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岩漿側元素位面The Paraelemental Plane of Magma
【所屬 位面】側元素位面The Paraelemental Plane
【類   型】內層位面側元素位面
【位面 之主】赤利比亞Chlimbia
【下轄 地區】核心面Core Magma:包括 無盡曠野Fields of Nevermore(其中心為 無盡城Nevermore),獨石Monolith,實踐之地Praxis

焦土Scorched Wastes:與土位面的交界處,包括 塔爾加特之塔Targath's Tower
黑曜石森林Obsidian Forest:與礦物面的交界處
熾熱沙丘Glowing Dunes:與輻射面的交界處
灼熱霧海Searing Mists:與火位面的交界處

白堊島Chalky Islands:與灰燼面的交界處,包括 奧蘭的實驗室Oolan's Laboratory
【簡   介】「手持兩把錕斤拷,口中疾呼燙燙燙,腳踏千朵屯屯屯,笑看萬物諾諾諾。」——貝恩·血蹄,於半人碼農家樂

岩漿側元素位面The Para-Elemental Plane of Magma 處於火元素位面土元素位面的交界處,多元宇宙最危險之處(之一),這裡是一片熔岩之海,海面之上是強酸劇毒濃煙構成的大氣,海面之下則是熔岩管道構成的隧道網絡,在海面上,還有各種火山岩托舉的浮島。


2ePS<The Inner Planes.p074>岩漿側元素位面The Paraelemental Plane of Magma


  絕對禁止Absolute Prohibtion:水Water
  法師學派改變Wizard School Alteration
  氣Air <

岩漿側元素位面The Paraelemental Plane of Magma

  岩漿側元素位面The Paraelemental Plane of Magma 是一團鼓著泡、攪動著物質,由融化的石頭、火山岩、硫磺煙霧和灼熱的高溫組成。大部分外來者——甚至是其它內層位面的那些原住民——都不想去這個地方,但的確也有一些人為它說好話。例如,岩漿人magmen 愉快地稱其為家。雖然並非他們種族的一員,但我對他們有很多的了解。吾名 弗拉薩姆·齊阿利菲爾Flaasam ki'Alifir,此外,我還是一位 火焰精魂firespirits。(他是位火元素裔。——編者)我的心永遠屬於 火元素位面the Elemental Plane of Fire,但我也花了大量時間在我們的姊妹側位面上。
The Paraelemental Plane of Magma is a bubbling, churning mass of molten stone, volcanic rock, sulfurous fumes, and searing heat. It is not a place that most outsiders-or even other inner-planar natives-would ever want to visit, but it does have a few defenders. The magmen, for instance, happily call it home. While not a member of their race, I know a good deal about them. My name is Flaasam ki'Alifir, and I am of the firespirits.(He's a fire genasi.-the Editor) My heart lies within the Elemental Plane of Fire, but I have spent agood deal of time in our sister para-plane as well.

  為了理解 岩漿面Magma 的樣子,請先想像一片沸騰岩石的海洋。一股股冒火的煙柱從熔岩沼澤發光的表面升起,構成了由熔化的石頭形成的濃霧、夾雜著致命的濃煙組成的大氣。在各處,玄武岩或黑曜岩的島嶼抵抗著這個國度的毀滅本性,但絕大部分東西都會很快被酷熱與熾焰消蝕殆盡。
To understand what Magma is like, imagine a vast sea of boiling rock. Plumes of smoky fire rise from the glowing surface of the morass to create an atmosphere primarily composed of a thick fog of molten stone laced with deadly fumes. Here and there, islands of basalt or obsidian resist the naturally destructive nature of the realm, but most everything is consumed by the glorious heat and flames very quickly.

  當某人向著 土元素位面the Elemental Plane of Earth 移動時,岩漿將變得更加粘稠、流速減慢,升騰的火焰羽流也變得不再那麼頻繁,而火山灰的薄霧將開始填入空氣。在兩個國度的交界處,是一片由從熔岩河川湖泊中拔地而起的玄武岩峭壁和尖塔組成的區域。這片區域被大部分人稱作 焦土the Scorched Wastes。除了偶爾的火元素或隱居的火蜥蜴外,沒有東西棲息在這裡。
As one travels toward the Elemental Plane of Earth, the magma becomes thicker and flows more slowly. The rising plumes of fire become less frequent, although a haze of volcanic ash gradually begins to fill the air. The juncture of the two realms is an area of basalt cliffs and spires rising above rivers and lakes of molten lava. This region is known to most as the Scorched Wastes. Apart from the occasional fire elemental or hermetic salamander, practically nothing lives here.

