安博里Umberlee,大海女王 | |
基本信息 | |
【音 標】 | Um-ber-LEE |
【頭 銜】 | 潑婦女王The Bitch Queen,大海女王Sea Queen,深海女王Queen of the Deeps |
【陣 營】 | CE |
【神 力】 | L→I |
【神 職】 | 大洋Oceans,水流currents,浪waves,海風sea winds |
與諸神的關係 | |
【神 系】 | 泛費倫神系Faerûnian Pantheon/狂怒諸神Gods of Fury |
【主 神】 | 塔洛斯Talos |
【盟 友】 | 歐呂爾Auril,獁拉Malar,塔洛斯Talos |
【敵 對】 | 塞倫涅Selûne,維爾寇Valkur,裳提亞Chauntea,淑妮Sune |
神國與教會 | |
【神 國】 | 無底深淵the Abyss/13th 鮮血突岩Blood Tor |
【徽 記】 | 在黑白條紋的背景上,一朵向左右兩側捲曲的分叉藍綠色浪花A forked blue-green wave, curling in breakers to both left and right, on a background of black streaked with white |
【簡 介】 | 安博里Umberlee 是狂怒諸神的一員。 在泛費倫神系諸多與水相關的神明中,烏魯提歐掌管北極海域,維爾寇掌管航海安全和海戰,埃達絲掌管池塘、泉水、瀑布,依斯提悉亞則掌管水元素本身,至於被稱之為大海女王的安博里,其實是位大洋女神,掌管着大洋與海洋風暴。 |
2eSP<Realmspace.p073>群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars
群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars
牧師和專屬祭司們往往會因恐懼失去施法能力而擔心進入 荒宇wildspace。其實對這點無需再有疑問。當然,當牧師或是祭司進入太空時,他們神明的神力的確會發生一些改變,但多數時候,這些改變還沒到讓角色感到沮喪的地步。
Clerics and specialty priests tend to worry about heading into wildspace because they fear the loss of their spell casting abilities. There no longer need be any doubt. Granted, when a cleric or priest heads in space, some of the powers of their gods do change, but for the most part, the changes are not drastic enough to warrant any frustration from the character.
有些改變是積極的,但偶爾,神力可能會有所削弱、乃至消失——尤其是在祭司們進入 燃素海the phlogiston、與其神明失去一切接觸的時候。在進入到晶壁系中時,某一角色是否會與他的神明完全而徹底的分離?接下來的章節將詳述:魔法船牧師與專屬祭司在荒宇中時,諸神與他們的關係、以及諸神本身。
Often these changes are positive, but occasionally, the powers can wane somewhat, or even disappear, especially when the priest heads out into the phlogiston and loses all touch with his god. Is there ever a complete and total separation between god and character while inside the crystal sphere? This next chapter describes the gods and their relationships with spelljamming clerics and specialty priests while in wildspace.
(潑婦女王The Bitch Queen)
無底深淵弱等神力Lesser Power of the Abyss
一旦 安博里Umberlee 的專屬祭司和牧師進入 荒宇wildspace 更遠之處,她們將不能再得授法術。她們可以在降落在 國度天宇Realmspace 空間的任意行星上時,重新獲得法術能力。
Once the specialty priests and the clerics of Umberlee enter wildspace and beyond, they are not granted additional spells. They can land on a planet anywhere in Realmspace regain their ability to recover spells.
This has greatly reduced Umberlee s area of influence, as well as limiting her ability to gain followers in other spheres.
