德维格斯Dwiergus,茧蛹主君 | |
基本信息 | |
【头 衔】 | 茧蛹主君The Chrysalis Prince |
【阵 营】 | CE |
【神 力】 | N |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | 深渊领主The Abyss Lord/恶魔领主The Demon Lord/奥比里斯领主The Obyrith Lord |
【盟 友】 | 巴菲门特Baphomet |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | 无底深渊the Abyss/558th 血肉锻炉Fleshforges/几丁质宫The Chitin Palace |
【简 介】 | 茧蛹主君The Chrysalis Prince 德维格斯Dwiergus 是一位甚至比苍夜更加古老的奥比里斯领主,没有哪位恶魔领主比他更精通制造怪物。他既能把各种生物变成混沌兽,也可以将混沌兽变成所有种类的恶魔、然后吞噬吸收。 他所掌控的无底深渊第558层 血肉锻炉Fleshforges 是一个有机层面,有机液的湖泊、骨骸的山峦、熔融血肉的海洋之上,漂浮着从他身上长出的 几丁质宫The Chitin Palace。奥比里斯恶魔巨颅魔就诞生于此位面。 |
3r<Dragon 359.p043>伊格维尔伏的恶魔志:外典Demonomicon of Iggwilv:Apocrypha
《伊格维尔伏的恶魔志Demonomicon of Iggwilv》是本臭名昭著的巨著,它的作者是全世界最著名的恶魔专家之一,书中充斥着无数关于所有涉恶魔事物的密辛。然而,尽管它的亵渎书页上隐藏着所有的恐怖秘密与传说,但书中的内容只是 巫后the Witch Queen 对 无底深渊the Abyss 了解的表象而已。她的许多粗略笔记——以及许多页她在完结此书后取得的新发现——从未脱离对田野观察的匆忙涂鸦或是可怕的研究狂热。由于它们被排除在《恶魔志Demonomicon》之外,许多学者相信这些笔记并非 伊格维尔伏Iggwilv 本人所撰,而是那些也学习了此书的后人所著。正如许多人所认为的,这些作品可能就是巫后所写,并以伊格维尔伏有多种写作风格这一无可辩驳的事实,来解释其文风与表达手法的偏差。难道就不能各自有不同的写作风格吗?然而,有一点是显而易见的——不管它们是不是巫后笔记的正本:这本《伊格维尔伏的恶魔志Demonomicon of Iggwilv》的外典包含的秘密与天启,与那本恶名昭著的书一样可怕。这片文章被分成了不同的组别:对六类恶魔生活的短篇论述,以及对五位相对次要的恶魔领主的讨论——祂们即将成为明日的 格拉兹特Graz'zts、奥库瑟斯Orcuses、狄摩高根Demogorgons。
The Demonomicon of Iggwilv is a notorious tome, its pages filled willi countless secrets penned one of the world's foremost experts on all things demonic. And yet, for all of the terrible secrets and tales hidden within its blasphemous pages, the contents of the book barely scratch the surface of what the Witch Queen knows about the Abyss. Many of her rough notes never made the transition from hastily scrawled field observations or binges of hideous research, and just as many pages of discoveries realized after she finished the book exist. Due to their exclusion from the Demonomicon, many scholars believe these notes weren't even writlcn by Iggwilv herself but by those who came after and who themselves studied from the book. Just as many argue that the writings could have been penned by none other than the Witch Queen and explain away deviations in writing style and presentation by pointing to the indisputable fact that Iggwilv has many forms. Could not each of these have different writing styles? Yet one thing remains apparent—legitimate notes of the Witch Queen or not: the apocrypha of the Demonomicon of Iggwilv, contain secrets and revelations just as horrific as those in the infamous book. This article is broken into disparate groupings of such notes: a short treatise on the six categories of demonic life and a discussion of five relatively minor demon lords on the cusp of becoming tomorrow's Graz'zts, Orcuses, or Demogorgons.
更多恶魔领主More Demon Lords
The Demonomicon mentions numerous minor demon lords as allies or enemies of the better-known demon lords. Five of these rising demonic stars are presmled here in brief, providing enough information to incorporate these minor (yet still deadly) demon lords into your campaign.
