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席文塔姆之剑The Sword of Selvetarm,高等神器
Sword of Selvetarm
【阵   营】LE(智力12,感知10,魅力19,自主力25)
【等   级】高等神器Major Artifact
【物品 类型】武器(长剑)
【战   役】FR
【创 作 者】席文塔姆Selvetarm
【所 有 者】遗失
【相关 角色】罗丝Lolth
【简   介】席文塔姆之剑The Sword of Selvetarm 是卓尔战士之神席文塔姆的配剑,他将它赐予了一位强大的卓尔战士,以对抗罗丝的众多敌人,但历经数十年后最终遗失。

3e席文塔姆之剑The Sword of Selvetarm



席文塔姆之剑The Sword of Selvetarm

Sword of Selvetarm

  卓尔神祇 席文塔姆Selvetarm 被冠以诸如 蜘蛛女王之子Son of the Spider Queen、罗丝的冠军斗士Champion of Lolth、静候的蜘蛛the Spider That Waits 的称谓。尽管他深切的仇恨着她和其它一切活物,但作为 罗丝Lolth 的附庸,他毫不质疑地为女王服务着。作为卓尔战士的守护者,他鼓舞黑暗精灵军人去磨练他们的战斗技能、去寻求流血的机会。
Son of the Spider Queen, Champion of Lolth, the Spider That Waits -- these are the titles of the drow god that is known as Selvetarm. A vassal of Lolth, he serves her without question despite the deep hatred he harbors for her and for every other living being. As the patron of drow warriors, he inspires the dark elf military to hone their fighting skills and to seek out bloodshed.

  席文塔姆的喜好武器是一柄名为 毒锤Venommace 的重型钉头锤。不过,他的战士专攻于不同类型的战技,包括被卓尔青睐的双持流派战斗风格。为了增强这类战士、更主要的原因是为了对抗罗丝众多的敌人,席文塔姆将他的剑赐予给了一位强大的卓尔战士。历经数十年,这把污浊之剑已经消失在 幽暗地域Underdark 之中。不过,它被重新发现只是时间问题。假若罗丝的仇敌发现它,他们也许有机会摧毁它。假若,不论如何,席文塔姆的追随者若率先找到了这把剑,他们将在与 深坑魔网女王Queen of the Demonweb 之敌的无尽战争中使用这把强大的武器。
Selvetarm's favored weapon is a heavy mace named Venommace. However, his warriors specialize in many forms of combat, including the two-handed fighting styles favored by the drow. To empower these warriors and further the cause of Lolth against her many enemies, Selvetarm gave his sword to a powerful dark elf warrior. For decades, the foul blade has been lost in the Underdark. It is only a matter of time, however, before the blade is discovered. If Lolth's enemies uncover it, they will perhaps have opportunity to destroy it. If, however, the followers of Selvetarm find the sword first, they will have a powerful weapon to use in their endless battles against the foes of the Queen of the Demonweb pits.

  在邪恶阵营的非卓尔手中,这把席文塔姆之剑如同一柄+2长剑。如果非邪恶阵营者尝试挥舞此剑,将予其两级负向等级。尽管该负向等级不会造成真正的等级损失,但当持有此武器时,它们无法以任何方式克服(包括 复原术restoration 法术)。当穿戴者不再持握此剑时,负向等级会消失。
In the hands of a nondrow evil character, the Sword of Selvetarm functions as a +2 longsword. If a nonevil character attempts to wield the Sword, it bestows 2 negative levels on her. Although these negative levels never result in actual level loss, they remain as long as the sword is in the wielder's possession and cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells). The negative levels disappear when the sword leaves the wearer's possession.

In the hands of an evil drow, however, the true power of the sword emerges.
  ·如+5 歼敌(精灵)不洁斩首长剑
  ·It functions as a +5 elf bane unholy vorpal longsword.
  ·The wielder gains a +5 enhancement bonus to Dexterity.
  ·The wielder gains an additional +10 enhancement bonus on Hide checks.
  ·The wielder can rage as though a 16th-level barbarian.
  ·持有者可以能够随意施展以下法术,施法等级16:蛛行术Spider Climb蛛网术Web
  ·The wielder can cast at will as if a 16th-level caster: spider climb, web.
  ·每日一次,持有者能够施展以下法术,施法等级16:火焰蜘蛛fire spider魅影驹Phantom Steed
  ·Once a day, the wielder can cast as if a 16th-level caster: fire spider, phantom steed.
  ·每月一次,持有者可以召唤一只蜡融妖yochlol,这将允许使用者与身处神国 深坑魔网Demonweb 的罗丝或席文塔姆沟通。
  ·Once a month, the wielder can summon a yochlol, which will allow the user to commune with Lolth or Selvetarm on their home plane, the Demonweb.

