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【音   标】SELL-veh-TARM
【头   衔】¢席文塔姆:罗丝的冠军斗士Champion of Lolth,罗丝的封臣Thane of Lolth
¢赞阿苏:静候的蜘蛛the Spider That Waits,蜘蛛恶魔the Spider Demon,变形蛛亲王Prince of the Aranea,维诺米尔沼泽领主Lord of the Venomire
【阵   营】CN→CE
【神   力】D→Dead→?
【神   职】卓尔武者Drow warriors
【神   系】黑暗席德瑞恩诸神the Dark Seldarine
【主   神】罗丝Lolth
【盟   友】卡拉苟斯Garagos罗丝Lolth
【敌   对】深地·杜菈Deep Duerra伊莉丝翠Eilistraee关纳德Ghaunadaur拉杜格Laduguer席德瑞恩诸神the Seldarine莎尔Sharess维伦Vhaeraun布里博杜普Blibdoolpoolp血色女王the Blood Queen迪卡拉泽Diinkarazan迪伊林卡Diirinka大主母Great Mother格泽姆尼德Gzemnid伊尔神思因Ilsensine伊西德伦Ilxendren劳格兹得Laogzed曼泽柯瑞安Maanzecorian泼斯洛菲尔Psilofyr
【神   国】无底深渊the Abyss/66th 罗丝之网Lolth's Web深坑魔网the Demonweb Pits
【徽   记】锤剑交叉为底,覆盖着蜘蛛Crossed sword and mace overlaid with spider image
【相关 神器】席文塔姆之剑The Sword of Selvetarm
【简   介】席文塔姆Selvetarm 是卓尔的战士之神,柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安罗丝之孙,维伦赞蒂拉之子。

2eFR<Demihuman Deities.p033>席文塔姆Selvetarm


出版时间:1997/09;国度时间:1370 DR


  (罗丝的冠军斗士Champion of Lolth,罗丝的封臣Thane of Lolth,静候的蜘蛛the Spider That Waits,蜘蛛恶魔the Spider Demon,变形蛛亲王Prince of the Aranea,维诺米尔沼泽领主Lord of the Venomire)

  无底深渊深渊半神力Demipower of the Abyss,

  神职PORTFOLIO:卓尔武者Drow warriors
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:第66层/罗丝之网Lolth's Web深坑魔网the Demonweb Pits
  敌对FOES:深地·杜菈Deep Duerra伊莉丝翠Eilistraee关纳德Ghaunadaur拉杜格Laduguer席德瑞恩诸神the Seldarine莎尔Sharess维伦Vhaeraun布里博杜普Blibdoolpoolp血色女王the Blood Queen迪卡拉泽Diinkarazan迪伊林卡Diirinka大主母Great Mother格泽姆尼德Gzemnid伊尔神思因Ilsensine伊西德伦Ilxendren劳格兹得Laogzed曼泽柯瑞安Maanzecorian(消逝dead),泼斯洛菲尔Psilofyr
  徽记SYMBOL:锤剑交叉为底,覆盖着蜘蛛Crossed sword and mace overlaid with spider image


图出自《Faiths & Pantheons》

  席文塔姆Selvetarm(读作“SELL-veh-TARM”)是 罗丝的冠军斗士Champion of Lolth,是卓尔精灵武者的守护神。在 费伦大陆Faerûn 地下 幽暗地域Underdark 的北部和西部,尤其是在 艾瑞德林城Eryndlyn(位于 至高荒原High Moor 地下)和 地脉迷城Undermountain(位于 深水城Waterdeep 地下)的地城中,有少许卓尔将他视作无与伦比战斗力的化身敬拜。此外,在 卡丽珊Calimshan 南部的 蜘蛛沼泽Spider Swamp,也有些 变形蛛aranea 崇拜这只 蜘蛛恶魔the Spider Demon,在那里,他被称作 静候的蜘蛛the Spider That Waits 赞阿苏Zanassu。他在 米尔森林Forest of Mir 也有少量卓尔信徒,而在 卡林珊Calimshan 的 宝石之城the Gem City,同样有一小撮寻求任何提升自己政治地位可能性的 瓦罗谭普人Volothanni 信奉着他。
Selvetarm (SELL-veh-TARM)is the Champion of Lolth and the patron of drow warriors. Seen as the embodiment of unequaled fighting prowess, Selvetarm is worshiped by a few drow in the northern and western reaches of the Underdark beneath Faerûn, particularly in the city of Eryndlyn beneath the High Moor and in the dungeons of Undermountain beneath Waterdeep. The Spider Demon is also venerated by many of the aranea of the Spider Swamp in southern Calimshan where he is known as Zanassu, the Spider That Waits. A few drow in the Forest of Mir as well as a handful of Volothanni seeking any advantage to advance themselves politically in the Gem City of Calimshan round out the ranks of Selvetarm's faithful.

