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尘埃准元素位面The Quasi-Elemental Plane of Dust
【所属 位面】准元素位面The Quasielemental Plane负准元素位面The Negative Quasielemental Plane
【类   型】内层位面准元素位面
【位面 之主】阿鲁·汗·桑Alu Kahn Sang
【下辖 地区】核心尘埃面Core Dust

滚岩之地Tumbling Rocks:与土位面的交界处
耗散之地Wasting Place:与灰烬面的交界处
毁灭风暴Storm of Annihilation:与负位面的交界处,包含 冲击层城堡Citadel Alluvius

污物绿洲0asis of Filth:与软泥面的交界处
【简   介】“尘归尘,土归土。”——贝恩·血蹄,于半人马窑子

尘埃准元素位面The Quasi-Elemental Plane of Dust 处于负能量位面土元素位面的交界,是多元宇宙最地道之处。在这片京爷V我50的第二故乡、永恒的雾霾之地,浸透的负能量鼓动着无力的风吹拂动着毁灭性的粒子,销蚀着一切物质。

尘埃准元素在整个位面肆虐,肆意毁灭所遇到的一切。在此起彼伏的各路军阀中,自称为 至高将军the High General 和 毁灭之风the Wind of Destruction 的尘埃元素大君 阿鲁·汗·桑Alu Kahn Sang 是其中幸存最久的存在,他以暴力和毁灭的旗帜聚集起了一支毁灭大军。

2ePS<The Inner Planes.p114>尘埃准元素位面The Quasielemental Plane of Dust

  在这里一切——特别是希望——都在衰败,分崩离析Everything decays and falls apart here—particularly hope.
  ——一位沙人A Sandman

  法师学派改变Wizard School Alteration
  水Water <
  气Air  ◆

  (当我发现了一位 尘埃位面the plane of Dust 土著时—— 一位相当刻薄 沙人sandman,我甚至不知道他的名字——他发表了以下演讲。我尽可能仔细地加以记录。
When I found a native of the plane of Dust-a rather bitter sandman whose name I never discovered-he gave the following speech. which I recorded as closely as lcould.   ——编者the Editor)

Silence! Listen now, and I shall tell you of the hell that is my home.

  尘埃准位面The quasiplane of Dust 是一片淹没在细小微粒中的浩瀚黑暗。这些微粒漂浮在极度稀薄的大气中,这里的风是如此的微弱,以至于你甚至无法感觉到它们的轻抚。负能量在整个位面奔流着,带来万物的衰败,并最终毁灭一切。
The quasiplane of Dust is an expanse of darkness awash with minute particles. These are carried through the most tenuous of atmospheres on winds so frail that you cannot even feel their caress. The negative energy coursing through the plane causes all matter to decay, eventually destroying everything.

  朝着 土元素位面the Elemental Plane of Earth 的方向,旅行者会发现尘埃越来越厚。一段时间后,悬浮的物质云将开始聚集并形成固体。在这里,于一处名曰 滚岩之地the Tumbling Rocks 的地方,大量的石头将以巨力相互碰撞。
Toward the Elemental Plane of Earth, a traveler finds the dust growing thicker and thicker. In time, drifting clouds of matter begin to coalesce and form solid bodies. Here, in a place known as the Tumbling Rocks, masses of stone crash into each otherwith tremendous force.

  朝着 灰烬准位面the quasiplane of Ash 的方向,分散的尘埃流将形成越来越厚的云。最终,在一片名为 耗散之地the Wasting Place 的区域,尘埃和灰烬将融合进一片窒息的云中。旅行至此的人面临着被灰尘的自然磨损撕裂、或是被渴望温暖的灰烬耗尽所有热量。
In the direction of the quasiplane of Ash, the scattered currents of dust begin to form thicker and thicker clouds. Eventually, in a region known as the Wasting Place, dust and ash merge in a choking cloud. Those who travel here risk being torn apart by the natural abrasion of dust or drained of all heat by the warmth-hungry ash.

  盘绕着 盐准位面the quasiplane of Salt,尘埃的特性将变得越来越晶化。这两片宇宙相遇的地方是 销蚀之地the Consumption,这是一片危险的国度,在这里一切液体都将变为闪烁的颗粒。显然,这种改变对几乎所有生命都是致命的。死亡会以多种形式形式降临到尘埃位面中。
Circling toward the quasiplane of Salt, the character of the dust becomes more and more crystalline. Where these two universes meet lies the Consumption, a dangerous realm in which all fluids transform into scintillating granules. Obviously, such an alteration proves fatal to almost any living thing. Death comes in many forms in the plane of Dust.

