希瑞克Cyric,谎言王子 | |
基本信息 | |
【音 标】 | SEER-ick |
【别名/面相】 | ¢泛费伦:希瑞克Cyric,艾欧Ao(动荡之年后,希瑞克长期冒充艾欧),班恩Bane,巴尔Bhaal,米尔寇Myrkul,希尔寇Cyruk(在前米尔寇教徒中) ¢安奥罗克沙漠(贝戴蛮族):纳'撒尔N'asr |
【头 衔】 | ¢希瑞克:谎言王子Prince of Lies,癫狂王子Prince of Madness,暗日the Dark Sun,黑日the Black Sun,疯狂之神the Mad God,三冠之主Lord of Three Crowns |
【阵 营】 | CE |
【神 力】 | M→G |
【神 职】 | 谋杀Murder,纷争strife,谎言lies,阴谋intrigue,欺诈deception,幻术illusion,死亡death(希瑞经狂灾后失去),亡者the daed(希瑞经狂灾后失去) |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | 泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon |
【主 神】 | 无 |
【盟 友】 | 无 |
【敌 对】 | 密丝特拉Mystra,克兰沃Kelemvor,欧格玛Oghma,阿祖斯Azuth,马斯克Mask,提尔Tyr,托姆Torm,迪尼尔Deneir,莱拉Leira,伊亚契图·希维姆Iyachtu Xvim,以及 许多其祂对象many others |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | 喧癫空隧the Pandemonium/2th 悲叹空隧Cocytus/破碎城堡Shattered Castle |
【徽 记】 | 在深紫色或黑色的旭日上,一颗白色骷髅头(没有下颌) A white skull (sans jawbone) on a dark purple or black sunburst![]() |
【相关 神器】 | 希瑞经Cyrinishad |
【简 介】 | 希瑞克Cyric,暗日王子,被遗忘国度疯癫、蠢愚、脑缺三神中的疯癫之神。 |
2eSP<Realmspace.p073>群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars
群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars
牧师和专属祭司们往往会因恐惧失去施法能力而担心进入 荒宇wildspace。其实对这点无需再有疑问。当然,当牧师或是祭司进入太空时,他们神明的神力的确会发生一些改变,但多数时候,这些改变还没到让角色感到沮丧的地步。
Clerics and specialty priests tend to worry about heading into wildspace because they fear the loss of their spell casting abilities. There no longer need be any doubt. Granted, when a cleric or priest heads in space, some of the powers of their gods do change, but for the most part, the changes are not drastic enough to warrant any frustration from the character.
有些改变是积极的,但偶尔,神力可能会有所削弱、乃至消失——尤其是在祭司们进入 燃素海the phlogiston、与其神明失去一切接触的时候。在进入到晶壁系中时,某一角色是否会与他的神明完全而彻底的分离?接下来的章节将详述:魔法船牧师与专属祭司在荒宇中时,诸神与他们的关系、以及诸神本身。
Often these changes are positive, but occasionally, the powers can wane somewhat, or even disappear, especially when the priest heads out into the phlogiston and loses all touch with his god. Is there ever a complete and total separation between god and character while inside the crystal sphere? This next chapter describes the gods and their relationships with spelljamming clerics and specialty priests while in wildspace.
(暗日The Dark Sun)
哈迪斯强大神力Greater Power of Hades
在晶壁系中时,希瑞克Cyric 祭司的施法能力无任何变化。
Cyric's priests experience no change in spell casting ability while within the crystal sphere.
2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p051>希瑞克Cyric
(谎言王子Prince of Lies,癫狂王子Prince of Madness,暗日the Dark Sun,黑日the Black Sun,疯狂之神the Mad God,三冠之主Lord of Three Crowns)
喧癫空隧强大神力Greater Power of Pandemonium,
别名ALIASES:莱拉Leira,纳'撒尔N'asr(安奥罗克沙漠Anauroch,在 贝戴蛮族the Bedine 中),班恩Bane,巴尔Bhaal,米尔寇Myrkul,希尔寇Cyruk(在 前米尔寇教徒ex-Myrkulytes 中)
神域名DOMAIN NAME:悲叹空隧Cocytus/破碎城堡Shattered Castle
敌对FOES:密丝特拉Mystra,克兰沃Kelemvor,欧格玛Oghma,阿祖斯Azuth,马斯克Mask,提尔Tyr,托姆Torm,迪尼尔Deneir,莱拉Leira,伊亚契图·希维姆Iyachtu Xvim,以及 许多其祂对象many others
徽记SYMBOL:一颗有着放射状光芒的暗紫色/黑色太阳,中央悬浮着无下颚的白色头骨 A white skull (sans jawbone) on a dark purple or black sunburst
信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN,守序邪恶LE,中立邪恶NE,混乱邪恶CE

希瑞克Cyric(读作“SEER-ick”)是在 动荡之年Time of Troubles 事件中诞生的神明。他获得了许多旧邪恶神的追随者及他们的神职,并设法留住它们。他的神力基础庞大,是 费伦大陆Faerûn 三位强大邪恶神力之一。传闻是他一手造就了散提尔堡Zhentil Keep 的毁灭,以及其他蔓延在费伦大陆上的灾厄。为了进一步增强自己的实力,希瑞克制造了 希瑞经Cyrinishad ,这本书被施加的魔法使它能让阅读者屈从于盲目的狂热,令他们坚信希瑞克是世界的主宰,远远高于其他任何存在。希瑞克犯了个严重的错误:他自己也阅读了这本书。这导致他陷入疯狂,相信自己是宇宙的中心、万事都在他的直接干预下发生。
Cyric (SEER-ick) is a god born of the events of the Time of Troubles. He gained the followers and portIfolios of many old evil gods and fights to retain them. His power base is immense, and he is one of the three greater powers of evil in Faerûn. The destruction of Zhentil Keep, along with many of the rest of the woes of Faerûn, may be laid at his feet. In an attempt to further enhance his own power, Cyric created the Cyrinishad, a book that is enchanted to bind the reader slavishly to believing that Cyric is the most important being in the universe, exceeding all others. Cyric made the serious error of reading his own book and is now mad, believing that he himself is the center of the universe and everything that occurs is by his direct intervention.