  席文塔姆是 维伦Vhaeraun“舞者”赞蒂拉Zandilar the Dancer(一位被 攸木林Yuirwood 的精灵敬拜的半神力)之间不幸关系的结晶。在那时,舞者the Dancer 的精灵信徒们遭遇了 罗丝Lolth 奴才们的无情袭击、无力应对。或许是为了刺探敌人的情报,也可能是为了在与 蛛后the Spider Queen 的战斗中得到对方的直接援助,赞蒂拉找到并色诱了维伦,最终却惨遭 蒙面之主The Masked Lord 的背叛与囚禁。全赖四处漂泊的 穆尔霍兰德人Mulhorandi 半神力 芭丝特Bast 的帮助,舞者才逃出了维伦的掌控。虚弱的赞蒂拉自愿将自己的本质精华与芭丝特的本质精华融合,产生了现在被称为 夏芮丝Sharess 的女神,在那之后不久席文塔姆出生。
Selvetarm is the offspring of an ill-fated tryst between Vhaeraun and Zandilar the Dancer, a demipower once venerated by the elves of the Yuirwood. When the Dancer's elven followers began to falter in the face of relentless assaults by Lolth's minions, Zandilar sought out the Masked Lord and seduced him in an attempt to either gain information or elicit his direct assistance in battling the Spider Queen. The Masked Lord betrayed Zandilar and imprisoned her, and only the timely assistance of Bast, an errant Mulhorandi demipower, allowed the Dancer to escape. Selvetarm was birthed shortly thereafter when the weakened Zandilar voluntarily merged her essence with that of Bast, creating the goddess now known as Sharess.

  席文塔姆在自己的道路上独自前行了数个世纪,对双亲均不屑一顾,因为他并不完全效忠邪恶,但也不与光明势力联合一致。最后,他的道路与他的姑姑 伊莉丝翠Eilistraee 交汇了。他开始渐渐欣赏 幽暗少女the Dark Maiden 的行为与教诲中展现出的良善。由于席文塔姆向善良回归,伊莉丝翠希望开始弥补在大部分黑暗精灵与 席德瑞恩诸神the Seldarine 之间的裂痕。但她的愿望最终因为罗丝的狡猾阴谋而落空。
Selvetarm walked a solitary way for many centuries, spurning both of his parents, for he was not wholly given over to evil but neither was he aligned with the forces of light. Eventually his path crossed that of his aunt, Eilistraee, and he began to appreciate the goodness of the Dark Maiden, as exhibited in her teachings and deeds. By way of Selvetarm's redemption, Eilistraee hoped to begin to heal the breach between the majority of dark elves and the Seldarine. The Dark Maiden's hopes were dashed, however, by the insidious plotting of Lolth.

  长久以来,蜘后一直对 赞阿苏Zanassu(一位自鸣得意于自己控制蜘蛛能力的 次级深渊领主minor Abyssal Lord)的存在极为憎恨,这股恨意几乎与她对伊莉丝翠在卓尔精灵诸神中赢得席文塔姆这么一位盟友的反感一样强烈。当蜘蛛恶魔因为一次在主物质位面中的冲突(准确的说,是与 夏恩帝国the Shoon Empire 夏恩五世奎萨Qysara Shoon V 的交手)而力量大减之时,罗丝说服席文塔姆前往摧毁赞阿苏,从而夺取蜘蛛恶魔萌芽状态的神力。罗丝这样说服了席文塔姆:这样一场胜利不但能增加他的力量,也能令席文塔姆赢得他极为崇仰的伊莉丝翠的好感。但在被击败后,赞阿苏被席文塔姆吸收的邪恶与混乱的本性,瞬间压倒了后者新生的良善之心,并且使他虚弱得无法逃出蛛后为紧紧地控制他的意志所设下的埋伏。
The Queen of Spiders had long resented the existence of Zanassu, a minor Abyssal Lord with pretensions of suzerainty over spiders, nearly as much as she disliked the possibility of Eilistraee winning an ally-Selvetarm-among the pantheon of the drow. When the Spider Demon lost much of his power after a conflict on the Prime (against Qysara Shoon V of the Shoon Empire), Lolth convinced Selvetarm to destroy Zanassu and seize the Spider Demon's burgeoning divine power. She did so by suggesting to Selvetarm that a victory would increase his personal power and win him favor in the eyes of Eilistraee, whom he greatly admired. While Selvetarm prevailed in battle over the Spider Demon, the absorption of Zanassu's wholly evil and chaotic nature overwhelmed Selvetarm's nascent beneficial aspects and weakened him sufficiently that he could not escape the traps by which the Spider Queen bound his will tightly to her own.

Cruel and malicious by nature, Selvetarm cares only for battle and destruction. The Champion of Lolth harbors a deep hatred for all living things, including his dominating mistress, and the only beauty he can appreciate is a well-honed and deadly fighting style. Selvetarm can exhibit a great deal of patience while waiting for prey to fall into an ambush he has set, but he prefers the wild abandon of battle frenzy to a careful and deliberate attack.


席文塔姆的化身Selvetarm's Avatar

  (战士Fighter 24,牧师Cleric 16)

Selvetarm appears as a large black spider, sometimes with the head of a drow male. He wields a long sword and mace in his front appendages. He prefers spells from the spheres of all, animal, chaos, charm, combat, elemental, guardian, healing, protection, sun (reversed only), travelers, and war, though he can cast spells from any sphere.