创造一位恶魔领主Create a Demon Lord
Each of these mini-Demonomicon lists "suggested stats" for each demon lord. In order to build as close an approximaition as possible for the demon lord in question, simply build the base stat block indicated in each demon lord’s entry and then apply the following demonlord "template." Of course, you can use this template on other stat blocks of your own design to build demon lords of your own that should fit right into the power levels assumed by the Demonomicon articles.
Note that several of the adjustments this template makes are left to you to determine—demon lords are unique creatures, and as such can only benefit from a more liberal application of the typical rules for templating monsters.
该生物的种类变为 异界生物outsider,并得到 混乱chaotic 和 邪恶evil 作为亚种。所有恶魔领主都属于三种著名恶魔中的一种,也因此获得对应亚种的所有能力与特性。对奥比里斯恶魔来说,这意味着这位恶魔领主将拥有 疯狂形态Form of Madness。下列的每位奥比里斯领主都有自己的疯狂形态,你可以用这些(以及其祂所有奥比里斯领主都有的疯狂形态)作为创作你自己的奥比里斯领主的例子。更多关于疯狂形态特性的细节,见《魔族法典Fiendish Codex Ⅰ》。
The creature's type changes to outsider, and he gains the chaotic and evil subtypes. All demon lords are of one of the three known demonic races, and thus the creature gains the loumara, obyrith, or tanar'ri subtype as well, along with all the abilities and traits for that subtype. For obyriths, this means the demon lord gains a Form of Madness. Each of the ohyrith lords below have their Form of Madness presented—use these (and (he forms of madness possessed by other obyrith lords) as examples for building your own. For further details on the Form ot Madness special quality, see Fiendish Codex Ⅰ.
生命骰Hit Dice:
The creature's Hit Dice from race and any class levels become d8. The demon lord retains all special abilities granted by any former class levels (including spellcasting), but calculates its base attack and base saving throws using its new Hit Dice totals as an outsider.
防御等级Armor Class:
A demon lords Armor Class can vary, but in order to remain a challenge for a creature of its CR score, you should add natural armor bonuses (or in rare cases, deflection bonuses) to the base creature's AC so that its final Armor Class is close (within a few points) to its CR + 20.
基础攻击Base Attack:
A demon lord's base attack bonus equals its number of Hit Dice.
特殊攻击Special Attacks:
Feel free to give your new demon lord a unique special attack. For the following five, one unique special attack is provided.
类法术能力Spell-Like Abilities:
All demon lords have the fallowing spell-like abilities in addition to any the base creature possesses:
随意使用At will——星界投射astral projection,渎神之语blasphemy(奥比里斯领主改为 混沌真言word of chaos),亵渎术desecrate,侦测善良detect good,侦测守序detect law,高等驱散魔法greater dispel magic,高等传送术greater teleport,位面转移plane shift,形体变化shapechange,心灵遥控telekinesis,邪居unhallow,邪恶灵光unholy aura(奥比里斯领主改为 混沌斗篷cloak of chaos),邪影击unholy blight(奥比里斯领主改为 混沌之锤chaos hammer)
每日3次——任意一种 徽记术symbol
Each demon lord also possesses two addititonal at-will spell-like abilities, two additional 3/day abilities, and two additional 1/day abilities. These additional spell-like abilities should be chosen to match the demon lord's "theme." Each of the five demon lords detailed below list additional spell-like abilities.
A demon lord's base caster level for spell-like abilities ranges from CL 20th to 25th, based on the demon lord's overall CR (starting at CL 20th and adding to its CL for every 3 points its CR exceeds 18, to a maximum of CL 25th at CR33).
特性Special Qualities:
A demon lord gains all the special qualities granted by his demonic race subtype. In addition, all demon lords possess the following special qualities in addition to any the base creature possesses:
❖伤害减免Damage Reduction:所有恶魔领主都拥有DR20/寒铁cold iron、传奇epic 与 善良good。
Damage Reduction: All demon lords possess DH 20/cold iron, epic, and good.
❖法抗Spell Resistance:恶魔领主的法抗=CR+13。
Spell Resistance: A demon lord's spell rcsislance is equal to its CR+13.