Cyric's madness has taken a number of forms, including visions and a continual chorus of voices that burble and moan in the back of his mind. These voices may be parts of Cyric's own shattered consciousness or they may be the remains of the gods that Cyric slew or usurped the portfolios of.
Cyric is petty, megalomaniacal, and totally self-centered. He enjoys tricking and misleading both well-meaning and corrupt individuals and then revealing his deceit when they have made some fatal mistake in judgment or taken a personally devastating action that will ruin their lives. His favorite libation is the tears of disillusioned dreamers and broken-hearted lovers, which he drinks from a silver chalice encrusted with tiny rubies in the shape of sundered hearts.
希瑞克憎恨诸神,尤其是 密丝特拉Mystra 和 克兰沃Kelemvor,不过他相信他们不过是任他愚弄、可以被随意击败的玩偶,他们现在仍能得以存在全仰仗于他的一时兴起。由于他创作希瑞经导致的后果,希瑞克抛弃了死亡与亡者神职并归于克兰沃,失去了暴政神职并归于“班恩的神嗣the Godson of Bane” 伊亚契图·希维姆Iyachtu Xvim。
Cyric hates the other gods, especially Mystra and Kelemvor, but believes they are his puppets, easily fooled and defeated, existing only on his whim. Due to the consequences of his creation of the Cyrinishad, Cyric abandoned the portfolio of death and the dead to Kelemvor and lost the portfolio of tyranny to Iyachtu Xvim, the Godson of Bane.
希瑞克把自己位于 喧癫空隧Pandemonium 中的扭曲、不断变化的新家,破碎城堡the Shattered Keep(希瑞克称之为“至高王座城堡Castle of the Supreme Throne”),作为谋划针对 诸国度the Realms 的未来计划的基地。迄今为止,这些计划取得了不同程度的成功,但希瑞克坚信结果正如他本人一早宣称过的那样——因为他是宇宙中最强大的存在。
Cyric uses his new, twisted, ever-changing home in Pandemonium, the Shattered Keep (Cyric refers to it as the "Castle of the Supreme Throne"), as a base for his future plans for the Realms. Such plans have thus far met varying degrees of success, but Cyric believes that the results are as he himself has declared—since he is the most powerful being in the universe.
希瑞克的化身Cyric's Avatar
(盗贼Thief 35,巫师Mage 21,牧师Cleric 20,战士Fighter 8)
希瑞克在费伦大陆上鲜少现身,当他出现时,最常用的形象是一个身材瘦削、拥有炽热的黑眼睛和苍白皮肤的男子,他说话尖酸刻薄、讽刺挖苦,行事两面三刀却意图坚定——除了当他狂笑不止,或陷入显而易见的迷狂、用不同的声音和自己讨论可能的行动方案时。他相信自己是 万物之主Master of All,并且时常会低估对手,仅仅因为他不明白他们为什么不会顷刻间倒在他脚下。一只(目前已经死亡的)眼魔曾对他作出过一句十分贴切的评价:“一个喋喋不休的疯子,尽管如此,他依然怀有危险的报复心且能力非凡。”他可以使用来自任何领域或学派的法术,但他拒绝以化身 死者复活raise dead、转生术reincarnate、或是 复生resurrect 任何人。希瑞克施展的幻术/幻象法术的效果3倍于正常值且有-3的豁免检定惩罚(如果这个法术在通常情况下可以被豁免)。
Cyric is seldom seen on Faerûn but most often has appeared as a slim man with blazing dark eyes and chalk-white skin who speaks caustically and sarcastically, and acts duplicitously but with firm purpose—save when he laughs wildly or discusses possible courses of action with himself in different voices in obvious insanity. He believes himself Master of All and often underestimates opponents because he simply cannot comprehend that they will not instantly fall before him. He was aptly described by one now-dead observer as "a babbling madman who nonetheless remains dangerously vengeful and capable." He uses spells from any sphere or school, but refuses to have his avatar raise dead,reincarnate, or resurrect anyone. Illusion/phantasm spells cast by Cyric are at triple normal effect and a -3 penalty to saving throws (if any saving throw is normally allowed).
