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2eFRMZ<Maztica Campaign Set—Maztica Alive.p059>恰克Chac


  气候/地形Climate/Terrain:山洞Mountain caves
  出现频率Frequency:非常罕见Very rare
  活动周期Activity Cycle:任意Any
  智力Intelligence:非常高Very high(11-14)
  阵营Alignment:守序中立Lawful neutral
  防御等级Armor Class:4
  移动Movement:12,飞行FI 12 (A)
  生命骰Hit Dice:5
  攻击次数No.of Attacks:3 次
  特殊攻击Special Attacks:见下See below
  特殊防御Special Defenses:见下See below
  魔抗Magic Resistance:30%
  体型Size:中型M(5-7 英尺高)
  经验回报XP Value:


  恰克Chacs 外观仿若一头纤细苗条的美洲豹。她们通常四肢着地,但也可能采取双足行进的姿势——在这种情况下,她们看上去很像是 美洲豹兽化人werejaguars。
Chacs look much like slender jaguars. They generally travel on all fours, but they may assume a bipedal stance as well where upon they look much like werejaguars.

  这些精魂帮助操纵着 马兹特克大陆Maztica 的降雨。她们从自己高悬于崇山中的洞穴中,将雨露送到村庄中去。那些罕见有缘一睹恰克的人将注意到泪水不断从她们的脸颊流淌而下。这并非是缘由任何悲伤的情绪,而是这种生物水栖亲和力的表现。
These spirits help control the rains in Maztica. From their cave lairs high in the mountains, they send rain out to the countryside. Those rare people who see a chac will observe tears trickling incessantly down its cheeks. This is not from any kind of sadness, but rather a sign of the creature's aquatic affinities.

Chacs are associated with a certain color, depending on where they live. Those in northern Maztica are associated with blue, those in the east with black, those in the south with red, and those in the west with yellow. Chacs in central Maztica are associated with green. A chac's eyes are of the appropriate color, and when one assumes gaseous form the mist is tinted with that same color. Thus, a chac in southern Maztica has red eyes, and its mist is reddish.


  恰克总是避战,只有在受到威胁、避无可避时方才战斗。她们拥有魔法力量,如果需要,她们会用这些力量保护自己。恰克可如5级 阿祖尔Azul 祭司般施法,但只能施展来来自元素领域于水相关的法术。此外,每周1次,她们还可施展 召唤气象weather summoning,每日4次,气化形态assume gaseous form(如同使用了一剂对应药水)。
Chacs always seek to avoid combat, fighting only if they are threatened and no escape is possible. They possess magical abilities which they will use to protect themselves if need be. A chac can cast spells as if it were a 5th level priest of Azul, but can cast only water-related spells from the elemental sphere. In addition, they can cast weather summoning once per seek, and assume gaseous form (as per the potion) four times per day.


  这些生物天性平和非暴力,她们喜欢使用自己的魔法力量来控制巢穴附近的天气。虽然她们就像阿祖尔祭司那样使用法术,但其中只有约一半事实上是 雨露的给予者与呼吸的收受者Giver of Rain and Taker of Breath 的祭司。那些直接为阿祖尔服务的个体有邪恶倾向,其中一些会与 雨龙rain dragons(或者说 特拉洛科特尔tlalocoatl)共享巢穴。大多数时候当地土著可以将食物作为礼物安抚恰克,但该种族的邪恶个体(尤其是那些与特拉洛科特尔同栖的)通常为要求某种形式的牺牲。
These creatures are nonviolent by nature, preferring to use their magical powers to govern the weather near their lairs. Though they use spells as if they were priests of Azul, only half are actually servants of the Giver of Rain and Taker of Breath. Those that serve Azul directly have evil tendencies, and some of these share lairs with rain dragons, or tlalocoatl. Most chacs may be appeased by local natives through gifts of food, while evil members of their race, especially those living with tlalocoatls, often demand a sacrifice of some sort.

If more than one chac is encountered, it will usually be a family group; with one male, one female, and one or two offspring (equal chance of either sex). Chacs have an elaborate mating ritual, involving merging essences while in gaseous form. The birth of a baby chac takes place a year later, and is often celebrated by all nearby chacs, who gather and produce a tremendous rainstorm.

Chacs tend to live long lives, some reaching ages of 100 years or more. A young chac stays with its parents until it reaches maturity (about five years). The death of a chac is generally followed by a drought of 1-4 weeks in length while nearby chacs are mourning, though some droughts last longer or are influenced by tlalocoatls.

Chacs are very shy and reclusive, and almost always avoid direct contact with intelligent humanoid life. Too many of their legends tell of chacs being captured by humans and harmed if they refused to produce rain in accordance with the whims of their captors. If a chac is captured, and other chacs find the identities of the offenders, they bring their combined powers to bear on the perpetrators, causing flooding or drought until the offenders release the prisoner and atone for their actions.


Chacs eat a combination of things, including meat and cocoa beans, but water is their main source of nourishment.

Chacs always have a hoard of 100-1000 cocoa beans in their lair, and they use the beans to produce a chocolate drink of which they are very fond. Chacs also collect art objects, especially carved jade and turquoise, but rarely of gold or other metal. A typical chac lair contains art pieces worth 200-800 gq.

Chacs have no natural enemies, and they get along with most denizens of their areas. However, a rain dragon will sometimes attack a chac to gain the moisture in its body. The rare humans who find chacs will sometimes seek to capture it, thinking to thus gain control over the rains.

  恰克的皮肤可以作为 气化形态药水potions of gaseous form水下呼吸药水potions of sweetwater 的材料,而她们的爪子对某些利爪魔法很有用。
Chac skin may be used as a material component for potions of gaseous form or sweetwater, while their claws are useful for some forms of hishna magic.
