奧庫斯之劍Orcusword,次等神器 | |
基本信息 | |
【等 級】 | 次等神器Minor Artifact |
【物品 類型】 | 武器(巨劍) |
角色關係 | |
【戰 役】 | PS |
【創 作 者】 | 奧庫斯Orcus? |
【所 有 者】 | 奧庫斯Orcus→晦暗Tenebrous→奧庫斯Orcus |
【相關 角色】 | 「腫脹者」阿爾佐格拉Alzogra the Bloated,伊萊里斯Yleris,鼠疫魔王Bubonix |
【簡 介】 | 奧庫斯之劍Orcusword 是奧庫斯作為巴洛炎魔時期的配劍,與奧庫斯/晦暗存在着強烈的聯繫。在創造了著名的奧庫斯之杖後,一度封神的奧庫斯交給自己最偉大的代理人臨時使用。 當齊雅溫紗麗突襲弒殺了奧庫斯並接管了桑納托斯(深淵第113層)後,這是少數幾件奧庫斯僕從搶救出來的寶物。 |
2ePS<Dead Gods.p069>抵達ARRIVAL
13 寶庫VAULT
This small treasure vault contains four stone urns, a medium-sized chest, and a sword mounted on the far wall.
這些石瓮高5呎,上面有沉重的大蓋子覆蓋。每個瓮包含約1,000金幣(上下波動3d10金幣)——有時甚至是 塔納厘不死領主undead tanar'ri lords 也需要一點零錢。
The urns are 5 feet tall and stoppered with large, heavy lids. Each contains about 1,000 gp, give or take 3d10 gp -sometimes even undead tanar'ri lords need a little jink.
[譯註:印記城黑話—Jink:窮人的目標:錢或硬幣。如"That's going to take a lot of jink!" 是說賄賂得花好多錢。各種硬幣具體的黑話有greens, stingers, baubles, jinx, 和merts,具體請見異域世界的金融體系]
箱子則被鎖上了;在箱子裏,玩家會發現一系列細長的隔間。每個隔間都有一根魔杖(晦暗Tenebrous 愛死它們了),它們的形狀被塑造地猶如權杖,並且尺寸幾乎有法杖那麼大。這些戰利品包括:一支 魔法飛彈魔杖wand of magic missiles(8發),一柄 偵測陷阱魔杖wand of trap derection(29發),一柄 幻象魔杖wand of illusion,一柄 照明魔杖wand of illumination(24發),以及一柄 恐懼魔杖wand of fear(10發)。
The chest is locked; inside, the PCs find a series of long, thin compartments. Each compartment contains a wand (Tenebrous loves'em) that's shaped like a scepter and nearly the size of a magical rod. The booty includes: a wand of magic missiles (8 charges), a wand of trap derection (29 charges), a wand of illusion (4 charges). a wand of illumination (24 charges), and a wand of fear (10 charges).
然而,這些魔杖受到了保護。在箱子內和蓋上,有一塊以某種古老的邪惡語言書寫的匾額(可藉助 通曉語言comprehend languages 法術或是成功的古代語言熟練檢定破譯)。匾額上寫着:「索要屬於你的東西,現在與永遠。」為了安全取得魔杖,玩家必須自私地抓住它,並宣稱它屬於自己。否則,嘗試取下魔杖的小偷將遭受3d4點點擊傷害。
However, the wands are protected. On the interior or the chest's lid is a plaque written in an ancient, evil tongue (decipherable with a comprehend languages spell or a successful ancient languages proficiency check). The plaque reads: "Claim what's yours, now and forever." In order to take a wand safely, a PC must grab it selfishly and proclaim it to be his. Trying to remove a wand otherwise results in the thief suffering 3d4 points of electrical damage.
It's also imponant to note that the plaque says "forever." See, once a berk successfully claims a wand, he suffers a onetime punishment (3d4 points of damage) if he ever tries to sell it, trade it, give it away, or otherwise rescind his ownership -even after the wand's been drained of charges. If a cross-trader steals the wand, the poor PC still suffers 3d4 points of damage. Once claimed, the wand is his. (This is Tenebrous's strange idea of a joke, but it also exemplifies his religion's tenet that "What's mine is mine.")
—Cross-trade:交叉生意。指盜竊行為或是任何非法的,見不得人的交易。A "cross-trading scum" 是指不小心碰到心情不好的慈悲殺手的小偷。]
除了那些瓮和箱子外,唯一重要的便是那柄掛在遠處牆上、刃有缺口、輕微生鏽的劍。這把老舊的武器是 齊雅溫紗麗Kiaransalee 接管時,晦暗的僕人們設法搶救的少數寶藏之一。
Apart from the urns and the chest, the only other item of importance is a notched and slightly rusted sword hanging on the far wall. This old weapon is one of the few treasures Tenebrous's servants managed to liberate from Thanatos when Kiaransalee took over.