防御等级 -6;移动 15;生命值 204;零级命中值 3;#攻击 2次/1轮
伤害 1d8+16(+3长剑,+11力量,+2对长剑专精奖励)
魔抗 70%;体型 大型L(10英尺)
力量 23,敏捷 21,体质 21,智力 17,感知 16,魅力 21
法术 祭司P:11/11/9/8/7/5/2,法师W:5/5/5/5/5/4/4/4/2
豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 3;石化或变形 5;喷吐武器 7;法术 4
AC -6; MV 15; HP 204; THAC0 3;#AT 2/1
Dmg 1d8+16 (long sword +3,+11 STR,+2 spec, bonus in long sword)
MR 70%; SZ L (10 feet)
STR 23, DEX 21, CON 21, INT 17, Wis 16, CHA 21
Spells P:11/11/9/8/7/5/2, W:5/5/5/5/5/4/4/4/2
Saves PPDM 2, RSW 3, PP 5, BW 7, Sp 4
特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:
曾经,希瑞克长时间使用过一柄名为 神灾剑Godsbane 的玫红色智能短剑,但在 [[希瑞经狂灾Cyrinishad debacle]] 事件的高潮,当这柄剑的真正面目——马斯克Mask 的化身——在希瑞克面前暴露时,他将 神灾剑 折断了。现在,希瑞克使用一柄没有明显特殊能力的 +3长剑。希瑞克可以瞬间将自己的外观变为任何人、生物、或是神祇的模样。他能通过触碰向目标灌注疯狂(如同5级法师法术 弱智术feeblemind,受术者在进行豁免时不能加入感知调整值,并且在规避该效果的对抗法术的豁免检定上受到-3惩罚)。他不受幻术/幻象法术或是任何类型的幻术效果影响,然而,他有时候会显得像是看到了不存在的人制造的幻觉。他也不受恐惧和影响情感的魔法影响,不受魅惑类型魔法和法术影响,因为他完全以自我为中心,以至于没有东西能留住他的注意力或是妨碍他的情绪。不死生物既不会为他服务也不会攻击他,而是无视他的存在,不过,他可以用正常的方法创造它们。希瑞克的化身(在对应名头下)也拥有 莱拉Leira 化身的全部特殊攻击与防御。
Cyric used a rose-red intelligent sword named Godsbane for a long time, but broke Godsbane at the height of the Cyrinishad debacle, at which time it became obvious that Godsbane had merely been an avatar form of the god Mask. Now Cyric uses a long sword +3 with no apparent special powers. Cyric can alter his appearance to that of any person, creature, or deity almost instantly. He can instill madness with a touch of his hand as the 5th-level wizard spell feeblemind, but his victims receive no Wisdom adjustments and a -3 penalty to their saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. He is unaffected by illusion/phantasm spells or illusionary effects of any kind, yet he seems, at times, to perceive illusions that no one else has caused. He is also unaffected by fear and emotion-affecting magic or by charm-type magics and spells, as he is so self-absorbed that nothing else can hold his attention or trouble his emotions. Undead creatures will act neither for him nor against him, ignoring his presence, though he can create them through the normal methods. Cyric's avatar also has all the special attacks and defenses (under that heading) that Leira's avatar had.

其祂显现Other Manifestations
Cyric prefers to haunt the dreams of his worshipers as a bloody wraith or manifest as a cloud of poisonous smoke before his enemies rather than sending an avatar. He sometimes manifests as a sudden gloom containing the phantom images of whirling human skulls—and the dark, intent gaze of two black eyes. At other times he sends nightmares or various undead creatures to do his bidding or show his favor or displeasure. Cyric is not above masquerading as another deity to gain the worship of mortals and the power derived from that worship.
教会The Church
神职人员CLERGY:牧师Clerics,专属祭司specialty priests,护教军crusaders
神职阵营CLERGY'S ALIGN.:守序邪恶LE,中立邪恶NE,混乱邪恶CE
驱散不死TURN UNDEAD:牧师C:不可No;专属祭司SP:可Yes;护教军Cru:不可No
支配不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧师C:可Yes;专属祭司SP:可Yes;护教军Cru:不可No
希瑞克的所有牧师、专属祭司、以及护教军得到 宗教知识religion(泛费伦Faerûnian) 作为非武器熟练奖励。
All clerics, specialty priests, and crusaders of Cyric receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.
