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奈爾·斯克亞克Nathair Sgiathach,偽龍和妖精龍之神
Faerie Dragon


【音   標】neigh-er skey-ak
【舊   譯】奈塔爾·斯基雅薩克
【陣   營】CG
【神   職】淘氣mischief,惡作劇pranks
【神   系】喜樂王庭The Seelie Court外廷the Outer Circle
【盟   友】喜樂王庭The Seelie Court艾瑞汶·伊拉希爾Erevan Ilesere
【敵   對】空暗女王The Queen Of Air And Darkness卡姬盧娜Cegilune
【神   國】喜樂王庭The Seelie Court外廷the Outer Circle
【徽   記】微笑smile
【簡   介】奈爾·斯克亞克Nathair Sgiathach 是 埃歐Io 的子孫之一,但他不關心其他巨龍的事務。他在混亂的森林神祇和令人愉快的森林地帶之間找到了家。其名字意為「winged serpent」。

2e<Monster Mythology.p123>奈爾·斯克亞克Nathair Sgiathach(中等神Intermediate God)

  奈爾·斯克亞克Nathair Sgiathach 是 埃歐Io 的子孫之一,但他不關心其他巨龍的事務。他在混亂的森林神祇和令人愉快的森林地帶之間找到了家。在那裏,他放縱着自己的好奇心、自己對嬉玩的熱衷、以及對愛惡作劇的妖精族裔的喜愛。這位神明本尊既傲慢又會自我貶低,愛自嘲和拿自己開玩笑(雖然他會很快以關於自己的玩笑或妙語圓回來)。忽略這份輕浮,這位妖精龍之神的確熱愛妖精族裔,而他強大的魔法能力對 泰坦妮亞Titania 而言也是項重大的資源,其他人同樣很樂意承認這點。
Nathair Sgiathach is one of Io's offspring, but he does not concern himself with the affairs of other dragons. He has found his home with the chaotic sylvan deities and the delightful sylvan woods. There, he indulges his curiosity, love of play, and his love of pranks with the faerie folk. The god himself is both pompous and self-deflating and loves a prank or quip at his own expense (though he is swift to come back with a prank or bon mot of his own). Despite this levity, the god of faerie dragons loves the faerie folk, and his powerful magical abilities are a great resource which Titania and the others readily recognize.

角色扮演指南Role-playing Notes:

  奈爾·斯克亞克的化身們頻繁訪問着 主物質位面Prime Material 的森林環境,在那裏,他們找尋以他人倒霉為代價的無害娛樂。幼稚的詭計——譬如施展幻術來讓某位 大個族裔the large folk 的背後發出鮮紅的光,並讓其像是某首民謠的源頭(一道簡單的 虛幻之力phantasmal force 效果)——將極大地取悅化身們。然而,奈塔的化身們將保護受威脅的妖精族裔,不過他們寧願在驅逐任何欲要攻擊者的同時令他們看上去很愚蠢,而不是殺死他們。最後,化身們對蘋果派愛的深沉,但派里必須有蜂蜜和葡萄乾(像是餡餅)才能真正給他們留下深刻印象。
Nathair Sgiathach's avatars are frequent visitors to Prime Material sylvan settings, where they look for the chance to have harmless at fun at the expense of other beings. Childish trickery—such as casting illusions that make one of the large folk's behinds glow bright red and appear as the source of a folk tune (a simple phantasmal force effect) —amuse the avatars greatly. Nathair's avatars will defend threatened sylvan folk, however, although they prefer to drive off any would- be attackers while making them look silly rather than killing them. Finally, the avatars have a deep fondness for apple pie, but the pie must have honey and sultanas (like strudel) to really impress them.


  信徒陣營WAL:中立善良ng,混亂善良cg,混亂中立cn(偽龍pseudodragons,妖精龍faerie dragons,小妖精sprites,花精pixies,蟋蟀精grigs);
AL cg; WAL ng, cg, cn (pseudodragons, faerie dragons, sprites, pixies, grigs); AoC mischief, pranks; SY smile.

奈爾·斯克亞克的化身Nathair Sgiathach's Avatar

  (幻術師Illusionist 19,祭司Priest 17)

  該化身展現為一頭微小、身體單薄的巨龍,他有一條強有力的尾巴、輕薄的蝴蝶翅膀、以及一抹大大的微笑(對於一條2呎長的生物來說,這笑可是相當大) 。他使用來自以下領域的祭司法術:共通、動物、混亂、魅惑、元素、植物以及氣象。
The avatar appears as a tiny, thin-bodied dragon with a prehensile tail, gossamer butterfly wings, and a huge smile (as huge as it can be for a 2' long being). His priest spells come from the following spheres:all, animal, chaos, charm, elemental, plant, and weather.

  力量 10,敏捷 19,體質 10,
  智力 18,感知 12,魅力 18,
  移動 6,飛行36,體型 微型T(2呎),魔抗 115%,
  防禦等級 -2(-6),生命骰 10,生命值 80,
  #攻擊 1次,零級命中值 11,傷害 1d4(齧咬)
  Str 10 Dex 19 Con 10
  Int 18 Wis 12 Cha 18
  MV 6 fl 36 SZ T (2') MR 115%
  AC -2 (-6) HD 10 HP 80
  #AT 1 THAC0 11 Dmg 1d4 (bite)

特殊攻擊/防禦Special Att/Def:

  這尊化身免疫麻痹、石化和所有元素、附魔/魅惑以及幻術/幻象法術、低於+3附魔的武器以及所有低於5級的法術。即便是在戰鬥或施法時,他也總是處於 進階隱形improved invisibility 狀態。這頭巨龍的噴吐武器(可以使用每日12次)是一團20呎立方的 興奮氣體euphoria gas-,受害者必須進行遭受-6懲罰的對抗噴吐武器的豁免檢定,否則將因幸福感而無力進行攻擊性行動,而寧願在漫無目的地採摘和嗅聞雛菊或隨便什麼可以弄到的花朵中漫遊。每日6次,該化身能 變形(無生命之)萬物polymorph any (inanimate) object,他喜歡把武器變形成泰迪熊或是類似的玩意。
The avatar is immune to paralyzation, petrification, all elemental, enchantment/charm and illusion/phantasm spells, weapons below + 3 enchantment and all spells below 5th level. He is always in a state of improved invisibility, even when fighting or spellcasting. The dragon's breath weapon (usable 12/day) is a 20' cube of euphoria gas-, victims must make a saving throw vs. breath weapons at - 6 or be blissfully incapable of any offensive action, preferring to wander about aimlessly picking and sniffing daisies or whatever flowers may be available. The avatar can polymorph any (inanimate) object 6/ day, and he enjoys turning weapons into teddy bears and suchlike.
