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席德瑞恩諸神The Seldarine
【主   神】柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian
【勢力 範圍】精靈Elf
【簡   介】精靈諸神Gods of the Elves精靈神系the Elven Pantheon,Seldarine這個複合詞大致可以翻譯為「樹木兄弟與姐妹團契」,這暗示了精靈神系諸神們在利益上存在多樣性和他們對於合作互助願望。該神系部分成員被逐出形成了黑暗席德瑞恩諸神,神系中還包含部分外神。
柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon LarethianGCG精靈主神,阿梵多國度的冕王
莎罕妮·月弓Sehanine MoonbowICG月精靈女神,三位一體女神之一
艾德莉·法恩雅Aerdrie FaenyaICG翼精靈女神,三位一體女神之一
哈娜莉·瑟拉妮爾Hanali CelanilICG精靈的愛情女神,三位一體女神之一
深海·賽悉拉Deep SashelasICG海精靈與水系魔法之神
艾瑞汶·伊拉希爾Erevan IlesereICG精靈的遊蕩者之神
拉貝拉斯·恩諾瑞思Labelas EnorethICG精靈的時間與長壽之神
瑞里芬·萊勒菲Rillifane RallathilICG野精靈與林地之神
索羅諾爾·杉嵐德瑞Solonor ThelandiraICG精靈的狩獵之神,據說是費馬羅·莫斯德林的兄弟
費馬羅·莫斯德林Fenmarel MestarineLCN精靈的流浪之神,據說是索羅諾爾·杉嵐德瑞的兄弟,與阿羅詩曾經有染
達拉爾·泰維納爾Darahl TilvenarI→D→D/LLN(偏G)精靈的火和土的魔法與現象之神,一度被空暗女王羅絲利用奇拉沙爾玫瑰逼瘋
梵德麗婭·吉爾瑪德麗Vandria GilmadrithILN精靈的戰爭之神,戰略、悲傷與律法女神
埃利布林·萊歐賽爾Elebrin IiothielING精靈的園藝、果園與豐收之神
阿拉勒斯·勒斯拉尼Araleth LetheranilLNG精靈的光明之神,星辰、月亮與太陽之神
迷斯瑞恩·瑟勒特Mythrien SarathL→DCG精靈的迷鎖魔法之神,其化身至今被獁拉封印
奇麗思·索絲瑞爾Kirith SotherilLNG精靈的預言與附魔女神
梅莉菈·塔爾倫Melira TaralenLCG精靈的歌魔法女神
薩茹拉·艾萊恩Sarula IlieneLCG精靈的水妖精與水魔法女神
瑞勒瓦·德維尼恩Rellavar DanuvienLCG精靈的冰元素魔法之神
阿拉絲琳·德拉娜Alathrien DruannaDN(偏G)精靈的咒法、符文與幾何魔法女神
塔斯林·瓦拉迪Tethrin VeraldéDNG精靈的劍詠者之神
塔瑟里斯·曼度因Tarsellis MeunniduinL雪精靈之神,精靈的山脈之神
Alobal Lorfiril
Naralis Analor
外神The Interloper Gods
白牡鹿The White StagSCG拉貝拉斯的特殊神仆,只在永聚島出現
黑暗席德瑞恩諸神The Dark Seldarine
攸爾諸神Gods of the Yuir

2eFR<Demihuman Deities.p092>精靈神系ELVEN PANTHEON


  諸國度the Realms 的 優雅族裔The Fair Folk 崇拜名為 席德瑞恩諸神the Seldarine 的神系, Seldarine這個複合詞大致可以翻譯為「樹木的兄弟與姐妹團契the fellowship of brothers and sisters of the wood」,這暗示了精靈神系諸神們在利益上的存在的多樣性和他們對於合作互助的願望。他們的行動彼此獨立,不過精靈諸神力被愛、好奇心以及友誼聯合在一起,來結合他們的力量、來共同完成任務、來面對外部威脅。柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian,席德瑞恩諸神人所共知的統治者——有時候,他的配偶(不管被認為是 莎罕妮Sehanine 還是 安格芮絲Angharradh)也會被納入共同統治者——強化了這種行動的自主權,而不會強迫席德瑞恩諸神去完成任何任務。相反,精靈神系的諸神看上去知道什麼時候需要這樣做,並且他們也只會在必須時聯合一致。除了 費馬羅·莫斯德林Fenmarel Mestarine 這個例外,席德瑞恩諸神都居住在 阿梵多國度the realm of Arvandor——這個單詞在精靈語中意為「至高森林the high forest」——而這個國度則位於 奔放之野Arborea 位面名為 奧林匹斯山Olympus 的層面上。
The Fair Folk of the Realms worship a pantheon of deities known as the Seldarine, a complex term that can be roughly translated as the fellowship of brothers and sisters of the wood, implying the wide diversity in interests that exists among the gods of the elven pantheon and their desire for cooperation. They act independently of one another, but the elven powers are drawn together by love, curiosity, and friendship to combine their strengths, to accomplish a task, or in the face of outside threats. Corellon Larethian, the acknowledged ruler of the Seldarine - sometimes joined by his consort, who is either identified as Sehanine or Angharradh-reinforces this freedom of action and compels none of the Seldarine to perform any task. Instead, the gods of the elven pantheon seem to sense when something needs doing, and they simply gather when necessary. With the exception of Fenmarel Mestarine, the Seldarine reside in the realm of Arvandor-a term that means the high forest in elvish-on the plane of Arborea on the layer known as Olympus.