Cyric's faith attracts power, and it remains strong in any area where evil is planned and beings seek to impress their will on others. Cyric's most devoted followers are young evil men and women seeking to make their way in an uncertain world and gathering as much power as possible for themselves. He also attracts the worship of almost all who pursue assassination for a living, though most of them are new to that profession, considering the demise of all Faerûnian assassins during the Time of Troubles.
在那个致使自己的神明陷入疯狂的事件之前,希瑞克的教会经过了十年【1358-1368】的蓬勃发展和力量聚集,收获颇丰。该教会吸收了大量的前 班恩Bane、巴尔Bhaal 以及 米尔寇Myrkul信徒,甚至是(尚未广泛传播的)莱拉的死亡也令其队伍膨胀。
The church of Cyric benefited from a decade of growth and consolidation before the events that drove its god mad. The church absorbed a great many of the worshipers of Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul, and even the (stillhushed) revelation of the demise of Leira swelled its ranks.
“暗日the Dark Sun”希瑞克真正的祭司(他们自称为“誓言者the Sworn”)数量稀少,但在增长。同样地,在动荡之年后,希瑞克仍在向被他取代的神明们的些许祭司授予法术,试图通过长时间向他们提供力量的方式使他们皈依。这一战略对于 巴尔教派Bhaalist 和 米尔寇教派Myrkulyte 的神职者行之有效,在最近【1368DR】散提尔堡的毁灭再一次撼动了泛费伦神系前,他们几乎全部改变了自己的信仰。班恩教派Banite 的祭司仍然保持固执,而希瑞克教派Cyricist 的教会在散提尔堡用一场名为 班恩绝灭日the Banedeath 的清洗最终扫清了班恩难题,那场清洗导致了散提尔堡的所有班恩信徒或是死亡或是被迫改信(驱使所有幸存者逃进了地下环境)。
The true priests of the Dark Sun Cyric ("the Sworn," as they call themselves) are few in number, but growing. Cyric is also still granting spells to a few of the priests of the gods he supplanted after the Time of Troubles in an attempt to maintain these priests' powers long enough to convert them. This strategy worked well for the Bhaalist and Myrkulyte clergy, who had almost all converted before the recent destruction of Zhentil Keep once more shook up the Faerûnian pantheon. The Banite priests remained stubborn and the Cyricist church finally solved the problem of Bane in Zhentil Keep with a purge, known as the Banedeath, that led to the death or forced conversion of all Banites in Zhentil Keep (driving any survivors underground).
This purge tactic was being initiated all over Faerûn when the Keep fell and Kelemvor and Iyachtu Xvim were catapulted to prominence in the Faerûnian pantheon. At this point, Cyric lost most ex-Myrkulyte priests to Kelemvor and almost all unconverted Banite priests to Xvim. Feuds and internal strife are rampant among the now-integrated Myrkulytes, Bhaalists, and Banites and the true priests of Cyric (those who entered the church after Cyric's ascension), as the ambitious, ruthless clergy members all seek to win ever-higher ranks within the still-unsettled priesthood. To these people, personal power—and its use upon others—is everything. Trust is not in great supply among adherents of the Dark Sun.
Cyric, though now a few monks shy of a monastery, remains closely involved with the upper ranks of his clergy. His high priests are expected to carry out his orders, regardless of how dangerous or odd they may seem. Some priests carry out their tasks as enthusiastically as they had before. Others seek to obey the letter of any directives while changing the spirit of them.
神职人员的队伍仍处于剧烈的变动之中。成员们拥有五花八门的头衔,并且经常就彼此的地位展开竞争。神职成员们总是留意着上级的错处、以便让自己晋升。祭司们常常受到内心的声音的怂恿,这声音可能是、也可能不是他们神祇的声音。受欢迎的头衔看上去包括:黑暗主宰Dark Master、希瑞克之手Hand of Cyric、警惕头骨Watchful Skull、以及恐怖死神Dread Death。
The priesthood is still very much in flux. Its members employ a wide vriety of titles and dispute each other's rank often. Members of the clergy are always aware of the possibility that a superior may stumble, allowing them to advance. Priests are often encouraged by inner voices that may or may not be the voice of their deity. Popular priestly titles seem to include Dark Master, Hand of Cyric, Watchful Skull, and Dread Death.
Cyric's faith is one of control by any means necessary. Force and deception are used in equal measure to spread his word. He (or the masks he wears) is highly venerated by those of black hearts and evil deeds, from petty murderers to evil rulers of empires.