這件武器即 奧庫斯之劍Orcusword,在很久以前,在 奧庫斯Orcus 創造出他那柄著名魔杖前所使用的武器。傳言說,在億萬年前他還在使用這把劍時,他還是一隻 巴洛炎魔balor,後來他讓自己最偉大的僕人——一度獲得神性的奧庫斯最偉大的代理人——暫時使用它。當這位 深淵領主the Abyssal lord 隕落後,這位武器失去了它的效力,不過晦暗仍然保留着它,將它作為往事與明日之鑑。他相信一旦自己重登曾經的地位,這把劍就將恢復其原始力量。
The weapon is the Orcusword, an ancient blade wielded by Orcus long before he created his infamous wand. Chant is he used the sword eons ago when he was still just a balor, and that he let his greatest servant - greatest proxy once Orcus achieved godhood - use it temporarily. When the Abyssal lord died, the weapon lost much of its potency, though Tenebrous still keeps it as a sign of what has come before - and what can still be. He believes that once he regains his former status, the blade will resonate with its original power.
[譯註:印記城黑話—Chant, the:表示新聞,本地閒話,事實,情形或者其他任何有關當前局勢的事情. "What's the chant?"是打探最新消息常用的一句話。如一定要翻譯到主物質位面地球上來,那麼就是」What’s Up?」]
不過,目前這把劍是一柄 +3長劍(於 無底深淵the Abyss),在自然骰出20時,能夠造成2倍傷害。有趣的是,晦暗與這把劍存在着遠比他與其 命匣phylactery 更強的聯繫。這段這柄劍將給他帶來巨大的痛苦,足以讓他分心數個小時——不管他當時在做什麼。如果玩家們陷入了必須面對這位不死神力的可怕局面,它們可以這段這把劍並使晦暗分心足夠長的時間來逃脫。當然,任何皮革腦袋到會直面晦暗的傢伙,可能不會同意這樣的計劃。
Currently, though, the weapon is a long sword +3 (forged in the Abyss) with the ability to cause double damage on a roll of a natural 20. On a roll of a natural I, the sword breaks. Interestingly, Tenebrous's connection to the blade is somehow greater than even his link to his phylactery. Breaking the sword causes him a great deal of pain, enough to distract him for a few hours from whatever he's doing. If the PCs got into a dire situation where they had to confront the undead power, they could break the sword and distract Tenebrous long enough to escape. Course, anyone leatherheaded enough to wind up facing Tenebrous directly probably wouldn't tumble to such a plan.
[譯註:印記城黑話—Leatherhead:皮革腦袋。引申為一個笨蛋,一個愚鈍的或沒腦子的傢伙。這個詞是用來稱呼某人為白痴的。也可作形容詞。如在 "a leatherheaded sod".]
如果英雄們立時折斷了 奧庫斯之劍。那麼,晦暗將立刻感受到喪失的痛苦,返回 基安-蘇美瑞城堡Tchian-Sumere、了解到入侵者的情況、策劃他們的死亡。但他還不會讓自己的憤怒分散注意力——一旦他找回了 奧庫斯之杖Wand of Orcus,他會有足夠的時間去復仇的。
Note: If the heroes break the Orcusword right away. Tenebrous immediately feels the pain of the loss, and, after returning to Tchian Sumere and learning what he can about the intruders, plots their gruesome deaths. But he won't allow his fury to distract him just yet - there'll be plenty of time for vengeance once he's recovered the Wand of Orcus.
3e<Dragon 359.p062>奧庫斯Orcus
奧庫斯之劍The Orcusword
次等神器Minor Artifact
奧庫斯之劍orcusword 是他在 巴洛炎魔balor 時期的個人武器。這柄 +6混沌負能量爆發褻瀆巨劍chaotic consumptive burst unholy greatsword 的力量與它的主人相連,能授予神術施法者 混亂Chaos 或 不死Undeath 領域,並給予其施法屬性值+5獎勵。它被藏在 負能量位面Negative Energy Plane 的 基安-蘇美瑞城堡Tchian-Sumere 中,由 「腫脹者」阿爾佐格拉Alzogra the Bloated 與尤格羅斯魔死靈師 伊萊里斯Yleris 看守,不過後者的最終意圖是監守自盜,將它盜取交給他真正的主人——鼠疫魔王Bubonix。
The orcusword was his personal weapon during his time as a balor. This +6 chaotic consumptive burst unholy greatsword's power is linked to that of its master, granting a divine spellcaster use of the Chaos or Undeath domain and a +5 bonus to his spellcasting ability score. It resides in the fortress of Tchinan-Sumere on the Negative Energy Plane under the watch of Alzogra the Bloated and the yugoloth necromancer Yleris, though the latter has the intention of eventually stealing it on behalf of his true master, Bubonix.