弗兰达·钢皮Flandal Steelskin,金属大师 | |
基本信息 | |
【音 标】 | FLAN-dahl STEEL-skin |
【头 衔】 | 金属大师Master of Metal,锻工之主Lord of Smiths,军械士the Armorer,武器锻造者the Weaponsmith,伟大锻钢者the Great Steelsmith,火占师the Pyromancer |
【阵 营】 | NG |
【神 力】 | I |
【神 职】 | 采矿Mining,体魄健壮physical fitness,锻造smithing,金工metalworking,武器锻造weaponsmithing,铠装armoring |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | 金色丘陵诸领主The Lords of the Golden Hills |
【主 神】 | 加尔·闪金Garl Glittergold |
【盟 友】 | 克兰贾汀·银须Clangeddin Silverbeard,希劳拉妮Cyrrollalee,杜马松Dumathoin,盖布Geb,谷蓝巴Grumbar,卡署斯Kossuth,摩拉丁Moradin,尤拉加兰Urogalan,维古丹Vergadain,侏儒神系the gnome pantheon(除了 厄尔德连Urdlen) |
【敌 对】 | 阿巴索Abbathor,盖克努拉Gaknulak,克奥耶克Kuraulyek,库尔图马克Kurtulmak,厄尔德连Urdlen,地精类神系the goblinkin pantheons |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | 双生天堂Bytopia/1th 杜西诺Dothion/金色丘陵the Golden Hills/秘银锻炉the Mithral Forge |
【徽 记】 | 燃烧之锤Flaming hammer![]() |
【简 介】 | 盖尔达尔·铁手Gaerdal Ironhand 是 被遗忘族裔the Forgotten Folk 坚定的保卫者,是侏儒神系中最尚武的神祇。他的严肃天性赋予了他冷静的尊重,而非其祂神祇挥霍着的温和情感。 |
2eFR<Demihuman Deities.p146>弗兰达·钢皮Flandal Steelskin
弗兰达·钢皮Flandal Steelskin
(金属大师Master of Metal,锻工之主Lord of Smiths,军械士the Armorer,武器锻造者the Weaponsmith,伟大锻钢者the Great Steelsmith,火占师the Pyromancer)
双生天堂中等神力Intermediate Power of Bytopia,
神职PORTFOLIO:采矿Mining,体魄健壮physical fitness,锻造smithing,金工metalworking,武器锻造weaponsmithing,铠装armoring
神域名DOMAIN NAME:杜西诺Dothion/金色丘陵the Golden Hills(秘银锻炉the Mithral Forge)
主神SUPERIOR:加尔·闪金Garl Glittergold
盟友ALLIES:克兰贾汀·银须Clangeddin Silverbeard,希劳拉妮Cyrrollalee,杜马松Dumathoin,盖布Geb,谷蓝巴Grumbar,卡署斯Kossuth,摩拉丁Moradin,尤拉加兰Urogalan,维古丹Vergadain,侏儒神系the gnome pantheon(除了 厄尔德连Urdlen)
敌对FOES:阿巴索Abbathor,盖克努拉Gaknulak,克奥耶克Kuraulyek,库尔图马克Kurtulmak,厄尔德连Urdlen,地精类神系the goblinkin pantheons
徽记SYMBOL:燃烧之锤Flaming hammer
信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN

弗兰达·钢皮Flandal Steelskin(读作“FLAN-dahl STEEL-skin”)是位采矿大师,是世上最优秀、最强壮的铁匠之一。被遗忘族裔The Forgotten Folk 认为他与几位矮人神力一起帮助了金工技艺的创造。尤其是,弗兰达发明了一种首先为侏儒使用、名为 泰尔斯坦合金telstang 的合金,也是他首先发现了 国王之尘arandur,一种只有被遗忘族裔曾知晓的传说金属的性能。
Flandal Steelskin (FLAN-dahl STEEL-skin) is a master of mining and one of the finest and strongest smiths in creation. The Forgotten Folk hold that he helped create the craft of metalworking along with several of the dwarven powers. In particular, Flandal devised an alloy first employed by gnomes known as telstang, and he was the first to discoverthe properties of arandur, a legendary metal once known only to the Forgotten Folk.