  從熔岩面的中心向另一個方向移動,最終將把旅行者帶至美麗的火元素位面。隨著旅程的進展,他將目睹岩漿變得越來越熾熱、流動性越來越強。他越靠近 熾熱海the Blazing Sea,星羅棋布於這片側位面的火焰爆發就越頻繁。在旅程的盡頭,兩片地區交匯的地方,大氣瀰漫著一層完全由融化石頭組成的液滴構成的薄霧。這片致命之地被稱作 灼熱霧海the Searing Mists,其供養的人口並不比廢土更多。
Moving away from the center of Magma in the other direction eventually brings a traveler to the beautiful Elemental Plane of Fire. As his journey progresses, he sees the magma growing blissfully hotter and more fluid. The nearer he draws to the Blazing Sea, the more frequent the fiery eruptions that dot the paraplane. In the end, atthe point where the two regions meet, the atmosphere is awash with a haze made wholly from searing droplets of molten stone. This deadly place is known as the Searing Mists, and it supports no more population than the Scorched Wastes.

  朝著 正能量位面the Positive Energy Plane 的方向,可以向 礦物准位面the quasiplanes of Mineral輻射准位面the quasiplanes of Radiance 移動。兩條路線都有明顯的危險地形。
A traveler heading in the direction of the Positive Energy Plane can move toward the quasiplanes of Mineral or Radiance. Both routes are marked by dangerous terrain.

  在前一種情況下,熔岩的表明將逐漸冷卻,直至形成一片堅硬的黑曜石平原。火山玻璃的尖塔和晶洞般的水晶迅速從荒野中升起,形成了賢者們所稱的 黑曜石森林the Obsidian Forest。這片區域到處是邪惡的石頭生物,因為這樣或那樣的原因,它們逃離了命定的統治著,元素大君the archomental 歐雷莫克Ogremoch。事實上,它們非常享受徹底的隱私。我建議避開這些無家可歸的逃犯。
In the former case, the surface of the lava gradually cools until it forms a smoothplain of hard obsidian. Spires of volcanic glass and geodelike crystal soon rise out of the wasteland to form what the sages call the Obsidian Forest. The place is infested by evil stone creatures who, for one reason or another, have fled from their would be ruler, the archomental known as Ogremoch. They enjoy privacy-quite so, in fact. It would be my recommendation to avoid these displaced fugitives.

  如果旅行者選擇稍微改變方向,他最終將到達 輻射准位面the quasiplane of Radiance。然而,在他抵達彼岸之前,他要經過整個 內層位面the Inner Planes 中最致命的地方之一:熾熱沙丘the Glowing Dunes。這是一片由火山灰組成、連綿起伏的丘陵區域。在輻射准位面附近,塵埃將變得更加金屬化,並逐漸開始輻射光和能量。無論這些魔法粒子流的性質如何,它們對每個生物都產生了死亡威脅。那些穿越該地區的人就必須每天進行一次對抗即死魔法豁免檢定。任何在豁免中失敗的可憐人,都將遭受可怕的疾病或詛咒(沒人明確知道是哪個)的折磨。不久後,噁心就開始了。隨後是皮膚起泡、脫髮、牙齦出血、失明和無數其它令人討厭的症狀的出現,受害者將在3d20個痛苦的日子中死亡。
If a traveler opts to change course just a bit, he eventually reaches the quasiplane of Radiance. Before he does, however, he passes through one of the deadliest places in all the Inner Planes: the Glowing Dunes. This is a region of rolling hills at first made up of volcanic ash. Nearer the quasiplane of Radiance, the dust becomes more metallic and gradually begins to radiate light and energy. Whatever the nature of these magical emanations, they present a deadly threat to every living thing. Those who travel through the area must make a saving throw vs. death magic each day. Any poor creature who fails this roll becomes afflicted with a horrible disease or curse (no one knows which for sure). Before long, nausea sets in. This is followed by blistering skin, hair loss, bleeding gums, blindness, and countless other nasty symptoms before the victim dies in 3d20 painful days. All in all, a more unpleasant death would be difficult to imagine.

No cure, not even a magical one, is known to help, though rumor has it that a loam found in the plane of Earth or a plant growing deep within the plane of Water may alleviate the condition before the victim dies.

  在朝著 負能量位面the Negative Energy Plane 的其它方向,熔岩構造將逐漸破裂。在 塵埃准位面the quasiplane of Dust 附近,它將慢慢冷卻、形成一片沙漠般的廣闊瀚海,名曰 沙海the Sands。不過這個地方比岩漿面的其它地方更冷,它會對金屬物品和機械設備造成嚴重破壞。隨著某人穿過沙海向 塵埃面Dust 移動,砂礫將變得越來越呈現粉末狀。它們會滲進任何東西,並且往往將促進鏽蝕和其它類型的腐蝕。
In the other direction, toward the Negative Energy Plane, the structure of the magma gradually breaks up. Near the quasiplane of Dust, it slowly cools and forms a vast, desertlike expanse known as the Sands. Although this place is cooler than the rest of Magma, it wreaks havoc on metal items and mechanical devices. As one moves through the Sands toward Dust, the particles become more and more powdery. They creep into everything and tend to promote rust and other corrosion.

