希阿莉亞Shiallia,石羊人女神 | |
基本信息 | |
【音 標】 | Shee-AL-lee-ah |
【頭 銜】 | 林隙中的舞者Dancer in the Glades,至高森林之女Daughter of the High Forest,姊妹女神Sister goddess,林地女士The Lady of the Woods |
【陣 營】 | NG |
【神 力】 | D |
【神 職】 | 至高森林High Forest,無冬森林Neverwinter Wood,林隙woodland glades,林地的豐饒woodland fertility,生長growth,石羊人(尤其是幼年石羊人) korreds (especially young korreds) |
與諸神的關係 | |
【神 系】 | 泛費倫神系Faerûnian Pantheon |
【主 神】 | 梅麗凱Mielikki |
【盟 友】 | 裳提亞Chauntea,埃達絲Eldath,桂倫·流風Gwaeron Windstrom,拉芮Lurue,梅麗凱Mielikki,西凡納斯Silvanus,塔蓬Tapann,樹魂Tree Ghost(烏斯伽Uthgar) |
【敵 對】 | 歐呂爾Auril,獁拉Malar,塔洛娜Talona,塔洛斯Talos |
神國與教會 | |
【神 國】 | 萬獸園the Beastlands/1th 光耀之森Krigala/至高林隙The High Glade |
【徽 記】 | 一顆金色橡實A golden acorn |
【相關 地點】 | 至高森林High Forest,銀月城Silverymoon |
【簡 介】 | 生殖與石羊人女神 希阿莉亞Shiallia 是樹魂(即 至高森林的集體精魄,也是烏斯伽的野獸圖騰之一)的姐妹,石羊人之主與舞蹈之父塔蓬和矮人的生育女神雪琳鐸之女。 在動盪之年 期間,希阿莉亞曾與桂倫·流風聯手對付獁拉。 |
2eFR<Powers & Pantheons.p055>希阿莉亞Shiallia
(林隙中的舞者Dancer in the Glades,至高森林之女Daughter of the High Forest,姊妹女神Sister goddess,林地女士The Lady of the Woods)
萬獸園半神力Demipower of the Beastlands,
神職PORTFOLIO:至高森林High Forest,無冬森林Neverwinter Wood,林隙woodland glades,林地的豐饒woodland fertility,生長growth,石羊人(尤其是幼年石羊人)korreds (especially young korreds)
神域名DOMAIN NAME:光耀之森Krigala/至高林隙The High Glade
盟友ALLIES:裳提亞Chauntea,埃達絲Eldath,桂倫·流風Gwaeron Windstrom,「獨角獸」拉芮Lurue the Unicom,梅麗凱Mielikki,西凡納斯Silvanus,塔蓬Tapann,樹魂Tree Ghost(烏斯伽Uthgar)
徽記SYMBOL:一顆金色橡實A golden acorn
信徒陣營WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混亂善良CG,守序中立LN,絕對中立N,混亂中立CN
希阿莉亞Shiallia(讀作「Shee-AL-lee-ah」)是懷孕的森林生物的守護神與看護者。她也是樹木的播種者、幼苗的養育者。她為生命而欣喜,幫助它們抵禦死亡。對她的崇拜局限於 至高森林High Forest 鄰近,不過在 無冬森林the Neverwinter Wood 附近,她也被作為 林地女士the Lady of the Woods 受到崇拜。
Shiallia (Shee-AL-lee-ah) is the patron and caretaker of pregnant forest creatures. She is a planter of trees and a nurturer of seedlings. She rejoices in life and shields against death. Her worship is limited to the proximity of the High Forest, though she is also venerated in the vicinity of the Neverwinter Wood as the Lady of the Woods.
據說,希阿莉亞是 樹魂the Tree Ghost(即至高森林的集體精魄,也是 烏斯伽Uthgar 的野獸圖騰之一)的姐妹,「不朽者」塔蓬Tapann the Undying,這位 石羊人之主Lord of Korreds 與 舞蹈之父Father of the Dance 的 女兒。一直以來,她與 拉芮Lurue 和 桂倫·流風Gwaeron Windstrom 共同侍奉着 梅麗凱Mielikki,而梅麗凱也轉而侍奉着 西凡納斯Silvanus。她們之間的關係猶如一個互相支持的家庭。
Shiallia is said to be the sister of the Tree Ghost (the collective spirit of the High Forest and one of the beast totems of Uthgar) and daughter of Tapann the Undying, Lord of Korreds and Father of the Dance. She serves Mielikki along with Lurue and Gwaeron Windstrom, and Mielikki in turn serves Silvanus. The relation-ship between them all is quite familial and supportive.
那些遭其他自然神祇鄙棄者,大多也被她視作仇敵:塔洛斯Talos、塔洛娜Talona、歐呂爾Auril、以及 獁拉Malar。因塔洛娜總是致力於從希阿莉亞那裏奪去她努力工作培育出的新生命,所以她對塔洛娜抱着一種特殊的憎惡;因為獁拉僅僅重視自然整體中那塊渺小而畸變的部分,所以她視獁拉為一位脫離了自然一體至衡的範圍、無可救藥的瘋狂殺戮者。
She calls enemy most of those who the other deities of nature despise:Talos, Talona, Auril, and Malar. She holds a special antipathy for Talona, who always struggles to take away from her the new life Shiallia works so hard to nurture, and for Malar, whom she regards as an insane killer hopelessly outside of the balance of nature because he emphasizes only a small and aberrant portion of its whole.
