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巴瑞瓦·影斗篷Baravar Cloakshadow,幻术大师
【音   标】BARE-uh-vahr CLOKE-sha-doh
【头   衔】狡猾者The Sly One,幻术大师Master of Illusion,伪装之主Lord in Disguise,地精族克星Bane of Goblinkin
【阵   营】NG
【神   力】L
【神   职】幻术Illusions,诡计deceptions,陷阱traps,守卫wardings
【神   系】金色丘陵诸领主The Lords of the Golden Hills
【主   神】加尔·闪金Garl Glittergold
【盟   友】阿祖斯Azuth布兰多布李斯Brandobaris克兰贾汀·银须Clangeddin Silverbeard艾瑞汶·伊拉希尔Erevan Ilesere莱拉Leira(消逝Dead),密丝特拉Mystra莎罕妮·月弓Sehanine Moonbow泰摩拉Tymora维古丹Vergadain侏儒神系the gnome pantheon(除了 厄尔德连Urdlen
【敌   对】阿巴索Abbathor希瑞克Cyric克奥耶克Kuraulyek库尔图马克Kurtulmak马斯克Mask厄尔德连Urdlen地精类神系the goblinkin pantheons
【神   国】双生天堂Bytopia/1th 杜西诺Dothion金色丘陵the Golden Hills隐匿小丘the Hidden Knoll
【徽   记】斗篷与匕首Cloak and dagger
【简   介】巴瑞瓦·影斗篷Baravar Cloakshadow 是位 被遗忘族裔the Forgotten Folk 狡猾诡诈、鬼鬼祟祟的保护者。他的防御和保护策略植根于欺诈——幻术、陷阱、埋伏和类似的东西——之中,而他开的玩笑和恶作剧可能会令受害者感到痛苦(若非身体上的痛苦,就是情感上的痛苦)。

2eFR<Demihuman Deities.p141>巴瑞瓦·影斗篷Baravar Cloakshadow

巴瑞瓦·影斗篷Baravar Cloakshadow

  (狡猾者The Sly One,幻术大师Master of Illusion,伪装之主Lord in Disguise,地精族克星Bane of Goblinkin)

  双生天堂弱等神力Lesser Power of Bytopia,

  神域名DOMAIN NAME:杜西诺Dothion/[[金色丘陵the Golden Hills](隐匿小丘the Hidden Knoll
  主神SUPERIOR:加尔·闪金Garl Glittergold
  盟友ALLIES:阿祖斯Azuth布兰多布李斯Brandobaris克兰贾汀·银须Clangeddin Silverbeard艾瑞汶·伊拉希尔Erevan Ilesere莱拉Leira(消逝Dead),密丝特拉Mystra莎罕妮·月弓Sehanine Moonbow泰摩拉Tymora维古丹Vergadain侏儒神系the gnome pantheon(除了 厄尔德连Urdlen
  敌对FOES:阿巴索Abbathor希瑞克Cyric克奥耶克Kuraulyek库尔图马克Kurtulmak马斯克Mask厄尔德连Urdlen地精类神系the goblinkin pantheons
  徽记SYMBOL:斗篷与匕首Cloak and dagger
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN


  巴瑞瓦·影斗篷Baravar Cloakshadow(读作“BARE-uh-vahr CLOKE-sha-doh”)是位 被遗忘族裔the Forgotten Folk 狡猾诡诈、鬼鬼祟祟的保护者。他的防御和保护策略植根于欺诈——幻术、陷阱、埋伏和类似的东西——之中,而他开的玩笑和恶作剧可能会令受害者感到痛苦(若非身体上的痛苦,就是情感上的痛苦)。除了教导侏儒们伪装、潜匿和谍报活动的艺术外,狡猾者the Sly One 还创造了惊人的深奥和狡猾的陷阱和幻术,一项被他传播给了 诸国度the Realms 各地的侏儒的技能。作为幻术师的守护神,巴瑞瓦是最卓越的侏儒魔法神。狡猾者同样监管侏儒魔法艺者的魔法艺术。所有仰赖自己的智慧生存者,尤其是那些必须经常与狗头人、地精和其它类人作战之人崇敬着巴瑞瓦。大部分侏儒法师也崇敬狡猾者,不过他们并不一定会参与到他们的神明与地精族诸神力之间正在进行的战争中。
Baravar Cloakshadow (BARE-uh-vahr CLOKE-sha-doh) is a sly, sneaky protector of the Forgotten Folk. His defenses and protective strategies are rooted in deceit——illusions, traps, ambushes, and the like——and his jests and tricks may cause their victims some pain (emotional if not physical). In addition to teaching the arts of disguise, stealth, and spying to the gnomes, the Sly One creates traps and illusions of incredible depth and cunning, a skill he has passed on to gnomes throughout the Realms. As the patron of illusions, Baravar is the preeminent gnome god of magic. The Sly One oversees the magical arts of gnome magical craftsfolk as well. All those who survive by their wits venerate Baravar, particularly those who must often combat kobolds, goblins, and other humanoids. Most gnome wizards venerate the Sly One as well, though they do not necessarily participate in their god's ongoing war with the goblinkin powers.