弗兰达是侏儒诸神中体魄最为强壮者,他惊人的鼻子赋予了他一项不可思议的能力——嗅出大地交织的金属的纹理。金属大师是侏儒矿工、工匠、技工、以及所有锻工——而不只是铁匠,而是还包括金匠、银匠以及其他金工匠人——的守护神。他们因为渴望能获得他的一小部分技能而崇敬着他。因他的技艺能帮助确保自己的幸存,所以也有大量侏儒勇者也对 “军械士”弗兰达Flandal the Armorer 报以崇敬之情。
Flandal is physically the strongest of the gnome gods, and his prodigious nose gives him an uncanny ability to sniff out veins of metal that thread the earth. The Master of Metal is the patron of gnome miners, artisans, craftsmen, and all smiths——not just blacksmiths, but goldsmiths, silversmiths, and all other workers of metal. They venerate Flandal in the hope of gaining a fraction of his skill. A large number of gnome warriors venerate Flandal the Armorer as well, for his skills help ensure their continued survival.
弗兰达与其祂侏儒神力(除了 厄尔德连Urdlen 这位明显例外)关系良好。是弗兰达,这位金属大师是侏儒神系之首受信任的顾问为 亚伦迪娜Arumdina(加尔·闪金的战斧)的锻造和附魔提供了帮助。因双方都看顾着侏儒矿工的安全,弗兰达对 沙苟贞·大地唤者Segojan Earthcaller 非常友好。类似地,弗兰达与 奈贝伦Nebelun(即 贡德Gond)之间的纽带如工友般强而有力,不过 金属大师the Master of Metal 已经放弃指望 爱管闲事者the Meddler 让他的项目发挥实际作用。弗兰达也与许多善良阵营的矮人神系神祇缔结了亲密的联盟,他与 “锻魂者”摩拉丁Moradin the Soul Forger 的联系尤为稳固。就像所有的侏儒神力那样,弗兰达对抗着各种各样的类人神力,尤其是 狗头人神系kobold pantheon。金属大师在与祂们的战斗中所扮演的角色是间接的,因为他的首要任务是向被遗忘族裔传授锻造防具与武器的秘密,好让他们可以保护自己。
Flandal has excellent relations with the other gnome powers, with the notable exception of Urdlen. It was Flandal who helped forge and enchant Arumdina, Garl Glittergold's battle axe, and the Master of Metal is a trusted advisor to the head of the gnome pantheon. Flandal is friendly toward Segojan Earthcaller, for both oversee the safety of gnome miners. Similarly, Flandal and Nebelun (Gond) share a strong bond as fellow craftsmen, though the Master of Metal despairs that the Meddler will ever get his projects to actually work. Flandal is also closely allied with many of the good aligned deities of the dwarven pantheon, and he shares a particularly strong bond with Moradin the Soul Forger. Like all gnome powers, Flandal opposes the various humanoid powers, particularly the kobold pantheon. The role the Master of Metal takes in combating them is indirect, for his primary focus is to pass on secrets for forging armor and weapons to the Forgotten Folk, so that they may defend themselves.
弗兰达是位真正的工匠大师。他永远在督促自己工作,不知疲倦地努力以增进自己的技能。他也是位耐心的师傅;只有怠惰、无所用心的工匠才能引发他的怒火。金属大师经常被发现与一、两位其他侏儒神力一起旅行,探索新的矿石和金属矿脉供其锻造使用。弗兰达不在旅行时,他可能被发现在他的车间,设计或是制造新的魔法武器。他对作战并不陌生,信任自己锻造的作品们能确保他迈向胜利。尽管弗兰达的战锤 罗定Rhondang 能够与所有火系生物交谈,但它对语言的精通并不意味着弗兰达对那些生物有多友好。不过,这位神明更倾向于先谈谈而非直接动手。在极少数情况下,弗兰达会派遣化身在某些非常复杂的锻造过程中为侏儒提供指导、或是指引他们隐藏的矿脉。他也可能会派遣化身处理侏儒与火栖生物之间的争端。
Flandal is a true master craftsmen. He is ever-demanding of his own work and strives tirelessly to increase his skill. He is also a patient tutor; only lazy and indifferent craftsfolk draw his ire. The Master of Metal is often found traveling with one or two of the other gnome powers in search of new ores and veins of metal to use in his forges. When Flandal is not traveling, he can be found in his workshop, planning or making a new magical weapon. He is no stranger to battle, trusting in the creations of his forges to see him to victory. Although Flandal's war hammer Rhondang is capable of conversing with all fire-using creatures, its language proficiencies in no way means that Flandal is friendly toward those beings. Still, this god is prone to talk first in preference to combat. On rare occasions, Flandal dispatches an avatar to instruct gnomes in some very tricky smithing process or to guide them to hidden veins of ores. He may also send an avatar to deal with any disputes between gnomes and firedwelling creatures.