Relations ascribed to the various powers of the Seldarine vary widely from culture to culture; some legends hold them all to be brothers and sisters, others believe Corellon (and sometimes Sehanine or Angharradh) created the other powers from the natural environment of Arvandor. Other sages link the Seldarine in various romantic relationships. In most representations, the elven pantheon includes more gods than goddesses, but every member of the Seldarine can appear as either male or female. The androgynous nature of the Seldarine reflects the gender equality found in most elven societies.

  除了關於安格芮絲本性的分歧外,在 費倫大陸Faerûn 的精靈們中對組成席德瑞恩諸神的神力有哪些存在普遍共識。每個精靈國度和精靈亞種對於諸神的相對重要性有他們自己的一套看法,以至於在某些隔絕的精靈文化中,有些席德瑞恩諸神成員甚至已淡出了人們的記憶。
Aside from disagreement over the nature of Angharradh, there is general agreement among the elves of Faerûn as to which powers make up the Seldarine. Each elven realm and subrace places its own emphasis on the relative importance of various powers to the point where some members of the Seldarine fade from memory in some isolated elven cultures.

  席德瑞恩諸神的正式成員由柯瑞隆(或者根據一些神話,由柯瑞隆與安格芮絲共同)確定。不同於儘管 拉杜格Laduguer 已為 摩拉丁Moradin 流放,而仍然將他計入 摩丁薩曼諸神the Morndinsamman 的矮人,優雅族裔不會在使用「Seldarine」這個術語時包含那些精靈神系被流放的成員。善良和中立的精靈神明,包括柯瑞隆、安格芮絲、艾德莉·法恩雅Aerdrie Faenya深海·賽悉拉Deep Sashelas艾瑞汶·伊拉希爾Erevan Ilesere哈娜莉·瑟拉妮爾Hanali Celanil拉貝拉斯·恩諾瑞思Labelas Enoreth瑞里芬·萊勒菲Rillifane Rallathil莎罕妮·月弓Sehanine Moonbow謝瓦拉許Shevarash索羅諾爾·杉嵐德瑞Solonor Thelandira,一直是席德瑞恩諸神資格完備的成員,不過費馬羅已不再積極參與神系的事務。有許多卓爾神力,包括 阿羅詩Araushnee(也即現在的 羅絲Lolth)、伊莉絲翠Eilistraee、以及 維倫Vhaeraun,曾被認為是席德瑞恩諸神的一部分。緊接著一場 席德瑞恩之敵the anti-Seldarine(一支由反叛的阿羅詩和她同謀的兒子所集結的邪神聯盟)對阿梵多國度的入侵,她們遭柯瑞隆的教令被逐出了阿梵多國度。在卓爾神系中,只有伊莉絲翠有朝一日可能將正式回歸席德瑞恩諸神,但更可能的情況是,她將僅僅與她曾經隸屬的這支神系保持親密的盟友關係。幽暗少女The Dark Maiden 無意參與阿羅詩的計劃,但她仍然自願接受放逐,因為她預見到有一天自己作為一位局外人,將需要為遭 蛛後the Spider Queen 自我毀滅計劃拋棄的卓爾提供指引。
Formal membership in the Seldarine is determined by Corellon (or by Corellon and Angharradh, according to some myths). Unlike the dwarves, who still count Laduguer as a member of the Morndinsamman despite his banishment by Moradin, the Fair Folk do not include banished members of the elven pantheon when they use the term Seldarine. The good and neutral elven gods, including Corellon, Angharradh, Aerdrie Faenya, Deep Sashelas, Erevan Ilesere, Fenmarel Mestarine, Hanali Celanil, Labelas Enoreth, Rillifane Rallathil, Sehanine Moonbow, Shevarash, and Solonor Thelandira, have always been members of the Seldarine in good standing, although Fenmarel has with drawn from active involvement in the pantheon. Many of the drow powers, including Araushnee (now Lolth), Eilistraee, and Vhaeraun, were once considered part of the Seldarine. They were exiled from Arvandor by Corellon's decree following an invasion of Arvandor by the anti-Seldarine, a coalition of evil gods assembled by the traitorous Araushnee and her complicitous son. Of the drow pantheon, only Eilistraee might someday formally rejoin the Seldarine, but it is more likely she will simply remain a close ally of the pantheon to which she once belonged. The Dark Maiden did not intentionally participate in Araushnee's schemes, but she willingly accepted banishment nonetheless, foreseeing the day her role as an outsider would be needed to guide those drow who spurned the self-destructive dogma of the Spider Queen.