  巴瑞瓦是侏儒神系其祂神明亲密的盟友,而且尽管巴瑞瓦的性格有些心胸狭窄,但至少在“强调巧计超过力量”这方面他追随着加尔的领导。巴瑞瓦与 沙苟贞·大地唤者Segojan Earthcaller(因为 地洞之主the Lord of the Burrow 的神职一度包括幻术)以及 卡勒杜兰·滑手Callarduran Smoothhands(因为许多地侏都精通魔法欺诈的艺术)协作紧密。虽然巴瑞瓦与 盖尔达尔·铁手Gaerdal Ironhand 怀着类似的忧虑,但巴瑞瓦的诡诈与 金色丘陵之盾the Shield of the Golden Hills 不大合得来,并且盖尔达尔有时会选择挫败狡猾者的计划。巴瑞瓦对许多地精类种族的神祇(尤其是地精和狗头人神系的诸神力)都怀着真切的憎恶,而且不像其祂侏儒神明,他会一点也不收敛地表达自己的观点。巴瑞瓦与 莱拉Leira 曾是亲密的盟友,而莱拉在 希瑞克Cyric 手上的明显死亡已为希瑞克赢得了巴瑞瓦的永恒复仇。
Baravar is closely allied with the other gods of the gnome pantheon, and despite Baravar's somewhat mean-spirited nature, the Sly One follows Garl's lead in emphasizing trickery over strength. Baravar works closely with Segojan Earthcaller, as the Lord of the Burrow once included illusions in his portfolio, and Callarduran Smoothhands, for many deep gnomes are well versed in the art of magical deception. While the Baravar and Gaerdal Ironhand share similar concerns, Baravar's deceits do not sit well with the Shield of the Golden Hills and Gaerdal sometimes chooses to foil the Sly One's plans. Baravar has a genuine dislike for deities of many goblinkin races, particularly the powers of the goblin and kobold pantheons, and unlike the other gnome gods, he is none too restrained about expressing his view. Baravar and Leira were once closely allied, and the apparent death of the Leira at the hands of Cyric has earned him Baravar's eternal vengeance.

{{sp|sp = Baravar is a crafty, vengeful power who specializes in deceptions. He is unforgiving of any who threaten his charges, and he feels no compunctions about acting against those who have earned his enmity. Although he shares Carl's love of a good practical joke, Baravar's jests and tricks may cause no small discomfort to the victims. He is also a thief and enjoys using illusions to confuse creatures before robbing them. Baravar most often steals out of sheer boredom. The Sly One dispatches avatars to defend gnomes oppressed by humanoids; he often sends one to harass goblinkin from a distance even before they threaten gnomes:"Do unto them before they have a chance to do unto you" is a philosophy he often acts upon.


巴瑞瓦的化身Baravar's Avatar

  (幻术师Illusionist 30,盗贼Thief 29,牧师Cleric 18)

Baravar appears as a dark-haired, beady-eyed, very alert and vigilant young gnome. He is always dressed in dark clothes. He favors spells from the spheres of all, astral, charm, creation, divination, guardian, healing, protection, sun, thought, travelers, and wards and from the school of illusion/phantasm, although he can cast spells from any sphere and any school except necromancy, invocation/evocation, or abjuration.

