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【音   標】Bahl
【頭   銜】謀殺之主Lord of Murder
【陣   營】LE
【神   力】M→D→I→Dead→Q
【神   職】死亡,尤其是暴力致死或儀式性死亡Death, especially violent or ritual death
【神   系】泛費倫神系Faerûnian Pantheon死亡三神The Dead Three
【主   神】班恩Bane
【盟   友】班恩Bane霍爾Hoar勞薇塔Loviatar米爾寇Myrkul塔洛娜Talona馬斯克Mask
【敵   對】裳提亞Chauntea海姆Helm洛山達Lathander托姆Torm提爾Tyr伊爾馬特Ilmater黎爾拉Lilira
【從   神】勞薇塔Loviatar塔洛娜Talona卡茲戈洛斯Kazgoroth(也可能是巴爾的神仆、面相或化身)
【神   國】焦炎地獄Gehenna/1th 深紅山脈Khalas鮮血王座The Throne of Blood
→飄蕩在 星界the Astral Plane
【徽   記】一隻正面的白色人類頭骨,許多淚滴沿著逆時針軌道環繞A white, face-on human skull surrounded by a counter—clockwise orbit of many streaming teardrops
【簡   介】巴爾Bhaal 是死亡三神的一員,在以札斯曼匕首弒殺了波瑞姆並瓜分了其神力後。巴爾與班恩米爾寇一同出發,挑戰並承接了耶各的神職與神力。

2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p44>巴爾Bhaal


   (謀殺之主Lord of Murder)

  焦炎地獄中等神力Intermediate Power of Gehenna,

  神職PORTFOLIO:死亡,尤其是暴力致死或儀式性死亡Death, especially violent or ritual death
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:從前:深紅山脈Khalas鮮血王座The Throne of Blood;目前:飄蕩在 星界the Astral Plane
  徽記SYMBOL:一隻正面的白色人類頭骨,許多淚滴沿著逆時針軌道環繞A white, face-on human skull surrounded by a counter—clockwise orbit of many streaming teardrops
信徒陣營WOR. ALIGN.:守序中立LN,守序邪惡LE,絕對中立N,中立邪惡NE,混亂中立CN,混亂邪惡CE

Bhaal of symbol

  巴爾Bhaal(讀作「Bahl」)是 黑暗諸神the Dark Gods 的一員。他是死亡,尤其是謀殺、暗殺與暴力殺戮之神。在 費倫大陸Faerûn 他曾是一支強大的信仰,不可計數的刺客、暴力傭兵和其他惡魔般的殘忍殺手對他崇敬有加。在其在世時,勞薇塔Loviatar塔洛娜Talona 均為巴爾效力(雖然這兩位女神彼此互為競爭對手),而他本尊則轉而侍奉著 班恩Bane
Bhaal (Bahl), one of the Dark Gods, was the god of death, particularly of slaying, assassination, and violent death. His was a powerful faith in Faerûn at one time, and the Lord of Murder was venerated by numerous assassins, violent mercenaries, and other brutal and fiendish killers. While he lived, Loviatar and Talona served him (though the two were rivals to each other), and he in turn served Bane.

  巴爾一直是個暴力、殘忍、可憎的傢伙,他的生命意義便是狩獵與謀殺。他時而冷酷無情、精於算計,時而充滿野蠻的嗜血欲。活物的存在將為謀殺之主注入一種致命的飢餓感和對殺戮與破壞的強烈需求。他的爪牙們,譬如 月影群島Moonshae Islands「野獸」卡茲戈洛斯Kazgoroth the Beast 無論走到何處,都在散播破壞與暴力的死亡。
Bhaal was violent, cruel, and hateful at all times, and lived only to hunt and murder. He could be alternately cold, calculating, and ruthless or filled with a savage bloodlust. The presence of living creatures instilled a deadly hunger in the Lord of Murder and an overpowering need to kill and destroy. His minions, such as Kazgoroth the Beast in the Moonshae Islands, wrought devastation and violent death wherever they roamed.

  在 動盪之年Time of Troubles 前,巴爾經歷了一系列的挫折,其中最重要的是他被逐出了月影群島。巴爾試圖毀滅 大地之母the Earthmother(裳提亞Chauntea),並奪取月影群島作為自己的私人領地。被灌輸了比正常化身多得多的巴爾精華的 蹂躪者The Ravager,被 弗佛克人的至高王High King of the Ffolk 特里斯坦Tristan 揮舞 辛瑞克德·修之劍Sword of Cymrjch Hugh 弒殺。巴爾因此被嚴重削弱,並被逐出了 諸國度the Realms 一段時間。
Bhaal suffered a series of reverses prior to the Time of Troubles, the most vital being his banishment from the Moonshaes. Bhaal tried to destroy the Earthmother (Chauntea) and seize the Moonshae Islands as his personal domain. The Ravager, imbued with a greater fraction of Bhaal's essence than is normally contained in an avatar, was slain by Tristan, High King of the Ffolk, who wielded the Sword of Cymrjch Hugh. As a result, Bhaal was severely weakened and exiled from the Realms for a time.