  席德瑞恩諸神與 喜樂王庭the Seelie Court 的諸神以及其祂森林神祇有著親密的聯繫,而優雅族裔在崇拜席德瑞恩諸神時通常也會向其他妖精神力祈禱。所有崇敬席德瑞恩諸神一位或多位成員的信仰,都踐行著對其他精靈神祇以及與自然密切相關的宗教們(「護林人」斯凱里特Skerrit the Forester 便是絕佳的榜樣)的追隨者們的寬容。喜樂王庭或多或少地被認為包括了仙靈、海仙靈、皮克精、水澤精、微蛉精、蟋蟀精、半羊人、水妖精、棕仙、小矮妖、樹精(以及樹神)、獨角獸、飛馬、半人馬、天鵝仙女、水車精killmoulis、樹人、偽龍與妖精龍、喜樂妖精seelie faerie、妖精小提琴手faerie fiddler、以及 金雀花妖精gorse faerie 的神明。泰坦妮亞Titania奧伯龍Oberon 統治著喜樂王庭,而先前列出的那些生物中,有一些被認為是王庭比其他生物更為緊密的一部分。(喜樂王庭的仇敵是 哀怒王庭the Unseelie Court,後者在 空暗女王Queen of Darkness 統治之下,哀怒妖精unseelie faerie、快可靈quickling、以及 黑莓妖精bramble faerie 等等侍奉著她。)雖然此類神力與精靈們關係密切,但她們並非席德瑞恩諸神的一部分。
The Seldarine are closely linked with the gods of the Seelie Court and other sylvan deities, and the Fair Folk often include prayers to other faerie powers when worshiping the Seldarine. All faiths that venerate one or more members of the Seldarine practice tolerance for followers of the other elven gods as well as for religions of closely allied nature (the cult of Skerrit the Forester being a prime example). The Seelie Court is more or less assumed to include the deities of the sprites, sea sprites, pixies, nixies, atomies, grigs, satyrs, korred, nymphs, brownies, leprechauns, dryads (and hamadryads), unicorns, pegasi, centaurs, swanmays, killmoulis, treants, pseudodragons and faerie dragons, seelie faeries, faerie fiddlers, and gorse faeries. It is ruled by Titania and Oberon, and certain of the previously listed creatures are considered more tightly a part of the Court than others. (The enemy of the Seelie Court is the Unseelie Court, ruled by the Queen of Air and Darkness, who is served by unseelie faeries, quicklings, and bramble faeries, among others.) While such powers have close ties to the elves, they are not counted as part of the Seldarine.

  雖然精靈神系的諸神積極地介入他們崇拜者們的集體生活,但極少會在影響特定個體、甚至是小群精靈的事件中直接出手干預。類似於優雅族裔,席德瑞恩諸神往往有著非常長遠的目光,他們絕不會在未進行大量的考慮和討論便直接干預諸國度歷史的演變。席德瑞恩諸神進行干涉的著名實例有:引發了 永聚島Evermeet 的創造與定居安置;卓爾的 大沉降the Descent;決定召喚精靈的代表們到 科曼索精靈王庭the Elven Court of Cormanthyr迷斯·卓諾Myth Drannor 在它所體現的指導思想下的建立;豎琴手the Harpers 的創立;月落之年the Year of Moonfall(1344 DR)啟動 大撤離the Retreat;以及 斷弦豎琴之年the Year of the Unstrung Harp(1371 DR)防守永聚島。
While the gods of the elven pantheon are actively involved in the collective lives of their worshipers, few intervene directly in events affecting a particular individual or even a small group of elves. Like the Fair Folk, the Seldarine tend to have very long-range perspectives, and they never intervene directly in the unfolding history of the Realms without a great deal of consideration and discussion. Notable instances of intervention by the Seldarine have resulted in the creation and settlement of Evermeet, the Descent of the drow, the decision to summon representatives of the elves to the Elven Court of Cormanthyr, the founding of Myth Drannor under the guiding principles it embodied, the creation of the Harpers, the initiation of the Retreat that began in the Year of Moonfall (1344 DR), and the defense of Evermeet in the Year of the Unstrung Harp (1371 DR).