  毫无疑问,这个位面的边界地带中最危险的莫过于 毁灭风暴the Storm of Annihilation。作为尘埃准位面与负能量位面的交汇处,在这里,致命的元素力狂风掀起了极具破坏力的粒子风暴。在这里,负能量不仅会分解物质,而且会导致物质的剧烈爆炸。那些蠢到来这的家伙将面临应得的死亡。
Without a doubt, the most dangerous of this plane's border zones is the Storm of Annihilation. Here, where the quasiplane of Dust merges with the plane of Negative Energy, winds of deadly elemental force whip up storms of highly destructive particles. Here, the negative energy not only breaks matter up, but literally causes itto violently explode. Those foolish enough to come here deserve to die.


The Quasielemental Plane of Dust is an open, empty place swept by howling windsand stinging fragments of particulate matter. Those who hope to survive in this plane must address numerous concerns.


  除了 末日卫士团the Doomguard,基本没有非土著会精神失常或自我厌恶到设法来到尘埃准位面。毕竟,怎么会有理智之人寻找一片以终极解体为唯一确定命运的地方?
Apart from the Doomguard, few nonnatives are insane or self-loathing enough to make their way into the quasiplane of Dust. After all, what sane person seeks out a land where ultimate disintegration is the only sure fate?

No one is certain just how many portals allow a body to reach the quasiplane of Dust. The only thing that can be said absolutely is that there are fewer today than there were yesterday. These structures seem to be subject to the natural decay of the quasiplane to which they lead.

It is widely believed that the Doomguard maintain a number of portals that only they can access. Whether or not this is true is difficult to say, but convincing evidence supports such claims.

  有一扇由某座早已倾圮的神秘建筑残留下来的大门,矗立在 极乐境Elysium 的一处偏远角落。它已遭到遗弃,几乎完全被遗忘了,但仍然可以运作。麻烦在于,没有人知道什么类型的钥匙可以开启这道异界之门。人们提出了许多的理论,但没有哪个得到了证实。许多人说开门的钥匙便是完全没有钥匙。
A large gate fashioned from a mysterious, crumbling structure stands in a remote corner of Elysium. It is abandoned and almost forgotten, although the portal still works. The problem is, no one knows what type of key might open the gate. Numerous theories have been put forward, but none have panned out. Some say that the key to this gate is no key at all.

  在 灰色荒野the Gray Waste 奥伊诺斯Oinos 广阔战场的中央,有一道巨大的铁环。它陈旧古老、锈迹斑斑,似乎随时就可能会粉碎成尘土。此异界之门是否能够接近取决于当前 血战the Blood War 的战况。经常不经常的,它会处于一场从小规模冲突到史诗般军队交战的中心。要触发这道魔法传送门,一个人只需要将敌人的剑从膝盖上折断。对没有膝盖的生物来说,这可能会有问题,但其他大部分人都认为这一要求足够简单。
In the midst of the vast battlefield of Oinos on the Gray Waste rests a large iron ring. It is old, rusted, and looks as if it might crumble into dust at any moment. Depending upon the current status of the Blood War, this gate may or may not be approachable. As often as not, it lies in the middle of a battle ranging from a skirmish to an epic clash of armies. To trigger the magical portal, an individual only need break an enemy's sword over his knee. This can be problematic for creatures without knees, but most others find this requirement simple enough.

  通向尘埃准元素位面的旋涡极少生成。它们最常出现在大沙漠的中心,周围环绕着无尽的干热风。其它有大量沙子或砂质土的地方,有时也会产生这样的旋涡。举例来说,在严酷的主物质世界 阿塔斯Athas 浩瀚的粉质泥沙便等待着吞噬旅行者。在那些干燥的废墟中,存在着不止一条通向尘埃准位面的维管。
Only rarely do vortices lead to the Quasi-elemental Plane of Dust. They're most commonly found at the heart of great deserts, ringed by unending siroccos. Other large collections of sand or gritty soil can sometimes spawn such vortices. On the grim primematerial world of Athas, for example, vast seas of powdery silt lie waiting to consume travelers. More than one conduit to the Quasi-elemental Plane of Dust exists within those desiccated wastes.