  相反朝著 灰燼准位面the quasiplane of Ash 移動,也將經歷類似的轉變。在岩漿面和 灰燼面Ash 真正結合在一塊的位置,有一大堆 白堊島chalky islands,島嶼之間流淌著岩漿流。然而,這是一片難於探索的地方,因為這些島嶼由致命的火山灰組成(更多關於這些地方的詳細情況,請參閱關於灰燼准元素位面的章節),而這些河流也是些熾熱發泡的熔岩通道。極端高溫與攝人凍寒的區域相鄰,將產生一種棋盤效應。旅行者們很難同時保護自己免受這兩種危險的影響。
Traveling instead toward the quasiplane of Ash, a similar transformation occurs. At the point where Magma and Ash truly come together lies a vast collection of chalky islands with streams of magma running between them. This is a difficult place to explore, however, for the islands are deadly stretches offrigid ash (for details on the conditions of such places, refer to the chapter on the Quasielemental Plane of Ash), while the rivers are hot, blistering channels of magma. This produces a checker board effect where regions of extreme heat abut those of numbing cold. A traveler will be hard-pressed to protect himself against both hazards.


Many primes believe that the Elemental Plane of Fire mirrors their version of Hell, but the moment they experience Magma that opinion changes to encompass this plane. Fire itself is bad enough (in their opinion,which I find shortsighted at best), but fire that sticks somehow conjures an even greater terror intheir minds. I am only sorry they cannot comprehend the subtle glories of the paraplane.


Reaching the paraplane of Magma is easier than entering most of the other paraelemental realms. Vortices leading here are fairly common (as such things go). However, few portals provide access to Magma. Whether this is because of some difficulty in breaching the boundaries of the paraplane or whether itreflects the fact that not many people want to come here is a question yet unanswered.

  事實上,我唯一能精確說出的傳送門是一座玄武岩門,位於 外域the Outlands 一片無人值守的孤立區域。因為其開口相當之小,究竟是誰建造了這座傳送門,仍是一個有爭議的話題。人類大小的生物通過它必須靠擠,體型更大的生物則完全無法使用這扇門。半身人、矮人和其它種族可以毫無障礙地使用這扇門,而他們通常會覺得看著這些體型較大的遠親們試圖扭曲著身子通過它很有趣。
The only portal I can speak of with accuracy, in fact, is a basalt gate found in an isolated, untended area of the Outlands. Exactly who built the portal is a subject of some debate, for the opening is quite small. Man-sized creatures have to squeeze to pass through it, and larger folk simply cannot make use of the thing at all. Halflings, dwarves, and other such races have no problem with the portal, and they generally find it amusing to watch their larger cousins try to contort their way through.

  這道傳送門的鑰匙是一隻簡單的玻璃透鏡,但旅者們在通過它之前應當三思而後行。這是一條從外域通向 赤利比亞Chlimbia 的要塞的單向旅程,這位強大的暴君是最接近岩漿面統治者的存在。赤利比亞也有點過於偏執,往往有有人踏過這道異界之門就下令將其處死。如果這位位面行者還沒準備好以迅速而令人信服的方式陳述自己的情況,那麼他最好去換道通向這個側位面的門。
The portal key is a simple glass lens, but a traveler should think twice before opening the gate. It's a one-way journey from the Outlands directly into the fortress of Chilimba, a powerful tyrant who's the closest thing Magma has to a ruler. Chilimba is more than a little paranoid, too, and tends to have people killed as soon as they step through the gate. If a planewalker isn't ready to present his case in a speedy and convincing manner, he might wish to find another way to the paraplane.

There are more vortices to Magma than to any other such realm. One exists at the heart of almost every active volcano. Of course, reaching such places may be a chore in itself, but if an outsider plans to survive in the paraplane of Magma, he really ought to have no trouble with a little volcano.


Those who dislike heat find it difficult to survive in the para-plane of Magma. From the point of view of many, the environment combines the worst features of the Elemental Planes of Fire and Earth.


As a substance, magma is no easier to breathe than earth. Without magic, a visitor who journeys below the surface of the paraplane survives only as long as he can hold his breath. Of course, some might try to travel atop the magma instead, in which case they discover an atmosphere quitetoxic. Anyone who breathes it without some manner of filter or magical protection must make a saving throw vs. poison or die instantly.

  當你在岩漿上方的熾熱區域移動時,非本地生物的視野將縮小到只有120呎。在大部分情況下,土著生物能看到2倍遠。在岩漿下,沒有魔法裝置(比如,X 射線視覺戒指ring of x-ray vision)的幫助是無法視物的。在任何一種情況下,這片側位面的高溫都將使熱感視覺失效。
When moving through the blazing regions above the magma, creatures not native to the paraplane find the range of their vision reduced to only 120 feet. In most cases, native creatures can see twice as far. Below the surface, vision is impossible without magical assistance-a ring of x-ray vision, for example. In either case, the heat of the paraplane makes infravision useless.