  精靈神話傳說認為,優雅族裔在柯瑞隆在與 格烏什Gruumsh 的搏鬥中流出的血里誕生,並沐浴在莎罕妮(或安格芮絲)的淚水中。(該神系的大部分成員都對類地精神系們抱著一種仇恨或至少是厭嫌;包括獸人、地精、大地精、熊地精、狗頭人、以及蝠翼狗頭人。)有些神話聲稱:第一位出現在諸國度中的精靈完全根據柯瑞隆的形象塑造,用陽光、月光、森林、雲、海洋、以及陰影編織。其它神話則宣稱,至少有一些亞種的精靈——尤其是金精靈和月精靈——從另一個或更多世界(通常被認定是「妖精國度Faerie」),通過由魔法傳送門遷徙到了艾伯爾-托瑞爾星球。神話們也討論了優雅族裔的自然起源與席德瑞恩諸神許多成員擁有的、呈現為非精靈自然形態(這種形態在體型上遠比他們的普通化身更龐大)的能力緊密相關。舉例來說,瑞里芬·萊勒菲能展現為一棵巨大的橡樹;深海·賽悉拉能展現為一片龐大、高聳(依稀為人形)的海潮;艾德莉·法恩雅能展現為一朵白雲;而柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安則能展現為一輪湛藍的新月或星星。
Elven mythology holds that the Fair Folk were born of the blood which Corellon shed in his battles with Gruumsh and bathed in the tears of Sehanine (or Angharradh). (Most members of the pantheon have an enmity for or at least a dislike of the goblinkin pantheons; those of the orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, kobolds, and urds.) Some legends state that the first elves appeared in the Realms fully formed and shaped in Corellon's image, woven by magic from sunbeams, moonbeams, forests, clouds, seas, and shadows. Other myths claim that at least some of the elven subraces-the gold elves and moon elves, in particular-migrated to Abeir-Toril through magical gates from one or more other worlds, most commonly identified as "Faerie." Myths discussing the natural origins of the Fair Folk are closely tied to the ability of many members of the Seldarine to assume nonelven, natural forms far greater in size than is common for their avatars. For example, Rillifane Rallathil has appeared as a massive oak tree, Deep Sashelas has appeared as a giant, towering (vaguely humaniform) wave of sea water, Aerdrie Faenya has appeared as a white cloud, and Corellon Larethian has appeared as an azure crescent moon or star.

  精靈神學中優雅族裔、魔法與自然世界之間的聯繫令人困惑。大部分精靈信仰著重精靈與生命和自然的統一,並且往往協調了精靈與所處環境之間的差異,就像席德瑞恩諸神被認為是阿梵多國度的精魂一樣。舉例來說,優雅族裔擁有的是「精魂spirits」而非「靈魂souls」,許多精靈相信自己將轉世為動物、植物、妖精族裔、甚至是再世為精靈。同樣地,精靈也是 魔網the Weave 的生物,是籠罩著艾伯爾-托瑞爾星球魔法網絡密不可分的一部分。
One is struck in elven theology by the close relationships between the Fair Folk, magic, and the natural world. Most of elven faiths emphasize elven unity with life and nature, and they tend to blend the distinction between elves and their environment, much as the Seldarine are held to be spirits of Arvandor. For example, the Fair Folk have spirits, not souls, and many elves believe they will be reincarnated as animals, plants, faerie folk, or even elves once again. Similarly, elves are creatures of the Weave, tightly bound to and part of the web of magic that envelops Abeir-Toril.