弗兰达的化身Flandal's Avatar
(战士Fighter 33,牧师Cleric 33,土元素师Earth Elementalist 30,火元素师Fire Elementalist 30)
Flandal often appears as a balding, slightly aging, huge-nosed gnome with skin the color of blue mithral and eyes that appear as flaming coals. His hair and beard are brilliant blue-silver, and he wears a leather apron over (or in lieu of beard are brilliant blue-silver, and he wears a leather apron over (or in lieu of) his other clothing. He favors spells from the spheres of all, combat, creation, divination, elemental (earth, fire), guardian, protection, sun, and time and from the schools of divination and elemental earth and fire, although he can cast spells from any sphere or school.
防御等级 -6;移动 12;生命值 223;零级命中值 -10;#攻击 5次/2轮或 1次
伤害 1d4+20 (+5战锤,+12 力量,+2对战锤专精)
魔抗 70%;体型 中型M(4呎高)
力量 24,敏捷 19,体质 21,智力 18,感知 18,魅力 16
法术 祭司P:12/12/11/11/9/9/9,法师W:9/9/9/9/9/9/9/8/8*
豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 1**;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术1**
AC -6; MV 12; HP 223; THAC0 -10;#AT 5/2
Dmg 1d4+20 (war hammer +5, +12 STR,+2 spec. bonus in war hammer)
MR 70%; SZ M (4 feet tall)
STR 24, DEX 19, CON 21, INT 18, Wis 18, CHA 16
Spells P:12/12/11/11/9/9/9, W:9/9/9/9/9/9/9/8/8*
Saves PPDM 2, RSW 1**, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 1**
*Numbers assume one extra elemental earth and elemental fire spell per spell level.
**Includes gnome +6 CON save bonus to a minimum of 1.
特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:
弗兰达挥舞着 罗定Rhondang,一柄另一面为斧的镀金秘银 +5战锤。罗定 对寒系和寒栖生物造成2倍伤害,且除了它的正常攻击外,还能:每轮1次,投掷6d6伤害的 火球术fireball;随意使用,如 焰舌flame tongue 般燃烧;说所有火系(客迈拉chimerae、火元素、红龙等等)的语言。
Flandal wields Rhondang, a war hammer +5 of goldplated mithral with an axe back. Rhondang inflicts double damage against cold-using and cold-dwelling creatures, can hurl a 6d6 fireball once per round in addition to its normal attacks, can flame like a flame tongue at will, and speaks the languages of all fire-using creatures (chimerae, fire elementals, red dragons, etc.).
每轮1次,随意使用,弗兰达能施展 灼热金属heat metal、钢铁守卫ironguard、或是 烟火术pyrotechnics。每日1次,弗兰达能召唤2d4只16HD的火元素。这些火元素对其相当友好,在重返 火元素位面Elemental Plane of Fire 前将毫无疑义地侍奉最多1个小时。
Once per round, Flandal can cast heat metal,ironguard, or pyrotechnics at will. Once per day, Flandal can summon 2d4 16-HD fire elementals. These elementals are quite friendly to him and serve without question for up to 1 hour before returning to the Elemental Plane of Fire.
金属大师穿着一件 抗火围裙apron of fire resistance,使其遭受的所有高温和火焰伤害减半。他只能被+2或更好的魔法武器击中。
The Master of Metal wears an apron of fire resistance that reduces to half all damage suffered from heat and fire. He can be struck only by +2 or better magical weapons.

其祂显现Other Manifestations
弗兰达可能显现为锻炉或炉床中火焰的火花,或是在光秃秃的地板或地面上飞舞的火焰喷涌。这些被命名的显现能爆发为 火球术fireball、焰击术flame strike、或 烟火术pyrotechnics 效果,或是充当的火占器具。
Flandal may manifest as flares of fire in a forge or hearth or jets of flame dancing about a bare floor or earth. Such naming manifestations can erupt into a fireball, flame strike, or pyrotechnics effect or serve as a pyromantic scrying device.