在 動盪之年Time of Troubles 期間,希阿莉亞與桂倫·流風聯手對付獁拉。在流風專注於追捕 獸王the Beast Lord 時候,希阿莉亞的大部分時間花在了補救獁拉破壞性的橫衝直撞造成的傷害上。
During the Time of Troubles, Shiallia allied with Gwaeron Windstrom against Malar. While Windstrom concentrated on pursuing the Beast Lord, Shiallia spent much of her time repairing the damage caused by the Malar's destructive rampages.
Shiallia is winsome and earthy, delighting in dancing and frolicking in the woods and playing with woodland creatures when she is not tending to their needs. She has a low, throaty voice, and enjoys retorting with clever (and often crudely suggestive) rejoinders when engaged in conversation. At times she seems to behave like the satyrs whom korreds resemble, but she has a more mysterious quality and unexpressed depths that a satyr, which plays all its cards in plain sight, would find incomprehensible. She is fiercely protective of her charges, but lets matters outside her purview go unchallenged, since they do not directly involve her, unless she is ordered to act by Mielikki or Silvanus.
希阿莉亞的化身Shiallia's Avatar
(德魯伊Druid 22,遊俠Ranger 12,巫師Mage 12,咒術詩人Spellsinger 12)
希阿莉亞現身為一位美麗肉感的雌性石羊人(雖然她不像大部分石羊人雌性那樣有鬍鬚),她的金色長髮裝飾着橡樹葉和金橡實的花環。她穿着一件飄逸的單肩薄紗短袍。在固定短袍的衣帶上掛着一隻大荷包。她用作手杖的是一根以多瘤的 旋枝樹phandar 製作的木質拐杖。她來自以下領域或學派的法術,領域:動物、魅惑、創造、醫療和植物;學派:防護、轉化、和咒法/召喚,雖然她能施展來自任何領域或學派的法術。
Shiallia appears as a voluptuously beautiful female korred (although she is not bearded like most females) whose long blond hair is festooned with garlands of oak leaves and golden acorns. She wears a short, flowing, gauzy tunic that hangs from one shoulder. From the belt that secures her tunic around her waist hangs a large pouch. She use a wooden staff of gnarled phandar wood as a walking stick. She favors spells from the spheres of animal, charm, creation, healing, and plant and the schools of abjuration, alteration, and conjuration/summoning, although she can cast spells from any sphere or school.
防禦等級 -2;移動 15;生命值 162;零級命中值 6;#攻擊 1次
傷害 1d10+1(+1 力量) 或 1d6+5(+4林地法杖staff of the woodlands,+1力量)
魔抗 60%;體型 中型M(5到7呎,依她的意願)
力量 16,敏捷 19,體質 22,智力 19,感知 22,魅力 22
法術 祭司P:12/12/12/12/11/6/3,法師W:4/4/4/4/4/1+特殊(見《諸國度的法師與遊蕩者Wizards and Rogues of the Realms》咒術詩人spellsinger部分,其實際上在法術等級和數目上沒有限制)
豁免 麻痹、毒素與死亡魔法 2;權杖、法杖與魔杖 6;石化或變形 5;噴吐武器 8;法術 7
AC -1; MV 15; HP 162; THAC0 6;#AT 1
Dmg 1d10+1 (+1 Str) or 1d6+5 ( staff of the woodlands +4, +1 Str)
MR 60%; SZ M (5 to 7 feet, depending on her whim)
Str 16, Dhx 19, Con 22, Int 19, Wis 22, Cha 22
Spells P:12/12/12/12/11/6/3, W:4/4/4/4/4/1+Special (see Wizards and Rogues of the Realms for details on spellsingers, who effectively have no limit on their number or level of spells)
Saves PPDM 2, RSW 6, PP 5, BW 8, Sp 7
特殊攻擊/防禦Special Att/Def:
希阿莉亞的手杖是一柄 +4林地法杖,不過她極少在戰鬥中揮舞它。在大多數情況下,她以張開的手掌進行擊打、造成1d10點傷害,並迫使被成功擊中的任何人,成功通過-2懲罰的對抗法術豁免檢定骰,否則將成為 奧圖迷舞Otto' s irresistible dance 受害者,持續2d4+2輪。
Shiallia's walking stick is a staff of the woodlands +4, though she rarely wields it in combat. Most often, she strikes with her open palm, inflicting 1dl0+1 points of damage and forcing anyone she successfully attacks to succeed at a saving throw vs. spell at a -2 penalty or become a victim of Otto' s irresistible dance for 2d4+2 rounds.
希阿莉亞擁有授予德魯伊的所有能力的增強版本,包括:對火和電豁免的+4獎勵;準確無誤地鑑別250呎內的植物、動物和純淨水的能力;以正常速度、不留痕跡地穿過通常不可穿越的草叢區域的能力;所有林地生物的語言知識;免疫林地生物所施展的所有魔法;以及每當有需要,隨意使用,形體變化shapechange 為任何自然動物類型的能力。(每當呈現為一個新形態時,她都可回復10-100%(1d10x10%)的所受傷害。)此外,當希阿莉亞對林地生物說話時,她能(如果她願意)令她的話被各種各樣的生物以她們自己的方言同時理解。
Shiallia possesses an enhanced version of all the abilities granted to druids, including a +4 bonus to saving throws vs. fire and electricity; the ability to identify plants, animals, and pure water within 250 feet with perfect accuracy; the ability to pass through normally impenetrable overgrown areas at normal movement rate without leaving a trail; the knowledge of the languages of all woodland creatures; immunity to all magic cast by woodland creatures; and the ability to shapechange into any form of natural animal at will, as often as desired. (Upon assuming a new form she regains 10% to 100% of sustained damage ——1d10x10%.) Moreover, when Shiallia speaks to creatures of the woods, she can, if she wishes, make herself under-stood by a diverse group of creatures in their native tongues simultaneously.
