks. Each of the Nine Immortals is responsible for one aspect of the Path, as reflected in his or her title. According to their responsibilities, they can be called upon to reward the just and punish the wicked. The Nine Immortals represent the nine cardinal virtues of the Path; Scholarship, Respect for Tradition, Honor, Compassion, Love, Fidelity, Karma, Artistry, and Courage. As immortals, they may take any form they wish, but are commonly seen in two aspects, that of men or women as given in each's description, and that of Nine Great Dragons which hold up the world and move all things by their thoughts. As the Celestial One sent these Nine Immortals into the lands of men, this is why the lands they went into are known as Shou Lung, or Receiver of the Dragon.
The Shou people constantly call upon the immortals, not really expecting them to appear but mostly for the good .luck. such calling brings to an endeavour. But it is ill fortune indeed to call upon the immortals . aid when evil or mischief is planned, for that is when they will most certainly come to mete out their stern justice!
Here then, are the names and aspects of the Nine Immortal Ones.
观音Kwan Ying(读作:koo-wann ying) 大慈大悲观音Compassionate Kwan Ying 怜悯、仁慈与欢乐之女神Goddess of Compassion, Mercy and Joy
詹争Chan Cheng(读作:chan ching) Mighty Lord of Heroes 强大英雄领主Mighty Lord of Heroes 战争、武术、战斗与勇气之神God of war, the martial arts, combat and bravery
陈湘Ch'en Hsiang(读作:chee-enn hoo-sang) 诗人的灵感Inspiration of Poets 诗歌、音乐与文学之神God of poetry, music and literature
智师Chih Shih(读作:chee shee) 圣贤之主Lord of the Sages 历史、传说与传统之神God of History, Lore and Tradition
农江Nung Chiang(读作:nung chee-ang) 耕耘之师Teacher of the Plow;赤县神州大师Master of the Red Earth 农业与丰饶之神God of Agriculture and Fertility
[译注:疑似应该读作农场, TSR弄错了韦氏拼音。]
爱琴Ai Ch'ing(读作:eye chee-ing) 爱情与忠贞的女主人Mistress of Love and Fidelity 爱情与婚姻之女神Goddess of Love and Marriage
法观Fa Kuan(读作:faah koo-wann) 正道行者One Who Walks in Righteousness;立法者The Lawgiver 正义之神God of Justice
欣云Hsing Yong(读作:hiss-ing yoong) 幸运者The Lucky One;最幸运的人Most Fortunate One 气运与繁荣之神God of Fortune and Prosperity
术家Shu Chia(读作:shoo chi-ah) 术家之手Hands of Shu Chia;大师之手Hands of the Master 匠师与工艺之神God of Artificers and the Arts
小仙The Lesser Immortals
作为 九仙the Nine Immortals 的仆从和助手,小仙们起源于那些生时特别神圣的圣贤。作为奖励,天帝the Celestial One 赐予了祂们永生和有限的类神力量。每位小仙都在天庭和赤县神州上执行着特定的任务,并在过程中受到相应 大仙Greater Immortals 的指引。
The servants and assistants of the Nine Immortals, the Lesser Immortals are descended from sages who have been particularly holy in their lives. As a reward, the Celestial One has granted them the boon of immortality and limited godlike powers. The Lesser Immortals each have specific tasks that they perform in Heaven and upon the Red Earth, and are directed in these by the appropriate Greater Immortals.
玉女Jade Ladies
玉女Jade Ladies 呈现为半透明的女性,穿着绿色长袍、佩戴者精致的翡翠头饰,她们负责创造宝藏与美丽的事物并放置在大地之中。她们的神力让她们能编织金、银、铜到岩脉之中、塑造富饶的翡翠沉积到秘密的地方,来让矿工和工匠进行开采。
Appearing as translucent women in green robes and elaborate jade headdresses, Jade Ladies are responsible for creating and placing treasures and beautiful things within the earth. Their powers allow them to weave gold, silver and copper into the veins of the rocks, and to fashion rich deposits of jade in secret places, to be uncovered by miners and artisans.
谷灵Rice Spirits
谷灵Rice Spirits 是收获之魂,负责使水稻长得又高又壮。祂们也主管人和野兽的生殖力,判断一个家庭是否应该被允许有孩子。谷灵可以是男人也可以是女人,祂们以各种面相出现,包括动物和神话野兽。
Rice spirits are the spirits of the harvest, responsible for making the rice grow strong and tall. They are also in charge of the fertility of men and beasts, and the judging of whether a family should be allowed children. Rice Spirits may be men or women, and appear in a variety of aspects including animals and mythical beasts.