2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p173>安博里Umberlee
(潑婦女王The Bitch Queen,大海女王Sea Queen,深海女王Queen of the Deeps)
無底深淵之中等神力Intermediate Power of the Abyss,
神職PORTFOLIO:大洋Oceans,水流currents,浪waves,海風sea winds
神域名DOMAIN NAME:13th level/鮮血突岩Blood Tor
敵對FOES:塞倫涅Selûne,「強者」維爾寇Valkur the Mighty,裳提亞Chauntea,淑妮Sune
徽記SYMBOL:在黑白條紋的背景上,一朵向左右兩側捲曲的分叉藍綠色浪花A forked blue-green wave, curling in breakers to both left and right, on a background of black streaked with white
信徒陣營WOR. ALIGN.:任意Any
「潑婦女王the Bitch Queen」安博里Umberlee(讀作「Um-ber-LEE」)的潮濕巢穴位於 無底深淵the Abyss 一處被淹沒層面。雖然大多數人對她的崇拜是出於恐懼而非敬慕,但的確有少數分子(譬如大多數的鯊化人,這些獸化人被她創造出來侵蝕 塞倫涅Selûne)發現她的道德觀合乎自己的胃口。她在沿海城市有大量神龕,水手們常在她的祭壇上留下鮮花、蠟燭、小糖果、或是錢幣,指望安博里在下次航行中能放自己一馬。向她致敬的還有海運商人、港口城市、島國和島嶼定居點,安博里的怒火足以將他們摧毀、與此同時並沒有一位強大的守護神明能夠抵消她的威脅性索求。
Umberlee (Um-ber-LEE) the Bitch Queen rules from her watery lair in a flooded level of the Abyss. She is worshiped by most out of fear as opposed to adoration, though some few—such as most weresharks, who she created to try to undermine Selûne—find her ethos to their liking. Ship crews toss her gems over the sides of their vessels to calm storm-tossed waters. She has a large number of shrines in coastal cities, and sailors often leave flowers, candles, small candies, or coins on her altars in hopes that Umberlee will spare them on the next voyage. Others who pay tribute to her include merchants sending goods by sea, port cities, and island nations and settlements who would be devastated by her wrath and have not a powerful patron deity to counter her menacing demands.
安博里與帶領船舶安全返航的塞倫涅紛爭不斷。最近,她也感受到了來自自己的守護神——塔洛斯Talos——的沉重壓力,後者正試圖將所有形式的暴力都納入自己神職之內。雖然安博里偶爾會與他調情,但如果不是力有不逮,她很樂意結束塔洛斯的存在,成為唯一的毀滅之神。不幸的是,她無法直接影響陸地,這限制了她的雄心壯志,所以她只能等待着時機、賣弄着風情。歐呂爾Auril、獁拉Malar、安博里Umberlee、塔洛斯Talos 四神合稱 狂怒諸神Gods of Fury。其中,安博里是位純粹的惡毒、卑鄙、邪惡的毒婦。當她覺得自己沒有在交易中沒能佔到最大的便宜時,就會心血來潮地撕毀協議;在看着她的鯊魚講海難受害者撕成碎片、看着其他人慢慢溺死時,她將從中獲得極大的快感。她也是位虛榮的庸俗婦人,渴望他人的阿諛奉承。如果她有什麼弱點,那可能便是她對權力的永恆貪慾和對行使權力的沉溺。
Umberlee continually contests with Selûne, in whom navigators tmst to guide their ships safely home. Of late, she has also felt the heavy presence of her own patron, Talos, who is trying to pick up violent nature in all its forms as his personal portfolio. Though Umberlee flirts with him on occasion, she would gladly end his existence and become sole deity of destruction herself if she had the power. Unfortunately, her ambitions are limited by her inability to directly affect the land, so she bides her time and plays the coquette. Together Auril, Malar, Umberlee, and Talos are known as the Gods of Fury. Umberlee is just plain malicious, mean, and evil. She breaks agreements on a whim when she feels that she has not gotten the best part of a deal and takes great pleasure in both watching her sharks tear shipwreck victims to shreds and watching others die slowly of drowning. She is also vain and expects to be flattered. If she has any weakness, it is probably her incessant greed for power and her intoxication with exercising it.
安博里在 墜星海Sea of Fallen Stars 對一個又一個海盜島嶼的毀滅中度過了 動盪之年Time of Troubles。從那時起這片海域仍然風雨飄搖,不過在某些據說屬於、或是與 鐵王座Iron Throne 有所勾結的、結盟的魚畈,對她進行了有組織的安撫努力後,最近兩三年已經平靜了一些。
Umberlee spent the Time of Troubles in the Sea of Fallen Stars, wreaking destruction on one pirate isle after another. The sea has remained stormy and troubled since that time, though it has calmed somewhat in the last two to three years after an organized effort to appease her promoted by certain allied merchant costers said to be part of or in league with the Iron Throne.