希阿莉亞也將她的神性美貌作為優勢,迫使看見她的所有有智慧凡人存在成功通過-2懲罰的對抗麻痹豁免骰,否則將因她的美麗而呆住(效果如同一道施展在他們身上的 魅惑人類charm person 法術。)。精靈和半精靈在對抗這一魅惑效果時,仍享有他們正常的魔法抗力,然而所有種族的有智慧凡人,無論男性還是女性,都將在他們第一次看見她時被震懾1輪。
Shiallia uses her divine beauty to her advantage as well, forcing all sentient mortal beings who look upon her to succeed at a saving throw vs. paralyzation with a -2 penalty or become transfixed with her beauty (affected as if a charm person spell were cast upon them). Elves and half-elves are entitled to their normal magic resistance against this charming effect, yet all sentient mortals of all races, male and female, are stunned for one round upon their first glimpse of her.
No forest animal of any sort (monster or normal animal) will harm Shiallia, and forest creatures within sight or earshot of her when she is attacked become enraged and fight her attackers until they retreat or die unless called off by her. Forest animals with no effective method of attack try to interpose themselves between harm and her, throwing themselves in the way of attacks, missile weapons, and magical effects.
希阿莉亞的荷包看上去起着某些神性類型的 次元袋bag of holding 的功能。她能伸到裏面,取回直徑小於3呎的、任何不屬於武器或防具的普通物品。她通常用它來裝給信徒準備的小布袋,布袋裏是為製作藥膏或藥草茶而預先混合的治療草藥,但它也能包含她希望提供給任何人的任何法術材料(需要在是在它尺寸限制內)。
Shiallia's pouch seems to function as some sort of divine bag of holding. She can reach within it and withdraw any normal item smaller than 3 feet in diameter that is not a weapon or armor. She often uses it to present small cloth bags of premixed healing herbs for poultices or herbal teas to her faithful, but it can also contain any spell component (within its size constraints) she desires to present to someone.
其祂顯現Other Manifestations
Shiallia takes the form of many animals, all of them distinguished by their absolute perfection for their species. One of her favorite shapes, however, is that of a large but graceful doe. In this form she is often surrounded by multiple bucks (treat as wild stags with 6 HD and maximum hit points) who make no advances upon her nor fight amongst each other for her affections; they are purely hers to command.
希阿莉亞有時會顯現為旋轉、舞蹈的光塵,閃耀着綠色的 妖火術faerie fire。與這光輝的接觸是溫暖而放鬆的,並有着一道 醫療術heal 法術的效果,且將清除任何與妊娠有關的痛苦或精神問題。
Shiallia sometimes manifests as whirling, dancing motes of light that shine with green faerie fire. Contact with the radiance is warm and relaxing, has the effect of a heal spell, and eliminates any pains or complications related to pregnancy.
When korreds of the High Forest dance, Shiallia sometimes manifests as a shower of 2d10 acorns that appears in the middle of the circle. Eating the nut from an acorn triples the chance that a being will conceive (under the appropriate conditions for doing so) if the acorn is ingested within 24 hours of its appearance. Consumption of these acorns is never harmful, even if the period of their special effectiveness has lapsed.
已知希阿莉亞會賜予 願望橡子acorns of desire 給她受眷的崇拜者。這樣的一枚橡子似乎從空中落下,並立即掉在幸運的獲賜者腳前。如果被預定的獲賜者攥緊在拳頭中、並且保持專注,獲賜者的願望將在橡子的 有限祈願術limited wish (或者有時候,祈願術wish)效果範圍內儘可能得到滿足。之後願望的橡子將消失無蹤,並在使用者的掌心留一個恆的金色橡子形狀的永久文身。
Shiallia has been known to bestow acorns of desire upon favored worshipers. Such an acorn appears to fall from the sky and lands immediately in front of the feet of the lucky recipient. If held in a closed fist by the intended recipient and concentrated upon, the recipient's request is fulfilled as close to his or her desires as possible within the limited wish (or occasionally, wish) effect of the acorn. The acorn of desire vanishes, leaving a permanent golden-hued tattoo in the shape of an acorn on its user's palm.
教會The Church
神職人員Clergy:牧師Clerics,德魯伊druids,專屬祭司specialty priests,潛修者mystics,咒術詩人spellsingers
神職陣營Clergy's Align.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混亂善良CG,絕對中立N
驅散不死Turn Undead:牧師C:可;德魯伊D:不可;專屬祭司SP:不可;潛修者Mys:不可;咒術詩人Spell:不可
支配不死Cmnd. Undead:牧師C:不可;德魯伊D:不可;專屬祭司SP:不可;潛修者Mys:不可;咒術詩人Spell:不可
希阿莉亞的所有牧師、德魯伊、專職祭祀和潛修者得到 宗教知識religion(泛費倫Faerûnian)作為非武器熟練獎勵。她的神職人員通常是雌性,並且可以是人類、精靈、半精靈、半身人或石羊人。希阿莉亞的所有人類祭司都必須是女性。
All clerics, druids, specialty priests, and mystics of Shiallia receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency. Her clergy are usually female, and may be human, elf, half-elf, halfling, or korred. All human priests of Shiallia must be female.