弗兰达被以下事物侍奉着:土元素、火元素、helmed horror、铁魔像、khargra、活钢living steel、金属主宰metal master、矿物准元素、锈蚀怪、钢龙、xaver、以及xom。他通过以下事物的发现来演示他的眷顾:任何种类的贵金属(尤其是国王之尘和泰尔斯坦合金)、贝裘里宝石beljuril、火焰玛瑙fire agate、火蛋白石fire opal、火舞石flamedance、以及 烛锆mellochryso。金属大师通过以下展现他的不悦:在地面上造成轻微震动、和使得金属如被冻结或受到战锤击打般开裂或粉碎。
Flandal is served by earth elementals, fire elementals, helmed horrors, iron golems, khargra, living steel, metal masters, mineral quasielementals, rust monsters, steel dragons, xavers, and xoms. He demonstrates his favor through the discovery of precious metals of anysort (particularly arandur and telstang), beljurils, fire agates, fire opals, flamedance, and mellochrysos. The Master of Metal indicates his displeasure by causing small tremors in the earth and by causing metals to crack or shatter as they cool or are struck by a hammer.
教会The Church
神职人员CLERGY:牧师Clerics,专属祭司specialty priests
神职阵营CLERGY'S ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG
驱散不死TURN UNDEAD:牧师C:可Yes;专属祭司SP:不可No
呵斥不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧师C:不可No;专属祭司SP:不可No
弗兰达的所有牧师(包括战士/牧师、牧师/幻术师、以及牧师/盗贼)和专属祭司得到 宗教知识religion(侏儒gnome) 作为非武器熟练奖励。
All clerics (including fighter/clerics, cleric/illusionists, and cleric/thieves) and specialty priests of Flandal receive religion (gnome) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.
因为其祭司通常是铁匠大师这种在被遗忘族裔社会种非常受人尊敬的职业,弗兰达的教会受到大部分侏儒的高度崇敬。他们不带偏见地与侏儒工匠和民间手艺人分享他们工艺的秘密。粗壮族裔The Stout Folk 亦对金属大师高度崇敬,而弗兰达追随者们也被认为达到了矮人铁匠的平均水平——这对于摩拉丁的孩子们来说是一项高度的赞美,而弗兰达·钢皮的追随者们,也被认为体现了侏儒为矮人们所喜爱的每个方面的特质。人类、精灵、以及半精灵尊敬被遗忘族裔的工艺,但他们的作品缺乏矮人铁匠所拥有的奥秘,因此,弗兰达信仰不如摩拉丁那样广为人知。
The church of Flandal is highly regarded by most gnomes, for its priests are typically master smiths, a very respected occupation in the societies of the Forgotten Folk. They are known to share the secrets of their crafts with gnome artisans and craftsfolk without prejudice. The Stout Folk also hold the Master of Metal in high regard, and Flandal's followers are considered on the average to be the equal of dwarven smiths, a high compliment from the proud children of Moradin, and the followers of Flandal Steelskin are seen to embody nearly everything dwarves like about the gnome character. Humans, elves, and half-elves respect the workmanship of the Forgotten Folk, but their work lacks the mystique that enfolds dwarven smithcraft, and as a result, Handal's faith is less widely known than that of Moradin.
Temples of Flandal are typically subterranean forges that serve the faithful as both houses of worship and working smithies. Most temples are built atop the mines from which the ore for the priesthood's smithy is brought to be smelted.
弗兰达的初修士名为 未加工者the Unworked。金属大师的正式祭司名为 已回火者the Tempered。根据升序,弗兰达教派Flandalian 祭司所使用的头衔如下:锡匠Tinsmith、青铜匠Bronzesmith、黄铜匠Brasssmith、铜匠Coppersmith、银匠Silversmith、银金匠Electrumsmith、金匠Goldsmith、铂匠Plarinumsmith、以及 钢匠Steelsmith。高阶祭司拥有独特的个人头衔。专属祭司名为 火匠pyrosmiths。弗兰达的神职人员包括岩侏(65%)、地侏(25%)和林侏(10%)。他的祭职者以男性为主(88%)。弗兰达的神职人员包括专属祭司(55%)、战士/牧师(35%)、牧师(7%)、牧师/幻术师(2%)和牧师/盗贼(1%)。
Novices of Flandal are known as the Unworked. Full priests of the Master of Metal are known as the Tempered. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Flandalian priests are Tinsmith, Bronzesmith, Brasssmith, Coppersmith, Silversmith, Electrumsmith, Goldsmith, Plarinumsmith, and Steelsmith. High-ranking priests have unique individual titles. Specialty priests are known as pyrosmiths. The clergy of Flandal includes rock gnomes (65%), deep gnomes (25%), and forest gnomes (10%). Males make up the majority of his priesthood (88%). Flandal's clergy includes Specialty Priests(55%), fighter/clerics (35%), clerics (7%), cleric/illusionists (2%), and cleric/thieves (1%).