  防御等级 -2;移动 15,网 21;生命值 180;零级命中值 -3;#攻击 7次/2轮 以及 1次啮咬
  伤害 2d8+毒素(啮咬)以及 ld8+15(+5长剑,+8 力量,+2 对长剑专精奖励)以及ld6+12+特殊(+3步兵钉头锤,+8 力量)
  魔抗 70%;体型 大型L(15呎宽,6呎高)
  力量 22,敏捷 20,体质 20,智力 15,感知 18,魅力 16
  法术 祭司P:9/9/8/7/4/3/1
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 3;权杖、法杖与魔杖 5;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术6
  AC -2; MV 15, Wb 21; HP 180; THAC0 -3;#AT 7/2 and 1 bite
  Dmg 2d8+poison (bite)and 1d8+15 (long sword +5, +8 STR,+2 spec. bonus in long sword)and 1d6+12+special (footman's mace +3, +8 STR)
  MR 70%; SZ L (15 feet across, 6 feet high)
  STR 22, DEX 20, CON 20, INT 15, Wis 18, CHA 16
  Spells P:9/9/8/7/4/3/1
  Saves PPDM 3, RSW 5, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 6

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  席文塔姆的右手持握着 毒锤Venomace,一柄不断渗出剧毒的强酸淤泥和毒液的 +3步兵钉头锤,能够在命中后的3轮内每轮造成1d4额外的毒素伤害(如果目标不能通过毒素豁免)和1d4点酸伤害。而在他的左手是 瑟雷克之刃Thalackvelve,一柄 +5防御长剑long sword +5, defender。席文塔姆啮咬攻击的受害者必须通过-4惩罚的毒素豁免检定。失败的豁免检定会导致受害者在1轮内死亡,但即便豁免成功,仍会对受害者造成3d6的伤害。
In his right hand Selvetarm wields Venomace, a footman's mace +3 that continuously oozes a noxious sludge of acid and venom that inflicts an additional ld4 points of poison damage (if a saving throw vs. poison is not made)and ld4 points of acid damage every round for 3 rounds after a successful hit. In his left hand, the Spider Demon wields Thalackvelve, a long sword +5, defender. Victims bitten by Selvetarm must succeed at a saving throw vs. poison at a -4 penalty. A failed saving throw results in death in 1 round, but even if the saving throw succeeds, the poison inflicts 3d6 points of damage.
[译注:Thalackvelve,意为即战争之刃,其中Thalac是黑暗精灵语的战争、公开的战斗 (war, open fighting); kvelve是黑暗精灵语的刃(匕首、小刀、剑) (blade--dagger, knife, sword)]

Selvetarm is immune to poison and sustains only half damage from cold, electricity, and lightning attacks. He is only affected by +1 or better magical weapons. Magical cold iron weapons get a +2 damage bonus when striking him.

  席文塔姆能够随意使用、每次1道地以类法术,而非法术方式施展下列法术:魅惑怪物charm monster魅惑人类charm person命令术command15呎黑暗术darkness 15' radius侦测善良detect good侦测隐形detect invisible任意门dimension door驱散魔法dispel magic飞行术fly夜视术infravision隐形术invisibility知晓阵营know alignment10呎防护善良protection from good 10' radius怪物交谈术speak with monsters心灵感应telekinesis(达到5,000 gp)、无误传送teleport without error邪恶真言unholy word、以及 蛛网术web。每轮1次,蜘蛛恶魔能够随意以类法术而非法术方式施展:召唤蜘蛛summon spiders(01-20%;1d6+6 大型蜘蛛,21-50%:1d4+4 超大型蜘蛛,51-90%:1d6 巨型蜘蛛,91-00%:1d2 相位蜘蛛)。
Selvetarm can at will, one at a time, use any of the following spell-like powers once per day instead of casting a spell: charm monster, charm person, command, darkness 15' radius, detect good, detect invisible, dimension door, dispel magic, fly, infravision, invisibility, know alignment, protection from good 10' radius, speak with monsters, telekinesis(up to 5, 000 gp), teleport without error, unholy word, and web. The Spider Demon can summon spiders (01-20%;1d6+6 large spiders, 21-50%:1d4+4 huge spiders, 51-90%:1d6 giant spiders, 91-00%:1d2 phase spiders) at will, once per round, instead of casting a spell.


图出自《Faiths & Pantheons》

其他显现Other Manifestations

  面对信徒们恳求,席文塔姆更情愿派遣化身处理或者干脆无视这些祈愿,而甚少费神亲临国度回应。在化身忙于他事、又对战斗的结果极为关心的时候,他才肯偶尔显现。在这种情况,席文塔姆会显现为一个绝对的黑暗笼罩微小球体,在3轮内,这个小球的直径先从约1吋缓慢地放大到约1呎,然后突然在一阵飞刃的骤雨中爆炸,造成如同牧师法术的 剑刃护壁blade barrie 效果,不过与法术相比,它的影响目标不能通过法术豁免来对抗它的效果。
Selvetarm rarely bothers to simply manifest in the Realms when entreated by his followers, as he prefers to either dispatch his avatar directly or ignore the supplication. He occasionally manifests when his avatar is otherwise occupied and the outcome of the fray is of great interest to him. In such situations, Selvetarm manifests as a tiny sphere of absolute blackness that slowly grows in size over the course of 3 rounds from about 1 inch in diameter to about 1 foot in diameter and then explodes in a shower of blades equivalent in effect to the cleric spell blade barrier, though it grants its victims no saving throw vs. spell against its effects.

