龙与地下城 Wiki




【音   標】MISS-trah
【頭   銜】魔法女君The Mistress of Magic,奧秘女士The Lady of Mysteries,諸般魔法之母The Mother of All Magic,諸法聖母Our Lady of Spells,魔法女士Lady Magic,魔法夫人Lady of Magic,唯一正法One True Spell,魔法女神Goddess of Magic,強權女士Lady of Might,(貶義)婊子The Whore,蕩婦The Harlot
【陣   營】LN
【神   力】M→G→Dead→午夜
【神   職】魔法Magic,法術spells,魔網the weave
【神   系】泛費倫神系Faerûnian Pantheon
【主   神】
【從   神】阿祖斯Azuth
【神   國】機械境Mecchanus
【徽   記】藍白之星bue-white star
【簡   介】「婊子配舔狗,天長又地久!」——貝恩·血蹄,於半人馬會所拼盤

密斯特拉Mytra 是第二代魔法女神,原只是一位牧羊女,但在第一代魔法女神密絲瑞爾隕落後,機緣巧合下繼承了對方的大部分神職和神力。




密斯特拉MYSTRA(強大神力Greater Power)

  聖徽Symbol:一顆藍白之星A blue-white star,或 九顆這樣星星組成的圓環a ring of nine such stars

  魔法女君The Mistress of Magic 目前對PC們顯現為一位金髮黑眼的苗條年輕姑娘。任性又強大的她能一眼看到一切咒文和法術效果,並立刻知曉它們是什麼。僅憑意志她就能反轉發生在9單位距離內的法術和類法術效果(包括物品和神器釋放的效果),其效用如同 法術反轉戒指ring of spell turning 一般。
The Mistress of Magic presently appears to the PCs as a slim, young wom- an with blonde hair and dark eyes. Willful and powerful, she is able to see all dweomers and spell effects and instantly know them for what they are. By force of will she can turn spells and spell-like effects (including those discharged by items and artifacts) that occur within 9", functioning as a ring of spell turning.

  密斯特拉能隨意 形體變化shape change ,每輪能隨意釋放任何一道防禦法術加上任何一道進攻法術(除非她使用了 許願術wish時間停止time stop異界之門gate扭曲現實alter reality,這些法術不能在同一輪內與另一道法術一起擲出)。密斯特拉能施展所有職業的法術,但在所有方面都表現為一位法師,複製了各個職業的法術。她能以極限效果施展所有法術,所以她的火球術會造成240點傷害,而不是40d6隨機擲骰;但她的目標還是能進行一次豁免檢定以減半傷害。密斯特拉也仍然是 魔法混沌Magical Chaos 的生效對象。
Mystra can shape change at will, and can unleash any one defensive spell per round and any one offensive spell per round (unless she uses wish, time stop, gate, or alter reality, which cannot be thrown in combination with another spell- in one round). Mystra can cast spells of all classes, but behaves as a wizard in all cases of spells duplicated from class to class. She casts all spells for maximum effect, so that her fireball would cause 240 points of damage, rather than a random roll of 40d6, but her target would still get a saving throw for half damage. Mystra is still subject to Magical Chaos.

  魔法女神所不知道的是,艾歐Ao 很久之前就取走了她的一部分力量,並將之在其他實體中分散——這些實體包括半神 阿祖斯Azuth 和幾個人類(包括 伊爾明斯特Elminster欣布The Simbul凱爾本「黑杖」奧羅桑Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun)。這既防止了密斯特拉變得太過強大,也防止了其他存在通過密斯特拉而獲得太過強大的力量。艾歐的行為順便讓這些人類獲得了不朽。
Unbeknownst to the Goddess of Magic, Ao long ago took some of her power and divided it up between other entities—the demigod Azuth and several humans (including Elminster, The Simbul, and Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun). This both kept Mystra from becoming too powerful, and prevented any other being from gaining too much power from controlling her. Ao's actions incidentally granted the humans immortality.

Mystra can impart spell knowledge to other beings by touch, and controls the spread and advancement of the Art in the Realms by what success she grants to the researches of mortals.

  她神職的重要性讓她成了這許多年來許多強大存在攻擊和陰謀的熱門目標。密斯特拉變得疲憊而憤懣;只有她的驕傲,還有那些不求魔法回報而敬拜或幫助她的人的善意,支撐着她堅持走下去。或許是時候讓一位新的魔法女君崛起,讓密斯特拉得以安睡——她的本源分散到 諸國度the Realms 的許多存在和物品之中——並默默支持一位新的奧藝女神了。
The importance of her portfolio has made her a popular target for the attacks and schemes of many powerful beings over the ages. Mystra has grown tired and bitter; only her pride, and the kindnesses of those who do not worship or aid her for magical gain, keeps her going. Perhaps it is time for a new Mistress of Magic to rise, allowing Mystra to slumber, her essence scattered throughout many beings and items of the Realms, in quiet support of a new goddess of the Art.

  生命骰HD 16;零級命中值THAC0 11;施法能力SpA 法師W 40, 牧師CL 22;移動MV 14";防禦等級AC -7;生命值hp 99;#攻擊次數AT 1次;傷害Dmg 1d6;魔抗MR 77%(別忘了 法術反轉 能力note spell turning power);體形SZ 中型M;力量Str 14,感知Wis 24;敏捷Dex 19,體質22,智力Int 25,魅力Cha 17, 再生regenerates 2 2hp每輪hp/round。