The worship of Shiallia is limited to the proximity of the High Forest. Shiallia has few actual clergy, but many forest creatures venerate her name. Since the Time of Troubles, a few specialty priests have come to her calling, particularly in the southern reaches of the High Forest. In many ways her clergy as a whole are similar to druids, but Shiallia's church focuses very strongly on fertility.
沿着能將她們帶向數百英里遠的地方的道路,希阿莉亞的祭司們以自己的速度遷徙着,雖然這種遷徙並不一定以周年循環。她們前往需要幫助的地方,當無事可做後,又繼續前行。她們幾乎總會返回這個地方檢查她們的勞動成果,也許是為了培養她們已經開始的一切——這就是她們看起來像是在遷徙的行為的原因。在沿着他或她足跡的幾乎每個區域,每個祭司都有一個崇敬希阿莉亞的最喜歡地點,但除了 銀月城Silverymoon 里的 黃金橡樹the Golden Oak 和位於 獨角獸之流the Unicorn Run 的 生命林隙the Glade of Life 外,那樣的地點並無希阿莉亞的中心神殿,也沒有任何獻身於她的教會網絡。
Shiallia's priests are somewhat migratory in their movements, following long paths that can take them hundreds of miles afield, though not necessarily in annual cycles. They go wherever natural life needs a helping hand, then move on when there is nothing more that they can do. They almost always return later to check on the results of their labor and perhaps to cultivate whatever they have begun—hence their seemingly migratory behavior. Every priest has a favorite place to worship Shiallia in virtually every area along his or her trail, but there is no central temple of Shiallia nor any web of churches dedicated to her, aside from the Golden Oak in Silverymoon and the Glade of Life at the headwaters of the Unicorn Run.
希阿莉亞的神職人員通常被稱為 生命與慈悲的姐妹the Sisters of Life and Mercy,不過她們的成員中也有少許 生命與慈悲的兄弟Brothers of Life and Mercy。在 諸神降世the Fall of the Gods 之前,希阿莉亞的神職人員在牧師(通常位於至高森林邊緣)、以及潛修者和德魯伊(漫遊於樹林的最深處)之間均勻分佈。自從 動盪之年Time of Troubles 以來,大部分新加入該信仰者成為了被稱為 木之妻woodwives 的專屬祭司,現在神職人員比例基本在四種類型之間處於平衡。希阿莉亞的祭司們拒絕正式的頭銜。年幼的女祭司被稱叫作 女兒Daughter,年齡相近地被叫作 姐妹Sister,年長的則被叫作 母親Mother。男性則對應被稱為 兄弟Brother、兒子Son 或 長兄Elder Brother,但絕不會被叫作 父親Father。
The clergy of Shiallia are commonly known as the Sisters of Life and Mercy, although a few Brothers of Life and Mercy are included in their numbers as well. Prior to the Fall of the Gods, Shiallia's clergy was evenly distributed between clerics, who were often found on the edges of the High Forest, and mystics and druids, who wandered the deepest reaches of the woods. Since the Time of Troubles, most initiates to the faith have become the specialty priests known as woodwives, and the balance is now almost even between the four types. Shiallia's priests shun formal titles. Younger priestesses are addressed as Daughter, those of similar age are addressed as Sister, and senior priestesses are addressed as Mother. Males are addressed as Brother or Son or Elder Brother, but never as Father.
The only true goal of any living thing is to procreate. Nature dictates the shape of the world, for good or ill, so the only concern of the creatures that inhabit it is survival. Death is not to be feared, for it is part of the natural cycle of life, but life, particularly the birth of new life, is to be encouraged and nurtured whenever and wherever possible.
日常活動Day-to-Day Activities:
Shiallia's followers are husbands of nature, spending their days planting and nurturing, calling upon the weather, and tending to the ill and injured. They are not purely oriented to forest creatures, though that is their focus, and they extend their philosophy and favors to humans and demihumans who enter or live within the forest, as well.
希阿莉亞的神職人員有時被稱為 無聲的幫助者the Silent Helpers,而傳說敘述了她們如何看顧着走失的孩子和漫步於至高森林卻不知道其內危險的蠢貨。人們普遍認為,奧利薩德之曲傳說the Tale of Olithard's Tune 中的 「吟遊詩人」奧利薩德Olithard the Bard,在其穿越至高森林的曲折旅程中倖存下來被普遍認可的唯一原因,便是有一支無聲的幫助者的三人組在秘密指引。
Shiallia's clergy are sometimes known as the Silent Helpers, and tales tell how they watch over lost children and the foolish who wander through the reaches of the High Forest unaware of the dangers contained within. It is generally agreed that the only reason Olithard the Bard, of the Tale of Olithard's Tune, survived his meandering journey through the High Forest was by the secret shepherding of a trio of Silent Helpers.