The heat here is nearly as great as that of the beautiful plane of Fire. Any nonmagical or unprotected flammable substances, such as wood, paper, or cloth, burst into flames within 1 round. When this happens, anyone wearing items made of such material suffers 1d10 points of damage unless shielded from injury by heat or flame. Magical items, like scrolls or cloaks, are allowed a saving throw vs. magical fire (at a penalty of -2) to escape destruction.

Unprotected water and other fluids instantly boil away into vapor. Anyone exposed to these boiling liquids or their clouds of superheated steam suffers 2d10 points of damage. Magical fluids (a category that does not include holy water) are allowed a saving throw vs. magical fire at a -1 penalty.

Nonvolcanic stone that is not magical or protected in some way melts into magma in 5 rounds. This causes 3d10 points of damage to any unprotected traveler wearing or in close contact with the stone. Living creatures made of stone, such as earth elementals or golems, suffer 1d6 points of damage from the heat each round. Volcanic stone, which includes basalt, obsidian, and pumice, is virtually immune to the heat of the paraplane. Magical stone can survive as well, with a successful saving throw vs. magical fire.

  未受保護或非魔法的金屬物品將在4輪內被加熱到熔點。這種溫度的突然升高將對任何接觸金屬的人造成4d4點上皇,並可能將使得其四肢癱瘓(如同一道 灼熱金屬heat metal 法術)。魔法金屬物品可進行+2獎勵的對抗魔法火焰豁免檢定避免此命運。
Unprotected or nonmagical metal items heat to the melting point in 4 rounds. This sudden increase in temperature causes 4d4 points of damage to anyone in contact with the metal and also might disable their limbs (as per the heat metal spell). Magical metal items can escape this fate by making a saving throw vs. magical fire with a +2 bonus.

It goes without saying that creatures of flesh and blood suffer damage each round that they're exposed to the heat of Magma. The severity of their injuries depends on their natural Armor Class, as indicated by the chart below.

10 to 8           6d8
7  to 5           5d8
4  to 2           4d8
1  to -1          3d8
-2 to -4          2d8
-5 to -7          1d8
-8 to -10         零Nil

  那些呆在熔岩表面上方的人只受半數傷害,但他們必須小心岩漿氣泡破裂和間歇泉的噴發(如下文「其它危險」所述)。我能給非本地人最好的建議是:儘可能多帶一些魔法保護。像 防護岩漿protection from magma 這樣的法術是最好的,但更常見的 防護火焰protection from fire 或是像 火抗戒指ring of fire protection 這樣的魔法物品也可將傷害減少每輪10點。
Those above the surface of the lava suffer only half of the indicated damage, but they must be careful of bursting lava bubbles and erupting geysers (as described in "Other Dangers," below). The best advice I can give to a nonnative is this: Bring as much magical protection as possible. Spells like protection from magma are best, though the more common protection from fire or items like a ring of fire protection reduce the damage to 10 points per round.


  外人可能會覺得討論這個國度中的「特殊危險」很奇怪,因為這個地方的空氣是酸性且有毒的,表面是無盡沸騰的熔岩海,整個地方比 伏爾甘Vulcan 的熔爐還熱。但對非本地生物而言,還有更危險的東西存在。
Outsiders may think it odd to discuss the "special perils" of a realm where the air is acidic and poisonous, the surface is an endless sea of boiling lava, and the entire place is hotter than Vulcan's forge. But for nonnatives, even more dangers exist.

BLAZING CLOUDS. On most primematerial worlds, the sight of a cloud drifting lazily across the sky is a peaceful one. In the paraplane of Magma, however, such things are extremely dangerous. Here, clouds are often composed of burning, acidic vapors and raw, elemental Fire.

Anyone who enters a blazing cloud must make a saving throw vs. breath weapon or suffer 2d10 points of damage. Creatures immune to or protected from either fire or acid are allowed a +4 bonus to their rolls. (Those immune to both fire and acid are safe from the cloud and need not make a saving throw at all.) A successful saving throw cuts the damage sustained in half. Those who remain inside a blazing cloud must make a new saving throw every turn.

While on or above the surface of the paraplane, a traveler must be mindful of the roiling, seething nature of the magma. Each turn, there is a 10% chance that a bubble of magma explodes near him, or that a geyser of magma blasts up in his vicinity. Even a person immune to the heat of the molten rock sprayed all over him must make a successful saving throw vs. petrification or be flung up to 3d10 feet away by the force of the blast or pressure.


The fact that gravity exists in the paraplane makes getting from one place to another rather difficult. Unless one has some means of flying through the deadly atmosphere, he must navigate the lava sea. In order to do this, he must secure some manner of ship that can withstand the heat.