  優雅族裔自稱為 泰'奎瑟一族Tel'Quessir,這是個精靈術語,意為「人民」。他們稱其他所有種族為 恩'泰'奎瑟一族N'Tel'Quess,這是種不太尊重的 精靈語elvish 表達,意為「非人民」。泰'奎瑟一族包括七種知名的精靈亞種,每種都被認為在25個千紀前出現於諸國度,並已與人類混血形成了半精靈。艾伯爾-托瑞爾星球最早的精靈居民為:塞-泰'奎瑟一族the Sy-Tel'Quessir,俗稱為綠精靈、森林精靈或木精靈,以及 黎-泰'奎瑟一族the Ly'Tel'Quessir,俗稱為 獸化精靈lythari 和 翼精靈the avariel,也被稱作 有翼精靈winged elves。雖然塞-泰'奎瑟一族仍然可以在諸國度許多廣闊的森林中發現,但黎-泰'奎瑟與翼精靈一族已盡皆從費倫大陸消失,今日有許多人相信她們只是神話生物。
The Fair Folk refer to themselves as Tel'Quessir, an elvish term meaning the people. They refer to all other beings as N'Tel'Quess, a less-than-diplomatic elvish express-ion meaning not'peopk. The Tel'Quessir originally included seven known subraces of elves, each of which is believed to have appeared in the Realms over 25 millennia ago and all of which have interbred with humans to form half-elves. The earliest elven inhabitants of Abeir-Toril were the Sy-Tel'Quessir, commonly known as green elves, forest elves, sylvan elves, or wood elves, the Ly'Tel'Quessir, commonly known as lythari, and the avariel, also called winged elves. While the Sy-Tel'Quessir may still be found in many of the great forests of the Realms, the avariel and the Ly'Tel'Quessir have all but vanished from Faerûn and today many believe them to be creatures of legend only.

  斯瑞-泰'奎瑟一族The Ssri-Tel'Quessir——也被稱為黑暗精靈或 伊利斯特瑞Ilythiiri,後者是最成功的部落之名——從費倫大陸南方叢林出現;而大約是同一時間,艾爾-泰'奎瑟一族the Ar-Tel'Quessir(也被稱作金精靈、日精靈、晨曦精靈、或是高等精靈)與 忒-泰'奎瑟一族the Teu-Tel'Quessir(也被稱作月精靈、銀精靈、或者灰精靈),在費倫的南方區域出現。在一段時間之後,阿魯-泰'奎瑟一族The Alu-Tel'Quessir,俗稱 水生精靈aquatic elves、海精靈或水精靈,於 巨海the Great Sea墜星海the Sea of Fallen Stars 出現。雖然這兩支在地理上互相隔絕的海精靈膚色上有差異,但仍然被視為同一亞種。最後,混種精靈elven crossbreeds(在大部分精靈歷史上極為罕見),作為一支渺小但獨特的族群慢慢地在諸國度出現。雖然大部分半精靈是人類與精靈混血的產物,但傳說也提及了半身人與精靈和矮人與精靈的雜交。唯有在 深林谷Deepingdale丹布雷斯Dambrath、以及 攸木林the Yuirwood 為半精靈族群甚至相對穩定,然而,如果雙親並非都是半精靈,他們的後代一定會是與非半精靈那一方相同的種族。與席德瑞恩諸神普遍的寬容本性保持一致,精靈教會們(尤其是哈娜莉·瑟拉妮爾的教會)相較於一般的精靈社會,對半精靈們的態度遠更歡迎和接納。
The Ssri-Tel'Quessir-also known as dark elves or Ilythiiri, the name of the most successful tribe-emerged from the southern jungles of Faerûn around the same time that the Ar-Tel'Quessir, commonly called gold elves, sun elves, sunrise elves, or high elves, and the Teu-Tel'Quessir, known variously as moon elves, silver elves, or gray elves, appeared in the northern reaches of Faerûn. The Alu-Tel'Quessir, commonly known as aquatic elves, sea elves, or water elves, appeared in both the Great Sea and the Sea of Fallen Stars sometime thereafter. Although the two geographically isolated populations of sea elves have since diverged in skin tone, they are still in-terfertile and considered a single subrace. Finally, elven crossbreeds, incredibly rare for most of elven history, have slowly emerged as a small but distinct population in the Realms. While most half-elves are of mixed human and elven heritage, legends speak of halfling-elf and dwarf-elf crosses as well. Only in Deepingdale, Loudwater, Dambrath, and the Yuir-wood are half-elf populations even relatively stable, however, for their offspring are invariably the same race as the other parent if both parents are not half-elves. In keeping with the generally tolerant natures of the Seldarine, elven churches, particularly that of Hanali Celanil, are far more welcoming and accepting of half-elves than elven society in general.