聖日/重要儀式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
標記一年季節更迭的日子對希阿莉亞的追隨者最為重要。尤其是被各自作為誕生和成果慶祝的 綠草節Greengrass 和 豐收祭Higharvestide。在所有的聖日(包括 仲冬節Midwinter、仲夏節Midsummer、以及 月宴節the Feast of the Moon),信徒們都會邀請所有友好的生物加入她們的狂歡,與她們一起盛宴、歌曲和舞蹈。
Days that mark the passing of seasons are the most important of the year to followers of Shiallia. In particular, Greengrass and Higharvestide are celebrated as holidays of birth and fruition, respectively. On all holy days (including Midwinter, Midsummer, and the Feast of the Moon) the faithful invite all friendly creatures to revel with them in feasting, singing, and dancing.
Weddings are welcomed and even solicited upon the change of seasons, and Shiallia's followers always enliven such occasions with as much faerie charm magic and romance as they can muster, creating a fantasy atmosphere under the stars. Therefore, many nonworshipers set their wedding dates on Shiallia's holy days in hopes of receiving her blessings and hospitality.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
希阿莉亞位於 至高森林High Forest 之外的主要神殿,坐落於 銀月城Silverymoon。黃金橡樹the Golden Oak 同時是一座神殿和一家優秀而昂貴的小酒館。這座神殿是一棟簡單但卻美麗的小屋,以倒下的橡樹採伐的木材和自然的樹脂修築。神殿以生長着一棵活橡樹的酒吧為主,在酒吧的每張桌子上方都有掛在樹枝下的小燈籠。雨水會進入酒館,所以在暴風雨天氣酒館會清空,轉入從酒吧向四周延伸出幾步的、樓下的酒窖和會議室。黃金橡樹的女業主和女祭司是 伊索達·三顆穀粒Izolda Three-corn,她是一位中年婦人,也是銀月城中木之妻的小協會領導人。
Shiallia's major temple outside of the High Forest is located in the city of Silverymoon. The Golden Oak doubles as a temple and an excellent and expensive inn. The temple is a simple, yet beautiful lodge constructed from timbers hewn from fallen oak trees and natural resins. It is dominated by a live oak tree growing up through the taproom with little lanterns hanging down from its boughs over each table. The rain comes in, so in stormy weather the taproom empties quickly to cellars downstairs and meeting rooms that open out a few steps up from the taproom on all sides. The proprietress and priestess of the Golden Oak is Izolda Three-corn, a middle-aged matron and leader of the small guild of woodwives in Silverymoon.
在至高森林裏,希阿莉亞的主要崇拜地點是一座與 裳提亞Chauntea、埃達絲Eldath、拉芮以及梅麗凱信仰共享的聖地,聖地被稱為 生命林隙the Glade of Life。這片林隙坐落於 星之山脈Star Mounts 山腳的村莊 黑俄'查瑞村Khle'cayre(飛羽族aarakocra 的「最後鷹巢"Last Aerie」)附近。在林隙中間是 獨角獸之泉the Fountain of Unicorns,這座小泉是獨角獸之流的源頭。被上千歲的巨大橡樹環繞的這片林隙,是諸國度他處不可尋的美麗國度。無數石羊人每晚在林隙圍成圈跳舞,有時在 仲夏節之夜Midsummer Nights 連 舞蹈女神the Dancing Goddess 本人都會加入。其她四位女神的化身在幾個場合也能在生命林隙被發現,而她們有時也會加入石羊人的舞圈。
Within the High Forest, Shiallia's major place of worship is a holy site shared with the faiths of Chauntea, Eldath, Lurue, and Mielikki known as the Glade of Life. This glade is located near the village of Khle'cayre ("Last Aerie" of the aarakocra) at the foot of the Star Mounts. At the cener of the Glade is the Fountain of Unicorns, a small spring that feeds the headwaters of the Unicorn Run. Surrounded by giant oak trees over a thousand years old, the Glade has a fey beauty found nowhere else in the Realms. Countless rings of korred dance in the glade every night, sometimes joined on Midsummer Nights by the Dancing Goddess herself. Avatars of the other four goddesses have been seen in the Glade of Life on several occasions as well, and they sometimes join in the korred dancing circles.
很大一部分希阿莉亞神職人員以這片林隙為基地,但大部分祭司們在一年的大部分日子都在整個至高森林漫遊,僅在很少的時候回到林隙。希阿莉亞最資深的高階祭司全年駐紮在生命林隙的一片林中幽谷。她是一位可敬的石羊人,也是唯一被稱為 祖母Grandmother 或 生命舞者the Dancer of Life 者,據說她作為孩子見證了 艾斯柯角Ascalhorn(地獄門堡Hellgate Keep)的陷落。其她四位女神(被石羊人稱為 塔蓬的女士們Tapann's Ladies)的祭司和女祭司們同樣受到歡迎,但她們很少會在離開前在生命林隙呆上超過幾周。
A large fraction of Shiallia's clergy is based at the Glade, but most priests wander throughout the High Forest the majority of the year, only rarely returning to the Glade. Shiallia's most senior high priest resides at the Glade of Life year round in a sylvan dell. She is a venerable female korred known only as Grandmother or the Dancer of Life who is reputed to have witnessed the fall of Ascalhorn (Hellgate Keep) as a young child. Priests and priestesses of the other four goddesses (known to the korreds as Tapann's Ladies) are welcome as well, but they seldom spend more than a few weeks in the Glade of Life before moving on.