安博里的化身Umberlee's Avatar
(巫師Mage 31,牧師Cleric 23,戰士Fighter 20)
Umberlee's avatar rarely appears. When she does, it is as a female blue-green torso with taloned hands, elbow fins, eyes of pale pearly death, and hair of kelp. In this form, rising above the waves, she aims to impress and usually towers above sailors on the decks of a doomed ship. She wears giant shell jewelry and a cape made from a million mauve jellyfish. Her voice hisses and booms like ocean breakers, and she laughs cruelly as she flings watery death and destruction on those who view her. She can cast spells from any priest sphere except elemental earth, elemental fire, sun, thought, and time. She can cast spells from all wizard schools except elemental earth and elemental fire. She cannot cast any spell with a fiery manifestation. She casts all elemental water sphere and school spells at triple strength in all respects and targeted creatures receive a -3 penalty to their saving throws against such spells.
防禦等級 -3;移動 15,游泳 48;生命值 208;零級命中值 1;#攻擊 5次/2輪
傷害 1d6+17(+3 三叉戟,+11力量,+2對三叉戟專精獎勵)
魔抗 75%;體型 超大型H(20呎)
力量 23,敏捷 17,體質 24,智力 20,感知 19,魅力 19
法術 祭司P:12/11/11/10/9/7/3,法師W:7/7/7/7/7/7/7/7/7
豁免 麻痹、毒素與死亡魔法 2;權杖、法杖與魔杖 3;石化或變形 4;噴吐武器 4;法術 4
AC -3; MV 15, Sw 48; HP 208; THACO 1; #AT 5/2
Drag 1d6+17 (trident +3, +11 STR, +2 spec, bonus in trident)
MR 75%; SZ H (20 feet)
STR 23, DEX 17, CON 24, INT 20, Wis 19, CHA 19
Spells P: 12/11/11/10/9/7/3, W: 7/7/7/7/7/7/7/7/7
Saves PPDM 2, RSW 3, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 4
特殊攻擊/防禦Special Att/Def:
在使用武器時,安博里會選用一柄 +3三叉戟,這柄三叉戟在她手中兼有 屈從三叉戟trident of submission 與 魚類命令三叉戟trident of fish command。每半小時,她能召喚2d4+4條鯊魚或1d4+1條巨鯊來完成她的吩咐。在大多數情況下,這些鯊魚將試圖攻擊或是吞噬水中她以心靈暗示的目標生物。每12小時,她也能召喚3隻8生命骰的水元素、2隻12生命骰的水元素、或是1隻16生命骰的水元素來完成她的吩咐。這些生物幾乎從不失控。在登場時,安博里還可控制海面上的風、或是海浪的活動,如同下文「其祂顯現Other Manifestations」中示意的那樣。
When she uses a weapon, Umberlee strikes with at trident +3 that in her hands works as a trident of submission and a trident of fish command. She can summon 2d4+4 sharks or 1d4+1 giant sharks to do her bidding every half hour. For the most part, these sharks try to attack or swallow creatures in the water she indicates to them mentally. She can also summon three 8-HD water elementals, two 12-HD water elementals, or one 16- HD water elemental to do her bidding once every 12 hours. These creatures never become uncontrolled. Umberlee can also control the winds over the seas or the actions of the waves as indicated under Other Manifestations, below, while present.
其祂顯現Other Manifestations
相較於派遣化身,大海女王Sea Queen 更喜歡顯作風、化作浪。無論採用的是哪種顯現,常常都會伴有安博里那冷酷、殘忍的笑聲或是嘶嘶的口信。安博里的神力正在衰落,她現在每天只能顯現為4次風。深海女王Queen of the Deeps 可以發出一陣狂風粉碎其路徑上的一切,每輪5d10點傷害,持續2d4輪。
Rather than sending her avatar form, the Sea Queen prefers manifest as wind or waves. Either form of manifestation is often accompanied by Umberlee's cold, cruel laughter or a hissed message. Umberlee's powers are waning, and she can now manifest as wind only four times a day. For 2d4 rounds, the Queen of the Deeps can send a gale blast of wind that smashes into all things in its path for 5d1O points of damage per round.
Umberlee prefers to manifest in a form that remains unlimited: as an unseen underwater presence that can aim and hurl waves. Waves are hurled one per round, rolling out in one of two forms. Either they strike beings within 160 feet for 4d4 points of damage and force them to make successful saving throw vs. death magic or drown, or they strike one spot, aiming to wrest certain items away from a ship, swimmer, or aquatic creature. The specific, targeted type of wave strike does 2d12 points of damage and forces a being to make a successful Dexterity ability checks for all items it wants to retain. Umberlee can even snatch rings off fingers in this way (or remove gauntlets and then snatch the rings from fingers); unattended items are automatically carried off.