  席文塔姆常以 噬魂蛛myrlochar(即 灵魂蜘蛛soul spiders)、猎魔蛛retrievers 乃至任意种类蜘蛛的形态活动。这只蜘蛛恶魔以发现 盗贼之石rogue stones、成片干燥的 银皮树Silverbark 和 蛛网石webstone 展现他的恩宠,而令他不快者,在战斗时武器和盔甲甚至会在划擦而过。
Selvetarm commonly acts through the appearance or presence of myrlochar (soul spiders), retrievers, and spiders of all sorts. The Spider Demon shows his favor through the discovery of rogue stones, pieces of dried silver-bark, and webstone, and his displeasure by causing steel weapons and armor to shatter in combat even after a glancing blow.

教会The Church

  神职人员CLERGY:牧师Clerics,护教军crusaders,战士fighters,专属祭司specialty priests
  神职阵营CLERGY'S ALIGN.:中立邪恶NE,混乱邪恶CE
  呵斥不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧师C:可Yes;护教军Cru:不可No;战士F:不可No;专属祭司SP:不可No

  席文塔姆的所有牧师(包括牧师兼职战士,这是一种允许席文塔姆卓尔祭司的兼职组合)、护教军、以及席文塔姆的专属祭司得到 宗教知识religion(卓尔drow)、宗教知识religion(精灵elven)以及 阅读/书写reading/writing(卓尔语drowic)作为额外非武器熟练奖励。
All clerics (including cleric/fighters, a multiclassed combination allowed to drow priests of Selvetarm), crusaders, and specialty priests of Selvetarm receive religion (drow), religion (elven), and reading/writing (drowic) as bonus nonweapon proficiencies.

  除了在 蜘蛛沼泽、瓦罗谭普城Volothamp 以及深水城的地城中,席文塔姆在地表世界鲜为人知。在少数 卡林珊人Calishite 的传说中他是一只沼泽里的恶魔,在这些故事中,他被描绘为保持潜藏的邪物,能使用阴险的符咒和无节制的战斗狂怒。除了在卓尔城市 艾瑞德林城Eryndlyn 外,席文塔姆这个名字都是服侍于罗丝、拥有几不可挡的高超技艺的男性卓尔战士的同义词,而那些追随 罗丝之道the Way of Lolth 的卓尔城市中,只有少数知晓这只蜘蛛恶魔。极少有卓尔知道他是位神性存在,因为大多数故事将他简单地描绘为一只强大的 塔纳厘恶魔tanar'ri、一个罗丝的小卒。
Outside of the Spider Swamp, the city of Volothamp, and the dungeons beneath Waterdeep, Selvetarm is little known on the surface world. He does appear in a few Calishite tales as the Demon of the Swamp in which he is depicted as a lurking evil capable of insidious charms and unchecked battle fury.Aside from the drow city of Eryndlyn, where Selvetarm's name is synonymous with the nigh-unstoppable battle prowess of drow male warriors in the service of Lolth, the Spider Demon is known in the Underdark in only a few drow cities that follow the Way of Lolth. Few drow are aware that he is divine being, as most tales depict him simply as a powerful tanar'ri and a minion of Lolth.

  席文塔姆的神庙数量极少,通常由巨大的地下厅堂、以及在其厅堂内占据最重要位置、高大的黑色石质蜘蛛神像组成。其中有一座名为“瑟瑞塞斯·萨格神堂The Chapel of the Sericeous Sargh”【译注:卓尔语,意即善战蛛丝神堂】的小神殿。这处颇具代表性的小型圣地位于地脉迷城(房间#12)的第一层、深水城的街道之下。其神殿的神像仿佛与房间东部墙体的正中位置融为了一体。而一座被染污呈黑色的祭坛正坐落在神像之前。在祭坛的正面,两条蜘蛛腿伸展而出;在祭坛的上方,另两条蜘蛛腿高高抬起,每条腿上都悬浮着一只未点燃的火盆;在神像的侧面,蜘蛛剩下的腿形成了一个拱形。怪异的紫蓝色辉光从雕像的眼中散发出来,在没有点亮火盆时,这便是神堂唯一的照明。
The few temples of Selvetarm that exist are typically large subterranean chambers dominated a huge black stone spider idol. The Chapel of the Sericeous Sargh, a small shrine on the first level of Undermountain (Room #12) beneath the streets of Waterdeep, is fairly representative of the style. The idol appears to merge with the center of the room's eastern wall.A darkly stained altar sits before the idol, and two of the spider's legs are outstretched in front of the altar. Another two legs are raised up high, above the altar, suspending an unlit brazier from each leg. The spider's other legs bend up and set down close to its sides, forming large arches along the sides of the idol. An eerie, purplish-blue radiance emanates from the statue's eyes, providing the chapel's only illumination when the braziers are not lit.
[译注:The Chapel of the Sericeous Sargh,卓尔精灵语中sargh 意为武器使用熟练、战斗力、臂力、英勇 (confidence in weapons, battle-might, strength at-arms, valor)]