從屬組織Affiliated Orders:
希阿莉亞未贊助軍事或騎士組織,但梅麗凱教會內有一支女性天鵝仙女遊俠組織發誓將保護生命與慈悲的姐妹。這支被稱為 希望之盾the Shields of Hope 的精英姊妹會,三人一組地漫遊於至高森林,護送希阿莉亞的神職人員通過廣闊林地中的危險區域,讓她們得以照顧居住其中的善良生物。
Shiallia sponsors no military or knightly orders, but an order of female swanmay rangers in the church of Mielikki have sworn themselves to protect the Sisters of Life and Mercy.This elite sisterhood, known as the Shields of Hope, wanders the High Forest in groups of three escorting the clergy of Shiallia through dangerous regions of that vast woodland so that they can minister to the goodly creatures who reside within.
此外,豎琴手the Harpers 也與希阿莉亞的追隨者們相處友好,而且據信,希阿莉亞將她的神性祝福賜予給了至高森林中的 豎琴手大師Master Harpers,即便雖然她在 破曉玫瑰之年Year of the Dawn Rose(720 DR)並未出現在 舞蹈之地the Dancing Place。豎琴手大師們發現:在至高森林,她們能與任何森林動物或植物交談,而在諸國度中,她們能無風險地與石羊人跳舞。
In addition, the Harpers are on friendly terms with Shiallia's followers, and it is believed that Shiallia gives of her divine blessing to Master Harpers within the High Forest, even though she was not present at the Dancing Place in the Year of the Dawn Rose (720 DR). Master Harpers find that they can speak with any forest animal or plant in the High Forest and that they can dance with korreds without danger anywhere in the Realms.
祭司的祭服Priesdy Vestments:
Priests of Shiallia have little in the way of formal raiment. They always wear their hair long and unbound and festoon it with garlands of oak leaves and acorns. Most garb themselves in flowing white robes and simple sandals woven from reeds during religious festivities and in simple robes of brown and green otherwise. They wear necklaces made of golden acorns or holding a golden acorn pendant around their necks as symbols of their faith.
冒險裝束Adventuring Garb:
希阿莉亞的祭司們不會裝備動物的皮革或是鍛冶過的金屬。因此,大多數情況下她們被限定使用以厚重的編織布料製造、然後縫合為一件防護外套的襯甲。如果她們覺得有必要武裝自己,大多會以倒下的木料製造一柄橡木棍棒,並在上面施展一道 橡棍術shillelagh 法術。而一些人則揮舞着仿自石羊人的 大剪子shear。大剪子重2磅,小型S尺寸,造成揮砍S類傷害,速率3,並對所有體型的生物造成1d4點傷害。
Priests of Shiallia do not wear the hides of animals or metal exposed to the forge. As a result, they are limited for the most part to padded armor made from heavy, woven cloths and sewn into a protective surcoat. If they feel it is necessary to arm themselves, most craft an oaken cudgel from fallen timber and cast a shillelagh spell on it. Some wield shears copied from the korreds. Shears weigh 2 pounds, are small in size, inflict type S damage, are speed 3, and inflict 1d4 points of damage against all sizes of creatures.
專屬祭司Specialty Priests(德魯伊Druids)
職業需求Requirements:感知Wisdom 11,魅力Charisma 15
主要屬性Prime Req.:感知Wisdom,魅力Charisma
防具Armor:襯甲Padded armor 和木製盾牌
主要領域Major Spheres:共通All,動物animal,魅惑charm,戰鬥combat,元素elemental,醫療healing,死靈necromantic(無逆向no reversed),植物plant,時間time,結界wards,氣候weather
次要領域Minor Spheres:預言Divination,保護protection,旅者travelers
魔法物品Magical Items:如同德魯伊
熟練需求Req. Profs:動物知識Animal lore,藥草學herbalism
熟練獎勵Bonus Profs:大剪子Shears,生存survival(林地woodland),追蹤tracking,現代語言modern languages(以下選2pick two from:樹精語dryad,石羊人語korred,半人馬語satyr,風精語sylph,樹人語treant,獨角獸語unicorn)
❖ Shiallia's druids are either half-elves of gold elf, moon elf, or wild elf ancestry, or human females.
❖希阿莉亞的德魯伊不能施展來自死靈領域的 死者復活raise dead 或 復生術resurrection。
❖ Shiallia's druids cannot cast raise dead or resurrection from the necromantic sphere.
有些希阿莉亞的專屬祭司是德魯伊。他們的能力和職業需求除了上所述變化外,於《信仰與化身Faiths & Avatars》總結,並總體於《玩家手冊Player's Handbook》詳述。
Some of Shiallia's specialty priests are druids. Their abilities and restrictions, aside from changes noted above, are summarized in Faiths & Avatars and detailed in full in the Player' s Handbook.