Umberlee also acts through the appearance or presence of sea monsters of all sorts, especially sharks of monstrous size that are sent to devour swimmers or shipwrecked sailors, krakens, and all types of aquatic undead including (inland) undead lake monsters.
教會The Church
神職人員CLERGY:牧師Clerics,專屬祭司specialty priests
神職陣營CLERGY'S ALIGN.:絕對中立N,混亂中立CN,守序邪惡LE,中立邪惡NE,混亂邪惡CE
驅散不死TURN UNDEAD:牧師C:不可NO;專屬祭司SP:不可No.
支配不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧師C:可Yes;專屬祭司SP:可Yes.專屬祭司只能支配在水中被殺死的生物、或是自然水生生物形成的不死生物。Specialty priests may command only undead formed from creatures killed at sea or that are aquatic by nature.
安博里的所有牧師和專屬祭司得到 宗教知識religion(泛費倫Faerûnian)作為非武器熟練獎勵。安博里的所有牧師得到 游泳swimming 作為非武器熟練獎勵,並且自動能夠在水下呼吸。
All clerics and specialty priests of Umberlee receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency. All clerics of Umberlee receive swimming as a bonus nonweapon proficiency and can breathe water automatically.
安博里教派Umberlant 的祭司是個形形色色、雜亂無章的群體,她們非常喜歡用帶鈎的鐮狀小刀決鬥,來解決首座職位與位階上的分歧。(這些決鬥用刀代表着安博里對航海者的收割。)安博里教派的祭司漫遊於沿海城市,主要靠恐懼不安的海員們留下的祭品為生。除了傳統中點燃的蠟燭與小糖果外,安博里教派的祭司越來越多地要求在祭壇上留下更多真正的硬幣。在沒有信徒在場時,安博里教派的祭司們會在隨後從安博里神龕的石塊祭壇上拿走祭品,並用含有海藻的海水沖刷祭壇,以此暗示大海女王已經來過拿走了她應得之物。人們支付豐厚的報酬讓安博里教徒會坐船從一個港口到另一個港口,因為(人們覺得)他們的存在會確保安博里不會摧毀這艘輪船。
Umberlant priests are a varied, disorganized lot, much given to dueling with hooked, sicklelike knives to settle differences of primacy and rank. (These dueling knives represent Umberlee's reapings of those who sail the seas.) Umberlant priests roam coastal cities, living primarily off the offerings left by fearful sailors. In addition to the traditional lit candles and small candies, Umberlants are increasingly demanding more real coin be left on the altars. When there are no worshipers present, Umberlant priests then remove the offerings from the stone block altars at Umberlee's shrines and sluice the altars with buckets of sea water containing seaweed to signify that the Sea Queen has come for what is rightfully hers. Umberlants are also paid handsomely to travel on ships from port to port, for their presence (it is thought) guarantees that Umberlee will not destroy a vessel.
There is little in the way of an organized clergy of Umberlee. Those who relish her power and potential become her specialty priests. Specialty priests make up most of Umberlee's clergy, since the advantages of the faith prove to be quite handy when superstitious sailors want to dump a priest overboard at the first sign of a storm. A few clerics have made some progress in status in the faith, and most of them work in the adventuring order of the church.
初修士祭司被稱作 未作數者the Untaken,不過一旦安博里確認了其祭司身份,她就已獲得資格接受供品、引領祈禱者並以她的名義祝福。無論其真正的地位與權勢如何,安博里教派的正式祭司都可以採用以下任何頭銜:漲潮Flood Tide,拍岸黑浪Dark Breaker,強勁暗潮Puissant Undertow,憤怒之浪Wave of Fury,野蠻海風Savage Seawind,波濤女士Wavemistress 或 波濤領主Wavelord。專屬祭司被統稱為 波濤僕從waveservants 或 波濤真仆true servants of the wave,使用的頭銜與前述那些相同,但前面加上「恐懼Dread」前綴。
Novice priests are known as the Untaken, but once Umberlee has confirmed an individual as a priest, she or he is entitled to take offerings, lead prayers, and bestow blessings in her name. Full Umberlant priests can adopt any of the following titles (regardless of true rank and powers): Flood Tide, Dark Breaker, Puissant Undertow, Wave of Fury, Savage Seawind, and Wavemistress or Wavelord. Specialty clergy are known as waveservants or true servants of the wave and use the same titles as other Umberlants with the addition of the word "Dread" in front of them.