The quasiplane of Dust is indeed a dangerous place. After all, the very nature of the plane causes matter to gradually break apart.


With each passing hour, the detrimental nature of this realm erodes all nonnative living and unliving matter. This process begins the instant an individual arrives in the quasiplane and continues until magically halted or the poor soul's complete destruction occurs.

  在处于尘埃准位面,在每回合结束时,非土著生物必须进行一次对抗吐息豁免检定。失败将遭受2d6点伤害,成功则伤害减半。当来访者的生命值掉到0,她将如被 解离术disintegration 法术湮灭般粉碎。同样的,非生命物体也必须进行对抗解离豁免检定,否则将被粉碎为尘埃。
At the end of each turn spent in the quasiplane of Dust, a nonnative must make a saving throw vs. breath weapon. Failure inflicts 2d6 points of damage, while success halves that. When a visitor's hit points fall to 0, she breaks up just as if she had been annihilated by a disintegration spell. Likewise, nonliving objects must also save vs. disintegration or crumble to dust.

  在这个位面期间,除非伴随着 复原术restoration负能量防护negative plane protection 或 类似法术,否则正常的治疗魔法不会恢复这一过程失去的生命值。
While on the plane,normal healing magic does not restore hit points lost to this process unless accompanied by restoration, negative plane protection, or similar spell.


While there is a very thin atmosphere here, nonnatives cannot breathe it without magical aid. Indeed, it's so thin that nonmagical flames won't burn. Even if a fire could ignite in the plane of Dust, surely it too would decay and crumble—like everything else here.

While no natural light exists and flames won't stay lit long enough to be of any help, little else prevents one from seeing well enough here. With some manner of magical illumination, vision works more or less normally to a distance of about 90 feet. Beyond that, however, the drifting dusts make vision impossible. Infravision functions normally, although it is limited to a maximum range of 60 feet.


But now you say, "I have magics to protect me from the disintegrating dusts and the lack of air, so the quasiplane lies before me open to exploration." Well, then, you are a fool and more than a fool. The plane of Dust has destroyed countless mortals who thought just that.

COBWEBS. Here and there, floating particles of dust collide and stick together. Occasionally, these form into strands or strings and then into structures that greatly resemble cobwebs clinging to dusty corners.

  由尘埃准元素形成的蛛网异常坚固,浸透了此处的负能量将它们维系了起来。因此,任何物理力量都无法打破它们。像 解离术disintegrate 这样强大的法术可以摧毁蛛网,但任何更弱的法术都不会有任何效果。
Cobwebs composed of quasielemental Dust are very sturdy, held together by the negative energy that saturates this place. As such, no physical force can break them apart. Powerful spells like disintegrate can destroy the web, but anything less fails to have any effect.

  当某个生物接触到蛛网时,需立即进行对抗瘫痪豁免检定。豁免失败意味着蛛网捕获了受害者。一旦此事发生,只有像 防护负位面neqative plane protection 这样的法术才能打破蛛网的能量,释放被困住的探索者。解离术 在这一点上也可用来摧毁蛛网,但它很可能会同时伤害或杀死被捕获的人(只有进行对抗即死魔法豁免检定才能保住这个可怜的生物)。
When a creature comes into contact with a cobweb, an immediate saving throw vs, paralysis is required. Failure of this roll indicates that the web has snared its victim. Once this happens, only a spell that breaks up the energy of the web, like neqative plane protection, frees the trapped explorer. Disintegration can also be used to destroy the web at this point, but it stands a good chance of injuring or killing the ensnared individual (only a saving throw vs death magic can save the poor creature).

Once a being is caught in the cobweb, it begins to feed on his energy. At the end of each round, the imprisoned body will be diminished in some way. The following chart can be used to determine the effect of the web minute by minute.

1           失去1点力量loses 1 point of Strength
2           失去1点敏捷loses 1 point of Dexterity
3           失去1点体质loses 1 point of Constitution
4           失去1点智力loses 1 point of Intelligence
5           失去1点感知loses 1 point of Wisdom
6           失去1点魅力loses 1 point of Charism
7           失去1个经验值等级loses 1 experience level
8           老化10年ages 10 years

尘魔卷DUST DEVILS.   当稀薄的风吹过这个国度,它们将产生脆弱的尘埃元素风暴。这些气流时不时地互相作用,变得越来越强,直至形成一道旋涡。
DUST DEVIS. As the thin winds drift through this realm, they engender frail storms of elemental Dust. From time to time these currents feed on each other to become stronger and stronger, building until they become a swirling vortex.