The treasures of life were buried within the earth's embrace at Segojan's hand, and only hard labor, dedication, and great craftsmanship, as taught by the Master of Metal, can reveal their hidden beauties and wonders. Dig mines, extract ores, and forge suits of armor, weapons, and other items of metal. Strive to refine known techniques of metalworking, invent new processes for tempering and refining it, and discover new alloys and test their potentials. Finally, stay physically fit to enable you to pursue the rigors of the forge and mine with your whole heart.
日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:
Members of Flandal's priesthood are inveterate miners and smiths. They continuously hone their skills in underground environments, seeking an intuitive understanding of the earth and stone. Many serve as teachers, instructing other gnomes in the art of detecting veins of ore, unsafe environments, and the presence of hostile creatures. Priests of the Master of Metal oversee the safety of gnome miners and inspect the output of gnome smithies. Nearly all members of the clergy are considered master smiths when working with one or more types of metal, and they produce fantastic weapons and suits of armor whose quality rivals that of priests of Moradin. Flandal's priests are expected to undergo regular strength and stamina training, a practice that keeps them physically fit for mining, smithing, or battle, as needed.
圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
弗兰达的祭职者们在每年的 仲夏日Midsummers Day 的一场盛大大会上聚集,庆祝名为 至高熔炉the High Forge 的圣日。信徒们在早上聚集到一起以锻造的金属武器来向这位神明献祭,并在正午伴随着一段短暂的沉默,通过锤子叩击赞歌来赞颂他。在午后和晚上,参与者将交换想法和新技术,展示他们最好的制品,而到了晚上,聚集的人们将被想要采购新贸易品的商人们所淹没。
Members of Flandal's priesthood assemble annually on Midsummers Day in great moots to celebrate the holy day known as the High Forge. The faithful gather in the morning to make offerings of forged metal weapons to the god and offer praises to him through rhythmic, percussive hammer hymns culminating at midday with a brief period of utter silence. In the afternoon and evening, the participants exchange ideas and new techniques and exhibit the finest of their wares, and by evening the gathering is overwhelmed by merchants seeking to acquire new trade goods.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
在 月海the Moonsea 北边的 酷寒之地the Cold Lands,有片小山脉沿着 边界森林the Border Forest 北部边缘的东西走向小山脉,将 折磨之地the Tortured Land 从 戎马草原the Ride 分隔。在 [[白色群峰the White Peakspp(因被积雪覆盖而被当地如此称呼的区域)的南方侧腹,坐落着小镇 白号镇Whitehom。就像 易林瓦尔镇Ilinvur 向西方和南方地那样,白号镇是 梅尔沃特城Melvaunt 和 森提亚城Thentia 的一处前哨,在这里,来自附近矿山的矿石被运输到南方前被粗略地加以冶炼。虽然个别的侏儒和矮人矿工在白号镇是一种(虽然罕见)规律的存在,但占小镇人口多数的人类相信他们只不过是一群与世隔绝的矿工,靠以矿石交换食物为生。月海的商人们所不知道的是,白色群峰是一座名为 法哈恩城Forharn 的、侏儒(以及些许矮人)的大型城市。
In the Cold Lands north of the Moonsea, a small mountain range runs east-west along the northern edge of the Border Forest, dividing the Tortured Land from the Ride. On the southern flanks of the White Peaks, as the snow-capped range is known locally, lies the small town of Whitehom. Like Ilinvur to the south and west, Whitehorn is an outpost of Melvaunt and Thentia where the ore brought from nearby mines is crudely smelted before shipment to thecities to the south. Although individual gnome and dwarven miners are a regular, if infrequent, presence in Whitehom, the humans who make up the majority of the town's population believe they are simply a handfulof isolated miners who eke out a living by trading ore for food andequipment. Unbeknownst to the merchants of the Moonsea, the White Peaks are home to a large city of gnomes (as well as a few dwarves) named Forharn.