The Umberlant faith has no set ethical outlook save that the sea is a savage place and those who travel it had best be willing to pay the price of challenging Umberlee's domain. The doctrine of Umberlee declares that all should know Umberlee and fear her, for the wind and the wave can reach everywhere. Fair offerings bring fair winds to travelers over the waters, but for those who do not pay their respects, the sea is as cold as Umberlee's heart. All who travel the seas are warned that the dead serve Umberlee most faithfully.
Umberlant novices are charged to: "Spread word of the might of holy Umberlee, and let no service be performed in her name without price. Make folk fear the wind and the waves, unless a priest of Umberlee be present to protect them. Finally, slay any who ascribe sea and shore storms to Talos."
日常活動Day-to-Day Activities:
More folk fear Umberlee than revere her, but she cares not why they worship, only that they do so. She rarely comes to favor individual mortals, but she does do a little extra for those who faithfully make offerings. To gain favorable winds for a voyage or to deliver them alive from storms, sailors sacrifice valuable cargo to her by piping it overboard: playing tunes dedicated to Umberlee on mouthpipes while heaving the cargo over the side. They usually ensure that the cargo contains something alive if their peril is great. If a ship runs aground or founders and an Umberlant priest is aboard, the furious sailors usually try enmasse to murder the priest before they are themselves drowned. Corpses of Umberlant priests have washed ashore transfixed by as many as 30 cutlasses.
安博里教派的神職人員被要求通過宣揚她過去所造成的厄運,以及所有沿海城市與居民點即將到來的風暴,傳播對安博里的尊敬。在此過程中,他們將尋求讓自己從女神那得到的眷顧累積到足以在危險時能被女神傳送上岸,同時以接受供品、出賣自己所在船上的安全、或是施展某些法術來使自己變得富有。在 寶劍海岸Sword Coast 的 深水城Waterdeep 與 卡林港Calimport 的長途航行,安博里祭司可能會向一艘普通商船索要多達500金幣的費用,對一艘運送貴重貨物、裝備精良的嶄新大型寇格船或拉丁式大帆船,索取高達3倍的費用。如果船上的祭司必須使用魔法來守護或保護這艘船,她將根據法術收費,並可能當場就價格討價還價。
Umberlant clergy are charged to spread respect for Umberlee by preaching of the doom she has wrought in the past and the storms to come in all coastal cities and settlements. Along the way, they seek to build up favor enough to be teleported ashore by the goddess if they are ever in danger on the seas and to enrich themselves by accepting offerings, selling the safety of their own presence on shipboard, or by casting certain spells. For a long voyage down the Sword Coast between Waterdeep and Calimport, an Umberlant priest may charge as much as 500 gold pieces to an average merchant vessel or up to three times that to a large, new, well-armed cog or caravel carrying valuable cargo. If a priest on board has to use magic to defend or protect the ship, she or he charges by the spell and may well dicker over price on the spot!
除了治療魔法外,普通人僱傭大部分信仰的祭司都是為了表演,而安博里教派最受歡迎的則是兩種法術:風暴斗篷stormcloak 與 與溺亡死者交談speak with the drowned dead。海盜們經常僱傭安博里教派神職人員施展 與溺亡死者交談,因為通過措辭謹慎的問題,他們能得知沉船或寶藏的方向。
Beyond the healing magics common folk hire priests of most faiths to perform, two spells used by Umberlants are the most popular: stormcloak and speak with the drowned dead. Pirates often hire Umberlant clergy to cast speak with the drowned dead because, by careful phrasing of a question, they can learn directions to a sunken ship or treasure.
聖日/重要儀式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
安博里的每日禮拜由供品、祈禱、在海水中於額頭、手腳自己塗抹聖油組成。此外,該信仰也有些許的特殊儀式,最著名的是 沉溺儀式the Drowning、初潮典禮First Tide、以及 風暴呼號Stormcall。
Umberlee is to be worshiped daily with offerings, prayer, and self-anointing on the brow, hands, and feet with sea water. In addition, the faith has a few special rituals, most notably the Drowning, First Tide, and Stormcall.
