奥利德拉Olhydra 是 邪恶水元素公主the Princess of Evil Water Elementals,但她对崇拜对象并不挑剔。因此,形形色色的邪恶水生生物都在她的信徒之列。其中包括像 沙华鱼人sahuagin、水巨怪vodyanoi、海狼seawolves、深渊之眼eyes of the deep 等致命种族,甚至(有传言说)还有一支叛教的塔纳厘 狂战魔hezrou 教派。在所有的 元素大君archomentals 中,奥赫德拉可能是最接近成为一股真正神力的存在。
Olhydra may be the Princess of Evil Water Elementals, but she isn't particular about those who worship her. As such, she counts among her followers a great diversity of evil aquatic creatures. These include such deadly races as sahuagin, vodyanoi, seawolves, eyes of the deep, and even (it is rumored) a renegade sect of hezrou tanar'ri. Of all the archomentals, Olhydra is probably the closest to becoming a true power.
奥利德拉栖息在一座由 水诡water weirds 军团守护的珊瑚城堡中。她大部分时间都隐匿在宫殿之内,想必是在谋划对 邪恶火元素生物亲王the Prince of Evil Fire Creatures 伊密克斯Imix 的下一次攻击。实际上,她将伊密克斯视为自己最大的敌人,几乎无视了 本-哈达Ben-hadar,而本后者似乎才是更显而易见的敌人。
Olhydra dwells in a coral castle guarded by an army of water weirds. She spends a great deal of time hidden away within the confines of her palace, presumably plotting her next attack against Imix, the Prince of Evil Fire Creatures. Indeed, she considers him her greatest enemy and almost ignores Ben-hadar, who would seem to be a much more obvious enemy.
The princess usually takes the form of an endlessly breaking wave of water some 20 feet across. She is said to have other forms, but this is the guise in which she greets all visitors to her realm.
There are those who say that the spirits of Olhydra's most faithful become the animating force that drives the evil water weirds, but this seems unlikely. In truth, it's more probable that the Princess of Evil Water Creatures absorbs her petitioners in an attempt to increase her own power (and the fact that she has petitioners at all puts her above her brethren archomentals).