  防御等级 -2(以 影斗篷Shadowcloak 则-4);移动 12;生命值 145;零级命中值 6;#攻击 1次
  伤害 1d4+5(+4匕首,+1力量)
  魔抗 70%;体型 中型M(4呎高)
  力量 17,敏捷 21,体质 17,智力 23,感知 18,魅力 16
  法术 祭司P:10/10/9/9/6/4/2,法师W:8/8/8/8/8/8/8/7/7 *
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 4;权杖、法杖与魔杖 1**;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 1**
  AC -2 (-4 with Shadowcloak); MV 12; HP 145; THAC0 6; #AT 1
  Dmg 1d4+5 (dagger +4, +1 Str)
  MR 70%; SZ M (4 feet tall)
  STR 17, DEX 21, CON 17, INT 23, Wis 18, CHA 16
  Spells P:10/10/9/9/6/4/2, W:8/8/8/8/8/8/8/7/7 *
  Saves PPDM 4, RSW 1**, PP 5, BW 7, Sp 1**
    *Numbers assume one extra illusion/phantasm spell per spell level.
    **Includes gnome +4 CON save bonus to a minimum of 1.

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  巴瑞瓦挥舞着 噩梦之匕Nightmare,那是一柄滴着麻痹毒液的 +4 匕首。被这柄匕首击中的目标必须成功通过对抗麻痹豁免检定,否则将如同被 怪物定身术hold monster 法术般定住,持续1d4回合。在被麻痹时,受害者将遭受来自 噩梦术nightmare(5级法师法术 托梦术dream)的效果,并且前一晚睡眠的增益效果将被撤销。除了 噩梦术 造成的伤害外,从前一夜的睡眠中恢复的任何伤害值也将失去,并且,在摆脱 噩梦术 后,受害者将感觉如同错过了一整晚的睡眠。虽然已经记住的法术不会失去,但在受害者进行了整完的睡眠前,将不会得到更替的法术。
Baravar wields Nightmare, a dagger +4 that drips a paralyzing venom. Targets struck by this dagger must make a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation to avoid being immobilized, as by a hold monster spell, for 1d4 turns. While paralyzed, a victim suffers from the effects of a nightmare (the reverse of the 5th-level wizard spell dream) and the beneficial effects of the previous night's sleep are canceled. Any points of damage healed through resting from the previousnight's sleep are lost in addition to the damage caused by the nightmare, and, upon emerging from the nightmare, the victim feels as if she or he had missed an entire night's sleep. Although memorized spells are not lost, replacement spells cannot be gained until the victim has a full night's sleep.

In addition to casting two spells a round if he makes no physical attacks, he has the ability to cast any illusion/phantasm spell. He can use this ability to continue to cast an illusion/phantasm spell once a round even after he runs of his normal number of spells (given above).

  狡猾者披着 影斗篷,那是一件独特魔法物品,有着 移位斗篷cloak of displacement 和融入 环境法袍robe of blending 的全部增益。随意使用,他能变得 隐形invisible 或使用 次元门dimension door魔绳术rope trick。随意使用,他也能在其当前位置的60呎半径内,创造作为影子复制品的1d4+1副 镜影mirror images。他只能被+1或更好的魔法武器击中。他免疫任何他不希望受其影响的幻术/幻象法术,包括那些神力等同或低于他的神祇所创造的。
The Sly One wears the Shadowcloak, a unique magical item with all the benefits of a cloak of displacement and a robe of blending. He can become invisible or use dimension door or rope trick at will. He can also create at will 1d4+2 mirror images as shadowy duplicates within a 60-foot radius of his current position. He can be struck only by +1 or better magical weapons. He is immune to the effects of any illusion/phantasm spell that he does not wish to be affected by, including those created by deities of equal to or lesser power than himself.



其祂显现Other Manifestations

Baravar commonly manifests through the form of widely varying illusions. Such manifestations often serve to hide a favored worshiper from enemies or mislead those who seek to do harm to a particular follower. Sometimes the Sly One communicates to his faithful via illusions, depicting scenes of what may come to pass or speaking through sounds that seem to emanate from stone statues, babbling creeks, giant boulders, or ancient trees.

  巴瑞瓦被各种生物侍奉着,包括:闪现犬、棕精、变形猫change cat、变形怪、ethyk、妖精龙、小矮妖、皮克精、仙灵、或是袋狼。他通过发现以下事物来彰显他的眷顾:砂金石aventurin、翡翠jade、上品方柱石scapras、星彩透辉石star diopside、白铅石zarbrina。狡猾者通过令幻术发出窃笑声并褪色,从而打破它们的效果,来展现他的不悦。
Baravar is served by a variety of creatures, including blink dogs, brownies, change cats, dopplegangers, ethyks, faerie dragons, leprechauns, pixies, sprites, and thylacines. He demonstrates his favor through the discovery of aventurine, jade, scapras, star diopside, and zarbrina. The Sly One indicates his displeasure by causing illusions to nicker and fade, destroying their effectiveness.