  在巴爾能重建其大部分神力前,在 艾歐Ao 的意旨下,他於 諸神降世the Fall of the Gods 期間以化身形態重返費倫大陸。在他的殺戮力量被削弱到只能占據凡人身體的程度後,巴爾開始了前所未有的毀滅與殺戮的狂歡。當 班恩大人Lord Bane 尋求挑戰 托姆Torm 的力量時,他殺死了諸國度的所有刺客,而這些刺客都是 謀殺之主the Lord of Murder 的忠實信徒,這進一步削弱了巴爾的神力。在 紛爭之主the Lord of Strife 被毀滅後,巴爾與 米爾寇Myrkul 締結了聯盟。兩位找尋著 命運石板Tablets of Fate 以便重返 外層位面the Outer Planes。在一場橫亙了 央土the Heartlands 的追捕行動後,巴爾綁架了 午夜Midnight 並奪取了一塊 命運石板,卻隨即被 希瑞克Cyric神災劍Godsbane(後來被發現是 馬斯克Mask 的化身形態)謀殺。巴爾殘留的精華被 蜿蜒河the Winding Water 吸收了,這條河流從 波斯卡橋the Boareskyr Bridge巨魔之爪灘the Trollclaw Ford 隨後被毒化了。據信,巴爾的人格碎片被留在了烏黑、惡臭的蜿蜒河河水,就像米爾寇的精華倖存於 角之冠the Crown of Horns 中,而班恩的人格碎片殘留於他的男僕 班恩巫妖Baneliches 中。如果巴爾復甦,它將發生在波斯卡橋的陰影之中。
Before Bhaal could rebuild much of his power, he was returned to Faerûn in avatar form by the will of Ao during the Fall of the Gods. Bhaal, reduced to a killing force able only to possess humans, then went on a spree of murder and destruction the like of which had never before been seen. When Lord Bane sought the power needed to challenge Torm, he slew all of the assassins in the Realms who made up the bulk of the Lord of Murder's faithful, further reducing Bhaal's power. After the Lord of Strife's destruction, Bhaal forged an alliance with Myrkul. The two gods sought the Tablets of Fate so that they could return to the Outer Planes. After pursuing her across the Heartlands, Bhaal kidnapped Midnight and seized one Tablet of Fate, but was murdered soon after by Cyric with the sword Godsbane (later revealed to have been the avatar form of Mask). What remained of Bhaal's essence was absorbed by the Winding Water, and that river has subsequently been poisonous from the Boareskyr Bridge downstream to the Trollclaw Ford. It is believed a fragment of Bhaal's personality remains in the jet black, foul-smelling waters of the Winding Water much like Myrkul's essence survives in the Crown of Horns and fragments of Bane's personality survive in his servitor Baneliches. If Bhaal is ever resurrected, it will be in the shadow of Boareskyr Bridge.

巴爾的化身Bhaal's Avatar

  (盜賊Thief 32,戰士Fighter 27)

  巴爾極少以化身形態神臨,不過,如果他在城市地區這麼做,他通常會使用一種被稱為 殺戮者the Slayer 的形態。殺戮者有著兇殘的面容,死白的皮膚,還有許多不斷滲出黑色腐液的深深傷口——這些腐液會在接觸到任何物體前消失。
Bhaal rarely appeared in avatar form, but when he did in urban settings he typically assumed a form known as the Slayer. The Slayer looked like a human male corpse with a feral face, ivory-white skin, and deep lacerations that endlessly wept black ichor that vanished before it struck anything.

  在荒郊野外,比如月影島,巴爾以巨人的形態出現。這個被稱為 蹂躪者The Ravager 的形態身高超過30呎,有著修長強健的筋肉,飄逸的鬍鬚,濃密的長髮,其雙眼燃燒著 焦炎地獄Gehenna 的烈焰,其面容為超自然憎恨的怪相所扭曲。兩支7英尺長的扭曲尖角從他的前額伸出。
Bhaal manifested in rural settings, such as the Moonshaes, as a giant of a man. The Ravager, as this form was known, was over 30 feet tall, with long, tough sinews, a flowing beard and mane of hair, eyes that glowed with the flames of Gehenna, a face twisted in a grimace of supernatural hatred, and two 7-foot-long curved homs protruding from his forehead.

  防禦等級 -4;移動 15;生命值 217;零級命中值 -6;#攻擊次數 5次/2輪(殺戮者) 或 2次/1輪*(蹂躪者)
  傷害1d4+16(骨匕,+12 力量,+2 專精匕首—殺戮者) 或 1d1O+12/1d1O+12(+12 力量—蹂躪者)
  魔抗 90%;體型 中型M(6 呎,殺戮者) 或 巨型G(30呎,蹂躪者)
  力量 24,敏捷 24,體質 22,智力 17,感知 15,魅力 17
  豁免 麻痹、毒素與死亡魔法 3;權杖、法杖與魔杖 4;石化或變形 4;噴吐武器 4;法術 5
  AC -4; MV 15; HP 217; THACO -6; #AT 5/2 (Slayer) or 2/1 * (Ravager)
  Dmg 1d4+16 (bone dagger, +12 Str, +2 spec, bonus in dagger—Slayer) or 1d1O+12/1d1O+12 ( + 12 Srr—Ravager)
  MR 90%; SZ M (6 feet, Slayer) or G (30 feet, Ravager)
  Str 24, Dex 24, Con 22, Int 17, Wis 15, Cha 17
  Spells None
  Saves PPDM 3, RSW 4, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 5

   *The Ravager made two sets of twin punches per round for a total of four fist strikes and could also gore or rake certain opponents with his horns.

特殊攻擊/防禦Special Att/Def:

  殺戮者能夠隨意 浮空levitate,並凌空而行。他的行動永遠是無聲的,他的話語輕柔、險惡而陰冷。在戰鬥中,殺戮者會握持他身上所藏,或者能隨意從稀薄空氣中咒喚而出的無數把骨匕之一。被這些骨匕傷到的身體部位將會枯萎。如果受傷區域是頭部或者軀幹,這個部位將會皺縮,受害者將受到額外的3d4點傷害,這一傷害在給出的骨匕傷害之外;如果受傷的是肢體,那麼肢體將萎縮殘廢。 The Slayer could levitate at will and walk on air. His movements were always silent, and his voice soft, menacing, and cold. In battle, the Slayer wielded one of the infinite number of bone daggers hidden on his person or that he could conjure out of thin air. Body parts wounded by these wielded daggers would wither. If the wounded area were a head or torso, it would shrivel and the victim would suffer an additional 3d4 points of damage above the given bone dagger damage; if a limb, it would shrivel and become unusable.