在5个世纪前,一支弗兰达教派祭司组织在他们的首领——一位只知道被称作 王尘之锤Arandhammer 的侏儒祭司在一座古老火山的心脏发现了一条巨大的国王之尘矿脉后,建立了这座城市。在最开始的时候是一座献给金属大师的神殿铸造厂——玻璃锻炉the Vitreous Forge,现在它已成长为一座有上万侏儒和近500矮人的城市。法哈恩被 弗兰达之锤the Hammers of Flandal 统治着,它是由资深祭司、铁匠大师、以及 王尘之锤the Arandhammer(第七位持有这一头衔的弗兰达高阶祭司)组成的统治议会。来自城市矿山的国王之尘被冶炼和锻造成铁板状的商用锭,然后由侏儒和矮人们冒充矿工,从周围山区的孤立铁矿种卖给白号镇结盟的商人。当法哈恩的商用锭到达梅尔沃特或森提亚时,它们将被受雇于为侏儒所有的贸易公司的交易员回购,并运往整个南方诸国度的被遗忘族裔社区。通过这种方式,弗兰达的追随者们能够在 散塔尔人the Zhentarim 眼皮子底下运送大量这种传奇金属穿越 诸国度the Realms。当偶尔有携带着国王之尘商用锭的商队失踪时,会有一支侏儒武者和祭司组成的精英队伍被派遣,在任何人发现他们它们的国王之尘夹芯前将之收回。如果白号镇的人类矿工们知晓了法哈恩的地下墓窖有一头青年红龙和一头成年蓝龙存在的事实,将会极为惊慌。这两条均由神殿神职人员孵化养大的龙,都与这座城市的铁匠们达成了一项互利的协议,它们在国王之尘的冶炼中提供它们的吐息武器,以此交换利润的可观提成。
Forharn was founded over five centuries ago by an order of Flandalian priests after their leader, a gnome priest known only as the Arandhammer, discovered a massive vein of arandur in the heart of an ancient volcano. Begun as a temple-foundry consecrated to the Master of Metal, the Vitreous Forge has since grown into a city of over 10,000 gnomes and nearly 500 dwarves. Forharn is ruled by the Hammers of Flandal, a ruling council composed of senior miners, master smiths, and the Arandhammer (the seventh high priest of Flandal to hold that title). Arandur from the city's mines is smelted and forged into iron-plated trade bars and then sold to allied merchant concerns in Whitehom by gnomes and dwarves pretending to be miners from isolated iron mines in the surrounding mountains. When Forharn's trade bars reach Melvaunt or Thentia, they are repurchased discreetly by traders in the employ of gnome-owned trading companies and shipped to communities of the Forgotten Folk throughout the southern Realms. By this means, the followers of Flandal are able to ship great quantities of this legendary metal across the Realms from mines right under the nose of the Zhentarim. When the occasional caravan carrying the trade bars of Forharn is lost, an elite company of gnome warriors and priests is dispatched to recover the lost trade bars before anyone discovers their arandur cores. A fact that would greatly alarm the human miners of Whitehom, if they only knew, is the presence of a young red dragon and an adult blue dragon in the catacombs of Forharn. Raised from birth by the temple's clergy, both wyrms have reached a mutually beneficial agreement with the city's smiths in which they lend their breath weapons during the smelting of arandur in exchange for a significant tithe of the profits.
从属组织Affiliated Orders:
钢铁团契The Fellowship of Steel 是支由战士、牧师、战士/牧师和专属祭司组成、保卫被遗忘族裔矿工的组织。组织的成员通过保护矿工、清理任何计划开采的隧道区域中的任何危险生物,来侍奉他们的神明。
The Fellowship of Steel is an order of fighters, clerics, fighter/clerics, and specialty priests that defend the mines of the Forgotten Folk. Members of this order serve their god by guarding miners and clearing regions of tunnels which gnomes are planning to mine of any dangerous creatures.
祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
The ceremonial garb of Flandal's priests is a steel helm and a suit of metal armor, typically chain mail or plate mail. Senior priests tint their metallic vestments the red-orange hue of the forge. The holy symbol of the faith is a miniature steel hammer engraved with a flame.