希瑞克的祭司的职责是:“杀掉叛徒。把死亡带给所有反对希瑞克的人。希瑞克无上的力量面前跪服,向他献上所有不相信这伟力的人的鲜血。” “敬畏驯服于当权者——但如果他们是软弱的,或有追求不切实际、暧昧不清的善良目标的趋势,以暗日之名杀死他们。与所有其它信仰的神职人员作斗争,因为他们是假先知、是反对 一元真理之道the One True Way 的力量。
Cyricist priests are given the following charge:"Death to traitors. Death to all who oppose Cyric. Bow down before the supreme power of Cyric, and yield to him the blood of all who do not believe in his supreme power. "Fear and obey those in authority—but if they are weak or given to pursuing airy goals of vague goodness, slay them in the name of the Dark Sun. Battle against all clergy of other faiths, for they are false prophets and forces who oppose the One True Way.
"Bring death to those who oppose the rightful church of Cyric and those who seek to make or keep peace, order, and laws. All rightful authority comes from Cyric, and all other authority must be subverted.
"Break not into open rebellion, for when hosts march, all faiths and gods awaken. It is better by far to fell one foe at a time and keep all folk afraid, uneasy, in constant strife—and under the spreading tyranny of Cyric."
日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:
Priests of the Dark Sun are pledged to spread strife and work murder everywhere in order to make folk fear and believe in Cyric. They support rulers with a taste for cruelty and empire-building, but indulge in intrigue in every land so as to spread strife everywhere without plunging realms into widespread war and thus giving worship only to Tempus the war god.
At least, this is what Cyricists pay lip service to doing. In truth, Cyricists spend most of their time scheming against each other in an endless struggle of cabal against cabal, with each priest striving to strengthen his or her own personal power. In addition, Cyric speaks often to his faithful clergy, but not with one voice. They all fear him and must believe what he tells them each is the One True Way, but what he says often sets different churches at cross-purposes and different Cyricist priests at each other's throats as much as it promotes the defeat of other religions.
圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
希瑞克几乎没有创立圣日。在散提尔堡被毁灭前,据观察,十月Marpenoth 的最后一个白天和夜晚以圣日“班恩绝灭日”的名义被庆祝,这场清洗旨在确保希瑞克对于散提尔堡内部的班恩虔信者的彻底征服。在散提尔堡覆灭后,这个圣日的庆祝活动骤然终止了,正式的官方记录中所有对它的提述都被抹去。
Cyric as yet has established few holy days. Until the destruction of Zhentil Keep, the final day and night of Marpenoth was observed as a holy day in celebration of the Banedeath, the purge that ensured Cyric's total victory over the persistent worship of Bane within Zhentil Keep. After the Keep's destruction, that holy day suddenly ceased to be observed, and all mention of it has been wiped from official church records.
希瑞克的教会不庆祝他的成神之日【1358年10月15 日】,因为那同样也标志着 午夜Midnight 的擢升(希瑞克憎恨她)。除此之外,教会历史目前认定希瑞克从始至终都是神,因此庆祝他的擢升是不合逻辑的,不过希瑞克作为凡人收回命运石板the Tablets of Fate的光辉经历同样是教典的一部分。这个显而易见的矛盾——在记述希瑞克凡人生活的同时,坚称他葆有永在的神性——不被允许困扰希瑞克的信徒们的头脑。
Cyric's church does not celebrate the anniversary of his ascension to divine status as this also marks the anniversary of Midnight's ascension (and Cyric hates her). In addition, church histories now note that Cyric has always been divine, and therefore his ascension would be illogical to celebrate, although the history of Cyric's noble efforts to regain the Tablets of Fate as a mortal are also a part of church canon. The obvious contradictio of speaking of Cyric's mortal life while maintaining his eternal divinity is not allowed to trouble the minds of Cyric's faithful.
为了让希瑞克聆听乞求的祈祷,鲜血牺牲被认为是不可或缺的。每当当地的祭司获取到被认为重要到足以向希瑞克献祭的东西(或是人)时,他们经常宣布一个临时的 暗日之日Day of the Dark Sun(一种至高圣日)。
Blood sacrifices are deemed necessary for Cyric to hear any prayers of entreaty. Local priests usually declare an impromptu Day of the Dark Sun (a high holy day) whenever they acquire something (or someone) deemed important enough to sacrifice to Cyric.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
散提尔堡直到在1368 DR末毁灭时,都是 希瑞克教会的信仰中心。在它毁灭之后,希瑞克教没有新的信仰中心。大部分观察者预计,新近在 安姆Amn 建立的三座新神殿中,有一座将成为这位疯狂的神祗的追随者们权力的中心,如果它们没有在不可避免地到来竞争中同归于尽的话。
Zhentil Keep was the mightiest seat of Cyricism until its destruction at the end of 1368 DR. No new major centers for Cyricism have emerged since its destruction. Most observers expect one of the three new temples recently erected in Amn to become the mightiest seat of power among followers of the Mad God if they do not destroy each other in the rivalries inevitably to come.
