奇拉沙爾玫瑰The Kyrashar Rose | |
基本信息 | |
【等 級】 | 高等神器Major Artifact |
【物品 類型】 | 奇物 |
角色關係 | |
【創 作 者】 | 羅絲Lolth 和 空暗女王Queen of Air and Darkness 的信徒 |
【相關 角色】 | 達拉爾·火斗篷Darahl Firecloak |
【簡 介】 | 羅絲與空暗女王協力創造了 奇拉沙爾玫瑰The Kyrashar Rose 來腐蝕給精靈帶來災難,散播邪惡,衰弱精靈神系。並成功使 達拉爾·火斗篷Darahl Firecloak 的所有化身發狂濫殺,使其跌落至半神力水平。 |
2e<Dragon 251.p032>新神器New Artifact:奇拉沙爾玫瑰The Kyrashar Rose
奇拉沙爾玫瑰The Kyrashar Rose
這件神器出自 羅絲Lolth 和 空暗女王Queen of Air and Darkness 的信徒之手。在空暗女神控制下的無魂精靈將一片 漆黑之鑽刻面Black Shard 刺入一株橡樹,導致橡樹流盡體液而亡。在將橡樹體液與從一千朵黑玫瑰提煉出的毒液混合之後,羅絲的化身神臨,以魔法將毒液變形成一朵玫瑰的形狀,再將玫瑰凝結成比精金和秘銀還要堅固的琥珀。由於漆黑之鑽刻面的部分碎屑也混合進了毒液,因此這朵玫瑰變成了對善良陣營精靈的強大武器。相傳精靈神祇 達拉爾·火斗篷Darahl Firecloak 的化身就受其影響而變得瘋狂嗜殺。
This artifact was created by followers of Lolth and the Queen of Air and Darkness. Soulless elves under the control of the Queen of Air and Darkness took a Black Shard and used it to cut into an oak tree, causing it to bleed as it died. Into this mixture was added the poison from a thousand black roses. Then Lolth's avatar appeared, magically transformed the sap into the shape of a rose, then caused it to harden into amber (but with a greater strength than even steel or mithral). Because some of the residue of the Black Shard fell in with the sap, it became a very potent weapon for use against good elves. It is said to have catised Darahl Firecloak's avatars to go murderously insane, thus attesting to its efficacy.
·每輪1次,黑暗術Darkness、10英尺半徑黑暗術darkness 10' radius、或 恆久之暗continual darkness。
·Darkness, darkness 10' radius, or continual darkness 1/round.
·Access to Illusion/Phantasm spells (two spells of each spell level) at the 19th level of ability.
·每日1次,死亡法咒Death spell(只對精靈和妖精有效,然而允許豁免檢定);隨意使用,飛行術fly 和 浮空術levitate。
·Death spell that affects elves and faeries only (saving throws allowed, however), 1/day;fly and levitate at will.
·Summon 1-3 yeth hounds or quicklings 1/day, they serve for 1 hour before leaving
·Summon 3-36 unseelie faeries or 2-20 evil elves (or drow) 1/week
·Wearer has +3 Charisma with regard to drow and evil faeries/elves.
·每日3次,魅惑術Charm 或 暗示術suggestion;如果選用的是 暗示術,讓善良陣營的生物從事邪惡之事無需進行豁免檢定;如果是魅惑術,精靈對魅惑的抵抗不起作用。
·Charm or suggestion 3/day;In the case of suggestion, evil actions suggested to good creatures do not incur saving throw bonuses to resist, and elven charm resistance doesn't offer protection from charm.
·每日1次,創造飲食Create food and water——吃下這些食物的生物必須進行體質檢定,失敗則被神器持有者的支配之下,為了能吃到更多這樣的魔法佳餚作為獎勵,而不擇手段、用儘可能的完成他們的吩咐。
·Create food and water 1/day—Those eating this food must make a successful Constitution check or become dominated by the wielder, doing their bidding in any way possible so that they can have more of this magical feast as a rewaird.
每日1次,通過接觸傳遞 毒咒Poison。
·Poison by touch,1/day.
副作用Side Effects
奇拉沙爾玫瑰被用於給精靈帶來災難,散播邪惡,衰弱精靈神系。每當攜帶者施展神器附帶的死亡法咒、黑暗術或召喚力量,將有9%的基本幾率加1%/佩戴者等級的幾率引來羅絲或空暗女王的關注;如果使用者是 席德瑞恩諸神the Seldarine 的某個聖徒、選民或化身,則幾率為100%。一旦引來關注,攜帶者必須進行豁免檢定(遭受-5懲罰),失敗則被兩位女神支配且陣營轉化為混亂邪惡。根據攜帶者的狀態決定其主要支配者是羅絲還是空暗女神。如果被神器詛咒的是一名精靈神系神祇的化身,羅絲和空暗女王會協力合作摧毀該化身的心智,讓其變得瘋狂搜尋並屠殺附近的精靈。只有化身死亡或另一位精靈神系神祇的化身施展 醫療術heal 和 驅散法術dispelling spells 才能終止該化身的瘋狂殺戮之心並恢復神智。
The Kyrashar Rose was created to cause havoc among elves, spread evil, and destroy the grip of the Seldarine. Whenever the death spell, darkness, or summoning powers are used, there is a 9% base chance that the attention of Lolth and/or the Queen of Air and Darkness is drawn to them. This chance increases by 1%/level of the one using the powers of the Rose, increasing to 100% if the wielder is a proxy, Chosen, or avatar of a deity of the Seldarine. If this occurs, the wielder must must make a saving throw at -5 or become dominated by these two deities. Depending on the status of the Rose's wielder, either Lolth or the Queen of Air and Darkness becomes the primary dominator, issuing commands as desired and turning the wielder chaotic evil. In the case of an avatar in contact with the Kyrashar Rose, however. both goddesses work together and issue contradictory commands to break down the avatar's mind and cause the avatar to blame the nearest elves for its madness, seeking to slay them. This homicidal frenzy does not stop until the avatar is slain or avatars of other elven deities show up to cast heal and dispelling spells to end the domination effect.}}
任何善良或中立陣營的精靈在觸碰到玫瑰或用它來做非邪惡的用途,一旦達到三次並在對抗支配的豁免檢定中成功,會被玫瑰梗上的毒刺刺中,必須進行毒性豁免檢定(遭受-3懲罰),失敗則將遭受 睡死的命運the Fate of the Sleeping Death,並無法被 有限許願術limited wish(只能暫時喚醒1d4回合)和完整的 許願術wish(完全喚醒)之外的任何手段喚醒。在沉睡狀態受害者不會變老且無法被任何手段傷害。
Another side-effect concerns good or neutral-aligned elves who touch or use the Rose for any non-evil purpose. If three such attempts are made and the wielder resists the domination of both deities, the thorns on the stem of the rose prick the wielder, who must save vs. poison at -3 or suffer the Fate of the Sleeping Death. The wielder immediately falls into a deep slumber and cannot be awakened by any means short of a limited wish (which awakens the victim for only 1d4 turns) or a full wish. Ironically, the victim does not age and cannot be harmed by any force while in this state.
建議的毀滅方式Suggested Means of Destruction:
·被投入 火元素位面elemental plane of fire 燒為灰燼。
·Sending the rose to the elemental plane of fire to bum into ash.
·柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian 用他的佩劍在 阿梵多國度Arvandor 將玫瑰斬碎。
·Having Corellon Larethian strike the rose with his sword in Arvandor.