教会The Church

  神职人员CLERGY:牧师Clerics,专属祭司specialty priests,幻术师illusionists
  神职阵营CLERGY'S ALIGN.:中立善良NG,混乱善良CG, N
  驱散不死TURN UNDEAD:牧师C:可Yes;专属祭司SP:不可No;幻术师Ill:No
  呵斥不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧师C:不可No;专属祭司SP:不可No;幻术师Ill:No

  巴瑞瓦的所有牧师(包括战士/牧师、牧师/幻术师、牧师/盗贼)和专属祭司得到 宗教知识religion(侏儒gnome) 和 阅读/书写reading/writing(幻术密语Ruathlek) 作为非武器熟练奖励。
All clerics (including fighter/clerics, cleric/illusionists, and cleric/thieves) and specialty priests of Baravar receive religion (gnome) and reading/writing (Ruathiek) as bonus nonweapon proficiencies.

  巴瑞瓦的教会由于在同一隧道或洞窟中的地精、狗头人和侏儒之间进行中的战斗里,为被遗忘族裔的利益付出的努力(即便更有教养的侏儒发现这些祭职者的方法有些粗野),而被高度地崇敬。巴瑞瓦的信徒因在操纵 魔网the Weave 和编织惊人般写实的幻术的技艺,而被理所当然地钦佩。但他们对欺诈的嗜好,已为他们赢得了大部分侏儒(甚至包括那些试图模仿 加尔·闪金Garl Glittergold 诡技的侏儒)的不信任。巴瑞瓦的信徒在人类和其他亚人周围保持着低调,而他们经常只是被看作侏儒幻术师的一种祭司变体。尤值得一提的是矮人,他们对狡猾者的祭职者表现出了一定程度的厌恶,因为巴瑞瓦的信徒表现出了粗壮族裔对侏儒厌恶之处的所有方面。
The church of Baravar is highly regarded for its efforts on behalf of the Forgotten Folk in the ongoing battles between goblins, kobolds, and gnomes over he same tunnels and caves, even if the more cultured gnomes find the priesthood's methods somewhat brutish. Baravar's faithful are deservedly admired for their skill in manipulating the Weave and crafting illusions of incredible realism. But their penchant for deception has earned them a measure of distrust among most gnomes, even those who seek to emulate the trickery of Garl Glittergold. Baravar's faithful maintain a low profile around humans and other demihuman races, and they are often viewed as little more than a priestly variant of the gnome illusionists. Dwarves in particular exhibit a degree of distaste for the priesthood of the Sly One, for Baravar's faithful embody nearly everything the Stout Folk dislike about gnomes.

Temples of Baravar always appear to be anything but a house of worship. Cloaked in the guise of another business, the Sly One's priests assemble in secret chapels behind hidden doors guarded by an elaborate array of tricks, traps, and illusions. The interiors of Baravar's churches are cloaked in a mosaic of shifting illusions and omnipresent shadows that befuddle and mislead intruders.

  巴瑞瓦的初修士名为 披斗篷者the Cloaked。狡猾者的正式祭司名为 虚幻者the Illusory。巴瑞瓦教派Baravarian 的祭司使用各色各样的头衔,似乎会根据情况为迎合他们的目的而加以变更。是否实际存在真正的头衔等级并不清楚。专属祭司名为 蒙骗者hoodwinkers。巴瑞瓦的神职人员包括岩侏(60%)、地侏(30%)和林侏(10%)。男性在祭职者中占了微弱多数(60%)。巴瑞瓦的神职人员包括专属祭司(40%)、牧师/幻术师(30%)、幻术师(10%)、牧师/盗贼(10%)、战士/牧师(5%)以及牧师(3%)。
Novices of Baravar are known as the Cloaked. Full priests of the Sly One are known as the Illusory. Baravarian priests employ a wide variety of titles, seemingly changing them to suits their purposes in any given situation. It is not clear that any true hierarchy of titles actually exists. Specialty priests are known as hoodwinkers. The clergy of Baravar includes rock gnomes (60%), deep gnomes (30%), and forest gnomes (10%). Males comprise a slight majority of his priesthood (60%). Baravar's clergy includes Specialty Priests(40%), cleric/illusionists (30%), illusionists (12%), cleric/thieves (10%), fighter/clerics (5%), and clerics (3%).