  殺戮者也能隨意活化至多六把骨匕,使之以16(A)的速度飛行,每一把骨匕每輪都能攻擊兩次,零級命中值為4,在判定能否造成傷害時視為+2魔法武器,且每一次成功命中都造成1d4+2點寒冷傷害。這些匕首能隨著殺戮者的意念消隱無蹤。被這些活化匕首之一殺死的人,他們的屍體——如果殺戮者意願如此——將會變成殺戮者掌控下的殭屍,或者在殺戮者的命令下爆炸,其所有骨骼都將碎裂,與謀殺之主已經活化的骨匕一起,形成一道白骨碎片形成的 劍刃障壁blade barrier。這種骨片 劍刃障壁 會對試圖穿越者造成12d12點傷害,其持續時間僅僅取決於殺戮者的意願——也就是說,這可以成為一種永久性的景象。這種骨片 劍刃障壁 能夠充滿體積在5立方呎~70立方呎之間的任何空間形狀。如果殺戮者創造了永久的骨片劍刃障壁,被殺者的靈魂,作為影響骨頭的活化力量的一部分,將留在受影響的區域內。殺戮者也能隨意喚起一股 殺戮衝動urge to slay(見下文)或者施展 吸引術attraction(或其反轉形式——見下文)。
The Slayer could also animate up to six bone daggers at will at MV Fl 16 (A) to each strike twice a round at THACO 4, attacking as +2 magical weapons for purposes of what they could attack and doing 1d4+2 points of chilling damage per successful strike. These daggers would then wink out of existence as the Slayer willed. The body of anyone slain by one of these animated daggers could—if the Slayer desired—become a zombie under his command or be made to burst apart, all its bones shattering and joining any bone daggers the Lord of Murder had already animated to become a blade barrier of bone shards. Such a bone-shard blade barrier inflicted 12d12 points of damage upon those who tried to pass it and lasted as long as the Slayer willed—in other words, it could be left as a permanent feature. These bone-shard blade barriers filled any volume of space from 5 cubic feet to 70 cubic feet in any shape. If the Slayer created a permanent bone-shard blade barrier, the spirit of the slain being remained in the affected area as part of the animating force affecting the bones. The Slayer could also awaken an urge to slay (see below) or cast attraction (or its reverse—see below) at will.
[譯註:此處的 吸引術attraction 並非同名的引力術,而是巴爾教派的特殊法術。]

The Ravager was a rampaging titan of destruction. He attacked with his two massive fists that could easily crush stone in their grasp. When facing size L or bigger opponents, he could gore or rake them with his fearsome horns for 3dl0 points of damage on a successful attack in addition to his normal fist attacks (two sets of two punches per round). The Ravager could only be hit by weapons of +4 or greater enchantment and regenerated 5 hit points per round.

In either form, Bhaal could animate or create any type of undead creature indefinitely by touch. All skeletons or zombies he animated obeyed him absolutely. Greater undead that he created were required to perform one service for him and were then free-willed. Bhaal could also automatically disrupt any undead creature of less than divine status with his touch at will, turning it into dust that not even he could reanimate. The Lord of Murder was immune to all forms of attack by undead creatures of any sort.

其祂顯現Other Manifestations

  巴爾顯現為一對飛行的 匍行之爪crawling claw(即被活化的骷髏爪,巴爾會顯現為一對人類夫婦的骨爪),它們可以指向、攜帶或揮舞物品、或是從指端長出或發射骨匕而不使飛爪本身變小。(這些匕首被以輕弩的形式射出,其零級命中值為4。)另外,謀殺之主有時會以一顆大笑的人類頭骨形態神臨,以16(A)的移動速度飛行、其後拖曳著淚滴。無論是以哪種形式顯現,巴爾都可以說話,或是以其顯現90呎內任何位置為中心,製造 半徑15呎黑暗術darkness 15' radius。他還可以喚醒任何一位守序邪惡陣營存在身上的 殺戮衝動。如果他如此行事且目標生物在對抗法術豁免檢定中失敗,該生物就將猛撲過去攻向巴爾指示的任何目標,並以4的零級命中值揮舞手中的任何武器每輪攻擊2次,同時無可控制地為它需要奪取的生命而呻吟與哭泣(換句話說,受影響者無法正常開口或發出警告)。巴爾每輪最多可影響以一道 殺戮衝動 影響至多一打(12隻)守序邪惡的生物,這些目標需在其化身或顯現周遭的90呎範圍之內。
Bhaal manifested as a pair of flying crawling claws (animated skeletal hands—in Bhaal's case, always a matching human pair) that could point, carry or wield things, or grow or fire bone daggers that emerged from their finger ends but did not diminish the hands themselves. (The daggers fired as light crossbow quarrels with a THACO of 4.) Alternately, the Lord of Murder sometimes appeared as a laughing human skull that hurtled about at MV Fl 16 (A) trailing teardrops. In either manifestation, Bhaal could speak or cause darkness 15' radius around a focal point anywhere within 90 feet of his manifestation. He could also awaken in any lawful evil-aligned being an urge to slay. If he did so and the being failed a saving throw vs.spell, the being would rush to attack whatever target Bhaal directed it to, striking twice per round with whatever weapon came to hand at THACO 4 and moaning and sobbing uncontrollably (in other words, normal speech or warnings were impossible) with its need to take life. Bhaal could affect up to a dozen lawful evil creatures per round with an urge to slay if that many were within 90 feet of his avatar or manifestation.