Once formed, dust devils wander randomly about the quasiplane. Sometimes they drift slowly, matching only the pace of a walking man. Occasionally, they pick up speed and race along with the pace of a galloping horse.

  当尘魔卷触及有生命或无生命的固体物质时,它将立即这个位面凝聚的破坏之力轰击这些物质。这等同于一道 解离术 法术。
When a dust devil comes into contact with solid matter either living or unliving, it instantly bombards the material with the concentrated destructive power of this place. This acts exactly as a disinteqration spell.

NEGATIVE POCKETS. In addition to the other sorts of elemental pockets found elsewhere, a traveler can stumble upon a pocket that has drifted from the plane of Negative Energy. These black vortices are all but invisible against the darkness of the quasiplane. Those who enter such pockets have their lives drained away just as if they had surrendered to the embrace of a vampire.


  除了鲁莽的旅行者在进入滚岩之地时,将朝着 土位面the plane of Earth 坠落外,在尘埃准元素位面重力完全失去了意义。然而,在大多数情况下,探索者只能四处漂浮,除非他有什么东西可以推、或是能施展某种飞行法术。
Gravity loses all will in the Ouasielemental Plane of Dust although a foolhardy traveler falls toward the plane of Earth if he moves into the Tumbling Rocks. For the most part, however, an explorer just floats around unless he has something to push off of or can cast some manner of flight spell.

  (你也可以通过永恒的俯冲来移动,就像在 气元素位面the Elemental Plane of Air 中详述的那样。——编者)
(A cutter can also move around by taking the eternal plunge, as detailed under the description of the Elemental Plane of Air.-the Editor)
[译注:印记城黑话—Cutter 家伙,伙计。 对于其他人的一种普通称呼,不限男女,由于这种称呼带有一些亲切的意味,所以比称呼别人berk要好得多。]


Many creatures dwell in the quasiplane of Dust, some natural and some paranormal. Such creatures obviously have extraordinary tolerance for pain and misery, or are simply trapped, unable to leave.


The fragmentation of matter is also evident in the society of the plane's most numerous inhabitants, the quasielementals. These creatures form no social groups larger than small bands and build no strongholds for themselves. Instead, they wander about the plane, seeking something-anything-to destroy. Such random slaughter is the meat and drink of these terrible creatures.

  考虑到这一点,就很容易能理解为什么在这个位面上没有其它种族能容忍准元素。尘埃魔蝠Dust mephits、沙丘追踪者dune stalkers、沙灵sandlings、沙人sandmen 和其它所有居民一看见它们就会发起攻击或逃离。这些元素生物中有一些已经建立了大型帝国,来保护自己免受横冲直撞的准元素团体的攻击。
Given this, it is easy to understand why no other race in this plane can stand the quasielementals. Dust mephits, dune stalkers, sandlings, sandmen, and all the other inhabitants attack them on sight, or flee. Some of these other elemental creatures have created large empires that provide them protection from the rampaging packs of quasielementals.


  尘埃元素动物并非是闻所未闻的,但它们也不怎么常见。其中最常见的生物是 尘埃狼dust wolves,它们组成致命的团体四处游荡。随着环绕它们的 多元宇宙the multiverse 缓慢地衰败,叮人的苍蝇和爬行的昆虫在尘埃之中聚集。
Dust animentals are not unknown, although they are not especially common. The most frequently encountered of these creatures are the dust wolves, which prowl about in deadly packs. Biting flies and crawling insects swarm amid the dust while the multiverse slowly decays around them and collects here.

  或许最危险的生物是那些从土元素位面来此的野兽——索尔石怪xorn、沙灵sandlings、泥诡silt weirds、土神怪dao 等等。
Probably the most dangerous creatures are those beasts who have made their way here from the Elemental Plane of Earth-xorn, sandlings, silt weirds, dao, and more.

  在这个位面有大量吞噬魔法的 哈克沙hakeashar。它们四处飘荡、形成了游牧社群,寻找着能够施法的人。它们与该位面其它土著几乎没有任何联系,但对任何来到这的位面行者都是一个威胁。
The magic-devouring hakeashar can be found in large numbers in this plane. They drift about, a nomadic community that seeks out those able to wield magic. They have little to do with the other natives of this plane but are a menace to any planewalker who makes his way here.