  在大部分情況下,這需要某種魔法運輸工具,但一些技工認為,科技也能滿足需求。事實上,不止一位旅行者宣稱目擊了 復仇者Avenger(詳述於 水元素位面the Elemental Plane of Water 中)加速通過了這片側位面的液體石頭的,支持了這一論斷。
In most cases, this requires a magical conveyance of some sort, but some artificers insist that technology can also fill the need. Indeed, the fact that more than a few travelers claim to have sighted the Avenger (as described in the chapter on the Elemental Plane of Water) speeding through the liquid stone of the paraplane supports that assertion.

It is possible, too, to travel beneath the magma rather than above it, thanks to one of the great secrets of the paraplane. A network of hardened lava tubes extends throughout the bubbling, still-liquid magma. While the temperature inside the tubes is extraordinarily hot, a nonnative can usually travel through the linked passageways more easily than through the magma itself. The tubes even contain air, though it's just as toxic as the rest of the paraplane's atmosphere.


The paraplane of Magma is not heavily populated. The most common creatures here are, of course, paraelementals and mephits, but an unwary sod still can find trouble with any number of hot-blooded folk.
[譯註:印記城黑話—Sod 可憐蟲,討厭鬼。指一個不幸的或可憐的傢伙。使用此詞時,是對一個不幸的傢伙表示同情或是對那些陷入自己製造的麻煩中的白痴的挖苦。]


  毫無疑問,這片側位面的統治者是惡毒的 岩漿魔蝠magma mephits。雖然其它種族,包括火魔蝠,在與它們進行著無休止的戰鬥,但它們龐大的數量使其很少落敗。這也難怪它們的首領 赤利比亞Chlimbia(它喜歡被稱作 灼熱皇帝the Searing Emperor、坩堝的第一將軍the First General of the Cauldron、或是 所有魔蝠的主宰the Master of All Mephits),是這個側位面的最強暴徒。
The rulers of the paraplane are, without a doubt, the vicious magma mephits. While other races, including fire mephits, wage endless battles with them, their vast numbers seldom permit defeat. It is no wonder that their leader, Chilimba (who likes to be called the Searing Emperor, the First General of the Cauldron, or the Master of All Mephits), is the most powerful basher in the paraplane.

Magma paraelementals, along with their cousins from the planes of Earth and Fire, are not uncommon. In the interest of survival, though, they generally avoid the reigning mephits. When these races do come into contact with each other, battle almost always erupts.


  在岩漿側位面上有大量的元素動物,但很少有有血有肉的動物在此生存。據報導,岩漿海的某些區域居住著致命魚群,這些魚經過魔法的改造,使其能夠在岩漿中茁壯成長,但似乎沒有人知道這件事的真相。另一方面,蓋爾特魚Gelterfish 不會對任何人構成威脅,即使是它們在稠密的熔融岩石中有力地遊動時,亦是如此。它們免疫高溫,並且沒人知道它們吃啥——如果它們真會吃些什麼的話。
A large number of animentals can be found in the paraplane ces of Magma, but few flesh-and- blood animals can survive here. Some regions of the magma sea are reportedly inhabited by schools of deadly fish that have been magically altered to enable them to thrive in lava, but no one seems to know the truth of this. Gelterfish, on the other hand, pose a threat to no one, even as they swim powerfully through the dense molten rock. They're immune to the heat, and no one knows what, if anything, they eat.

  或許關於危險魚類的報告指的是目擊了 土焢蟲thoqqua。這些野獸不是真正的動物,但它們也會在岩漿中游泳,有時還會攻擊其它人(無論是土著還是外來者)。據說,土焢蟲只是想到達土元素位面,在那裡它們可以鑽穿石頭,所以在這裡看見的例子只是在遷徙途中。
Perhaps the reports of dangerous fish are actually thoqqua sightings. These beasts aren't really animals, but they do swim through the magma and they do sometimes attack others (natives and outsiders alike). It is said that the thoqqua seek only to reach the Elemental Plane of Earth where they can burrow through stone, so the specimens sighted here may simply be migrating.

  火石怪Blazons 是一種燃燒著的小型活化岩石。火神怪們來到這片側位面收集它們作為寵物和看門狗。魔蝠和側元素也馴養它們,儘管奇怪的是,火石怪們憎恨並恐懼著岩漿人。有些人提出火石怪是岩漿人的幼體,但這個說法似乎有點牽強。
Blazons are small, animate, burning rocks. Efreet come to the paraplane to collect them as pets or watchdogs. Mephits and paraelementals domesticate them as well, though curiously, the blazons hate and fear magmen. Some have suggested that blazons are larval magmen, but this seems like a bit of a stretch.