  謀殺之主經常通過各種暴力而致命的怪物行動,包括所有種類的骷髏不死生物(從 死亡飛吻deathfang 到 dread)和多種觸手類怪物(從 darktentacle 到 philosopher grell)。據說正是巴爾創造了 harrla of hate 讓它們潛行於諸國度,並在謀殺之主之手的引導下選擇它們的受害者。
The Lord of Murder often acted through a variety of violent, deadly monsters, including skeletal undead of all sorts, from deathfangs to dread, and many species of tentacled monsters, from darktentacles to philosopher grell. It is said that harrla of hate were created by Bhaal to stalk the Realms and that the hand of the Lord of Murder guided their choice of victims.

教會The Church

  神職人員Clergy:牧師Clerics,專屬祭司specialty priests
  神職陣營Clergy's Align.:守序邪惡LE,中立邪惡NE,混亂邪惡CE
  驅散不死Turn Undead:牧師C:不可;專屬祭司SP:不可
  呵斥不死Cmnd. Undead:牧師C:可;專屬祭司SP:可

  巴爾的所有牧師與專屬祭司得到 宗教知識religion(泛費倫Faerûnian) 作為非武器專精熟練獎勵。
All clerics and specialty priests of Bhaal received religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.

  謀殺之主的祭司們要麼被稱作 巴爾教徒Bhaalists,要麼被稱為 巴爾人Bhaalyn(後一稱謂在 巨龍海岸Dragonreach 以東流行,前者則在巨龍海岸以西、直抵 劍灣Sword Coast 最受歡迎),他們始終是一套由嚴格的地方等級制度組成的無序網絡。城市地區的巴爾教徒/巴爾人往往是牧師,而在偏遠地區(譬如 月海Moonshaes)則往往是名為 死亡潛行者deathstalkers 的專屬祭司。
Priests of the Lord of Murder were known as either Bhaalists or Bhaalyn (the latter term being most favored east of the Dragonreach, the former westward to the Sword Coast) and were always a disorganized web of strictly local hierarchies. Bhaalists/Bhaatyn tended to be clerics in the urban areas of the Realms, while in remote areas (such as the Moonshaes), they tended to be specialty priests known as deathstalkers.

  巴爾在動盪之年期間(恰如其分地)被希瑞克謀殺了,這位凡人之後成為了他的繼承者。最重要的是,他的信仰已經被 黑日the Dark Sun 接管,巴爾的神殿也幾乎全部皈依了 謊言王子the Prince of Lies 信仰。城市地區的巴爾追隨者幾乎普遍轉向信仰希瑞克,以至於已在採用這位新神的法衣、儀式、宗教特殊法術和他授予專屬神職人員的能力。他們將自己崇拜的神力稱為 希瑞克Cyric。不過多年來,塞爾Thay 的巴爾人在提及他時則呼之為 希瑞克-巴爾Cyric-Bhaal,以此將他與前 班恩教徒Banites 所崇敬的希瑞克次要面相區分開來——這些所信仰神祇已經被徹底摧毀的班恩教徒也宣稱希瑞克是他們的神明。巴爾-希瑞克教徒Bhaal-Cyricists 與其它希瑞克信徒的派系關係高度緊張,但在 班恩之死the Banedeath(1361 DR)之後幾年裡,希瑞克對皈依教徒進行大清洗期間實施了教法,現在所有前巴爾教徒和巴爾人都(不情願地)承認了他們的神只是希瑞克。
Bhaal was (fittingly) murdered during the Time of Troubles by Cyric, the mortal who would become his successor. In the main, his faith has been taken over by the Dark Sun, and Bhaal's temples have been almost totally converted to the worship of the Prince of Lies. The followers of Bhaal in urban areas have almost universally switched to worshiping Cyric to the extent of adopting the new deity's vestments, ceremonies, religion-specific spells, and the abilities he grants his specialist clergy members. They refer to the power they venerate as Cyric. For some years the former Bhaalyn of Thay referred to him as Cyric-Bhaal to differentiate him from the lesser aspects of Cyric worshiped by former Banites, whose deity was utterly destroyed and who they felt had erroneously declared Cyric to be their deity as well. Relationships between the Bhaal-Cyricists and the factions of the other believers of Cyric were heavily strained, but order was imposed during Cyric's purges among his converted faithful during the years following the year of the Banedeath (1361 DR) and now all former Bhaalists and Bhaalyn (uncomfortably) acknowledge their deity to be simply Cyric.

  在諸神降世前,巴爾城鄉祭司之間的關係平等,但又冷淡而疏遠。兩派之間的分歧隨著動盪之年謀殺之主的滅亡而擴大。巴爾農村追隨者多年來一直保持著他們的巴爾信仰,這指出了他們仍在得授他們所習慣法術的事實。然而,在城鄉教派的分裂於 1367 DR 達到巔峰、並且據報導敵對派系之間發生了伏擊,之後不久,鄉村巴爾人祭司們停止以巴爾名諱得授法術,並且大多皈依了 希瑞克教Cyricism 或 希維姆教Xvimism。在偏遠的農村地區,仍然存在著一些由一位年老祭司主持的孤立、渺小、而又純粹的巴爾信仰。有許多前信徒現在也崇敬獸人和其祂非人類神系。
Prior to the Fall of the Gods, relations between the city-bred and country versions of Bhaal's priesthood were fair, but cool and distant. The differences between the two factions increased with the demise of the Lord of Murder during the Time of Troubles. The rural followers of Bhaal retained their belief in Bhaal for years, pointing to the fact that they still received their accustomed magical spells. However, shortly after the schism between urban and rural Bhaalists reached its height in 1367 DR and ambushes were reported between rival factions, rural Bhaalyn priests ceased receiving spells in Bhaal's name, and most have now converted to Cyricism or Xvimism. What isolated and minute pockets of pure Bhaal worship still exist are usually in remote rural areas, presided over by an ancient priest. Many of these former worshipers are now venerating the orcish and other nonhuman pantheons as well.

