巴哈姆特Bahamut,白金龙神 | |
基本信息 | |
【别名/面相】 | ¢巨龙:巴哈姆特Bahamut ¢巨龙:希莫尔Xymor(在费伦的名字) |
【头 衔】 | ¢巴哈姆特&希莫尔:七层天堂的守护天使Angel of the Seven Heavens,天龙圣武士Draco Paladin,巨龙之神The God of Dragons,巨龙之祖Grandfather of Dragons,善龙之王King of the Good Dragons,正义缔造者Justicemaker,北风之主Lord of the North Wind,白金巨龙The Platinum Dragon ¢马杜克:正义使者The Justice Bringer,纯净咒文之主Lord of Pure Incantations,警惕者The Valiant |
【阵 营】 | ¢巴哈姆特&希莫尔&帕拉丁:LG ¢马杜克:LN |
【神 力】 | ¢巨龙/本体/巴哈姆特 & 巨龙/面相/希莫尔:L ¢巴比伦/面相/马杜克:G |
【神 职】 | ¢马杜克:城市Cities,风wind,闪电thunder,风暴storms,雨rain |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | ¢本体/巴哈姆特 & 面相/希莫尔:巨龙神系Draconic Pantheon ¢面相/马杜克:巴比伦神系Babylonian Pantheon |
【主 神】 | ¢巨龙/巴哈姆特:埃欧Io ¢希莫尔:阿斯格拉斯Asgorath |
【盟 友】 | ¢泛费伦:托姆Torm,提尔Tyr,伊尔马特Ilmater |
【敌 对】 | ¢巴哈姆特&希莫夫:提亚玛特Tiamat ¢巴比伦/马杜克:苏美尔神系Sumerian Pantheon |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | ¢巴哈姆特&希莫尔:天堂山Mount Celestia/2th 莫丘利亚Mercuria/巴哈姆特宫Bahamut's Palace ¢巴比伦:世外桃源Arcadia/1th 亚伯尼奥Abellio/马杜克之地Marduk |
【徽 记】 | ¢巴哈姆特,徽记1:乳白星云之上的极星The Pole Star above a milky nebula ¢巴哈姆特,徽记2:龙首旗帜Dragon's head in profile ¢马杜克:银网Silvery |
【简 介】 | 关于 巴哈姆特Bahamut、马杜克Marduk、帕拉丁Paladine 三者的关系,采信了TSR及威世智官方纸质设定内容,认为三者是同一位神祇的不同面相。但这些内容曾受到克莱恩战役原作者的强烈反对,而被遗忘的国度战役原作也作过暗示性反对,异度风景战役作者则未有见诸报道的建议。 此外,马兹特克神系 的羽蛇之神 夸尔特Qotal 与巴哈姆特也存在某种相似之处,此处不作论述。 |
2e<Monster Mythology.p105>巴哈姆特Bahamut(弱等神Lesser God)
(弱等神Lesser God)
巴哈姆特Bahamut,北风之主Lord of the North Wind,守序善良事业的永恒守望者,警醒地坐镇其位于 七重天堂Seven Heavens 的宫殿,身边围绕着七头太古金龙。巴哈姆特是一位活跃的神祇,永远在 埃欧Io 座前为对抗邪恶的事业出言,永远警戒 提亚玛特Tiamat 的行动。巴哈姆特看重智慧、学识、预言和诗歌,而且——按巨龙的标准——对财富既不自负也不过分贪求。金龙、银龙和黄铜龙敬拜巴哈姆特。
Bahamut, Lord of the North Wind and ever-watchful for the cause of Lawful Good, sits unsleepingly in his palace in the Seven Heavens, surrounded by seven Great Gold Wyrms. Bahamut is an active deity, ever arguing the case against evil with Io, ever watchful against the actions of Tiamat. Bahamut values wisdom, knowledge, prophecies, and song and—by dragon standards—is neither vain nor desirous of treasure. Gold, silver, and brass dragons revere Bahamut.