  隨著 巨龍時代the Time of Dragons 的終結,優雅族裔的 第一次繁盛The First Flowering 到來。沿著費倫西海岸和南部,精靈進入了五大主要文明。沿著今日的 劍灣the Sword Coast 之地、從北向南,分別是:艾瑞凡達Aryvandaar(金精靈)、伊爾法蘭Illefarn(綠精靈)、麥葉理塔Miyeritar(黑暗精靈和綠精靈)、桑塔·歐斯瑞爾Shantel Othreier(金精靈和月精靈)、以及 凱爾特米爾Keltormir(月精靈和綠精靈)。在南部諸國度,有三個較小的國度位於今日被稱作 維洪海域the Vilhon Reach 的地區的主要森林中——塞尼塔亞Thearnytaar艾伊魯爾Eiellur、以及 塞佩爾Syopiir(綠精靈);還有兩個國度位於曾經覆蓋 夏亞the Shaar 的森林中——奧利沙亞Orishaar(月精靈)與伊利斯特瑞(黑暗精靈)。擴張主義的 瓦珊塔帝國Vyshaantar Empire(即艾瑞凡達)無情的侵略,與破壞性的伊利斯特瑞肆無忌憚的殘酷行為,在五次 皇冠戰爭Crown Wars 中最終瓦解了精靈在費倫的力量。
The First Flowering of the Fair Folk occurred as the Time of Dragons came to an end. The elves settled into five major civilizations along the western coast and southern reaches of Faerûn. From north to south along the lands now known as the Sword Coast were Aryvandaar (gold elves), Illefarn (green elves), Miyeritar (dark and green elves), Shantel Othreier (gold and moon elves), and Keltormir (moon and green elves). In the southern realms were three smaller realms in the major forest south of what is now known as the Vilhon Reach-Thearnytaar, Eiellur, and Syopiir (green elves)-and two realms in the forests that once covered the Shaar- Orishaar (moon elves) and Ilythiir (dark elves). The relentless aggression of the expansionistic Vyshaantar Empire (Aryvandaar) and the unbridled cruelty of destructive Ilythiir played out over the course of five Crown Wars that eventually shattered elven power in Faerûn.

  在第四次皇冠戰爭後,席德瑞恩諸神被迫進行了干預,而斯爾-泰'奎瑟一族(在麥葉理塔毀滅後只分別於伊利斯特瑞)被轉化為了今日的黑曜石皮膚、白色頭發生物。被取名為 卓哈瑞爾dhaeraow(精靈語術語,意為背叛者,之後腐化為了「卓爾drow」)的那些精靈被放逐到 幽暗地域the Underdark 不見天日的地方。在這場大沉降後,根據柯瑞隆的裁決,精靈種族的長者們聚集到了東方的大森林中,在成為了精靈王庭、進行判決和審判的地方,對這場分裂和衝突的原因進行辯論。在大量的辯論之後,瓦珊家族the Vyshaan 被發現有罪,而瓦珊塔帝國在緊接著判決的第五次皇冠戰爭中被毀滅了。在最後的皇冠戰爭後的十個千紀中,在 「綠郁之島」永聚島Evermeet the Green Isle 上、在 艾弗瑞斯卡谷the Vale of Evereska 中、在 至高森林the High Forest 里、在科曼索的廣闊森林內、攸木林的遙遠森林中,精靈文明們興起、然後因各種原因隕落,但再未復現皇冠戰爭的精靈內部衝突造成的如此規模的破壞。然而,優雅族裔的人口從未恢復曾經,而精靈統治費倫大陸的時代也遠去已久。事實上,精靈在費倫的大陸上的存在,已經跌落到了25個千紀以來的最低水準。
After the fourth Crown War, the Seldarine were forced to intervene, and the Ssri-Tel'Quessir, found only in Ilythiir after the destruction of Miyeritar, were transformed into the obsidian-skinned, white-haired beings they are today. Named dhaeraow-an elvish term for traitor, since corrupted into drow-these elves were banished to the sunless reaches of the Underdark. After the Descent, at Corellon's insistence, the elders of the elven race assembled in the great forest to the east to debate the cause of the divisiveness and strife at a place of decision and judgment that became the Elven Court. After much debate, the Vyshaan were found to be culpable and the Vyshaantar Empire was destroyed in the fifth Crown War that followed the verdict. In the ten millennia since the last Crown War, elven civilizations have risen, and in some cases fallen, on Evermeet the Green Isle, in the Vale of Evereska, in the High Forest, in the great forest of Cormanthor, and in distant woodlands of the Yuirwood, but the destructive intra elven strife of the Crown Wars has never been repeated on such a wide scale. The Fair Folk have never recovered in population, however, and the age when the elves ruled Faerûn has long since passed. In fact, with inception of the Retreat in the Year of Moonfall (1344 DR), the elven presence on the mainland of Faerûn has fallen to its lowest levels in 25 millennia.