沉溺儀式The Drowning 是場私人儀式,只有神職成員可以見證或參加。在沉溺儀式中,未作數者the Untaken 將變為女神真正的祭司。懇求者將躺在祭壇前,周身是點燃給女神的蠟燭,每處都有一位不同的安博里教派祭司吟誦禱詞。參與的神職人員隨後撤出,由一位資深祭司在房間的天花板施展 造海水術causes sea water,來創造一個巨大的擊浪並隨後流走。倖存下來的懇求者將被安博里確認為她服務,並被警告如果她們背叛了深海女王,溺亡將是等待他們的命運。女神在沉溺儀式中為他們放開了生路,因此她隨時可以帶走她們。(深海女王覺得背叛了自己的神職人員,將在睡夢中一夢不醒,在夜晚中溺水死去,肺中神秘地充滿了海水。)
The Drowning is a private ritual, and only clergy members may witness it or take part. In the Drowning, an Untaken becomes a true priest of the goddess. The supplicant lies before an altar and is surrounded by candles lit to the goddess, each placed with an intoned prayer by a different Umberlant priest. The attending clergy then withdraw, and a senior priest casts a spell that causes sea water to flood the room in a huge breaking wave and then flow away. Supplicants who survive are confirmed in the service of Umberlee and warned that if they should ever betray the Queen of the Deeps, drowning is the fate that awaits them. They were spared during the Drowning and so can be taken by the Sea Queen at any time to come. (Clergy whom the Sea Queen feels have failed her go to sleep one night never to awaken, dying during the night of drowning, their lungs mysteriously filled with sea water.)
安博里的公共儀式包括 初潮典禮First Tide 和 風暴呼號Stormcall。初潮典禮在港口的冰層破裂時舉行,神職人員們將吹笛打鼓、穿越城市的街道慶祝。在一場冷酷無情的儀式上,神職人員們將把一隻活生生的大型動物帶到岸邊,綁在石頭上沉入水中。若這隻生物不知怎麼地活了下來、或是掙扎着上了岸,它將被釋放、照料、並以魔法恢復健康。然後它就將成為一隻擁有安博里教派身份的神聖動物。(這一習俗源於遠古時代,在那時安博里經常從人牲中挑選神職人員,在水下解開她們的束縛。)
The public rituals of Umberlee include First Tide and the Stormcall. First Tide is celebrated by a flute-and-drum parade through the streets of a city by the clergy when the ice breaks up in a harbor. In a cold-hearted and brutal ritual, the clergy carry a live large animal down to the shore to be tied to a rock and hurled into the water. If the creature somehow washes or struggles ashore alive, it is freed, tended, and magically healed back to full health. It then becomes a sacred animal with the rank of an Umberlant. (This custom began in ancient times when Umberlee often selected her clergy from among human sacrifices by unbinding them beneath the water.)