The sword is intelligent (Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 19, Ego 25) and lawful evil. It does not like to be kept from battle, and it will try to propel its owner into any fight. The sword cannot speak, except to call out the name of Selvetarm in the heat of combat, but it can communicate telepathically with its owner. It will attempt to dominate any nondrow who wields it, forcing them to support the cause of Selvetarm and Lolth.

摧毁此剑To destroy the sword:

To destroy the sword, it must be forced to deal damage to either Lolth or Selvetarm while located in the Demonweb.

席文塔姆之剑引入你的战役Introducing the Sword of Selvetarm to Your Campaign

  ·在徒步穿越一片未经勘探的幽暗地域时,玩家们被一具卓尔战士骸骨绊倒,骨骸的手上紧紧抓着一柄未锈蚀的剑。剑试图支配那个第一位捡到的玩家,并迫使他将归还 魔索布莱城Menzoberranzan 的席文塔姆士兵。作为另一种选择,剑可能试图说服玩家接受席文塔姆的意志、去杀死一个潜伏在附近的强大卓尔之敌。
  ·While trekking through an unexplored part of the Underdark, the PCs stumble on the skeleton of a drow warrior, clutching a stainless sword in his hand. The sword attempts to dominate the first PC that picks it up and forces the PC to return it to the soldiers of Selvetarm located in Menzoberranzan. Alternatively, the sword might attempt to persuade the PC to take up the cause of Selvetarm and slay a powerful enemy of the drow that lurks nearby.

  ·玩家将负责找到并摧毁它。然而,蛛化卓尔 娜拉德纳Naradna 也想用这柄剑来推进她对卓尔种族的毁灭。相较于与玩家们对抗,她选择了她将先提出一套折衷方案:如果玩家们与她一同找到了这柄剑,她将首先用它来消灭卓尔,然后再帮助玩家们找出摧毁这柄邪刃的方法。娜拉德纳知道如何摧毁这柄剑的秘密,并愿意在时机成熟时,与玩家们分享——事实上,她希望玩家们将剑带到 深坑魔网Demonweb 并将剑指向 罗丝Lolth 本尊,她希望这一过程将摧毁 蛛后the Spider Queen 并在届时抹去卓尔精灵的最后一丝痕迹。
  ·The PCs are charged with finding the sword and destroying it. However, Naradna the drider also wants the sword so that she can forward her campaign of genocide against the drow. Rather than confront the players, she offers a compromise: if the PCs work with her to find the sword, she will first use it to eradicate the drow before helping the PCs uncover the means of destroying the evil blade. Naradna knows the secret to the sword's destruction and is willing to share it with the PCs when she feels the time is right -- indeed, she hopes the PCs will take the blade to the Demonweb and turn it on Lolth herself, hopefully destroying the Spider Queen in the process and erasing what will by then be, she hopes, the last trace of the drow.

  ·The drow have recovered the sword and with it plan to launch a bloody campaign against the surface elves. The PCs may not want to confront the dark elf host directly, but perhaps they can infiltrate the dark elf ranks and steal the sword from them, thus depriving the drow of their primary advantage.

衔接各个部分Bringing the Parts Together

  正如娜拉德纳章节中提到的,她希望找到这柄剑。或许是 德林Derrin 代表她的利益给了玩家们一项任务:找到剑的下落,而玩家们将得到丰厚的回报。如果你想隐秘行事的话,你也可能想要安置也与剑一并丢失了的另一物品让玩家找出来。因为娜拉德纳大致知晓如果有人找到了另一物品,那么剑也就找到了,这一更无害的物品可能让玩家们能够上钩。
As mentioned in the section on Naradna, she wishes to find the sword. Perhaps Derrin, on Naradna's behalf, presents the group of PCs with a mission: Find the whereabouts of the sword, and the PCs will be well rewarded. If you wish to be sneaky about it, you may want to set up another item that was also lost with the sword that the PCs are to seek out. Since Naradna would presumably know that if you find one, you find the other, this more inoffensive item could cause the PCs to bite the bait.

Coming in Part 4 of Spider, Spider, Burning Bright . . .
Find the Courtyard of Spiders and see what dangers lurk there.