从属组织Affiliated Orders:
希瑞克教会并未赞助任何骑士团。希瑞克已命令建立作战组织——黑檀马刺战队the Company of the Ebon Spur,但这个组织还尚未找到首领。两位负责制定加入组织的录取标准的祭司(两座新兴 安姆人Amnian 神殿的两位高层祭司)尚未对该标准应该是什么达成一致,并进行着错综复杂的阴谋杀死彼此——因为他们都觉得自己是对的。因为希瑞克向他们每个人都展现了幻景,并给予了他们精确而矛盾的教诲来建立组织,而他显然对他们的努力感到满意。当这个组织最终起飞之时,希瑞克教的护教军将为了希瑞克的荣耀率领战士们对抗敌对教会。
The church of Cyric does not sponsor any knightly orders. Cyric has ordered the establishment of a fighting order, the Company of the Ebon Spur, but the order has found no leader yet. The two priests in charge of establishing admission standards into the order (two high-ranking priests in two of the emerging Amnian temples) cannot agree on what those standards should be and are engaged in intricate plots to kill each other off, since each is convinced he is right. Since Cyric appeared to each of them in a vision and gave them precise and contradictory instructions as to the establishment of the order, he is evidently pleased with their efforts. When the order finally does get off the ground, Cyricist crusaders will lead fighters against rival churches for the glory of Cyric.
祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
Priests of Cyric dress in black or dark purple robes, with or without hoods, trimmed with silver. Silver bracers or bracelets (usually adorned with the stamped skull-and-starburst symbol of Cyric) are worn on the wrists to symbolize the priesthood's enslavement to Cyric (in a symbolic reprise of Cyric's one-time captivity), and some priests paint the symbol of their deity on their cheeks or foreheads on high holy days.
冒险装束Adventuring Garb:
Priests of Cyric are fond of going about in disguise and love using illusions that alter their appearance when they can obtain them. They dress either to be inconspicuous or to impress, awe, and terrify, depending on what they are assigned to do. Whenever they are in disguise or trying to look inconspicuous, they still attempt to wear as much protective armor or magic as possible without it giving them away. When dressing to terrify, they love black armor with ornamentation that looks menacing, such as spiked shoulder and elbow pieces and helms in the shape of snarling monsters.

专属祭司Specialty Priests(纷争使者Strifeleaders)
职业需求REQUIREMENTS:力量Strength 13,感知Wisdom 13
关键属性PRIME REQ.:力量Strength,感知Wisdom
武器WEAPONS:所有钝击武器和长剑All bludgeoning weapons and long swords
主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,星界astral,魅惑charm,战斗combat,守卫guardian,治疗healing,死灵necromantic,召唤summoning,太阳sun,时间time,战争war,气象weather
次要领域MINOR SPHERES:预言Divination,元素elemental,数字numbers,保护protection
魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师Same as clerics
熟练需求REQ. PROFS:2 项现代语言Two modern languages
熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:易容Disguise,腹语术ventriloquism
❖ Strifeleaders gain a +1 to saving throws against spells using illusion/phantasm magic.
❖纷争使者不受 恐惧术fear 法术和其它影响情绪魔法影响。如果那些法术不直接影响情绪,他们还是会正常的被魅惑或成为附魔/魅惑法术的对象。
❖ Strifeleaders are unaffected by fear spells and other emotion-altering magic. They can still be charmed and are subject to enchantment/charm spells in general, provided those spells have no direct effect on the emotions.
❖在第3级,每日1次,纷争使者能够施展 黑爪术black talon(如同2级祭司法术)
❖ At 3rd level, strifeleaders are able to cast black talon (as the 2nd-level priest spell) once a day.
❖在第5级,纷争使者能召唤一只气灵侍者(如同6级祭司法术 气灵侍者aerial servant)。这名侍者将为纷争使者战斗(违反了这道法术通常的限制),并且能充当一位魔法刺客。每月(30天)只能召唤一位气灵侍者,并且同一时间只能控制一位
❖ At 5th level, strifeleaders can summon an aerial servant (as per the 6th-level priest spell aerial servant). This servant will fight for the strifeleader (contrary to normal restrictions on the spell) and can act as a magical assassin. Only one aerial servant may be summoned per month (30 days), and only one may be controlled at a time.
❖在第7级,每日1次,纷争使者能够创造一片 黑暗光环dark aura 或是一副 秘密头骨skull of secrets(如同4级祭司法术)
❖ At 7th level, strifeleaders are able to create a dark aura or a skull of secrets (as the 4th-level priest spells) once a day.
❖在第10级,每10天1次,纷争使者能够施展 魅影杀手phantasmal killer(如同4级法师法术)
❖ At 10th level, strifeleaders are able to cast phantasmal killer (as the 4th-level wizard spell) once a tenday.
❖ At 15th level, strifeleaders may instill madness. This ability is similar to the feeblemind 5th-level wizard spell, with the exception that no Wisdom adjustments are made to the saving throw, and the strifeleader must touch his or her target.