  席文塔姆的牧师总体上被称为 席文塔林Selvetargtlin,在卓尔语中意即席文塔姆的战士。席文塔姆牧师的头衔在神殿内部根据其等级有很大的不同,但在艾瑞德林Eryndlyn城,某些称谓被广泛使用,譬如:利斧之刃Edge of the Axe、蜂群之饥渴Hunger of the Swarm、洞熊之爪Claw of the Cave Bear、魔龙之爪Talon of the Wyrm、以及 狂暴嗜血者Bloodlust of the Berserker。蜘蛛恶魔的高层祭司拥有独一无二的头衔。专属祭司被称为 蜘蛛之剑spiderswords。席文塔姆的神职人员包括男性(70%)和女性(8%)的黑暗精灵,以及男性(15%)和女性(7%)变形蛛。席文塔姆的神职人员包括专属祭司(35%)、护教军(25%)、牧师兼职战士(20%)、战士(15%,包括非祭司的兼职战士)以及牧师(5%)。
Selvetarm's clergy are known collectively as the Selvetargtlin, which is drow for warriors of Selvetarm. Titles used by Selvetarm's clergy vary widely across temple hierarchies, but those used in the city of Eryndlyn include Edge of the Axe, Crush of the Mace, Steel of the Blade, Tusk of the Boar, Hunger of the Swarm, Claw of the Cave Bear, Talon of the Wyrm, and Bloodlust of the Berserker. High-ranking priests of the Spider Demon have unique individual titles. Specialty priests are known as spiderswords. The clergy of Selvetarm includes both male (70%)and female dark elves (8%)as well as male (15%)and female aranea (7%).Selvetarm's clergy includes Specialty Priests(35%), crusaders (25%), cleric/fighters (20%), fighters (15%, including nonpriest multiclassed fighters), and clerics (5%).


War is the ultimate expression of individual power, and only through battle and death can one realize the respect of one's comrades.Hone fighting skills constantly and teach those who will follow into the fray. Never give or receive quarter, and die amidst the bloodlust of battle against overwhelming odds.Cultivate as many different weapon tricks and combat maneuvers as a spider has arms, and never fear that hidden venom, like a secret vengeance waiting to strike, will serve you ill.

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:

Selvetarm's faithful spend most of their days guarding fortifications, honing their fighting skills, participating in patrols, guarding slave caravans, and getting into fights over status and petty slights. Many spend much of their time training other warriors in the art of war. While the Selvetargtlin are rightly known for their skill in battle, the teachings of the faith place little emphasis on tactics or strategy and thus few members of Selvetarm's clergy achieve a high military rank.

圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

Selvetarm's faithful are expected to observe the rituals of Lolth, as directed by her priests. (Those who have recently emigrated from Eryndlyn have abandoned this practice, so far without divine retribution, and are said to be praying for guidance in new ways of honoring the Spider Demon.) Selvetarm does expect all who take up arms in his name to cry out his name in the bloodlust of battle as they deliver the killing blow to a foe. Since there is always the chance that any attack will be a fatal one, the Selvetargtlin tend to constantly scream out their god's name during a battle.

  蜘蛛沼泽的变形蛛以一套完全不同的仪式崇敬赞阿苏,较为显著的是他们强调忍耐、狡诈以及敏锐。此类仪式涉及到将动物献祭给静候的蜘蛛——典型的祭品是一只野猪或蜥蜴——并反复地恳求他回归。席文塔姆的圣日是每年 六月Kythorn 的第六天,以纪年赞阿苏在这一天结束千年的流亡而回归。在这一天,所以的变形蛛以禁食和战斗仪式庆祝它们的救赎。
The aranea of the Spider Swamp venerate Zanassu with a totally different set of rituals, notable in comparison for their emphasis on patience, craftiness, and subtlety. Such ceremonies involve animal sacrifices to the Spider That Waits-typically a boar or lizard-and repeating litanies beseeching him to return.The holiest day of the year is the 6th of Kythorn, the day on which Zanassu returned after his millennial exile. On this day all of the aranea celebrate their deliverance through fasting and ritual combat.

崇拜主要中心Major Centers of Worship:

  在卡丽珊的蜘蛛沼泽北部水域,坐落着被称为“失落的阿杰胡特Lost Ajhuutal”的城市遗址,传说中,在千年前它是 水巨灵王国Maridland 的首都。数世纪以来这处遗址都是一种 蛛人werespider 种族的家园。变形蛛,一种巨大、有智慧、能够呈现为单一类人形态的蜘蛛。原本这些蛛人的人化形态基本上都是卓尔,但现在选择变成人类或者半精灵的数量也在增多,这一趋势是同卡丽珊的种族趋势相同的。在被多次重建的失落的阿杰胡特城中间,竖立着静候的蜘蛛的 使徒之殿Apostolaeum,城市里少数一座尚算完整的建筑。在这座神殿的中央穹顶一只石质蜘蛛盘踞在石质蛛网上,蛛网向四周蔓延直至角落的四个尖塔的侧翼。不到一百个赞阿苏的牧师与信徒居住在神庙中性急地等待着狩猎和战斗的机会,除此以外,也以守护神殿的方式为静候的蜘蛛和这个社区提供服务。最近,随着变形蛛的领地扩展到 米尔森林Forest of Mir 的水域,给予赞阿苏的牧师与武力抵抗入侵的 野猪人wereboar 作战的机会,但蜘蛛恶魔的牧师们主要担心的是,会随着仅保持卓尔形态的变形蛛们越来越少,他们的纯血统地位可能随之丧失。
In the northern reaches of the Spider Swamp of Calimshan lies a ruined city known as Lost Ajhuutal, rumored to have been the capital of the Maridlands millennia ago. The ruins have been inhabited by a race of werespiders for centuries. The aranea are large, intelligent spiders capable of assuming a single humanoid form. Originally all could assume drow form, but increasing numbers assume a human or half-elven form identical in all ways to Calishites of the same racial mix. In the center of oft-rebuilt Lost Ajhuutal stands the Apostolaeum of the Spider That Waits, one of the city's few buildings that is still relatively intact. The temple has a massive stone spider as its central dome, with stone webs spreading out to the four minarets flanking it at the corners. Less than one hundred priests and followers of Zanassu dwell within the temple, impatiently awaiting opportunities for hunting or wars, but content to serve The Spider Who Waits and the community by defending the temple. Recent expansions of the aranea's territory into the southern reaches of the Forest of Mir have given Zanassu's clergy the opportunity to war with the community of wereboars who are resisting the incursions, but the primary worry of the Spider Demon's priests is the concern that they may lose their fullblood status as fewer and fewer of the aranea keep only drow changeforms.

  根据传说,卡林珊人的法师们在 暗夜战争the Night Wars 期间创造了变形蛛,作为渗透并从内部毁灭卓尔军队的工具。随着黑暗精灵的失败和在-530DR持续了260年的战争的结束,卡里山特人将被抛弃的变形蛛们或者杀死、或者迫进了蜘蛛沼泽。在 维诺米尔沼泽Venomire——蜘蛛沼泽的别名——的黑暗崇拜者之间,发展出了比较和平、中立的文化,并与沿海城市瓦罗谭普进行着丝绸、草药和毒药贸易。在此期间,变形蛛开始显现为黑暗精灵外的其他类人形态,这有利于让它们的能力发挥作用,让它们能够不受妨碍地通过卡里山特的城市和城镇。夏恩五世奎萨将 蜘蛛人spider-peopl 充作一场在 满仓之年Year of Full Cribs (290 DR)折磨着 阿姆瑞汶王国Almraiven 的瘟疫的替罪羊,作为结果,变形蛛几乎被阿姆瑞汶军队与平民的联合反击灭绝。因此,一些变形蛛投向了赞阿苏——当时是一位次级深渊领主,以保卫它们对抗 夏恩帝国the Shoon Empire。在 霜火之年Year of Frostfires(292 DR),柯伊沙拉将赞阿苏放逐回了深渊,但那时蜘蛛恶魔的崇拜已经植根于很大一部分曾经和平的变形蛛。从此,早在 谷地历Dalereckoning 的第四个世纪以来,变形蛛相对平和地居住在 悲悼水巨灵之城Maridsorrows,依靠对赞阿苏的狂热追随者,它们的安全得以保证。
According to legend, the aranea were created by Calishite wizards during the Night Wars to infiltrate the ranks of the drow and destroy them from within. With the defeat of the dark elves and the end of 260 years of warfare in -530 DR, the aranea were cast off by the Calishites and either killed or driven into the Spider Swamp. Among the dank fens of the Venomire, as the Spider Swamp is also known, the aranea developed a relatively pacifistic, neutral culture, trading in silk, herbs, and poisons with the coastal city of Volothamp. During this time some aranea began to manifest humanoid forms other than that of dark elves, facilitating their ability to move unhindered through Calishite cities and towns. When Qysara Shoon V cast the spider-people as scapegoats for a plague that ravished Almraiven in the Year of Full Cribs (290 DR), the aranea were nearly destroyed by the resultant backlash from Volothamp's military and populace. In response, some of the aranea turned to Zanassu, then a minor Abyssal Lord, to defend them against the Shoon Empire. Zanassu was banished back to the Abyss by the qysara in the Year of Frostfires (292 DR), but by that time the Spider Demon's cult had taken root among a large fraction of the once peaceful aranea. Since early in the 4th century Dalereckoning, the aranea have dwelt relatively peacefully in the City of Maridsorrows, their safety secured by the militant followers of Zanassu.

