太陽The Sun
名稱NAME:太陽The Sun
類型TYPE:球形火團Spherical Fire Body
逃逸時間ESCAPE TIME:24 回合
晝長DAY LENGTH:37 小時
種群分析POPULATION ANALYSIS:來自 火元素位面elemental plane of fire 的生物
0.5 億英里
12 小時航程
1 億英里
1 天航程
2 億英里
2 天航程
3 億英里
3 天航程
4 億英里
4 天航程
10 億英里
10 天航程
12 億英里
2 天航程(注1)
16 億英里
16 天航程
32 億英里
32 天航程
太陽Sun,如同在大多數恆星系中一樣,是該晶壁系的 主軌道吸引子Primary Orbital Attractor 和準確中心。該恆星系的所有行星都沿着自己無情的軌道圍繞着它旋轉。這個熾熱的氣團如此狂暴地燃燒着,能在不傷害到環繞它運行的行星的同時、讓整個晶壁系都能保持異常溫暖的溫度。
The Sun, as in most solar systems, is the primary orbital attractor and the exact center of the crystal sphere. All the planets of the solar system circumnavigate it in their relentless orbits. This fiery body burns with so much fury that it can maintain an unusually warm temperature within the whole crystal sphere, without damaging the planets that orbit it.
許多賢者相信晶壁系變暖是種自然發生的現象。他們聲稱一個恆星系越古老,晶壁系就會越溫暖。如果真是這樣,國度天宇Realmspace 可能是迄今為止最古老的恆星系。因為它溫暖到魔法船在晶壁系的任何地方都能感到舒適。
Many sages believe that crystal sphere warming is a naturally occurring phenomenon. They say that the older a system is, the warmer the sphere. If this is the case, Realmspace is the oldest system encountered so far. This warming allows for comfortable spelljamming anywhere within the sphere.
The Sun, when safely viewed, can be seen as a seething ball of fire. Its surface is continually spitting up solar flares, columns of fire millions of miles high.
數以百計通向 火元素位面elemental plane of Fire 的小開口如點綴着草地的蒲公英般散佈於太陽的表面。那些火元素和喜火生物正是通過這些位面門來到這顆恆星棲息的。這些生物中有許多廣為人知:如火神怪、火蠑螈、火蜥蜴和火靈侍者。其他一些生物(如 熔岩巨蟲lavaworm 和 赫連人helian)同樣安家於此。還有些生物,包括那些出現於《位面怪物綱要增補Extra-Planar Monstrous Compendium》的,同樣出現於此。
Dotting the surface of the sun like dandelions in a field of grass are hundreds of small openings to the elemental plane of Fire. These planar doors are the entrance points from which fire elementals and fire-loving creatures come to live on this stellar object. Many of these creatures are well known, like the efreeti, firenewt, salamander, and fire minion. Other creatures, like the lavaworm and the helian, make their homes here as well. Other creatures, including those featured in the pages of the Extra-Planar Monstrous Compendium, may have representatives here, too.
The creatures that live on the sun have the ability to return to their native planes, but they all seem to prefer the Sun to their original location. There are a few basic theories behind this.
One theory is that the creatures prefer the "smell" of the fusion of two hydrogen molecules to the stench of their home plane. When questioned regarding this, the sages mumble something to the effect that this theory lacks proper testing. No one living has ever smelled the nuclear reaction of the sun and compared it to the burning stench of the elemental plane of Fire. Many people have entered that plane, but no one has ever successfully visited the Sun.
The remaining theory is that the creatures inhabiting the Sun are nothing more than refugees from tyrannical leadership on the elemental plane. Sages think these creatures are running from some sort of persecution from the strong, or from a faction now in control. This theory seems the most practical, because there has been a series of reports from a number of planes regarding attempts by another race to take control.
太陽有着永恆熾熱的氣候。沒有已知魔法物品能讓一隻來自 主物質位面Prime Material plane 的生物能在此處舒適生活。它的溫度是如此之高,能輕易在幾秒內使任何保護性法術或魔法物品過載、立即殺死該角色(就像完全遮蔽他的眼睛可是遠遠不夠的一樣)。因此,太陽與該星系其餘部分的居民之間從未有過什麼交流,也沒有進行交流的可能。
The climate of the Sun is one of eternal heat. There is no known magical item that can enable a living entity from the Prime Material plane to live here comfortably. The temperature is such that it easily overloads any protective magical spell or item within seconds, instantly killing the character (as if completely blinding him wasn't enough). Thus, there has never been any communication between the Sun's inhabitants and the rest of the system, and it is doubtful that there ever will be.
The sun has occasional cool zones, which appear as dark splotches. These cool areas are sunspots. These locales are still well above a temperature that could be equalized by any known magical device. This makes the Sun a location that is never to be explored or exploited by any culture of this system.