  岩漿側位面的大部分怪物也都遊蕩於火位面中。畢竟,即便像 索爾石怪xorn 和 格萊石人galeb duhr 都是強大的怪物,但在我看來,它們還是不如火位面生物——它們都不免疫酷熱的影響。儘管如此,火元素生物也還是發現自己很難應付此處岩漿的密度。
Most of the monsters found in the paraplane of Magma are those that also can survive in the wondrous plane of Fire. After all, even creatures like xorn and galeb duhr-powerful monsters indeed, but, in my opinion, inferior to the beings of Fire- are not immune to the glorious heat. Still, the creatures of elemental Fire find it annoyingly difficult to cope with the density of the magma here.


Numerous nations of magmen spread out across the paraplane of Magma. These folk often strike bargains with elementals, paraelementals, and similar creatures, but they have no love of mephits.

  除了岩漿人,多年來,還有許多火巨人也定居到了這片側位面。他們大部分都居住在一座名 瑟麥克斯城Thermax 的要塞城市中,它位於大量熔岩管道的連接處,但在其它地方也可以找到個別分散的據點。
In addition to the magmen, a great many fire giants have settled in the paraplane over the years. Most of them dwell in a vast fortress-city known as Thermax, which sits at the nexus of a number of lava tubes, but a few scattered strongholds can be found in other places.

When the dao of the plane of Earth come here looking for slaves, they sail in obsidian ships atop the surface of the magma. They usually seek out magmen or mephits to take back with them. The efreet also make their way to the paraplane from time to time, and many stories tell of secret dealings held here between the two genie races.

Other rumors tell of a race of humanoids with blue-black skin that lives amid the steam that rises up from the magma. They speak not forward or backward, but sideways, so no one has ever been able to communicate with them, not even through magical means.


No known powers reside in the paraplane of Magma. However, a traveler should be familiar with at least two very mighty beings, just in case he ever bumps into them.

  作為所有岩漿魔蝠的主宰,赤利比亞Chilimba 就像歷史上的所有暴君一樣殘忍而邪惡。事實上,傳言說他已在一隻異常糟糕的深獄煉魔的指導下,習得了酷刑的藝術。據說,在訓練結業時,他已反過來開始教這隻邪魔施加痛苦與折磨的新方法。
CHILIMBA. Master of the lava mephits, Chilimba is as cruel and evil a tyrant as any that ever lived. Indeed, rumor has it that he studied the art of torture under the guidance of a particularly nasty pit fiend. By the end of his training, it is said, he was teaching that fiend new ways to inflict pain and suffering.

  對赤利比亞的真實本質,存在著大量的不確定。雖然他自稱是位 元素大君archomental,但毫無疑問他是熔岩魔蝠那一茬。很可能,他是像側元素裔那樣的混血兒。
A great deal of confusion exists regarding Chilimba's true nature. While he claims to be an archomental, there can be no doubt that he is of lava mephit stock. In all likelihood, Chilimba is a crossbreed, rather like a paraelemental genasi.

  赤利比亞把家安在了一座玄武岩要塞中,名曰 卡爾德拉城堡Caldera。這座建築被雕刻成一條巨大紅龍的樣子,受到了各種常規和魔法防禦的保護。就像其它任何事情一樣,這都是對赤利比亞的偏執的致敬。
Chilimba makes his home in a fortress of basalt known as Caldera. Carved in the image of an immense red dragon, the structure is protected by all manner of conventional and magical defenses. This is as much a tribute to Chilimba's paranoia as anything else.

  科蘭德·紅焰Korland Redblaze(位面佬/男性火巨人/生命骰18/守序邪惡)甚至比他的其餘親族還要高,他是這個側位面最勇敢的火巨人。雖然侵略好鬥並且有些殘忍,但紅焰並非是個不可理喻的傢伙。據說,他會面見任何想要覲見的人,但那些浪費了他時間的人會知曉他的全部怒火。
KORLAND REDBLAZE. Towering even above the rest of his kin, Korland Redblaze (Pl/♂ fire giant/HD 18/LE) is the bravest of the paraplane's fire giants. Although aggressive and somewhat brutal, Redblaze is not unreasonable. It is said that he grants an audience to anyone who desires it, but those who waste his time will know the full extent of his considerable anger.

  紅焰是一支名為 烈焰之斧the Flaming Axe 的大型火巨人傭兵團的指揮官。通過大量的訓練和頂級的裝備,他強化了其追隨者的天生巨力和狂怒。儘管他們的要價很高,但沒有人能指望找到比這更好的軍隊骨幹了。
Redblaze is the commander of a large mercenary company of fire giants known as the Flaming Axe. He has augmented the natural might and fury of his followers with extensive training and top-notch equipment. Although the price of their service is high, no one could ask for a better cadre of troops.


The naturally destructive essence of the paraplane of Magma makes short work of most structures. There are a few places, however, that deserve mention.