  千年以来,赞阿苏的变形蛛牧师预言:它们蒙受着被夏恩五世奎萨击败之屈辱的神祇,已再度归来。而根据传闻,在这失踪的千年里,蜘蛛恶魔被谣传曾在蜘蛛沼泽的多个场合出没,但实际上在 波浪徘徊之年Year of the Wandering Waves(1292 DR)前,他的化身实际上其实并未回归使徒之殿,直到他被流放1000年后的今天。66年后(一个凶恶的预兆指向了蜘蛛恶魔位于深渊66层的巢穴),赞阿苏——或者说一只自称是它的强大的塔纳厘——占据了使徒之殿的核心。在 诸神降世the Fall of the Gods 于 阴影之年Year of Shadows(1358 DR)开幕前之前,赞阿苏从未在他这座的神殿中出现,在这期间,维诺尼尔领主Lord of the Venomire 一路向米尔森林the Forest of Mir而去未归。在其统治的近七年时间里,赞阿苏的奴仆们非常彻底地渗透进了瓦罗谭普城及其周边地区的权力体系,在那里执政官 瑞斯雷特·恩门Ramslett N'door 和他的许多顾问都成了赞阿苏魅惑的受害者。无论如何,在 动荡之年Time of Troubles 期间,赞阿苏在控制了瓦罗谭普的政府后在该时期的魔法混乱中迅速地消失。随着 毒蛇之年Year of the Serpent(1359 DR)名为 暗行者战争Darkstalker Wars 的冲突继 圣者危机Avatar Crisis 而至,66年来不可见的暴虐专制随之再无痕迹。
For ten centuries, Zanassu's aranea priests foretold the triumphant return of their deity after his ignominious defeat by Qysara Shoon V. While the Spider Demon was rumored to have stalked the Spider Swamp on multiple occasions during his millennial absence, his avatar did not actually return to the Apostolaeum until the Year of the Wandering Waves (1292 DR),1,000 years to the day after his banishment. For 66 years (a baleful portent given the Spider Demon's lair in the 66th level of the Abyss), Zanassu-or a powerful tanar'ri claiming to be him-dwelt within the heart of the Apostolaeum. Zanassu did not emerge from his temple until the Fall of the Gods in the Year of Shadows (1358 DR), at which time the Lord of the Venomire stalked northward toward the Forest of Mir and did not return. During the nearly seven decades of his rule, Zanassu's minions infiltrated the corridors of power in Volothamp and the surrounding region so thoroughly that the then-reigning vizier, Ramslett N'door and a number of his senior advisers fell victim to Zanassu's charms. During the Time of Troubles, however, Zanassu's hold over the government of Volothamp swiftly dissipated in the magical chaos of the time. With the strife of the Darkstalker Wars of the Year of the Serpent (1359 DR)following on the heels of the Avatar CrIsis,66 years of unseen tyranny vanished with barely a trace.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:

The city of Eryndlyn, located in hidden caves beneath the High Moor, is characterized by barely contained hostilities between the worshipers of Lolth, Ghaunadaur, and Vhaeraun. During the Time of Troubles, the avatar of Selvetarm rampaged through the drow city, attacking strongholds of the followers of Ghaunadaur and Vhaeraun. Priests of Lolth hailed the monster as the sword arm of Lolth, sent to demonstrate her absolute rule. The avatar of Selvetarm was finally driven into the wild Underdark by an alliance between the victimized cults, but not without great losses. It is unknown whether Selvetarm's avatar still remains in the Underdark or if he has returned to the Abyss.

As a result of Selvetarm's rampage through Eryndlyn, droves of drow worshipers in that strife-torn city have allied themselves with the priests of Lolth. A new military order called the Selvetargtlin-a name also associated with the clergy at large-has shifted the balance of power in the cult of Lolth's favor and consequently driven the worshipers of Ghaunadaur and Vhaeraun into an uneasy alliance. It is uncertain how this will affect the long term balance of power in the city.

A few drow in Eryndlyn began to worship Selvetarm in his own right. This displeased Lolth's clergy immensely, and the blasphemers were quickly driven from the city and into exile. These drow are believed to have recently settled in the Underdark beneath Waterdeep in the hopes of building their own city. Patrols of Selvetarm's faithful have been encountered exploring the dungeons of Undermountain-where they recently constructed the Chapel of the Sericeous Sargh, detailed above- and searching for new magic with which to defend the exiled cult.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:

Priests of Selvetarm wear long, rich, scarlet robes lined in chain mail. They wear their long hair in thick braids, the tips of which are soaked in blood and allowed to harden into rock-hard clumps. (In desperation, a priest can employ his braids in close quarters as a flail by whipping his head to and fro. Such attacks are made at at a -2 attack penalty and inflict ld4 total points of damage.)Steel gauntlets are worn on the hands, each of which sports a sharp blade-equivalent to a dagger-on the back of the hand emerging from the knuckles at the base of the fingers. The holy symbol of the faith is a platinum disk at least 3 inches in diameter with an embossed depiction on both its obverse and reverse in jet black enamel of a crossed sword and mace overlaid with the image of a spider.

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:

  席文塔姆的信徒使用能得到的最好防具和武器,然而他们会避免使用盾牌——带刺盾牌除外——以及投射武器诸如弓和弩。大多数崇敬蜘蛛恶魔的黑暗精灵装备着 卓尔靴drow boots卓尔斗篷drow cloak 以及在胸口位置有席文塔姆徽记的 卓尔链甲drow chain。多数席文塔林被训练如何使用两柄近战武器。最受欢迎的配置是剑和匕首、剑和硬头锤以及剑和斧子。
Selvetarm's faithful employ the best armor and weapons available, although they eschew the use of shields-with the notable exception of spiked bucklers-and missile weapons such as bows and crossbows. Most dark elves who venerate the Spider Demon employ drow boots, a drow cloak, and drow chain mail inscribed with Selvetarm's symbol on the breast. Most Selvetargtlin are trained in the use of two melee weapons. Favorite combinations include sword and dagger, sword and mace, and sword and axe.