  巴爾信仰的地區或派系領導人,無論其等級高低,總是被稱為 高階大主教High Primate/高階女大主教High Primistress(謝天謝地,這種詭異的女性格式頭銜似乎是該信仰獨有的),而神殿或要塞的首領則為 大主教Primate/女大主教Primistress。(巴爾的要塞通常是庇護著眾多刺客的城堡,它們派遣代理人到附近的城鎮或城市市場中招徠顧客,來僱傭城堡中人施行殺戮。)大主教/女大主教的助手(在許多其祂信仰中被稱為「副修道院長priors」)的頭銜為 第一殺手First Murder,第一殺手可以調用 兜帽死神the Cowled Deaths(在宗教家族或社群中任職的九位最資深神職人員)。在這些高層之下是普通神職人員,他們被統稱為 死亡販子Deathdealers,並(無論其等級或位階)具有 殺戮之手Slaying Hand 這一共享頭銜。
The leader of an area or faction of Bhaal-worship, regardless of level, was always known as the High Primate/High Primistress (this strange female form of the title thankfully seems unique to this faith), and the head of a temple or fortress was its Primate/Primistress. (Often fortresses of Bhaal were citadels that sheltered many assassins and sent forth agents to nearby towns or city marketplaces to solicit patrons to hire the occupants of the citadel to perform killings.) The assistants of a Primate or Primistress (known in many other faiths as "priors") held the title First Murder, and the First Murder could call upon the Cowled Deaths (nine most senior clergy members who held offices in the religious household or community). Underneath these eminences were the common clergy members, collectively known as Deathdealers and bearing the shared title (regardless of level or rank) of Slaying Hand.

Urban temples dedicated to the Lord of Murder were typically dark, spartan dungeons located beneath a city's streets featuring an occasional mosaic or sculpture depicting a violent death. Most contained several chambers of tokens taken from the bodies of murder victims and large crypts filled with the corpses of past victims who could not be left where they fell. (The inhabitants of such crypts were often restless.) Rural holy sites were usually primitive shrines located on barren hilltops and dominated by blood-stained sacrificial altars. Typically a ring of stones carved to resemble teardrop-shaped skulls is inlaid in the ground around the altar.


Bhaalists believed (in their sick and twisted way) that every murder committed strengthened holy Bhaal. As a result, they viewed murder as both a pastime and a duty. Bhaalists were required to deal death once in every tenday during the darkest period at the heart of the night. If imprisonment or other constraining circumstances made this impossible, they had to murder twice for each death missed. In accordance with the Lord of Murder's teachings, Bhaalists strove to ensure that before they died, murder victims knew who was killing them and that their death was in the name of Bhaal.

Novices of Bhaal were charged as follows: "Make all folk fear Bhaal. Let your killings be especially elegant, or grisly, or seem easy so that those observing them are awed or terrified. Tell folk that gold proffered to the church can make the Lord of Murder overlook them for today."

日常活動Day-to-Day Activities:

While Bhaal also encouraged the pursuit of personal wealth and hobbies, in the main, Bhaalists spent their nights performing murders and their days preparing for murder (procuring or caring for weapons, journeying to the appropriare site, praying to Bhaal for success, sleeping under guard so as to be fully awake for the hours of darkness, eating, training, praying for spells, and the like). Many served as assassins, bounty hunters, and mercenaries or in organized brotherhoods of men and women in such professions.

Priests of Bhaal enjoyed killing for its own sake but tried not to murder indiscriminately. Much time and thought went into the planning of not just the dark deeds, but the implications of killing this or that individual. The church tried to eliminate all rivals and those who stood against it, to be sure, but also strove to enrich itself by frightening common folk into placing offerings of coinage and valuables before Bhaalists and by taking care to let economically and socially important individuals live unharmed. High Primates spent much of their time planning the proper strategies of manipulating nearby rulers, inhabitants, and organizations into the deeds and behavior that the Bhaalyn desired.

聖日/重要儀式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

The main ritual to Bhaal is, of course, an act of slaying, during which the priest intoned: "Bhaal awaits thee, Bhaal embraces thee, none escape Bhaal" (if necessary, repeatedly). After each murder, a priest of Bhaal drew Bhaal's symbol beside the corpse in the blood of the victim and smeared the blood on his or her own hands, from where it promptly vanished if the ceremony was done fitly.

  祭司們也會在就寢時(在神殿中,這是在名為 白日告別Day's Farewell 的正式儀式中群體進行的)和出發殺戮時,向巴爾祈禱。此外,祭司位階的每次提高都將以一場莊嚴的私人儀式為標誌,期間,擢升的祭司將離開神殿,直至他除了赤手空拳別無所依地殺死另一位祭司後,才能得返。這場殺戮事件將被私下告知一位資深祭司,如果巴爾降下的兆示被認為是讚許,那麼此君的新位階將在教會舉行的儀式上(神殿的所有神職人員都將與會,儀式期間將舉行對巴爾的活牲)被公布。據說,資深祭司們擁有一種不可思議的能力,能夠找出一場私人儀式中的謊言,並懲處那些提交了虛假報告的人。
Priests also prayed to Bhaal upon retiring for slumber (in a temple, this was done en masse, in a formal ceremony known as Day's Farewell) and whenever they set out to slay. Moreover, every increase in priestly rank was marked by a solemn private ritual in which the ascending priest went out from the temple to return only after slaying another with nothing save his or her bare hands. The events of the killing were related privately to a senior priest, and if the signs were deemed favorable, the new rank was conveyed in a church ritual held in full ceremonial regalia by all temple clergy membe during which a living sacrifice to Bhaal was made. Senior priests were said have an uncanny ability to ferret out lies about this private ritual and be harsh in their punishment of those bearing false report.