月娥Moon Women
月娥Moon women 负责为天宫提供适当的维护——为 太阳the Sun 的巨油灯添油、抛光作为群星的百万水晶球、指导 月亮the Moon 与星座的运行。因为历法起源于天庭的行动,所以月娥们也是任何关于时间的行为的守护圣人,如节日、不吉的时刻、以及行为的吉时。她们看起来像是穿着蓝色薄纱长袍的苗条年轻女子,她们本身有时几乎是透明的。
Moon women are responsible for maintaining the proper care of the Heavens—refilling the oils in the great lamps of the Sun, polishing the million crystal orbs that are the stars, and directing the Moon and the constellations in their courses. Because the calendar is derived from the actions of Heaven, Moon Women are also the patron saints of any actions regarding time, such as festivals, portentous moments, and auspicious times of action. They appear as slender young women in gauzy blue robes, who at times are nearly transparent themselves.
阴兵Spirit Warriors
这些小仙负责在懦弱之人身上唤起英雄般的决心和勇气。他们以鼓舞人心的形象出现,通常率领着出现足以扭转战斗走向的幽灵军队。他们也负责将被杀英雄的灵魂带走,交由 业报主the Lords of Karma 审判,以及保护 地府the Underworld 的大门不受入侵者的侵扰。
These Lesser Immortals are responsible for creating heroic resolve and courage in the fainthearted. They appear as inspirational figures, often leading phantom armies whose manifestation can turn the tide of battles. They are also responsible for carrying off the spirits of slain heroes to be judged by the Lords of Karma, and of guarding the gates of the Underworld from trespassers.
闵女Ladies of Compassion
这些小仙负责 观音Kwan Ying 的工作,出现在天庭和赤县神州各地减轻苦楚和疼痛。她们呈现为庄严的年轻妇女,穿着白色的长袍、披着松散的长发,并携带着一块用于包扎伤口的柔软白布。
These Lesser Immortals are responsible for the work of Kwan Ying, appearing throughout Heaven and the Red Earth to ease suffering and pain. They appear as stately young women in white robes and long, loosened hair, carrying a silken white cloth with which to bind wounds.
业报主Lords of Karma
业报主Lords of Karma 是判断一个人的灵魂在生时是否获得了足够的功绩的法官。根据他们的判断,死魂可以被擢升到 祖先天宫the Heaven of the Ancestors,甚至被擢升为神仙。然而,若业报主对其判决不利,其灵魂将被判有罪成为尽管永生,但夜晚漫游于赤县神州,而白天则被困于地府诸狱中的灵魂。
The Lords of Karma are the judges of whether a person's soul has gained enough merit in his current life. Upon their judgement, the dead soul may be elevated to the Heaven of the Ancestors, or even be raised to sit among the Immortals. However, if the Lords judge against them, the soul will be condemned to be a spirit for all eternity, wandering the Red Earth by night, and trapped in the hells of the Underworld by day.
圣贤是那些在其世俗生活中是如此的纯洁和坚决,以至于被擢升到神仙们身侧的人。然而,他们仍不够伟大而不足以成为小仙,而因此并不拥有神祇神力也未被授予 永生Immortality。圣贤无需已死,许多圣贤今日仍然行走于赤县神州,教授他们的伟大经验与智慧。
The sages are people who, in their earthly lives are of such purity and resolve that they are elevated to walk beside the Immortals. However, they are not yet of sufficient greatness to become Lesser Immortals, and as such have no godly powers and are not granted Immortality. A sage need not be dead, many walk the Red Earth today, teaching by their great example and wisdom.
圣贤(以及 佛陀Buddas,对同一事物的 吐蕃语Tabotan 词汇)各种外观、性别、种族、阶层皆有。他们大部分生活在远离尘世的地方,在山洞或丛林之中的隐蔽处中,在质朴与平和之后更好地生活着。这种内在的和谐给圣贤带来了许多好处:长寿、智慧与知识、以及对物质世界许多属性的掌握。已知圣贤们能在热煤上行走、平息地震、甚至以手轻触便能静止台风、粉碎刀剑。对圣贤们而言,这些事情不过稀疏平常:与水和气的精魂亲密交流;召唤野兽带他往返;驱离怪物。即便是我们这些伟大的龙们,有时也会找圣贤商量和交谈。举例来说,我自己就与诗贤 洪德炳Hung Te Ping 有着一段漫长的友谊。
Sages (and Buddas, which is a Tabotan term for the same thing), come in all shapes, sixes, races and walks of life. Most live apart from the world of men, in mountain caves or hidden places in the jungles, to better live in simplicity and peace. This inner harmony imparts to the sage many benefits:long life, wisdom and knowledge, and mastery of many attributes of the material world. Sages have been known to walk hot coals, quell earthquakes, still typhoons and shatter swords with the touch of a hand. It is not uncommon for a sage to be seen speaking familiarly with the spirits of air and water; to call upon wild beasts to carry him to and fro, and to turn away monsters. Even we great dragons will occasionally come to a sage for counsel and conversation.I myself have a friendship of long duration with the poet-sage Hung Te Ping, for example.