The world is a dangerous place, and the only sure defense is to cloak oneself in shadows under a web of deception. Strive to master theart of illusion and the game of deceit for therein lies security. Protect yourself and other gnomes. Do not completely trust anyone who has not proven himself or herself. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst in life and in others' behavior. If folk do you or yours ill, do not fear showing them the error of their ways through making them the butts of a few pointed jokes. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and in time of battle or war, use the craft of illusion and camoflage to make sure that the right side wins——yours. Do not flout laws openly, but do what is best for those in your care whether or not that course of action is the one approved of by those in authority. Finally, devote yourself to your art and those you love with equal fervor, for one must have a reason to live beyond mere survival.

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:

Baravar's priesthood is deeply involved in refining the art of illusions. A sizable number of the clergy are adventurers, charged with finding new spells and magical items that allow the creation and control of effects from the school of illusion/phantasm. Other priests work as researchers, ever-refining their magical craft. Priests of Baravar are generally sneaky, smart gnomes, and they serve their communities as spies and investigative agents and by teaching skill such as disguise, camouflage, hiding, and the like.

圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

  巴瑞瓦的神职人员在每月1次名为 斗篷祭the Cloaking 的仪式上崇敬狡猾者。虽然这样的仪式总是在新月夜举行,但每次典礼的具体地点和性质都不同。斗篷祭经常在公共场所举行,而与会者认为若这样的集会从未被外人觉察到将是有脸面的事。这种做法在被遗忘族裔中引起了一个流传广泛的笑话:任何两位或更多侏儒未得到解释的聚会必须是“另一场虚幻者的聚会。”巴瑞瓦的祭司们通过创造所见或所闻或以其它方式感知到的物品的幻象,来供奉他们的神明。这样的骗局越是真实,就越能取悦这位神灵。
The clergy of Baravar venerates the Sly One in a monthly ritual known as the Cloaking. Although such rituals are always observed on the night of the new moon, the exact location and nature of the ceremony varies every time. The Cloaking is often held in public places, and it is considered a point of honor by the participants that such assemblies are never detected as such by outsiders. This practice has led to a common joke among the Forgotten Folk that any unexplained gathering of two or more gnomes must be "another meeting of the Illusory." Baravar's priests make offerings to their god by creating illusions of items they have seen or heard or otherwise sensed. The greater the realism of such deceptions, the more the god is pleased.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  墓之丘The Hill of Tombs,是 因布图Impiltur 西方的 固土山脉the Earthfast Mountains 南部区域一座著名的小山,长期以来,它充当着因布图君主和战争统帅们的墓地。若传说可信,这项古老的传统由失落已久的王国开始,远在 罗勒芭城的战争统帅War-Captain of Lyrabar 因菲拉斯一世Imphras I 建立王国之前。这片年轻土地上的人类居民所不知道的是,有一座巴瑞瓦的秘密神殿就坐落在这座小丘的心脏。七秘之藏The Vault of Seven Mysteries 居住着一支由祭司和幻术师组成的小社区,他们聚集在亡者的坟墓之下,在完全保密的情况下发展着自己的技艺。他们存在的唯一线索是小丘附近有数量异常多的有鬼影作祟的报告,而与之相对却缺乏不死生物的目击事件。因布图民间将有无数灵魂在守卫着墓之丘的报告,归因于那些虔诚领主们的尽职服务,认为他们的灵魂为在危难的时刻维护因布图大众的安全而在死后萦绕徘徊。事实上,这片墓地挤满了泛滥成灾的侏儒恶作剧者——尽管如此,他们还是起到了大致一样的功能。
The Hill of Tombs, a prominent knoll at the southern extent of the Earthfast Mountains of western Impiltur, has long served as the burial ground of Impiltur's monarchs and war-captains. If the tales are to believed, this is an ancient tradition begun by the long-lost realms that preceded the kingdom founded by Imphras I, War-Captain of Lyrabar. Unbeknownst to the human inhabitants of this young land, a secret temple of Baravar is located in the hill's heart. The Vault of Seven Mysteries houses a small community of priests and illusionists who gather beneath the tombs of the dead to develop their craft in utter secrecy. The only clue to their presence is the inordinate number of reported hauntings in the vicinity of the hill, coupled with a comparable lack of sightings of the undead. The folk of Impiltur ascribe the reports of numerous spirits guarding the Hill of Tombs to the dutiful service of pious lords whose souls linger after death to safeguard the populace of Impiltur in times of danger. In truth, the gravesite is overrun with gnome pranksters who nevertheless serve much the same function.