Lay worshipers of Bhaal (but not priests) were to pray to Bhaal for the limited safety of "his overlook" when setting forth on journeys or into known danger. They were also to pray when giving gold to Bhaalists (to ensure that the Lord of Murder accepted their gift) and whenever a violent death occurred nearby or to someone related to them.

  巴爾教會唯一的曆法儀式發生在 月宴節the Feast of the Moon,巴爾教徒將在此時紀念該信仰的死者,並通過複述這些事跡的故事來慶祝那些特別重要或令人印象深刻的殺戮。經常被講述的最「精彩」血腥故事包括著名的祭司-巫師 「染血者」烏瑟代爾Uthaedeol the Blood-drenched 的一項事跡。這便是他如何殺死了已經被警告並守衛重重的 泰瑟爾王國Tethyr 薩米特國王King Samyte
The only calendar ritual of the church of Bhaal occurred on the Feast of the Moon, when the dead of the faith were remembered and Bhaalists celebrated especially important or impressive slayings by retelling stories of these deeds. One of the most "splendid" tales of gore told often is of one of the exploits of the famous priest-mage Uthaedeol the Blood-drenched. It is of his killing of the warned and guarded King Samyte of Tethyr.

  烏瑟代爾通過傳送出現在了半空中一位騎乘飛馬的宮廷守衛面前,然後殺死了這位守衛,並騎著守衛的坐騎俯衝墜下強制摔死了這匹飛馬,同時藉此衝破了天窗進入了王座室。在國王的弓箭手們向飛馬射擊時,烏瑟代爾跳離了飛馬的鞍座,並駕馭著準備好的飛行魔法驟降插入了國王的守護黑龍的一隻眼睛。他以自己至今尚未解密的 毀滅之拳destroying fist 法術(已知是一種小範圍、局部的 解離disintegrate 效果)擊殺了這隻大蜥蜴,並騎著它無意識的垂死吐息穿越了王座室,由他的附魔盔甲保護下,沿著它吐息的酸液滑行。
Uthaedeol teleported to appear in midair in front of a pegasus-riding palace guard, slew the man, and rode his steed forcibly down to its death, smashing through a skylight into the throne room. Uthaedeol leapt clear of the pegasus as the king's archers peppered it with shafts, and rode a prepared flight magic down to plunge into one eye of the king's guardian black dragon. He slew the great drake with his own still-secret destroying fist spell (known to be a small, localized disintegrate effect) and rode its involuntary dying breath across the throne room, gliding along the stream of acid it breathed protected by his enchanted armor.

As the armor blackened, crumbled, and fell away, Uthaedeol cast a spell that flung all arrows in the room, even those not yet fired, into swarming flight. He then sprang to meet the king in single combat with his lone dagger against Samyte's broad sword. It is recorded that Uthaedeol slew every guard who came against him as he slashed the unfortunate monarch's skin in hundreds of places; he then cast a spell that forced the king into a veritable dance of death so that he fell lifeless from exsanguination.

  這位祭司-巫師隨後施展了兩道陷阱法術,並傳送離開。第一道陷阱是 流星爆meteor swarm,將在王座室中有任何法術被施展時激活。它殺死了四位著名的宮廷法師。第二道則是 劍刃障壁blade barrier,被設置在任何與國王有血緣關係之人進入時觸發。它殺死了國王兩位最年長的兒子。
The priest-mage then cast two entrapping spells and teleported away. The first trap was a meteor swarm activated whenever any spell was next cast in the throne room. It slew four court wizards of note. The second was a blade barrier set to erupt into being when someone who was blood kin to the king next entered the room. It slew the king's two eldest sons.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  迅死之塔The Tower of Swift Death 正位於 塞爾Thay 提萬特羅司省Tyraturos 之外,在那裡,大主教烏姆蘭特·蘇爾基德Primate Oumrant Tsulkide 在 紅袍法師the Red Wizards 的祝福(與財政支持)下領導著一座滿是訓練有素的殺手的堡壘,在它於 酒杯之年Year of the Tankard(1370 DR)最終正式皈依希瑞克信仰前,它是諸國度中僅存的幾座專門供奉巴爾的神殿之一。(在那之前,希瑞克以巴爾的名義提供祭司的法術。)紅袍法師們經常為了塞爾的偉大榮耀(噢,對了,還有巴爾——以及希瑞克)而僱傭在塔內受訓之人。
The Tower of Swift Death just outside Tyraturos in Thay, where Primate Oumrant Tsulkide leads a fortress full of trained killers with the blessing (and financial support) of the Red Wizards, was one of the few remaining temples in the Realms solely dedicated to Bhaal until the Year of the Tankard (1370 DR), when it finally formally switched to the worship of Cyric. (Before then, Cyric supplied the priests' spells in Bhaal's name.) The Red Wizards often employ those trained in the Tower on missions for the great glory of Thay (and, oh yes, of Bhaal—er, Cyric).