The diversity of the elven pantheon reflects the wide range of elven subraces, for each subrace is closely associated with a subset of the Seldarine and each elven power is closely associated with one or more of the subraces. In particular, Corellon Larethian, Hanali Celanil, and Labelas Enoreth are closely associated with the Ar-Tel'Quessir and Hanali Celanil, Sehanine Moonbow (or Angharradh), and Solonor Thelandira are closely associated with the Teu-Tel'Quessir. Similarly, Rillifane Rallathil, Shevarash, and Solonor Thelandira are closely associated with both the Sy-Tel'Quessir and (with the exception of Shevarash) the Ly Tel'Quessir, while Deep Sashelas is closely associated with the Alu-Tel'Quessir. Before the Descent, the Ssri-Tel'Quessir were closely associated with Araushnee (now Lolth), Eilistraee, Vhaeraun, a relationship that still exists between the drow and the dark gods they worship. The deep schism between the drow and the other elven subraces is also reflected in the divisions between the Seldarine and Araushnee and her brood, just as the deific battles between the Seldarine and the anti-Seldarine reflect the strife of the Crown Wars.

  通過一些措施,席德瑞恩諸神容納了一支神系中的神系。在數世紀前,在 查-泰'奎瑟一族the Cha-Tel'Quessir(攸木林的半綠精靈)在 阿戈拉隆王國Aglarond 出現前,攸木林的塞-泰'奎瑟一族接受和吸納了此前受到原始人類(他們先於精靈在這片森林中定居)崇敬的遠古神力。坐落於攸木林心臟的是 太陽林隙the Sunglade,期間占據主導的是兩道同心石柱圈。外圈的各塊石頭上都刻著一位不同的席德瑞恩諸神成員,而內圈的各塊石頭則刻著攸爾諸神某位的徽記。在那十塊石頭中,只有四個徽記仍然清晰:無限分枝之瑞卡Relkath of the Infinite Branches「熊」馬格納爾Magnar the Bear伊莉卡勒雪Elikarashae、以及 「舞者」贊蒂拉Zandilar the Dancer 。第五塊石碑據信曾有 欣布Simbul(邊緣與抉擇的時刻之女神)的記號,這也是 艾拉絲蘭·珊特蘭卓Alassra Shentrantra 常見稱謂的來源。除了一位外,攸爾諸神全體都由於長期缺乏信徒而遭削弱,而在優雅族裔第一次抵達攸木林時被席德瑞恩諸神吸收,現在,他們僅僅只是瑞里芬·萊勒菲、謝瓦拉許、拉貝拉斯·恩諾瑞思以及其他精靈神力野性、原始的面相。只有「舞者」贊蒂拉在塞-泰'奎瑟一族到來後仍然保留了某種程度的獨立。然而,在為了避免自己的信徒如其祂被吸收者的崇拜者一樣被卓爾擊敗,而對「蒙面之主」維倫Vhaeraun the Masked Lord 施行了不成功的詭計後,她的神力也過度衰落,而被迫與 穆爾霍蘭德人Mulhorandi 女神 芭絲特Bast 融合(現名為 夏芮絲Sharess)。除了「舞者」贊蒂拉外,攸爾諸神那些面相的詳述仍然可以在對應席德瑞恩神力條目中找到,而「舞者」贊蒂拉則在《神力與神系Powers & Pantheons》夏芮絲條目中。
By some measures, the Seldarine contain a pantheon within a pantheon. In centuries past, before the Cha-Tel'Quessir (half-green elves of the Yuirwood) appeared in Aglarond, the Sy-Tel'Quessir of the Yuirwood adopted and coopted ancient powers previously venerated by primitive humans who had preceded even the elven settlement of the forest. Little remains to mark the worship of these ancient powers, although their legends are still retold in the oral tradition of the Cha-Tel'Quessir. At the heart of the Yuirwood is the Sunglade, dominated by two concentric rings of stone menhirs. While each stone of the outer ring bears an inscription to a different member of the Seldarine, each stone of the inner ring is inscribed with the symbol of one of the gods of the Yuir. Of those ten stones, only four symbols are still legible:Relkath of the Infinite Branches, Magnar the Bear, Elikarashae, and Zandilar the Dancer. A fifth menhir is believed to have once held the sign of the Simbul, the goddess of the edge and the moment of choice, from whom Alassra Shentrantra's common appellation is derived. All but one of the gods of the Yuir, weakened by the long absence of their faithful, were absorbed by the Seldarine when the Fair Folk first arrived in the Yuirwood, and they are now simply wild, primitive aspects of Rillifane Rallathil, Shevarash, Labelas Enoreth, and the other elven powers. Only Zandilar the Dancer retained any degree of independence after the coming of the Sy-Tel'Quessir. However, she too declined in power and was forced to merge with the Mulhorandi goddess Bast (now known as Sharess) after an unsuccessful gambit against Vhaeraun the Masked Lord that she initiated in the hope of averting the defeat other adopted worshipers by the drow. Details of those aspects of the gods of the Yuir that are still remembered may be found in the entries for the corresponding powers of the Seldarine or, in the case of Zandilar the Dancer, in the entry for Sharess found in Powers & Pantheons.