{{sp|sp = While a good many braying fools might claim to be major players in this quasiplane, they are nothing more than brutal thugs whose claim to greatness is based only upon their physical might. In time, even their power withers before the inevitability of Dust. Only one has proved himself more determined than the rest.

阿鲁·汗·桑ALU KAHN SANG   阿鲁·汗·桑Alu Kahn Sang(位面佬/无性准元素/生命骰 16/混乱邪恶)将自己形容为 至高将军the High General 或 毁灭之风the Wind of Destruction,这倒是很公允。这位准元素军阀在终极混沌与屠杀的旗帜下,成功召集了一支由它的同类组成的军团。桑呼喊的无非是对绝对毁灭和暴力的渴望,但它的追随者们发现这些动机对它们已经足够了。
ALU KAHN SANG. Alu Kahn Sang (Pl/Ø quasielemental/HD16/CE) describes itself as the High General or the Wind of Destruction, and these are fair enough terms. This quasi-elemental warlord has managed to assemble a legion of its peers under a banner of ultimate chaos and carnage. Sang appeals to nothing more than a desire for absolute destruction and violence, but its followers find that motivation enough.


Few structures can resist the destructive swirling, stinging particles of this plane. In fact, only one important structure stands in the quasiplane of Dust.


  末日卫士团The Doomguard 修建了一座名为 冲击层城堡Citadel Alluvius 伟大的要塞。它矗立在一片缓慢旋转的土元素圆盘上,并借由一道持续的强大 力墙术wall of force 法术来与这个位面的销蚀特性隔绝。在所有修筑在 内层位面the Inner Planes 的末日卫士团堡垒中,没有哪座人口如这座巨大要塞那样稠密。一位名为 佩芮德Pereid(物质佬/女性人类/盗贼19/末日卫士团/守序中立)的 末日领主Doomlord 似乎统治着这里,并欢迎所有物种的来访者。
The Doomguard have forged a great fortress here known as Citadel Alluvius. It stands upon a slowly rotating disc of elemental Earth and is insulated from the consuming nature of the plane by a continual, potent wall of force spell. Of all the Doomguard citadels constructed in the Inner Planes, none is so heavily populated as this immense fortress. A Doomlord named Pereid (Pr/♀human/T19/Doomguard/LN) seemingly rules over the place and welcomes visitors of all kinds.

Apparently, the plane of Dust exemplifies these blustering fools' philosophy. I have no patience for them. To live here by choice is the action of a madman.


  这个孤独而衰败的位面不会提供给来访者提供任何东西。即便如此,也有一些外来者觉得自己有理由来到这里。首先,他们来此寻找魔法尘(隐形之尘dust of disappearance睡眠之尘dust of sleep 等等),它们有时混杂并聚合于其它呛人的尘团之中。另一个理由,末日卫士团似乎在耗散之地发现了一些尚未被位面之力吞噬的古城。传言说废墟中有奇怪的飞行器和不需要在地面滚动的轮子。同样的故事表明这座城市的居民——显然是个多脑神游实体种族——可能并没有完全离开这个地方。这可能只是末日卫士团引诱其他人迎向末日而许的谎言。(最后一句存在如此显而易见的偏见,以至于我觉得有必要驳斥它。这里的 恶化者The Sinkers 并不比他们在其它位面的同侪思想更加血腥。——编者)
This plane of loneliness and deterioration offers visitors nothing. That said, some outsiders believe they have reasons to come here. For one, they seek the magic dusts (dust of disappearance, dust of sleep, and the like) that blow and collect amid the other choking clouds. For another, the Doomguard has apparently discovered some ancient city in the Wasting Place, not yet consumed by the forces of the plane. Rumors tell of strange flying vehicles within the ruins, with wheels that do not require ground to roll upon. The same stories indicate that the inhabitants of the city-apparenty a race of multibrained fugue entities-may not be entirely gone from the place. This is probably just a Doomguard lie to entice others to their doom. (That last is so blatantly prejudiced that I feel compelled to refute it. The Sinkers here are no more bloody minded than those of their kind on other planes. Perhaps less.-the Editor)


Travelers in the quasiplane of Dust have learned that all spell keys here take the form of hollow, whispered lamentations. These breathless calls seem to have a special power enabling magic normally diminished in this quasiplane to function normally.