冒险装束Adventuring Garb:
Priests of Flandal favor the most durable metal armor available when adventuring, trusting their safety to the quality of workmanship and strength of materials. They only employ weapons made at least in part of metal, and solid metal weapons are always preferred.

专属祭司Specialty Priests(火匠Pyrosmiths)
职业需求REQUIREMENTS:力量Strength 12,体质Constitution 12,感知Wisdom 9
关键属性PRIME REQ.:力量Strength,体质Constitution,感知Wisdom
武器WEAPONS:任意金属刃器或金属头武器Any metal-bladed or metal-headed weapon
防具ARMOR:任意金属防具Any metal armor
主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,战斗combat,创造creation,预言divination,元素elemental(土earth,火fire),守卫guardian,保护protection,太阳sun,时间time
次要领域MINOR SPHERES:元素Elemental(气air,水water),治疗healing,战争war
魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师As clerics
熟练需求REQ. PROFS:战锤;防具或武器制造War hammer; armorer or weaponsmithing
熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:锻造Blacksmithing,坚忍endurance,挖矿mining
❖ Pyrosmiths must be gnomes. Most pyrosmiths are rock gnomes, but gnomes of every subrace except spriggans can be pyrosmiths.
❖ Pyrosmiths are not allowed to multiclass.
❖ Pyrosmiths may select nonweapon proficiencies from the warrior group without penalty.
❖ Pyrosmiths receive Constitution hit point adjustments to their Hit Dice as if they were warriors.
❖火匠能施展来自火元素学派的法师法术,能如“附录 1:亚人祭司Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests”有限的法师施法Limited Wizard Spellcasting条目中的详述。
❖ Pyrosmiths can cast wizard spells from the elemental school of fire as defined in the Limited Wizard Spellcasting section of "Appendix 1: Demihuman Priests."
❖每日2次,火匠能施展 抵抗火焰resist fire(如同2级祭司法术)。
❖ Pyrosmiths can cast resist fire (as the 2nd-level priest spell) twice per day.
❖在第3即,每日1次,火匠能施展 灼热金属heat metal(如同2级祭司法术)。
❖ At 3rd level, pyrosmiths can cast heat metal (as the 2nd-level priest spell) once per day.
❖在第5级,每日1次,火匠能施展 防护火焰protection from fire(如同3级祭司法术)。
❖ At 5th level, pyrosmiths can cast protection from fire (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once per day.
❖ At 5th level, pyrosmiths gain a +1 bonus to their Strength or Constitution ability scores. They gain an additional +1 to either of these at 10th level and at 20th level. Neither score can exceed 25 in this way.
❖在第7级,每日1次,火匠能施展 弱效造物术minor creation(如同4级法师法术)或 罗定之影shades of Rhondang(如同4级祭司法术)。
❖ At 7th level, pyrosmiths can cast minor creation (as the 4th-level wizard spell) or shades of Rhondang (as the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.
❖在第10级,每日1次,火匠能施展 强效造物术major creation(如同5级法师法术)。
❖ At 10th level, pyrosmiths can cast major creation (as the 5th-level wizard spell) once per day.
❖在第13级,每日1次,火匠能施展 火球术fireball(如同3级法师法术)或 麦勒克-凯斯的焰拳Malec-Keth's flame fist(如同7级法师法术)。
❖ At 13th level, pyrosmiths can cast fireball (as the 3rd-level wizard spell) or Malec-Keth's flame fist (as the 7th-level wizard spell) once per day.
弗兰达教派法术Flandalian Spells
除了下列法术外,金属大师的祭司们还可以施展详述于《神力与神系Powers & Pantheons》盖布Geb 条目中的1级祭司法术 侦测金属与矿石detect metals and minerals。此外,弗兰达神职成员已开发出了许多牧师预言法术基于火焰的变体,一种名为火占的预言附属专业。通常,这种变体种占卜的媒介被火焰取代了。举例来说,弗兰达教派的 魔法池magic font 变体涉及到摇曳的火焰,而非一面圣水的池塘。
In addition to the spells listed below, priests of the Master of Metal may cast the 1st-level priest spell detect metals and minerals, detailed in Powers & Pantheons in the entry for Geb. In addition, members of Flandal's clergy have developed fire-based variants of many clerical divination spells, a subspecialty of divination known as pyromancy. Typically, the medium of divination in such variants is replaced by fire. For example, the Flandalian variant of magic font involves a flickering flame, not a basin of holy water.