通用精靈和半精靈祭司能力General Elven and Half-elven Priest Abilities:

  精靈和半精靈祭司的通用能力與限制,除了本節稍後記述的每種精靈信仰特殊變化外,都在「附錄1:亞人祭司Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests」中精靈與半精靈祭司的詳述中討論。
The general abilities and restrictions of elven and half-elven priests, aside from the specific changes noted later in this section for each elven faith, are summarized in the discussions of elven priests and half-elven priests in "Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests."


2e<Dragon 251.p028>席德瑞恩諸神的魔法Magic of the Seldarine

  在 席德瑞恩諸神the Seldarine 中的魔法是如此的強大,以至於大部分精靈神明(包括他們的報應 卓爾諸神the gods of drow)——都與某種形式的魔法存在特定的聯繫。雖然在席德瑞恩諸神中 柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian 是 魔法的一元之強大神the one Greater God of Magic(很像 密絲特拉Mystra 在泛費倫神祇中的那樣),但他允可了魔法神職的分配,因為這強大了席德瑞恩的整體。
MAGIC IS SO STRONG AMONG THE SELDARINE that most elven gods—including their nemeses, the gods of drow—have a certain association with some form of magic. Although Corellon Larethian is the one Greater God of Magic among the Seldarine, much as Mystra is among Faerûnian deities, he allows this distribution of the portfolio of Magic since it strengthens the Seldarine as a whole.

表 1:魔法的精靈諸神The Elven Gods of Magic

  艾德莉·法恩雅Aerdrie Faenya 氣元素魔法Elemental Air magic
  柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian 一般的魔法Magic in general,高等魔法High Magic(見《永聚島的精靈Elites of Evermeet》)
  艾瑞汶·伊拉希爾Erevan Ilesere 巧思(野)魔法Qiaos (Wild) magic
  哈娜莉·瑟拉妮爾Hanali Celanil 魅惑魔法Charm magic
  齊雅溫紗麗Kiaransalee(卓爾drow) 死靈術Necromancy
  奇麗思·索絲瑞爾Kirith Sotheril 預言Divinations,附魔Enchantments
  拉貝拉斯·恩諾瑞思Labelas Enoreth 時空Chronomancy
  羅絲Lolth(卓爾drow) 影魔法Shadow magic
  梅莉菈·塔爾倫Melira Taralen 歌魔法Song magic
  瑞勒瓦·德維尼恩Rellavar Danuvien 冰元素魔法Elemental Ice magic
  深海·賽悉拉Deep Sashelas 水元素魔法(僅海精靈)Elemental Water magic (sea elves only)
  莎罕妮·月弓Sehahine Moonbow 幻術/幻象Illusion/Phantasm,轉化Alteration
  塔斯林·瓦拉迪Tethrin Varalde  「戰鬥」魔法(祈喚/塑能)「Battle」 magic (Invocation/ Evocation)

  精靈諸神們(包括卓爾神系和那些在《巨龍雜誌DRAGON® Magazine 236》的「重訪席德瑞恩諸神The Seldarine Revisited」中提及的精靈神明)的魔法聯繫,展示在 表 1 中。 The magical associations of the elven gods (including the drow pantheon and those elven gods mentioned in 「The Seldarine Revisited」 in DRAGON® Magazine issue #236) appear on Table 1.

In addition to these well-known elven deities, there are several more elven gods of magic. None of them is particularly well known—and some are in danger of losing their status among the Seldarine but they can make your campaign even more interesting and round out the pantheon.

  請注意:下列的祭職者條目使用的許多法術無法在《玩家手冊Player's Handbook》中找到。若有疑問,查閱規則手冊《玩家指南Player's Option:法術與魔法Spells & Magic》。以及,參見《信仰與化身Faiths & Avatars》一書中的更多詳述。
Note:The following priesthood entries make use of many spells not found in the Player's Handbook. If in question, check the Player's Option: Spells & Magic rulebook. Also, see the Faiths & Avatars book for more details).