  迷斯·戴拉利斯Myth Dyraalis米尔森林the Forest of Mir 中一座被迷锁笼罩的、精灵与侏儒的小镇,曾充当着被遗忘族裔的一处避难所,而被遗忘族裔自紧握 薄暮之年Year of Clutching Dusk(-375 DR)开始就一直住在那里。莎罕妮·月弓Sehanine Moonbow 和巴瑞瓦的精灵和侏儒神职人员宣称这两位亚人幻术神力在维持这座“滑稽的幻象之城Phantom City of Drollus(它的误称)”的秘密状态,使其远离世界的其余部分。许多 月光奥秘the Moonlit Mystery 和狡猾者的信徒出没于迷斯·戴拉利斯的边界之内。他们在 奥秘双尖塔the Twin Spires of Mystery,一座由巴瑞瓦和莎罕妮神职人员共同管理的神殿,一起崇拜两位神力。
Myth Dyraalis, a mythal-cloaked town of elves and gnomes in the Forest of Mir, has served as a safe haven for the Fair Folk and Forgotten Folk who have dwelt therein since the settlement's inception in the Year of Clutching Dusk(-375 DR). The elven and gnome clergies of Sehanine Moonbow and Baravar claim that the two demihuman powers of illusion keep the "Phantom City of Drollus," as it is mistakenly called, a secret, locked away from the rest of the world. Many worshipers of the Moonlit Mystery and the Sly One may be found within the borders of Myth Dyraalis. They gather to worship both powers at the Twin Spires of Mystery, a temple jointly administered by the clergies of Baravar and Sehanine.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:

  阴影斗篷骑士团The Knights of the Shadowy Cloak 是支在大部分巴瑞瓦被崇敬的侏儒社区中都有单元的神秘的组织。这个组织的成员包括专属祭司、幻术师、牧师/幻术师、战士/幻术师、以及幻术师/盗贼。骑士们独自一人或以小团体行动。他们的指导方针认为地精、狗头人和其他类人种族是对被遗忘族裔的安全永恒存在的威胁,而且通常来说那些种族的成员是无法被救赎的。因此,这个组织致力于驱逐或消灭有朝一日可能将威胁到邻近侏儒社区的类人部落。他们会选择不去引起注意、或将煽动起对他们试图保护的人的报复性攻击的方法。该组织的成员是多种族冒险队的成员,因为这被认为能更有效地指使非侏儒军事人才对抗被遗忘族裔之敌。
The Knights of the Shadowy Cloak is a mysterious organization with cells in most gnome communities where Baravar is venerated. Members of this order include specialty priests, illusionists, cleric/illusionists, fighter/illusionists, and illusionist/thieves. The Knights work alone and in small groups. Their guiding principles hold that goblins, kobolds, and other humanoid races are an ever-present threat to the safety of the Forgotten Folk, and that, as a rule, members of these races cannot be redeemed. As such, the order is dedicated to driving away or exterminating humanoid tribes that might someday threaten neighboring communities of gnomes. Their methods are chosen not to draw attention or incite retaliatory attacks against those they are trying to defend. Many members of this order are members of multiracial bands of adventurers, for it is considered more effective to direct the militant talents of nongnomes against the enemies of the Forgotten Folk.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:

The ceremonial garb of priests of Baravar consists of a hooded black cloak, a gray cloth mask, and an ornate silver dagger with a wavy blade. The holy symbol of the faith is a tarnished miniature of the silver dagger.

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:

Baravar's priests favor the garb of rogues, including leather armor, light weapons, and a concealing dark gray or black cloak.


专属祭司Specialty Priests(蒙骗者Hoodwinkers

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:敏捷Dexterity 15,智力Intelligence 15,感知Wisdom 9
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:敏捷Dexterity,感知Wisdom
  武器WEAPONS:木棒Club,匕首dagger,飞镖dart,手弩hand crossbow,小刀knife,套索lasso,短弓short bow,短剑short sword,投索sling,木棍staff,投物棒staff-sling
  防具ARMOR:皮甲Leather armor,镶嵌皮甲studded leather armor,或精灵链甲or elven chain mail
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,混乱chaos,魅惑charm,创造creation,守卫guardian,治疗healing,保护protection,思想thought,结界wards
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:战斗Combat,预言divination,太阳sun,旅者travelers
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师和盗贼As clerics or thieves
  熟练需求REQ. PROPS:匕首Dagger
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:易容Disguise,设置陷阱set snares

  ❖ Hoodwinkers must be gnomes. While most hoodwinkers are rock gnomes, gnomes of every subrace except spriggans are called to be specialty priests of Baravar's clergy.