[译注:韦氏拼音Hung Te Ping对应汉语拼音hong de bing。]
A sage lives his or her life in pursuit of a single goal; to become perfection; to become one with the will or Heaven. In this way, he becomes Heaven itself. And when he has finally died and left the Red Earth, he often times becomes a true Immortal.
当凡人在天朝死去时,他将由业报主判定他的相对功绩。若他的功绩非常大的话,他将被擢升为一位小仙,若低一些,则可能会变为一位圣贤。若他只是过着美好而充实的生活,那么他将被赋予在 祖宗天宫the Heaven of the Ancestors 的永恒存在。在这里,无苦、无痛、无病厄。永远美食华衣好招待。
When a mortal dies in the Celestial Empire, he is judged by the Lords of Karma as to his relative merit. If his merit is very high, he is elevated to the level of a Lesser Immortal, if less, he may become a sage. If he has merely lived a good and merit-filled life, he is granted eternal existence in the Heaven of the Ancestors. In this land, there is no pain, suffering or infirmity. There is always delicious food to eat and fine clothes to wear.
The ancestors have one responsibility, and that is to advise their descendants. To this end, each ancestor has a secret name, known only to the most trusted of his children, the invoking of which requires his attention.
存在两种类型的精魂:亡者精魂,包括所有 baijang、gaki(或者 饿鬼hungry ghosts)、女鬼bisan 和类似事物;以及那些自然、神道神kami、哈罗加harooga、以及物质世界其它方面的精魂。亡者精魂起源于那些过着邪恶或未圆满生活的人。因为,他们被 业报主Lords of Karma 判决作为精魂在赤县神州永恒游荡,永远处于痛苦之中。在白天,他们将被从凡人眼前关到地府的黑暗之中,在那里的漆黑洞窟中回荡着他们的哀嚎。在夜间,他们萦绕于大地上,通常是那些邪恶、禁忌之地,或是他们殒身或埋葬之地附近。顺嘴一提,这就是为什么白天靠近受龙人坟墓很安全,而在晚上这样做却很危险。
There are two kinds of spirits; those of the dead, which include all baijang, gaki (or hungry ghosts), bisan and the like; and those of nature, kami, harooga and other aspects of the material world. The spirits of the dead are descended from those who lived evil or unfulfilled existences when they were alive. For this, they have been judged by the Lords of Karma to eternally walk the Earth as spirits, forever in torment. By day, they are shut away from the eyes of men in the darkness of the Underworld, where the black caverns echo with their screams of anguish. By night, they haunt the earth, often in evil, forbidden places, or near the place where they died or were buried. This, by the way, is why it is safe to approach a Shou graveyard by day, but extremely dangerous to do so by night.
Twisted by the pain of unfulfilled dreams, visions of vengeance for past wrongs, or hatred and evil, the hungry spirit is a creature of horror, feared by all men. As in all things of the Celestial Empire, they too have their duties, among which is to serve as a terrifying example of the result of evil practices. In order to accomplish this, most hungry spirits have supernatural powers and abilities, many of which are as deadly as they are frightening.
同样强大、但并未被扭曲的是自然的精魂。这些生物作为物质世界之力而存在,通过它通过生命和行动。有些精魂,如地方的 倭神the kami,是地点与宝藏的守护者。有个传奇例子是 哈罗加Harooga,星野岛Akari Island 的精魂。其它的如元素的倭神,奉天庭的伟龙们之命御风渡水。还有石和兽、蛇与家禽的精魂,它们也守卫着世上的强大地点。而那些 风、气与水Wind, Air and Water 的精魂被 土龙T'u Lung 的 众道Chung Tao 祭司们呼作 自然神Nature Gods,不过我们知道在 天府the Celestial Heaven 它们的地位比我们低得多!
Equally powerful, but not as twisted, are the spirits of nature. These creatures exist as forces of the material world, moving through it to provide life and motion. Some spirits, such as the kami of place, are the guardians of sites and treasures. One legendary example of this is Harooga, the spirit of Akari Island. Others, such as kami of elements, move the winds and waters at the direction of the great dragons of Heaven. There are also spirits of stone and beasts, serpent and fowl, who also guard and protect powerful places in the world. It is these spirits of Wind, Air and Water that the Chung Tao priests of T'u Lung call Nature Gods, although it is known to us of the Celestial Heaven that they are of much less exalted position!
偶尔会有自然精魂与人类坠入爱河。这些结合通常是有繁衍能力的、将会产下后代。这便是 仙灵spirit 和 兽妖hengeyokai 的缘起;这种人结合了精魂的元素与物质世界。许多受龙的伟大传奇涉及了在这些结合,如河女的古代神话。
Occasionally, nature spirits and humans fall in love. These unions are often fertile, producing offspring. This is the origin of the spirit folk and hengeyokai; people who combine the elements of the spirit and material worlds. Many of the great romances of Shou literature involve these unions, such as the ancient legend of the river woman.