從屬組織Affiliated Orders:

  巴爾的神職成員贊助了整個諸國度的無數刺客和盜賊兄弟會。其中最為突出的便是 安姆Amn影賊Shadow Thieves方鉛山脈the Galena Mountains 的 刺客堡the Citadel of Assassins(雖然巴爾已經不在,但兩者依然存在)。雖然諸國度真正的刺客都全被毀滅了,巴爾也被謀殺,但以他的名義建立的行會延續了他的遺志,將謀殺與死亡作為業餘愛好(如果不是天職的話)。這些組織由做著刺客工作的邪惡戰士、法師、祭司和遊蕩者組成,仍然在向謀殺之主以及他的繼任者——希瑞克——致敬。巴爾的所有專屬祭司都屬於一支名為 激戰兄弟會the Brethren of the Keen Strike 的社團。
Bhaal's clergy members sponsored countless brotherhoods of assassins and thieves throughout the Realms. Prominent among them were the Shadow Thieves of Amn and the Citadel of Assassins in the Galena Mountains (both of which still exist, though Bhaal does not). Although the true assassins of the Realms have all been destroyed and Bhaal murdered, guilds established in his name continue his legacy of murder and death as an avocation if not a vocation. These orders still pay ritual homage to the Lord of Murder as well as his successor, Cyric, and are comprised of evil fighters, wizards, priests, and rogues who work as assassins. All specialty priests of Bhaal belonged to a society known as the Brethren of the Keen Strike.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:

Regardless of rank or gender, all Bhaalyn wore full ceremonial robes and cowls of deep purple or of black with violet streaks of random size, shape, and placement. The interior linings of the cowl and garments were always deep black, and a black veil was worn over the face to make the cowl seem empty to an observer. High-ranking priests sometimes added a scarlet sash to this costume for easy recognition when ill-lit rituals were taking place. Curve-bladed ceremonial daggers (treat them as normal daggers except for their shape) were worn at the belt, but only High Primates, Primates, or members of the Brethren of the Keen Strike employed them in combat or slayings; all other Bhaalists used them only in rituals.

冒險裝束Adventuring Garb:


When adventures were undertaken or guard duty performed, Bhaalyn wore full armor of the best type they could obtain or were allowed to wear. Black capes and black leggings usually accompanied the serviceable armor.
Bhaal priest

專屬祭司Specialty Priests(死亡潛行者Deathstalkers

  職業需求REQUIREMENTS:體質Constitution 12,感知Wisdom 14
  關鍵屬性PRIME REQ.:體質Constitution,感知Wisdom
  武器WEAPONS:所有鈍擊武器和穿刺武器(類型B, P, P/B)All bludgeoning and piercing (Type B, Type P, and Type P/B) weapons
  防具ARMOR:鏈甲及以下所有防具;無盾牌All armor types up to and including chain mail; no shields
  主修領域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,星界astral,魅惑charm,戰鬥combat,元素elemental,治療healing,秩序law,死靈necromantic,召喚summoning
  次要領域MINOR SPHERES:預言Divination,創造creation,守衛guardian,時間time
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧師Same as clerics
  熟練需求REQ. PROFS:狩獵Hunting,禮儀ceremonial
  熟練獎勵BONUS PROFS:追蹤Tracking

  ❖ There is a 1/2% chance per level (round up) that any physical blow inflicted with a ceremonial dagger by a deathstalker on a man-sized or smaller creature is devastatingly potent in aim and effect (fatal or nearly fatal). The victim is immediately reduced to 0 hit points (whether or not the optional -10 hp death rule is in use) or the total indicated by the normal damage of the blow including all applicable bonuses and penalties, whichever is lower.

  ❖在第7級,每月1次,死亡潛行者可施展 死亡一指finger of death(如同7級法師法術)。
  ❖ At 7th level, deathstaikers may cast finger of death (as the 7th-level wizard spell) once per month.

  ❖在第10級,死亡潛行者可以使用 位面遷躍plane skipping。位面遷躍涉及到讓死亡潛行者前往 焦炎地獄Gehenna 的巴爾區域,在那個位面移動,然後返回他所期望的 主物質位面Prime Material Plane 位置。通常來說,在焦炎地獄每移動10呎,等效於在主物質位面移動1哩。方向在焦炎地獄並不重要,以為是由巴爾的意志和旅者的意圖決定他將在哪裡出來。位面遷躍需要花費1回合來進入焦炎地獄,然後花費1回合從焦炎地獄返回,外加中間在焦炎地獄的旅行時間。這種旅行形式在正常情況下100%可靠,但它不能穿透魔法盾牌、被善良力量聖化的區域、反魔法區域、以及不能從外層位面到達的區域。位面遷躍中的死亡潛行者在焦炎地獄並未得到保護,以為巴爾認為那些有能力來到他家園的人應當有能力保護好自己。在到達10級後,每2個經驗值等級死亡潛行者還能多帶一個人。
  ❖ At 10th level, deathstaikers may engage in plane skipping. Plane skipping involves the deathstalker traveling to Bhaal's area of Gehenna, moving through that plane, and then traveling back into the Prime Material Plane at his or her destination. In general, each 10 feet moved through Gehenna equals one mile of distance on the Prime Material Plane. Direction does not matter in Gehenna, since the will of Bhaal and the intention of the traveler determine where she or he comes out. The plane skip takes a turn to prepare for the movement into Gehenna and another turn to return plus travel time while in Gehenna. This form of travel is 100% reliable under normal circumstances, but it cannot pierce magical shields, areas sanctified to the forces of good, anti-magical areas, or areas that cannot be reached from the Outer Planes. Plane-skipping deathstaikers are not protected while in Gehenna, since Bhaal considers those capable of traveling to his homeland capable of protecting themselves. Deathstaikers may take another person with them for every two levels of experience over 10th they possess.