  ❖ Hoodwinkers are not allowed to multiclass.

  ❖ Hoodwinkers may select nonweapon proficiencies from the rogue group without penalty.

  ❖蒙骗者可以如同“附录 1:亚人祭司Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests”的受限的法师施法Limited Wizard Spellcasting一节中的详述般,施展来自幻术/幻象学派的法师法术。
  {{sp|sp = ❖ Hoodwinkers may cast wizard spells from the illusion/phantasm school as defined in the Limited Wizard Spellcasting section of "Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests."

  ❖蒙骗者可以如同等级游荡者般 在阴影中躲藏hide in shadows,外加所有适用的种族、敏捷、防具调整和盗贼技能调整。
  ❖ Hoodwinkers may hide in shadows as a ranger of the same level, with any appropriate racial, Dexterity, and armor modifiers and thieving skill modifiers.

  ❖每日1次,蒙骗者能施展 虚幻之音audible glamer虚幻之力phantasmal force(如同1级法师法术)。
  ❖ Hoodwinkers can cast audible glamer or phantasmal force (as the 1st- level wizard spells) once per day.

  ❖在第3级,每日1次,蒙骗者能施展 镜影术mirror image魔绳术rope trick(如同2级法师法术)。
  ❖ At 3rd level, hoodwinkers can cast mirror image or rope trick (as the 2nd-level wizard spells) once per day.

  ❖ At 3rd level, hoodwinkers receive a +2 bonus to saving throws vs. illusion/phantasm spells.

  ❖在第5级,每日1次,蒙骗者能施展 进阶虚幻之力improved phantasmal force隐形术invisibility(如同2级法师法术)。
  ❖ At 5th level, hoodwinkers can cast improved phantasmal force or invisibility (as the 2nd-level wizard spells) once per day.

  ❖在第5级,每日1次,蒙骗者能施展 次元门dimension door(如同4级法师法术)或 暗示术suggestion(如同3级法师法术)
  ❖ At 7th level, hoodwinkers can cast dimension door (as the 4th-level wizard spell) or suggestion (as the 3rd-level wizard spell) once per day.

  ❖在第10级,每日1次,蒙骗者能施展 魅影杀手phantasmal killer(如同4级法师法术)或 幽光之力spectral force(如同3级法师法术)
  ❖ At 10th level, hoodwinkers can cast phantasmal killer (as the 4th-level wizard spell) or spectral force (as the 3rd-level wizard spell) once per day.

  ❖在第13级,每日1次,蒙骗者能施展 假象术mislead(如同6级法师法术)
  ❖ At 13th level, hoodwinkers can cast mislead (as the 6th-level wizard spell) once per day.

  ❖在第15级,每旬2次,蒙骗者能施展 虹光喷射prismatic spray(如同6级法师法术)
  ❖ At 15th level, hoodwinkers can cast prismatic spray (as the 7th-level wizard spell) twice per tenday.

巴瑞瓦教派法术Baravarian Spells

1st Level


  (祭司Pr 1;幻术/幻象Illusion/Phantasm)

  持续时间Duration:3 轮 + 2 轮/级3 rounds+2 rounds/level
  施法时间Casting Time:4
  影响区域Area of Effect:施法者The caster
  豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊Special

  这道法术将在那些与施法者互动者的脑海中创造错误的印象。当施展 误认术 时,这位祭司不会有任何方面的改变,他也不会被任何可见的幻术笼罩。相反,任何与受术者进行互动的智慧生物必须为了解其真面目而成功通过对抗法术豁免检定。若豁免检定失败,该生物将施法者误认为其他人,而这个误认对象的确切身份绝不可能是将为施法者本人招惹麻烦或制造困难的身份。当被多个生物同时看见时,这道法术的魔法可能会在每只生物脑海中创造不同的印象,或是使法术的受术者对整个群体呈现相同的效果,具体依然取决于怎么样最不可能对遭遇者造成麻烦。这些目击者有权因其较高或较低的感知属性而得到魔法防御调整值。智力为半智慧或更低(智力4或更低)或超级天才或更好(智力19或更高)的生物,以及感知属性为18或更好的生物不受这道法术的影响。那些主要依靠气味来辨别敌友的生物也不会被这道法术迷惑。
d   这道法术不能保证施法者不会被觉察或被扣留,它只是提高了施法者不被如此的概率。在被这道法术施展前明白地看见了施法者的目击者,不会被这道法术愚弄。而这种效果也不是永久性的,如果在法术到期后,被法术法术影响之人的注意力被拉回了遭遇者,这位目击者将会发现自己被骗了,不过他普通的智力和感知决定了他能够理解真正所见是什么的程度。智力和感知属性更高的人,将比那些属性更低的人记住更多的真相;那些低属性(7或更低)的人可能只是觉得有些古怪。
This spell does not ensure the caster is not detected or detained, it simply enhances the probability that she or he is not. Viewers who plainly see the caster before or while she or he casts mistake are not fooled by the spell. This effect is not permanent, and if the attention of someone influenced by this spell is drawn back to the encounter after the spell expires, she or he will recognize that she or he has been duped, though his or her general Intelligence and Wisdom determines to what degree she or he is able to figure out what they really saw. Viewers with high Intelligence and Wisdom scores will remember more of the truth than those with lower scores; those with low scores (7 or less) may simply think that there was something odd.