專屬祭司Specialty Priests(木之妻Woodwives)
職業需求Requirements:感知Wisdom 11,魅力Charisma 11
主要屬性Prime Req.:感知Wisdom,魅力Charisma
防具Armor:襯甲Padded armor 和木製盾牌
主要領域Major Spheres:共通All,動物animal,魅惑charm,元素elemental,醫療healing,死靈necromantic(不逆向no reversed),植物plant,召喚summoning,太陽sun,結界wards,氣候weather
次要領域Minor Spheres:創造Creation,預言divination,守衛guardian,保護protection,時間time, travelers,結界wards
魔法物品Magical Items:如同牧師和德魯伊Same as clerics and druids
熟練需求Req. Profs:棍棒Cudgel(木棒club),動物知識animal lore,草藥學herbalism
熟練獎勵Bonus Profs:大剪子Shears,醫療healing,生存survival(林地woodland),追蹤tracking,現代語言modern languages(以下選2pick two from:樹精語dryad,石羊人語korred,半人馬語satyr,風精語sylph,樹人語treant,獨角獸語unicorn)
❖ Gold elves, moon elves, wild elves, forest gnomes, halflings, half-elves of gold elf, moon elf, or green elf ancestry, human females, and korreds can be woodwives.
❖木之妻調和着所有活物的自然癒合過程。類似聖武士,她們能通過將手置於其上來進行治療。最多每日3次,木之妻能使用按手禮lay on hands,每個經驗值等級都能恢復自己或另一位活物2點生命值。
❖ Woodwives are attuned to the natural healing processes of all living creatures. Like paladins, they can heal by laying on hands. A woodwife can lay on hands up to three times per day for a total of 2 hit points per experience level of healing on either herself or another living creature.
❖每3個經驗值等級(向上取整),木之妻能編織一條石羊人之繩。石羊人之繩是用木之妻自己的頭髮編織的,編織需要花費1d4輪,活化將持續24小時或直到被摧毀,擁有AC 1、5hp、移動3。任何被石羊人之繩攻擊的者必須進行一次成功的法術豁免檢定,否則將被糾纏並保持不動1d4+1輪。石羊人之繩能被命令守衛特定區域,或是攻擊特定敵人或敵群。被毀的石羊人之繩可以被新編織的繩索代替,直到達到該木之妻正常上限。
❖ Woodwives can weave one korred rope for every three levels of experience (rounded up). Korred ropes are woven from the woodwife's own hair, take ld4 rounds to weave, are animate for 24 hours or until destroyed, have AC 1,5 hp, and a movement rate of 3. Anyone attacked by korred ropes must make a saving throw vs. spell or be entangled and held immobile for ld4+1 rounds. Korred ropes can be ordered to guard a special area or attack a particular foe or group of foes. Korred ropes that are destroyed can be replaced by newly woven ropes up to a woodwife's normal limit.
❖隨意使用,木之妻能施展 動物交談術speak with animals(如同2級祭司法術)。
❖ Woodwives can speak with animals (as the 2nd-levei priest spell) at will.
❖每日1次,木之妻能施展 糾纏術entangle(如同1級祭司法術)。
❖ Woodwives can cast entangle (as the 1st-level priest spell) once per day.
❖在第3級,每日1次,木之妻能施展 神莓goodberry(如同2級祭司法術)。
❖ At 3rd level, woodwives can cast goodberry (as the 2nd-level priest spell) once per day.
❖在第5級,隨意使用,木之妻能 植物交談speak with plants(如同4級祭司法術)。
❖ At 5th level, woodwives can speak with plants (as the 4th-level priest spell) at will.
❖在第5級,每日1次,木之妻能施展 一級動物召喚術animal summoning I 或 喚來林地生物call woodland beings(如同4級祭司法術) 或 植物滋長plant growth(如同3級祭司法術)。
❖ At 5th level, woodwives can cast animal summoning I or call woodland beings (as the 4th-level priest spells) or plant growth (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once per day.
❖在第7級,每日1次,木之妻能施展 二級動物召喚術animal summoning II 或 問道自然commune with nature(如同5級祭司法術)。
❖ At 7th level, woodwives can cast animal summoning II or commune with nature (as the 5th-level priest spells) once per day.
❖在第10級,每日1次,木之妻能施展 三級動物召喚術animal summoning III 或 咒喚動物conjure animals(如同6級祭司法術)。
❖ At 10th level, woodwives can cast animal summoning III or conjure animals (as the 6th-level priest spells) once per day.
❖在第13級,每日1次,木之妻能施展 火種術fire seeds 或 醫療術heal(如同6級祭司法術)。
❖ At 13th level, woodwives can cast fire seeds or heal (as the 6th-level priest spells) once per day.
希阿莉亞教徒法術Shiallian Spells
3rd Level
舒緩孕痛Ease Labor
(祭司Pr 3;轉化Alteration)可逆Reversible
施法時間Casting Time:6
影響區域Area of Effect:1 只生物
豁免檢定Saving Throw:特殊
This spell enables a priestess of Shiallia to mitigate the pains of giving birth. By laying both hands on a pregnant female's belly (or above her womb), the Shiallian can ease labor pains, correct complications like a breech birth, and otherwise make labor as easy and painless as possible. No saving throw is required for this version of the spell and the spell's effect last throughout the birth process as long as the Shiallian maintains contact with the mother and/or child.
這道法術的逆向版本,強加孕痛inflict labor,將以各種妊娠的痛苦折磨目標。這種逆向形式不需要施法者在與法術目標發生首次接觸後再繼續維持接觸,若受害者並不處於定身、受縛、或無意識狀態,則需要進行成功的攻擊骰來建立聯繫。法術的效果分為三個階段。開始的兩個階段將各持續3輪,而最終階段將持續每施法者等級1輪,直至最大值9輪。
The reverse of this spell,inflict labor, afflicts the target with all the pains of labor. For the reversed form, the spellcaster need not maintain contact with the spell's target beyond the initial touch, which requires a successful attack roll to establish if the victim is not immobile, restrained, or unaware. Spell effects are split into three phases. The first two phases last three rounds each, and the final phase lasts one round per the caster's level to a maximum of nine rounds.