  這是這個側位面地表的一片區域,其岩漿頂部已經硬化為石皮。這層石皮在很多地方都很薄,所以站在上面人類大小的生物每回合有10%壓碎石皮墜入下面的岩漿。(那些比人類體型更大的生物則有20%的概率,比人類體型更小的則有5%概率。)這個地方名曰 無盡曠野the Fields of Nevermore。它大致是個圓形的,直徑約60哩,而石皮的邊緣有時會延伸數哩如石臂般插入熔岩海洋。
In one area of the surface of the paraplane, a crust of stone has hardened atop the magma. The crust is thin in many places, so a man-sized creature standing on top of it has a 10% chance per turn of breaking through into the magma below. (Those larger than man-sized have a 20% chance, and those smaller than man-sized have only a 5% chance.) The place is known as the Fields of Nevermore. It's roughly circular with a diameter of about 60 miles, and the crust at the edges sometimes extends further into the molten sea in arms of stone that can stretch for miles.

  在這片曠野的中心,來自主物質位面的旅行者們已圍繞著名曰 凍寒之劍the chillsword 的裝置,修築了一座城市——無盡城Nevermore。這柄武器是一件被詛咒的強大神器,散發著半徑500呎的寒冷靈光。大約40年前,偉大的英雄 迷失峭壁的瓦汗Vhans of Lostcrag 將凍寒之劍插入了這片石皮,創造了一片適宜居住的地方。岩漿的自然熱量與這柄劍的凍寒詛咒彼此抵消了。(這種事情不總是奏效,但在這種情況下,魔法妥協了。)
At the center of the Fields, travelers from the Prime Material Plane have constructed a city-Nevermore- -around a device called the chillsword. The weapon is a cursed artifact of great power that emanates an aura of cold in a 500- foot radius. About forty years ago, the great hero Vhans of Lostcrag thrust the chillsword into the crust, creating a habitable spot in the paraplane. The natural heat of the magma and the sword's chilling curse canceled each other out. (This sort of thing doesn't always work, but in this case, the magic compromised.)

Of course, the air still contains harmful toxins and is dangerous to breathe without protection, but that wasn't enough to stop the ambitious primes from building a small city within the cool, livable area. The buildings of Nevermore are mostly towers, many of them as tall as the sphere of protective coolness allows. In addition, the city has a more stable foundation than the rest of the Fields, since the chillsword's power reaches down into the magma and cools it until it hardens in a hemisphere with a radius of 200 feet.

The people of Nevermore charge exorbitant fees to those who wish to enter their city, and more money still for a breathing apparatus that lets a visitor inhale the toxic fumes of the paraplane- a device worn constantly by all the inhabitants. The population's largest concern is one of defense, since they have experienced attacks from magmen and even raiding efreet. The folk of Nevermore look for a way to establish a peaceful agreement with the magmen, but no one knows if such a thing is even possible.


  如果說岩漿側位面中有任何結構能讓多元宇宙的學者們感到困惑,那就是 獨石the Monolith 了。儘管這個閃閃發光的黑色物體高約90呎,寬約30呎,但它只有10呎厚。許多人說,它看上去就像是塊令人不安的墓碑。
If any single structure in the paraplane of Magma confounds the scholars of the multiverse, it is the Monolith. Although this gleaming black object is some 90 feet high and 30 feet across, it is only 10 feet thick. Many have remarked that it looks uncomfortably like a tombstone.

The Monolith is constructed of a black material that seems to be as much metal as it is stone, and as much glass as it is metal. In other words, no one quite understands what it's made of. In addition, the Monolith seems to be completely impervious to harm. Rumors say that even the powers cannot destroy or damage it, though perhaps that's because none of them have actually tried. Some suggest that the Monolith exists outside of time, which might explain why it never appears to change. Others think it could be a number of identical structures, all existing in the same place at the same time (or perhaps different times-or both).

  多元宇宙的普遍共識是,獨石是 沉睡者the Sleeping Ones(詳述於 冰側位面the paraplane of Ice 章節)的遺蹟。然而,事實是,沒有人知道這個構造的起源和用途。
The general consensus around the multiverse is that the monolith is a relic of the Sleeping Ones (as discussed in the chapter on the paraplane of Ice). The truth of the matter, however, is that no one has any clue as to the origin or pur- pose of the structure.


  內層位面the Inner Planes 最不同尋常的生物之一就是名曰 奧蘭Oolan 的邪魔生物。很多個世紀誕生於 奧斯主物質世界the prime-material world of Oerth 的奧蘭是一隻 蘇國巫妖Suel lich。
One of the most unusual beings in the Inner Planes is a fiendish creature named Oolan. Born centuries ago on the prime-material world of Oerth, Oolan is a Suel lich. Although most of his kind try to hide their true nature from the outside world, Oolan takes no such precautions.