It is believed that the highly intelligent races on the Sun are aware of the spelljamming capabilities of the rest of the system. There have been several reported cases of spelljamming ships made completely out of flames. There is even a documented case from an esteemed individual who reported that a ship departed from the Sun. Unfortunately, the flames of the ship died down long before the ship reached the orbit of Anadia.
因為只有一份有可靠來源的報告,人們認為太陽的居民對這種交通方式不感興趣,或者是他們認為魔法船太不可靠。因為(他們自己的)火元素位面與主物質位面一樣寬廣,那裏仍然有很多需要探索之地。但話說回來,他們可能只是在為一場惡毒的攻擊積蓄力量。當然,這個想法可能有些空想浪漫,但有許多法師認為這種傷害即將來臨。這些生物永遠不能進入 燃素海phlogiston,因為它們會立即爆炸、點燃1000碼內的一切。
Since there is only one reported case from a reliable source, it is thought that the Suns inhabitants have no desire for this mode of transportation, or that they view spelljamming as being too unreliable. Since the elemental plane of Fire is as broad and expansive as the Prime Material plane, there is still much there that requires exploration. But then again, they may just be gaining strength for a vicious attack. Granted, this idea may be a bit romantic, but a lot of mages feel this trauma is coming. These creatures are never able to enter the phlogiston, because they would immediately explode, igniting everything within 1,000 yards of them.
只要有任何一艘魔法船在距離太陽不到1000萬英里的地方倖存下來,居民們就會立即發起攻擊、意圖消滅入侵者。存在許多關於赫連人(一種太陽上的生物)、存有記錄的描述說,他們在向射程內過往的所有船隻投射了熱核反應碎片。本書的 新怪物New Monsters 章節對這些極其令人厭惡的小怪物進行了展示。
Whenever any spelljamming ship gets within ten million miles of the Sun and survives, the inhabitants immediately attack with the intention of destroying the intruder. There have been many documented accounts of the helian, a creature on the Sun, throwing burning fragments of intense nuclear heat at all ships passing within range. Light is cast upon these wonderfully nasty minions in the New Monsters section of this book.
突出地貌Prominent Land Features:
太陽的確有些地貌,但它們完全不適用於標準的角色語言。這個熾熱的火團表面覆蓋着熔岩湖和液態火焰。太陽的絕對質量聚集和摩擦產生了液態火焰。這導致了氫大氣噴發出綿延數百萬英里的火焰。而作為一種脾氣極其暴躁的生物,赫連人喜歡抓住這些火柱,並騎着它到儘可能遠的地方,這與 地球Earth 上 舊西部Old West 的野馬騎士極為相似。其它喜火種族更喜歡在液態火焰中安靜地沐浴。
The Sun does have certain features, but they are completely unusable to the standard character races. The surface of this fiery body is covered with lakes of molten earth and liquid flame. The liquid flame is kept alive by the mass of, and friction created by, the sheer bulk of the sun. This causes the hydrogen atmosphere to erupt in flames that spiral out for millions of miles. The helian, a very ill-tempered creature, loves to grab hold of these columns of flame and ride them out as far as possible, much like a bronco rider of the Old West on Earth. Other fire-loving races prefer to bathe quietly in the liquid flame pools.
在距離太陽4000萬英里的環日軌道上的是十二顆被稱作 馬尾藻sargassos 的球形死魔區。這些直徑100英里的區域有效地使得所有魔法船、施法和魔法物品停止運作。
Around the sun, in an orbit 40 million miles out, are twelve magic-dead globes known as sargassos. These 100,000-mile diameter areas effectively shut down all spelljamming, spell casting, and magical items.
The mage at the helm perceives these invisible magic-dead areas with a sickening emptiness similar to the sensation of falling off a tall cliff. A spelljamming helm and all other magical sources of power fade to one-half strength in the first round, cease on the second, and come back to one-half strength on the third. Until they exit the sargasso, neither the helm nor any other magic item can be restarted after the fourth round. On this fourth round, the helmsman immediately falls victim to spelljammer shock. There is no saving throw allowed to counter this trauma, and he remains catatonic for four days. The ship usually drifts on, until it either exits the sargasso, or strikes something that either alters its course or stops its progress.
While in the sargasso, the ship moves in a straight line, at tactical speed. This equates to 400 miles per day per point of the ships SR rating. By the time the ship exits the sargasso, the crew may be long dead from lack of air, water, and food. Please remember that anything magical does not function while in these dead-magic spheres.
這些馬尾藻在它們的圓形軌道上彼此距離相等,所以很幸運,它們與整個晶壁系相比非常小、也非常難以定位。只要記住:距離最近第一行星 安迪亞星球Anadia 最近的馬尾藻區約有2個魔法船小時。
These sargassos are equidistant from one another in their circular orbits, so luckily, they are very small compared with the complete scope of the crystal sphere, and very difficult to locate. Just remember that the closest one can be as close as two spelljamming hours away from Anadia, the first planet.