Telepathy: All demon lords possess telepathy to range of 300 feet (or 100 feet for obyrith lords).
❖额外特性Additional Qualities:大部分恶魔领主都有几个额外特性。下列的五位恶魔领主就提供了两项额外特性。
Additional Qualities: Most demon lords possess a few additional special qualities as well. For the five demon lords listed below, two additional special qualities are provided.
All of a demon lord's saving throws are good saves, based on its total Hit Dice.
Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +6, Dex +4, Con +6, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +6. In some cases, adjust these numbers even more to more closely approximate the demon lord's expected power or his theme. Manipulating a demon lord's ability scores is perhaps the best way to adjust his total power level.
Demon lords gain skill points according to their Hit Dice as if they were outsiders. Their class skills are those the base creature possessed from its race and any class levels it has, but the actual number of skill ranks should be recalculated using the demon lord's outsider Hit Dice.
恶魔领主的专长中总是包括 黑暗圣言Dark Speech。
Demon lords always have Dark Speech as one of their feats.
挑战等级Challenge Ratings:
《伊格维尔伏的恶魔志Demonomicon of Iggwilv》系列的恶魔领主挑战等级为24-33。使用这个范围后,只有恶魔现任的 恶魔王子prince of demons(当前是 狄摩高根Demogorgon)应为CR33,只有极少数领主CR超过30,没有恶魔领主弱于CR22。下列五位恶魔领主的CR就在此范围之内;为了使你设计出来的恶魔领主令人耳目一新,对自己所设计的全新恶魔领主,应当将他们的实力与本系列文章中出现的其祂恶魔领主相比较,以确定祂们的最终CR等级,不过,对基础生物的CR进行+2的调整,并从那里进行进一步的微调是个好的开始。
The Demonomicon of Iggwilv series sets the range of Challenge Ratings for demon lords at 24-33. Using this scale, only the reigning prince of demons (cacrently Demogorgon) should be CR 33, very few should be above CR 30, and no demon lord should be less powerful than CR 22. The vast majority of demon, lords axe CR 26-29. CRs for each of the five demon lords listed below are included. For brand-new demon lords of your own design, you should compare their strengths to other demon lords who have appeared in this series of articles to set their final CR scores, but a good place to start is to apply a +2 adjustment to the base creature's CR and make further fine-tuning adjustments from there.
3r<Dragon 359.p047>德维格斯Dwiergus
德维格斯Dwiergus,茧蛹主君The Chrysalis Prince CR25
巨型Gargantuan34HD 精英混沌兽elite chaos beast
额外类法术能力Additional Spell-Like Abilities
随意使用At will——恶意变形术baleful polymorph,梦魇术nightmare
每日3次——变形万物polymorph any object,永恒静滞temporal stasis
深渊之茧Abyssal Cocooning(超自然Su)
每1d4轮1次,德维格斯Dwiergus 可以对120呎内的任意一个目标排出一团丝与肉的混合物。他必须进行一次远程接触攻击来击中目标。如果命中,这些粘稠物将开始生长并侵入受害者的身体,导致每轮1d6点的敏捷吸取。受害者每轮可以进行一次强韧豁免以避免受到伤害,如果他能连续豁免成功5次,那团物质将会死亡,而受害者也将重获自由。在此期间,驱散混乱dispel chaos、放逐术banishment 或 秩序真言word of law 法术将“杀死”这片血肉和丝线,使其化作灰烬。如果受害者的敏捷值降低到0,他就会被完全关在蛹墓中。这个蛹属性如下:硬度30,生命值600,在对抗以其为目标的法术和类法术能力时,SR36。如果茧蛹被摧毁,其中的受害者必须进行DC25的强韧豁免,否则将会死亡——如果他能活下来,他或许可以被安全救出(但仍然保持0敏捷值的状态)。受害者被允许留在茧蛹中24小时,在那之后他将变成德维格斯彻彻底底的半炼狱奴隶,他从前的人格将永远消失。此豁免DC基于体质。
Once every 1d4 rounds, Dwiergus can expel a clot of silk and flesh at any target within a range of 120 feet. He must make a ranged touch attack to strike his target. If he hits, the sticky stuff begins growing over and into the victim's flesh, inflicting 1d6 points of Dexterity drain per round. Each round, the victim may make a Fortitude save to resist taking damage——if he makes five consecutive successful saves in a row, the stuff dies and the victim freed. During this period, a dispel chaos, banishment, or word of law spell can "kill" the flesh and silk, causing it to crumble away into ashes. If a victim is reduced to a Dexterity of 0, he becomes completely encased in a chrysalislikc tomb. This chrysalis has hardnesi 30 and 600 hit points, and SR 36 aginst spell and spell-like abilities that target it. If the chiysalis is destroyed, the victim inside must make a DC 25 Fortitude save or die一if he survives, he may be extracted safely (but still at 0 Dexterity). A victim allowed to remain inside of the chrysalis for 24 hours emerges at the end of that time a half-fiend thrall of Dwiergus, his former personality gone forever. The save DC is Constitution-based.