角色扮演指南Role-playing Notes:
巴哈姆特的化身时刻注意陷于危机的守序善良生物,为他们提供援助、回复与知识,但不会直接在 主物质位面Prime Material plane 行动——除非是为了阻止提亚玛特。巴哈姆特严正坚忍,嫉恶如仇,不会容忍邪恶生物做出的任何冒犯行为,不过他一般会把这些邪恶生物变形,而非直接杀掉。
Bahamut's avatar is watchful for lawful good creatures in peril, offering aid, recuperation, and knowledge, but does not act directly in the Prime Material plane unless to check Tiamat. He is stern, very disapproving of evil, and will not tolerate any offense offered by evil creatures, although he will usually polymorph them rather than kill them.
巴哈姆特的化身Bahamut's Avatar
(法师Wizard 16,祭司Priest 16)
The avatar appears as a vast platinum dragon. However, he is fond of appearing as an old, frail man.
力量 23,敏捷 21,体质 24,
智力 22,感知 23,魅力 24,
移动 48,飞行300,游泳90,体型 巨型G(500英尺),魔抗 85%,
防御等级 -14,生命骰 22,生命值 176,
#攻击 3次+特殊,零级命中值 特殊,伤害 2d8+11 ×2(爪),9d8(啮咬)
Str 23 Dex 21 Con 24
Int 22 Wis 23 Cha 24
MV 48 fl 300 sw 90 SZ G (50CV) MR 85%
AC -14 HD 22 HP 176
#AT 3 + special THAC0 special Dmg 2d8 + 11 x 2(claws) 9d8 (bite)
更多数据Further Statistics:将巴哈姆特的化身视作金龙龙种的太古龙(参见《怪物纲要Monstrous Compendium》),并具备以下调整/追加Further Statistics: Treat Bahamut’s avatar as a Great Gold Wyrm with the following modifications/additions:
徽记Symbol:乳白星云之上的极星The Pole Star above a milky nebula.}}
喷吐武器Breath Weapons:巴哈姆特的化身使用太古金龙所用的吐息武器,再加上一种音波解离效果(就像寒冰锥),影响至多40HD或等级的生物。对抗巴哈姆特吐息武器的豁免以-4不利进行。巴哈姆特吐息武器的伤害是22d20+22。The avatar uses the breath weapon capabilities of a Great Gold Wyrm, plus a sonic disintegration effect (as for a cone of cold), affecting up to 40 HD/levels of creatures. Saving throws versus Bahamut's breath weapons are at -4. Base breath weapon damage is 22d20 + 22.}}
法术Spells:巴哈姆特化身能使用所有领域与学派的法术,除了混乱领域。The avatar uses spells from all spheres and schools, save the sphere of chaos.}}
魔法抗力Magic Resistance:在标准的魔法抗力以外,该化身还免疫一切低于7级的法术,并免疫毒素、麻痹、石化、死亡魔法、影响心灵和控制法术、禁锢术imprisonment 与 锢魂术trap the soul 一类的法术、甚至免疫 许愿术wishe——如果被用以影响化身的真实本质(例如,许愿术不能改变化身的阵营,化身也不能被弱智化,诸如此类)。受到寒冷、火焰与闪电攻击时,该化身只受到一半伤害。低于+3附魔的武器对化身没有任何影响。In addition to standard MR, the avatar is immune to all spells below 6th level and to poison, paralysis, petrification, death magic, mind-affecting and controlling spells, and even to limited wishes if these are used to affect its true nature (e.g., the alignment of an avatar could not be changed by this spell, nor could it be feebleminded, etc.). The avatar takes half damage from cold-, fire-, and electricity-based attacks. Weapons below + 3 enchantment do not affect the avatar.}}
龙威Fear:该化身的龙威半径为140码。最多5HD或等级的生物会自动被影响;能通过对抗法术的豁免检定抵消影响的生物,在进行豁免检定时承受-5不利。The avatar's radius for fear is 140 yards. Creatures of up to 5 HD/levels are automatically affected; those allowed a save versus spell to negate do so with a - 5 penalty.}}