For example:A priest casts this spell upon himself in order to rescue some prisoners. When she or he passes a bugbear guard, it might perceive the priest to be a goblin child who passes this post each day to get water from a nearby stream. If the priest continues past goblin warriors, they might perceive him or her as a subchief who does not like to be disturbed. When the priest reaches the prisoners, they would perceive him or her as a cloaked ally trying to free them while not raising an alarm.

Material components for this spell are the priest's holy symbol and a small piece of thin, translucent material.

2nd Level


  (祭司Pr 2;附魔/魅惑Enchantment/Charm)

  距离Range:30 码yards
  持续时间Duration:1 轮 + 1 轮/级1 round+1 round/level
  施法时间Casting Time:5
  影响区域Area of Effect:1 只生物One creature
  豁免检定Saving Throw:通过则无效Neg.

When this spell is cast, the priest's words become very persuasive to the target of this spell who becomes gullible if she or he fails asaving throw vs. spell. If the saving throw succeeds, this spell dissipates without effect. Targets apply their magical defense modifier (a function of their Wisdom score) to this saving throw. A target failing his or her saving throw is temporarily convinced of any one plausible excuse or fact that other information does not blatantly counter.

  举例来说:若这位祭司尝试 欺骗 某处私人俱乐部外的一位守卫,而假设这位祭司又穿着得体,他可能会说服守卫自己是俱乐部的成员,但忘了密码。然而,若是守卫已经看见了那位成员刚刚进入了俱乐部,那么这位祭司就没有机会说服守卫自己是俱乐部的那位成员,而如果只有人类才被允许加入这个俱乐部,而祭司显然是位侏儒,那么施法者也不会碰上什么好运。
For example:If a priest attempts to gull a guard outside a private club, assuming that the priest is dressed appropriately, she or he might be able to convince the guard that she or he is a member of the club but has forgotten the password. However, the priest would have no luck convincing the guard that she or he is a particular member of the club if the guard has already seen that member enter just moments before, nor would the caster have any luck convincing the guard if only humans are permitted to join the club and the priest is obviously a gnome.

The material components are the priest's holy symbol and a pinch of sugar.

5th Level

巴瑞瓦的披风Mantle of Baravar

  (祭司Pr 5;防护Abjuration)

  持续时间Duration:1 小时/级hour/level
  施法时间Casting Time:8
  影响区域Area of Effect:1只或更多生物One or more creatures
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

  这道法术授予了一种针对幻术/幻象法术的特殊魔抗。这种魔抗的功能类似于标准的魔抗,但只针对幻术/幻象法术。那些被保护者除了正常允许的豁免检定外,还将得到每施法者等级2%的魔抗。祭司能在几只生物身上平分持续时间,最小值为每只1.5小时。因此,10级祭司能保护1只生物10小时,2只生物5小时,3只生物3小时20分钟,以此类推。成功的 驱散魔法dispel magic 法术能提前终结此效果。
This spell confers a special magic resistance against illusion/phantasm spells. This magic resistance functions in a similar manner as standard magic resistance, but only against illusion/phantasm spells. Those protected receive 2% magic resistance per caster level, in addition to saving throws normally allowed. The priest can divide the duration evenly among several creatures, to a minimum duration of one-half hour each. Thus, a 10th-level priest can protect one creature for 10 hours, two creatures for 5 hours, three creatures for 3 hours and 20 minutes, and so on. A successful dispel magic spell ends the effect prematurely.

The material component for this spell is the caster's holy symbol.