恶魔变形Demonic Transformation(超自然Su)
德维格斯Dwiergus 有项将 混沌兽chaos beasts 变形为恶魔的能力。他必须先以成功的接触攻击命中目标混沌兽,而后者则需进行一次豁免检定以避免被变形。此变形是立即的。以标准混沌兽为例,德维格斯可以将其变形为任何CR8或更低的恶魔。如果他对自己在过去24小时内转化出的混沌兽使用该能力,新恶魔的最大CR将等同于那位受害者被转化为混沌兽之前的原始CR。以这种方式创造的恶魔不会保留他们前身的记忆,不过尽管他们意识到自己被德维格斯转化为了恶魔,但只要他下命令,他们就会被迫为 茧蛹主君the Chrysalis Prince 服务。此豁免DC基于体质。
Dwiergus has the ability to transform chaos beasts into demons. He must make a successful touch attack against the targe chaos beast, which must then make a Fortitude saving throw to resist the transformation. The transformation is instantaneous. For standard chaos beasts, Dwiergus may transform them into any demon of CR 8 or less. If he uses this ability on a crcalure that he himself has transformed into a chaos beasts within the last 24 hours, the maximum CR of the new demonic form is equal to the original creature's CR before it was turned into a chaos beast. Demons created in this manner retain no memories of their previous incarnation, although they are aware of the fact that they were transformed into demons by Dwiergus and are compelled to serve the Chrysalis Prince if he so commands them. The save DC is Constitution-based.
疯狂形态Form of Madness(超自然Su)
德维格斯周身120呎内的任何生物都需要进行一次意志豁免。失败意味着这只生物意识自己的一部分身体与德维格斯的一部分形体纤毫不差。他将被一种非理性但又压倒一切的冲动控制:切除自己身体中令人厌烦的部分,除非被制止,否则便会去寻找挥砍武器并用它攻击自己,等效于尝试对自己发起致命一击。如果他幸存了下来,如果他能活下来,他可能看上去将恢复正常,但每次遇到同类生物时,他有10%的概率在他们的外形中识别出德维格斯的污点。在这种情况下,他将攻击该生物1d6轮,不顾一切地杀死对应生物。如果被攻击者能活下来,此人将认为自己已经切除了污点,并恢复正常人的生活。最后,每当这位精神错乱的角色从睡梦中醒来,他必须做出一次新的意志豁免,以抵制试图用另一次致命一击来切除自己被污染身体另一部分的冲动。这是一种影响心灵恐惧效果,且对混乱邪恶阵营的异界生物无效。这种疯狂是永久的,直至受害人被 医疗术heal 或 高等复原术greater restoration(两者都要求进行DC35的施法者等级检定)、甚或是 奇迹术miracle 或 祈愿术wish 治愈。该豁免DC基于魅力。
Any creature within 120 feet that observes Dwiergus must make a Will save. Failure indicates the creature thinks he recognizes a part of Owiergus's form as being identical to part of his own body. He is seized with an irrational but overwhelming urge to cut out the offending part of his body, and unless restrained seeks out a slashing weapon and attacks himself with it, effectively making a coup de grace attempt against himself. If he survives, he may seem normal, but each time he encounters a new creature of his type, there's a 10% chance that he recognizes the taint of Dwiergus in their form. In this case, he attacks that creature for 1d6 rounds, doing everything in his power to kill that creature. If the victim of this assault survives, the character believes he's excised the taint and returns to normal. Finally, each time the insane character wakes from sleeping, he must make a new Will save to resist the urge to try to cut out another part of his own tainted flesh with another coup de grace attempt. This is a mind-affecting eired that does not affect chaotic evil outsiders. This madness is permanent until cured via heal or greater restoration (both of which require a DC 35 caster levd check to succeed) or miracle or wish. The save DC is Charisma-based.