希瑞克教派法术Cyricist Spells
2nd Level
黑爪术Black Talon
持续时间Duration:1 轮/级round/level
施法时间Casting Time:5
影响区域Area of Effect:施法者的一只手臂One of the caster's arms
豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊Special
This spell temporarily transforms the caster's arm into a retractable, rubbery appendage that she or he can extend up to 10 feet and use to strike at foes with at +1 bonus to normal attack rolls. The arm ends in a taloned claw that rakes foes for 1d4 points of physical damage plus 1d4 points of unearthly magical cold damage (2d4 points total) on a successful attack. Undead creatures are unaffected by this chilling damage. Victims are allowed a saving throw vs. spell to take only half of the chilling damage. While his or her arm is transformed, the priest is unable to work spells involving somatic components.
4th Level
黑暗光环Dark Aura
持续时间Duration:1 轮/级round/level
施法时间Casting Time:7
影响区域Area of Effect:直径20英尺/施法者等级的球体A sphere of 20 feet in diameter/level of caster
豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊Special
这道法术创造了一团以施法者为中心的、黑暗而恐怖的球状瘴气。在这片可视的昏暗(但不能遮蔽视线的)区域里,所有的邪恶阵营生物在攻击和伤害骰上获得+1加值,所有善良阵营生物在攻击和伤害骰上遭受-1惩罚,而施法者自己则在攻击和伤害骰上获得+3加值。中立(在善良/邪恶方面)阵营生物不受法术影响。一旦施展,法术将跟随施法者移动,且不需要专注来维持。(请注意,施法者被黑暗光环 授予的加值,对这位施法者施展的后续法术也生效。)
This spell creates a spherical miasma of gloom and menace centered on the caster. Within this area of visible (but not vision-clouding) dimness, all evil-aligned beings attack at a +1 bonus to their attack and damage rolls, all good-aligned creatures strike at a -1 penalty to their attack and damage rolls, and the caster is personally empowered to strike at a +3 bonus to his or her attack and damage rolls. Neutral-aligned beings (with respect to good and evil) are unaffected by this spell. Once cast, the spell moves with the caster and does not need to be concentrated on to be maintained. (Note that the caster receives the bonuses conferred by the dark aura whenever they are relevant in subsequent spells employed by the caster also.)
若 光环 内的善良阵营生物在有-2惩罚的对抗法术豁免检定中成功,她/他将在当前轮免受 光环 的不利影响。善良生物每轮都需要进行豁免检定,不论他/她在上一轮的豁免检定中成功与否(在某轮中摆脱了这团云雾的不利影响,并不意味着你可以在之后的所有轮都能克服它)。这道法术会用琥珀色(守序)、橙色 (中立)或鲜红色(混乱)的灵光描绘出范围内的所有善良阵营生物,灵光只会标识其阵营而不会对其造成伤害。黑暗灵光的球形场将延伸穿过墙体或类似的东西,并在任何时候都保持其球体形状。
If a good-aligned creature within the aura succeeds ar a saving throw vs. spell at a -2 penalty, she or he escapes the detrimental effects of the aura for the current round. Good creatures may attempt this saving throw every round, whether or not they succeeded on a previous round. (Breaking free of the cloud's effects on one round does not mean one has overcome it for all later rounds.) The spell outlines all good-aligned beings within it in amber (lawful), orange (neutral), or scarlet (chaotic) auras that serve only to identify their alignment and do no harm. The spherical field of a dark aura extends through walls and the like, retaining its spherical shape at all times.
秘密头骨Skull of Secrets
距离Range:5 码/级yards/level
施法时间Casting Time:7
影响区域Area of Effect:特殊Special
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
这道法术将创造一副拖着黑色火焰尾迹、漂浮着的骷髅头的幻影。这具头骨的双眼中喷吐着火焰,但无论是它的眼睛、还是它的焰尾都是虚幻的,它们不能点燃或伤害任何东西。头骨漂浮在一片20英尺直径的球形区域内,以大约18 (A)的速度飘流。它可以被驱散魔法Dispel magic 毁灭,除此外没什么能接触或伤害到它。
This spell creates the intangible image of a floating skull trailing black flames. The skull appears to have eyes of flame, but neither its eyes nor its tail of flames are real, and they cannot burn or harm anything. It floats within a 20-foot-diameter sphere, drifting about at MV 18 (A). Dispel magic destroys it, but it cannot otherwise be touched or harmed.
color= The skull delivers a verbal message of 22 words or fewer (color= which cannot be an incantation that launches a spell) and spits a tongue of real flame. The message to be spoken is spoken by the caster when the spell is cast. The flame is a cone of magical fire l-foot in diameter at its wide end and 10 feet in length, whose touch deals 3d4 points of damage to exposed flesh and readily ignites all flammables.