零级命中值THAC0:该化身的基础零级命中值为2。如果d20投出7或更高,该化身的攻击自动命中任何防御等级的目标。如果一次啮咬攻击投出12或者以上,那么这次啮咬将囫囵吞下任何生物,立刻将之击杀,并摧毁其所有装备。The avatar's base THACO is 2. It hits any AC on a roll of 7 + on a d20. A bite swallows any creature whole, killing it and destroying all equipment, on a roll of 12 +.}}
2e<Cult of the Dragon.p120>巴哈姆特Bahamut
出版时间:1992/05;国度时间:1370 DR
(善龙之王The King of all Good Dragons,白金巨龙the Platinum Dragon,北风之主Lord of the North Wind,正义缔造者Justicemaker)
巴哈姆特Bahamut 是位守序善良的 天堂山Mount Celestia 弱等神力。他的神职是善龙、金属龙、智慧、开明正义(正义以仁慈相济、惩戒以宽恕相和),而他的徽记则是银河系星云上方的北极星或是一只盖在一块金子上的爬虫眼睛。而他的界域 巴哈姆特之宫Bahamut's Palace 位于 莫丘利亚Mercuria。在一些传说中,据说他是 塔玛拉Tamara 与 兰狄司Lendys 之子,而在其他传说中,他、提亚玛特Tiamat、以及 努尔Null(亦即 法拉祖尔Faluzure)据说都是 阿斯格拉斯Asgorath(即 埃欧Io)。在 诸国度Realms 中,他通常被称作 希莫尔。
Bahamut is a lawful good lesser power of Mount Celestia. His portfolio is good dragons, metallic dragons, wisdom, and enlightened justice (justice tempered with mercy and punishment with forgiveness), and his symbols are the polar star above a milky nebula or a reptilian eye superimposed over a square of gold. His domain, Bahamut's Palace, is located in Mercuria. In some traditions, he is said to be the son of Tamara and Lendys, and in others, he, Tiamat, and Null (or Faluzure) are all said to be children of Asgorath (Io). In the Realms, he is often known as Xymor.
2e<On Hallowed Ground.p065>马杜克Marduk
(强大神力Greater Power,“正义使者The Justice Bringer”
徽记SYMBOL:银网Silvery net
居住位面/神国HOME P/R:世外桃源Arcadia/亚伯尼奥Abellio/马杜克之地Marduk
知名代理人KNOWN PROXIES:“不赦者”特里克Tellik the Unforgiving(代理人Px/男性人类♂human/战士F14/和谐会Harmonium/守序中立LN);安萨尔Anthar(代理人Px/男性半精灵♂half-elf/游侠M13/守序中立LN)
马杜克Marduk 的神国是一片阳光与天空的干旱大地,这位神力由大理石与土砖修筑的宏伟巨城(同样名为 马杜克城Marduk)位于其准确的中心。卢阿尔河Luar 和 卡斯河Kath 流经神国与城市,在即便最热的日子里也保持着这座城堡的凉爽。神国的外来者将被严密监视,但只要不触发法律,他们就会被独自丢在那。
Marduk's realm is an arid land of sun and sky. with the power's vast marble and adobe city - also named Marduk -in the exact center. The rivers Luar and Kath flow through the realm and the city, keeping the burg cool even on the hottest days. Outsiders to the realm are watched carefully, but as long as they don't violate the law, they're alone.
马杜克这位神力关注于正义、秩序、以及他的对手:邪龙之后 提亚玛特Tiamat 的行径。马杜克通常呈现的外观有四只眼睛、四只充血皮肤血红的耳朵,并且他一开口就会从嘴中喷出火焰。不过他不常在自己的神国中闲逛。事实上,他将统治权和土地交给了凡人,只为了看看他们是如何适应和坚持他的戒律的。
Marduk the power is concerned with justice, law, and the movements of his opposite: Tiamat, queen of evil dragonkind. Marduk usually appears as a four-eyed, four-earrd blood with reddish skin, and he shoots fire from his mouth when he speaks. But he doesn't stroll through his realm too often. Fact is, he generally leaves the rule or the land up to the mortals, just to see how well they adapt and hold to his precepts.