德维格斯的外观Dwiergus's Appearance:
Dwiergus has no set form, consisting of a house-sized thick soup of swirling demonic arms, legs, heads, wings, tentacles, and other body parts that liquefy as quickly as they reform. Dwicrgus sometimes "wear" suits of chitinlike armor in battle一no two of these suits are exactly alike.
德维格斯的目标Dwiergus's Goals:
Dwiergus seems to have few goals beyond a constant drive to convert all life into demonic life—fortunately, he rarely leaves his realm on the Abyss.
德维格斯的目标Dwiergus's Cult:
德维格斯并无有组织的教会,不有些施法者将他作为对付敌人的武器,将他或他的面相召唤到 主物质位面the Material Plane 并释放到敌对要塞或城市中,在他身后留下不可计数的恶魔生命。
Dwicrgus has no organized cult, although some spellcasters have used him as a weapon against their foes, calling him or his aspect to the Material Plane and unleashing him on enemy fortresses or cities, leaving swnths of demonic life in his wake.
德维格斯的仆从Dwiergus's Minions:
Dwiergus has few servants apart from those he transforms from other forms of life, and even these minions tend to have short lifespans一they are invariably absorbed into the Chrysalis Prince's mass after a relatively short period of servitude.
德维格斯的国度Dwiergus's Realm::
德维格斯栖息在无底深渊第558层的融化的无限之地,一片可塑而永恒变化、由活生生的恨意和原生质组成的国度,名曰 血肉锻炉The Fleshforges。其祂恶魔领主也介入了这个国度,在自己的堡垒中创造较小的传送池,作为祂们酿造新爪牙的大锅——其中几座池子在 狄摩高根Demogorgon 的 雷莫尼亚克斯城Lemoriax(在那里,除了其它怪物爪牙外,他还用这些池子创造 雷莫尼亚半邪魔Lemorian half-fiends)。奥比里斯恶魔 巨颅魔Sibriex 被认为出生在这个国度波浪起伏的肠道中——这些恶魔无疑是这个臭气熏天、颤抖着永恒饥渴的国度中最常遇到的怪物。有机液体的湖泊与扭曲的骸骨山峦嘲笑着更理智世界的景观,在一片熔融的肉体海洋中心是一片永恒的漩涡,在漩涡的核心之上,漂浮着德维格斯本尊的 几丁质宫the Chitin Palace。大多数人一致认同几丁质宫事实上是德维格斯身上长出的有机大厦,茧蛹主君可以控制它,甚至将它当盔甲一样穿在身上,但没有任何正常到值得信任的人彻底调查过这个可怕的领域并带着证据归来。
Dwiergus dwells upon the melted infinity of the 558th layer of the Abyss, a plastic, ever-shifting realm of living hate and protoplasm called the Fleshforges. Other demon lords have tapped into this realm, creating smaller portal pools in their strongholds to serve as cauldrons in which they can brew new minions—several such pools exist in Demogorgon's city of Lemoriax (where he uses them to create Lemorian half-fiends, among other monstrous minions). Sibriex obyriths are thought to have been born in this realm's undulant bowels—the demons are certainly the most commouly encountered monsters this foul smelling realm of shuddering eternal hunger. Lakes of organic fluid and mountains of twisted bone mock saner landscapes, and at the swirling core floats the Chitin Palace of Dwiergus himself, floating above a perpetual maelstrom at the center of an ocean of molten flesh. Most agree that the Chitin Palace is in fact an organic edifice grown from Dwiergus's body, and that the Chrysalis Prince can control it, or even wears it like a suit of armor, but no one sane enough to be trusted has ever fully investigated this hideous realm enough to return with proof.