1st Level
(祭司Pr 1;转化Alteration)
持续时间Duration:3 轮 + 1轮/级
施法时间Casting Time:4
影响区域Area of Effect:1 只生物One creature
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
By means of this spell, the caster transforms the hide of a creature into an alloy of flesh and steel. The added protection of the spell is sufficient to give a +1 bonus to Armor Class for every three levels of the priest (round up), to a maximum bonus of +5. However, the steelskin reduces the recipient's Dexterity to two thirds normal (rounded down) with a corresponding adjustment to Dexterity related abilities.
The material components for this spell are the priest's holy symbol and a forged steel rod.
3rd Level
塑金术Metal Shape
(祭司Pr 3;转化Alteration)
领域Sphere:元素土Elemental Earth
施法时间Casting Time:1轮round
影响区域Area of Effect:9 立方呎 + 1 立方呎/级
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
By means of this spell, the caster forms an existing piece of nonmagical metal into any shape that suits his or her purposes. For example, she or he can make a metal weapon, a special trapdoor, or a crude idol. While metal coffers can be formed, metal doors made, and so forth, the fineness of detail is not great. If the shaping has moving parts, there is a 30% chance they do not work. If the shaping has a sharp edge, there is only a 30% chance it is sharp enough to cut. However, if this spell is employed on metal prior to it being worked by a smith, it reduces the time and expense to create the final product by 50% or more, as adjudicated by the DM.
The material component for this spell is lead that must be worked with a hammer into roughly the desired shape of the metal object.
4th Level
罗定之影Shades of Rhondang
(祭司Pr 4;塑能Evocation)
领域Sphere:元素火Elemental Fire
持续时间Duration:1 轮/级round/level
施法时间Casting Time:7
影响区域Area of Effect:施法者锤子Caster's hammer
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
这道法术因将让施法者能够暂时复制弗兰达的魔法锤——罗定Rhondang 的特定力量,而得名。
This spell gains its name by allowing the caster to temporarily duplicate certain powers of Flandal's magical hammer, Rhondang.
当这道法术施展时,施法者的锤将爆发火焰,赋予其 焰舌 剑的魔法特质。因此,在这道法术持续期间,这柄锤被视作+1武器,+2对再生生物,+3对寒系、易燃或鸟类生物,+4对不死生物。它发出等同于火把的光亮,并能在接触时点燃易燃物品。
When the spell is cast, the caster's hammer bursts into flames, taking on the magical characteristics of a flame tongue sword. Thus, while the spell lasts, the hammer is regarded as a +1 weapon,+2 vs. regenerating creatures, +3 vs. cold-using, flammable, and avian creatures, and +4 vs. the undead. It produces light equal to a torch and can ignite flammable objects upon contact.
罗定之影 只能在非魔法锤上才能使用。若施展在魔法锤或任何其它类型的武器上,这道法术将自动失败。此外,受影响的锤必须为施法者拥有和使用,不能传递给另一位生物。试图施展法术到另一位生物的锤上,或是试图将锤递给另一位生物,将立即消除这道法术。
Shades of Rhondang functions only if used on a nonmagical hammer. If cast on a magical hammer or any other type of weapon, the spell automatically fails. Furthermore, the hammer to be affected must be owned and used by the caster and cannot be passed to another creature. Attempting to cast the spell on someone else's hammer or seeking to pass the hammer to another creature immediately negates the spell.
罗定之影 在受到成功的 驱散魔法dispel magic 或类似效果、施法者遇害、陷入无意识、或是放开他掌控锤的手时结束。因为施法者必须保持一只手握住锤子以防法术结束,所以不能施展需要身体组件的法术,或是执行任何需要使用双手的动作。
Shades of Rhondang ends if subjected to a successful dispel magic or similar effect, if the caster is slain, rendered unconscious, or releases his or her grip on the hammer's handle. Since the caster must retain a hold of the hammer to prevent the spell from ending, she or he cannot cast spells that require somatic components nor perform any actions that require the use of both hands.
The material components for this spell are the caster's holy symbol and the hammer to be affected, neither of which are consumed by the spell.