当施法时设定的复杂而具体的条件得到满足时,头骨将说出讯息,并激烈的“喷吐”出火焰;触发条件的设置方式如同法师法术魔嘴术magic mouth 。说出讯息和喷出火焰的满足条件可以设置成相同或完全不同。当这两种行动都被执行后,头骨的幻象将缓慢消失。
Both the message-speaking and the fiery “breath” occur when complex and specific conditions set during the casting are fulfilled; these trigger conditions are similar to those set up by wizards in the casting of magic mouth spells. The message and the flame can have the same or a quite different set of fulfillment conditions. When both actions are performed, the image of the skull slowly fades away.
This spell is usually employed to ignite funerary pyres and to set afire foes of the faith; its visible form serves to dupe the faithful into thinking that Cyric is personally manifest at an event.
7th Level
创造恐影守卫Create Direguard
施法时间Casting Time:1 轮round
影响区域Area of Effect:1 具骷髅的躯体skeletal body
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
这道法术将把一具中型或更小的无生命骨架变为一只恐影守卫,那是一种眼窝中燃烧着红色火焰、穿着黑色、阴影般、半透明的防具的骷髅人形。(恐影守卫的信息详见《被遗忘的国度战役设定集Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting》中的《怪物纲要Monstrous Compendium》表格。)恐影守卫在被创建的随后的本轮就能够使用它的能力,并且不需要专门命令去攻击。
The casting of this spell transforms one inanimate skeleton of size M or smaller into a direguard, a skeletal figure with red flames in its eye sockets, wearing black, shadowy, semitransparent armor. (For information on direguards, see the Monstrous Compendium sheets included in the revised Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.) The direguard is capable of using its abilities the round following creation and needs no special commands to attack.
The marerial components of this spell are the holy symbol of the priest, which is not consumed in the casting of the spell, and at least 20 drops of the blood of any sort of true dragon.
5eFR<Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.p027>希瑞克Cyric
希瑞克Cyric,谎言之神god of lies 混乱邪恶CE 诡计Trickery 在深紫色或黑色的旭日上,一颗无颌白色骷髅头White jawless skull on black or purple sunburst
谎言王子The Prince of Lies,暗日the Dark Sun

对希瑞克的崇拜直接源自于他擢升为神的故事。希瑞克曾是 动荡之年Time of Troubles 期间的一个凡人,也是结束这个混乱时期的关键角色,同时也是个自私的叛徒和杀人犯。在成神之后,希瑞克继续进行着各种欺诈与谋杀——其中最著名的传说是,希瑞克谋杀了 密斯特拉Mystra,并造成了一个世纪前的 奥法之劫the Spellplague。
The worship of Cyric derives directly from the story of his ascension to godhood. Cyric was a mortal during the Time of Troubles and the key to how that chaotic period resolved, but he was also a selfish traitor and a murderer. When he became a god, Cyric continued to work various plots of deceit and murder- the most famous of which is that, according to legend, Cyric murdered Mystra and thus caused the Spellplague over a century ago.
不崇拜希瑞克的人将他看作为疯狂、纷争与欺诈之神,信奉他的祭司们认为这是些异端邪说——他们的谎言王子Prince of Lies 绝非扭曲的疯神,而是黑暗中的主宰,他的存在宣告着:人与人之间的羁绊终将腐朽、并且无可避免地走向分崩离析。
Those who don't worship Cyric see him as a god of madness, strife, and deceit, although his priests consider such claims to be heresy. Their Prince of Lies isn't a twisted madman, but a god of dark majesty who proves that, ultimately, all bonds between folk corrupt and wither away.
希瑞克的教团公开运作于 安姆Amn,那里的公民野心勃勃、自力更生、奉行“买方注意buyer beware”的信条。将希瑞克奉为自己守护神的多半是虐待狂、骗子、弄权成瘾者,或是其他更恶劣的人。另一些人则在想做坏事但是不想让别人发现时,向希瑞克祈祷。
Cyric's church works openly in Amn, where the citizens espouse the principles of ambition, self-reliance, and "buyer beware." Those who take Cyric as their patron tend to be sadists, con artists, power-mad connivers, and worse. Other folk pray to Cyric when they want to do wrong but don't want others to find out about it.
“暗日”,希瑞克最早的绰号之一,它已经成为了 诸国度the Realms 中“冲突”的代名词。“暗日已从这座宫殿中升起”可能是作为一个口头警告,告诫在某个贵族家族中,阴谋和内讧已经失控;若某对夫妻的关系“有暗日之光从窗户照了进来”,他们最好意识到自己应该向他人寻求建议。
"The Dark Sun," originally one of Cyric's epithets, has become a metaphor for strife in the Realms. "A Dark Sun has risen o'er this court" might be spoken as a warning that intrigues and infighting have gotten out of hand in a noble household; and married couples know to seek advice from others if "a Dark Sun shines through the window" in their relationship.