  ❖在第11級,死亡潛行者可以召喚一隻 氣靈侍者aerial servant(如同6級祭司法術 氣靈侍者aerial servant)。這位僕從將為潛行者而戰(這與那道法術的限制相反),並且可以充當魔法刺客。死亡潛行者每月(30天)只能召喚一隻氣靈侍者,並且同時只能控制一隻。
  ❖ At 11th level, deathstaikers may summon an aerial servant (as per the 6th-level priest spell aerial servant). This servant will fight for the deathstalker (contrary to normal restrictions on the spell) and can act as a magical assassin. Only one aerial servant may be summoned per month (30 days), and only one may be controlled at a time.

巴爾教徒法術Bhaalist Spells

2nd Level



  持續時間Duration:1 小時/級hour/level
  施法時間Casting Time:1 輪round
  影響區域Area of Effect:一隻目標生物One target being
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:通過即無效Neg.

  巴爾的祭司們因他們周圍瀰漫的死亡氣息而大量使用這道法術。如果目標在對抗法術的豁免中失敗,吸引術Attraction 將使目標對施法者的任何負面情緒替換為相反的正面情緒。憎惡將變為吸引、仇恨將變為愛,等等等等。這道法術也將在法術持續時間內暫時提高施法者對目標的魅力值1d4+2點,使目標對施法者的反應和忠誠度更有可能是積極而有益的。
This spell is much used by priests of Bhaal because of their ambient air of death. Attraction replaces any negative emotions the target has toward the spellcaster with opposite positive emotions if the target being fails a saving throw vs. spell. Repulsion becomes attraction, hatred becomes love, etc. The spell also temporarily raises the caster's Charisma by 1d4+2 points in respect to the target being for the spell's duration, making the target's reactions to and loyalty to the caster much more likely to be positive and helpful.

  這道法術的逆向版本 鄙棄術disdain 將用相反的負面情緒取代目標生物對被點名角色的所有正面情緒(如果施法者真的想被某個人鄙視,可以選擇點名自己)。這道法術也將在法術持續時間內暫時降低被點名生物對目標的魅力值1d4+2點,使目標對施法者的反應和忠誠度更有可能是消極而敵對的。
The reverse of this spell, disdain, replaces all positive feelings the target being has toward a named being (which can be the caster if she or he really wants to be despised by someone) with opposite negative emotions. It also temporarily lowers the named being's Charisma by 1d4+2 points in respect to the target being for the spell's duration, making the target's reactions to and loyalty to the named being much more likely to be negative and hostile.

In either form, the saving throw against this spell has a modifier of +1 through +5 (as adjudicated by the DM) if the emotions to be changed are extremely intense. As such, it is much more useful as a ploy to make a date with a barmaid (who is motivated to please customers anyway) than it is to convert the feelings of one's enemies.

The material component of this spell is the holy symbol of the casting priest.

3rd Level



  施法時間Casting Time:1 輪round
  影響區域Area of Effect:1 立方呎/級cubic foot/level
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:特殊Special

  這道法術能加速任何物品的老化。每過1小時,物品就將衰變1天。同樣,對物品的任何磨損與變形都將增強20倍。經過一段適當的時間,大多數物品都將破損、生鏽或腐蝕、腐爛成粉末、或是變得無用。一道成功的 驅散魔法dispel magic 將停止加速腐朽的過程,並使物品的老化回復到正常速度;然而,已經生效的老化是永久性的。
This spell accelerates the aging of any item. It has noertectoti living matter. For every hour that passes, the object decays a day. Equally, any abrasion or strain to the article is increased twenty-fold. After an appropriate amount of time has passed, most objects break, rust or corrode, decay into powder, or otherwise become useless. A successful dispel magic halts the accelerated decay process and return's an item's aging to normal rates; aging that has already taken effect is permanent, however.

Normal items do not receive a saving throw against this spell's effects. Magical items receive a saving throw against the spell; they must make a successful item saving throw vs. lightning at a -2 penalty or be affected by the spell. Artifacts and relics are unaffected by this spell. To affect an item being carried or worn by someone, the casting priest must make a successful attack roll with his or her hand.

The material component of this spell is the holy symbol of the casting priest.

5th Level



  距離Range:120 碼yards
  施法時間Casting Time:5
  影響區域Area of Effect:一隻目標生物One target being
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:通過即無效Neg.

  作為 造成重傷cause serious wounds 法術的遠程版本,這道法術將對目標生物造成2d8+1點傷害。如果目標生物在對抗法術豁免檢定中成功,所有傷害將無效。
A ranged version of the spell cause serious wounds, this spell does 2d8+1 points of damage to the target creature. If the target being succeeds at a saving throw vs. spell, all damage is negated.

5eFR<Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.p027>巴爾Bhaal



  巴爾Bhaal,謀殺之神god of murder 中立邪惡NE 死亡Death 血滴環繞的顱骨Skull surrounded by ring of bloody droplets
  謀殺之主The Lord of Murder

Symbol of Bhaal

The folk of Faerûn don't normally pray to or acknowledge Bhaal. He is seen as a deeply evil and destructive deity who hungers for death —— meaning the death of any sentient beings through unlawful means.

Some people pray to Bhaal when they want to commit murder. A person might have good reason to resort to murder, such as when one is unable to redress some injustice through lawful means. But it's far more common for prayers to Bhaal to be uttered by those who seek to kill someone out of jealousy, greed, or wrath. It's rare for anyone but assassins or compulsive killers to take Bhaal as a patron, and clerics who revere Bhaal often qualify on both counts.

Murder cults of Bhaal have arisen in the past, each led by a charismatic, self-styled priest of Bhaal, but organized worship of the Lord of Murder is extremely un- common. Temples and shrines are similarly rare. Those who erect a shrine to Bhaal usually do so to thank him for a successful murder. Such shrines typically feature a skull or a severed head surrounded by drops of blood (often both from the murdered victim).