专职祭祀Specialty Priests(蜘蛛之剑Spidersword

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:力量Strength 13,感知Wisdom 9
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:力量Strength,感知Wisdom
  武器WEAPONS:任意Any;无远程武器no missile weapons
  防具ARMOR:任意Any;除小圆盾无盾牌no shields except spiked bucklers
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,动物animal,混乱chaos,魅惑charm,战斗combat,治疗healing,太阳sun(仅逆向reversed only),战争war
  魔法物品MAGICALITEMS:等同牧师和勇者Same as clerics and warriors
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:盲战Blind-fighting
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:方向感Tracking

  ❖ Spiderswords must be drow or aranea.

  ❖ Spiderswords are not allowed to multiclass.

  ❖ Spiderswords are immune to all spider venoms.

  ❖ Spiderswords are immune to magical fear and need never check morale.

  ❖ Spiderswords receive Constitution hit point adjustments to their Hit Dice as if they were warriors.

  ❖ Spiderwords can select nonweapon proficiencies from the warrior group without penalty.

  ❖ Spiderswords can incite a berserker rage in themselves. The rage lasts for 10 rounds. During this time, a spidersword has a+2 bonus to attack, damage, and all saving throws. A spidersword may use this ability once a day. If the spidersword runs out of enemies to fight, he must either attack the closest living target in the area (even a friend)or suffer 5 points of damage for each of the remaining rounds. This is a conscious choice of the berserk spidersword.

  ❖在3级,每日1次,蜘蛛之间能够施展 移除恐惧remove fear防护善良protection from good(如同1级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 3rd level, Spiderswords can cast remove fear or protection from good (as the 1st-level priest spells)once per day.

  ❖在5级,蜘蛛之剑能够施展 援助术aid(如同2级祭司法术)或附魔一柄锋刃——以猛挥武器点燃一道蓝白色的可见光辉,每次次持续1整天。它在下一轮的攻击攻击上获得+3奖励(但在伤害上无此奖励),并与其它任何类型的攻击累计。
  ❖ At 5th level, Spiderswords can cast aid (as the 2nd-level priest spell)or enchant an edged, slashing weapon to ignite with a fiery blue-white glow visible to all once per day. It strikes with a +3 attack bonus (but not damage bonus)in the next round in addition to any other bonuses it would normally accrue.

  ❖在第7级,每日一次,蜘蛛之剑能施展 祈祷术prayer(如同3级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 7th level, Spiderswords can cast prayer (as the 3rd-level priest spell)once per day.

  ❖ At 7th level, Spiderswords can make three melee attacks every two rounds.

  ❖在第10级,每日1次,蜘蛛之剑能够施展 魅惑怪物charm monster(如同4级法师法术)。
  ❖ At 10th level, Spiderswords can cast charm monster (as the 4th-level wizard spell)once per day.

  ❖ At 13th level, Spiderswords can make two melee attacks per round.

  ❖在第15级,每日1次,蜘蛛之剑能够施展 加速术haste(如同3级法师法术)。他们不能在狂暴中使用此能力。
  ❖ At 15th level, Spiderswords can cast haste (as the 3rd-level wizard spell)once per day. They do not age from using this ability.

席文塔姆的法术Selvetarmite Spells

2nd Level



  持续时间Duration:2 轮/级 rounds/level
  施法时间Casting Time:5
  影响区域Area of Effect:接触的生物Creature touched
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

This spell gives the recipient the ability to ignore mortal wounds and continue fighting for 1d4+1 rounds after being brought to 0 to -9 hit points.Beyond that the creature dies instantly. The effects of the spell end once the subject dies or collapses into unconsciousness.

The material components of this spell are the priest's holy symbol and several drops of cave bear blood.

4th Level

毒刃术Venomous Blade


  施法时间Casting Time:1 轮 round
  影响区域Area of Effect:1 柄刃器One bladed weapon
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

By means of this spell, a priest can enspell a single bladed weapon so as to envenom the wounds inflicted by the three first attacks with the blade. Any creature so wounded automatically suffers 1 additional point of damage per round in subsequent rounds until the wound is bandaged or 10 rounds (1 turn)expire. Note that successive wounds continue to cause damage in the same manner as the first.The spell fades after three attacks or 24 hours expire, whichever comes first.

  类似于 创伤之剑sword of wounding 造成的伤口,毒刃术 造成的伤口不能被以再生、以及药水和除了 祈愿术wish 外的法术治疗。伤害通常可以自然地恢复,这意味着需要休息和时间。然而,这种阻止伤口被治疗的潜伏魔法可以被一瓶 完全治疗药剂entire elixir of health 或9级施法者施展的 治愈疾病cure disease 祛除。在施行这样的措施后,魔法治疗的障碍将被祛除。
Similar to wounds inflicted by a sword of wounding, injuries caused by a venomous blade cannot be healed by regeneration nor by potion or spell short of a wish. Damage usually can be healed only by natural means-rest and time. However, the underlying magic that prevents the wounds from healing is can be removed by an entire elixir of health or a cure disease cast by a 9th-level caster. After such a measure is employed, the impediment to magical healing is removed.

The material component for this spell is a poisonous sludge of venoms or other noxious ingredients that must be smeared on the blade to be envenomed.