In the first phase, spell recipients feel violently nauseated and cannot cast spells, communicate, or attack. They can only defend themselves or move at half their normal movement rate.
In the second phase, spell recipients are fatigued and cannot perform any action requiring significant amounts of energy. Physical combat is not possible, nor is running, but spellcasting is possible, as is defending oneself or moving at a normal movement rate.
In the third phase, spell recipients suffer increasing amounts of pain. For each round this phase lasts, victims suffer increasing amounts of phantom hit point damage and a temporary loss of Strength. In the first round, the target suffers 1 hit point of phantom damage, in the second round 2 hit points, in the third round 4 hit points, etc. Strength drops at a similar rate (1 point,2 points,4 points, etc.). When Strength or hit points drop to zero, the victim falls unconscious for the rest of the spell's duration. Spellcasting, physical attacks, and movement are not possible during this phase.
Strength and hit points lost to this spell are regained at the same rate they were lost after the spell ends. Males get no saving throw vs. the reverse form of this spell, and females are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect only if they have given birth at least once previously. Preg-nant creatures of any kind cannot be affected by inflict labor, as Shiallia's will forbids it.
The material component for this spell is an acorn.
4th Level
(祭司Pr 4;死靈Necromancy)
施法時間Casting Time:1 回合
影響區域Area of Effect:1 只生物
豁免檢定Saving Throw:通過即無效
這道法術有兩種可能的用法。第一種是 植物滋長plant growth 法術的增強版,影響10平分英里範圍。由DM秘密進行一次(基於施法者等級的)對抗法術豁免檢定,若投骰成功,這道法術將使植物更加生機勃勃、碩果纍纍、頑強堅韌,在正常的生長季增產30%~80%。其它方面,這道法術的運作方式與植物滋長相同。
This spell has two possible uses. The first is an enhanced version of the plant growth spell, affecting a 10-mile-square area. The DM secretly makes a saving throw (based on the caster's level) vs. spell, and if the roll is successful, the spell renders plants more vigorous, fruitful, and hardy, increasing yields 30% to 80% given a normal growing season. The spell operates in the same way as plant growth, otherwise.
這道法術的第二種用法通常作為祝福婚姻。同樣地,由DM秘密進行一次基於施法者等級的豁免檢定,檢定成功則表明法術施展的對象生物在24小時內有95%的機會將致孕或受孕。此外,只要目前保持健康無恙,由此魔法萌發的後代必將被正常誕下、身體健康。請注意,諸如年老、詛咒之類的因素可能會影響受孕幾率,同樣地,也可能有專門避孕的魔法、或是生物由於特殊的魔法因素而不孕的不幸情況。(例如,許多密絲特拉選民Mystra's Chosen似乎就因為未知的原因而不孕。)
The second use of the spell is often requested as a marital blessing. Again, the DM makes a saving throw based on the caster's level, and success indicates that any creature upon whom the spell is cast who mates within 24 hours has a 95% chance to impregnate or become pregnant. Furthermore, the offspring inspired by this magic is certain to be delivered normally and in good health provided the mother remains healthy and uninjured. Note that factors such as old age and curses may influence the percentage chance of becoming pregnant, as may magic specifically geared to preventing such an occurrence or the unfortunate fact of a being's inability to conceive due to peculiar magical factors. (For instance, many of Mystra's Chosen seem unable to conceive for unknown reasons.)
Shiallia knows if this magical blessing should not be performed and secretly informs her priest if this is so. Shiallia's priest then performs a non-magical blessing very similar in form instead to prevent the couple from being embarrassed if the blessing was to be a public event.
The material component of this spell is any seed.
6th Level
無盡之舞Endless Dance
(祭司Pr 6;附魔/魅惑Enchantment/Charm)
持續時間Duration:3 輪/級
施法時間Casting Time:1 輪
影響區域Area of Effect:10呎半徑/級
豁免檢定Saving Throw:通過即無效
This spell seduces anyone within the area of effect to join a korred circle dance. Those who fail a saving throw vs. spell drop whatever they hold in their hands and begin dancing in a circle around the spellcaster. (Targets are allowed to voluntarily forgo their save.) While dancing, victims of this spell cannot cast spells, attack, communicate, or consciously defend themselves from attack. However, the wild movements of the dance enable targets of the endless dance to avoid some attacks, so they receive only a -2 penalty to their Armor Class (to a maximum of AC 10).
During the endless dance, targets take ld4 points of damage per round until the spell ends, death occurs, or they are restrained. Korreds, worshipers of Shiallia, or those who voluntarily forgo their saving throws take only 1 point of damage per turn and can never be reduced below 1 hit point by the spell's effects.
There is a 1% chance per level above 9th of the spellcaster that Shiallia's avatar appears during the casting of this spell to aid the spellcaster in whatever manner is necessary.
While this spell is in effect, the Shiallian must stand in the center of the circle and slowly spin while singing the song of the korreds. The spellcaster cannot cast other spells or physically attack during this time, but she can defend herself. If the spellcaster stops spinning or singing, the endless dance ends immediately.