His laboratory is small, but it is said that this undead creature knows more about magic than some lesser deities. Whether or not this statement contains truth, a wise man would probably not challenge him on the matter. After all, even the least-powerful Suel lich is still a mighty foe.

  奧蘭的研究的確切性質未知。顯然,他計劃保持這種保密狀態,因為他的實驗室有不少於一打的 火人burning men 守衛。這些悶燃的魔像無情地履行著其職責,以任何必要手段將入侵者拒諸門外。
The exact nature of Oolan's research is unknown. Apparently, he plans to keep it that way, for his laboratory is guarded by no fewer than a dozen burning men. These smoldering golems are relentless in their duty to keep out all intruders-by any means necessary.


  遊蕩者 塔爾加特·瑞門Targath Reniume(位面佬/男性人類/盜賊 12/自由聯盟/絕對中立)以一次驚天大盜的戰利品(一些人是牛頭人領主 古林Guyn 的 悲啼鑽石moaning diamond)作為報酬,委託了一些強大的法師為他在岩漿側位面修建了一座塔。法師們用永久的隱形 力牆術walls of force 製造了整座塔。
The rogue Targath Reniume (Pl/♂ human/T12/Free League/N) commissioned a number of powerful wizards to construct a tower for him in the paraplane of Magma, paying them with the loot of a fabulous theft (some say it was the moaning diamond taken from the minotaur lord Guyn). The wizards made the entire tower out of permanent, invisible walls of force.
[譯註:悲啼鑽石The Moaning Diamond 在PF中是件神器,但此處我不知道是什麼]

The structure rises from the sea of molten rock, with a number of levels below the surface. The whole thing anchors upon a huge chunk of submerged basalt, and it connects to the lava tube network. The magical walls keep out the heat and the toxic gases so Targath can rest otherwise unprotected within his abode.

  作為一位盜賊,塔爾加特對尋求庇護的旅行者們給予了極大的慷慨,尤其是那些與他派系觀點相同的人。(因此,他對那些 和諧會Harmonium 不很友愛。此外,自由聯合會the Free League 近期的正式解散對他來說意義不大。——編者)為了一點新聞,他會提供一晚上遠離炎熱的休息,甚至是精美的一餐。然而,由於塔中的每位和家居一定來自某個地方,因此大部分人都認為塔爾加特擁有一件秘密旅行裝置。這座塔可能是圍繞著一兩道天然傳送門修建的,而更有可能的是,這個盜賊已經得到了一個 異界方塊cubic gate 或類似的東西。
For a thief, Targath extends a great deal of generosity toward travelers seeking shelter-particularly to planars who share his faction-related views. (Thus, he's not too friendly to the Harmonium. Also, the fact that the Free League has recently fficially disbanded means litle to him. -the Editor) For a bit of news, he provides a night's rest away from the heat, and even a fine meal. However, since the fabulous food and furnishings of the tower must come from somewhere, most folks agree that Targath possesses a secret planar travel device. It could just be that the tower's built around a natural portal or two, but more than likely, the thief has acquired a cubic gate or something similar.

One fact is for certain: The pleasant, relaxed atmosphere within the tower presents a strange counterpoint to its bubbling, boiling surroundings, which are visible through the transparent walls.


  勇敢的探險者們來到岩漿側位面時,經常是為了收集閃閃發光的 譚德塞tandersol 葉,這是一種有著純火莖稈的魔法植物。它的金色金屬質葉子對盔甲師有很大的價值,可用於製造有著防護特性(防禦等級+3獎勵)的鱗甲,並且對高溫和火焰有抗力(穿戴者遭受的火焰或岩漿傷害減半)。
Brave explorers who come to the paraplane of Magma often do so to collect the glistening leaves of the tandersol, a magical plant with a stem of pure fire. Its golden, metallic leaves hold a great deal of value to armorers, for they can be used to make scale armor enchanted with protective qualities (+3 bonus to Armor Class) and resistance to heat and flame (the wearer suffers half damage from fire or magma).

  對那些需要穿過側位面表面下的岩漿的人來說,通過熔岩管隧道系統最佳選擇。然而,如果沒有嚮導或是 元素羅盤elemental compass 的指引,即便是本地生物也會很快迷失在幾乎相同的管子構成的三維迷宮中。
For those who need to pass through the magma below the surface of the paraplane, traveling through the system of lava tube tunnels is the best bet. Without a guide or an elemental compass, however, even a native can quickly become lost in the three-dimensional maze of virtually identical tubes.


Spell keys for the paraplane of Magma are physical objects that must be carved from basalt, obsidian, or some other volcanic rock. These needle-thin trinkets are contorted so as to resemble wisps of flame. Their crafitsmanship is extraordinary and very delicate, so care must be taken in transporting them. No key can help either a priest or a mage conjure water in the plane, however, as the ambient heat alone forbids it.