風暴呼號Stormcall 是一場集體祈禱,在祈禱中信徒們將呼喚安博里派來一場風暴摧毀一座特定的港口或船隻,或是讓一場將臨於或已經襲擊了這些信徒的風暴轉向。禮拜者們將跪在水池周圍,水池中漂浮的浮木碎片上點燃着蠟燭,安博里的祭司們事先精心收集並晾乾了這些浮木來為此作準備。貴重的祭祀品將被扔進池中,但這些祭司必須小心地通過儀式的魔力讓蠟燭保持漂浮,以保持它們燃燒發光——因為蠟燭被浸濕是安博里之怒的兆示。
Stormcall is a mass prayer in which worshipers call for Umberlee to send a storm to devastate a specific harbor or ship or to turn away an approaching storm or one that has already broken upon the worshipers. Worshipers kneel around pools in which lit candles float on fragments of driftwood that have been carefully collected and dried by Umberlant priests for this purpose. Sacrifices of precious goods are thrown into the pools, but the priests must carefully levitate the candles through the magic of the ceremony as this is done to keep them alight—for a candle doused is a sign of Umberlee's anger.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
許多年來,鄰近 科米爾王國Cormyr 瑪森伯城Marsember 的 海崖之邸House on the Cliff 都是安博里最富裕、最大、也最有影響力的神殿,不過要麼是因為敵對神明的貢獻,要麼是因為安博里自己的不悅,它在動盪之年期間被徹底摧毀了。自那以後,還沒哪座大海女王的神殿已崛起為不容置疑的顯耀神殿,但這項殊榮有一些競爭者,包括:維綸城Velen 的 眾船墳墓之塔Shipsgrave Tower,在那裏 「戰爭領主」達賈斯特·蘇倫登Wavelord Darjast Surnden 統治着一整群身經百戰、忠實可靠的前海盜、現神職人員;敏坦島Mintarn 上的 女王海灣Cove of the Queen,這是一處隱蔽港灣,一群由安博里教派領導的海盜侍奉着 「皇家浪濤女士」阿爾貝絲·弗羅斯特爾Wavemistress Royal Qalbess Frostyl;奧倫波島Orlumbor 上的 風暴避風港之邸Stormhaven House,由 「至高三叉戟」塔爾爾德·諾納古爾High Trident Thaeryld Nornagul 統治;以及 泰斯布瑞Teshburl 的 咆哮海窟Seacaves of the Roaring,這是一處以黃金裝飾、龐大而繁榮之地,那裏的祭司們在 「深海浪濤大師」烏爾索·梅拉塔爾Deep Wavemaster Ultho Maelatar 統治下,兜售光滑的石質小風暴令牌給那些感到恐懼或不會游泳的 卡林珊人Calishites,這些令牌能保證航行的安全(但僅限於佩戴者自己)。
For years, the House on the Cliff near Marsember in Cormyr was the richest, largest, and most influential temple of Umberlee, but either because of the work of a rival god or through the displeasure of Umberlee, it was utterly destroyed during the Time of Troubles. No one house of the Sea Queen has risen to unquestioned prominence since, but contenders for this honor include Shipsgrave Tower in Velen, where Wavelord Darjast Surnden rules a loyal complement of ex-pirate, battle-hardened clergy; the Cove of the Queen on Mintarn, a hidden harbor where pirates are led by Umberlants who serve Wavemistress Royal Qalbess Frostyl; Stormhaven House on Orlumbor, governed by High Trident Thaeryld Nornagul; and the Seacaves of the Roaring in Teshburl, a large and prosperous place adorned with gold where priests under the governance of Deep Wavemaster Ultho Maelatar sell small, smooth, stone storm tokens guaranteeing safety on a voyage (for the individual carrying them only) to Calishites who are fearful or cannot swim.
從屬組織Affiliated Orders:
安博里教派信仰並沒有多少從屬組織。唯一值得注意的便是該信仰的冒險團:大海女王的碎浪the Sea Queen's Breakers,她們在浪下進行尋寶和回收作業,並在所承諾的黃金多到似乎超過了讓一位安博里教派祭司在遠離水域的地方工作將帶來的風險時,進行陸上冒險。
The Umberlant faith does not have many affiliated orders. The only one of note is the adventuring order of the faith, the Sea Queen's Breakers, which pursues treasure-hunting and recovery operations beneath the waves or adventures on land when the promise of gold seems to outweigh the dangers of an Umberlant priest working long away from water.
祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
The ceremonial garb of the priests of Umberlee consists of a skin-tight blue or green body stocking worn with a voluminous cape of blue or green trimmed with white fur (to represent foaming breakers). A tall collar, similarly trimmed, rises from the back of the cape's neck. A popular badge of rank is the magically preserved skeletal hand of a drowning victim.
冒險裝束Adventuring Garb:
所有神職成員每日都穿着自己想穿的衣服,只要其中有些藍綠斑駁的東西(通常是腰帶或是圍巾)。大部分安博里教派的神職人員都攜帶着一柄帶鈎小刀。(這些決鬥小刀價值 3金幣,重量 2磅,尺寸 小型,傷害類型 揮砍,攻速 4,造成 1d4+1/1d3+1 點傷害。)
All clergy members wear whatever they desire from day to day, so long as something of mottled blue and green is worn (usually as a sash or scarf). Most Umberlant clergy members carry a hooked dueling knife. (These dueling knives cost 3 gp, weigh 2 lbs., are size S, inflict damage type S, are speed 4, and do 1d4+1/1d3+1 points of damage.)